Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1949, p. 6

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PAGE SIX CZ LEFROY EDENVALE li itll Ila or Dan be upset Call in Elittdlitibib Dry Cleaning 73E Sanixluun flimis tllll Stains ut Like Magic in lIill liciiimul liven liigiained Soil liriuinai Silapc and Drape ti Suits titaniu tout No More Than Ordinary Dry Cleaning lelspiration Cleaning dor lone marks the spot on your ballot ller sure to role YES for the Arena Iroiecl In The right Cleaners CLEANINGDYEING andREPAIRING Phone 5531 bum Mews We lo do or in Milan private attention Here Niagara Finance youIsecure fast but personalized loan service Theres no massproduction here even though wehandie thousands of people each year Your requirements are considered individually Repaymentsyare geared to our income and protected for you with ife insurance at no extracOsrNo endorsers arerequired If yothave financial prob lemconsultINiagara Financeright away Dig Enough for Experience smcll Enough for IFrierIidliness Finapce Company lid 52 I930 Subsidiary of lnduslriglAcceplance Corporation Irfl Etlbb Layrillhullil The Wilson Building to Square Phone 2866 liIi slncus II ifs li 5le Illtlli ltogrrsons Illrlltll 31 it iti lIUIIlLI til rm Itidtlilllrlrod Marriage ii to liittltl VlNlllllx fT CANADK mg titl iiiizii ili it it gt oao STATION ANGUS oT uitill lvl LmJ il null IiI II 1i lilviv azui llzii ll Ill Il Ii Il 1i lEt ll llll Iii it 11 Mr ll lilil ylltll 311 illkl fills Iaitlitipe Slialm Ravi ll iii in tr lt Ll 1ltl Il ill lIil iIIri utilli lI All Id Hg xl rm Jne nut in it ll mi ill tin our 41 tr lIuwiiilo izlll Ii xlzil IlIIlI IHill hum Ii ll liiiixer Iil at run hm1 ll vl oil llr Ir 31 nub iiid lltillli IlIilliillli1ll lil liiti ll lli lllt iIli lvxl till wt Hamilton piili livls lllss llolren livoii oi Lo tl lot lvlw iieli iii 11 ltssliI illilllli2llt alili ll LittllIs iirrei limit lul ioieti illt llHlllviiitniliivI iiiu tilllll ltiiiaiiilailccs HIIIIIIIE IIIIXI BI III III lII AIL SI lnI ll and ill oi all oiilsoiil illll is illllt iiit Ililalltt til it ill iilt llll2t lili llll iuioilo lllli ih llllll Ill Ill rllllltlII Mill ill lllii an lll liil ll ili oi liim li iil MW WWW wire ienm until1 lit lii mama al III II iIIIIII If IinI li taili phased to lllt illi llisv new in it IIIIIII Ill HI IIHI II ll Jump dl ill Mull mil Hi ii 11 iziplmuit ilte tiim 41 Ultiiiiliim liie melanin tiilltilltltit in the 16nd lci in iii lil in unnl orners Iilbilis oi llu past yeai iltililt tJ lirmi lllr lltl tltlltllil iiltlutl lall llilll lIlll zuvd pm tii hilllliiflsllll fill Willi ail aici in nill hi rm Loni lllLil aze attendance of illi total receipts lill tlls sil pent ill Still tasll till llalid Slit llbiil itliilll ti iii and ll llllillltl Bil with circulation oi toillniaii 1033 loiiespoiuieilee included lcl lr and Iil ltloiialtl sllilli lers oi thanks lroln the Canadian Siiiidltv ill the laiteih itl tounri oi liiirclies for eartoiiri lrs lutieity oi civilian senl Utltl$ lolal li lIllllml llyollyt on the tollcclion front Slroud connuur1ityack llsi 12 litrllltlItlll soon will for lllt lied ross $327 Delegates be ltlllili better were appointed to attend the ills Mr and ll Allied llzoiiipsiill iliti Annual at lalrov on iune lT sllLlli token of appreciation oi her highly tilltltlli services as Srtlieas for the past six years Mis ll Hughes was presented lilll Ltll ot chain The folioulllg en oyable prouraiii was presented liyl the agricultural convcliers Sliort talk on the motto by Mrs Nllsttlll Don let the best you have doneI be the standard for the rest ol your lllez voeal solo by Mist Illilllt outinz very illitltsilIlLlI alid educative talk on BiltisII by Mrs ariiian of Angus and an amusing and liliLllthl contest on Tlle institute inembers naiiles conducted by Mrs Nelson sale of plants seed and bulbs netted the treasury 251 All eiljoyable lulull completed pleasant allel noon gt BETHESDA twA May 23 Everyone welcomed Sundays rain after the lone dry spell Forbes Colitis whose place was wired for electricity some time ago lrank and lack spent Sunday with llr and His ll IlIlllll lilc lileii oi llli llLilltll eoiipiepa lion authored at the ctiiielery on Monday last and made good job oi lllllltllil ll Hydro Power IIIilllltlI lit The lllIll illlllstl on the power on file llllt tl oil ediiirday ll ceitatni lillitrii illt night when all illi yalti Iielits are on Er That lune Wedding what more appropriate gift than AN ORIGINAL All asset to any home la Western landscapes nicely STUDIO GUTIIICIE prices On view at any time WRIGHT Miles from Billll0 on llighwziyNo 11 Took Part in Music Festival 3lcndelshii of Miss Eva Rumble SPRING Death of Little Daughter had the power turned on Satur day Mrs lilllll Graham who has spent the last six months in St atliaiiiies arrived on Sunday to spend the summer at llCIlIllll licre Mr aild Mrs McKnight ar rived from British Columbia on Tuesday of this week and will spend some time with their niece Mrs Abrams Weekend yisitors in the commun ity included Mrs Chas Stone and ichildren Slayner and Copeland Cookstown with Mrs Maud Copelt land Mr Serrol and son Victor Toronto ratwvl HalstoiriMr and Mrs Win McKnight Weston and Mr and Mrs ClifforLbegyns Tol tenham at Abrams CONCRETE number from here wore in Barrie Friday evening May 20 for the annual music festival of schools in which the children from this community took part under ithcs is musicinstructress for schools All were deeplyrsorrywtoilearn iol the death of the twomonthfold laughter of Mr and Mrs Harry =Squibb in the Sick Childrens Hos pital Toronto on Thursday morn ing May 19 Welextend heartfelt sympathy to the parents and grand parents in their sore bereavement riliililr SPR REPAIRING Gowan St May 23 Miss MarionMcVanelspoilt the holiday at home Mr and Mrs Bert lVIcQuay aie 1spending fewdays with friends in Walkerton Mr and MlsLB IgJennett are spending afew dayswith friends in St atharines Mr and MrsW Covaorth Gler you These arespending their holidays with Mr and Mrs ArthurCoxworthL They cool their fullrated can ElmerrSpeers Doubly Honbred capacity to 50F orlower twice Congratulations are in order for every 24 hours Lime 5999 inC9 Elm 15 the Theyareeconomicalto operate son 0f Isaac Speers He has Ob require little attention tained his degree ofBachelor of Science with honors and was also 53yu239xm to 01mg mgtriedn April 30 His friends around Ivy had agett0gcthr and Pneumatic agitator cool mill without stirring oven at the top of made fifth at presentation of beati tiful table lamp silver tea pot and thehcan to 5011 loll Within an our hot water jug Threeinchbuiltup ice bankall around the cooler greatly increases file of heat absorption at pH times thermal conductivity of Iice May 23 Sympathy of Community The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr and Mrs Harry Squibb in the loss of their infant daughter in the Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto on Max 19 1949 and to the family of Mrs George Reid who passed away on her 82nd birthday May 20 1949 is our times as great as watts when not being agitated Threeinch insulation Isealed 35 High St CONCRETE BLOCKS Also Gravel and Sand IN NISPIL RR BARRIE Phones STROUD 21R51 BARRIE 2369 LARGEST STOCK or GENUINEREPLACEMENT SPRIN AND BEST EQUIPPEDSPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRINGACCESSQRIES FACING cannons iIntertliatiolihl MilliC DOIIGHEBTY BROS BARRIE 13 illllllul n1 illltlgt and mallard Ill lli iiil1lll till iilday tveiiiliL to bill larc llI Mi to Mix and Lli ll kl Hilton litl iilll illlill ele they liavc1 llau law llitlll in Stayner llHr llli prouranl tile honored wts were called to the platioriil and presentation address was wad by Ilil lliile Mr and ilrs1 ililtll were presented with lloor lllii and table aild ialth and time ltlIlll toulltaili pens llobl IIIIlllS usual manner thanked alll tor lllt lovely ilI Staiiet tlitllL ioi the lllsSUIi illi Mounties is turned out in liliwiiirooke Que The dye ltlllllli secret OIL PAINTING lee selection of Eastern and framed at very reasonable 0NT PHONE ltO 1712 it PRODUCTS GIVE US RING ING SERVICE REARCHING Allandale PHONE 3400 Aruprs against moisture holds heat leakage to minimum II Come in and get the full story about these economical anyto install coolers inmvuACAR GSIfI Will Start Life Saving Classes at Bordio Pool llr Sam liar will li llfl ltlt l3 tilt liI an llv stei lli lssi ii flanked iltllJt SM rEM pg Head Hr gtv The sign of Trustworthy Service Hui on Mt llrliivlil i11tl My 1rl imruuuund FIVQHgtF pi or In wvt lei IlPl or pin rr lrn rm a1 mud hen Llc LIil cord prdpprl mud CW or roll for toll informal IM It It 56 Ellen Street Limited ompaliy PHONE 2488 iii COLLIER ST Al inc vililt 111 vw ll lll= on Guaranteed Trust Certicates iiltlilili fut ll Itltlllf tl riiit oiiiau Illfrl iw ailamwl to Italillltiliitlc at eoinpr llll lll st All lilrlal lllulslflll in llllllllizl lmztrlls wuiois dial other trustees STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Barrie Office l3 Dunlop Street 88 your in Business HE SIGN OF PHONE 2517 lllLlliiilAx LAY Hill gt limit at Kiri ll lvlll lint Elm niioiaii for turn of ltltili lvotirm zirillrlpsl llii lxel iliti lws llitlit ii lth Hi lzi lliiltltll Oln Lillfli il ll tor milleter THE Oire loronlo ooo wrists Barrie QuinnEur IFIS OWN ITS BA If AGAIN REM SA VINE sucm WHIIE 24ozloai12c ICE iiiiisu Lulu wonwise ANGEL run an 25 ioilr can 25 JUICEHMY 3200Izlin525c ANN PAGE 302 illumi Burrrli 635 EIIEESE Olllib45chLnib39c AYLMERASSORTED 23 FANCY no vrsnnasc roiiiiiiiii sour campvitszwzi AP FRUITS VEGETABLES 80 WINESAP EXTRA FANCY lbs CHERRY CREAM APPLES MEXICAN HAND SELECTED QUALITY No TOMATOES TEXAS NEWSPRINGQKOP No cursors Now availablenew spring cropAsparagus Radishes Green Onions Spinach Cucumbers Head Lettuce PINEAPPLES CUBAN RED SPANISH No 24s ea Case of i2 This is the week for prieserving these delicious pineapples They are at their bestfully matured By them by the case pheck the trim of your meat at AP Not only do you get thevbest there is but more for your money asIIII well BuyCanadasyfinest qdality View orBLIlE Austin SledSOIIRDHSIS ronrrnnousnslnrorn WING orsouutssROUND lb BRISEET inSc STEWINEBEEP use BOILING FOWI FRESHGRADEA 034561 IIIYIIIII EIIIEIIEIISI IMikiedGradeIA jib49tl caoicr LONG ISLAND lb 550 WHOLE OR HALF 0357 Maple Leaf or Swilis Premium laIb cello pltg CHEESE iblllr FLAT RIB BONELESSI COTTAGE FRESH ATLANTch Dial 4963 iiiliiliiir sum the iiiilirnioiisrrli use FRESH NBtk Customer Relations Dept lciltriri WHAT voum SPENDING ocular Freshness is an important factor in determining the value of the food you buy That is why AP has an extensive freshness control program calling for rapid turnover proper refrigera tion and trained employees All these things are de signed to insure your find ing only fresh foods of top quality at your AP to insure your getting your moneys worth If you should ever getlany food in our stores that fails to live up to our exacting standards of freshness we will consider it favor if you return it tOthe store for refund And we will appreciate any suggestions you may have as to how we can make your gtAP store abetter plate to shop AIP Food Stores 135 LaughtonAve Toronto Ontario Ivounv BEST COFFEE BUI APBOKARV 54ft jj CUSTOM GROUND IF YOll LIKE TO KEEP TRACK OF PsrsverM or PRICEMARKING Wich in GREAT HEIPT0 YOU Do you adil up yourfgrocery bill as you fill your basket Do you like tofeel sure the checkout cashier is tabulatingk your purchase corI rectly We thinIkI most of our our tamer do Thats why Ad em ploys the system whereby ovary can jar and package in the Grocery Departulent and every item and package in the Produce undIMent Department paid for at thechock stand has the price marked This also enables you to check your purcharos against your cash nail tor slip after you not home

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