FAtilI FOIR IHl llztltlill lTXAMlNlR BARR thlAth CA ADA In Many Parents and Friends MIII At Piano andVocal Recital ARtllNl Khei singing it hr the 1111 Mm 1v II ihticiniri l1e eisli 11tziii iv 11m lltfr The tit11th l11lgt II 1t1ss Lia item 11 Am til piano an excelli 11 ldu Iltill 121 31147 delightful Iiiiiizbo uiig re 2121 Ilietty lliiiik nilti alii rltl iizirl with ildlliiilii litItl iIiiil rvrr tT Im 1111 11 tiiie his 1111 hiciziiiiut it 111151in gt 111 New Mi II II ML tilpilts Ii can stillli II 1st lilu iiIiil In hum Irma set 111i111o ltd 11 pI lioiii ltilirlt lln llxllulh Vltl IIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII IIIIIII II IIII lIlILitlrIi 51IIItImttl1I11 it 11 1111il11 11 1111 llie remaindei of tin I1t pazt tild1eil Ju II III IIIII III IUIIIIIIII lit pilillllill lililllitl til YlJ lH lrllt IiliI tin 1111mm tik1111 ti IinmIIIIIiliI Master tlyde aiiierom Maiih VI Iii ll Hip1 IIIIIIILII Itlf The iobliiis played by Mastei ltos Fox The lioliiii surii in li ll hml ihllSS Mavis Owens Yellow lhittei 1l tiiw fail 11 11111 llatia iiiti1111 ii 1t II 11114 11 $1 l11 Jell 1=1 iltltll iiiiiieil HI II II iii mil Nil IHHZWD ll mi Iii illnvri lluimltisi 1m Inll him ii Illa All in 351 ll li ttlillll ilitit 11 DJ BI is HT Ti KIHI nil ll ltiitlhiiti i1iil ll ll ll by HI ii 11 gt HHIKI IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIVI IIIIIILIIIIII IIII IIIIII IIxIIII IIIIIItIlIIiIiiiIIIIIIII 1l l111r111 1u1111 11 Ili1I1 lI tII iIII llIIIIltIiIlIlII in 11 iii t11111l lIiiteil lndenuls Merrytioltbliiiiti plived bvl l1lt AN gully will ll llmmmii viiil hilll 1i ti tl l1 VIr =1i 3i il lii iiii 1I llittl iglhllilllltl Mm lmwn hull Mliiil lllllltnlll ljl L1 lil ivll ill 1311 lo ii li All II II IIII III III III IIIIII gm H1112 1I 1t111111 II III III IIAII IIIII IIIIII 11 111 lllii 117 ii ii Yl 1111 mix iiitiiiii li 111l Hi II II IIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII 1In liiliitli1 11 H11 Man if IIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII II III IIIIII II II IIIII IIIII II IIII ttt lhv lsiut iz lftlliiM to tli 1111 bi ii 11 til flitii ill Jllt 1iliigtvltt in i11i11 iiwiir liil 131 It 11111111 1l1 iiiiiriitvi llllllli reuse lw lllllll plan1t ilhs l111i111 191 ifltl Main tolviiian on 1I tIiIIIIIIIfI ti Mias lltll In pkwod by Mi IIIAI IIIkI 13 ii lValse Lento ilzived bi Master l1el II 11aie 11111111 111 the piiilliani llIWIII HIIIWWII an MINI 11111 it l1111t1 ll llitl lltl k1 of it 11 II el ll nut 11 duet Misses l11 21 tlii 11 an lis t111111111 Alix Ii IImd 1w mlmillI mm 5MWII II Vi villi Mi MM mm lll Lin Hm ll played by Mi Kmhm IlupumII II ll llll lliMl lwm MFA The Rose oriiplaiiied suiii liVl liiIiI1 liIiIiiii ilist IlIiiJiiIii 11 11 hillm 111111 il Audrey MN 01 Shhhwh 511011 viiii til dill hilt If 111 llizit Iirtiiliiiziiiee of lillli SlWl llill tHiilllillllllllltlllltll also leseivt liitlilgiliiilirhidmliI liiiil ffiillill1111 1111 111111 1947 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN iii lun lavetl by Miss Sheila More Ill it liillll Allasuii 11f Ancus Frances in Him lllilii1i at their IIIIIIIIII III III SIIIIIIIIII IImIlmI The second part of the prograni liii liili liiiil let Viiilii 11111111 11111Im11 Owens Valerie iiiiiiieil with lliduvvllesvs hr Siliii Shirley Kell la1len1xskis liriuit lltlldll iii the llttilll IliIv Miss Yvonne Laniqu and Miss lll vlilit ll 111i1e 1111 brilliant ieiittitiiiii llIlearior Leiiriox lhiee And lwerirl illllli 111 mu 1111l1 LIIIiI Ii HIM Mm mi lilllllliiill Vimulmv wmlilt lirates played by Master liiis ll lll MM itll 1i filaiil lilli llii lliiMH lllll IN MOIohm Ihhwn ml gmwl 11111111 N111111 viiziz Valerie Dex lieit Mini lir Miislii Ailliiii liii slll lillllli llltll Ml II IIHII ml Hm numbI er Monkeys in The liees pliiMd Itll it lmil llllltlllUH HI III WM WWII hum by Miss Jean uiiriiiiizhain follow Hi ill llllllll 11 with the audience in the see itd Among the other selections on III Illll IlI h111 ItI1Il11I til Illtl Istiiiit May and ti llllv IIIIII IIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIS III INS WI III III IIHIIWII Tth 1h ll with elaritv and verve lilatt Plllyttl lil lltiliiilrl Wiirniea lTellS WOhelO Class Vilia sung by Miss Valerie i1ll l1i11 ll11111ltp1e111t the WA of ltur II III II VI 1I $11131 played by MI lily Illhl Hm fillin iiiiI firmsOstliiine SliIlmtlio 1oimilitj Nllllllilll lltllltlllSl Illlt lltilst lilii lIllli lil Silll 111 11121111111112i 1942 FORD TON STAKlI With il WV Hmrlml MllAHhm 01 illtiiin Sliisslord Seliulierts Ser 1X19 brakes lilies 111 ilis iiil1e lhisiiap who has ha lI lohaiin va lldvard iiitll illl Ietiiriieit troiii Labrador tlmllillllll llllllllltl ml by Smilel bllmllll ilTiJl Mk Hm ll ll Ii allle mil will Wilh Mlmrm walk vammo Ilmliinhlisilgheilii Arinstroiitilllro I1l1 1111 11i111111 oi the ol11lo lass Heart lhals Free was sum by II iliiliitiii ttii lii teiitial lliiiled thiirrh lieid at 111111 11111 Doris Noble Miss Eleaii lllnp3 IFIIIIIII1IIlIlII lTIiiit 1i pvrs Hid MI IMIH mu IMLh mum Wm 10 lists Consolation played by Miss 1I 511 151 ant Dariee played by Miss Sylvia It ll lxi llhitltliiiillhill hlllsldtllilll liririgl Kell Minuet and Trip played by II III III Mrs AUdreY DUSHQP MI Ighhenlp 31111 The Train liiii Lamont Beethovens Albiiiie llllu 111111i1lt11 BAllltllIS IilllITIISIABHSHED DEALER Nowdcliriir in minutes the feminine wnyl lii ll ll11lllll 11191 l1i11 l1111lti11d Street last irViediiesdav c1iiii the well known llalmncra II Ste iliensori Beethovens ori ILI HI Ii Vlmu AlmlIl lll tm llm ill PM men bl BULL 01 11111 111111112 iiiiii iii livis were present at tie iiieeliiiil 55 Elizabeth St DIG due to the Illness of her latli il lhisiiap have reiv iiiter IIIIIII IIIIII IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII lll Sliliilitl liililiilueed llllllitlil li VlSllllll me 059 mu If 90 mom la on the occasion at Florence The Visitors were pleased and 1yll t1 tllllliilll and lllilllhttl be Ia the Immmt of new 1M mmhI Nicliiingales llllllllI Those Wilt suipiisc IIIIII wever were favorably imprCSS by ClUbSv organizations shuns Imm IlliiitllIIi IlIIlllItltI thin ISUIDIeil with the improvements in 11 dividuals iii the town It iiieliid Iour Awnvl dmmw null hallddi cililits and equipment made dur ed new dishwasher and stove MT lli VIII IIW WIMPIII iIIlllI 1105 Were under the auspices of tion and other IlilSCClliin09lS ll 1114 lesson was read by hllS wmmths Hospital AidI provements such as the linoleum Phillm BmKll lilU the hospital Willi fivc nurses tak NUFSCb COHdlKllng 10 itll nounccd the benedlctlonI through the hospital weic Miss dainty lunch was served by Laura Graham Miss Gertrude 1111M 1111 l11II l1I tillliliti lr tlaIxion lox lst vicepresi it the lekiiiios iii liabradiiz small number of citizens obliltl LIIOUDS Ul illlllll IllWmi iiucli of which Mrs iillhaiiis group who won llllldd RUM Vluml H05 Cqmpmcm Mrs Ntllstill ltlts and Mrs ll sterilners in mg llt 111 Iseai dun hit 01 liiiH llitSt tIfllllIl ItltltrlI liil ltdl lilllltlllt WWW Jmtl 310 hDuse and the tea the operating room rcfuiiiisliiiiizs lll llilll ll ill lmlt Oieii house was observed from 011 all the COITldOIS SllillS Md 13 1101 111 Mls Glmmmis group Mm Pm Centre veSPIG Monthly Kell MISS Beth HUddleSlOI M153 biii llllliitl 111111 111l Hll he lLIllilll 11 l11l1fltt at thiitdi abseiiei of Mrs William Gar and illslilayed some of llltll work served National Hospital Day lastlthroullh the llOSllllHl lOlldUltl been donated durinY the ast year uiisl of oil ilrmiortlril 111 charge of the program hau lll mud mmnl Open house in mm Tm 10d 5m mg hi followed in the nurses resi in several ValdS Ofce lCdCCOllil hers read aloud in unison the 72nd uh the afternoon at three wards EIIzabeth LangmanI assistam SIIIII ridge Mrs Ralph Green Mrs Sid l11stiii Mrs Gillhain Mrs Meehng May Vlsor and M153 Murml Boom Bates and Mrs Lester Gumb MrsI CI Hicklings Home inStrucuess Centre Vespra Womens Institute held its monthly meeting on May 12 at the home of Mrs Hick ling Mrs Dawson presidingI with 19 members and numerous visitors attending Miss Petch gave talk on birds which was both amus ing and interesting Mrs Newson read the minutes and business was discussed It was decided to make contribution MARTINABBOTT iBradford Witness marriage of interest to the dis trict friends of both the bride and Miss Helen Shanahan supervisor of the hosiptalI was present dun ing the open house and presided at the tea with number of nurses Mrs Roy Christie was convener of the tea held in the living room of the nurses residence from three to five on the afternoon of the open house committee of members of the Womens Hospital Aid worked with her Mrs Frank Craig and Mrs Gable presi HFCHousehold Finance Corporation Of Canada make loan just clip and mail the attached coupon for complete information without obligation Loans are made promptly without delay This new service brings HOUSEHOLD EiNANCES friendly courteous service to everybody By far the most people who borrow from consumer nance igroom took place in vloronto at IBeaches Presbyterian Church on to life 3131 if tblmd Planls dent of the Aid received the Saturday Mav when Marv Eliz we ma 01 15 annqa gueiSlS at the doon to be held on June n15 at Mid abctli Abbott RN daughter of Mr hum Han For the Citizens Com The tea table was Covered llll and whom Tomn fereiice Community Enterprise lace dulh and emailed Wlth mm became the bride Ill1111M three subjects ehOSen are iinprov lUhps and Spring uowem Pour Kirkpatrick Martin son of Mr and ised home remedies and equip 54 lea were Mrs Thom Mrs Thompson Martin Bradford menthealfh before andafter 40and if JMrS JF MontaggiMIfeed ROV lt ll lVl Keil officiated canning Ontario foods and frozen Crshefgfn exgubon an ls Thernarriage ccremonywas per foods ISNCHALS formed quietly the bride wearing The amusemen prdgram Was ngrir Hag11 cowofiglisoglgs smart grey suit with grey access in honor of the grandmothers and Mrsp Harry Reid Mrs Chagle ories and hat in natural straw the eight of lhem Present were Giofgjanni Mrs ROSS Tumbuh shade Her corsa was whit ar givenvfaVOIS Of Spring hats Wlllth Iliylireeiii itli Prec Mrs Godden and Mrs John nations and red rosesI st were very smart and modern but mm attended by Miss Frances llayloi made to eat and not to wear Mrs Hmlesmn 855mm Withthe serv v=l company use HF 80 borrow the Powder lliiffs fir It for 9550 Hours to or by appointment ing $193905 JO K13 J95 RNI whose sun was ofnavy blue Hook made the lovelyvcake MrSI AI JenkinsI who was taking with matching accessories and cor for the OCCaSiBn The icmg on it tickets at the door was the win for 303 sage of whitecarnations Wallace Wis quite Springlike Iwork Of her of fruit cake donated by gt ar Westons BIread Limited which Household Finance Corporation of Canada Fuller of Lansing and Bradford The ml mieetmg Wlllr be held was raffled off during the after Woodbury Facial Soap 55 Mississaga St East Orillia Ont Vleasc tell me without obligation how can get lom by ml Mm wanolgleSirrrigmatrlie aceremonv the at the home of MTS COChmne on noon Mrs Sentlo Ball sold raffle IF DD bridal arty motored tt June wuh r011 call eaCh mem tiCkelS where reception wasoheltd feel tall be to Say something nice 0f your SCmEWhal larger Inumber 0f MODERN SANilAleNRQlECTlON immediateffamilies at the home of naghbm on the left townspeople Vigited the hospital II Gm the rms parents and from them Kearseago on the occaswn of open my gt Province II3Ing songs the bride and gioom left for HIP Mrs Frank Gorlnqi III IsuI who II 1va motor Upon their return Mr II II III II SUPERJiirurs tor the weelieeiid Banishes phrgpimtion Oduur and Mfs Martin will take uptyesif 511115 ifcmus Sitar1111555 nght way borrow the money you need from HFC by mail iii aAcKEii av7lvtnsorsxem1rmt 55 Mississugu Street East III one mory Name fragrant and easy to IIuse as cheIcreaml Now dehoir the modem feminine way not the dated masculine woy Sleek unwanted hair with SLEEK Elizabeth Ardenls exquisite Stops perspiration illlitlslllle member of the CariadiaiiIBank of commerce stan Bradford before Mrs Frank Goring Was elected going to Toronto to take hjeiinurse HIESldeIt ff ItgtIBbCNRlth Ladles intraining course She raduated Lawn owing at eir an balIJYSOlland somsmoolhp from St Josephs Hospital Toronto U31 meeting OPITueSday Waning rewd llm85 123 about year ago The groom Was May 10 The mating Was hem at HANDIOJONIK lain llltrluw 11 IHt also member of the Sim of the the home of Mrs Bruce Thompson local Bank of COmmerce before go 59 Tlffm Sl ii Gives longerlastingprotection depilotory that leaves skin Gentle to skin and clothing Kcepsyou agrantly dainty The bride Was veryl pOpular BOWlers for nishing touch 125 and 225 iivrniuN MELTOWAYI Ari aid in the relief of Musv cular Rheumatic and Arth ritic pains ing overseas to servein the RCAF Upon his return to civilian life he again joined the bankstaff and is at present with head office in Tor DIETA5Y onto LOSEs GOOD FRIEND Mrs Goring this season are Mrs David Jones vicepresident Mrs Rayner secretarytreasurer Mrs Norman Semmens tourna ment and games convener and Mrs Bruce Thompson social con Special Purchase Manufacturers Samples Cleorinq Lines ALLAT BIG RrDUCTIst SIMMONS co carries ISTORAGE Canadas Finest Reducing Plan vener VANCOUVER C1 Elma Mrs Goring succeeds Mrs 3300 Weeks Supply 531 Senior police horse in Stanley Park ThompsonI who retired thisI year T0 reckilssupply IIIIIII $195 andIIfaIilhful mount IOf Sgt Carr as president of the clubI Dawes for 13 years is retiring to good representation of club 99h life The 0191 horsev Whose members turned out for the meet maSter has taught him many llleSi ing Several new and interested has been the centre of dlSCUSSlOH prospective members Were present by OlTICIQlS Who paYhls lOOd billS and Were given ahearty welcome II Following the close of the busi COUNCIL eons FROGGY ness meeting very enjoyable BRICKS 25 WELLINGTON HOTEL BLOCKI THE COAT STORE BARBIE Phone 4023 SIGN OF THEABEAR Serving on the executive With run Yrs iorthe Arena Bylaw MOOSE IdI3P Frog legs time was spent The retiring whim as an appe izing icacy were resident served deli htful lunch Isilliixssiiimm DIAL 3710 FREE DELIVER unanimity by the div council recently Bullfrogs clog their legs Served with sWeetbreads ging the citys watery supply at to council at supper at local golf Sandy Creek were caught and club