Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1949, p. 3

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coir THURSDAY llx 1910 Why bother wztii Eve when you till lltnic your out Elglil in your nuts with Siiii Milk Cooici lc loan Itllllh for building its irreclcrs Illlllll Icnvcrs We also have supply of fill illllll7liII IIIHIIL IILII17II AND Llillllll llthlIllS Sales and Service EIIiOtt Son Illlliuricil Icalcrl YMIA BUILDING Allandalc lhonc SIXI BLUE lllllBOIl DELICIOUS BLEND OF THE WORLDS FINESI OOFFEES 321 sue traumas on vuuuu PREMIUMSI mhnlwumun v4 Him1 my HIGHJSTAHDARD HOUSE PAINT BEAUTIFIESPROTECTS Aim LAers LONG LONG TIMEII And because Lowe II3rothe rs High Standard House Paintllhas extra hidingability itcovers agrou erI area per gallon and saves painticost It applies so easily and evenly that painting time is also reduced Give your home that bright new look that lasts with LoweBrothers High Standard House Paint Gallons 630 Quarts 95 stuuloc FOR Hmsmz noon on Honsnaqoiiumo I40 pages of ideas for interior and exterior color schemes 80 illustrations in full color Send 10 to The Lowe Brothers Company Ltd 263 Sorauren Ave Toronto L59 For LongMsllnyiequfy use APPLICATIONS MR MILK SHIPPER LIQUOR LICENSE it it it lw job Ii uiim ll vrattali II iv ILL fall iii ll Mada Ill iliiu lgt IJll tin ii iiil Itlt LiIILI SEN il Si llill ltll tiliiiil Ilt ii gt lllll Iltitilui aiix UZ Ill louus in lIilll and If Joni 51 of Sikll Ilt lIIllilltI in ppiy ltd ti llillll In locking ow ltlv oojtc ll snide lll in by 1lli inc two twin lt liti llliiii iciiilil liial cl wire unczc ind to up mi iyp ii liccnt to legions 11111 lh wading piibhe Iiilit aili Iii Lot Iic inicipictcd as Iill 111 lhal llc timetagc ooa would lc open to tie public xli lloiotliy Liiihci applied for dining iorun iiclnw lot Noitlri ilitlc Lodge ill the nitric oi IlllI Hound Have Jcnit of llii lilll of leizj spoke in lltliilll lrI fills lxinlc and also for Mrs Illlit iiiinuootl who our apply in or license to the Illllxdillk IIUILl llemc Ncincll speaking as on Join Illlill and not as member of tie lounsinp council said that he consider ii the Illillllllll of tho lirarises lttlll be good llllll for Ill the iiic and the common Hy tilziit both were situated Allv ilitlHHHhI was represent by ll lcuoil IU delega tion IltllL the community of Illll dale was ittlll along vith conti cilloi II it Hayward to object to Mr Greenwood being granted llttlld Albert lidwznd Ileniult applied for it license for The aii IIouse lll liiiilc Township near ltnrv Sound Kenneth llatl of the lnlcrlakl Hotel near lowtissan vas lljllt settled by Donald Maclunch iii his application for lic ense Steven Kaiser rcprescntcd by II liest Kt applied for dining room licciise for between the hours of 12 to two in the afternoon and live to seven in the evening for Golden late Lodge situated be tween Milford Ilay and Port ar linp on Lake lvlnskoka DR lOIINHOCIIBAN EXPLAINS PAGEANT lontinucd from pace oncl The surprise setting for the opcn ing scene of the show will be modern Canadian City street As the Iluron boy tells the story of lliironin the scene will change lol the second stage where the audi ence will see Iluronia as it was be fore Christianity The highly styliz ed music for the Indian Harvest Festival which will be danced by lheAVoIkoff Ballot us played by Miss McDonald for the audience The next level will scene on the third represent camp fire Iaround which will be grouped tho Iroquois under the leadership of the medicine man Following the attack of the Iro II tluois upon the Iiurons the Courts of France and England will be seen onllie uuppcrinoststaizc as Europe prepares to conquer Canada The first part of the show will Icnd with the appearance of St Michael the Fighting Archangel followch by the eight heroes of IIuronia the Jesuit Martyrs The next division of the show will be description of Huronia under Christianity typical day in Huron village with missionar ics teaching groups of Indians will open the second half As one of the inartyrs tells group of Indian children of Europe his description of Mayday in French village will come to life with the dancing to the tune of Alouctte on the top stage Thc scene will end in confusion with the Iroquois attack and the slaying of the martyrs The signicance of the fall of Fluid lTllllE ReIinished Pieupholstered and Repaired Chesterfield Sets Occasional Chairs Rebuilt and Recovered All Types of Chairs Repaired and Glued Spring Filled MATTRESSES ItsBUILT Gobd Reconditioned FURNITURE eon SALE ii ration arson 22 Davis Street PHONE BARRIE 3441 Do tbeilob YOurself Floor Sanding Machines and Edgers for rent by the Also Large Cement Mixers and Wheelbarrows ELECTRIC SANDERS FOR WALLS on WOODWOBK FREEI ESTIMATES FOR SANDING Provincial Hour Service 100 William St IIIIL WN COUNCIL dilll II Elf rl IPA T0 The Orillia Concert Orchestra III fI ii III Ii Iiitii iziuIIicuI InoI it iiil Illllllltl of oils iw iiitt ll tilll to lll ll Alct fibon llIl Iltic If lli gtitl lltltlfllllll ill ll ttl Illllll iia Mayo MILIUI git IL IN Luirilirl lwlz llt iltz Hill lltllltllllll elf vllirs tiiiii Ill oil Sjsiooo ll lo will explain that grunt inc wamiy liguic oi Ill unit on dollars he mou including Iilis lll1liltil for Home gwhicll tin Illlllllllllv had not got noun IltII lsrtlliil or lllill Alli vll lilllicd III tax rate oi ll in ill itll lsoi Lllnioi IlltIH oi amt that litol Fbeen clone since that line stvll paung IIll iion llttl and il btiditj int imn il lit UHLHY 125 AUTO KIT 250 lKiwonis InterClub Meet Collingwood lGuests of Barrie About 20 ollingxtood bliixaniaie 1paid an iiiteitlnb ill lo llaiiic Kiwanis lub on Monday menin lri Ellie vzstlois brought song lead cr Joe illtllll who led Ill Estiiippy sinusoid and contributed Itwo songs also the spatter of the eventiig lfcv lillllt Taylor lied Mctonkcy chairman of the inter lcliib committee was chairman The speaker was introduced by 1A McAllisltr of ollingivotul who hold that liev Mr Taylor was illtllttllllll to ollingwood but had pi oved himself to be valued citizen Ilcv Mr Taylor in his brief iaddrcss stressed the value of ac lll religion in persons life IIl coinpared religious man to an athlete livery man has some kind of lillultlll llicrc are very ifew atheists in the World and od must have some place lll our ilives lhc athlete must first join in team and he must be loyal to liis team So in religion What cvcr church we join let us loyal to it Dont let religion be vague thing The church has job to do that not loyal work LENTnEmc comooivns No Recalling Outlines ullhKOTnx FILMS for the HOLIDAYS cnsnmnn ers The athlete has the goal in gt47 Shoot Willi view or the glory of the tciun PURE at iRIeligion is positive thing and SOFT the chief aim in life is to glorify lTISSUE God and enjoy lIiin Religion can give life llirill just as goal gives thrill The lllIlIClOlllllSl conform to discipline so religion FILMS 170mm must exercise discipline over In TWEED MIRACLE 21w 55 mans lifcI The religious man SHANGHAI ABENTOT 12 or cant be at his best unless he 150 200 knows the rule liookrlhc Word of God Then the athlete always has his reward He knows there is something better ahead so in religion If we give our best there is something better ahead Lbsm SUN GOGGLES ASK TAMBLYNS SHRUOS FOR VETERANS have heard that Irec shrubs are provided to veterans for planting around wartime houses this true Where should write Your house is one of those handled by Central Mortgage and Houinng Carporanon For shrubs and sodding write to OReilly 395 Fleet Street West Toronto SHUTIN Two years ago sullech stroke and since Glut time an pnhal cripple Can you tell me if in Hamilton there no city hospital which cam for shuhuns at my type My income from the old age pension board no sufficient to pay my Ices In convalescent home wesuggesuhaLiou contact MISLMleAMalsonFSUDEIIDIEMQMn3 Peter SJMIWBDL PrnIIrr llir rye Ir Iimuiol ray the sun IIlllOlilil lll lather Lords drama is modern Canada Out of the ashes cof Iluronizi has arisen 1l AHHKIGFr WATSON loll olboiiic ht llllllll ask large cleckleedged prints of good contrast in Ioltractive folder PAGE THREE LU 31550 50 it Special Enlargement FOR THIS WEEK Your Favorite Snapshot Enlarng to Size in Ii THMBEL moum grit 64d 9535 119 Complete nnrmo mun snowm caps Howiand Waterproof Bandl While only 125 it VIiceroy Waterseal 75c Hamilton She should be able to help you inihis matter 1151 llulfmli lmIdI IfIICllIldl nu TRAIMTRAVEL Hwy companmen on min What would the Inc be wusomlc 25 59 79 oo in mar cm wired the 5mm Tom gammy suitmhcwan Should it be mened aleaal time If Mk Crooks Slipovcr 396 soil Ithat it fell on The seed of In return ticket for how long is it good Christianity and of civilization wag Compartment on train is section including an uppEr and lower berth First Children Goggles 29 class late to Kamsack Saskatchewan would be $5l00 one way $9180 return The com 50W KIWI panmen would cost an additional $3400 for one person $3800 for two each way Reserva arord l0 Lad WWI Men The climax indicating the threat lions should be made several days in advance at the latest return ticket is good for three In smarl designs 195 250 to Canada at the present time will WM STREET CAR SICKNESS My nineyeavoldlon troubled with him Lichen and has been ever since tiny infant H0 is all viglitviding formulas in motor cu What blah do you advise Our medical exile SUggcsts that your son be ekamlned by reliable doctbr before any tablets are given him Although effective these tablets should not be given to young childrenIunless prescribed by doctor Send Your Questions to KATE AITKEN 225 larvis Street Toronto Ontario mm OFFER come in the hugcpatriotic tableau of the third part ofthc show Father Hochbzin was introduced by Rev Frederick Lynch SJl director of the Jesuit seminary in Toronto In his introduction Falli er Lynch stressed the importance of the tcrccntcnaiy to all Canad ians He reminded the audience that it was the 300th anniversary of the men who had begun civilized lion in Ontario and points west Rev Lally SJ of thcl Martyrs Shrine spoke few Wordsl to the audience on the nationali signicance of the Martyrs Slltino at this time to people of all faiths He was introduced by Robert Mc1 Donald grand knight of the Barrie council of the Knights of Colum mc suepuEs Vacuum Bottles pint size 79 Wax Paper 100 feet 28 Brant Scrvictlcs 250s 39 Clover Drinking Cups 10 PIG Duchess PicNicKit 20 Pint Thermos No 30l 150 Quart Thermos No 40 275 Motor Jugs 398 sonnunm rnnpnnnrrons Noxcma 49 69 100 Tamblyn Cold Cream Hollywoods reamType MakeUp in unique slitk form cam SHAMPOO ibus who sponsored Father Hocliq 33 59 bEmS HDDCRIBHCC in Barrie mum mam blurb gt Ungueniine Father Lord the writer and ondaubukywvl In Tube 60 director of the pageant who was WIWPI Tangd 65 Les scheduled to appear on Thursday Faljllllntwcomplcxionbcauly night and was unable to attend on beyondyoutfondesrdrcams wnsum Low 173 account of illness is the writcrrof Sousy and quickie lpplylo Icrgens Lotion 12$ 53 9B 50 45 50 Plate do biii mewnicin Hinds Creams 29 55 89 shows and six straight mustcal solirwfrommthmsiou comedies have Hermedrbeforc rear coilirbnrs Olympene 15 125 bAbSOrbincI junior 119 239 Penelrine 69 Tamblyn FootIComfort 19 The pageant ceilimittee is hoping for crowd of 6500 people for each of the five evenings ofthci pageant Father Hochban urged the citizens of Barrie to help with the accommodation of visitors at that time Father Hochban spoke to the members of the Barrie Rotary Club Flo EBMOLINII aseplic Ointmenl ll Flw Caryn Cali Ham Shad at Tru Exriliu En Tu Shh allSI tradmerit mm Mel Vazlol Nollwa Cuomvlypc MaltU0 As easy to use as lipstick dd th bl NuFeef pair 25 OIC ICSSlllg puI IC 1100 ing ut thecollegiate BlueJar Plasters 30 EASE womb Onc ofcur correspondents asde forhclp in nding amatc for snacIAs female cardinal and lo and Ibehold just as soon as the Mail eI ffth 311 id disdain v3 staff ileum anion Haunt HAIL Iiiilisn19c wait SCARBORQ Ont MAIL 33 cAsiLv Tiprs onpvzs 25 OHAMUIS SKINS 99 LISTERINE CELANESE RAYONS woor One Montreal restaurant keeps AIR RINSE In lbr 100m PASTE canons Aim isnt out mil small pig which runs around the Niywal lures Try in We recommend it room leeding off scraps offercdby 33e GRANULAR 15 the guests lil lit 29 ENGLISH STYLE HEALTH sans 33 cm 20 stint 29 ll 45 GLEME SOAPLESS SHAMPOO 33 HYOHOOEH PEROXIOE 29 LI UIO OOHH HEHEOY 23 Ml OF MAOIIESIA 29 PEHOXIOE TOOTH PASTE 18 35e moL Am 59 PAROL All 99 YELLOW ll PETROLEUM JELLY 17 SUPER LITHEH SHAVE OHEIH 19 WITOII HAZEL 47 iI mu HOURSMom rmuiunv is 330 on clay or hour slum km to ma IACK fl Ill FREE DELIVERY Phone 2950 In Io pm BoracicIAcidI lb 19 wichedwilhlanolin 59 Karmawin PROLON 830 pan Wodnudcy 830 dm to l230 pm Saturday 830 1mm Open every Sunday l2 to pm to jun Viceroy Full Head Fdrm 65cL Divers Cum Rubber Brown or White 45 Seibcrling Assorch Colors 95 sunmu puransrrous Tarliblyn SuntanLoiion 33c 69 Noxzema Suntan Oil 30c 60C Noxzcma Suntan Cream 30c Sunbrclla 75c MOSQUITO REPELLENTS Sliu Black Fly and Mosquito Repellent Stick4t 6lZ Repellent 59Og Skeeter75kailer 49C DTcr 59o Rex Repellaiit Cream 39 sexuallyruns Bleach Balls 79I With Rubber Bledfer Beach Ball Rubber 59 BellBoy Alarm Clocks 315 Lucky Writing Pads no Lucky Envelopes for 11 Household Whisks Reg 49c 39 Welchs Grape juice 23 45 wnsu cLoms TURKISH TOWELLING FRUITILTIVES Help Relieve Baskuhes Headaches Constipation and Stomach Complaints Caused by Laxvleer 25 All lioiin GUARANTEED MONTHS

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