Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 May 1949, p. 11

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153 lV ti Vi URSDAY MAY 11119 eh VVV wt vw V1 CENTRAL 0R0 VV VV MOUNT ST LOUIS VVV VV VV 1isii1 ttzl 11111111 11111 riuun b1 11 Vtt 11 VVVVVVV 11 VV 11 VV VV VV l1 VVVMX 1131 1111 Viluili 11th1111 ll Vi 111111 VHN1VHijNlR 111111iiiz 11 111111111 11 1111 vv 1311111 311 11111t11 1111111 1111 111111111 hoilhein Section VV 1111711111111 1111111111111 pupelipe 1111 luziiiei 11111 211 111 11 01 4111 11 111 111131111111 111 ll it Md WT MM SHuk CUMMU 1111 111 111 I= liar lui 3111 11111 111 51111111111 1311 11 tllll li 11 11 111 11111111111taitd 11i Iii 111 Li 11 11 1111 11 IV Vr Hr EA fetuenruE VVV VVVV VV VVVV VVV mllllml 1x VV 11 i1 1111111 511w 111l$ 111 fiilVC VMHM IHm ilIlAi771A 11111 1ixi111 1111 lll V11 lllri 1511 111111 VlVmV in IV VVlV VIV ill111 nui Jim111 Muu VIV Vi V1in iv v= Iii1111 oi llmlm JVLVwmicmon 111 13 41L vi VVVV VVHV VVV Vi 11 11 =1 l1 V1 VVVVV HVVV VVV VVV VV 11 hiiiil 1111 1111 i11111I 11 11 llVl1VV MAN livht liiisi 111111 11111 11 1111111111 and Jiilll lii 111 111111 111 121 Tiltlllltlllt 17111 ltv VV VVVVVVVV MIMA All is 1111111111x 1111111111111 11 amen my ma 111111111 eial tom 11 crushed itoiie are rest in unnidale Corners V1 11 11ht CH 11 11111 1111 1l111 111111 1V 11 MU 1111111 11111111 111 1111 11 111 NORWI 1101M 1511 in ieult 111 an oceur ll 11111V1e11111i took Place 1111 April 211 15 1111 llll1ltlt11ll 111111 lllliillllllv 111111 11111 111011 than mill 11111 1111 VV 11 llie 11 ballast car loaded tlltVlllVHVHl 111V the 11111111 of 1111111 l111111111 1111111ratir1 llitl1111l 11111 lilimlllliiinl Nguiiil cilia With riuslied stone 1111111 off1m 11 ationil 1111 111111 Problem for all aiudians 11 Hi i1 iJllml ziadr 1111 the railway spur to Mus1 itltiltil 11 lld 1111 111111sl1111111 111 li1ll111111 in iiiiiqinlillhk WW koku Vliitli 11iivelline 11 an esti 1115llll ttllllltlllttl 1114111111111 ir routiollml sale 111 11111111111111 111 1111 11 11 111111111 speed 111 33 miles an hour Illllk 1111 5110 111 11111e11111e 111 air 11 my mid Imm it whiz1111 over three roid titiss ada is 111 1jiidie1il 1511111 11 1111 1hl Wm WM sei11111 1llilil 1111 1111 present 1111 111151111nt Mrs mus Inkmam minim bv mm mumh 111 ieivatioii il1111tlil iesuitinv 11111111111111111111 11 111111111 11111 tore tlllllli lliioiielim and the 11111111111111 1111 111 3111 1111111111111 aura111111111 11111111111 11111111111 11111 11115111 11111 lllt dock and landini 111 the lake the l111on or the itilltnvltlt 11 111151113 1111 1111 the runs 1111 1111 5111111 uiiuniz otheis reason 14 issued 11v 111 11 11 Kllllltl 111 1111 1111111111111l 1111111111 11 111 lhlt 11111111 KVUWV VVVVVV1 in irmldvmV JV 1me VVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVV TVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV IVV importance of Dairy Industry Mr 1111111 111111 will 111 111 lutzelme has 11111 histoiyV and 1111111111 substantial 1115 111 WM Vd in VVVV VVVVVV VVVVV 11 111 llitlltl Wk llll 1113 limg Hummi ilmwhsmll MW nudlim 111111111111i1s hlt1ill liltiilllll 1s1 hind to your lover band 1111 2111610111 Lliuldces and Egyp limit mm 111 lillllltls With resulting 1111111111111 111 WV VHVV MTV in llltVVltSlltls teets oiiV all other industries and 3111 hiimplii 11nd Hrs 11111111 it valms 111lt 1l Siilillll 1llliltlil son i11tllll elosedwith 1i11ei IVmi Vvvlllmml rm VMVXH illltlltiltlllti are that the decline after lllll hale was packeth mm 101 llll1 tlld ithe prices for milk 1111 manutai in the operators 111111 1111 11mm PM 11th 111 11 111150 1111111141 purposes up to the present lltllt 14101100 Vdairy farms over Hitlttiijimi miaiis loss of 111e1111lli1 V1V1ViVVeaineries nearl 1111111 chms1 iae 11an INN STUVUWVWU 1mm VV VV mo1 Plum mml the present Veai alone This 11111 LlAh 11VVIIVVNIV1 111111 lilsulrlllll 11 1111111111115 loss of purchasing power VJWk VKVHVIVM1 lePVVW 15111L l1 153 ml 11m 111 vill more llllli 11111411 11 lt1 111Hlll5lilil 11113111 In 1111 111 tie it 1l11VV ARlluKFD COUNTANT lltl IndustiiVes producmii maehin 11 yonguniorg 0f mummian 11111111101111 15 llilltllW gt1 1N Kicqmpmcm minim ml Al 11 11 it 11 YNUHNV hm WWI HYHU mum mm lies VV 1111111111 1111 ions of Ii 11 fit 11111 P1 Mb 111 llllth and 111111151111111 15 11 111 ioilais of public 1111111111 paid bi Shippmu hianslmrtmum iiiidiin t1p11ir and ti hwldv you IS Hmd WNW er 11 11 Ilie dairy industry is tuiida 11 HW 110 VVVVVVV VV VV VV Governments policy 111 supporting 111 coiiserva ion am sm H10 Vi 69 ciiiiier Street Miami Telephone 4919 tertility 1qfffff11i111111 c1 Thin income and pinClingmgl10111111110111 pounds of iiiaiearine power of approximately two and leouldbe produced 111 anada each one quarter million Canudinng is Near This would replace moriE rectly and vitally affected by the than two and onequarter billion production manufacture piobess 11111111115 lllllll llll 111011 110 H1115 in and distribution of milk and factory alternative outlet would he VVV milk products availablu The value of milk aiidmilk 10110111510115 products produced in Canada and For the above reasons the 111111 sold each year exceeds the sum 01 cil commends those Governments one half billion dollars nearly 31 which have in the public interest 1out of each $6 earned by the Can introduced adequate VV legislation idian tarmer comes from dairyintz concerning this subiect Any substantial reduction in the It is inconceivable and conirarv income of Canadian farmers direct to the welfare of Canadian enn ly and adversely affects their abi sumers that any other product macleans furniture craft REPAIRS UIHOLSTERING CUSTOMBUILT 21 Worsley Street ity to purchase the products and manufactured and sold for the sciVices of all other industries DIAL 4346 BARBIE ONT same use as butter should be sub Butler ject to any less rigid control tiom it Of our total annual modem the standpoint of composition and if tion of milk IG billion poundsV smitiiy icgulitions nearly onehalf is used in the man It 15 1110 1101le Of 1110 CHUNG ufacture of button of 1011 to continue to exert every effort grcdicnts of which iiiQ produced in promoting and safeguarding the in Canada by Canadians welfare of the Canadian Dairy In ib In 1948 its value exceeded qumryby NFC moans my $200V000V000V more than 80VV of from time to time be deemed ad which was 1eturned to the farmer Vlsablc producers who in mm were on VIn so doing the tinned will con nbled to pay for the gOOdSVand Sela tinue to urge that in the interests Vices of other Canadian indushViCSV of the Canadian economy and con Pmcticauy of the oils1mm sumcrs the Industry be protected which margarine is manufactured frothhe harmful results of the un am produced in foreign landsV and restricted or inadequately controll just relatively few factories and Cd mamfacurc and sale or mm lemployecs are needed in its manu garmc facmrcV Imported cotton seed oilV VYourV Board lSV fully representa fmm Which most margarine iSVbC tive ot the entire industry troml 111g manufactured is now being lggcggmphwal 35 We 31C purchased at approximately 11c per 111mm simflpmm and 1h poundV inclusive of 10 mm Vstatement ot policy has been unan LOSSES VPAID PROMPTLY AND VFAIRLY HEN 10 any kind Of Property The fact that nearly 100 ofthclianVllSly approved as being inthc insurance Vt mostimpoam thing oils now being used in me pmduv VtViethVlorVigtcrmV interests othhe in to consider is The rliiitation of the wont if mar1gzlrme aim being im may as WWILg 91110 41111994111 ltaar em WMmu Wuc use 15VUVgCZIEViiatiyihaaureyouto paying We of Canadiaiimndf degrade UVSV 0G SUPPO yan em 1110 oft repeated but erroneous To meet the requirements of 11111 Thissui viewimt Canadian AW Ice your p0 1cy nsurapce s10 01 c10ps cacu 1111a Act 01 19411 the United Company 18 only the first Step in the transaction coulct compete With ihoVse p10duc States Department of Agriculture You should be sure that in the event of loss Ed If utne Cheap has announced the schedule of hog 0111 claim will be settle uickl rl 01011511 01 SJ WEE 99 CQmDC support prices for the rilSe yaVnd in lition With Canadian produced tember period of 1949 Dupring the Over period of 157 years North America butterfat could prove very dctrim period hog prices will be supported Companies have built an unexcelled and world nml to dille mdUStly at 90 per cent of the March 15 par Wide reputation for settling losses promptly V101 The laws of CalladVa1cstab ity price of $1790 per100 pounds and fairly 1th gd Standards Whmh 11151 Prices currently 10C01V0lby falm 119 Observed the manumcmm ers are above parity and on March When buying Fire Casualty 01 Marme Insurance andsale of butter The product 15 averaged $20 for 100 pounds Vld ask your Agent or Broketto secure you pro mu Comm mmlmllm Of 39 posal from North America Companies bunelfah 0t more than 16 0151 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT 15 Busines accepted solely through Agent and Brom OUR M5 CED GHT INSURANCE COMPANYOF VV If VV VV VV cs Pontiaes lal completely new lllltV 111 1111111 VV iiViVunime meVn llirill when 3111111511 your CQMPVANIES VV 1V than seven years into 118 ClCHlthJll went years 111111111 Dealer ion 11 see 11 ca of breathtaking CAIRO HEAD OFFICEIORONTO anl Years Of FCSCRWIH Mill 110513111111 1111 VV lttilll 11 car with more comfort and rooiiiiiiess1 demgning testing and jibtesting And nally liroiuler vision greater safety its apowcrlul VV everyone was satised VCCIfOHC stiiil1VVIIiiils i11p1111sive ea 05er drive an plmsurc SSW 051C158 1110118110111 Canadtl 1V1 llcrcs 9111 11111195 11110 CllOllAll Ill CIFV tutlrne ulill say its really remnthablmnotori tNSURANcE VCOMPANY or uqnmmmc way it 081 lllllt incorporates the major car value whether you eninparoii wiih luxury INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY or Nomi AMERIA VV VV VV VV tHE AltIANCE INSURANCEVCOMPANY or PHILADELPHLIL advallnlcnisVC 5011131 11 YCI lillllh Ill cars 11111111unipriced cars 1111 other cars in PHLADELPVHM AND MARINE NSURANCVE COMPANY the thoroughbred cliaraeteiisties that iilllitlllitlla lonliaesoun price iltlti For Imiline is priced iril I1 Ilia Ioteest See it today have learned to expect from Pontiac MALcoiisoiis DUNLOP ST Insurance Agency DIAL 3735 The Home of Good insurance since 1899 It13tiiitliia1simrti 5111 ma gmLint 111106

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