Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1949, p. 1

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ilCLIUIl Thorisos Three members were ibscut from the town council meeting on Mon day night Aid tlincncc Curbed Ald Gladstone urr ic anti Aldl lliiiiy Nortorr Mrs lriscillu Lindcll appealedl before council to speak about wali cr for her property on Gniin street She said she had been Lirrryingf water for four years and the ncriiul ml water main for this street was 12100 feet away The council will have letter written to the public utilities commission inquiring about water service for this house Jack Maclaircn on behalf of Brown and Company appeared bel fore council to ask if airy plans were under way to complete lane south Of Dunlop street from ltltilt caster to the post office square He said his firm vrslrcd to build anl additionvbut they first wanted toi know if the lane was going to be opened up This matter was refer red to the property committee for There was letter from Arthur luck asking council to give him permission to Stlldlll his goods by public auction lown clerk Smith explained that the town had cancelled the license which had permitted Mr Tuck to deal in sec ond hand goods at his place of business on Hayfield street Slcssor auctioneer was present and said it would take time to pre pare for such sale and it Would take more than month toidisposc of the goods After some discussion motion was presented by Ald llamny authorizing the clerk to have air agreeiircnt drawn up perr mitting sale by auction for three months to clear out all the goods The nrotion was passed When Deputy Reeve Griffin ask ed permission for tickets to be sold in Barrie to provide support for the Blue Mountain Camp for Crip pled children the Mayor suggested this was matter for the police commissiom Presenting progress report on the alterations to the municipal building on the south side of Col lier street opposite the town hall Ald Wilson said the amount Spent was $790782 He expected the work would be completed by the end of this week and he hoped the coun crllors would inspect the building possrbly prior to the next meeting Ald Wilson chairman of the property committee presented report suggesting that 19 rental houses be built by Central Mortg age and Housing Corporation on Camalammniheomewi on Peel street property which could be bought from the VLA at $50 lot Further infor mation will be obtained regarding the cost of providing water and sewer facrlities for these properties letter was read from the dc partment of transport at Ottawa declaring that there Should be no swrmmrng on the sideOf the Bay 86th YeOrNo 3T III THE POST At Canadian Legion Dist awn 4x in Barrie recently of District Rev Dr John Iloclibari fold the story of Salute To Canada the musical pageant being present ed at the Martyrs Shrine Mid land this summer to commemorate the Tcrccntary ofdhcvdcmh of the Jesuit Martyrs to small group of interested people at the collegiate auditorium last Thursday evening Fathcr lloclrbair who is musical director for the pageant vas acv conipanicd by Miss Mary Mclon ald pianist who is known in Barrie through the Canadian Ar tists Series Miss McDOIiald play ed excerpts from the musical score as Father Hochbaneutlincd the field street dock where boats are moored The town will have Sign posted up to this effect plot of the show The speaker reported that rain imum of 300 actors were iiecdcd letter read from the Cam for the Show and that 700 or 1000 adian Legion stating that they would not be holding their carnival during the month of June as pre viously planned letter from the Ontario depart ment of planning and development regarding provincial grants for municipalities enteringvinto agree ments to build houses wasreferred to the property committee Harry Armstrong president 0f the curling clubjwrote asking for deed to the property adjacent weeds in cereal crops and corni to the arena The curling club will was done not only in Simcoc Coun be asked to indicate the extent of But also at some the melm the property required for this pur pose about paving High Street Deputy volunteers would be yety accept able The Show is being rehearsed GOOD RESULTS 1948 SPRAYING CEREAL CROPS Considerable work on spraying ental farms in Ontario during 1948 and equally successful results were 7lobtrdr Aid Mrs Hamilton agoin Asriedl 11 anything was going to be done Mustard and other woeds in grain crops Should be sprayed dur ing the early stage of develop Reeve Griffin chairman of the Intent or when the grain is about boardof works said there was not ISIX inches high to obtain the best enough paving to make it worthgresults at the least cost while to bring in machine to have this work done He saidthe cost for Ottostreet would be prohibitive He also said it would be necessary tocomplete the underdrainage be fore starting the paving Oh mo tion of Reeve Hart the councuy Grain 10p55e3d0d down toalfalfq voted to get contract price on the under dsrainage and curbwork Ald Christie asked what wasgo ing to be done aboutthpetitipn from the service station operat0rs to extend the hoursof salefor gasoline On motion oftDeputy Reeve Griffincoun0il decided to take no action at the present time Aid Hamny asked lwliat had been doneabout preparing the by law with newscale of license throughout fees for Barrie Reeve Hart sug gested the proposed scale Should be brought before the council be fore having the bylaw prepared Mayor Mayor was appoint ed delegate to the ctmvention of mayors to be held early in Juneat Quebec pity Mrs Mercer Hamilton was chair man during committee discussion and the meeting was concluded at 1015 pm Canadian primary woollen work ers arelpaidialmost 170 more in wages than British woollen work ers TRY AN Emma wmnn PHONE 10 Ridgetown Annual weeds are completely destroyed at this Stage andpercnnial weeds can be prevented from flowering and Seeding thus making eradication much easier as well as insuringi the harvesting of clean crop or sweet clover should not be Sprayed but in testsgcarricd out last year redclover seedlings were found to be resistant to the light application of 24D necessaryto control weeds lot of experimental Work was done on spraying corn at the Experimental Farm last year with ver interesting ie suits When corn was sprayed at 6inch heightall the annual weeds were killed and none Appeared the season Foxtail and barnyard grass werealso en tirely absent because although 24D will not killgrasses yet evid ently early spraying of the seeds of these grasses near the surface prevented germination In these tests the chornlwas cultivated when clearly shOwing above the ground sprayed when 6inches high and not cultivated again Experience over number Of years has shown that later cultivations are not necessary on loamy Soils and may be harmful Farmers interested in having cereal grains or corn Sprayed are urged to get in touch with their County Weed Inspector for infor mation on custom Sprayer opera t0rs and costs etc at as early date as possible as this spraying season is approaching very rapid 1y ram AUIHCHIILD SECthD CLASS NHL BI 0H ICE bLPAHIlth CIIAWA rict Meeting FOUR VETERANS with some of the longest records of milit ary service in Canada are pictured above at the convention Nmiiiim lmkc Itei without and It Canadian Legion 131381 They are seated George Lack Barrie who enlisted 50 years ago and served iii India with Lord Roberts standing left to right Jock Shaw Barrie who was with the Royal Engineers in South Africa iii the Boer War 111 1890 Hep worth Midland who left Canada in 1899 on the first boat to the Boer War Ward Bracebridgc who served in the Fenian Raid and the Boer War wWaterer Studio Barrie Dr John HochbiainiTelIs Salute to Canada Plans Musical Excerpts Given in units cacti one responsible for one thing only The various units will be assembled caclr already fully rehearsed for only three ac tual rehearsals of the complete retrearsairof leTOllipltlD Show on the Sunday Monday and Tires day preceding the opening night Two or three units might be want cd from Barrie and any talented dancers or anyone interested in taking part were asked to volun tcer Salute To Canada is being pro duced on July 27 28 29 30 and 31 at the shrine In writing the pageant Father Daniel Lord SJ has tried to portray dramatically not so much fhcfactual history of old Huronia said Father llochban butrather to exhibit and to recreate through the various means of stagecraff the motivating spirit behind the Iris tory that is being commemorated The resulting show said Father lIoclrban was to date the greatest Canadian show ever written He stressed to his audience the enter tainmcnt value Of the show rather than its religious significance He described iii detail with the use of blackboard the stage sett ing Onthe hill behind the lookout at the shrine The show is to be staged on four stages resembling series of steps The first stage will be about 75 long and 40 wide Behind and above it will be ser ies of smaller stages The four stages yvill be joined by series of connecting ramps so that the actors may move from stage to stage during the action The magnificent theatre formed by this natural setting will seat 6500 people each night The theme of the Show the meet ling of the past and present and how the new Canada rose out of the old will be portrayed vividly in the meeting of modern Cari adian boy and girl witha Huron whey and girl who died on the same day as the heroes OfHurOIIia Father Lord has placed rather startlingfitwist ori his story by hav lthe Iroquois to war against the Hurons become asymbOl of the present rcdinenace to Canada Turn tohpage three please ANNUAL FESTIVAL BY BARRIE PUPILS ARENA wan JUNE The third mammal festival Cancert 10f Barrie Schools is scheduled for Barrie Arena on Wednesday June and will bear gala event The festival featuressongs and dances by pupils of Barrie public schools and special attractions have been arranged Also taking part in the con cert is Barrie Collegiates Con cert Band under the direction of Fisher BA 0n the same program is the Colleg iates Glee Club and Similar clubs from various public schools Several hundred students will participate in the festi val arranged by Lloyd Tutford supervisor 9f music in Barrie schools The KiwanisiClub of Barrie will sponsor the event mg the medicine man wholcad5 MAY 21 FISH DERBY WINNER TOM MURPHY llll fi lzi ntil rzirgt tr Iltlf of lilr li ii rd Ylm gtiii ltiilt It annual frl rliit Brittle lerbr iii Tuesday Mai 31 titl Til Contestants rflitlll ti the toxin luock litlore Inning ifeld opin water ntoivproptlad or liill1 propelled bear llttrt when tlir ed in tin illnitllllli ltl tl terbr there were oiilr anglers successful to landing lane izoui The illlrvt lozr mph of Hian Until irltll o1 pourtl nine aiti oinwlrail oami llttl itllrltl llie weatlu vliich prevailed over the derby was uncertain with siriall gthower falling iioiiiut irooii hour strong wind blow ing at interwal caused the yalti to choppy lloeir mirror There were lI orifofstown err tries from the district surround iiig llarrie and also Meiiitoii Iliotold Oshawa and London The derby started at 11 am and lttgt ed at lti latiolling the bay liioirglro it the day were department of game and fisheries officials llitltlllil or the kind of success the fishermen Officials of the Barrie iber of Commerce in charge of pro lceedmgs during the derby ieii flay Livingston weiglrniasters Althouin the derby is complet ed the allseason contest for the largest individual lake trout caught all acting as iii Kcnrpcnfcldt Bay or Lake Simcoc isislill in progress The contest opened May and con tinucs until Oct This is open to all fishermen Did Aerial Photography In South America Before Settling Down in Barrie1 Last Monday or photograph taken by George Campbell RR Barrie Mr Campbell who served dur ing the war as flight engineer with tlic RAF transport command has had considerable experience in photography since his release from active service For two years he was employed with Canadian lacitic Airlinesas an engineer and aerial photograph crn Canada land and year ago last winter he spent six months din South Ameri ca There he did aerial photogra phy for the GOvcrnmcnt of Vcnc zuela Being married and having fam ily of three small children Mr Campbell preferred home life and now he is living just outside Bar rie where he is building house onLitfles Hill time to take and develop his own pictures in his spare hours Granting of land inmost provin ces does not give the rccipient the right to mine it COMING lily of the contestant PM in clus were having lianr published 11 or lfCdiZIThOgirphy in Wcstfi Quebec Newfouudi He is employed Annual Meeting Simcoe Trustees and Ratepayers Guthrie Saturday May 28 vv Iz Ztit ll lv 11 if it uu ii izii int lii II int fi tat rump ii from the real ma Elan Ila SLAM llis pitt or It altv itliltl fishing tirt and ltil Lit Um in presented It liiii at the elme of iwtl llitltl illie ltli Finishing xttiilltlit Murphy was ii 11r Nelson Moran 11 lIiiplt Ave to rot with life irritvtiw citlr tlillll1 pound iu loiiiiers The ltllritllltltt of lie ll front recorded were in Ill iriiiit ll till xfil stdWt liti rot four pounds lliW it til it ECOUNTY TRUSTEES AND RATEPAYERS ANNUAL MEETING we hit FAIL or DD 31 Ald Wilson Indicates liSoon Re POLLS WILL CLOSE PM TOMORROW ARENA BYLAW VOTE lonmrrim Iriili May 27 the polls will be open in Lir ric for property holders to role on the Helm bylaw Ilic polls will be open Item 10 ILHI to in ST The following places will be polling booths Ward Mrs II fretmans 57 Charlotte street Ward Library llrll MuttAster street Ward 1001 Ilill olliIr street Ward lab 70 Himlutli street Ward Mrs Armstrongs lilo Ilradlortl street Lint ti iligc lrill Burton Avenue There are 3390 properly holders who will entitled to wife on this question This includes people owning properly In more than one tdItl and they are counted as be MI aha mm itra owners and rirc entitled iir on 1t porair for tr 10 vote in each ward in which mm MM ipprdyy they are on the voters list as iA oriiiiani tlltill are Rev Bl tutlitM Simian Inliii inrie li OM NWT hh Jm mum Hm who were on the voters list Lydia Holt retry tuna 51 for the List iiiiinieipil election lot titll in oil 1le llt may vote tomorrow iii ir irloirl luv rxirl trios itil itul ll Hotter II 35IIl ANNIVERSARY lilttti towaii lliii lllll1liii iswll lXSllItTl itt iIi Helmi ill lirlr tillt tu hr ruuortr lltli rulllitl Mi 1llm PM MIN Bunk my Iii tilltiHtlShtji lilllltl til tlti liffird zard lttlillftll lmristil 1i pioitian lll commence giit nl 1x txpiititi to be tll iiltltl ll llrt banquet ha lievti left lll ab yante for this year It 11 epectetl that trustees and rafepisers froro eyeiy school board of thi eoiintj lll take ad ziiitage of this opportutiifj their lilitlllll georne beitue ilr liittior License llloard last Friday morning at liar He was in applientzon nes itttiltlllti Darwin rang Judgi 121 applications tine of these tel in Parry Sound was withdrawn lprcseirt to represent those in op icnsc The other applicationswhich did from the Holiday Inn at Bradford Qtor which no one appeared Most of the applicants for liccns cs came from the summer tourist listiicts of Muskoka and Qlarry iSound In these districts which are largely frequented by Ameri can tourists the proprietors of lodges and hotels applying for lic enses scorned to feel that their businesses would greatly benefit with the increased service afforded EVENTS Dance Edgar Hall May 27 Door prize Lucky spot dancc Geod orchestra 35p Dance at Baxter Friday JIIIIcESponsored by WCTU Admission WhiCh W35 applying 101 andinibg 3538b room license for the motor shipl chestra 130 to thermusic of Paxfons or from 930 to 8tftht Dancing Entertaining program St An Edrcws Lecture Room Film That rBoy Joe Tuesday June pm 125C Stroud Hockey Club Cuchrc and idancc Monday May 30 lilllritlt Woniins llhtltttlt ylriilr lll be lltltl in Stroud ommunitv llull Tttlllthtlttt Itiire ti at seven oclock in the evening The members will entertain their hits blinds iiid friends for dinner Ill and discussing ll fellow ttillllllllillgt to all TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI Some OppOsition to PetittiOri for Licensing Elmvale Hotel tire of the 12 applications toyliy beverage and dining room prr ileges delegation of rifttens of ILini an rapplicatioiktisrneflieeliitcheuer 10410 502411 iii Ultrtslilmmti 11C by solicitor Cordon Bell KC oildltli lToionio becaliise of technicality IW Green of Parry Sound wast position to the granting of lic rnot corrre up before the board was from illrsiale and district appeared in the fol Ilitltttrlttiiititir to appeal against grant llolel lilnrvule rlis liilltl soli ring Mrs Darwin license They titor was 11 lfrorupson o1 lenw appealed that there were already far too many outlets in Ilos Town mm of 0me strip and that one more would be villo presided and decision was rc llllldlitlltt Cltitttv ttiHHki ILC lswwd WM of mpieation in purely rural district Called upon by Mr Thompson to the hotel Thomas Smith the township reported that no petition had reached the council in opposition to granting ttlre building license He remark ed that in his opinion liquor was similar to gasoline with regard to ithc number of outlets having any material eflcct on consumption member of the Elrnvalc delc gation rctortcd that ipctition had been circulated rc lgarding the opening of Brcwcrs Refail Store Although the council had passed unanimous decision tagainst it the store had been cs itablishcd He said that inyiew of this action the council had not been petitioned on the matter of 1110 Hotel Elmvalc Thompson reminded the board of the congeSted condition of the area in the summertime with upwards of 100000 residents in the Wasaga Beach area The building whiCh is at pres ent farm house will have 13 hotel bedrooms when completed Mix Thompson also represented the Georgian Bay Tourist and Steamships Limited of Pcnctang CIIHL Midland City The owners of the Come ship Napoleon Beauclramp Dance at Shanty Bay Hall every iiltld SOC SttUUd hULkey 01111 194849 Hunter Raymond Emery Arch Wednesday night TStroud Moun South Simtof League Champions ibald McDonald and Mrs Marie taineels counter 291fthi Mission Baird tea at Collier St United Church Satiiiday May 28 dren 15c Simcoe County Trustees and Ratepayers Assoclation annual meeting Guthrie Hall Saturday May 28 pm Watch for further anticance ments about the big free dance coming to Sitcud Community Hall on Friday June 35p Dance Orange Hall Ivy Friday May 27 auspices LOL 450 Ad mission 50c Lunch counter Stroud Mountaineers orchestra Lefroy AnniversaryLSunday May 29 11 and 730 Special speaker Rev Williams Music Baker Hill Ladies Choir 3335pT Dancing every Friday night Beetdn Community Memorial Re creation Hall to Norm Burling and His Kings Men900 pm to 100 am 33tfb BritishIsrael World Federation meeting May 30 85pm Barrie Orange Hall Speaker MIJ Sproule Subject Our National Footprints 35b ParentTeachers meeting St Josephs High School Tuesday May 31 Special feature Debate Dr Laurie Speaker Music by St 35p 35p as carpenter at Camp Borden but he has valuable amount of pho tographic equipment andhc finds Marys Separate School rhythm band 35b Dont forget the lay entitled VThe Path Across th Hill pre sented byIvy Junior Farmers on Tuesday May 31 in Ivy Orange Hall at pm DST Admission 35 cents 351 Bill Howe and his music fea turing Olly English vocals by charming Melita Day Bill Harris and the trio at CookstOwn dance pavilion Friday May 27 Ad mission 75c 3435b iamincr trophy Strawberry festival blunc 29 auspices WI Thornton The Path from 3306 pm Adults 25c chilTiAci0fssthTHi1151 by Ivy Junior lFarmcrs Proceeds in aid of new 1community hall 35b Grenfel United Church airriivcr lsary Sunday June 12 11 am and 1730 pm DST Special speakers iMorning service Rev Clem ienfs Mincsing evening Rev Carder Allandalc 35439ptT Stroud Beef Ring still have ai few SliarcsaVzrilablc meeting willlc held in Sfroud community thall Saturday timing for the suinmer North Simcoc Junior Farmers annual field day Springwater Park Midhrirst June 412 Dance Midhurst Hall afinight Admis sion title All eligible ball teams en tries to be received by Miss Helen Caldwell Shanty Bay not later than May 31 35b Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Association annual meeting Tues day May 31 at 815 pm Library HallBarrie Speaker Mr McDougall Canadian Handicraft Guild ton leathercraffi Mem bers and friends welcome Craft work on display 730 pm 35b Annual Music Festival of Allis ton Beeton Cookstown and Dis trict schools under direction of Mrs Ida McKelVey will be held in Beeton Recreational Centre on Friday May 27 815 pm Adults 350 students free 313335bT Tenth annual Essa Music Festi val under direction of Paul Mc Kelvey will be held at Thornton Arena on Thursday June at 815 pm EDT Admission adults 500 students free Assisting will be the Simcoeaires double quar tet 3236b Admission 50c Lunchlinescnld With The Barrie Ef Messei had made their application 3433btas five individuals but were now incorporated Thraveiagc number of passen Mr Thompson was 200 Ninety vc per cent ofthc passengers were from out of town and 5002 Iof these were American tourists In answer to objections filed against the granting of license May 28 at 830 gtibtwipms for discussing plans for con 35b he replied that the service would extend farbeyond the municipal ity and would be mostly for tour ists The owners of the ship he declared were respected business thcir business The ship makes round trip of 120 miles from Penetang to Parry sSound on its route Other applications madbduring the morning included One from Nelson Whitfield for dining ftTurn to page three please WORK IS TARTED 0N BIGXADDITION ROBINSON STORE Bertram Bros have started work on $20000 addition to Robinson Hardwarc store in Barrie The addition of 4500 Square feet of Mir Space will more than double the present facilities of the business The extension will be made to the rear of the present building and it will consist of basement and the main floor Robinson Hardware has been operating in Barrie for 27 years and Since 1930 the busi ness has been carried on at tslze present address 31 Dunlop problems tttlliitl last year men who were trying to build Up 7735 tSa Iii viiitsti izi THE BARRIE EX MINE BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MAY 25 Ii tout tri na rr gr iill id of cm 1111 an tit an out lltl Tueoi il iizt Input Iterat iili itwitie iitor but in tire iir Au llziiritil iti luigr 11 priivn wth lli if Itlimm Iltlllsi tltrl on ail ll Ciloir izrittoi of illlltilt trier tr alt law things rmrli it Iiot our the anioun oi tlt sinirtuie iflmti in the lllttlil tipal of courier Eiritlit 11a iil lon to LL la nadir til rzrairte lililil Jlit titltZIiUIi Yli titra ilti ittiv mid in trtlltl like to art iliililtl He thought llit rite tie ii tvl Itl llii in ban flow fizlzimu piople lllll Iitliii all In hiltlucid the lttl flow tlrlltllltil debt wit the iriinicipil board tol erate for Harrii What assurancw lllljt ct Ald ilill lriigt can tla eoiiiiczl give the taxpayers that the tax rate Will not be rir tititttl tiiriieurnlily llll the two new schools are built ifa cost of Sittititilib Anti llen the 01 13 tire share oi the elrooi it 300000 Anti the fown share for new hospital probably $230000 Sewage disposal plant ost ol paving streets arid laying of ndervalks Ilnlaruernent of the iceaieni at 5130000 Section lvfPoges to Town Debenture Debt ach Maximum tiiii irilrotlirr asked the following AIR FORCE DAY SAT JUNE 11 towns lllLllli at event throughout the Dominion gave tlieri lltgt in defence of their There were several interruptions Aid JUIIJ It ll rte Wilson speaking and of the questions ver answered as they vere asked AilS In epiy to the query about tlieltunny to see for themselves ll piriiiissiblc munic1pal debt lownpeacetime activities of the ltfAl tleik Smith said he thought lCtlllllii limit ilt There was no hard and fast irtlcllll Station airrp Borden iii the clerk explained bril he under lvites the general public to visit the 1tttlll $133000 would be the stood it was about 20 assessed value of the town of In reply to the question aboufititil pnr world iiii an assurance to the taxpayers fha the rate would not be increased arranged which will include flying TOWN or BARBIE kWILITADVERTISE FOR ACCOUNTANT The Town of Barrie will hire an Maccountant This motion was in cluucd in report presented by the finance committee aird adopted by the council at the meeting last Monday night llie report also recommended that the assessor be invited to pre sent report of his work at lttlltlCdilLttlIIL of the council The report of the auditors have been received and special meet ing was held last Monday after noon whcn the finance committee met with the auditors to discuss the financial statement of the town as prepared for 1948 5000 TAXVNOTICES POSTED ON MONDAY Last Monday 5000tax notic es went in the mails for prop erty holdch in the town of Barrie The rate for public school supporters this year is 61210 niills andthe rate for sep arate school supporters is 5867 mills The rst instalment will be due on June 27 and the second instalment will be due on Sep tembcr 27 For those who pay their tax es infull by May 27 there will be discount of one per cent For those who pay in full be fore June 27 there will be discOIint of one per cent on the second instalment ll tirpi Sitelr trot arrti iiotlai STMIIHU ioiii lie pil oii debenture Am win or outyiois abort the Eif1ilts it that trH llttlru lliowtii of Harri le rate of irriicrr or file lllt costs and lie lid Wily loti tlzv llitlt lit tore invite to them All Viloii replyin to in Mayor Elitl ie iriziit lie iippwl over the lilliltllt rtlti lib11171111 tipal ooaid llilLilit tilkl in con Iiirssaiii and till ii council tiUIll llttl Turn to page three plcasei On Saturday ltltlt It tlic Irina anadiaii Air Force will celebrate ir Force Day dllltll was iiaugiir ated several ycais ago as an annu in of conirritinoititioii those tllil King and country during the last iiotlici iiiijtttHt of Air lltiltn Day is to give the public an oppor II Lecoml ll oiiiinantiiiig lIicer of Bordenon Air Force Day between the hours of I00 pin to An interesting program has been displays by Vampire tJeti Aircraft and also the basic training airtirait of theAir Force the familiar liar vaid In addition there will be supply dropping dcirronsfration us ing Dakota Aircraft This will be combined Army Air Force display and will demonstrate how supplies are dropped from the air Camp Borden is the home of No 2lcclrnical Training School where airmen are trained in the ground trades pl acre engine tcghnicians TtlliTilTTltmttCllll101111175 safety equipv mcnt workers electrical lecturi cians iaerot instrument lechni clans machinists operators inccn ante mobile equipment In addi tion courses are given on jet cn gines and jet aircraft The equip ment used is the latest available and is most interesting to see Refreshment boofhsyvill be pro vided and those Wishing to do so may make ctrntiibufions to the RCAF Benevolent Fund which is an organization set up to help al lcviate distress among members and exmembcrs of the RCAF and their dependents Contributions will be entirely voluntary Pro cecds from the sales at booths will be turned over to the Benevolent Fund Comparatively few civilians have seen the RCAF Station at Camp Borden since before the War and Air Force Day presents an Oppor trinity for all civilians to inspect the Station and to note the many changes that have taken place Last year the attendance was cs timafedat five thousand visitors and it is hoped that everyone will again take this Opportunity to at tendlhc 110pm House at Camp Borden on Air Force Day Satur day June 11 All over the county community groups are considering ways and means of improving their commun ities New community halls ath letic elds parks etc have been built or are being cthidered or establishedfacilities are being re riovatcd Opened their new Memorial Cen tre whichincludes new rink hall and other recreation facilities In the north Jarrett and Guthrie COmmunityylIalls were Opened last year and in addition Guthrie developing an athletic field Warminster has made startlin developing local facilities and has land for an athletic eld Ata meeting at Vasey on Friday the building of acommunity hall Vasey already has an excellent ath letic eld and it is proposed to build the community hall on the corner of the ball park The Vasey meeting took theform of dinner sponsored by the Vasey Womens InStitute under the direction of Mrs Harvey Fallis President and Mrs Mervyn Edwards Secretary An enthusiastic meeting was held in the church following the dinner with Stewart Page agricultural representative acting as chairman Dri McPhee MPP for East Simcoe and Norman Stoddart Chairman of the Guthrie Commun ity Hall Board were the Special Speakers Di McPhee discussed the new Community Centres Act explaining hOW grants might be Dr DMcPhee Explains geiisorir50irisariabattoir iCentreS In the south Beeton last year is it already purchased eight acres of monthsexperience the May 13 plans were discussed for outmaking special levy on the ltaxpayer Obtained througle the department of agriculture to assist in building community halls athletic grounds rinks etc Mr Stoddart gave the meeting good picture of the problems tracing anycgtnrmunityfplanning at ceminunify venture pot the kind proposed by Vascy The Guthrie committee had canvassed the area to be served and had obtained centrrbutions to start offv the prOlt ject It was anticipated that the Department grant would cover 259 of the cost of the hall the birlance to be paid for bya deben tureissue Judging first six earnings of the Guthrie Hall would be able to carry thedebenture issue with from the Reeve Boyd Miller of Medonte and Councillor Ralph Dalton of Tay Township spoke briefly in supL port of the proposed community development It was decided to hold further meeting of repre sentatives of the various organiza tions to consider plans forthe de velopment of the community pro ject The evening was enlivened by musical numbers by Bobble Mc Ewen Grant Robinson Win Mc Donald Pauline and Sandra Rob inson under the direction of Mrs Archer Colwill accompanist Mrs McPhee led lively slngLSOng aitd an expression or appreciatbn Wei exten ed to the Many WI Tor hospi lltyof the evening

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