Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1949, p. 9

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fifth Year FLOOR POLISHER MADE IN BARBIE LAFF NOW ON MARKET It tlwr tortlat lr goblet ot tlr llrv Virals tit rtiarr tilr lrrrtrri itlltl Itl le rl pro iror rl 121 ii tl 1rs not yr luI routrt pull 1hr rpmW ll irrelrrel llrrlti r2 tr Irlrl Itrill il tii 7113r drari rurrr rr ila Ilfs rrolrr rollrri otl ll not bi lrzre on Ap rrl In 15 rr rriierrirl their poll do llll Elittltllfltltlr It 11 Was tlttllll the lllfftt tlt Hull rr gtthe Irr rl upheld ltr said that youd Illusi ll not rrirtitttre lull ot Illll WE that Irrdl lrir ot the itariit lit lozt lti rotor lltl WHY hi 44 up iirrle lrrrrrr Illt rlisrt rovertrip mud In 11 31 irrrrrzrrriil lIllllllll rrt rtt arrrphell toil oii tlii work Iii lt llWi llilt Ml PitW lid Mareir not he rrr rrvlixtllrled with The arrow our in mud in Mill Hk lrl11 wood lltoll irllr in Mp hit rrodrtierrorr ll xir rip lrirtttttlllti rotatirr lrluslies do Wk nipping finial etrrr rrlrlitllrt to do new product This eouitor rotab ml Villlll in hum Lupe mp evtial rleielrrprrerrt troutis tt mndmlm my mm Iitlt up which tlt =r to vorr NH mum Tl Hm HIMn out rirrrirrfrrtirrrrri lltllllilil 1rrr plum Is mh it wumn Til ally tllll tor llritllttioll tool liltlohe wlrrrl lllilllltl Iitltl lrl WV lrrtrorrs per rrrrrrte llre polrslrer lord Aitkerr with llrlt liaverazl retails lor Sollhll 13ltoot eord rsastirrl is in eharue of ltltlltlt torr itillrlls tltlt1t til it ltrlitv loillll The first zep in the rrrarrirlacttlrtlTRY AN EXAMINER WANT All lAILORIIDTILAIEASIRI SEE OUR SAMPLES Priced front $17 SUITS SIITS IN Sltllli READY WHILE YOU WAIT COME IN L0th llllIltl VER $4350 750 $4950 to $5600 ROYS SlllS ti to 10 years $1305 11 to 10 years $1005 siicrsriN iiAis $850 $1000 others $550 $325 WM 11 him on the second lloor of th MENS and ROYS WEAR lrotel about one oclock on the al WILF TODD 55 Dunlop St IIAIIRIE Ablrtlrllril tcrif 7h Il tl Li 50 Closed Monday and Tuesday May 23424 Open Wednesday All Day liiiltls SIllll Repair and Shine CLAPIERTON STREET THE ACTUAL POLICY PAPER would not liulit stove but should burn your buildings the fire and contents it would look like ton of newspapers to you Nuconsorrs lll Diiiilop St Dial 3735 Moths wont damage yoirfclothirig if you get USanO lnsurd MothproofCleaning USanO is colorless odorless and harmless to the finest of fabrics gt Call today for quality cleaning plus sure moth protection Be safe be surelt Nil SERVICE IIEANERS DIAL 2471 EQB PICK UP Cloth Coats Wool Dresses etc Cleaned and Stored for the mm at 50cvper garment plus the regular cleaning costs Remember ourthorough service includes careful ins finsunco iii MOTH PROOF tumors SVSIUI of Bill Long buttons tears burns etc INSURANCE AGENCY Vgrwu um pec tion both coming in and going out under the personal direction This in conjunction with our repairdeptrobviates any possible trouble for you by overcoming discrepancies such as missing aWe belieyelhdtyoursupport of the Arena plan Will help Barrie in every way euparrt had checked out olrlrern trad doubted when Ire told lherrr the party had THE BARRIE Agt Mkit SI litllrltil UIIAwA 9123 Geo Bakogeorge Retire 12 Years in ilIURGIC RAKINIEURGIC SE NILES FINED $15 FOR ASSAULT At the lllriitlltilllii ozlrl last tulrredry rttestroorr Iiarl ira iiiarrr o1 trrrp llorderr was trrel RI oat ttlrd irrrorrrrtrriu lll irll to $2213 or ten tlJt rrr prrol for lrzrrrrrr unlawfully irlterl Louis ll lurrrclroirl rrrarraiter of the tgrrrrrr Hotel in llrrriie and xllrreirterrrrri to trrkr lrrrrt with 7r ylttlllt Irrrtlrorrl testrlied that the sold terrroorr til Satiriday April Ill Ilr had been rrrzrkrrri routine cheek lrrp when he rtrseovered Niles and eorrrparrrori IllltltllllL atom the corridor of the hotel atterrrptint utl rrrto room where the oc The two Iii BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA ltltlltAr Low literii llttihli rtry lirr its pro ipirvl itrg lia lterd it It rtlgt llu Tl it this HE fun it rerr rt nae ltle wrr tre Ir Ir rev rrtlr ti llies lllrl 12x tlltliltlll iir town llillr Tigl it It tiliriei ieoiaie Ital1w LLr larl been in b1rirri in liarer tor ill wars rl Lt 11m et rru rrlreirerrt ll Arrdree dad in llama llllt hel XAMINER A8 tut gtIJ lv Section Pages to to KEEP BARRIE AHEAD Business it lie lrlt if ile It lir rill rrl oit 1112 wry tinei iii to ti llilll retrrlri came liee frorr llrriloii in 1007 rtlr llt two lrrotlars lory and Andrew and let rr titre at til llttltlnili Street Ir tlrihf lllltlrli nozv unrated It not rrrztrtf 1933 that be than Ii 11 out into the irirnt llilnllli lorrv llrrlioip me ill the wholesale lllliill lllltllt ant to irrirltvtroriti iti an trtu lli lla rrzrrert business In lfllfr terrzrw itrlo1toiie went into business hr own In 1931 1lltllfllrgtll lrtiel to III llrrlr HI lop Street when 11 Era been srtrz ated ever srnee ltrr Olympia larrrorr titrtl rr always been made Ill 11 own prrrt The llllilltl optnun of the new lyrrrpia orr SipterrroAr III 1931 was quite an ttlll in tourir lien lloltezr if llorrolrrlrr llzrwari and his Sevenpiece orchestra plavetll Vote FOR Arena for the first two operrrni days lee crearri was llerr rrrrreh more of novelty than it now and people jamrrred the More and even Irrrell irp down the street to buy it orchestra ted by one of the liakoueorize sons lilll who now iii the restaurant business rri Selrue irrzreher lllllllll used to play old time music on Saturday nights at the Olympia lll Illrie days llrrr played the piano and Harry Ierr nox was on the eorrret At the time of the burnipi down of the iran lpera llouse which stood where Miclerrrs garage now situated on other Street alv arms It should not cost the taxpayers of Barrie anything to xoor tron the propoutul olterrrtrorrz rrrrrl trrlrrroerrrerrt to the Arena The Corrrrrrreaorr hove every tfflstlll to liclreve tlrrrt witlr opporw ltttllll for prorrrotroo rind IDCttftlsCtl revenue from lorgcr Arcoo the cxrxrridrtrrre tlttllt rrrore thrrrr rrrct each year It is planned to retire the cost by rssrrrog debentures for 2t ycors poynrerrt Will be $883886 your The verrrly delicrrtrrre In View of the good surplus shown by the Arena to the pout three it only reasonable to assume tlrot the Commission can pay off each yerrr debenture from reverrrre rrrrrl there Should be no increase hr the tax rate his word checked out and beearrre belliger errt arrd boisterous lloth lrad bce drinking although they were not drunk Niles had been tiling his forger rrails with tile open perrkiiife and flashed it at Iranubord llis corri parrion held his hand and the two tell the hotel Larrcliord identi tied the knife produced as evid crree as the one in Niles possession at the tlnre lurirord had inform ed the police and lrovincial Corr stable It Lackie had pieked rip the two Withers at 330 iii the after noon Niles said itr court that he lid not rcrrrenrher actually attacking larrrcbord lle said that he was intoxicated and pleaded not guilty to the charge Magistrate Ken neth arrrcrori reminded him that it was dangerous habit to walk around with knife in his hand while in that condition WW Agincourt Driver Giyen Fine of$50 Careless Driving Dean Burrows of Agincourt was given the maximum fine of $50 and costs or 330 days in caol at the magistrates court on morning for careless driving Bur rows had pleaded guilty to the charge and not guilty to sccond charge of illcgial possession of in toxicatinit liquor which was with drawn aftci hearing the evidence Provincial Constable Joseph Jones testified that on Saturday May he had found the truck that Burrows had been driving on the wrong side of highway 11 on the south edge of town near the CNR crossing and in the ditch The vehi clc had been facing west themdirec tion in which it hadbccn travel ling The road at that point was 20 fcct wide the weather was clear and warm and the visibility was excellent reported the officer on investigation he found that the accused was borderline drunk He discovered inc pint of wlriskeyin the dashboard of the truck unopened The accused stated that he had with his family forithcv weekend He admitted having bought two pints of whiskey that day One he held left in Agincourt He had drunk four pints of beer during the afternoon of the accident William Clark 34 Bayficld St Burrowswtruck from the other side of Stroud testified asto the irr= gular course of the truck along the liighwayandthe manner in which the accident occurred William Thompson KC crown altorncymdcclarcd that in viewol thecvidence he considered that the irraxinium fine was deserved NatiOiialfCCP Election Broadcasts 61M Tliiiifsday May It at 745 pan Speakers41ERCY WRIGHT MP and RMOSllER Pres TucsdayiMay 24 at850pm SpeakersM COLDwELLrirIP and in soon NationaiPiesident Wednesday May 25 at415 pm Speakers5M COLDWELL MP and GLADYS STRUM MP NOBTHSIMCOE NOMINATING CONVENTION ICOLLINGWOOD SpeakerAGNES MaclllAlL MPP Maple Leaf Hall Hurontario St 830 pm Everybody Welcome THURSDAY MAY 261940 growing cotton plants and volunteers Willtllltl to save lllt Wednesday been on his way to Crown Hill whose car had been follOvving the nrost directly lltllllltllllt restaur ant Mr liakopeorce served coffee and refreslrrrierrts to the firemen However one mill in Barrie ot the present tax rate of Illli is worth lflIllli AS stirruer that r5 rotcpoyer you are assessed rt $2000 Even if the Towrrhrrd to outrune the yearly dcbcntrrre payments of $883886 the mill role would go up only nulls and that could cost you just about $260 per year old music hall lle treasures let ter from the tire chief of that time thanking him for his efforts Mr Iliakogeorpe rerrrerrrbers also the visit of Lord llyrru governor uencral to Ilarric iii the year 1042 when he drove through town in the iakopeorue ear recorrrparrierl by the mayor of that year Jack Little The present store space oqtlpietl by the Olympia was once llurl burts Shoe Store laeksoris lho Vote on May to Enlarge the Arena All tittittrill we ask oithe Ratepayers to guarantee the debentures This illustration is merely given to rrmwcr those who might say what is it going to mat the tuxpoycr Where Hunts is now located was grocery store Later it be came Douglas Drill Store and tiri rally the Sunrise Cafe ll Bucharr ans Grocery Store was located where William Moores shoe store is now on the otlrcrlside of 111 rOIympia It was later Tony Carri sos fruit store Mr Bakogcorgc has watched the business section of the town make slow move westward Wlicir he came to Barrie in 1907 the main business block was the cast sec tion from Robertsons Drug Store Ry cirlariziirl now our Arena would be the best north of Toronto and slriirrlrl he source of pride and revenue to the Town of Barrie VOTE FOR THE ARENA MAY 27 WHY Illc rim Should be Iiiipriivctl Barrie is the county town bf Simcoe County and the business centre for population of Mulcaslel Street Ws Altdtl about 50000 There is no place these people vr glikvffwli423551 313 would sooner g0 than to Barrie to see maror Elizabeth Street attractions Of music hockey ice carnivals When he went into brisinesS and other features of equal merit htl tl2dizlk 31 mm RR SURE BARRIE KEEPS ON TOP VOlli t0 Allandalc Down at the end of Elizabeth Street opposite the col FOR THE ARENA BYLAW lcgiate herecalls that you had to break your way through under brush on the north side Anothcr Of his memories of Bar rie in those days is that of the Geneva steamboat that used to take moonlight cruises over to Big Bay Point in the siimmcrtimc Mr Bakogcorgc married in Greece before coming to Canada His wife came to Canada seven years later with Peter the only one of the children who was born in Greece Mrs Bakogcorgc died OVCI 20 years ago in May 1020 Peter is now in the wholesale and retail ice cream business in Van couvcr There are eight children in the Bakogcorge family five boys and three girls Chris and Stawsc are ibOth inBarrie and Strat is at the Silver Rail in Toronto Agnes lives in Toronto Athens in Guelph anleclen in Leamington Mr Bakogeorge intends to spend the slimmer following his retire ment athis cottage down near the Iron Bridge to rest and improve his healthJWhich wars thelcause of in his retirement With nearly all the surroundier towns having arenas or planning arenas equal or better than Barrie Arena we will be compet ing with the mfor attractions and playoffs With larger arena lessees would pay more at Barrie With the resrrltfllargi rentals for time Arena more receipts for the lessees TO THESE PREFERRED AllRATIONS WOULD GO THE PEOPLE OF BARRIE AND DISTRICT PROVIDED THERE WAS ROOM FOR ALL lt The more people we can accomrrrodate and entertain in Barrie the better chance of these people some day coming here to live or help the Town later on The more they know and like Barrie their the better chance there is Of them becoming indirect salesmen for our Town and merchants Town piopm would tend to become more valuable LARGER ARENA WOULD MAKE BARRIE NATIONALLY KNOWN WITH CONSEQUENL INCREASE IN PROPERTY VALUES Some people claim the Arena is for the sole use of the Junior hockey team and that there are no opportunities for local boys to play hockey The only reason there are few local boys playing Junior hockey is that they have not developed enough as yet In few years under the present system marry local boys should make the abide That The present Barrie Arenavhas shown apro is due to the fact that the Junior club it each year since it has been operated by is planning to operate Junior Juvenile the Town By increasing the seating capacity Midget andBairtam teams None of these tlic opcratliigfcost 0f the Arena would Very teams can make money but would be used nearly remain the same BUT THE REV as training teams for local boys ENUE POSSIBILITIES WOULD INCREASE IN TIME MANY OFTHESE BOYS WOULD CON SIDERABLY STEP UP TO JUNIOR HOCKEY HIGHER If profit was shown on capacrty of only 1200to 1400 sectsthen if the Arenaseating was increased to 4000 seats the profits shouldincreasc enough to mere than payall costs incidental to enlarging the Arena INCLUDINGTHE ANNUAL DEBENTURES Next year if Barrie Arena stays its this we will likely have hockey again but also qriitellikely lean team We hope to have goodteambut the club could not afford to carry the necessaryreseinof players total 18 to keep up to strength into the playoffs This is one point only apparent to wcllin Ifformed fans George Bakogcorgc has returned to Greece only once during his long stay in Barrie He madc trip back inlJuly 1912 and10turncd the following year in October He declargd that the accused BdJllc Arena With larger seating capamty fortunate not to have beenchmw would be very much in demand over other wirracargiess driving arenas in the district for all important play Magistrate Kenneth Cameron it Off games where large Crowds wereexpectert This is another major sourceOI revenue and passing iiidgmcpt informed the accused that he was the type of would bringmany outsule teams With thous ands of fans to Barrie driver who made it unsafe IOr oth er peopleto be on the highway APPLDBLOSSOMS AT BARRJII MOST EVERY ONE IS CONVINCEDDUN The McIntosh apptes trees in the ARENA SHOULD BE ENLARGEDJT WAS Orchard 0f At Goldlev Sunml FILLED T0 CAPACITYMANY TIMES EVEN LAST SUMMER AT THE SKATING SES SIONS AND DURING THE PAST WINTER AND AGAIN AT THE MUSIC FESTIVAL BARRIE WAs vuuy JCORTUNAJIZ LIN sn CURING THE PRESENT ARENA IN 1945 AT COST OF ONLY ONE DOLLAR PLUS ARTIFICIAL ICE PLANTFOR $30000 WHEN COMPLETED AT COST or $131500 BAR RIE WILL BE PROUD OWNERS OF AN ARENA OF ESTIMATED VALUE $375000 WHAT BARGAIN Road will be worth seeing during this week The blossomswre jus starting to burst on Saturday Mar 14 and should be in full bloom by now unless cool Weather holds them back for another few days As all the trees have full show ing of blossom birds the orchard wiltlmake beautiful sight when group of publicspirited Barrie men believmg that an enlarged improved Arena in oom is necessrty for CNN advancement and busrness betterment have contributed this advertising space so that many important factscdn be presented VOTE FOR THE ARENA 0N MAY 27 COLORED COT ON Cottonvof rose lemon brown 01 green color is now being produced by injecting dyes into the roots of

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