Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1949, p. 20

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TWENTY gt1 11 it 11 11 IL tillt Villllfs 31 Planners Suggest More Beach Areas Set Aside For Public 11 t11 11 Iiislfi iii ltHllSlS Io 11 11111 11 izil 111141 tliil 111 gtl i1 11 111 llt lll lilitlllK vfxliilv STAR ionrd llllilNlll III 111111 owner llllllltlitlt tlio Illillllll of llllNlll tor lil11irs llill ltllll is llUIll llllllll iiid lmlllllJl llllllllllull LIll 11111 t1r1iiilii1s loll ropes and lines illirlivol iiid iitlinut stilloiiiiiu llthUl hoops sails new l11oltiiiiiiil soil after years of lht ltll in the tropics ulitri untreated canvas is ruined by million in short time lIlthllL lioiitoil canvas will not mildew and ropes so ropes will not rot ulioii stoutd tiiisilo stiiitglli llotn rot Treat your old canvas for iniiiiodiiito and lasting pro tootioii XI 11 lltdlilll resist iniriiii growths liul aro not sillijirt to rapid loss ol ot Iooling Advantages of CUPRINOL EASY APPLICATION CLEAN TO HANDLE 13111138 QUICKLY BARRIE HARDWARE 40 Baytield St Thugs MAY MONARCH BRAND MIXED picniis SWEET DOMINIONFULL NUT FLAVOUR PEANUT BUTTE BRODERSCIIOICEGOLDEN BP KERNEI CORN on pus LYNNLIIYALLEYaSTD 19Acuss no FRESH FRUIT AN IMPORTED CRISP LETTUCE ONT GROWN HOTHOUSE TOMATOES FRESH hock off PEAMEALEb Cottage Rolls SMOKED Sliankless WHENANTED pi Malibu marketpriqeilor eggs n1 53 manager to minimum SUNBEAMBSTDiOR mum on arms VALLEY DI VEGETABLES IHcads LOCAL ASBARAGUS RADISHES GREEN ONIONS ARRIVING DAILY GUARANTEED QUALITY MEATS Pork Shoulders r9111 Shoulders WORKS SWEETL Phone 36647I7IIBarrie FRI ST 19 20 21 lii 1llilll illl li liili llilll il p11 11 111111 1353 llllll ILUINH v11 11 111 that ltoolt liSlls tlirist Gods only $1111 1A lito thus louiiiloil and liisluonod Siiull not 1111 l1iil roooiro tlUWll 77 is Lllltll SPRING This is the kind of wontlioi Iho11 WUlltlllIl tor living should 1111 made illouiil All the year 1ound wo lltth that ll soouisa shame that 111111 has to doyoto Tory great part of very short lilo just 111 ordoi to survive MINGlCltSOLI IOi1t1 llilllUNli CARNATION 1135111 MILK 111 27c lIIcINITOSHIGAIETY $3135 TOFFEE 113 20c Donlimo 43002 Contents Only 11 21 Ginger Ale 10c 331121325 11 49c Ab I451 591 49 wayward Tomatoes II CULVEnaovsaoliomu mums 111cm 3197191 1McLARENsMAuzsrorrnn ES CANNEDfMEAT IAM BRUNSWIClILIN on SARDINES 11 30 PACKpFANCYACOHOE SALMON RICHMELLOCOLOURED OLD CHEESE RIGHMLIADFreshly Ground corn BROOADE Sowiees 21111251 ACMELUNCH BAGS 28 TlnlI 11114949 41 361 Lb 54 Pks 0t 70 lo common tou immn 1111 oinotiry or McClelland Reta1Hamilton Mrs Pattison Ruth Toronto and 251 1311sz 1mm 0mm CANADA OBlTUARY llariio Sluyiiir Webster Miller tor Mrs ltoy son John ll tivo prandohildron and two sis III FIIIII III II IIII IIIIIIIIIIII Ed 19115 erSl El iiidmllliitI NlillLllnl Juno oo ol Allonwood connnuii tinned dud Gluul ROOngs Wthh bear the Blsco UI angait to II II rIn II Plant of Birminphain lilllthilltl HIl mdn 51 II11III I1l11 Sprmg Flued pmduct3 backedby The funeral took plan on Sat idlmllhu MI ATTREQSEg long years Of manufacturing urday May 11 at the Church of Mlblh Inlmmlvfmd Mlsiille experience Your assurance Of tlioitiood Shepherd iii Stayiiei llhm lvwm IBHH WW REBUILI Sqtisfaction is the manufaC ANN lumuuw my lam Iilli also livo grandchildren and ten II II ducted llii sorviro lallboarois L4llllilllllClliMW Good Reconditioned turCr $1ntegrlty WhKh ms iort llarold Orsor llariy Cous FURNITURF on 21 lllgll standard of quality ins Vitlroii Davidson Gornld PROVINCIAL tilistIAittil in all products which bear the lruon WilliIani Copeland and Robt Swoonio liitcrniont was in Stay Bar at ltolulivos and tiiinds from He Biontwood and Staynoi loaded the funeral MRS DANIEL IIIIASLICY Oro Township lost another es teoiiieil resident with tho passiiig stone on May 13 1949 The late Mrs Beasley was borni at Roches loinl i1t in 11102 where she spent her girlhood illtll later married Daniel Beasley 1111 1883 They moved to 0m TownL ship in 1901 to the farm on Con where her husband predeceased her 14 years The late Mis Beasley was anI ardent church worker at the Littch Brick Church Oro Station andl sincc moilug to Hawkestono 12lI years ago in the Hawkestone UnI iled Church She was true Christian and endeared herself to many in the village Although in failing health for some time she was confined to bed but for short while short service at her homo followed by servicin0roUn Qitcd Church was condudjl by her 1pastor Rev Shannor he pall thearers were 1Leigh Irwin McMahon BertIGraIt tham Joe Emms and her grandson lvan Beasley Those attending from distance =wcre Mrs Walker West Cuminington Mass William Walk Pittsfield Mass Miss May iTillett Sarnia Miss Shirley BeasIl iley Toronto and Mrs Orvillet1 Parrish Toronto Four daughters and three sons lare left to mourn her passingtl iMrs Walker Eva West Cummington Mass Mrs RI Jessie at home Elmer of Mcaford Wilfred of Spalding Sask and lArchie of Bracebridge also one brother Charlie Tillett of Pon tiex Sask MAiisiiALL CHARLES On Wednesday May 11 1949 Marshall Charles passed aWay in lrie in his illst year He had been Iin failing health for six months the last two of which wre Ispcnt in hospital The funeral was held from his late residence 73 Mary St on Sat urday May 14 Rev Lewis officiated Interment took place in Alleanood Cemetery and Rev McFarlane of Elmvale Uni tcd Church assisted at the grave side The palibearerswere Hare old Spring Earl Trace Leonard Argue John Coe Allenwood Gilbert Sladen Toronto and Ray Doolittle Orillia Floral tributes United Church Barrie branch of th Bank of Toronto Clarke Clarke and The Barrie Examiner Mr Charles was born near Aur ora on Feb 10 1859 the youngest son of Mr and Mrs Noble Charles deceased him His mother died when he was three months old and Mr and Mrs Harman took him intotheir home was nine years old he moved with ship Settlingoh Con 11 at Allen Club President 13 194950 is tainior ho was active 111 laiin omaniuitions BusinessProfessional Women T513711 iifiii51 Install Mildred Meredith m11 11111 Ili Ella pi criblnl All Types of Chairs Asphalt Shingles and Roll FOR SALE Bisco name Dependable THURSDAY MAY 19 19W PLANNING CALLED FOB it is can In Ui titlil lilo WWII Ill Fort quiltta 111 11113111 1411 cun 1iuiio 11s plLLvlliliil expansion iii the which la when but lhtuliCc 131 was stiiall ttlllljlutl aim 135 sor Inllul 11Hll itir iilc Ilnitillcrl iii Illi llLLd MW 11 iVl gt1 iiosu loiiuy lllil tho annexation i1 1r llb lt1 Liiiit il the Helen Auso Fla II 131 Lxus 11 llliune liii li1liiilt llilh lll 1111 lllftfi 111 11r1 thug Umaum in II II III II II II III IIIIIIIII III III MISS Chatterbo Role tl gm ll lUtllll wioio IIIQRT LIIIVLTK IUIII THUS 11 gt1 I1 II1i zlliiL1I w1 11 Ho 1111111 1111 111 11 who IBUrfon Aye Comedy Imuwmw 12 II 11 lao iiil1liiiiii 111 1111 WW Iiv 21111 1111 11 ion111 111 tii tiiu itt tulJKll tlllllltsl l1 xi Iii 11 iiivtlio 1111 iii1111 Tillss Liitittoibox as IIltll 111 gt1 iiiiv ti 11 1111 r21 13 11 111iiill1nt pioituttioii 11 1111111 lt IIIIIIIIII1 Ziriiui initod tliuitli 1ri 11111 tl1g lipIt 11 iiiizs lhuisdiiy and Finlay Kin 1I II 31111 11 llu giliiy lllll1 1111 HI 1111 1v1 11111 111 211 xlJlll lltxli 1J 111 11 ii 11 Ivill 111111l11 1151 Mulldw lVi ii lit iili 11i 111 wtral in gt fl II tloriiieily lhthiIltlb Johnston 311 1l1l sl lli ll lmthlutl 11111 Aii tlliltlSillSllt 11 11l illllltlllxll l1i i1l 11 11 Im Ill Um 11th KUlllllililt 111 11 II III 3111111 l111 11 TI WNW NJ on MI ctllle ti II LL litllll l1 li1o lii iwtli rA hi ill end3 dunX and will LIHHQ lllll ul 11 15 II 15 111 Silos ll11 slur1h tililwl Ihy Villlltl 1111111oit iiiii Minion 111 1111 1= 1111111 9111911111 lhvu 1w iontr dauph Hill MA MIN1 Tiliblllm tois Bonita and Hull wi 1o playod iII Al 1H TIII II III III 5AM 11111111cc by 19111121 and Mziiliii 1o Loiigzhuis 111 11 1111111i1i in 11111 moi 111 11st1ition Hull thi Hycarold sistoi itipl i2 11111 1111 11111111 lll lJlAl ill lo1 ol 111111 um 11 11 111111 tho 11111in 111 hot wattr most 111 tolliigi 1111111 tliiiitl it ill 11111143 11111111111 l1 the ltlllt by her rudi ioinarkgt 11 1111 it 111 1o 1111 ll11 1i lll 51 12111 lunoial lloniix III Hump Ug 111131 11111 almltl her sisters iiiiiico iltlllllttl in 111 11111 tI lfllrlmxh wx AH1 MW 1i lll go Vllltll of tho loo Oakley played by Arnold lltllllll 1111 SH 111L11v Wallii II II II Pi 11ml an in 11 11 two1r 1111 v1 wanton 11 il II IUI oi1111 tliztis iii co11it11v 111 11 111 mp MN hImwbux 1ij hIIljrI NIH PM idly 713111 HTHAIIII3VII oxii tho woild Ioziiiiii thi 11155 was plziyod by Helen Allsolth as IIl I1I XI IW IIIH lli Mr A1instioluiollins talk to nioco of Warner Conway She itiii 11 Ninth lulti Hum IIIIII IIIII III VIIIII II IIIIIINII Illh 1111131l111Illl Ill MUM LI ltoptI tho liosuoliold bur1111 ith of 11111 1111111w 111111 111111 Ill WNW WW lillll her Ititrgtsttiil tliattoi liiiiuis 1111 iill1i MlVI till Ummm Miss lllllilltlllol the town gos lo lo 111 11111 11111114111 77 111111 tho tub111111 this 111 was played by Mick 11 11 11 JOHN ItolllvJtl 1111211 Hn lllilktl We lilVVlllttl with 0111111 nionuiois 111 1111 east won IIIHKI lIIJII loliii ltohoit lllill litll 11 his 111111111 lilttllht lll ironing lloiolliy GUIlIIp as Gwen Darling homo 111 llziiitxrooii List lliuisduy lho 111w IlltSltlxIll Miss Moro iiiond ol Bonita Voroltii 111111 l1l 11 nuts ul1m MAIN 13 15H 11 lur tlbt tlll 111111 artlioiuoit tho inointnzs 111 21111 hum 1111 was WINn 311 31111111 11111 111 on iosuloiit 111111491 11111 thanked them 1111 tho rotary and Jim lilniour as liar llou 111 ail 11 lltlllll lllllltl llilllhmhl ilit INNI 1ill1111111 bostowod upon hor iii boiiil Lowdor iiows reporter Ainioo 111K ll01H liHIIilaHIUIHIH ltllti oiootio piosidont Sho thon pro lornon humor friend 111 War l1iilsI11ou1 and plainly sios 1111111 1111 1111 iI liltitl he was ap Wm DIN pywidum MN UHWIII hu Flhm mm l1h l1 111 l11 lilllllnll wllLttl 111itilltil is tulipetitiIiI lllll lUlll yum anlntlL Wm 9111111 WHI ill Ali mm tho lllltl of her ollito 11 112111 1111 1111i 1111 t1111il1 111 1913 with his wife to ih ll lttltlll th11kod the farm 11 illtllull Siistiiiiotiowiiii IIII IIICL IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIQ WNIIIW BISCO Asphalt Shingles have colours and El lltgt Willi itll Vlltll the 111st world war broke IIII II II 1m BII 1oi thou cooperation dining tho patterns Wlith Will be good style lI on Lo on is w1 111 III Hm NW IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII AIIIIIIIII my IIIIII II111 I1I11II1 ItItIlIlIlIliIlIl llll iiiiinbtis 111 throughout the many years which they View in innit yum imitilmii md mll Hm ll us Roch that will 1111 will last and that isalong longtime 111m Ml mm mn came to Toronto 111 llllll and work Reu Lon ld on schools for number of health and was ablo to work until WII So l1lto tho l1111111 l1tl lisos lllI II yrais loi the board 111 education as 111 will 1s tiit lullN AL and II II1I1IIIIII VIth in IIIIII He also was employed with tho whon ho rotiied after being ltlt MHIII lIzltoii 11 bilmt HHWHU 1o lulu1 ol thi llank of Toronto for lll Innist bionk 11111 1111111ld and llltllllltl Ml Mllltl 35 li yours Chesterfield Seth IIIIIII III Conservative 111 politics Iiintl i1 311 thailos was 11 mouilior oi OCCZISIOItal CllllllS IAll 111111 liiiidois tho plan of hill llltlllltl llli Antilltil llllllll lollior Strool lliiitod huroh and Rebuilt and lll 15 Survived by his wife illIlIIS lilo had bion ii workor III lhiu will build anow 111111 11111111 Alice at llioiitwood one dangle my IIIth DUIhm his Recoveled IONQON ROOFINGS ASPHAIT sumores FOOT AND MlNllAl IUITAUD liOll ROOFINOS ltions in tho lieldsol mining sou wood 11sliories aro to be undertaken this suiuinor by 411 young Nova Scotiu Isoientists working under tho prov lnLlitlI Research Foundation Spo eilie projects include coal combus tion studies and surveys of soauood of Mrs Daniol Boaslcyat llawke115l95 Len Migh Jacky The many floral tributes exl gpreSsed the esteem in which the ldeceased was held 1the Royal Victoria Hospital Earp were receivedrfrom Collier Street Three brothers and one sister preu In 1868 when he Mr and Mrs Harman to Flos town wood corners Hie farmed there until March 1915 when he came forestry agriculture and Asphalt Roongs TAYLOR 80N 22 Davis Strcct PHONE BARRIE 3441 HALIFAX tClt lllVCSllpl AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALS paint specials Ford Carburetor If$800 Giant Stop Light v$425 Cream SemiGloss gal$1850 Sealed beam driving and Ivory Primer gal $1850 passing light $540 Brown Exterior gal $1850 dealers recommend Bisco BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS lTD lONDON 01 TORONTO MONTREAL PORINLUF STAIION QUEBEC 11111 SURPLUS MARKET gSpecials Iorlhis Week Universal mountng Cream Interior gal $1850 Foglight $520 Olive Drab Army gal $1200 Driving and Foglight sealed Cream SemiGloss per gal $395 beam Red Exterior per galm$325 Yankee Combination Spot light Cream Gray Enamel and rear view mirror $785 per gal $395 way light $135 Pittsburg Gray and White Streamliner clearance light $149 Gloss per quart $125 Anti Glare light $195 Murphy Cream Enamel HandESpot light sealed beam $735 per quart $125 Backup lamps $495 $369 $225 ea Scarfes Floor Varnish Grease Guns $450 per quart $200 Pressure Gauge $200 Regular line of Abbotts paints Spinner wheels 85c and $231 all colors 95c qt $350 gal Exhaust Extension $125 $139 $149 Paint brushes all sizes and $165 Oil 24c qt 95c Gal Jet Floes $175 Bomber Auto Horn $350 Hydraulic Jack ton $1200 Hardware ton $1495 II 112 TonJack $600 Specials 11 Ton Jackeg $5100 Aluminum clotheslines 50 ft 69c Bumper jack $300 Large Pipe Vice $1000 ventilating Electric Fan $525 Radio AntennaI $350 Ventilating Fan Vacuum $008 Thermos bottles 95c Truck Flares $376 Wrenches hammers Iscgcw driv ers punches Ships and many other articles at reduced prices Electrical Accessories BATTERIES ALL SIZES and many other accessories TIRES At new low prices all new 475 20 5110 19 1450 21 450 20 $1150 SPECIAL Reduced Line of Rod and Reel 450 75 500 20 $1230 1525 18 $14 650 16 600 1350 12 700 15 Tractor Tires 30 $2000 TUBES 200 211 coo eis 1100 650 19 650 16 $290 to Barrie Mr Charles always had good Bicycle Tubes Skirts armysair force and navy 11111 11111111111111 those Attractive 11111131 1111531111111 1211 11111111111 11111115454 nap Salli Stuntman Mens Cotton Work Gloves HIAIMINGS HS DUIILUP ROOIING MAIEIIMS DOMINION ALUMINUM 50H INSUIAIION ROOF OMINGS 0491 UUP SHIILO Ul PRDILCYION Clothing Army raincoats $500 Mens Sport Coats $1050 Boys 24 pant Suits $1195 Boys GabardineTrench Coats Blue and Fawn $1095 Mens Dungaree Pants blue $279 Mens high quality twill summer weight pant in light and dark blue khaki and fawn shades all sizes $379 pr Mens Bib Overalls blue $389 pr MensCoveralls $495Ipr Mens all wooli work sox 59c 65c and 79c pr chns Fancy Cashmere ox 69c pr Mens Fancy Cashmere Short 80x 9c pr Mens Underwear White shirts 59c Shorts 650 Mens Leather Work Gloves $169 Mens Work Shirt khaki light and dark blue colors $1l9 Mens WorkBoots $298 290 119 speciqisijoiwalnut materials $279 1$295 WliiteCOVeralls $25li2 Air Force HousejSmock $295 AllIWool Red blankets 68 62 $595 All Wool Green blanket 68x 62 $495 Army blanket new $290 11 All Wool Car rug 78 62 $475 1111a

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