Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 May 1949, p. 1

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flUllt 111 =ple ittzcus liantt ictgtcstiig 1111211121 of 11111111 of 111 1111111 Inc tltillll1g lll1lllt11 11 ADV fund for ttvic ftllltlttrlis Aid 11111121 roiled 111 tlic poition of 111111111111 Si wrictc 1111111111 11111 putting it uscd car lot be 111v111 s11 2111 pcdc riuns would not how ll wulit on 111 ntgliuay Ilvptity licttc ir1ffin chairman of the board of works 111111111 that 11c worlt lllltl cost $1110 or $7101 and 11111 since littr budgtt 11111 111en cull $111001 111y could not tXlltlltl the amount Ald llarruon nu plitd that tltc 11111ol childrens lives WLlc 111 dainzct lccnusc of 111 condition of he gtllttl 11111111 St 111111111 who 111111 givcn pcrmisslon for 1111t1on tliority and 1111 company and 111 own1 of lhc piopcrty will 111 2111 Aitltt l1t itlitl 1311 ttc lILl but at tic lltctt 5111 1111 to 11111 f1v 1111341110th lnt 1111s111c1l banked the 11111l fo 21v 111 111iirc biiiltlmg to hold lililLliLtn 31an 1111111 cxcciu flltllllttl pl Ugl itlll itlll Aldvtorbttt 11poltc11 that bill 111111 111111 11cctctl 111 111 rctcliicutlzil arca and 111 lhcro was no 111 liliiltc 86111 Yearv No 29 Itl A111 111111sou stood511111 1111 the town tlcluclinicnt of 11c proi viuc11lpoli1c be given 11 black car instead of 11 White crulscr lhcy 111 cuiploylnit so that thclt might 11c stllctci cnforccmcnt of lhc Jll niilcs per hour spccd limit within 11c town Ald lugli 111111 rcpoilttl 1111 111110 was great deal of spccding Within the own limits Deputy llccvo hlffin suggestcd 1111 policcmcn stand on corntrs rathcr that they lid with forccd it solicitor son of hc bylaw from 11x1 cab to taxi drivers lic causc lcccssnly ricAllandalo bus cruising be 111 for amendment valti licrc Were 11 street lights needed 111 11c cial hydrants are also stalled 1m motion of Aid Hambly sce ondcd by Ald Fralick the stated that here had been 21 grass fires in the town during the month of April Ald provide banquet for the Hornell School here in concert on May 12 CVCI definite provision in cars 11 1111 limit sit wislud to pnforcc A111 Mrs asked when traffic bylaw in connection lit1 tiilvcrs was hcing cn lhc mayor itpllcd 1111 in the hands of the town ltowc Ald llarri that the wording had been changcd ll1inilon VtIS ILlitilltd be Bar the Will it would to discontinuc the 111111 under ll1c bylaw otherwise cluusc 1d 1111 that llambly 11111 light rcpottcd for committee 111 in areas Sev to be in was adopted llicsc residential the town new were Th rcport Ald llambly read report from fire tlllf 111 which it was A111 Christie 111 the Ayrcs asked absence of that the town Band when they appear Ald that Mrs she announced representing the Hamilton was welfare committee of the council at 2111 organization other welfare groups in the legion hall on Wednesday May 18 meeting with bylaw was adopted providing retiring allowance of $l800 year for Town Clerk Smith This was not an indication that Mr Smith would necessarily be retiring in the near future How Since thenatown cmployces pension plan now in effect didnot include the clerk the councillors thought there should be some made for Mr Smith who has already served the municipality for 34years The bylaw was unanimously adopted toaltcnd the assessors confer oncetombe held at Ottawa from May to Fire Chief Rdly Irwin was au thorized to attendthe fight ers training school to be held on Jttne and CiA letter from Oshawa asking less rigid enforcement of the Lords Day Act was ordered filed On motion of Ald Wilson and Ald Christie the town auditors will be requested to have their re port ready for presentation at the next meeting Rev Clinton Cross Lloyd Partridge was authorizedl iStroud Girl Meets Princess Margaret Rose Peacock to Ilcr Highness It Hospital at Toronto TCA Photo ALINJHIJID ShithD CLAEB IAIL ll Yti PCDY lii CtFARlIENY OIIAWA iAt Barrie Works of ilOOATon Press Installed Art id THE BARRlE EXAMINER BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA incitsoav MAY 1919 1101113113 PARK 1111 BE SOLD 1011 FACTORY cfailiarge Delegation Asks 5111mm 111 nt Llillllllittf 11 um 11 11111111111117 tin town 111 1511111 it Council Adopt Report SUV to 111 11115111ctcd in 211 oi 1111 pzopcrty commit 1111iy 112911 111ctn1g lWen 111111111 liciorr winter The 1111 111 1111 11 1112 JILllll 1ttFt Ti 1Y1111 that ills hottws incision 1ttltl llHZ llt 111111 ht11 11 1t ltllll 11 1111 vlyucs 11l111 1cl 1111 lllt 11210111 1111 1lillltl 1111 111 under 11131 Hull 1w hope with 11 and storm 501111 111111 ti lc acting town the pto 11tl111l11t ftl l1 municipal 1ct 1111 would look 21311 Hart Sllg 111111111 11 tn j1ht 11c included 114111111 of 3111 lit1 11111 111111711 up the Mb 111 11 11 lit 111w already built cost of approxim 111 8111110 111151 which Wttt ikiti 111 1111 11 He suggcst 11 11111 1lvuu llltlll over 11 t111 oi 1111 111111 111711111 11111 1111111 asked Mr 111111j 11 lw 11111 111 lzivor of 111 1111111ni 111 111 houses 111311111 iiillllllttl by tlllrltlt Contractors 1l 11111 1111111 llc reported 11111 Alltlillttilt and Housing 115111451111 nnl one local coli 11111 111 tln 1111 3111 and added ldni contractors could not bid 1111 torpotmions ltlltt He also 11111l1wl 1111 labor was being 1111 1111111111 11111111 plcasci hymn 11 4111111141 11 uo 11 3511111 111 111 glitnlztdi of lllr ti ill town sellng 111 11111 known 113 iv lMlA Itogtis luzlt ti nutty Illtlitt thc tlLLltti 111 1111 311 clcctioii Ml Im $15 inlituuivxti bf lltpulj llcctd VHl llilililrt 41 illfftlt 1111 Mttlltltit 11111 11111 1VZ OBSERVE MAY 23 111111 oliow1ii 111111c11t 111 111 m11 1711303 ti 1n 111 7113 owtrtoutrl lti 11 tc g11 nit 11111 12 =folloxving spttzal 111ct1zig Willi 11 11 of tin Atrium lfZlv 11 lllt l1 111 1111 illlt liilh 1111111 vttittthtltij Cbti 111 lini of 111 gm Cum hr totvti cunncil 11st lhc 111111 in 1111vgtt1on 5111111111111 15 mild 11 1141111111115a MWMJ light tltthltill i1s 11 nu with John 51 1h Mr 11ml Lttlr 111 ttlthlAit lllt Illttnlx 1311 11111111 1711 Hp by mama MAL lllrllltlgy this yr on Monday 11311 1111 15011111 by llifin 51 111111 on thy 11 11n111 pugn 111 33 WW 15 1=1t 1mm by at UN m1le 11 1111 111 pm lllh action as It to tour utility IIVK illfllt Itll illti lr Voting in utor hr hi yll the mattci of 1111 llzlilollilllkt NV 13 mgnmnn hmlm lfii 11 11 11 lraliclt irilliii Monthly ll1m $1111 JigfbnlllPilfmhjitlfiivjt 11 MPH AM mnl ML Mum Xtrlltlx 1t 1111101110 pull The H11iilniir Hi Million mm mm 41 ll l11 111 olmg against 1111 11111111111 1111 ivumnmrni UI 12th ml 11 1111111 1111 ttrc orltctl tlriuu lllll lCUtllllltlC 11111 ltl zippioaclicd 111v group of lIntillsh llltllhlllill MN IN 115 who ttoultt ltlltltt litl sltlll HAW NWDWV lg Vr n7w 77 ii cd 11111c and 111111 would 1111 Mil lll acrcs of land 1111111 This ofg 1fcr would liiivc to bc 111cptctt ori iilojcctcd in lc 111111 future lhc Km CHlV 111 tall11 Ilsa 11ch iffnliil 11111i111 111 11 111111211 11 11 11 21s to what tlury vcrc 1111111 1111 11 Vulttl f1 tl 11 do with 11c ll111 111111111 11 131111 11 11 1111 to 111111 thcy vcic going to tlcvotc 111 11 111 hcavy industiy 111 puik 111 1111 thought 1111 1111111111 should be ptt M1111 1111 Fly111UWll 11 itlitvi 1131117 wp l1 11 ppm i11111121 1li=c11lts11l at 1111 1111111 111111111 1111121 11 1111 11111111 11 All The mayor 11111111111111 lint 1111 131 Vtllll 1111M 141 Alllttlilh lttlitttll A111 111115110 SL142 71 11111111 T111 iltt was the ninth yrar in his memory llth HH Ihimnc from 111 121 1111 1111118 11111 1111111 111 1111 lirntvt 11 that 1111 problem had conic up at 11111111 11 vision 1111111 The by council 111 too 11111111 11 11111 V1i council 111 felt that it should lottn 111111 1111111n 1t $233111 for 11111 stlltlt 1111 2111 12111 11 11111 ttiiii 11111 1w Soul 11 be decided by 1111 1111111119 also 11 Matt fiztitcl xvioug ii 111 11 11 1111 111 Aldtllllilll Wilson Lisltcd if 1111 1111111tt was stailcd win11 Manor Ainxoi 11111111ti 1111141 31 11 um 113 lttlks Board had bccu consulttdtu min 113 11111 from 1111 11111tl11 111 11111 111 111111 111111 1tbo1fl 111 llttittll lltlllll littV ton tvtillltll 1511111 1111 llic111ottlit1t $17 $111 lot 111111t=on 1111 11111111 11 lHYlllI hi 111 ll oi 111111111 1111c1i 111111111 11111 1111 school board1tt1153110un11 1111111t 111 ll Iillliiiiizvrzffixlllulld IllV l111 possibly 111111 playground 1111151111111 11111111 llt $11151 flyifdkrfiillwlzvHr1iiI5 C11iilxiqiili MURIEL CACOCK 0f SHOUd TCA stewardess was recent Ald WNW WNW ML 17iljii1lililllllltxlnpl11l1illllllllill 111ill rilliiiijnliill1tlli1l1hl WA inott 11211 lnwr tltllilw ly presented to Princess Margaret Rose at London airport 10111411 fi 11 Wi lowk 11 in 11 11 he on that 11ml WW1 11 li11111111 M1111 tlu 11ons 11111 11 15 Ir tlttlll 11111 121 11 Lit 1l The Princess was preparing to leave 011 tier light to Italy hid had hm 5mm inw 191111111 1111 tlttll 11111 81111111111111111 lilitlttl 11 111 11 when she spotted Josephine BarrettSmith whom she liad1111mbcr 111 years 11111 1111 111 1111 11 131 Marathi mumit 1111 NW WM 1111 1111 r11 known in the Scabecs at Windsor Joseohinc presented MissPmk 1111 liltl 1Z IM gt11 mm SCctclztly of 111 lzirlts lionid hoolty Show this 111 11111 111 111111 11 HWlill 11 3mm 1111 =11 111 was the 1111111 Of lemme Blair who was present 11 l1cli111ni111 1111 11111111111111 ltlllll bl 1111115 11Xlrvlliitt ll 11111 111 1111 said the Stroud girl Muriel is daughter of Mr and Mrs meeting tpolltd 11111 in tho pustitntc 11111011 11111 11111 11 111tc suction Fred Peacock of stroud and She is graduate of Wellcslcy three years the board 11111 spcnti1 mount cut in 1111 11111 1c11cal RW 11 131 lhilv 111 11111111tl 11111y of 51me Oth 301111 Rogers 11111 imituoi 11 3101111 Iswunuunts instnution 11 the 11111111 ml Immmnm mm lltllk Hum11y meri Hmt $11111 tho own Vili it 111 ling bill 13 lllllliiihll ltA Ald Citrric rcmurkcd that 111111111111 11111111 tlicbudizct 111 along it 1111111 1H 11 1101111 1111711 for stittt St Andrews Church Celebrates Hundredth Anniversary this Month 011 Sunday May 15 and Sunday having stunmcrcd here on May 22 St Andrews Clitttclixvill celebrate its 0111 Hundredth Anni versary Elaborate plans have bccn made to celebrate this auspicious occasion Back in 8110 the Presbyterians in Barrie first organized themselves into congregation with the assist ance of Toronto Presbytery The first church building was built on land immediately to the west of Trinity Church and thch the Pros byterians worshipped until 1883 when the present building was opened and dedicated During the century St Andrews has occupied significant place in the life of the community as whole Since its organization 1849 the congregation has only had eight ministers including the pres ent ministcrthe Reverend James Ferguson On May 15 the preacher for the daywill be the Reverend Berlis minister of the Church of St Andrewendt Paul Montreal Mr Berlis is no stranger to Barrie HIGHWAY CRASH CLAIMS LIFE or FIFTH PERSON Mrs Lloyd Robbins died in the Royal Victoria Hospital at Barrie last Monday night She was the fth person to dietisz the results of truck and bus collision near Churchill one week ago Her brother John Mattccr andher husband had been in stantly killed in thesame acci dent The condition of the sixth person who was inthe truck Mrs Donald Hill is not Seri ous Mrs Hills husband was alsokilled The ve persons who died as result of the accident were all between 30 and 40 years of age and all had lived at Belle Ewart Reefer Toronto Last iiisundayimorning RevClinw tori Cross BA1LT11 of Trinity Churchmade the announcement that the Bishopof Toronto had 113 pointed him to the rectorship of StJohns Church west Toronto to succeedtheRev Hunt MAVBD whobecame rector of the Church of the Redeemer Avenue gt Road and Bloor St Toronto effec tive on June Ist Mr cross was ordained in 1938 folloWing which he graduated from University College and Wycliffe College Toronto and was appoint ed to be assistant Curatc at St Johns Church to which he is now returning as Rector He served one year and six months in the Parish of Shanty Bay years at Lindsay one year and one month at Trinity Church Barrie He expects to takeover his new duties in West Toronto month hence KINGS OF UPSALA Before 1001 the Swedish ruler were known as kings or Upsala in chestra Dancing Appointed many occasions The soloist for the day will be Wishart Campbell who also islwcll known in the town 011 May 23 the Sacramentof the Lords Supper will be observed at the morning service while in the evening the Moderator of the Gen eral Assembly the Reverend Ritchie Bell will be present as guest preacher To complete the celebrations the congregation will hold an At Home congregational supper on Friday May 20 COMING EVENTS Rummage sale St Georges Hall May Auspices GladClt1b Doors open am 29b Dance in New Lowell Hall Fri day May auspices LOL Ad mission 500 29p Dance every Friday at Cooks town Dance Pavilion to Don Gilkes and his ninepiece orches tra 27tfth Dance at Baxter Friday May to the music of Paxtons or from 930 to 130 Btfth Rummage sale Satuxday May Central United Church Auspices Womans Association Doors open am 2829b Dance Gearin Hall Phelpston Tuesday May 10 Good music Admission 50c Everybody wcl come 29b Dance at Shanty Bay Hall Wed nesday May 11 Stroud Mountain eers Admission 50c Lunch counter 291fth Dance Guthrie Community Hall Friday May Music by Stroud Mountaineers Admission 50 cents Lunch counter gt 29b ChilliWilli Junior Farmers meeting Churchill Tuesday May 10 Graham livestock branch guest speaker 29p Dance0range Hall Ivy Friday May 13 auspices LOL 450 Admisl sion 50c Lunch counter Stroud Mountaineers orchestra 81fbT Bobby Gimby and his l3piece band Beeton Community Memor ial Hall Friday May Tickets advance sale $100 at wicket $125 2729b1T Dance Craighurst Hall Friday May Modern and oldtyme music Lucky prize pices 10f Craighurstl Community Club 2930b Afternoon tea auspices Wo mens 1Hospital Aid at Nurses Residence Thursday May 12 to pm Open house at hospital to pm 2729b Qvenden College sale of work and tea Saturday May 14 from pm6 pm maid of Victorian Order Nurse Tickets from com mittee or at door 282930310 East Simcoe CCF Nominating Convention Saturday May Em bassy Theatre Goldwater pm Speakers Noseworthy provin cial organizer Kenneth Bijyden former Deputy Minister of Labor Saskatchewan 2829b HelenCox will give talk and practical demonstration on oral arrangement in the Public Library Hall on Monday May at pm The Barrie Horticultural and Town Improvement Society invites everyone to this most interesting evening which is tree to all 29b was the ward two and ward 111cc Lunch counter Aus chicliing Park next to thc softball diamond but elsewhere 111otorists will be prosecuted if they park vidc adequate recreation Parlts Board has decided in 1111k have to curtail their ing plans for the 1949 season 1111 bur but llltlt had been 1111 cut Satisfymg cmployccs was to pro and thought the amount of $2500 from their cars on the grass hc rillia the town was not enough Theyll summer tivitlcs elf this town isnt btg en of tho children to learn to program was lllltllltfl he Ald liristlc presented that the council ilC only supporter was Ald Ballet Artists From Toronto On Program OLIVIA WYATT talented young dancer of the TorOnto Ballet Corps School who will appear at the International Festival of Music sponsoredby the BCI Band at Barrie Student Bandirom Hornell New York ONE on THE MAIN attractions at the interna tional festival of school music scheduled for Barrie Arena on Thursday May12 is the 90 piece High School Symphony Band from Hor Coming to Bet icconsldcr grant to the recreation council The tSpUllbUlLtl by Harrison and the motion was declared lost 11115111111u area that was in need 11f the park in 11 mm 11th gut 1111115 for llttltiStl1 Hm tho on URNS mk tho $211111 15 last ycar Speaking again i11 1111s111 ifrffh A111 Christie said itw1s not 111 said Im insitivc lt1ilrlt Illtittltllk In PAIEKlrf p1mt 1111 of 11111 service clubs to rc of count111110111 know anytlnnu LAKE 0Uln 111111 their projects it was only about rccrtation 11111 111 11i1lvd Parking will he allowed along 1111r job to start them Ilc iv1111 the councillors would 1111111 11 11c roadside on two sidcs of Con 11111111 that the biggest factor 111 lot to answer for if the playground motion Arena on Thursday May 12 On the right DOUGLAS STEWART and AUDREY PO WELL of the Ballet Corps School will also be featured onthe program rrie ringtonrthe organization was considered the outstanding American Band at the Internation at Schools Festival in Montreal in 1947 The Barrie Collegiate Concert Band recently re nell Under the direction 01 Ileana HarM turned from performing in joint concert with the International Festival Probably thc gtczdort inusicall and 1111tcrtzut11n11111 attraction cvtirl Barrio group 1st the International Festival of Music be prcscnicd 11 11111111 Arena on lh111sd1 cvcinnc Mag 12 The evening will tcattirc the 91111111 School Symphony Band from llornell lIct York State of somc 110 picccs the ivcrdalc ol lcgiate Choir from Toronto and the Toronto Iiallct School Corps This great attraction is being sponsored by 11c Barrie District Collegiate Band which will play only briefly from 11 to 815 11111 at the start of the program when the audience is assembling The BCI Band which recently visited Hor ncll as the feature attraction of an evening sponsored by the New opcn the program by playing the United Satcs national anthem Thc Star Spangled Banner From there on the full evenings Hornell Band the Ballet Corps and the Riverdale Choir The entire business arrange ments are being handled by the Kiwanis Club of Barrie to assist the BCI Bant Fisher BA director of the BCI Band will be exceedingly busy with arrange ments for accommodating the visit ling band from Hornell andmany other details in connection with the visit Therefore the Kiwanis Club has offered to handle the ad vertising tickets arena arrange ments and the numerous business details Tickets are now 011s11e at various local agencies andpfrom Kiwanians Sec advertisement on page one section three of this issue of The Examiner for details as topricc of tickets and where to buy them Ballet School Warnc new York State high school will then fllSl Tommil company and pianist program will be provided by the Music at Barrie Arena Next Thursday May 12 1111 llorncll Band we have further details to offer in another story of this issue and there has in 1111 11111111 in the past two issues On this page may be found pic ture of thc llorncll Band More 111111111121111111 about them the Choir and 1111 ballot corps will be given in next Mondays edition 1111 mun orps The Toronto Ballet School Corps has been organized for the past four years and is composed of teenagc dancers They are cott slticlcd one of Torontos leading ballci groups Director Rita has endeavored to bring ideas in ballet before the public and the Corps were the first Toronto groups to present bullet to organ music also he to give complete 45minute ballet to ori ginal music written for them by Edward Vidal English composer All choreography is by Rita Warnc and stage sets cos tumes etc are designed and cre ated in the studio by Aylmcr Mac Donald and assisting artists During the year the school gives two pcrfortnancesat Eaton Audi torium besides numerous profes sional engagements with various organizations This year they have been asked to Supply dancers from the group fort the summer performances at The Theatre Under the Stars Vancouver BC All this has been very encourag mg for Canadas youngest ballet group and they are looking for ward to big things ahead for the dancers number of whom are 110w ready for professional com panies if their There are about 13 people in the ballet group coming to Barrie Turn to page eight please this widelyknown group of musicians Also the program is the Riverdale Collegiate phony of Toronto and the Ballet Corps the More age would alluK

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