Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1949, p. 16

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Mosliys heat Ionic irrlii it Works on OMRCttitlDNHSBGWELSLIVER if ifi rr irr PAGE CIKAIITTI Titinguished Officers Visit Dis liiirtiir ini lil itt iIIt1ti ilti Ii 1i iiroi TELLS tiltiiS OVER 45HOW10 tiilE c1rn izr ttlvltiih itlil full years youngertart 11111 lrir exit Ioioiito man how rtih eri eri rm ll it luf 11 Kl he ma rimi real iiiaw liolpWith Moxiiy it Tonic or your money harl Co to your tnm 1110 Iriqu lmttiu irit it ltwlp it gmM Avnilnbln til nll DH and DHrnrt rrcni inluoiliid 63 World Jirin lttliiitritnrix ltd Virtlbnl Ont til solidiybcliind its products The Brantford Roofs sell create lot of good will Every Brantlord Rooting job handle brings IIIC others sooner or later proves they give complete satisfaction Ask for Brantford Asphalt ShingleswSeoleddnSiding RoiiRoongr0 Building Papers Roof Coatings Asphalt Mastic Floor ing Waterproofing Materials BuiltUp Roongs For sale by Dingy weatherworn exteriorsond scuffed interiors come beautifully olive ondglowing with Ramsays points When you wont point for onylpurpose spify Reimsuysi they havebeen used in Cdnodq for more thano century and theirquality is uniformly high Your Ramsay dealer below will show you colour cordscind give you every assistance in plan ning bright future for your old house Barrie Hardware Barrie Ontario RAMSAY SON COMPANY for over 100 years THE RIGHT PAINT To PAINTHRIGHT my gt1 ioI anti in For iii Jv rir ttftiiiilrii QMt oi can In tm itw mum lti HIP11 Thats not surprising because the Brantiord Rooting Company has been in business over 40 years Its Canadian company Iitlicvcs in high quality And stands Which The 1111 11111111011111 Cold Iltt HUI til Illti BU tIII ir li rtrsr ir ii tui PA All ll lH Iitll iii lii if in litllili tin iiilviai Fri ill iii Min iii rit Sum 111 In ii iii lllt liiiiir 11 is ill rrwrir ir iri tl1liirlctl uri rrnt ill taunt lr liiii tiiaizarr ciiraiiirrl taiiip liiittlili trr ttlillltlt lllt lttr irrwi illil ii itliimiil rim iIil tien ilr lli iioiioiw Tiilil lilir Vi trim ir1iiifi Cviili iizii ll Ylr litAt ilillligt ic iEv ililvlulj tJiiUiJ Iii ll ltiruitli ll litt Stlitirri Illitl iliiitl lit liiIitil Ziii liar lltI iitliMlI iii School IfilfrvlTlltl his liiitlttl lio School ltlllilttl lir iiIi llu cciiin Maiinn liahanr lili lit ilIiiIl tlri ittS of gt FERNDALE May lti 11125 newstrut011iiim iltlt iciro 15 llt licean mirth ior dour0x to irciriircii litlttth Iln colon of gtIliitirlli uul fr iriulhucs Mr We tg of Barr rlt illtll our school teacher unit kind it triltl to all also the found er of the idea of the club We the itltililltl aniroiinii that from thliirti Ma l6 lillil thc ciirir luill luv named the Wort iriowcr dill iii honor of Mr Wcsi it any in tlrc school urea 198 No they are Iltit$ltlilt lttlSLtil tact tlrc ioiiowluu active irrcnrbcrs Mrs Brooks Mrs llrcotiiarri Mrs Squires Miss Johnston aird Mrs Dowson tlrcaw it lS iiITw rm tiic iricinbcrs At the Home and School conrcn turn we were given to iiirdcrstand that the Home and School lilttiilitll Iirrust not take part in any political controversy Leave the talk of do prisltion and all it stands for iii the care of our Council We of the Home and School As who been iron most adv sociatiun are concerned with all problems that rclatc to the wet fare of the child in the ironic school and community MRS wnowsolr shroud May it Icrir iiceiby and lltll liLaci arc sporting new cars Mr and Mrs Payton Toronto visrted git11s Fred Wiee on Sunday number from here attcnrlcd the VWMS Picsliyterial at Crceiriorc on Tuesday We are pleased to know that Mrs las Campbell is improving nicely and able to retiirir home this wcck from the Barrie Hospital after an operation Vit Small Improving Nicely number of volunteer carpent ers made splendid start on Sat urday toward rebuilding Vic Smalls residence destroyed by fire awcek ago The frame is up and root on and other groups are plan ning to complete it from time to time His friends are pleased to know Vic is improving nicely al though still in the hospitab Death of Mrs Ihos Reynolds This communitywassaddened on Sunday afternoon when word was Reynolds predeceased her loss than tivcs IVY liiuiri lJlll It iiiiilltiiii lillil llliJ lillll lirgt ir=iurirmii at lrtfi lliiirldiill lzi In ritttlttl lltlti in Alhix tiiiic er litor of any bereaved tairriiics received if the sudden death of Mrs Thos Reynolds in the Barrie Hospital Mrs Reynolds was thought to be improving nicely at tcr an operation in April Mr seven months Our deep sympathy goesuout tothc suddenly bereayed son and daughter Everett Rey nolds of Toronto and Mrs Pfhan tier of Mincsing and other rela THE HARRIS EXAMINER BAIERIE UNIARIti CANADA i1i ll Sprimllr Iiiicii Ior liii tarrii iiiiniircr Alllllil ll iiii iiusriioxi ii iiltl ilil ll1i tttl til rih tilililtl it illi lltilltt lliitllt rrl irzml rrrrtin oil lifrw tirrarci rt liit111 Ministers 013le In tiltl Tlii uhrir iir ilic l1i iiwiriiiti tltiiltd to Shana ittlr 11iljtlltiilillt iftire iltl llil Hi 111 iirioiitir lrrwltaiii tiilt Kl tllilt ol liiiizun Iraircc the My lllt1 lir nd it zriixxwi to thc on Thu lini contiirirtrv pitccii ill butnitsziititrivat riirlsk iiigtgtia purirrancnt dclcuiitc of liitain and Jean iiaiircl oi lllIlt littlli diiixillls ltt illt UN rir rrrrroiiirccoieirl said it can lH said sirciiticallv that acicirrrcnt has been iiaclrwi zrlri tirrt all icstictious uripmcd tlil II Itlillllfx which irrc iicciillic sulr Ftitil iuniriritioii trill hri niutrT alii tilted tiii an lliititl iiilliiL thi Iriuicii of Verdun ilnrrterl til he hold The ouncii irt iiorw tlLLil hillllnltiS will consider que tioiis relating to iciniiin andI piobicirrs arisini out of illc llilili lion iir licrlin including HIM the question of ciirrciity Ihc next day the dates wcrc aui iroiinccd lirc bioikaiic was to be titled May l2 and tire ouncil ot Fortrun Ministers to lilttl May 23 Iloplcs around the world if pericncid Nurse of relief l1lll news of the understanding trccariirtl known Berlin had burrito powdcrl lute tiir it irarll appeared that new orldrrl rrrruiit bc irrirciieiioti in tlic ruinrd city IIli itiliiitl rciiuaii capital mt litpl alive during lllt blockade iryl the air lift Supplies of food and Coal were flown into the city from the West by transport planes at rate which reached more than 10000 tons day The Council of Foreign Ministers wiilumcet inIaris to consider questions relating to Gormany and problems arisinii out of thcsitiia lion in Rcrlininciuding also thel question of currency in Berlin It will be the seventh parlcy of lll ministers since the Council was formed in the closing days olthe Second World War The last incul lugY was in London late in 1947771 77 that time the ministers did not even agree on what to talk about Western leaders iravcservcd nol two that the establisinnent of truly democratic Germany will be their price for agreementwith the Russians at the forthcoming Big Four talks Several Western leaders have iii dicated this keynote The cold bat tic for Berlin has been ended by agreement Now the East and West face greater test of strength 713 struggle for all Germany BTit who won the strange battle of Berlin Both sides claim Vic ltory While there was more thanI one way of Ionkingat the turn of events the claims of the West ap peared to be the more valid After all the Russiansfailed in their if fort to force the Western powers out of Berlin ASBESTOS IS BURNING The Riot Act was read in Asbes tos Que on Friday rimming and an enforced calm came over the lasbcstosproducing triwn Some 2100 members of the Catholic Workers Syndicate have been on strike since Ecbl3 The reading of the Riot Act fol lowed clashes between police and strikers the preceding day Twelve policemen and i4 strikers were in jured Reinforced provincial police by Friday evening had arrested 125 men wanted under Riot Act chargtl as for their part in attacking pol Mm ice and banleading roads Mr and Mrs Isaac Specrsiand ROSPonSlbilily for ThUISdRYS June and Gordon Spcers and Mr on April 30 Bachelor of Scieiic With Honors honors at QIPPns University Kingston Congratulations 10 Elmore cm ence Spears son of Mr and Mrs Isaac Spears who has obtained his degree of Bachelor of Science with clashes was disclaimed by union and Mrs Ivan Mason attended the OfIiCiHIS They said tiles men had SpamsLuna wedding at Kingston been trying to prevent an influx of strikebreakers and had set up barricades and resumed picketing Arrival of plainclothes police at the blockades they said set otfthe trouble Objectives of the strike againlst the JohnssManville Company are tr Trim iwrdzir titilli Itiill5 itiii tgt liiilflrtilt ificiczice uncar i1 liolci iii and ii Itto urine ILI it gt itll iv ii 11 rttll Illll lump ritfi 1t lrrii ii llll riflitllillr poi it iiiiici llitr liur tullitilrlllix 11 ill hard can lot out it iizdaalirru riot iirruii ill timid itll how loin rgrplliatiIii iriiitrili it iiilti ch ii iririll iiiiiiivlw Ill ou Itriiiill ircc INitlillil liuiri ttIlillri Ltlll ilIllllll iirrl oirw rlllltllllll oilicrris ADVANCE oiiiiiiiiilixt lttlttn llit WIiln from tlrincsc iti just irriius iai llllili iawfiiri of tir Iir tiurciniuciit tittcirilvis of tin ciiilini liriid Satv rrrii lliitl It va lrtlllltldiiltli lit Iimt coirlciciiic of lliiiliiriii thrust on ihc citys outer iiclciicci tilitlititilw rircr liltIl iitlltliltthltllf llrc oinnrunist tionr lllirl liliiiliii tlu ii tlicy had oiirirrunist lIillllilli tlliitllttlif irinaii protricn last iltitlttil hilly niilcs ioiiticst of Shanghai town of in NH My Idm 1w lagthiiili Nitllttlltllifil lltllilcil they llaiiip itsMip Inrlcil Silltgt Ml NW find Jam liashlnus airfield and indicted Ina gi iossvs city two attacked irrrirrriiirit lroiii lit tirc lniicii Nations Ivirr llIl titi lum lhldlrq mu wml mm hi Wlim JPN mi Muhk 1111 ilt ot the llilllllll in tho Shari Ni iii gll mpmmiw inmmm turn area The iuncsc orriinun ope HEnvv SUMMER oniivme AHEAD NOw1is THE in to tiigtlt centurion 16 warrior ii lrr 10 illi inn tai rmi in ailmiit lirii 11 Ill ilvlit tliir 11 it ttliil it iwuan to ii if in illr ll Kriiiiiviizrid ii riru Milt lfild Yllllu In loirn nlri thc ruickciiri rrlh rli Fiirtoii Iiri if and Mrs friion ititl ltiilii Ivaw on Monday to attend Mint in Toronto ilc Mason iei2r1irii Ironic on tuiinsiia after ten daus at 11 iliuzci boot it Mono Mills Mn Hill and Mrs oxrald xlro harr spent the white in Ottawa 11 luck at their ironic litrt Mr and Mis lallir Erans iiiu faintly illiiric INllttI Mr and Mrs Wrrr oward durini tire wwiaird MM Martin aird Paul of Shanty liar and Edward luiirri of liiit irirrr llltrl Mr tlltl Mrs Max lliill on Saluilia Freezing of Illll and Meals Iirc tiiriulruist Wourcns insti lillt rroiriorid iiort course in the toiiazruuitr Ilall Iiicltliy May it on The Licei111 iii Fruits Viewabics and Meals Misx Mar lililcl iiivcis ot the Home Econom rcx litrtitll of the llcpl ot Auricui ltllt rave lllt titltlil and showed iricluus iiw Myers illtI the most iirpotinl lining to lltlltiltlitl in liceiri food is to be very quick io litiittgt from the litllt iruits and ilrl2lllt arc liltllitl until they rcaci the cold storauc is lilt iiinit lso it is very necessary that cicrvltriiig be well protccicii lllil1ill cartons and ipllll in Vrii tIltlrl to ltliltll lcxtliic and flavor vllrc course was well attended wrtlr Hlltih lrorrr Dalston lIdgzai tiowcs and ilillsaiiic ists cut the iaird route to tire liin use rrralnlaiid some time aiur The are now lnltitlllL the capture of ii city only 33 miles from the in United States naval liiischl Isiniir tair it An intensive Ciiiiipaiun to carry limitd Stairs radio reports to the IlttSrlltll pcopii took new iiirii over the weekend Irouriuns are now being directed iirto the Iron Curtain over til trans uiltlcis The broadcast intensifica tion canrc Just as the Russtans were oirizcrvini Iiadio Day One of the claims tirade during the celebration was that the first radio broadcast in history was made in the Soviet Union Russia has consistently set up blockade of noise on radio llt liucncies used by United States broadcasts directed at Eastern iiurv lKENNELs OPENED IN CAMP BORDEN Rrprintrd truni BURDEN xi ith tlltf llllix ME MI limpiit lLl iii lrc loaidriir ltllti tilitiil ri Plow=1 IIQ Iilr Irgllu 21Itivi prirntriiii lull in rhli ml illllltlt iiari strays tinw kcnnels can also be trial to hill pcy or itltctllnl iliotb The chain are iraroniiriu tit iinls it day llilct tlnlltrlh lltlllllb lit cxvlclirl 11 llt will be icd siratcrrr fircri lilt oui t1ltltll zircvvilv viiinil to ltllill to lt and rains azisprcts lllk i=lgti ii=l lI liri itioirtrr 1i il lilill will xcicrzs Airy i1ilt tcicd by tltlltitlilati tirizr All iiarric writ an cxitr charizc Although docs must be on lilll how that run at large or commit nuisance it that human tlri 11 will be iiripoiinilvd and held Ji lir If the dog is llllliLllltltl it will be held lwcnhwtour troli and if not claimed will be tlthliti If rcuistcrcd the be notified and on payirrcnl ot iii iroaiil bill it Will be released Airy log that is llllptlitlltlttl altii anyone incdical examination for iwo work unless the owner can show proof that ihc dot has been inocuiatcii 21tlilli rabies IrCpI Sliirddock ti Irir oy has been appoliicll Ntti in charm of kennels on nci lll bitlnl will bcfori bcini rcicascii 211 eiiii 111 iii1x rir it Hi min tlfti tll it irvn cw liliri in ll jvrr to II pii tiiir more I111 the im ll ri +1er piriiir loiimong flit ll llmlE held for Stein It Ingaill Ill ytttll llljvllltlitt lllll PI ptiicd iii eoiirpait Itllllll lmolrlit in llltll you may kccp iocord of tour lionds and Stocks ll ilwtiiilw tcgzirditljf your liivcsliiicuts can lie iiiliiilirtwl loi rcilil Itltltiltt cop of this lltllthltl will lie gladly filllilrllttl on ttlllitrl intnNDSEcmirms iron lluruu Eric Bldg 50 king West London Toronto lciodll iEI piii If tin II lli uiirl ltili l1 ll ram iaiiwir rnI rzit inch il thIIJ trr in no tr Hill at tor lioll 1liti rur lltlrlltltl other YOULLNEVER GO BACK io ordinqrygasoline summer or vwinter once you discover Dynufuels 010mi iiiiiriiiir iiitiii 111100111135 POWER riisLiijcririurioii 40111011 suns Forbou results dont dlluto Sunoco Dynufuel wlth other gasoline Walt will your tank nearly ompty then not In 10 gallons of Dynufuol Com pare action calm the Qbon gasoline you over and

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