Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1949, p. 1

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GloverOrangeville Opening Ceremonies at Music Festival Program May 12 lhc opening of thc Iiitcrnatio on ltiursday May 12 at Bar In thc torcground the 801 gr to Ilorticll NY nutrclicd 86th Year No 33 HE BARRIE EX Aulrttktill Ytt Hist iial Iicstival oi School Music ric Alttltl is picturcd abch oup can bi sccn playing thi first sclcction during which the 111in School hand than icir seats Standing at tlic cxtrciiic icar of tlic stagc is thc Rivcrdalc follcgiatc Thoir IOSI lllltlL VICTORIA DAY in Victoria Day May 21 llhI lobby of lllt Iod tlicc uill llt lipcu lioiii ant to ti pm but llltl wickct wincc will optratc only from Ill am to Iltttill lhcic tII llt no dcliyciy of iiiatII In town by ltlltl IilllltlS but rural mails will bc dcluciid tISI usual Spccial IliIlWl Sttlt will bu gucn and mails will ho icccircd and dcspatchcd on tho usual Stllttllllt SUMMER iiiEArRE AT SHANTY BAY AGAIN THIS YEAR IIans ari iindcr way for continuing ot thc Sumincr IIicatic at Shanty Bay undcr tlic leadership of thc Kciiipcntcldt oinniunity llaycrsf Qucstionnaircs circulated throughout the area Iiavc indicntcd dclinitc dcsiic for sccond sca son of dramatic activity An open inccting to rcsldcnts ol Shanty Buy and Barrie will be held in thc Shanty Baynlrlgill on Tuesday cvcning May 111 at 831 Everyonc intcrcstcd in drama is invited to attend and dctiiiitc plans as to thc summcrs program will be made Last scason the players prcscnt cd coincdics drama and skits to packed hall cacti Friday evening Dances ltllttllilti5l of the prcs cnltitioiis and local talcnt was also used for musical numbers and two liillxlciigth musical comedies The dccision to have Summer IIiciitrc grew out of the interest in the Barrie Drama Club during the winter months Following the scason qucrics were iccctvcd from many parts of the province con cerning the venture Nearly 150 persons took part in last yearsproductions and next Tucsday cvcning will mark the be ginning of plans for 19119 19 DRY BUT NOT DItlEST REGINA CPI Even through month spotted with hot weather and frcgucnt dust storms Regina did not have the dricsIIApril on record April 1949 wasth sev enth dricst on record when total rainfall was 19 inches In April 1931 rainfall was 03 inches we SWIMMING Barrie Recreation Council an nounccs that the swimming pool atCamp Borden is now open Those interested may contact the recreation office at 4805C TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD llit Newcomers to Canada Theme of Missionary Meeting Collier Church Ifioucis tioiii Mi titton gJit tlcn ticiitcil an atiiiophcic oil Spring tll tIic Sunday School mount of ollici Sticct llllllttl Iiuicli tor the May incctini ot lllt Wom ciis Missmnary Aux iiii lilnl IItlr lay May Iii Mrs II IltllllliI was in cliaigi ot thc pioiuaiii lhc tIic Jl tIiciiio ot piogiaiii it all ports of cntiy by ioiiic iuciiii bcr Ill thc Unich Iiiircli of aiiI ida or story tciiticd pailiculiiilt around Mrs Idllllitltl whoscI work at Halifax harbor ha bccn outstanding Known as thc Iadyl in bluc Sllt sclconics cacli boat load of immigrants and helps tlicm with thcir problems ilr Mrs Icigliton larkc rcad tlic story of the loud Samaritan in llllStl to the question What is our responsibility lhc icadinzi was tollowcd lll1llVtI Thc incmbcrs wcrc wclcomid to tlic mccting by Mrs lrcd Lloyd Mrs Coodfcllow and Miss ioridfcl low by Mrs Jack Couch lVllt licwis synopsich in most intcr csting inaiiiicr tlic portion of WIst of thc Grimms dcaling with tho work of thc UnitcdIfliuich prch in Cliinrr The president Mrs Iii sons closed thc mcctnig with hymn and bcncdiction CIASS IArL BY GHANA SILONII Itiit IIHARIIINY irom Toronto On the sainc photo was ballot corps froi licstiyal drew capacity crow appointed music lovcrs Wcrc tlllllttl away Some Pupils llllilli Go To Ivy or Thornton Starting in September Ilvpoit iiI tcgiilai ititl Spttllll iiicctiiiizs of Ilssa School lloiiid Illtil to thc icgulai incoting incitith of the Board visitcd th Dcpaitiiiciit at Toronto whcii lltl ilccomcilt to Canada IAIIS Aiiii inattci of accoiniiiodat ion at Angus ISllttllu icad an iiitcicstitig account iof Ilti llltSt iicwcoincis wcic tlitl tiny cordial and sympathctic rt ctption was accordcd our propos als Iillli icipicstcd tho Illlll niciit iccogiiic the fact that lamp Itoidcii from Vllltll no taxation llln ayailahlc to the Board wcic primarily 1cpoiiltiblc for thc situ Iatioii and lllt Iloard suggcstcd spin ciiil nssistziiicc in ltlltl that ncw accnmiriodation could be providcd with thc costs bornc on national rather than local scale lhc Ministcr readily agrccd we had madc good casc agrccd thc cundiuoiisa represented in our bricf wcrc cxccptional and prom iscd SYIIIDZIIIHIIC consideration Within few days the Ministcr iliscd thc Board special IcgisIaI was placcd bctorc lllt lttllltitl1i Altor zi bcautitully rciidcicd solo tioii would be necessary in udigy to provide special assistantcf and liccausc thc picstion was vcry broad and so many wcic atlcctcd the dcpaitiiicnt did not fccl dis posod to prcsciit spccial lcgislatioii at thititimc lhc estimated costs of providing adcquiitc ncw accom niodntion was $0000 45ft of which would 4pc met by the department The future welfare of your comrades in arms the vctcratis of Canada declared Garfield Case MP Owen Sound speaking at the District banquet of the Canadian Legion at Club 79 Barrie on Sunday depends on your contin ued interestin the Legion Orin vcterans legislation in Canada is some of the finest on the books anywhere regardless of politics The Legion has been able to keep its claims before members of par liament Politics and religion are not factors in the Legion But the Legion by continued vigilance can keep pressure on any government to see that veterans rights are re spectcdf Mr Case said that organized thinking was the only method our Again EleCted Legion District Commander Comrade Harry GIUVCrI of Or angeville was reelected district commander of District Canadian Legion BESL on sunday it the semiannual meeting at Club 79 Barrie Comrade Bert Phelps at Richmond Hill was returned as deputy district commander ac clamation Comrade Sa our in of Woodpridge was returned as sports oicer The elections were conducted by Comrade Gordon Thompson of Kitchener 2nd vice president of Provincial Command It was record meeting in Bar 2rie with 30 branches represented and 238 delegates of whom 51 wwere accredited and 188 fraternal lFollowing the parade brief cere monial at the Cenotaph and ser vice at Central UnitedfChurch in the morning 262 Legionaires sat down to dinner at Club 792Presi dent Alfred Harris of Barrie Branch was chairman and the chief speaker was Gareld Case MP of Owen Sound Areport of his ad dress is carried inIanother column For the business meeting in the afternoon the chairman was the district commander who presented comprehensive report of his dis if Zone reports were presented by the ve zone commandersBert Phelps Richmond Hill Harry Rinn Tottenham Bob Bibby Bar rie Bert Hawkero Gravenhurst William Huckle Bracebridge Comrade Bibby chosen com mander of 134 zone only several weeks ago following the death of Manning of Goldwater wel comed the Angus Branch No 499 to the district and offered his help and that of the branches in his zone to the newest member One minutes silence was observed in memory ofComrade Manning Hulse of Aurora 3rd vicepresident Provincial Com mand gave talk on Citizen ship Comrade Hulsc urged that the Legion branches set up or as sist in forming in their communit les committeesto teach new arriv ads in rCanada about citizenship and toediicatc them in publicat fairs so they might take their place as citizens number of resolutidnsi were put forward by the various Jones for ameptance Major James Jennings ofTor onto Department of Veteiaris Afu fairs gavearesume of the Work his oiceris doing in welfare work Comrade Bilyant Toranto spoke on Housing Deputy Commander Phelps pre Sented his trophyfor vepin bowh log to this years winners Wood bridge andrthe trophy was accept ed on behalf of the branch by Cpm rade Baggs Comrade Phelps sug gested that Orillia last years win ners should hold the trophy for several months prior to Wood bridge sugge tion was put furward that the time and place of the next meeting in the Fall be set by the incoming officers and this was agreed upon by the delegates EIBays Toronto chief service bureau officer of the Legion spoke on one of the most important feat ures of Legion service for veterans pensi0ns and allowances The district commander called on zane commander Bob Bibby to close the meeting promptly at 430 Garfield Case Stresses Importance of Legion system of democracy can cmploy to gain any recognition The voice of the individual courited for little unless one was 2i gigat anthority as Roochelt or Churchill The claims of the Legion he as scrtcdmdbecn very reasonable considering the great wealth and resources of the Dominion All tr it Ii iii Im lti iti izt In iiiigt zfmtd tini IIu ilit Ai Tia 15 ll BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MAY if 1919 KEENANS MUSIC STORE MOVED ACROSS STREET new Illl Klal in for inldzigtmi Iii il lllllltl of tn lttillt gt twin tritiiiii ill iilil ttV gtttll lit iioit iipeiiic my hcl i=i pini 11 iii 11 llit IIu lrldli iil laiia lllt Ktlthll Ilililll 13 tti Iitllttl it locatrii on Dunlap titiu 1111 hid lltliMIIX It ltlll ill Iiiciiiui ii Hit it it Ic liziii Ilook Stow it in llir lit ilii iiimlittiil llllll irltnl it iiii1ipii t11 ol was llitlt IEIci 5i the lltrvtlli Itlldi itixl Mind Mat tliirn ulwtli ll an aim to tiic rogrzun but not shown in that wiitt mathit etvvii on tiltIitgtittx loioiitu Ballct School The of ovcr 2000 and many dis Photo by Smith Studio be coiisiiltcd bciorc could bc sold Your Board living toiin wcll llSllllHllttl throughout tlic cipality fclt tlicic was no possibil ity of gaining tioiaiic dcciriioii from thc ltiliptitt it this how and wow coinpcllcd to gito con sirlcialioii to olhcr tciiipoiaiy inca surcs which might bc taken to iv licvc thc situation It is ii gciicrally icccptcd fact that may no school accomiiioda tioii is bciiig provtdcd for cliildrcn of tho Stcr IS omwl lhl ll ltlttllltilL sciciicc and education had anip Aica Iiildrcii of ciilistcd pcisoniicl icsiding in Angus vcic partially rcsponsiblc for thc ovcr crowdcd conditions in that IlSllICl uicetiiig ujthI ninpmBorden school authorities was arranged The rcsults ycrc as follows All childrcii of ttlllSlttl pcisonncl residing in Angus district would be ivacccptcd Ztl tlic aiiip School provided IIssa lSA Jpaid tuition fccs The military authorities agrccd to piovidc tlic iicccssary Turn to page eight plcaoL COMINIG EtENTS Dalston garrlcn party lluirs day June 23 Hay cnIitItd Miss Chatterbox and othcr trilciit Itiib Bingo llltllltlll May 23 fl piii Legion Hall wcii St lilics Auxiliary Good prizes 33th Dancc cvcry Friday at town Dancc Pavilion to Ellis Mc Lintock and his orclicstra 27llllTl Dance at Baxter Friday May 20 to the music of Paxtons or chestra Dancing from 030 to 130 Btfthi Dance at Shanty Bayllall every parties in the Hause had Legion members in their ranks and they were ever alert to the interests of the veterans am not one of those who claim that our country owes every man living the speaker con tinued but do assert that this great Canada of ours owes every man and woman an Opportunity to earn living must cherish our freedom and we must not forget their lives so that we might be freehand alsoNLadhase of you who risked your lives in the cause of freedom Be of good cheer and sterling courage forward rilookin in all yourundertakings determ ined that no subversive element shall undermine our right of self cxpiession or our right to think for ourselves This was challenging moment in the history of the world Mr Case pointed out But he was cer tain that inculcatedin the sons and daughters of Legionaires would be that same courage shown by the fathersin their time of test Looking at Canadat9day with its 10 provinces since New foundland joined the Dominion the speaker described some of the the wealth of resources which have been barely touched and de clared it was challenge to roll back the frontiers andrclaim the rich treasure which is ours He pointed outIthe tTurn to page eight please need always do GARFIELD CASE MP Above all we 29 those who gave vast expanse ref territory some of triet schools 11 Beeton Cookstbwn and Dis Wedncsday night Stroud Moun taineers Admission 50c Lunch counter 29tfhtTi Dancc Guthrie Community Hall Friday May 20 Music SlIOtltl Mountaineers Admission 50 cents Lunch counter Bilptli Dance Orange Hall Ivy Friday May27 auspices LOL 450 Ad mission 50c Lunch counter Stroud Mountaineers orchestra 8tfbt1i Lefroy Anniversary Sunday May 11 and 730 Special spcakcr IRev Williams Music BnkcrIIill Ladics Choir 33351T Bridge and euchre St Josephs High school Wednesday May 25 pm Atispices St Josephs High School Auxiliary Admission SocfWr 33b Entertaining program St An drcws Lecture Room Film That Bay Joe Tuesday June pm Sponsored by WCTU Admission 25c 3334I Dancing every Friday night Becton Community Memorial Ile creation Hall tn Norm Burling and His Kings Men 900 pm to 100 am 33th Afternoon tea Legion Hall Own St Thursday June Aus pices Ladies Auxiliary Table Vof Work bake sale Itos pm Euchre 815 pm 33b Dance Craighurst Hall Friday tIic balaiicc by lasso Itilllllti llici iaicpaycis of that would Iiic to chniiturcst mutii Auspiccs Cooks lllitllitl uric yvil InfilIidl iti normal ttllt Ill Barrio lcciiiii lwi lull ttl IlIlltI uni1c laiiich IIiu IIIItiitlil Iidwaid and itl Illt ltltll now littlltllttll Imiitl by All Adcliiic chiion oit lttl soiiiiiIiv Vciiioii Ilook Io ni iiccii llll thi Itizlt tii in siticl tian WiirurrORn liiitiotd SPEAKS ON MUSIC SOROPTIMIST CLUB Lloyd Iutloid iiiiisic stipcryisor tot tlii Ilarric tliiitil was spcakci it Hit May Ill diiiiici iiicctiiii of tlic lizilll Soiopumist liib Iicld iii lllt tommiinity Ilousc In his tttltlltSS ctillllttl licsigii tor Listcmiig Mr iIiiIloirt Xlllillllttl that an uudcr iiiitiuu and knowlcdgc of good music dcpciidcd on IittIc tiiiiiiiiiizi iii lirxtcning Ilc iiigctl that pciiplc itllStllliilllIlli lHthtIl innit 11111311 liuc to llic iadio and phonograph giant Mr liillord liillSlt now playcd Ia 1lltitl part iiiour daily liycs In to and lcarii good ziiilcd lllt littttt51tlStiIi to bc tiliit tttttliitllllltl Willi music Ichryoiic is born with an appro riation ot swcct sounds and appreciation ItpctitlSroti what we niakc of thc lllillltin when they riitci our cars If it tiiiusici is good AIHHIQII to bc apprcciatcd by majority of pioplt for grcat length of timc lit hotnines 11 classic Out of Our Iprcsoiit riiodciii music thcrc havc growii many classics but tlic ina iority of compositions are forgot tcn bccaitSc thcy lid not have that liisting quality Anothcr factor to consider said lucsday May 211 has many at tIic citizens of Bar Kinsmen Club are the children for the afternoon Their first project itractions for tric but thc taking care of that A5 INE x2 Page to Ir In Three Townships Neighbours Organize Volunteer Work Bees Unanimous Choice It ll2l1lr In as Ilit itlltlltlillt inc StlWlI as iiicii to ifh pin but was Illv intonation coinciuioi mid ltl llitlli lay iI11Iit ciriiar Mi Illllltltt lIl iii iriiilii Iic playid av ltl oi o1iliiti llannvl lIISIlllllltlllltI and win viz in music xlliilltl IIItll41v Illttl wc arc to appicciatc town to ti IItiIltsl cxtciit Mi il1itloui 3io iiiciitiuii of tho ioliii iziii Itiii to lll grciit Itllilllgtl Iopconi who had Icyclopcti twi Immin which was still tlic gimrh implv ot irtiiosity lIic spcakci tclt that li cdticatc lllllttStlYtK Ill orn trvnds inaniisic as torms ot art and clizingcd did toims iI lIicrc Wtlt ticnds iii llit idiom in symphonic ioiii liivtzii mini bitaiim Itlt St ciatcrl by music CHIHIIHNII Mr liitloid and llllllI xii llllI stood thciu ic tt nusHr inc Vi thing good in modcin tiilirzt Miiigaict rhlaclmchlan lilttillttii convcncr introduccd II He was Iliankod by Alina livc Bicycle Rodeo II Sponsored by Kinsmen Collier St SundayXx School Anniversary it ll of twin Illi IIiiv Bach had ttIIttl in known as itic llllttltlii llt itxplaiintt tllI to Iiiii IIiitloiri It v4 iii1IviIiii lif iIviI tliI1itl trll in 11 121w am lYllZ 13 Lip iioxii ltli7I Milli ii tiic Hit tiii ilii lil tilt and Mitt lII lzirii Aiiii lti iii lloidca Itli ltl ioi it i1 Ll lioiiic io fiiiiall Lt Itiiital 11 l3 tiiiiivi taW orrvi1iidoci iIittlIL Illvaii at Iidcdr inc ipzi iii TOWN OF BARRIE lit iv TO SIGN CONTRACT FOR 50 HOUSES tlic town cniimll Illltltll II IIllll at Monday night tutor was tdoptctl tiitlioiiliiig lllp Aliyor and lcrli to sign iii igrcc II iiicnI uitli Itllllil Iortzzagc IlIlIIIII IIIII and Housing orpuration to II II II IiIIII build 30 lltllt iii lliirric IIIlI IIIII Ilicw Iioiiscs lll bc Iiiiilt ot II II II lIiII four iiid Iiyc rooms iiul vill IKI ttit ilioiil tijtltt lliv sill III litr Iiii III for ttlll only iiid pritcre ill Iilikllitl tlllt ilI lic giyiti lii ctcrans in till Ii itat lIIc council ilrcill lIZIN ip it iwi iziiiidi plitatioiis lroni 110 Itriiilics lltiicr ITll of thcsc may Iii otInr icctilllllllitldllll II II III tlu titiic llll fill iiiw l1lll II IIII III ill IIlI III iri toinplctcd probably bi llic IIII II II II III Ii Hill of llllx car Itlitl cw tlti it lhilc many miinicipiilitiis II built IioiNs iiiidcr llllh plan Iii chit in it c1 lilliiilx liltd during lhc uar and siiicc III lil tv iii Iiuoii iiid tliIsc il Iic tlic first lltll Ec Ali It Iiiilt ti Iiuusc to lic built in lliiriir Itoii ii rim Iiiliisvtny IIl it IIIII and tilt ilttt nit cit do IttIHJs tilitl iiii ANNUAL law 11 III tlvl oi ltllitlWI Iiii iltt Nclmii ipu in IIliil Adams Ilay FlSH DERBY =Iill II tl IIItlitali ltUIILi atxuo iiic Wild ioodtcllow lIlIlll xvii no til Iiy Illdoii Iiii Ittn Iixmliitl and Harry UNIV tumer HM VI IIliitll Vi lo IltII iii HH HHH immhxl Wm in tlltltll IiiI tIIIitI ltlltl Vtittl Icci Iltti Ill Iliiiiiw on lricstlzif ll li Iltlortsz lirulbccn lllllllt to lit iiir Iu AlttlllllttYJ lltlItl lllt iiiitlri on Monday MayIIVI 15 llllillllI Ilil ii that long tycclond tIIIISIIlll IlIl ll1 bi iiiimmi but tho iisiiit III IJWII ldl WW mum Milso Sill illd bwii tttllttllrl ll biopic otlitcs lttltw bank Ill llmwll 1th iilici tlkltt to tho public HII Iltd ltlllllllil iid tlicrc wcir rpm m1 HHHHS mf minors Jilltl iiicw Iiy Minx i1wi uillpimidi 4iitiitziinuiciit Ii lllllitll HI ZIIi toi hiw ltltllll ot Iiiiiiic and tlttvl ctciaii or liitiiS iric llli lyrith tho Itliitliill tlll Mr MC itii lillltlt o1 tho dav will Iiiitautnoy Illlil li his family Iihw ioiiitli inniial tiin dczby ot thc tfiom Viigob util list Frill ll ltzirim liiuiibci of oiiiiiicrcc Illttll7tili 11Lle Mouto Ililtli hows Iairzc entry ltllllitllllIS litittttIlI ot Ill Legion and lill IIIIIIS scason thc dciby IIil lliltltilttlllil la inoinbcrsliip dividcd into two lIilSSth tilit toilto Midfiiiii llltIItitllllilullttl boats and thc igxwpg luv Vtm for may lItiici toi Iianrlpiiipcllcd iyclniIfi Wm mow by up IIic tillltSl opcns at It iiii Iucs pmhiws Mp j1iImiy mu day morning and closcs at pm Amt to tho nali amount if jmm MW and moi IIItIl afraid wed have bcin no on tIic sticct it wc had lltll in tilII Ill IVICCIHI iicy said hc was auiazcd to think trophy and sporting ctpiipincii alticd at $10 arc tIic piircs in titll class tor thc anglcr who lands tlii Iaigcst indivulual lakc trout Anothci Empirc Day VClili is the Kinsmcn Clubs towhcclcd since organization is the two bicyhdcirorlco for children 14 years The Church School Anniycrsary wheech bicycle rodeo to be held was observed last Sunday at ol the pcoplc would do so much to Iainin that had lived in the community loss than year at Queens Park commencing at 230 pin Heading the committee in this event are Jack Shenton and Dave Pccvcr with recreation counsellor KenRobinson directing major portion of thctraffic Thc rodeo is limited to boys and girls 14 years and under and There are three events and con testants must enter in all three This allows the judges to declare grand champion who will re ceive new bicycle Nine other prizes are also in the offering The races are the slalom thc Ibalance and the newsboys These events permit the judges to mark contestant in reference to speed accuracyand ability to control the bicycle while balancing The slalom race is similar to that of skiing Contestants are timed while they ride given distance upon which are placed Iobstacles in the form ofpatcs or kegs Points are given for the speed in which the course is cover ed and performance in avoiding the obstacles The balance race begins from circle on the ground The con testant rides along short ramp to sixinch beam which is two inches from the ground They then ride down the other end to marked area where he makes May 20 Modern music Lanch counter Admis sion50c Prize for best landing couple Auspices CraighurstCom munity Club 33p ChilliWilli Club barn dance Elmer Gibbins barn Stroiid Mon day May 23 pm Novelty and spot dances Floor Ishow Norjm Burlings orchestra Admission 50c Lunch counter 3233p Bazaar sale of fancyworki and aprons home baking and after noon tea to pm Wednesday June LOL Hall Elizabeth St Auspices BlueHaven LOBA Bin go at night 815 sharp 33b Annual Music Festival of Allis under direction of Mrs Ida McKclvey will be held in Beeton Recreational Centre on Friday May 27 815 pm Adults 35c students free 313335th1 Bazaar and white elephant sale afternoon tea Saturday May 21 230 new Sunday Please bring your white elephant or give to member of Junior YPU 3233b Tenth annual Essa Music Festi val under direction of Paul Mc Kelvey will be held at Thornton Arena on Thursday June at 815 pm EDT Admission adults 50c students free Township Hall Midhurst pm Proceeds for School Assisting will Ibe the Simcoeaires double quar tet 32361 and old tyme circleTend then repeafsshisper formance Points are awarded for the distance fcbvered on the beam Vwithout falling off The newsboys race should prove interesting Thisds also judged onfspeed but the contestant while riding is required to throw folded newspapers through wooden frames representing door win dows and verandahuaf house Points are awarded for the speed in covering the accuracy in throwing the news ipapers Rules and regulations are It igtestants must not be over 14 earsof age on the day of the eVent t2 contestants whose ap plications have been accepted must report to the registrant at Queens Park not later than pm on the day of the event contestants will be informed in which event they compete first and the order in which they cant pete in the remaining two bicycles must be standard two wheeled bicycles motivated en tirely by the feet cycles known as sidewalk bicycles are not ac ceptable 51 any contestant whose application has been accepted and finds he cannot compete hand his entry over to another boy or girl who qualifies under the registration the rules but chairman must be notified immed lately of this change 30 applichtions have been received course and for may lier St United Church The spcc ial minister was Rcv Frank ll Fid lcr BSC BD associatesecretary ot the Board of Christian Education of the Unitch Church in Canada He was assistcd by the Sunday School supcrintcndciit Neil MacDonald Thc Sunday School pupils occu pied front pews for the morning service The music was in linti ing with the day and includcd tlic choir anthem Grccn lasturcs and For All Thy Caro Wc Rlcss IThccsung by Litillp of girls from theSchool Rev Mr Fidlci brought an inspiring iiicssagc Ihc Flowers Spcalk For God Besidcs the supcriiitcndcnt the Church Scliodl stall consists of Sarjcant secretary Moi rem trcasurcr Perry Cockburn and Alan MacDonald Ianiciii opci ators EllZlelliVVIIdmtll pianist ll Thompson missionary supcr iintendcnt Heath missionary ifinancial secretary Mrs Byers Mrs Ill oopcr Mrs Galbraith Mrs Bloonr Johnston Primary Mrs Miss Grahamf Miss Gray Commands 35 Battery MAJOR JOHN CLARK TOHCDCISI Nursery fltttiltlltltlll field Beginners Miss West Miss llf Rodgeisers Graham Juniors Miss Bylcs Miss lH Nettlctou Miss Hampcl John Couch Bcrt Cook Synnott Intcrmcdiatc Donald Currie Senior lohn Matty esan Russell Bloomfield Mrs Lewis Adult ABiblc Class Walker and hpdci It begins at Quccn 00 lvownship Ill WWW DmI 3T2 30 01393 On Monday of this week there IF 11 IIIlu LL was work litt ll thi Edgar dish tiict Ililt score of farmcis hlitzcd this farm of John McLean For lllt post fcw necks Mr MC Lcan has iiccu laid up with plcur At Churchitl the animal May 24 softball tourninnent will bc staged Last your Harri Motors captured ton moch but vet arc uncer tain whether they vill return to IV MII Mflm 1135 99 ddend me me carrying on tho tarm work while also caring for licr husband and four small lllitIllTlL Mrs Mclmzin lliltl worked and Turn to Ipagc cight please Public schools in l$40 and tho iollcgiatc Institute willhi closcd but plan to hold thcir cchononics on Monday Gen VIIokes Inspect 45th AntiTank Regt At Queens ParkSunday This weekend the 45thAntiTauk Itcgiiitch RCA Grey and Simcoc Foresters complete personnel tiiidcr command of LtCol AJKennhdy DSO Eliot Owen Sound will assemble in Barrie Sunday morning the regiment will be inspected at Queens Park by MajorGeneral Chris Vokes CB CBPTDSO at 11 oclock Prior to that there will be pivinc service at 10 oclock led by the unit chaplain This is Army Week across Canada and the weekend assemb Iy inBarrie is in recognition of that Saturday afternoon from 3003453the big Army canvoyiwill be at Queens Park for the public toinspect II Friday evening from 730 930 Will be Open House at Bar rie Armoury towhich the citizens are cordially invited to view displaysof military weapons and equipment OPEN HOUSE Opcanousc at the Armoury will be the first since the Grey and Simcoe Foresters were transferred from reserve infantry status on April 1946 Ito the artillery and officially made the 45th AntiTank Regiment RCA Officers and ether ranks of the 135th Battery representing Barrie and Alliston will be on hand to guide visitors Among the equip ment on display Will be an MlO selfpropelled antitank gun and two lTpounders various types of vehicles small arms wireless equipment and training aids MILITARY CONVOY Saturday afternoon the Army convoy from Camp Borden will stop at Barrie at the end of weeks tour through Ontario There will be 50 personnel and 24 modern fighting vehicles operating under full military control just as they did overseas and in Canada during the war years At Barrie the Army vehicles will Turn to page three please new lLtCol AIAI Kannantrpsoun

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