Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1949, p. 10

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gar BARBIE EKARUXKR OBITUARY lll littlillil llil lli tlIIil ll IUII LIIII IlIIllI ll lll llncliu lllllltl slutlur you I111 lluuwll llonu loIIIIic ill lln IuplrMicnuni l1 rip and licgular lQriml Illt illlltllllttl Ila All liiipowtlriml CHOICE EATS 1111 1121 11 =uV11 lilt IIllI 111 MI vl 11 iIIIIlIthIII IIII 11 111 111111 1clt arc 1I l111111 jiqtlIlIlilytI 1111 111111 lllwls uui ll11ll 11 II 111 in I11 BUTCHER San 1l1gttlt 111111111111 11on H111 Andrcw Ixlrr 17 1111 loiar Alorrnou liorru lllllfl HARRISON llli ltrcd 1111 PHONE 3214 datum iiiart uk 11 hm Iii Sziriioni Strw 31 1c Sunday 31112 11 151111 in Han1 lr 1111 1111111 11 outd nnd ll11tl to Izizdhs ll 111 HIllll 111111 on 11I iii 1170 hc Do the Job YOurself Floor Sanding Maeliies and Edgers for rentwvby the day orhour Also Largo cmcnt Mixers and Wheelbarrows ELECTRIC SANDERS FOR WALLS on WOODWORK FREE ESTIMATES FOR SANDING Provincial Floor SerVice 100 William ll IUItUill ltlllllhtiV 111d v11 Mor I11 ixou Iuck tlltl 1d his 7111 Stur lllti Phone 2950 Shaped 11 III llllllllll llll H1 11 it 41 11 I1 Hills 1110 llSllIllS 111 illil to f1 II It lll 11113 111111311 111111 llv 11 31111 11112111 IIttll 11111 Litll II51 IIIII Chicken Farmers In Maryland Area Making Big Profits Iv lllCVli llt lllll Ill ut1gtiitiu llx1z it 31111 lLlLll 11 11111 111 tl1t 1111 III=11I 14 ll 1111 llllllLLll 11091111 lttlirtt ll imld 1111 llwliravyzi what 111 11111111 ii iilmllllt ti nations 111 Int In 11 is oiic 311 1111 1diL i11lt111ltcs illr 31111l11l1 21s 11 11 l1ll to tltc oItuu ililli of about Sntiutinuuo 1112 Ytl 31 cxti 111 1111111Illt1Il 1o largo 11IIll giioplcs industry lllc 1111v1115111 output of IN 1mm 11 1111111111 9111 1100000011 Ilnll1l Vxni 1111111 oycrshadouu cd 11a i11pml1111 ot backyard twtlllliill lil1ill II 11 1111 lJlullil 11ltrefllt ilrilciiei wnI1cI1ns alonc for 1111 11 Iixlllzlxood important suiclnic to farming physicians like 11 Salisbury lllll 1111111 dcnti 1111kt Iprolcssional 111111 LIl Ilinox tor ibird Block The pcuinsula some about square miles It thrusts outtromI mmgton Dot contains most of the 11 Knox of rcal estate and other inio lllL act Illgtllllli has 13000 has Its largely an But1 WilI llll WEEK aiICE OFTTARZL CANADA Im lt1 11111l11rx Inn III Rf 17 341 IRecreation Night At Rugby Federation 1c llic rcwrsc is lruc No man can l1c 11rc that IlIlll limc during which wild 11cttlllc mud pro idcIIorllnlrIIamiIicisliriclil1luiuiailliciugs his family rcspousiliililics will not oullul his I11 providinIr for today it is cl lo lltl4tl pro iiou zigiiiiileliis unccrlainly of tomorrow 111 family iiioils lo providc llllllllllltttl montth IA llanulaclurcrs llilIc ltplttlll1lllt can hpr 59 flIIIJII3IJJ gt 11 SI IM 1l pnmlh rillrn lor llir llarnr lxnlmurr in IM HHUII lUlIlilll Uzi Lv 1HI un In 111 1c lt your Il ill II 11 r1t III IwIII 2111131 III III II II xtiwon 111 11 111 IIII 111r111 111 II 11 111111 111112111 IlIl 5111134 libiii 1111111 II 11II I111itt 1d l1 lI 11gt 11 II II 11 lwil 141 311 lt11 IHIg 1111 I1i1 s11 121 11 it 11111 2111121131111i111w Tum pbwd KIllslllllJll lc111 1131 111 ll 111IV 111 c311 11 II apt IlIllx do vl 111 II 11111 1211111 11 co WMU IIII II 11 lllliliiil 11IItI I1 11 11 t1i 1111 11gt1 1111 ml Illl c111ci1111c lkilllll st V11111111 ItIIIIIIIivr 1111 llouw 111111ml 1111 II 1illHl iciui o11 11r 111 11I III II IIiIfllIIlInJIIiI 1l i11111 11 t111l1 11 011111 IlIl llltl11t ltvl11 II 11 1min 115 12 Sol11 $111 II III IIIIIHI 111 111111 11 ltIXL vacant onc I3 11 wm 1111 1111 11lltllzl 1111 XIIIIIIIILIIIIHIIIILI 11 ixnllmi tlic staining MINI II 111 oi 111 lllnlll lilti lbw 1illl llltlllllt It no H1 o1 itzm 11 11 rw titl Mn tnoit 11l II 111 31 gtitnnnoou Itdlwl li II IIII II 11 111112111111 1w iln 811111 tlu 151171 clcciioii 111111 1111 IHl 11 111 1111111 illll 111 11 llot11 ittlil1l Iuclwlmiis 11lt1 11 511lit 11 1111 hold rail 11 1tllliltl 111 thc ltl oi no 1111 11 ltl 1111p1111r 1111 1111 ml 41I 111111111 IIu 111111115 111d11L111ol thric tor 21111 11111 Will lolEm 11c mllilr 11 tho1 oii 1111 Iioiiicssuc o1l1x and 111 11111 I=c 1111111 1111 oili Imdv who 13cI lrol our 1111 1111 lIIII Social 11 1114111111 gt111 111 1211311 otc 11 3trrdit total slippcd onc Inc111 1v li 1111 lump Hp NH oi po 1l 1l1tlllltI 3111c dcath ot N111 111111 ulilil1II thv Iiundicds who 1111 Hi Hru 11 I111 twc d1outon to 111 nibcr tor lllt 111gtkiy111 11111112 21I=1 lhc iztiolc 111111 Ill haw III II 5I1itl lid ll IIIIIUHN TIN 11 TWIN 11111 contiscotvd and 1h SHEI III mild 10 II III IIIIIImIIu o1 Ullltir whom ooo11u11 mml In thc 30111 scssmu oi l11l1111111 llltmllt llllll 1s lilmil zlglllllsl llllhtlllllltt uud to 1111 colIii mmI 311 It nwtnncni 15110311 IuI dissolnd llltlIk 11cllioi pinup1 ll 21 It laid ti to Etc p1scd mons 111c111bc1sund 0t Silitlltihi 111 mu Ming 111 could in oouc on itlytllltll Ilic quc clcctiou rotcrs 1II rlcct mulm Hm HH my 10mm In twp115 111 1111 llllll l11 total ominous mcmlscrsth ol till I11 llll 1i11111 HI Itlklilll lIlIllIIltllI loimcr linuc l111sti1 Kim and lormcr lic 111111lvr AhaK111111111 1111n gtl1I1Il 111 iIlllc1ltli and ont con3 ti thcir 1111111345 Mr K1112 whol holds 1I1c ommonwcalih pruncl nuiustcislup rccord ltlllllllil 1mm politics outrmhtly 11 Macl 1111 gt thtt K111111111 now nunistcr withou poitlolio probath will go to the Scuaic 11nounccmcnts of our Scniuc appoiutnicnts and toplcvcl govl crnmcnt rcshulc 1l cxpcctcdi Ills Wool us Mr Si lleulrcirl proI paiod to takc oil on compouining tour through thc castcrn provinces lhc wcic to come Irudc Ministcr llowc oc1sclis trying1 to 15 1=itott 11111alcd to rcporlcis 11613 411cludllitt scvcn troni 1111 11c 41111111 1i11luc111 piom provlncc oi lcIoimdlnul and 10 Ii1111c 111 thcj 1Illll In hold up rosultiiigz from litllllltllltllli Im 1111 p1on1m 111t tax houiidarics til tidings 1n 11117 In onclzonx 111 tho currcnt your the ncxt scssion thcrc will 11c room 111111 1w 111111 liiltiiullh to 1111 for 1111 scnzilors tltilll from NH 10111 lllllllll 11111111 llll 111111 1oundland Authorized Ds STROMBERG CARLSON Dealers RADIO 44 Essa Rd Dial 3609 g1Ar HEAB ornce lhcrc is an easy sure way to malw it Lil lnsurzmcc can In planuwl to 111ch imlh iduzil you to plan it in Imping with your tinans and THE ANUFACWR RS msuaaucr company Established 101 TORONIO CANADA Barrie Office 70 DunlopStrcct District Representatich 11 TOMLINSON CLU WIB MALLORY WALKER COLE GEORGE LIVINGSTON Ontario Employers And it looks now as if most of the under graduates from Ontariq universities needing lt1 slimmer employment will be able to nd it by the end of the school year The situation with regard to permanent jobs for graduates isalso promising However MORE summer opportunities STILL are needed for undergraduatescmd permanent graduates whose training has not fitted them toryany particular industry but who Will reatI quickly to an employers advantage alter brief training on the iobl Throiigh the clearance system of the National Employment Service the Executive and Professional Liaison Ofcer at your local ofce can locate aIgraduate or undergraduate from almost any course you can name either from within the province or neighbouring provmces Use You LociIOIIice Department of Labour HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour Deputy Minister 1YoullaveCooperatethell Openingsrtorfgruduates espeeinlylbr5rlsm 11158 Community ServicL MacNAMARAI gt OntarioARI slate ot Dclnuiuc 111111 coumics tthc castcru shore of Maryland southcrn cod whcrc Bay opens into 1111 Atlantic As you drive across the penin 1ccu1rcncc ot the lone low broiler houses that slicltcr the growing birds Heart of industry Salisbury is near the Delmarva Peninsula and focal Iloads of chickcn lIclctl arcIsold Big p1ocinp plants are located here low milcs away livcs farmer Lynwood Shockley His setup is vas broiler production Thc war years Shockley rev lcallcd produced minor gold rush on the pcninsula It reached its allimo recon iif1102000000 Birds tmostly for thc armyi in1945 Tales of quick prots lurcd many flyrbynightv operators into lithe business 11111tc3ISinCc departed Chickens tnzileeJIup almost half my income thc rest is from farm ingf Shockley explained Profits Well expect to net about $150 pch thousamlfwlth these His flock numbered 14000 Shockley raiscs two locks ycar buying layold chicks from the large capacity hatchcries The hatcherics guarantee the chicks for two weekseafter that the risk from mortality and disease is the growers You gure about 13 weekst0 get your chicks ready for market Then the buyers come tothe farm and bidon the lock Somegrow ers have steady contractsfl sell 1b the highest bidder The buyers are connected with tharbigprocessing plantspof which the peninsula has 16 iere were 32 during the peakwar years The processors do the transporting slaughtering dressing and ship ping Most Delmarva broilers even from the Maryland section go to New York and Philadelphia Chicken ala Maryland in MaryJ land is likelylobe from some oth er state and two Virginia countics at thci Chesapeake tpolnt for the brollcr industry Can typical in many ways of Dclmar the heart ofL priced make 59 Dunlop so 111113111 selectiOns fer NOW and all summer Mayil 13 14 STORE HOURS Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday am 530 pm Wednesday com 12 noon Saturday am 855 pm mam IS THE FIRST Come bright and early Thursday for the BARGAIN IBUYS Specially low during the MaySale So many Timely Valuesyoull find itthriitwise to AY FRIDAY IsarunnAr

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