Lllit lltt Simim Illllsltrs mm mum in itiil glulttiUxttilllttl lliUl iii the annals of tlc inadtin Am kn Jud Mr Iorrcs 1111 IU tvgituculs We triialgauulnl 111 111141 History of thi Iurcstrrs p11 publish11 ltt 11ck llcieultli IIH IUH of 111 firms 55 TIMI 11 113 111 11 1c 111 at 111 1111 12 ltni ltaid 11 ltio ti =iit into illltll 11111 by tlu 11111 idial gtpiritcd otlicvis icadj pas1d into 11 11 1111 1111 rank nd 1111 of cry against tcziilul odds 111cc 11111111 11111 lfct thou n11 tl 111 1111 ltil to lttlll 11 nth11v 1111 1141 1i 11 111 1121 ii 11 11111 th hill Hx EL 11 31 flfcemnnt 111 111113 11111111 1111 1111 111 11 1111111111 tot 111 1111 lillilttlmli 111 1111111 lts oilihthtttiiIE It 1iiiltlinlltt tlioiii 111 111 pair 121 1111111111 111 111 411 oi iv ii111 11 ll11 1111 ttx 11 111 111 11111 11111111 tint ililj tiic 1311111 hat ale 111 111 man oi 111 1111 litlt at lama 1111 Joni1 1111111 111 1lfttlll ilii 11 1111111 till11111111 111 Illk 1111i1 111 111 liiililtlift 115 the icgiiniint it lltl111 11111 to 111 titlllttl to 1111 tiL1 of ionic lltltlllll lltl lllllliit 111111 can 111 tacirizi user 1111 111111151 511111115 Emirwrist MAREAK GREASE ions WASH JOBS FIRESTONE TIRES EXIDE BATTERIES Fast and Slow Battery Charges Eggrs To All Makes 01 Cars and Trucks TOWTEUCK SERVICE 1113er SIRANAGHAN BRADFORD STREET Barrie 111111 giment II1 ll Volunteers li1i 1111 11111111 112111 11114 1111 Iiiup lIllwll 1111111111 1111l1h 11311111 11111 1111111111111111 131 31121115111 111 11111 ila 111 1111 111 1111111111 111111 in nu1111 tngiltltl ot 11111111111 1111 icii 11 111121 human1111111 1i 1111 1511 111 111 11111 ltt111 1111 rm lvYltIiiiit 11 111 lfrlll ti lit Iliuiitizlil 11 1111 ln 11 ivu 711itiil 11111111 11111111 1111 1111111114 1111111111 1111 Nami glut11 13111111 v1 tltril tixiii 11 tin 111111 Soot11 Compton lttllll Vim11 Ittlit 111111 11111 llilil Slipliiil Illltili 1111 11111111 11 li1 Hi111111 111 111111 tilII taivt 111111111 tin1111111111 to 111111 t11 11111 utltit roiaiiaiizes utiicli 1111 1111itcl llllthtltllttlll lll coun t1 111 11111 to 1111 1111 liorsebzici 1111121 1111c 111111 111 itititlIiI and the toads weiv tctiilih it 11 difficult task No 1111ilt1iii tuinpziiiv was or ganzcil 31111115 itlcr 1111111 Sound conniaiiy and 11111 about the ratne strength 115111121111 ilntlarii 11a lttltttmtlitl taptun and lllt TIT 818121 warms BhPPTE ONTARIO lllt play 111 113 lien11 li11i 1111 11 licil itlll1 llii 1111111 l1 rl which Iiuv 11I1 11 tux 11111111 1111 many 11 Mini iv 11 of I1tr111111 11 111 21111 11111 to itin ti tt 11 1111111111 11ng 1111 11111 13 1c1111111111 titx 141 history 11111 of In 1111 cry111121 aiiizi rnllilrItl li won 0110 Can as 0n Barbara also 21 11I 11 111 119 11 lulsir 11 1111 ch Lj 111 1211 113 tii1 11 lil 11 111 111 11 lltlllitl 111111111111 21111 11 11 11 111 211 t11r attics 11 11 111l sham 11 if 11 iiil 1111 1111111 11 1111 iio ii tin millii 111 1211 11ltlttlilt 1it 1211 1111 i9 em No Company Owen Sound was igazettcd live other companies crossinu The American olficcis were very friendly and came over The satanic 1111 WV which he was assisted by British Army Drill Sergeant or two It was in the Spring of 18151 that the Fenian trouble along the bor der bIolte 0111 and it was on April 1st of that year that the volunteer soldiers of Grey County were first ordered out on service Capt Bro die receivcd very prcremptory order from the Deputy Adjutant directing him to bring down No Company Owen Sound and No Company Mcaford to Sarnia with all possible dispatch Messengers were at once dis patched with orders to bring in every titan and by the afternoon of ithe same day all were present and start was made for Colling wood Travelling on the ice the Meaford company was picked 11p there and the whole party pro ceeded toCollingwood where they Jl other selections 11 June in arate ompanics Interesting Ilistory Not less interesting is the story of the Lcith Company which was enrolled in the year through the untirinrr energy and enterprise of James Cannon who at the first meeting of the coni pany was unanimously elected to fill the post of Captain The cs tablishment of the company was three officers and tittyfour other ranks Leiths first experience in 1111 Fenian invasion was false alarm bytcrian church at Leith have still Noumea Unrest LITis IC ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER Uor Dunlap and Bayfield Barrie Telephone 4760 s7 The best background man 1111 liiivcAtlcqttateIiiui11111011 FNORWlCHI UBNION thi 1111111 men came back to liven S11111111111n Sound iiiitii the lollowini and that ended their career as rap my 131111 11 111121 mainly One 111 two members of the lres vivid recollection of the Sunday morning of May 11166 when the lllltlltslltlll 11 Um 10 111 nearly every 1211111111 to hear lun was away at Sarina at the time tarI had been tilled by Mayor duly gazetted and inm 8mm Sign George 151111111111 11111111tlie 211l11s 111 1111 leith toniiiani21oiu1 Brodie 111 Col Pollard was aplllnntml to lull thcm 111 1111111 Ullltls 11111111111 111111 were called 1111 and promptly ren ictireiiicnt after most active and isutiliocil Fenian vessels 1lt iii by 511 Clifton atfinllingtvood coitibany had been mustered andiNUlllel SCH 30171113111 hiltm was made of Major Gordon for 11 1111 1111 to Septeinhcr 111 1411 Dur in this 111111 1111 position of Adju 1r11pcr1y litlittered As the 111111 Sound company The icniained at painstakinst career as head of the l1Szitttilll the command was taken your by Col Brodie This position he 111111 1111 111 November 11 1894 While many regimentsthroughout 1111 country had difficulty in re cruitinuup to strcngtlwthe Grey ltceinient always went to the art nual camp at Niagara with full llti1tl thr l1ith company sir1 111111111 111 physical drill and in ri mmo nitom lenlp 11H Fpniu 111 shooting the regiment had fine gtlllt was over The 1111115 threatlt11 1111511111 ll 1mm trophies mod Mann innit 1451 win 11111111 for iiiirkniaiisliip and general company has listovmcd 1111 11411111131 number 11 iisiiine cs ltcllt holdine reuatta and which by soonthine in the nature of tiiiitiigc had been niacniticd to 111111 like Vessels of considerable size old al1o1 those Iilnt of 11111 William Layton Illiggii Iiothci Imu Wm l1i f1 tlltl 151121 11111 the 1tll historyiiit1ntiv Huntgm cm rilt1111ithc 111 lllt io1111 111 t11 the 1111 11 puma1 11 1111 with same 11111 111 the lownsliip 111 llii and 111111 the iiicon 1111 2111 out 111111 llllt1l lt the stony by under 11111 command or apt my what MINA of patriotism 111 llllilnv 1111 Io Alexander 11ib 11111 1111 tioop in the periph 1111111111j1 111 Canada 1111111 111111111111 liltll 111111 tun11111 Ill 1111 1111 or liven BARBARA StOll was presented with recent 21st birthday iuiadas ice1pic1ii In mp ll 11 11Rlllilil lwlmllnl slimy Mm lMlll this birthday cake by totary iirniviil was IomiplM sly1 rmwmm mp 3111 1111 11 in taty 1121111 111 11 try Pacifist or titin onu appoiti 11 111 11111 ant ionizis volunppd mu Mm pl 111101 1111 111 111 IIiilixinniity Lieutenant 1111 nds at the Royal York 1111111 1111 111 of 111 11 1111 1111111111 on 1111 11111sion mmnw mm mm ml 1111 loxunint ithuut 1111n PH RM 15 ill of 1ri1ie In its ltllltYkltllIllS Hm In 11 11 1111 11 1p 111 11 11 rm MUW my Hanqu md Ill in 1111111 or 11111 11 1I 11 1111111 1111 1311 1i 1111 11 iii iIi 1111 111 11 11 was on November 111111 that Hlll WIN nrnIhd UH tour 1111111 attiL bovine first 111 Iiii izvav of 1511117 1111 Yuri31 No toiiipaiij touch on lltlt 11 1111115 Wall 11itttttiillttlt1 up sum ltillllllll and so popular 11111 the ll will ml HM lj Null 12 Seven day after thi 111ltiz11111I mmwmvm lwwlm mun md Sauna 11111 11 ltlxlllltl thcii Ioi ind111111111 11 the lllllillltt cl 11 Iohti 111illocn lair1111 Wm HIM MN 113101111 11011111131 1111 111111511 11111 nearly three 1111Iitlis and tliv1i1 11 Inxon 1111 111 Maudie No 71 toinpany some cais afterward that the 111w 11111 innu 11111 to 11111 11111 111 lacltct lient and carried off as ilrmmlW WIN mum WIId Vllltht hospitality treat11 lo the 11 Inuit11 1111 111 1111 and 111111111111 tin111 Sound taptain lohn Boyd HINT 11 10mm ll Wm ltllUlltll liWHS 31 Mir1 11 people in Sarnia lttll 11 1111 111 1111 ltl of the 11 itIIEt Spencer llllslill 11 1111111111tiBItntthii liilin Slide ontcdeiate Ltllllllln mlrifxniliillll11a SLZLHJHIHIIICA orders 1111111 llttil Napier 111 111111 111211 1111 1411111 had ltttIl Stipiicn io 11 oinpatiy SYIHLEJ Iwisylwl UNIV sioner to lluro1e When the new gt mu Raid Tm mm thou oiinit mil111 1111in out 111111 oi 11111s 11111 111 11 11111 111173111111 11 11 mm Hm mv HM mm WM 101111111 Canada It uoustd 11111 111 WWW Mmm lttltilltn iii11 oIll 3111 the lhan 11111 iii11qu tin111 1111 11111 111 c1111 111111 liltllitttltill ln II INN WM ml lll llnm lord onipanics to Hunt 111 r11 1111111 Sound gt1ft 1121iaiii ainpbcll 11 111111 Hwy Rum HH lbccn itI exisltcnrc 11111 the oremi it mun ml ml1m 11 lik llii iIlict of this 11111111111111111111 111111 ilill litfimlmw mums 111 Owen 1S111111111 1111 men 11m 11 lSliorc and London llozid ii1n 1iiitaiit 11111111 Zrodie gt xation would not have been availI Nl 1111 oiei the county 1111111111 to the 1111 table in turninI back the lenian i11 Dunn Md mm MIMI 15 WI WW11 QINMMhHI Jim Idmm ors Within tortniiht 111 MPH QWWHH 1mm imyIliiiiI11oro several afarnix 11 111121 MIND WW HT Stjn1111 1111111 l111111 Machan ml mum In NH Emmi In occasion speciai train was litpt MHHWK my 11 11l1 WV 11111 lttat1t bursaon Ninth 13v Hum Villtlllt all 11111111 to take the party 11 larnliart With the lander of vir in the desiil At mothir 111111 111 hill HM mm ll Hm An oidir min to 11111 lne 11 Unit Sim my TN Ar yhmlwmww mmmnndmg my lalhi Ill1ltllHlllil llfltlliiIllivgg 111 hli111l 1111lltiillhti mml13131112131 huh mm Aqu Mm iill 45 ll 111 11 IM th 11 ltiiniIit 111111 intist lcax tllllllllllliltll Iiiiufihtllilelr llillgnllllnul15 llllll ill lllhlt Im Ill MW Nimlml mm Wimun mo llll followting ltliillllll for wart vou1 11111 111 turnip tic Jrqimiu mum WHILTI Uht thy hmP 111 111 l1111 1111 111 II 1111 11 It 111 11111111111 111 111 111 gtVlIIILIIIIII ilIltl Hm nmn Th Hulk had yall valmlqlh It Unmm Wm 111 scvi ii csscls under full 1111 Qiieci cplois the presentation bc WNW Th Wm mp 111111 1111111111111 whim disbiiididdh iHMHWIWS 11mm 1mm Ml 1111 11111 1111 the sitht 111 Mich in 1111111 In Mrs lollard wife of 111111 lsllllttlrwllll Hcitidii 11 icmull 11 Ml natniiin oi boats would have iiicu tiiiv mornI 111 the recurrent it its css efficient companies iiid 11171t pie come to bid 1111 Speed 11 11111111111 11 Mt1 fl iiiniisual but when an Invasion of Inception up ifd 1110 btiltl llllltfl illsdIIIIdllmlhIery Fortunately about ltltlt l11lnmn MD NHL alum tlie gal 1111 11ltlllr 1111 ii 11 it 11 lh result was that the lleiliyShunlpy will hi Imirpgo mi we Hmhlim LII Hull bum WM pinquking urppr ontingent the men of the at Umllillll 1W1 lllllltltd 11ml 111 cral companies of artillery came 1111 5mm mm um Hmk 1111 Iitllltlll 1gt under the ctli 11103111111 WW 11 111111111 mmlfl 11er WV boundiand that evidently had the effect 10m own itlll coinnuind ol William 11111111n TINT 111 tlf1l1 W415 llsllndtd 1101113 111101331 of preventing thi lenians Ironi ii Polaid timn lllt timo 115 iwMa 11111 sailed few vieks later 1111 the Metapania which was tiic KEEP OPERATING cosrs Down AND PROFITS CONSlSTENTLY UPBECAUSE THEY GIVE 01711 M10165 dffYK TRACY01V oxem 5mm 24 lieur Road Service Batstones Tire Service arrive iii llnuland first ship with Canadian troops to ltirst battalion to lililltll into earni at Salisbury llains by represented They 1l1 the Prey NIJilly thesi men wa Are You Economy Minded 151111 lenians crossed the border1110101103 11 Fort lllit It thl titlillltHL 111 When 11 lrodie retired from June 1st 1121313 That day tele ltommand Col James lattison Tel1 cram directed to Major George lord one of the originals of thc Gordon icith ltitle Conipaiiyftitli Company and for thirty liven Sound and sent by Col ears prior to 1119411111 of the most 13 11111111 containing the two energetic and trustworthy officers Words Come furthhitll was 10 iii the regiment assumed the com 1teivcd by Thomas Gordon at Colnmml This he held for six years linewood and forv1rled by him 1111mm 1391 As was 1111 enso under Capt Cannon written on therback those who preceded him llltdIiCC of it for the 11itlt Company 111111111 regiment made iapid strides proceed to Owen Sound and shipl During Colonel IclfordsitenurP 1111 command the rcgjiiiient had Before noon of the next day 1110111101111 mm Fix it eight companies embarked on the Clifton withllltfn lgnlzed at Clufksmll an Capt William Smith in command iiiddllltlllill COmPOUY had 3150 been Shorth after everybody waslUlEUUlZCfl 0W9n Sound know aboard the Clifton the discovery US NU T1115 110 10 lOglmfmt its full Complement of companies whom the telegram was intended EFIQm 1110 VCEH 1900 LINN190571110 and who was on his way to join his ILglmem 35 COmmandel 13 Lletl regiment the 47th British RegiHCMDETCOIOHGI Alldlew Camp1 mem bell of Markdale who turned over the command to LieutenantCob It now began to dawn upon those in command that the company was 12 EfllgiskRigidggggggd1 on its way to the front without 9999 TH untildQOSwhenth retuedrrljieutv SCARFES every lovely Surface Protectoutside doors and window $1113 with Brantine Spar Varnish interior oOrsandntrimwith Brantrne to 4yHourFIoor and Interior Varnish Ask your dealer about other in your home EST 1877 In in 111111111 BRANTINE IINISIIESI tBrantine nishes seal thelbcautyiofl Scarfe varnishes for longlasting loveliness land ngstom eady for any Mm lies and officers composing one orders 13111 as theyhad staTEIH they decided to take the responsi livgfnfrgjogl 121i gangllfnndat bility of going vithoutrorders The th iconipanv was put aboard train mmmmg 10mm urilc 111 at Collingwood and at every sta 1913 When meenan one Chisholm was appointed Be on on ail to 1315mm the retained command until the organ were greeted With the vildest andi most conflicting rumors about the progress of the battle witlrthe Feti ians When they arrived at Tor onto they found that some of the dead and wounded and some pris oners had just been 1br0ugl1tin from Ridgeway ization after the war During the Boer War in South Companies Organized The following days at Toronto made gininteresting story Even tually the company was placed aboard traina with some other companies andfoTthree days they patrolled theroad between Toronto Later the Company was moved to Cobourg where they were billetted until June 21 when they received orders to return home On September 14 1866 little less than year before Confedera tion the scattered companies from Grey County were organized into Ihirtyfirst Grey BattaliOn of In intry Following will be found an extract frotn the Militia List of 186667 giving the list of c111npaii bat AN UPLIFT BELT Eon MEN Two detachable pouches made to our specifica tions to give comfort and maximum Support Ex perienced Fitters to serve you for an Surgical Sup ports WHITTYS talion Lieutenant Colonel lol lard Majors James Cannon Stu Iand John Crcasor No Company Owen Sound Captain George McL Butchart Lieutenant Alfred Spencer No Company Meafoid Captain William Taylor Lieut John Layton Ensign John AwASIi most stubborn dirt house Canadas washer value DRUG STORE McGee N0L Company Lcitli Maple Avenue at Elizabeth Street PHONE 3922 BARBIE Cushioned Action Only in Westinghouse V1sher will you find the exclusive Cushioned Action iyrzttor which gets out the wear on clothes PLLS all the other modern advao rages which make Westing 1101111 APPLIANCESth Clapperton SL Phone 3432 ER without greiirert tag VVestinghouso TRUETEMP REFRIGERATOR curs 10011111513 4WAYS EiiiiiiiitrtftSTE 11111111111111 11111111111111 1111111 1111 11111111111 111111 113311111 11111111 iiiii 1111113 11 11111111111 11 11111111 111111