until Iullllzllrll Inlet llrrhly liy Monie hill 13ls IIXIL IIUIGRISS tll tl lil ltlll liw ere opened in lw llHiL v1to Illllllltllt ti tillr stallsils alli do to lg indlrstluld Mllltlllllli no tne tlltilllllili Llzllz few weeks the ulllill Il it be laid to advance the lelLiluts ulvtl the Barrie Branch and ii In citizens further opnlzin the aeeonlpllslnneiits oi llllx llil lliltl and to help ill the 1tllll not it is playing the lne oi on ten nulity When the Tag llay lrlzvl lt llt response he enthusiastic 15 Ill IIZRIiNNIAI IPlIMISl sill gardeners are optimists Ilnft be if they are to gamble on the Eillililv aid of the eternal cycle or mourni zilli harvest Long before the snow llsappeli you can see your gardening optimist in actual lle leals through seed catalogues di and makes out orders for seeds plains li blissfully confident that his backyard owl wd hold all the wonderful rows oi tllllllt1 iniagile tliingshe has conjured up in his ltion lint somehow he always manages to find leoln by crowding rows closer than the three tions recommend and by doubling up the lastgrowing lettuce with the IHlllllll inc beets Next year he tells himself hell allow more room for those tomatoes and beans too tllIlOtlglllel this season they will have to get along as best they ran During the digging and planting he takes eluse look at the soil Tlle brown earth inel lowing under warm sun appears rich and fertile The gardener his thoughts fired by the prospects of the bountiful crops it will surely yield forgets that by late AilllirultttlI stretches of his ground will undtulbtrdly parch and pack into rustycolored eonerete By early summer when all plant life seems caught up in vast growing surge tlle optim ism of the gardener is boundless Go within hailing distance of his place and hell drag you into admire the strength and beautyoof Possibly flowering shrubs would add to at tractiveness of the home Flower beds and walks may requireedging Buildings may re quire paint to protect them So why not set aside definite time when all hands turn in to cleanup and paint up Home environment influences the minds of youth Attractiye home surroundings are good buildup to the harvest And by late summer after drought anti blight and insect plagues have done their worst he takes stock of what has probablyi turned out to be only an ordinary yieldHe will tell you that this vegetable or that one could have done better given more favorable In Tumult lllllt Ill loneliness not matter of the Portage elle crowds or roisteringi companions or oliet friends or cstranuement on the empty prairie The fight against loneliness diedges deep into character The need is not for THEMBARRIE EXAMINER Ll ilfllill lelies or Cund 1ltl at 1Clil Ii ti5lls Aymlilxlt tllilf II Itllflllir lr ll 1l1l plain Incl 11 faves iione lort ea Aye rum tll utilise tl on llltfll sad lo it llt lt rlawll ltlltlm lre laws liat lifll ew tifey are sad Ltl Illltlllil laeltel all Elan before lllell all their tune there litilA zni 122ltltlllt privarv of friends by Ill Ill artil so tha they shiver and poke ne is lt tstLllc from loneliness There are but if is not by trying to escape fize gtltllltt1 at the lleeis stops if the heels their liicht loneliness cannot be run allay ioln but it car he run off the pltlll on crowding close to other people but to collie near as rain be to the meaning and purpose of Lite lhe answer to loneliness is ill each person himself It is required tllat there be clim apptleation to hard work that will help other people None of Itllis is easy so the self loeis will never be free of sniffngs at their heels But the face of truly goo person will not be lonely lace The Printed Word EDITORIALROTES If this years fruit crop is to be judged by the profusion of beautcous bloom to be seen on all sides both on orchard trees and the wild eherries and plums there should be all abundance this year tical and very helpful suggestionsr conditions But is he downhearted Not he Hes still moralsi an optimist for another year is coming And then mark you his garden will be bigger and better than ever SURVEYING HUDSON RIVER SEAWAY ARTIFICIAL EYES FOR ALL TYPES William Shakespeare did brisk business at the BIF states the United Kingdom Ini formation office He is an East England man ing poWer and general high quality BRITAINS GREAT BATTLE AGAINST nlrnTnEnIA For the seventhconsecutiyeitgr deaths from diphtheria in Britain have been the lowest ever recbrded states the Infer mation Office ILast year they totalled 150 compared with2641 in 1941 It was in that year that the United Kingdom Government initiated the national campaignfor immune izing infants against this deadly disease Since then outbreaks of diphtherithave also girls in this vital task pent use bly Bonn Germanyapp West Gennnn Republic BallItingrecently leltforeground gates Ten otherdlssenting votes came from rig am coming from two men Army engineers are surveying multimillion dollar project for dredging deepdraft channel in tNewsweek Magazine from the Midwest for defence prupoesh YOUTH AND TREES lTlle Simcoe Reformer htwing group from 31 ui these liedla tro have lotle ll lint nli2s its way lllltltllllltt1llitl where ray tulllpllldllllS suddenly find Ea Carine at skeleal strangers llle city pelple who look an leetlny at Ilol illlllllt Inn llznrle nl lteltl Ily Ill 17 BARKER EXAMTNER BARREL ONTARIO CANAL ll Ill tltl llIlltVrtl fry the ll on ill tollzpany tl Illi1 Zion iln llnl o1 Hallie ill III the lleelliit lilllnuuoolt larry ll lluiovpo lelt Ste Marie near Illlllll lo coninxniorate that cunt the lllzlonla Societv will Slum puntant Ill old fort illltIl Is now lnnnp rebuilt lai and lenllunl were enter itll1l sail drum dinner Nine filmls who were success Now Its Airways Blockade V5 spent nu lllll Ml Ricki iililrl MI and Mr vii1c Ih INAVIL IllimAN LUCK DRIVERSPLAN IIGIIIIIT AT 0L0 FORT an 2731 It lr just Iltlll eals since llolplols Indian ttlItI IItlllol and massacr them with tlIl Jesuits and Mondays liiwanis meeting llltfl 34 and Kev II Ila LuckIn witl an hI fill nlI It lII IIIIIIIIII Ital no ll Slllixll ilnl lIr llellipll lilou in house on Mls All Nlll lllfltgl It hlitl and lUiUIllll Flankiln Hamilton with Ml IIoInll Kale DIKI Fl Idliy Imllgl Illlh and Mt Dllxllt gun spent lzlltt vlek llll lilcn ll IIIM leolpe kn flonl night Ml Ste and His liilell Ml ltlltl ll Mh In HUI for the plnpow ol electing lno dirtlots to Mark McMmtrl Ml ll lIH olnl Mls Allen Miller lls Bella li ler llurlle and Jack Iille lileluiul llll funeral of Janus floss llt hiir Friday afternoon MI and and Mrs Jos Itilcl lai humeral of JulIIlerfItIlIIITII II MI Lloyd Mill Ml Ila IIKIHISHIIJIllli hzlrtle fill in lillln lntarlo Safety its for the calendar il preslntell llll tznio Stifltv Leanne buttons and raid tloln the Safety League and from Iliulgtllv eai Itll with litnus cheques ol $123 the tolnpan lreous to partaking of dinner lllllHtltltllUlllt of Truck Division lllnr llzlll from the Martyrs Silline who has taken leading pail lll restollllu the fort and Father Ilocklnnl spoke on the paiieallt that Will be staged on spoke briefly on the work done in excavating and restorlnl the old fort and the innlest shown by the Royal Museum and people of July LT to ill nex Father LallyI In its last weeks issue the Farmers Advo cate comments favorably upon the old fam iliur custom of having an Arbor Day at the schools andadds that day or two should be designated as cleanup day on the farm there being much that needs doing this day on most farms Here are some of its prac the Hudson River to carry large oceangoing vessels Ias far upstream as Albany It would involve deep iening the present channel from 27 to 35 feet Port lautllorities and some commercial interests also want lilactuler of a1 t1f1c1al eyes suited he says to rm improve the New York State barge canal Imp every human eye on the face of the eartllI At theend of the war he switched over from the glaSsto the plastic type and has since then built up export trade all over the world Russians Chinese Africans Americans and Europeans are among hls Chents 91 pm We were glad to learn of the formation of Nor dllct which he claims unequalled for lmatch EfolkBnys and Girls Forestry Club and the formu lotion of program directed towards educating the younger generation in the care of woodlotsjandl planting of forest trees and windbreaks There is no Imore vital project in Norfolk County than that of building up our free resources and conserving ourI soil The Norfolk Chamber ofIvCommerce haswagedl this campaign with some success over long period of years The Norfolk County Council has lent its ready cooperation and taken lead in setting out new forest plantations om waste sandy land Individ ual farmers have responded in heartening measureto the appeal for treeplanting and soilconservationsi although continued educational work is necessary if we areto enroll all rural residents in this im portant program No doubt the newClub will stimf Illate newlntcrests on thepart ofNorfolki boys and 01 at age 21 Ropidly increasing cash values can provide an education fund netting the Hudson with the Great Lakes to proi vide an alternate route of cheapwater transportation by striding vote of 53 to the delegates applaud as they stand sealed the Assemblys only two he US zone lclsolinel Truck Drivers and guests were llltltlt by Mat llonulli licglonlil Superintendent fo the Ilrewels Warehousing oulpany Limited IlIlllIl dinner messain congratulations and good will from tllelresldent of the tolnpauy was read to the drivers presentations of safe driin Medal Awards were made by Ernest West Toronto and bonus heooes were presented by 3111 MacDonald every faith The staging of this pageant or religious theme is huge undertaking alld lII cost $201010 There will be sealing aecommodatloll for Latin to lltltltl of ptuplt lather IIockban who is under study for Rev lord Lord who wrote the script and music for the pageant described llltltlllll the pageant and what It is meant to represent as not primarily re lilnons There will be modern teenage dancing and rollicking Mr West who is ill charge 0f songs the idea beile to capture Driver Trainingr and Testing for any Limited addressed the meeting Ilw spirit behind the historical the lreLVtlsf Jarehousiu olllpv eyelit llxss MlIny MacDonald of To on llfllllt regulations safe driving Iolftl Who will be the leading accident prevention and correct lplanisi was also present and play nlctllods of truck handling Stan Owen of Toronto Super ivisor of the truck fleet then gave avcry instructive talk on truck operations explaining ill detail the check chart system now in use by the truck division and wllich all drivers are required to maintain Details of truck repair preventa tive maintenance mechanical de fects tire failures etc were tea iured Corporal lohn Lewis Barrie Patrol Corporal for District No Ontario Provincial Police who was guest at the meeting tended congratulations to the suc cessful drivers expressing the ap preciation of himself and his stall for their accident free driving dur ing 1948 They were urged to keep upvthe good work The Company also were congratulated for taking such active interest in accident prevention He remarked that it hasbeen quite noticeable to traflic officers that rms taking such in and their trucks rarely become in volved in aceidelltse sionJAllan Scott of Barrie mov ed vote of thanks to Cpl Lcwi5l and Head Office Personnel Har old Prosser Parry Sound two year winner expressed thanks on behalf of the drivers elevator here is being constructed tercst in safe driving usually enl ploy careful and courteous drivers if desired I3 Low annual premium lower premium rate Watterworth Divtston Manager Barrie eg00aazne3n000 rowWare Mw Give 333W jHeadIIISiart against the time Iwhen he has to strike out on his own With Crown Life for policy you can do this easilyand at low cost 8100000 Crown Life for policy bought for your son at any time from birth to age 15 automatically becomes 8500000 policy at age 21wich no increase in premium LOOK AT THESIE FEATURES No medical examination on purchase IiGet this protection for your son while he is stilla child and cam Call Crown Life representative today He will be glad to explain the plan in detail to you Cnown LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Establishd Homo Oil 900 Toronto Nixon General Agent led several of the numbers that comprise the pageant all of vllicliI vcre enthusiastically received Guests at the meeting includedl Very Rev Dean Clair Ilgs Ilonor Judge Harvie aild Lance RumblcI Chairman for the program was Clarke member of the executive of the Huronia Society Flynn extended thanks to the speakers and ll lisher tot Miss MacDonald Following round table discus ROOM FOR MORE WHEAT CRAIGMYLE Alta CPI large annexIto the Alberta Pool Capacity of the addition will be 45000 bushels THUREDAY 3M 13 PHELPsTOITI Sin llu ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL Mo we vr rnIi UllltNlTY llolsI2 noon spllial nnrtin of the members of lllr HUIll IN will Ill Ilelll ll In Illillll ii Ill 15th Bren tat ll tut It StDAI le ulire III Special Meeting IIllh Sillule SullltI luspllnl IiII tllllt on It tllfllN Canadian Investment Fund Will Give You Iroleclion of Principal Attractive Stalllc Income Tontlnnuus Expert Supervision Ready Mnrkctullility Write for full details IMiIner Ross Co IAVI ItbllllflVl INHLITIIS 330 HAY SIIIlIICI ltIIIUNIU mm Mm Illlllllllllll Ilruntforll Vllltlllr llrunlplon Theres big investment behind the gas for every car Finding oil and bringing it to youin the kind of products you need and at low pricesis big job and takes lot of money Behind that dependable supply are fliouSOnds of Canadians engaged in nding producing transporting refining and marketingworking with tools that cost hundreds of millions But the investment in those tools is your guarantee Of odequcile supply and minimum price FIRST the oil must be found This means expensive equipment and the risking of money in patient search single deep test drilling rig is worth half million dollars and one unsuccessful well in the Alberta foothills has cost mOTe than c1 million Then when oil fields are found they must be developedjjilsf to drill and equip one well in the Leduc fieldcosis about $100000 SECOND crude oil must be transported to renery Tank curs pipe lines and ocean and lake tankers are the vehicles large pipe line may cost $100000 mile lmperiolslorgest tanker just put into service cost more than $5mi1ons THITD the crude oil must be rened into hundreds of useful Large and complex refining units are the workmdns equipment here To meet your increasing needs for more and better products Imperial since the war has added refining capacity to proceSs on extra 31000 barrels pr day The cost was morelhdn $30 millions IOURTH the products must be marketedthis means they muslbe made nimbleITO you when and where you need them The tools of the marketer qre such things as servic stations truck fleets coastal Ships barges oil drums and tanks This equipment too adds up to millions Canadians are using twice as much oil as in 1939 To help meet your increasing needs Imperial has sought ind found new fields built ships and pipe lines erected new renery units instolled new marketing equipment It coslsImoTe than twice as much to do these things as before the worI II gt The money we neededloldo these things cdme from borrowing from the sale of investments and from earnings put back into the business after paying dividends This money is helping to provide fliItoOIs to bring you all the oil you needInt the loWesi possible price rallying isu big lotfun really one IMPERIAL on LIMITED If youre interested in facts The price of gallon of gasoline today is about the some th Iof distilled water pnce 0f gallon For years before the war the wholesale price ol gasoline dropped almost steadily and although it has been Caught in the general upswin 90f costs it nearly as much as other commodities as net Increased Since 1939 the general wholesale price indexhus more th gtlp9tr16um PmdUClS Pricelndex has advanced by less than lwgIfhffflslbIEd bm the On its 1948 Operations Imperial earned profit uivole gallon for egch gallon of products sold IIIOSB than one cent