Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 May 1949, p. 12

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PAGE TEN Mr and Mrs Hod Golden Weddi At Huntsville Hon or 5111111118811 iusrdyIaw for of Electors 118 Corporation of the Town of grant to The Barrie Arena fot exceeding $l3l50000 for ff Barrie Arena 11 lll 11 Yil1i1ft1 111 41 111 1111 rru 111= 11m 1gt1 Ufa 17 11 11 115 1L 11 il 11 11111111111 gt Mt VH 11 111 111111 111h1 11 11 1111 1111 it 111 111 11 111o 111 l3 put11 11 111 stout11 11i 01 hii1 11 1111111111 11 11 111 1I11 11 1111 SAVrlUadgnrt It ill Mimi1X8 11 it 11 111 11 Bei5llll lDTaDc 111111 111 1111 1111111 111111111 11 1hlililc TA heir11 11 period or itmmt opal undiotere1 11111111 111111 1111 1111 =l 111 111 11111 111113 AND 1WHX31utlts 11 111111117 of 1111 tirpolaliun 1111 1511 111 12 =111 1111 1111111gt 111511111111111111111 11 11 11 11 Clllltl for Ilnllimi AND VUERICAS 11111111o 11111111L 1311111 Slfliult 71 SUD511111111 1111 111 11111 11111 11111111 11 11111 9111 ber 1111 tow1 11 11111 approval the 15511 oi 111 1111111 111 1111 1111pm 131111 said now liHERtZitllii in 1o11on rum1 follows THAT for 1111 1111 1111111 111 The 1111111 1c111j 30111111155 it lo 011 111 11111 1i111 111111 111 borioc1l 11 the credttktf the oipoiaoivn 111I 11n not cccc1i1111 Slitl51ll11it 11 it It 11 and 111hen tires shall 111 61111 1111111111 111111m 1111111 11 1111 11111 Netth of pet annuni 111111 1111111 coupons 11111111111 thcrcto for 1111 pay Weds llonortd 19m 01 Glnltltzl 111 tell unto1111s tltt1l 111111 111111 1111 111 1111 terest in ropem 111 1111i1 1111 11m 11111111111 p11llc of 1111111111111 111 411 Jv 311d interetin catl 11El 1w 1111111 poss11111 1111 sanic s11lr I11 lusty 111 1001 to the proyiuo 1111 12111 1111zlrnin of pink111111 may be toi H11311mv 11 11 1t Oren $11101 or lllllllitlc 111 11111 111211 111111 11111111111s11111d1111 111111111 1111111 11111 wow1 lIClLlH contained 1111 annual 11111111 11s of principal 111111 1111111st 1111 1ii111 511111 lIri vi differ in amounts liit111i to ol1111 111111111 fillgiclzi Mn 13 1111 The lelienltitis11nll all 11111 1111 same dart and sl1111l11 issuid Ill fit Within oiyehis of thc 11111 1111ltl1 1111 lylaw 1111111s into flttl fillll11 IiiV HI und ma bi 1111 11111 11111111 such 11111 years and shall be Ipayablcgll gtlly in 1111111 Instalniints 111111111 1111 twinty rears 11111 111111 1111 111111141 11 wlttl all 51111111 1111 1s1111 111111 1111 11gt 1111 amounts of plllllllilllli 11111111 1111 1111 11111 11 0701 chits1 payable 111 1111 of such years gtllilll 111 as sci 11111111111 11111111 or 11111 Chm FMh 111111111 11111111 schcdulc is 11111l1v declined to 1111111 11 11111111 111 11 31 u7nglgg1 of 1111s 1111111 to clwi 11 11M 11 PPYPvur1s as to both piincipal and interest shall be expressed 311 illll 11 51 11 two nbloolnllprugond gt yum ISOMn i111111 and ilii 111 dubIoilxo poringl liillw Vl 111111 shall have 1111 11111 111 its option to redo111 111 lt lffll111111 11 xvi1111 111 111 111111 1111 any date prior 11 the place ll11 111111 111 1111 monies 1n winch the 1111 tllltl 1o 11 payable upon 1111 payment of 1111 3111111 111 lorouto 111111111111 lift GILFORD FU1111 Ilitltui 1111111111 with interest accruedpn the 111111 and upon 111111 previous notice of the said intention 11 NEW 1c111s1ns 111111 111 the 1111111111 Gazelle and once 111 11 of gent111 provnicial circulation published 111 the jl Mills5 In 11 1111 1111cc 111 1111111111 111sp1per such nouce to be 1111 MIB RIhIv Plpes 11111 11 Icast thirty days before 1111 11111 1111911 for rc Mrs 11111 $111 imontt of 1111111111111 so to redeem shall also be sent by post spanning 1M P011 pr1111 to 1111 1111111 sci for such redemption 1o cat1111mm in HUIl name debenture gt11 to be 111111111111 is registered 11 CW KPH THMH 1Hlmli 1h DUNN WEB builk School was 1111 shalt111 11fl113 in 1111 litlitilrllltill shall up and 157111 debentlures and Fawn hm 11 11111 ou ions sin 1e sienct 1e reasurcr 11i111iliht 111dentures shall sealed with the seal BMl Ill Blil 11 quota of suntnur resident 11p to 111111 collages 1111133 day Coneratulatii111 to 7111 and Mrs W111 Hell on 1111 111111 Newmarkcl May Mr and Mrs 1111 Ntiily 11 and Scott haVc iuovcd 11111 1111111111111 to their summer cottage 11L fo1 1111 Shore large cot11111 11 The signature of the lreasurerupon the coupons 11111 1111 stamped lithographed or engraved term of twenty years 1111 sum shown in the fourth 111 hereto shall be raised annually for the said 11111 sum of 55111131111111 and interest by 11 special rate over 111111 abov 1111 other rates on all the rateable same time and in the same and Corporation 111 the 111115 is may contain any clause providing for the regislt the time of the issue thereof PHONE 0291 111111111111 llospital on Sunday 11111111111 111 1111 itlimiztd by anystalutc relating to municipal deben is true copy 31 the proposed bylaw to be sub of 1111 electors qualified to vote on money bylaws assent to the said proposed bylaw it will be con ouncil 1941 for assent of the of May 1949 attend at the polling places and at the final summing as by the Clerk will be appointed at the Clerks Office icipal Building at tlio110ur of oclock in the afternoon dayof May 1919 who desires to vote onthe said proposed bylaw and lends for at least twentyone years and who has by the ed to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property 211 improvement rates if he makes and filestwith the than the 16111 day of May declaration under the nce Act so stating shall be entitled tohave his name list of voters preparedby the Clerk under section 284 41 pal Act sary of YPU convention in Siroud on Saturday and Sunday 111st after the expiration of one month from the to her home after spending winter in Toronto and Kitchener also Mrs Con lrykt to her home after spending the winter in Wind 5012 WHEN YOU NEED MONE said pioposedbylaw will 11 taken 0711 il SMITH Town Clerk rm REMEMBE 127 If you need loan get one the right way Borrow $50 $100 $300 CALL 51 $500 021 more on your own signa ture from HF gt Household Finance lends money to people with overdue bills doctor bills seasonalexpenses repair bills money emergencies As matter of fact youcan borrow for any my BAXTERBRos ARD PHONE5311 worthy purpose without 0111075675 or bantable security Phone or come in fast service personal attention Up to 24 months to repay in convenient equal monthly instalments 775 TEAWAbiTs it Esf it ororsr CONSUMER NANCE OlpANlZAllON MonoWHEN You Nrro RRIECf SPRINGSERVICE prairie REARCHING LARGESTSTOCK or ousmlp UINE REPLACEMENTSPRINGS FINANCE AND BESTNEQUIPPED SPRING SHOP 55 Mluluao Street Eolt 0F Ii 2nd floor Phone 2394 TE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES Wm ON Hour lo or By appointment loom made to resident of nearby town TRACKS PHONE 3400 SERVING THE PUBLIC SINCE 1873 0F HARRIET BETHESDA torncr 81 Youth People attended 1141 371111 111111311 Mrs Lorne Neilly has returned 11111 lQiBrantiord whereshe expeets 11ndMrs McGregor 01Lea1ningthn llll gt1 Illi ll 11111 111 11 11111 LEFROY Illll i1 111121 1111 111 iv1 1111I11v111 1111 1111111 titv 1111 119 Hill 1111111 111 mm 11 11 111 31 P111111 111 111111 111111 11 1i1 11 tllt 1111111111 twirl 111 lib112111 11111 111 mi 151 1911111111 11111 111111x Mi Mi 311 VillHhtt 111 91111 All 1111111 oi 13111111 15 1111 351 ill The 1111 11 1111111 1111 ML 141 11 111t1l 111121111 111 1111 lli 11 Ni 1111 111311 1111 Salim111 11 11 11111 hits 511111u lll sin1111111 twin 1111 111 1111 1l li 111 12111 to 1111 pin 11 111 11 1111 Hm 11 Simc 1111 111311 1111111111Ii11ii11 11 Spici tin 111 1111 111111111111oni 11I1 111l11111 11 1111151 1111112 to have Mr 11111 111 11 11w bio111 return to tin111 Mr 111111 Siniswcll 111nu 21 1111 11111w111111spii1111n1i111nt 111 ll Hospital 11111 111 111111 1111 111111 1111111111111 111111gt111111 Milli 1111 1111111 11 tit111w 1n 111111111 uml 31 1411111 1111 SS 111111111211 Sunday 11111v s11i114 111111111111 1111111 Idotiincnt scr 111 1111 1111 1111111111 scrf 311 111 111 1111 ttlllllil 112 111= instituti will meet2 l1 Mm11111111 11111 lucsday 111 of 3111 The roll call vill 111 1111 by payment of fees 1111 unittesting paper on Now 11111111 1211 211 11111111 11 ladies HW ttemlod 121 onvention 1111 l111 Fm11 and 811111111 11 21111 11111 Verna Noble 1111 114111111111 and lnlthlt lack 1111 lltlitl il 1111111 littvllllc 1111111 1111111111 111 811111111 111811111 1111 Iirrioycil Iood Fishing Mr and hits 1111111111 llowat 111111 111111111 4111111 1111 ccltt1111 111 Mi 111 111 ltowat enjoyed some fishI 1111 in 1111 111111 511111111s1111111111111 11 1111l 1111111 ol speckled 1115111 to gtl1l H11 1111 114111111 1IIS11H IlioiIur 111111 Sister fttl liter Ilfi Years 111111 Z11s 111son of Stanford Linc1111311111 11211111111111 1111ic1i 11111 last itek spcod the summer 111111111 with Mr and Mrs Waltcrl Mrs 111yon is sister of Mr Cornet whom he 111111 not 11111 111111111l1X years to instball Practice llnre ii 11c 11 baseball praci 1111 1111111 park Wednesday cvcu inc and 1111 conunittee wouldlike to set11s many turn out as possir 1111 and will then try and arrange teams 1111211111 Junior boys as well as for 1111 Seniors So lets all go to the ball practice Wednesday evening WA Meeting The WA met at the home of Mrs Gordon Rowai with an attendance of 11 The meeting opcned with 11 hymn followed by the Lords Prayer Mrs Maurice Reid read the scripture and Mrs Lloyd Saw iyer read the Lesson Thought very interesting paper on Mrs Ait Ekins recent travels was readvby Mrs Byron Grosc Mrs Ferricr 1read the minutes of the last meet 111gr and further business was dis tcussed Mrsl Stephens gave the ieCmccngEyeniswandrahermeetmgr closed by hymn and Minpah Ben Eediction after which 11 very dain lty lunch was served by the lunch committee Mrs Grose Mrs 1F111n1lt Corner and Mrs Will Reid assisted by Mrs Rowat THORNTON May Mr and Mrs Dan Gethons and family moved torBaxtcr on Satur day Trinity WMS will meet of Mrs 11 Jamiesons on Wednesday Mav 11 Mrs Lawson left this week to remain for the summer wunia McBride of Edmontoni iwere the guestsrof Mr and Misl Stewart last week In Sick lildrens Hospital JolinLce the day0111son of Mr and Mrs ArthurMGrifTiths who was Irushed tosthe Sick Childrens Hos lpital in Toronto last Wednesday is reported to be doinizwvell now and is expected home shortly Keal Growing Weather We have been having few days of real growing weather lwarm with showers The lawn mowers are once more on duty EThe farmers are so busy seeding 1they are working overtime 111101116th Dav Next Sunday Mothers Dav will be observed in Trinity Church next Sunday imorning There will be Mothers lDay story and Mothers Day ser 2an by the pastor The Sacra ment of Baptismwill be performed OBSERVANT DRONE The drone bee should be able to so eyerything that goes on His eyes have from 6000 to 70001enses EXAMINER BAR llHlN 111 1111 llr and 11s Max tiaig 111111 51 Phones osrsazo CANADA nanron 111 1s1111i 11 lIatir 11 the vm 111111 The piay 11I 11115111 111 11111 1111111 11 ycvaic 1111111 11 111h llali 1111111y t1llll 1131 1111111 11 jun11 llttltN latton and 11 To Mr and Mrs on on 13111111 p11 1111 1111111111 111 Mr 111111 1111 11111111mlx1111111 on Satuidav 11lii thl 111 1111 ll Hospital 11511112 Saturday 1sitors 1111 11 111111 hits lCrnist Watkins 111 11 and Mrs 111 Mowlcs 111111 11 111111 Mrs lluscllMtuvlzs and Johnny all ot loronto 1111111an HM May lirnxuis of 1111 1111 1111111 Scam 11111 111111111 Ncwxnnrkct opening of and 1I1 1111 The 111other is ideal tor garden ing and those who 1111 not inter 11111 111 fishing are busy planting number 1111111 111111 111111111111 1111 farewell party for Mr and Mrs 1111 llcl1ujehlin at Pine itst A11 1111 Mills On Thursday evening the blends of Mr and Mrs 1131111111111 $111111 gathered in the llall to shower the 11clycds and extend good wishes to 1111111 illlt rrs HOUSECLEANING 11111 See the Electro Hygiene Va 111 your homeApplies hard its large Rotary Brush Floor ments includingValve Spray Gun Fle Phone 3092 Satisfaction at New Paige 121111211 Garage GENERAL REPAIR SERVICE Cities Service Station Phone 3405 150 Bradford St CONCRETE BLOCKS Also Gravel and Sand iINNISFIE concurn llt11111 RR BARBIE srRoUo 211151 BARR OLSTERINCT have your Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired 811 Recovered plettsFurnitureEleono 139 Dunlop St ammo 1111 Kl 1111 111 $1119 11 11111 11111 11111 111 5211111111 1i 221 1111t1 111 111 gt i1 211 3111 21111 of 11 111111111111 11 11111 =12 111 1111 Sham 1111211 1111 lit111 11 11111111 11 11115 15111111 111 tintanal lir1cll lift to Mrs utislnbic 1111w1s11 vlir H111 111 1113111 111 11 1111 11 111111 ill 11111 3111 111 111 111 111111 and maxi11111 hits 11 l1ll l111tl 11111111111 l11cle 2111 I1lll1111s l11 111l 13111ils 111 111 111 llcinlrd Icstital Klultlui 1111111 1111113 81111111 211111111111 1nd 1111 la1111 1111 11111 ilkltl lill 1A 11 81 ANIle l11111 llall 1111111 111 Hal1111a The hall 111i lli111 Willi 111111111 11111 utttintlancr llccrcaiioi1 ll rll1l111111 11111 111I1111 1l1 1111111 lI 1il 11111 lltilili l111 Linups 1111s of 111 raritp 11111 11 1111111111111 1111 Supp1 v1 1111 121 hast1111111 11i 11 11 1111 all 111111 111 1111 11t1121111 1111 1111 1tllilii scssion 1111111111111 viy Nami llan 1111111511 The high l111 11 1111 11111ll wasptho llltsv rotation of 1111 51hr cup 1111111 1i 111111111111111311111111111111111 1111 11 1111 po111 111111111 111 St lvlr1k 11A 11111111111 they 1111 11 gt 11111111111 1111 lttt1lli lonor bathcs 111 I11on 51111151 1111111111111111p 111111 handicrafts smote May lln1ln 111111oll1n1l has 1111111111 position 111 N111111licl 1111 11111111 11111111 School txlcnds 1111 invitation to Ivciyonc to attend their special laiints llay scrvtc in the church on Sunday May 11 111311 11111 l11r1 111 also be special iarcnis 11 scrvicc at 1111 regular church sc1vii1 11 71111 11111 St 111111 11 1111 otliccis and 11111111118 of 1111 lnnistil Horticultural Society 11111 11 11s 1111 Sloans 111st 1111sda evening llans vcre 11111111 for 11111 11111111111 Flower Show in 1111 iwp Park Wednesday August 17 for which very interesting prize list 111s 111en prepared Contact any 1111 tbc directors and give yourself this Society year Iresliyterial Ylll onvention 811111111w was quite honored 1111 the Simcoe lresbyterial Young leoplcs Union meet in the United Church here on April 311 and May 1st full report will be found in another column S3211 lor Red ross The Red Cross collection from 511111111 coinmunity has been com pleted and $321120 handed in to Barrie headquarters Many thanks are due the following collectors hliss Jean Wice Kenneth McDon cuum Cleaner demohstrated wax polishes brightly with Polisher 10 cleaning attach tCher Box 16 Barrie Minimum Cost 11 treat by being 111cn1ber of thei have the 125111 annual convention of who made this drive so successful your present burner and refund your money Act nowlwvhilo special tradein allowances are in effect This offesz good for limited time only No down pay nenteahvterms Start saying now Phone or see 115111111 Cameron Ellis Gibson Ltd 115 BRADFORD SI lllflhl 1811 TINIKEN Silent Automatic Oil EURNERS Oil BOILERS Oil FURNACES WATER HEATER 11111 1111111 7111111111 lioiiiiltlmWiiii Mason ill lr1d 11111 Miss South Mrs 11 liolmtson lllythc Mc1111l1 Mrs 1i111 111 liblnns 111111 Marquis 311s Miss Vicklum Mus 111111s1111 11 Webster l111111 lhontpson Mrs Mrs 11 Wright Mrs lus 1111111 11 llcclhy hits it lioodfcllow 111ll Mrs 11111111 Thats not surprising because the Brantford w1 GUARANTEE SAVINGS WITH 111111111 011 BURNERS 1L1 THURSDAY MAY 19119 Wojtnow the Timken WallFlame Oil Burner is the most economical and we want to prove it to youw1th our glue anteo of savings We have accomplished savings up to 250 on for and electricity for many of our trade1n customers We will test your present burner free Then on the b11513 of the test results we will tell you exactly what sayings we will guarantee with new Timken WallFlame Oil Burner installed in your present boiler or furnace We give this guarantee in writing on moneyback burnerback basis No guessworkan chance You save or we rolnstall Roong Company has been in business over 40 years Its Canadian company Believes in high quality And stands solidly behind its products The Brantford Roofs sell create lot of good will Every Brantford Roong job handle brings mcothers sooneror later Which proves they give compIete satisfaction Ask for FBrantfordf Asphalt Shingles SealedIn Siding Roll Roongs Building Papers Roof Coatings Asphalt Mastic Floor ing Waterproofing Materials BuiltUp Rantings For sole by The 1111 111111111 111111111 49 MIKE rhe CEEna PRODUC TS 1E i569 111 spring meaning Stratlord Upholsterlng 10 or Free Pickup And Delivery Call SALES AND SERVICE Bantaman rnoivn 11721 13says last Several sets of tires LifeGuards have increased my drivingpleasure by giving me complete freedom from blow1 out dangers Im sure you cant get better pretectionto save your life 1011111111 Morons for 111011111 Your iovrn lours 1119M BlOVlfOUI 11111111111 You dont have to expose your self or your family to blovVout danger Goodyear LifeGuards make blowouts as harmless as slow leaks And LifeGuards are economical They often out can be used in any makeof tire 21 MAIRY ST

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