Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1949, p. 21

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History of Simcoe Foresters Dates Back To 1866 TH BARR ONTARIO CANADA PAGE IW EN lMAYOR 110111 13111101111111 KATAHDINS rrtilied Small Vo SEIHUU IlII Cumming 11 11 1t Iil Linipbill Aw 11 III llIUtlt iiiUl on 11 1111111111 T112111 itiili HMl liitiiiitzy its II 11111111 11 1111 lurlli 11111 ltll 11 inc lIV Hi lI 1111111 Althili lllt 11111nl 111 11 $111 11ii wio lo 111 11 AR Isl 311111 111111 liittiIt 11 III 1111 pio 111tti BAGS ETC 111 11 111111 1111111 liilllJiililfi 1lIIlll 31111111 ililitia illlrtll til it 11Ii 12 ati lIlt point 1111111 1111111i llio liniiu 11 illill tiilziniixooil 1111 11 111111 lltI 131 la 111111tI 111111111v IN II IHIIIIIIIIIIIIHI III IIIIIII III III III II IIII ii ii in NH 11tl Lf lu llll Sillltu i111r1l li1iii 36 Ste 3H lll to llililiiil 11 lo 11d 11 ll gt 11 l11111 11111111111Z DIAL 3371 11 lh 111 l111l1ll1l llattalion llltll wit 119 111 IL Ml 11 111 111 11l iillilli the N11=21 Him li 1111 11 1111 11 1131 l1llii1 Liiiil A1111v111111 311 1111111 lulu OIKl lhm kkkkkk l1 Ll 1111 l1 lb 111vl lli l111111111l 1l 1u111il1 ili KI Viv 51t Hl ll11= iJil ll flib Il It 11 to 111 11111 11 l1l1 lhui roiniini 111111 1111 111 11 II lli eek end seIVIce 31 91 11 In 15 lootr 111111 lhw 111111 21111 21111 11 111 111 11 151 131 11111 111111 whoi liar llltlititliliil 11 Iliifli Ilmttalioiix 111 tilltlllltll on ilr hm Mm 111 1111111 111 11111111wr111nrt 11 1111 in twoW11 111v 11 11 lll 11111 South st II l11 llil 111111111 1211111I1 ll II pkg jIU III g1 IIHII iii the lattoi 1111t ot lilli1 riiiliiii SIZES lll p111 iIIIII IIIIIIIIII iIIIII 11111111111 to tho 111111 11111 lilNiIilIzIrilI lin1iiuIluIin rllitials as veteran Sui 1ot zigoiit II rI IIII III HII III PI INHIII III Itlllllitl llll Hindu loft is 11111111 lltl at llilllll 111111l LJJ 1111 II1 km 11 12111111 l1111 gt II II 111 11 born 1111111 llaaiil inn11111 Jitiiuil the l1111oi Soult II LN ANN mph lib11 ilii 11 1111111tr 11 11111 s1 11111haltoyiltaiiadiuiiMotiiitril li l1 1l1111 111111 v11 Vo 11211 it June 11m ADldll littleHi iilill ERINAl lllllii nian tililltllltl outotiiig the iioniiiuoii illegal as 11111 column 11 11I1111 pit in 1111 111 111oii 111 liiiid 111211 lluy E1llll he probably would be titp 111111 Hm Hmm Rpman 21 llll II IIImVi l111i1111ll all xvi11 Xitllll 110 1111 211 1111511 1111 ml Wm rill ll 111 11 111 WI I111 lll 11111115 Ilulrii hllllll Machines IUIHIIIIII lIIImIII III III III II II IIIII IIIIII IIIIIllJmlolalp 111 1111 tlllltlll i1li ltli IIIII III IIIIIIIII TWCIVC BOOTS LOST lII5 101 515 dd rIvars lnd 11le the late 111111Io in lllltl llu 11 211 11 Ire as use coc 1w iiil 151111 Mull tlll III IIIIIIIIIIII IIII1II1III IiIIIII II IIIIIIII Imus lt11111l 1111 NIH II IIIIIII1 ilIlll 1III111IIlIl11I It 1111tIl11111 IIIIII IIIIII IIIHIIIII III IIII III III hrsurhrmx SIMINHI DIWVHWH an 2H mi inllod out 111 Now mini aim liiistiiv 21 111111111 3111 5111111 1117 1111 11 113 ooiiituili lttllllttl lii lllli tlwl llll Minrm ltllkfxltl ll1ltl1ll Sill Silll illlfl NlilV 21111 H1lt 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1111 lilAltll 1ttl111111 111 1o soon 1111 1111 11241 31 1i IKIHIAAII III III II IIIII IIIIIIIII II III IIII III III liloiotl out liioludod 11111111111 ill 1111151111111 ttl1II11H1 to 1111 IHN lI loi 11111111 risiiipiiniis had 1l1111l Hd mm 55111111211 bositioirt in tho Sum11o mm Itll Itll AN An HA I73 lollior St Phone 5571 Kboon 111 rsirtoiioo lor Hlllt youl Im1111 tho Regiment was organ Iixod No My was formed with 111 to months 111 tho pausing of the Act which roiistititos 11ntoo1 Ioi 11ti11 Militia ol iiu Iiltltl and some ol llll complain1 had As the and and tho tlziditioiis 111 1111 111 ldopoiitliiil 11111111111115 passed to tho OOKIIII WIIII GAS llio l11111 so usorl mud and iziisisoon llt Srryuo for lioatin p111poo 111 tho sixth roiiluiy lillfll aiispurlalioii liii llll PHONE BARBIE 4882 my Aswan tllMHES lor lHAIITEIl The Latest for Comfort HUGEIGO Ounce size BOTTLE plus deposit llll til ti boilios which poiiotriitod little llllitltl 111d ot1ltstouii Stibsiquontly Nos 11nd ll ioys of tho Sinicoo Foiostoisl lhoy roniaiiiod on lll until llio end March Two months later wliin l11ll oally all tho Zliliti1 Units had boon disnussod tho loiiians oiossod tho Niapaia ltivor from lltillalo lhoy wort lollowod l1 one or two smalls 11 way in to tho proyiiioi of Quebec but those quickly ltlllltl This 111 1sion rosultod iii almost tIliolwholo 11 tho Aotivo Militia being called out about 22000 troops being 1111 dor arms The two Toys at llari io and tho olliiiuwootl ookslown and Brad1 lord oys woro lliltillIL tho units Illiltltl on active S1itl llio ol lingwood toy was dotuilod lor ditty at Port 11lborno and tho Orillia Coy was posted at 19111 Erie both boinp assigned to the protection of the Wollantl aiial lhoy wero not able to arrive how over iiitimo to ongaoo tho Fttlllilln 1111111111 roiuplotioii itlttl illlHS uiiinliabitod except by gangs in points Iand desolate country it extremely Zeold woalhor with night tonipora iltlltS tolling Ellie most llIIlllt oxporionce of the 2Campaign Iol who had crossed the Niagaiii that IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII l1111s11l Vlhll tho robollion broke out llll aiiadian lJuilio Railway was in tho settled 111 uobro and Ontario and westward 1111111 loil Arlhui to 1111 tootlulls ot tho ltookios tho line was roady to uporuto but for lltllilll and the lillltl Superior Iiailway was reprosoiiled by uncon Illltltll unballiistod louulhs 111 liltli Ion which the only rolling stoekI ooiisistoil 111 opon ballast oars lliiro woio tour gaps totalling 12 uiilos which had to be crossed onI iloot or was 1111 almost in sloighs This unbroken wilder llt workinon at live or The crossing of this wild far below zero was Unfortunately tho intcling tiio compensation oiioniy was not the Provisional Wily 01 the enomy haying btlll 111 lHnllaliou was dolnilod for duty on ready disposed of in actions at the lines of ltllIlllltlllltilllllll at Ridgkwny ml IFM Eric by Mum thiAppollo lAort QuAppolle and drawn from points nearer the scene HmmmmlI July the Wbdmm of tho invasion The other Coy1 appear to have been iiiaintaiiiodi strength which was the highest of any regiment in Military Distirct Premieerdlity Dry Ginger Ale 21 for 25 AT YOUR FAVORITE STORES about their own Headquarters All tlieso Coys were tinder arms for periods varying from ten days to three weeks The Fenians made one more at tempt along the Quebec border in 11170 but it was promptly and et lcctivcly dealt with by the local militia For some weeles the mill tia at strategic points along the lengthy boundary from the Great Lakes eastwards was under arms but the 35th Simcoc Foresters be ing comparatively remote from the border were not called out al though they were warned to hold themselves in readiness and the Companies drilled assiduously The history of tlieIchiment for ally uneventful it underwent trainingat camp generally main ard aS evidenced by annual in spection reports Repeatedly the 35th Simcoes attended camp at No or only surpassed by oneof the city regiments from Toronto At that period there were fteen Infantry regiments in the District In 1876 the 35th Simcoc Flirestcrs trained atgrwith 24 officers and 459 other ranks this being 39 other ranks in excess of establish ment the excess number voluntar ily underwent training without pay Even in 1882 the training strength exceeded that of all other units except city regiments despite the next fteen years was generi tained itself at an excellent stand talion was brokon and the Yorkand Sini coo Battalion rolurnod East and was disbanded Having had Head quarters and lilty por cont present on the campaign the Simcoe For esters coiiipliJd with regulations for the grant of Battle Honor but it was not till 1929 that the award of NORTH WEST CAN ADA 11185 was made to the Regi ment From 1885 until the outbreak of the Great War the Simwcoe For esters continued the ordinary rou tinc of rural Militia Regimen and llhcrc is nothing of special in terest to record other than that number of men joined units raised for service in South Africa When the First Grdiit War broke out units of the NPAM were not allowed to proceed on service as such instead new battalions to which Militia Regiments contribut ed were specially raised for the War The following quotas were contributed by the Simcoc Ijorcst crs 4th Battalion CEF which formed part of the 1st Can Division 130 all ranks 20th Battalion CEF which formed part of the 2nd Can Division oflicersland 87 other ranks 37th Battalion CEF which formed part of the CanadianDivisionS officers and NO other ranks 58th Battalion CEE which form ed part of the 3rd Cari Division officers and 100 other ranks On the 30th November 1915 the battalion designated the 157th Bat This unit left Canada in October 1916 with strength of 32 distance ol room 11111 units north 11 section Six fl11111co regiment was authorized to raise llio l11ltliii1 boloniiod lo tliiu 11s llheihardt lathoi lioniuth and thoro 1111 111111J111oo llii Vmaa liouoli tiio l11i1111dv uuollod tho and 11111111111 llll llll 1111111 gtI1liiitltllt to 11111111117 111 buildiiiis 11l bin1 dian oips in 13111111111 to 111 oslnl lishiiiont 111 311111 31111111 d111s11111s was unpossibli to intilto usi ol tho lSilh Battalion 11gt 111111 111 1111 litld like lt11111 11111 tilliir 1111111111 battalions 111 thi ll 11 had to bi lJIulitlillp and its poisoniinl usod as roinlorooinonls hi this manner out 111 966 othrr rI1nk lllll itoirod iii lnlliiitry oi pionooi littllilllllltt 111 Later the Shutno lWuinsbis were autlioiimil to 111 oiid batta lion 1111 Stltiir Htl ii llii li7th Battalion This unit motood ed to England in May 1917 lilo the llilrflll iilllilllllll 11 ililtl to 111 broken tip and its 1111111111ol thtl 11s ioiiitoitonioiitr lho honors earned by 112111 oi lllt 1le and 77th Battalions bare boot rim stewed upon tho itiguiioiit lo oxist in Canada llll 1111iuon which porpituates battalion which proceeded itoisolig but tlltl iiot SllVl iii the 111111 11111111111 Honors for battles 111 Illltll no fewer than 230 mon in the battalion lparticipatod 11 this minihiuui 1111111 ber served in battalions which ac tually attached or were attacked the Honor is inscribed upoiIitlii Colors in any case all llonoris ip pear under the Rouimonts 11111111 111 the Ollllllll Militia List On this basis the following 111111 ors for the First lroat W111 havo been awarded to tho Siiiiooo liori tors Alums 111111 11111 711 vriiias 11111 AMllINS mums 111111 IIINDENltllltG LINE PURSUIT lt moss The years followingr the First Great War were most dillicult ones for all Militia Units which were cut to the bone Units were only able to go to annual Camp with skeleton establishment However few of the faithful and loyal struggled on and as the 30s rolled along and the ominous rumblings from Europe became louder intcr Iestnin the Citizens Army iii gamation of the Grey Regiment lwith thoSimcoe Foresters in 1936 respectable Camps were being nu thorizcd again history of the Grey Regi ment which was amalgamated with the Simcoe Foresteem in officers and 966 other ranks As it had been decided to limit the Cana IN our TIME Wun on tho mofa Youllligvo to In to juu hams got our 99 1936 will appear in later is creased By the time of the amal sue Howls Flori mubmkavn Mn Pock tln COMMERCIALS tlll tho meet the tLllll Ctilltllllliltri llltlll Announcing M01131 11101 the worlds supreme small car Lookat these outstanding features Designed oii big car lines and then scaled to make it the most economicalliEAL CAR ever to be built anywhere in the world 40 to 50 miles per gallon MonoConstructionfbody and chassis in one all steel saler structure is is 1161113101 feature improved engine design independent torsion bar front suspension for safe smooth controlled ride over all road surfaces with complete passenger comfort Large trunk plus extended floor space when rear seat back is dropped lnteraxlcseatinq for maximum comfort and freedom from dip and sway ilydmulic brakes on all four wheelsSemidloating hypoid type rear axle for silence and to give reduced tunnel height and maximum road clearance The Morris Minor is Supreme in Comfort Seats placed within the wheelbase are proved comfort factor Combine this with the new independent suspension system by Wishbone and torsion barsyour riding comfort is guaranteed on the longest journey Two beautiful body stylesSaloon orConvertible Convertible has easily erected tully weatherprooted hood and glass window Supreme iii Comfort seeiheMoRRIs iMINoR today at Supreme in Economy Supreme in Performance

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