Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1949, p. 8

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IAtil ltItlIIl Salvation Army Red Shield Campaign From May to 31 THE BANK EXAMINER UAliitlE UNIAItIO CANADA Ii 2V 11 rirlr HVV 11111 11 11 IV VV VV 111 VVV lrr t3 VLV vr VVrVuorr rl iv l1 cauoeuseo lIl 11 IVV VV xil 1111 In txl VV 11 11111 in rli Irv livr OmttntohomulJollelom WV VV gt1 1Vi 11 In nucucndcuumkdlslm VI it t1li irr U1 1irru rlir rrulrr HV VV Hm up Il Irwrdu rrrl rrill 111 111 fir =rilgtil lz WV VV VVVVVV 231 ll Naieazr tin Im 11 11 id of i1 lVVllm rd lill rlrrrl 111 r8 VV Ill 11 llrw rs IIIII IE 1111 11 llr rl irr rppmpIrr mtrr lll crl lrcll 11 hltr l1 or ire 111r It mud and livllllrr rw tr rrr Salurtrortl WW 11 to Lillrl llll litl lilrltldlilg IHVI ll ol vr who in rat INNi MoodI1 rllr tllill ltl Itll tlxr Illlr of Eliltild VV HI foo rlltV1rmr1 lio ltrrrzl or motel llllrll 11 ll rt which 11 ed hot 11 rrrrl l1 il libl IMWt 191 11 71 1r 11 HHl ambitious rr riiii1r l1 ur 1131111 lmi 121 mm courage l1v hV EMVIV imp AV VVVVVRVVI hHJJi MH hum lhl ll avian of traditional 1lri with and ttrltilt 11 more gt1lllllllrr WIN IVVVVVVHV WIN VVVVVI VVTVVVUVVV 11 HH 111 lilll c1111 circular train lrrwtlf rvll IVzrc srlVruon Aran mV mm mm Ii lace ww Vzmn lrrrgdrro inn hurrgr rritV VIN mm VV VVhVVVV VHVKVV MM VVVSVVV 11 honw 1h Vaniowrna NV turd of lllil llcr Illlirlrlldlll tl 31 mmi V1 or liillr lllllsftill tell Horn Julie IUml MM lllll cap inaddrrsr Sire carrrcd hot rgtorrrrori or rnada VVVM VIHVV ml AIIgt Jack larr of Lansing llt QIAIITY AN NHSORrl illritrv HI llll Ill ttlr tltx matron HI two Iflfltl prob to keep ins honor in gown of petal park lat olcuds riiriorn iroin month to rcla llll siiorrldcrlrrmllr veil 11onil and to maintain established caught up with park rosebuds She carried tftll4 of pznk and while ovwl peas Ihc tlltilril brides niaal Miss 151111 Sparks Ior olilo totlSili of the bruit gowrred in lime green orgarufre lililllllillll of quality VIIAIIC If PLAN With Iltefcdcral aid available llltll have tracts mmV YUM tiroomsniari wit Ionglas rlt Vol waste or unproductive land that pm woulrt he reforestation or made to VVVVVVVV VVVVVV PVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV vcuuc years hence lam 101 WC on was played by Miss Illtre longh Icy cousin of the bride before her whrclr they can establrsh county VVVVVVV VVVVVVV rehabilitation rcccplron followed at hit IIlllillN HMBMHU horn of lhe tultlrs parents at which the mother of the bride re Vlll cervcd in grey dress with black acccssorrcs She wore corsagc of Sliver dellfzhtwhal 100 pink roses The mother of the Inwn llisfucliun you groom was in black with priflt ac cessorics aritiRvorc iLcorsage of red find 111 fragrant delicious roses lolloillg the reception Maxwell House coffee for necessary funds space donaed by the newly married corrplc left on wedding trip to Niagara Falls sarleant Iilflldfd UNIFIch or and Buffalo the bride wearing illieir aft from the very Wk CWSSWWS and corsagc of red roses lhcy best coffees obtainable residing in Barrie EAVESTROUGIIING FURNACES Metal and Asphalt Roofing Insul Bric Siding and General Tinsmithing AGENTS FOR All Metal Barns Culverts and Poultry Equipment SEXTONS SHEET METAL IIIEIISIO NI PHONE ELMVALE 11612 itIL lt Recitations by Mrs Pugh Kiwanis Club Auxiliary Mrs Iugh gave two humor ous rccifations at the third annilt ersary meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Kiwanis Club last Thursday evening birthday cake in the shape of horseshoe decorated with pink and yellow marked the occasion and wished the ladies good lrrck in their com ing years of elrrb work The cake was cut by Mrs Fred Often The evenings program was in the hands of Mrs Frank Perkins who was captain of the losing team recent attendance competitin among the members Mrs Bert Allen who headed up the winning teamthrnked Mrs Icrkins for the very entertaining evening It was decided deringtth even ing that the ladies worrld donate $50 towardsthc Kiwanis Clubs Crippled Children Fluid thisyear lette was read by the secre tary Mrs Bruce McCauley from the Kiwanis Club thanking the 111embcrs for addressing tlicerivelg opcs in the Easter seal drive A11 olhcr piece of correspondence was from the Ited Cross thanking the ladies for their cooperation and in particular the seven canvassers who had worked in the accent carn pnign for frrnds 34 Fifty members were present at the meeting and one new member was introduced by Mrs Roy Chris tie Mrs Sieve Hines Iiesitlent Mrs Robertson opened the meeting by reading an article entitled Good Fellowship In Kiwanis fiom the Kiwanis magazine Another article on good will between Canada and the Uni ted States was read later by Mrs Cyrus Allison Mrs 1C Parsons waswinner of one of the eveningscontcsts Mrs Pugh was thanked for her lenjoyablc entertainment by Mrs William Craig The meeting Was Ilield at the community house 5515931in Problems firingr born to ancxpcrtl trained salon expert MISS GERALDINE TWIST Chanceishrc youdont really know your skinQr how much Iovolicryou canlookV if you give it ther beauty care formulated just for you But Helena Rubinstein knows Thats why shes worde out an individual treatment for every skin type And thats why she Bends her personal IS Ji PICK AND COOK No matter what the vegetable it will taste better the sooner it is cooked after being harvested Half an hour may be sufficient to dull the flavor of those that are rich in representative to help you map out your perfect skin treat ment Dont miss this complete expert analysisits youer for the asking change to starch Quickly take tIrc vifsmpiltlidigstiscgi SCRATCHES Miss Twist will be in oun COSMETICMDEPT Monday and Tuesday May 16117 Knights Drug Store NEXT T0 ROXY THEATRE bites with Dr Chases Ointment Soothers catcd 69c Econom siz times an much $223 35 on cruise sugar which quickly begins to scratches as it heals Antiseptic and mch Antiseptic cranium m1sc1r 1ntf1nr tinJ IH FASHION Qt lghd mm1am sec 33 IL ccl the activities of the Womens t1rradrari Club for second year as result of the cicclron conduct ed at Iucsday evenings meeting in tollicr Street Urritcdthurch In her second term asupresidciri Miss Sinclair will be assisted by the following executive members Mrs II Itawson vicepresident Mrs II llrgclow secretary jibg thigh Warm Ittustlirr 3115 V1 liiticl to he startling point for Stan Iolcv Mrs Mrs opeland Mrs Clarke Mrs Monknraii and Mrs Wardlc Mrs II Sheppard Mrs MontagruLccds and Miss Ior rs Ixearns will serve on the scholar ship committee during the coming year Mrs Frank Hammond was appointed auditor Highlights of My Alaska Trip was the topic chosen by Miss Edna Jacques Canadian poet and lettur er for her lecture to the group last Tuesday evening but she dis played charming knack of wand ering from her subject Her talk was in the main part group of delightful reminiscences and Inuit orous anecdotes about her child hood irr the southern Saskatchewan and obserw vations on the beauty she had dis covered in the everyday thingson life It was only towards the end of the evening that she came back to her original subject and then with some regret both on the part of the audience and herself Her friendlinessof manner and ready sense of humor endeared NilssJaccpusSMmgaudiumoc in her talk small gracious woman with charming personal ity she established an immediate intimacy with liciruutienw which 58 Dunlop St FASHIONS Milt llI All omruliful anarlirurdesigned itrorrs presented in the Second rra rrl Irrr lasluoir Award show in Toronto ere tlciti tanadiar mittr ioaiurrrm Queen Aime collar lllll Ittt tiillv cuffed oral ha flllllts tron nurrk fill1illl lcrth jacket lrtr1 narrow cuffs Ill contrast stripe ti Willow to trick Darcie Canadian Club Hear Alaska Highlights Related Edna Jacques AIgt Margarct Sinclair ll drr mrruucrl to the end oi her talk the ildwin Intson assistant secretary 14l laud ioruuii11ce composed of Mrs MI himWVIVIS llilliltlllill McKenzie Leighton ture was description of the lonely Turtured AChing Feet Youll find relief in our comfortable quit LOCKE SHOES DISCOVBFIIOW soothing Dr Locke can be for tormented feet Letus select the Dr Locke last designed to relieve your particular foot trouble You choose the style Walkwel Shoe Store Opp Post Office Barrio trrghlt muta lrilrl rull sleeves with hit Sh ICidllettuce carrots beets and spinach titer and she rcad only too few owrrzhl back memories which she irloyirl contiding to her audience there is no prettier sight in the worrd than nrcc clean clothes blowing in the wind like banners rrd Miss Jacques by way of ii1tro rlrrctron to her first reading My Neighbors lolhcslrnru The poem observations till Hlllltll The most vivid part of her lec country to which her father and mother had brought her as child from Ontario She grew up on large prairie wheat farm where the famin saw no one front Fall until Spring be cause of the hard winters The coming of seed catalogue When we the seed catalogue we knew that Spring vasnt far away Her sec ond poem was an ode To Seed Merchant In her talk Miss Jacques stressed the importance of poetry to nal tion Poetry is importantit is barren country of important to get our own country into poetry In her opinion 1L was the coun tries ivifh poctrv that had had glamor charm and beauty through out the agcs She related that when thcVancient Greeks captured prisoner they would spare his life if he could recite one line of poetry they placed such value on the gift Lighter and one on religious theme The Faithful lrew were her next selcc tions oftcn woridered what would happen to all the churches it f3 hoes Dia12397 SWin UVH she remarked before reading the IIillllfS 35 Wills COIUICCIUI second poem in which she extoll her mind with the coming of the ed the wmk of UK lime himdml sawtof llllitz IIUIitI1iI When was ymm 11 1111 lo hcip qurrrit potatoes breathe lathe let us Lil2t oil out hou riii lrltlilil cis if we kept on the ol and late cabbagcs when you buy plants The early one are quite green throughout but cannot be red arierics The hard white lkinds are casin gtlttlCtI for wrnlei rise Beware of thick sowing of seeds It wastes seed and incrczisos the labor of thinning To mark and promeed to Ir tirecizrck Father rernirufcd tr continuallv all day their rrotla tttllilitl us all tenure about tlll feet and the dangcr of firecracker Today we torrid x5111 pathrxt with parents cvrr though we Jc1c iicvcr such problrrri as the modern youtl We cant tell you honv to rur1d the children but xe can liclp you with gardening nfornurtrrm Advice lttitltlllli crops fcriiIf lri and care or gardens llI lu available locally through Louru nierrl titllliriifllts 11 How much you plant depends upon the amount you Will use until the amount that cziu be slorcri it The sik oi garden will limit vegetable trops that can lll grown litm ltlltltblc should llt planted that have the highest rur iirtional ahrc Spinach squash and carrots lune high Vilarrrrn content while toriialoes because they arc splendid source of Villl inin should also be grown We remind you of the call Mt stored and this also applies to the rows of slowgcrrninatrng seeds as carrots and beets plant an occasf jonal radish seed in the row This will grow qurckcr and act as Iiiarkcr fl To extend the season of such crops as beans peas and corn two or three sowings may bomade at intervals of It days to insure sueI ccssivc crops This also applies to Now while the gardening is in full swing you may require list of quickcooking dishes so look over our list Appetizers Orange juice with squeezed mint leaf canned con somme served with cross quick po tato soup with minced leek Main Courses larboiled saus ages covcrcd with tin of tomator soup and baked eggs broken into rmrshedpotatolined baking dishes and cooked in oven kippcrs poach ed in milk fried fresh trout and French fried potatoes cole slaw and cold meal macaroni and cheese spaghetti and meat balls Desserts Sliced bananas with in the country if the worneu stopped working to raise moneyr women who worked eep their churches alive in theirrcom munitics poem about mountain climb ing experienceconcluded her reari ings for the evening In speaking ofherlccturc tour through northern Alberta at the time of the building of the Alaska highway Miss Jacuncs told of jour neys by train truck sleigh plane and even one with truckload of pigs going to market In spite of hardships and cold weather she had pleasant memories of the long tour and the countless little vil lages and towns that she had visit ed speaking in whatever wasl available church community hallJasfoiLuraselmnlhouse Miss Jacques has travelled throughout Canada on an avcrao ofI000 miles year for the pastl ten years from coast to coast up and down the country in connecl Ition with University Extension ivork and has lectured at clribs schools church groupsand numer ous mens clubs Shehas six books of poetry pub lished among which are Aunt Hat tics Place 111115in Home My Kitl chen Window and Roses In Dc ccmbcr Her work also writing for newspapers and maga zines and radio script werk Tea was served in the recreation room of the church following the meeting social half hour conl chided the clubs activities Vfor the year includes featrrrc Its signicant liUNUAY MAY ll llclJ m3 VEVDEZBEBCESEZEEWEPAV IIEITIIE IIINIS EUEQEIDflgdaazZu Threeway Shank Half of Ham Theres more to shank half of ham than meets the eye From this economy meat buy you can make three delicious freshcooked ham dinners all of them top friv miles linked ham with broiled peaches Fried llamsliccs with ripple rings and Ilam shank in boiled dinner with vegetables Heres how its done Buy 11 frill cut shank half of ham which in cludes the center slices Have your mealman cut off generous shank end for the boiled dinner Do milk and maple syrup colored rrcaru puddings canned fruit rhu barb piclct and also crackers and cheese SIIIILII DIS 51 cup macaroni tsp salt III vegetable soup apples ti cups boiling water pork sausages tsp sunuiier savory tbsp buffer ook macaroni in boiling water rrnlil fender thcn drain Cut satis aces into inch pieces and combine all the ingredients together except apples Pour into casserole greased with margarine llace thick slices of apples on top Cover and bake in electricoven of 3710 degrees for 23 minutes Six servings HIRIN SALAD crip shredded cabbage green onions minced Minced cress cup diced celery cup grated carrot Salt and pepper IlIayonnaise or French dressing Toss the ingredients together with dressing to moisten Serve in chilled bowl lined with lettuce Accompany by hard cooked eggs or cold meat RIIIIBARB IIIILETS Rhubarb for pie shelll kl fbsps cornstarch cups diced rhubarb cup sugar Line individual pic plates with pastry and add cup of the rhu balrb cornslarch sugar mixture Dot with brrttcr Sprinkle with lash of nutmeg Cover with rolled Jr CUNDLES In olden times they started the day with juicy steak and tankurd of foaming ale Today the aceIiiin breakfast liin is Flakes readytoicilt easytodigcsl tirade not frqu one but TWO grains sunripcncd wheatrnud trialled harlot Posts GrapeN uIi Three delicious meals from this half ham the rest of the cutting In your own kitchen Cut low the center of the remaining piece just below the bone to make boneless chunk for slzcing plus piece with bone In or baking Dinner No IBakc boneIn piece of ham IIIIII 333 degree Fahrenheit oven for one hour Score and glaze if desired Dinner No QSinrmcr ham shank in water for hour add carrots onions and cabbage and cook until tender Dinner No 3Slice boneless piece of ham fry and serve with fried apple slices or bake topped with ninearmle slices out pastc slrt for c2vape of strain flake rn vlcrlrrc oeiof illir de grees for lllllllllt Iorl lcmplt rites To precrrl any tillrlrg that may boil over if oven is left too high for too long place the pn platcs on jelly roll pan IIIIC SIGGIZSIION IIOX Mrs says When washing windows Wipc them up and down on one ltilr and tolt on the other If streaks show after polish irig it is casy to tell which side theyarc on Mrs says It smart to pur chase an extra roll or ceilrng wall paper to line drawers and Ihc clothes closet shelves Mrs II says White spots on varnished furniture can usually be removed by rubbing lightly with piece of flannel dampened with essence of peppermint or spirits of camplior This should be follow ed by an application of furniture polish Mrs says Soap scraps are valuable after they are too small to leave in the soap dish Drop pieces into jar and cover them with atcr1Usir1g this soft soap solution makes perfumed suds for lingerie Anne Allan invites you to write to her co The Barrie Examiner Send in your suggestions on home making problems and watch this column for replies MEMBRANOUS TUBES ADPATTERSONgtSONS ANNOUNCETHE OPENING or VISPRAFROSTED FOODS in connection with their Turkey farms Choice QualityVMeats Groceries We specialize in Turkeys QUARTERS HALVES WHOLES size for every torble Vespra Frosted Foods The veins are blood vessels craturo to fifth IrtZIIts for 133 min which return the blood from thc capillaries toward the heart Mgr Art Brennan That famous GrapeNuts flavor in the foltn of delicious honeygolden flakes is scrumptious Posts GrapeNuts Flakes iiie nourishing too provide useful quantities of carbohydrate and proteins for energy arid muscle pliosphorul for leclll bones iron for the blood So lusty l0 good so convenient Ask your grocer

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