Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1949, p. 26

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GRAC crust gti tl Accounts of smul Hurts and of lsiltin lo ALII from Him and tiiulslc ixc tlbilltrljulil lic tll iiipiiltiuzil IIIUXI lll niini llll fi aw ll Ice Cold GRAPEADE GLASS LUNCH AI BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy 215 IIIIZIIIIlll Sl Lii vr rNOAOEMENTs ln ii ltlt lt tiiriuiizcui It ll tliitlltii ll Uri IHI and ilu lain lift Ion Join li lmltfiiui Hill til Xi il til li iotitr ill titl glam pivl Illi liw ilIlIi liaisitll law ciiiiltgtiiciii tl llaijoiic Ito lanas Iliniij son and li nk lltlllV ltiinu la lilll Ill taki pktti ill ic Itll Oltlulltll REV CROSS ILA ljIIl ltcctor Organist Mrs Roberts SUNDAY Illill Fl amvvll1tiil rzior rum inlii mm Ulml jlon Illll Stivicc ikl lraycr liililc Study riinaiagx Lrlaj lelth Ilcv illi Hill tili fitiiiol non air Miama iiayci url Iiinnci pmr IIVIININII lltlll Ilit lttiil at all tlkziif GQEEL HALL 31 Mary Direct suitiniv 11 lino L30 PJM IlEllEVlLttS llClth SUNDAYscIIooL PM l00 PM riosiiii iiIiING EVERYBODY wraconn Central United Church REV BizwnLL RA Minister MRS IENOVIHI Choir Leader Mr SMITH Organist SUNDAY MW 22 nun 11 amVMORNING WORSHIP Protestantism IllEVENIING WORSHIP Greater than Yotiiscll CIIURcnscnooi II amBegiuners Primary 230 parTheGentraisoimi Come to Gods House on His Day Cfu FREE METHODIST IlChurch 200 Bayficld St Phonc4572 REV AND Mngr CHASE ministers SUNDAYr IVIAY 22 I949 Tune in 900 CHML 830 am for Light and Life Gospel program 200 putSUNDAY SCIIOOL Evangelistic Service3 730pm Thursday evening prayer meeting and Bible Study 745 pm Strangers welcome Come and wor ship with us td Burton AvenuelUrIited Church Rev Carder As Minister Mr Dempsey Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY MAY 22 1949 11 nmMQRNING WORSHIP 10 sinsJr Intermediate and Sr Departments yinEVENINO WORSHIP om sERVICEs in MORNING lyoitsiiir pin Inini sciIoOI lZIIlllt woman pin Collier St United Church pmAdult BibleClass in honor of St Andrews Presby ii armNURSERY BEGINNERS Thurs pmHome League Thurs pmPRAYER MEETING Trinitv Anglican Church Collier St Baptist Church Independent IIIIV if MIItlIIIIJI Ministcr siNnAv MAY 22 win First Baptist Church IIIIV LUCK HAS DD Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY MAY 23 llllfll Sl3tii til Sunday School In Ilic Iinpoitancc of the Common place 1llll1VAllIZ OF YOKIIZS Wort pmtraycr Mccting Itcv Lewis MA BD Minister Lloyd Tufford Organist and Choirmastcr TSIINDAY MAY 22 1949 ll AMMORNING SERVICE Vlllicrc Church and School Meet Answir to young mans perplex itics THE CHURCH SCHOOL 94 am7Iunior Intermediate Senior Depts 19 aIroang MEWSClass ll ain7Nursery Beginpcrs and Primary Drcpts pinEvcning Servicewithdrawnl tcrian Church Centennial Young People W4 ii GOSpel Hall 19 RarksideDrive LSUNDAY MAY 22 1949 ll AM BREAKING OF BREAD PMSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS pmGOSPEL MEETING Wed PM Prayer Meeting Welcome Seats freeyNo Collection The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly worship Sr Captain and Mrs Strachan SUNDAY MAY 22 1949 11 amHOLINESS MEETING 230 gameSUNDAY SCHOOL pmEVANGELISTIC SERVICE Wed pmFellowship Club Fireside 830 pm Welcome Awaits You iwo niiiiits Zlic am tlIJI uztli Incitiaci cl ftic lZaizIc lltrtlm lai c1l gti ll my Ilaad izc sccn tollcciaiv Halal tltiznn their lzi ilazIlc llal lii IIlilll lct ililtl liziz llcwill ol iinl hula tcilt lllt to 111 virc inlrctnl lilll liomc fit xlai Hitci iil lax list Il ll ti tl vl an Lii dc lllltl it ll lill llc ililisl lttidl rf lc sin It ltulici in in llltldllll ll lulcil Ilcolo MN is lillltll ill lt iitiav thzi lill lintlcato ln am an lou liii Iiiisilaiu la lunicl cl hc iii tlill iiui lliit IliiI liic Klillllltl int This c= he iiIawrcnul tlc iiitct ii tluici ll tuuia il lc Im lltlllllttll lhuicc liltiltlll Ill Kitllti and at thc lltl gtscnihly of lic Ill 4th cilics In llll Ilzitisli lslc Iht Ilcll was hoiri tli Slimi lililtiltt tgiiciicc on uugtt li lllilfi of Scottish parcnls hisl icinaigud in campaign to ltilSc lSthHItlti to rcbuild at the carlicsl lallni and iuotlni both bcinz naiiv of Dunifiics lie was cdn catcd in Ilislvops tnivirsity and holds tlic lltltt of lilltlltllll Ill ll from that inuvcisily also lhc linincr Sl Andicws member now rillllt dcgrcc id cundcm tiofii thc thuvcrsity ot Nt Brunswick III is graduate in theology of tin lrcsbytiriaii Collcgc oi llllllll from that stlltltll Incinhci of the Masonic tra lrniiy for lllt past tlpllil ycars he has bccillhc District iraihl tliaplaiii for lotlgis llc is incinbii of llic NinthMount laons lub and is wcll known as an attciitiimcr spcakci Ilis first church was in Iiuio Nova Scotia lnrc lu scivid from lllztl to illilti winit he wa callcd to lllfI pitsch pistoiitv IacVicn Memorial Church Mr lltll was twice clvctcd Moderator of tlic litsbytciy of Montrcal and was Modciattir of lhc Synod ll lonlrcal and Ottawa IilllTlllllii Just on the cvc ol the cclclno tion of their Till Years Mr Bells congrcualiou HVIacVicar Memor ialI passcd through tragic ex lelllitt in the complctc destruc tion by fire of thc church building March ti 1948 In spiic oflhi calamity it is good to nolc that lhc spirit of his pcopli is magni fitcut and that tlicy arc rcscntl Anninrraarg littlli Siiil ll touncil ot tluirchts Itiani llc as izucslf pcalzci clunch in llLiil liilltisl lauitloii lciiiool and Montreal and holds thc dcgrcc of Ilacliclor Beover Presbyterian Moderator TO Preach Here Sunday lll ltliY jlflllllf DELI possiblt importunity on tho prcs lllll Silt ltcv lohn Robson MA In llnnlsvillc will givc the coin munion mcditation at the coni inunion strvicc Sunday morning it Janus lklglllstill niinisttI ol Rt ndrcgt llllltlL Is con tllltlilll lla amnvcisary services The Picaver llebckali Lodge rais cd closc to with rummage aturday May in sale hold on lhc ddfcllows Hall largo crowd attcnilcd thc annual bcncfit Mrs Lorraine OBrien noble brand of tho lodge and large nuinbiI of members worked to makc the sale succcss Among thosc assisting Mrs OIlricn were Mrs Norman Daugherty Mrs Warlow Mrs George Walton Miss Edith Cole Mrs McKen zic Mrs John Swan Mrs Violet Matthews Mrs thtic DrummondI Mrs Ito4 Adams Mrs Lois llodg son and Mrs Glen Gilchrist TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD lllli ilrara Dt Aubrrm lrrahglrrimt illiiirrii or Owen Worsley Streets Rev James Ferguson BA Minister Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and Choirmaster 1349 rmhzig lling 22 1949 1949 ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11 amREVEREND JOHN ROBSON MA The Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be observed piIIREVEREND RITCHIE BELL BA RD Moderator of the General Assembly the Presbyterian Church in Canada Miss JeanLivingston and Mr Harry Shannon MBE Guest Soloists at both services OONORROATIONAL SUPPER Friday May 20 at this pm EXAIvlINER 1llll Rebekahs Roiseu Over $50 Rummage Sqle cd from grandchild ceased her 29 years The funeral service was held in ject of his talk was visual educa thc chapcl of the Ward funeral tion home in Weston with interment in Barrie Union Cemetery Rev the 1members of the Home and Bowen of Central United School Association and the school Church Barrie conducted theiboard who were present at the meeting OBITUARY Ib RUSS l1rll oi Tamar LLlli ii llvltl lli Ila Sollcis t1i lit ltll Unliia ii lit it in Kl Erin Iiilii Rina icinauictl lll lllrtl an Illlitl Illili an it Allllllri HI Ill nlI Zfil llili Ilic Lil ll lnla lirlai Hill thc iiait ul llc 2ll ivctl in ll ilzi dauphin Maigacc ll lit llltl vui istcz fl illrs IaIgtligt llll llililic llzw Moiirori of Toronto Mrs Llovil liarhat oi ltopa satin Sllii all an Soul iwistcd at the organ by kits will Iioimimu llllill laruc Iiiziahtr of iiiiizhllor rclativc iilxil liicnds asscmblcd lo pay their last icspccts to lu hand tricntl and tIu inanv iicau titul tlmal llllltliis ltlnt cyiilcncc of tln high cstccin hc liclil in llltll litarts Thc pallbearers iIaluilid font lllosc ittcniiini from outoi town aicludcd Mr and Mrs llobl Ross Mr and Mrs Marsh and tiauizlitci Mrs Win Ross and illiitlitc1 tln family of tlic lalc lairuc Itoss all of Ilamilton IVIIS talvcrt and daughters and lirs Beth Watson Toronto Mr and Mrs Dalton Iitlin Wistou Mr and Mrs loscph Iilliii ltli andl Mrs Eco lIllis Iack Ellisi Mrs Mark McMastci Mr andl Mrs Lloyd Ilachar Mrs John Robinson and Mr and Mrs Allen Klilloy all of Utopia lntcrmcnt was Inadc in St And icws cuictcryx Orillia IIIRSICII7ABlITII COLLINS rcsidcnt of Ilarrit for 71 years Mrs Illizabcth ollins died at the home of hcr son Iamcs II Collins ftOiiron Ilacc Wcston 1a May 13 in hir ltllnd Collins cclcbiatcd her 102 birth day on January Friday Mrs Born in Portsmouth England Mrs Collins ainc to Canada month after her marriage and year after Confederation She mov Barrie to Wcston seven elected president of the Midliurst ycars ago During her residence in Barrio shc attendch Central United the annual meeting on Tuesday Church Ievcning in the school In recent ycars shc knitted sew cd and quilted to passlhc time She the radio She is survived by three childi ren Jamcs Mrs Victor English Floral aiidGeorgc all of Toronto six grandchildren four great grandchildren and one greatgreab Her husband prede cipal for Essa Township was gravcside scrvicc ONTARIO CANADA lAUTHORITY iii iLEATHERCRAFT To SPEAK HERE Iili lilt iii Ira lair Jan llt oi lixit xiiict lllllJ IIiltl tmtir gtolllill has sci the it ma it the latc Il lili was lziiii Lillil Ming vai tut toaiiiaiitity gioiips IllIUlillll ln ll of tlic illilli Iltl pin Drains llllS pcu idiaii llaialltiall Ztiild who an ill lcillli loEA vs llllll lvl Ill tlall latll is llttiillt1 titsiii gtil ata ic and he vitc lat tll plcc ullllt cniphasis on leath ci alVllit aiai oilni litllllltlllc of ili Iaiiilaial and two ilaibaia and Ross all Jutml tlHLltlUll pciioil will fut tlitsi iolonf at 1h Sunday mornE liiollici Iltllicit li ut IIlZllllUI liiicc Iiiullicls in Tan and Iiillli IIIItllHy hm mumd UH IIln Will known sinarr sane two inork in this craft clcctiuii of Il MY WMrUl Wm Thl mua if mum1 Mountains and linihiiiii For tiltin iaiiu tzutts Utlllllllll will bi lltitl I3 ill ill lllllllllllt WNW Mn Iih litiiczal gtx2itc litEd on littlax Ia til at pin lll thc lunci at lloizic tllll In llllfl lin f1llt which coiulucliii by Itcv We Dicssiiigz was thc lllIlllllIilll of varicly concert picscntcd by lillt Young lcoplcs Association oi Trinity Anglican liuicli last lirii day tllIIlI May Ill Ihc parish hall was well lillcd for thc inccrt liiIllchs ut lllt iicciascd Allicill Iiiiiilt Jim and Don Ross allot llamillon Jack Marsh of Toronto and Harvey litlin of Islinxton cdy which was dircctcil by Ilouo lMatson Ruth liildinaii Allan lirccll Ilowaid liccn Nancy Brown Bill Slittfitltl and Norma Bzikcl ing intermission professional dancer and singer on makeup consistcd of piano solo by Donnal llll attcr tiritlitlis was callc sister loan Fisher and vocal solos two selections Villa and Sinilin Through ings magician salc of articles that had been don ated by the Inenibcrs ol the AYIAl was conducted by Merrill Dean Midhurst Hoime School Association President for the coming year are Mrs Stan also liked to listen to hymns ovcrIlcy Walt vice president Mrs IOReilly secretarytrcasurcr Mrs sco CHILDREN 3TO PARTICIPATE MUSIC FESTIVAL About an rinltlrin tit1 rural public and coitnuinii schools thiunghuut III mighty are taking spa in tin sccniai illlllll Itiiral EMOsic Irl1il Ila Ilanu Anna tuinoriuw night The Imnml is gander the ntnaWhlulx and diiuw THURSDAY MAY 19 194 Sings at Centennial lla SJIlatt hunt rt nnl tor its annua Intcling tor lucsla May 1st The inccting wrll Ilc livid at Illt Ibiai llall Harris and lll tillllttlli at hlti pm non of Miss Iii Al ltuinblc school music StlIltlYiall Ilic Ifotai at of Hai ic is ciiililthtl HI litiilh illtic Il rimming HanaH145 if itlllllg Tlit ItflIVJi Zlilgt cil ILIIicj Ill Qscliools uiidci Miss humbli super illtll III Vispla iliifutilt JIMI lh 3iiistil townships vll as linn grim and lIinaalc liiizii Schools lSluilenis will coinc Itiilli igt fat iwulhmis Ilclli ltl and Imion High School and as at wcst as llioinlon The pioizrain lll fcaluii songs dances ilncrpza choruscs thy illllll bands iliills pagcaiils and iiitticst to thc lczithcrcrattsiziciz oi iwmndmiv Sdmd Chum mum IN totuilv Liiitl all aic ltliliii toWlllltl cirnIii Milli wasi ml5 llmh MW iMaypolc danccs low Illt lJcaltcis aildicss and willm Ill WIMP1 Stlllfi illllllllll QWI iii If llll muiym hum providi an opportunity for IliosciVHIIHIIHil vili at St Andrcukllml mlii ml Hum land high schools Ihc icinaiiniu Itilllllll lllll mirusixd to oisiuss my piobluns Uh mu hundred will be out llu Count Will Irv on tllsiila liic spcalwi In tlic zncctiiiy til in Millotiglall Iltllll Illl t1ti Ullltllllllll authority on lcatiicl iiui txorliuianslap MI IlltllitlliLllli This inccvunt will In of pIiticill llmblic school lllltllill llicir yar ions school boards arc payini thc largest pail of tlicii cxiniiscs Gcorgc Cameron ti Icnc lani St who liachcs at llolly lschool has bccn assisting Miss and Il is hopcd there will bc timid illlltStiilllIltlll prcscnt from Various MIUUIIS Illt WWII lltumblc with aiiaiiticimnls The committee lroin tln llziiiic II tllll ltl iltiilgllllltlll ismiindlcr thc lchaii Htilmlslllp of Eldon irccr Work inn with him are Dick Stcclc Are We Dressing At The ParISh An anymus twoqnck tilitl mu IUIIItlItitl that includtd mixup in William Brennan Kin icinincll llililt at Hospital to Sick liild lolm Wcstinan and William Lowe flill Iltlltl luistlay with llu tuIi Proceeds from this years fcsti trial at John lac tiiitliths tln Rh val will once morc go towards thi llHli rosinII to hospital lroin llaiulBarric District Mcinorial llospital HR in policccscoiitd anitmlanctlFund Durinc ihc cvcnmg the two winlt Sllilt rcprcscntingz thc procccds of lasl years fistival will be pre Members of the cast of llu coinl HM HHWLWU lscntctl to Todd of hurcliill ltiip thc lathcr tlltt station IlLtCllllllllltlll of thc llospilal optialoi ithoi iiittitlis ot Thunmm NW Iaulding band oinmillcc 41 WI lhc festival vill bcgiu at llltl Iolpai III as Li 011 liifhMts are available from tho ml tilt NHL dd mld school sludints anti from members inns Ic oncact farcc Allcn vcrc Bob llood lauliu of the Rotary Tlub Admission LUt right lll my car and came lib or va Ilomcinadc candy was sold dur down to loronto hardly bclicviiii ill could bc tiuc hc said Ilny in01mm mm that my mid hours aitcr it Itlltllttl hospital Its was mm was mm 01 blood illlIlltlllillllltl steady aftcr the play aiid was in charcc oi Ammilml um Wm lw mmlulllianfflifum and Hosp finlh nanicd Iiillitlis tll hospital lhcylmll IllINI ll able to go home bcloic too long dIalthough they could give the par ents no dcfinilc IOIIIIS Surviving are thc parents and fourycarold sister Marilyn Mrs II Crcasy who was the London slope assistcd with Itot niixcd iii 10 musical part of the concert Robingw violin 50 by Sylvmlto thc hospital lic lcarncdthal his Fisher and piano 501 by hwbahy had developed complications Monday whcn the baby was ll bv ValeU Garmm Vamp 51mg days old it llttl of pneumonia llic babys Inc was hclicvcd sav cd licn It is ciwn an cmcrgcncy SPPlll 75 Say that blood transfusion that rcplaccd its 311 DH Mfm cntnc supply ol lth blood lcw mull laI 00 qus Tiin IIAMI II Iomlinson was the cvvn Iollowing the playhan auction Mrs Robert Fieldhousc was To vourz one Better looking longer liming More economical lIIAIs MartinSunnur IOU Pure Exterior Hume IIlini Its the lines you can get Many attractive colors Well be glad to give you free advice on any paint iob you maybe wondering Drop in and see us Ilonic and School Association at Other members of the executive Robert Peacock and Mrs Adamson program committee and Mrs Lynn Russell and Mrs Hugh Andross social committee George Woods supervising prin speaker for the evening The sub EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN PAINIS Al series of films were shown to louum Ar town PRICES JIDUNLOISY Tami BRE Blade Roast Beef OhOice FRESH THIS IS OUR unsiiced DAILY REGULAR 24 Oz Whelediee FREE LOAF Miss CANADA VAN CAMPS FANCY QUALITY 2196l SPAGIIETTI 43in Minnie steaks Tender 59 TOMATO JUICEZII 02 ns 15 oz tins IRolledBrisktor Plate KINGSCHOICE OFfSUNJOy FANCY TOMATOES 23 oz tinsI ARROW BRAND AYLNIEB BRAND CHOICE QUALITY2196 tin TEAS 20 oz tins Graded Size STD PEAS $205 case 24 tins FreshiLeariiSidePorki Lean Bacon squares Maple Leaf Bologna islicedi White Fish Fresh Daily SMOKED AND FRESH FILLETS HALIBUTAND THE NEW SAUSAGE STYLE FISH ILINKS NO PARKING PROBLEMS AT THE BAvaEw Onov CIIRY CORNER OF COLLIER AND CHARLOTTE NO PARKING METERS NO TRAFFIC JAMS LOTS OF FREE SPACE SAMWHITE TOILET TISSUE for 29 SCHNEIDERS CRISPY CRUST RCOPACOP an PETER PAN CLINTON BRAND CATSUP QUALITY zizscgibmwi oz Bottles 29 0i Tim TILMS FIREWORKS wiioii have full line shiltstoctl iiigm areal or Anscoirmerims 08 yaacii year In Case You Cant Come In 5544 for FREE FAST DELIVERY

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