Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1949, p. 6

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KUINJI mitt Year No 18 1511er wrru ARTIST infinitiur HOUSE or mrs Soul Stirring Drama Stark Startling Suspense fillith b00 the amazing story of search for love that become frantic nlgh from fear PamI Plums DRUM ROBERI YOUNGCUMMINGS HAL lNAlLIS be Evening 3v0h WENDELL con 5m Shows pm Cartoon Comin Round Mountain ILIS NIAKIO LAND OF LAKES Another Big Hit Starts Thursday Miss Tatlockls Millions MENDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MACIINEII WEI 230 p111 For Your Enjoyment Truly An Oustanding Feature Attraction iiiir lunar EXTRA TREAT COLOR CARTOON EVE SHOWS 050 840 pin DENNIS OKEEFE 1EANAUMQNT IN Atlantis Showing Once Only At 840 pm TR Siren of Atlantisi ADVERTISE IN THE OBARRIE EXAMINER YOU ARE INVITED To the Spring Rally of the Barrie Good News Bible Clubs to be held in the LIBRARY HALL FRIDAY MAY at 730 pm There will demonstration of visual aidin telling Bible sloricsl songs by the children and an address by Miss Thcaltcr of the Ontario Child Evangelism Fellowship Staff Parents Sunday School teachers and all young pcoplcwill want to share in this happy evening Barrie Kennel Club 11 5fje ANNuALtojV VCHAMPINSHIP ALLEREEDff 23 DOGesHow Saturday May 14 BARRIE ARENA Childrens Handlind Class Fr Residents of Simcoe County 1E POEI OFFICE DEPARIIENI till AS SICOND CLASS lAtL ll OHAIA 11 Stanza 1t11=11 lilegaas from 11111 unlit t1 Illtgt TONIGHT TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 11 1vr11v1 wrzn 2311 1111 11ijy My Lil funding that will la likil 131 im on May mill pail ill ll tltl illn llkilltt ul toiiaali Will Maulnllt of ohiwuhl win ltl and at 11 honu tlu 1ll lle ILItl hcrn 7mm Loin11m1 for lllt 11ml trn 11 will ltuorn lot his 1lu 1111 flit Limllaie of the ttlltl Alltl lllt Luurlal li1l ivus Hlltlltlltl by 111 tonimamiii nniiath H111 e1 11 hauntville Itlillltil fll whirl la it lm t1on vl llilil lot lli itllii 7mm itoiniutuuhr 1st111 one 1112 illldlldtl and Zone Sports Ulluli illdll posts 1i llll=rl l1 ttli grade If llrlil of Ii111 Zorn1 donunandct onu uii llllllltll ts Zone Siliitlw Him1 iold utiuzitiiluiucshi115 1111110 After the meeting iiy tll1 iable lunch was scrud and many im any of these Killlltllllllt the most i11Jgt111li part Is llltllllll stone of lthe chaps who served With 111 inverseas or 111 rtillli other p111oi V1n1da where honm 11s 1111b iaway It is enjoyable to watch tXllltVSltill on lllt11 law 17 1311 jrelive old times lugvtlur This is one of the featmcr of the ttlailadian Legion wheie i11c4 and fraternity 11o hand in hand to makc one of the tilltill1til tiltillllilil ltions in anada It would be crave one the fact that omrarle fol I1t eerald was present at the 11111111111 Ilc is Isl Vice Iresulcnt of lrov metal Connnand and at the pres out time is very deep in Pensions und Service worth lie 11am us short talk that was very well re ceivcd as he is an expert of long standing 111 putting across his views HORNELL PAPER lREPORTS CONCERT BY BARRIE BAND from IIornell livenine 11ibune1 Entcrtaimnent recreational and unstalte and the disposal of Barrie Collegiate Institute Band 111e111bcrs durum their stay in liornell as an expres sion of good will by various agen cies any has ollcred the Canadian stud cnts free bus transportation while in Ilorncll The YMCA is open to the young musicians for swimming or other recreational activities and all theatres in the city are ad tnittinu the students to the movies Each of the Barrie Institute Band members has been issued cour tesy card for identication pur poses Travcllinr in two large busscs the Canadian band members and their several adult supervisors ar rivcd here at 515 pm yesterday They left Barrie at 745 am Witl1 in ten minutes after they assembled at thc high school the Barrie stud cnts had met and departed with their Horncll High School Band hosts with whom they will stay WhiIC in Hornell All necessary detail was attended to well in advance under the sup ervision of HornellIIigh School Band director Allen Fisher Barrie director and George Clicqucnnoi chairman of Horncll band arrangements iMost of the students here who planned on cntcrtaininc the Can adian band members had already written letters of introductionsev eral days beforc the trip as Res litres of hospitality Last evening both bands were guests at buffet dinner and danc ving party in Lincoln School This noon visitors wcrc guests of the Horncll Rotary Club and listened to concert by the Horncll Hittil lincmhers of the Collegiate lnsti School band Although both Barrie and Hor ne bands Plycd Hi 10 Montreal High School auditorium tonight BUILDING The Barrie EXamhicr Ltd Edwiii Wilson Osteopathic Physician ook ConStruction 30 II Aspdcn Laboratory The Excelsior Life Insurance Compimy Industrial Acceptance Corporation Niagara Flndncc 00 Ltd Sheard 0f Barrie Couturier Mitchell Artistt Barrie Chamber of Commerce Dr Perkins Dentist i1 lo pw Huli o1 ollilnlwood as Deputy 31111111411th ir and ouilaili latlznism of R117 if illl not mention city transportation facilities are atr The IIorncll Motor Coach Comp Dcan Harrington LCBARRIE our11210 CAMatria 1U131 Five Horn Players of 31111t the l1or11crtion ofthv ltilttlt omirt Hand vho travi inell l1s1 weekend firi see11 abo from itll to rit1tJ1111 Agnew Jim lii11 BCItSimcoc Coop Prcsidcnt Band Visit to Hornell llzurn ollv1it ltllltll llilllt ltttllll llljttl pout 1o11cp1t all llirirnzl 1I ll11111ell Iluth Stlliml band lull 11p x111 tltl tll 111lo three tastrumvirzz tll and liazrn l111111r1 co1 ltltlltl tlll 111u1 11 Mll liitlllltl 1l11 lll111 on lhw moripa tiltltttVt 5mm Iixiiiliul ltlll illlitllitt on ilhuisrlay lllll Ll he1 our two tllilllltl blue itvpartid l1ot11 ilianii With paltv 111 Alter lliltllllll nonslop along the Quecu lIlizaliith to hitlalo lac found the custom otluials most agreeable on lttltlllltl luv border Maybe it could be tlitltltil to the fact that 11 1t anada was send ini so111ctl11111 111111 the llllllttl States for chairm We had llllllll 11 the Niayuua lark restauiant llllt situated lllttll 111 front of the stupendous lalls llns meal was arianecd Ior llll party the larric hanunl of forunnrte V111 good hiphway we proceed cd tollatavia and fienesec Valley encountering beautiful scenery on the journey ltllClllllL llorncll1 population 20000 we found it was linen railway terminal lht town is sonnwvhat depressed at tin steam engines to dieselpm1pelled locmnotivcs Mr Tliquinnoi principal of public schools in lIornell and who years ago until this noon ncuher International Music Festival tivo band had heard the other play They appcardd in Montreal on dif lcrcnt eveniniis The idea for an excliaime oi ltill certs was born last April when Mr Ilarrinutorrheard the Barrie band at Music Educators National Conference in Detroit Ile was 1111 prcsscd with their musicianship and in talk with Mr Fisher found the admiration for each 001ch bands mutual Mr lislier had heard reports of the lIornell Bands excellent concert in Montreal The Ilorncl band will go to lIar rie for return concert Ma ll While there the local band mem bers will be guests in Barrie homes and be entertained by various agencies including the Iarrie Chamber of Commerce Thatonr Vganization has planned gala b111 duct for the visiting n1usicians IIORNIELL llllt1lllZS BAthllI Evening Tribune llornell NYi IlOIlNELL NY April 23 Mayor ErnestC Stewart today is sued message of welcome to tlilc Rand of Barrie Ontario who arahcrc for concert in Hornelll lhc Barrie band members and their adult loaders Will be wceklt Hd guests of Horncll students They were guests of the Horncll Rotary Club at 11 noon luncheon in the Hotel Sherwood today The people of IIorncll Mayor Stewart said extend welcome to our Student friends and their ad visors from Canada Thisycxchanrc of concerts and friendship between students of the United States and Canadawshould sprve as an example for good intcrnational relations We ccitainly hopcaur visitors en 0v thcirwcckend in our city WANTED lMMEDIATELY moment due to chance ovcrtrrmrfill tin purchases which CI Band liairLc lltll to More vz lhej 111 111 xliuvin u11i In lu liumvll b1111i 711111 ilt llll 1111111111111t li 111 piso1 11 111ii1111l Iii 11p tlililll 1o hail 11tlt lb p1o11 talnil in tti t1o1t tun1 haul 1115 4p1 1111v2i1u11 111 lwwl 1111 ll 111 l1 anti 1101 uniii 11111gtt voila irapis 1111 to In to111 around 11111 lr llt Sipziii 111i to Hill Inuit 111 ill inniolu Stooll zrltiI luri short tldllt lollomd Pre 111112 the his lays excltinient the Hornet Ilttlltltill ion11111tler each Harrie 1111111bc11 lHipllliilllJII pastes 1111 the Hill nwil bus lllil to all 1ei1111tio11 laI tllllli of the town and to all tin illii is url to tip l1uli 11111111111 we re lu owl 111 lb liitllllltl 1111111111111111t of the Iltlllltlt IllLll School while thv ulttrnoon was spent in slurpt pug lllltt iiirrbers of lllt liar rlv slii tram lhll 11112 Jim Fish c1 and Don Maxwell were lllltl ilttl on the 111d1o station about the Winter spurt llll1 ivas 001117 paralivclv 111 lllt dark to Ilornelli citizens Iltl Iltlllllll lililili iilll slitld an excellent d111111r in our honor Sherwood llotel during which the llornvll Band e11tcrtan1t with ball hour of music The tillltll was at night and tllthlilltiltl l0litl llornill cui 7011s wormed their way into the packed auditorium Although the Ilorncll Band opened the concert it was quite obvious that the Bar ric Collegiate group were heme featured Without any hesitation say the members possibly gave the best ioniert of their career We itll Itlllllll Iridav 111or11 in at and proceeded to Rochester where we spent several hours shopping and tour ing the famous liastnums School of Music We departed from Rochester about 330 1111 and headed for Buffalo The border was crossed at seven and we plagued Canadian custom officials for inhour claim ranged l1o111 radios to cameos Supper was obtained at tlu GerW1=alIrock Hotel and the Fox Head Inn at NltthIIH we were fortunate to view the Falls when illuminated and it de finitely is glorious sight Once we boarded the buses we ihcaded straight for llaitie reach irimrlfthc homestead at am only to find the clocks should read 21111 DSIL Everyone was tired from travel but all expressed their enjoynici1t of thc lhrccday ca ra van You May Have Request Numbers played for yourself or friends by writing TiTh Mail Bag GRILLIA Program Daily from 3300 51m YAlso Listen to Young women 116 to years FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLE WORK Accommodation in Fa1m Scrvlcc Force Camps supervised by YWCA Good Meals Good Pay Good Fun For full particulars write ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE Richmond Street East TORONTO ONTARIO Auspices Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee MUSIC Especially for You EVERY SUNDAY Through the Courtesy of THE WRIGHT CLEANERS BARRIE CEoR DRILLIA RADIO DlAL 1450 This time t111 liltinl Ilol S11121ti to in Absent from ll serum 121 l1 gio in Fisher lircnnrgg lrio 111s lio11 lllilLLtlllt be syrlearg lemon THE BARRIE EXAMINER tltlfliltl till itllt iltt lr1v Ilttllllllis ltl l5 lIlll lff 111 11 to it it 11 l1 it 11 11 I11 Elr 1llli RAY 1oo1111n Slit hasntricri tlitlltl to Mini illl ll rViilllAil 11 211 Ilii Ill l11 Sllililu lllsl ltL hittill Si 11 it JillLiltttl 1s IM 111st nesuuui ill littll riqutriil tlu county frilviutiiru in 1111 j11ll Is 1111 1111 to liirw 11 oi Ei1lgtllilt plwivli1t F1zuw 11111 fvii ical Sirvucs lienuitu Home of lilintalv 3as been orchid 111lt ltMtlllil ll Sliiiiizi iitiu iii opioid ll1111ti1l1sill of Iridium Shattered Lures are mended and restored to usefulnes by the loving care of The Salvation Army Wherever heart is troubled or body broken by sin suffering or CerumSlthC there goes The Salvation Armyln maternity homes childrcns homes mens hostels hoincs for the aged and other havcns heartsrespond to its hcalI ing touch YOUR dollars are needed for this great task RED SHIELD srnvrcrs Approximately l538000 Can odians were materially helped laslyearbylhepersortalservicesr loe Salvation Arniyin its Maternity Home General Hospitals Old Folks Homes Prison and Police Court Work Childrens Homes Childrens Summer Campy Missing Friends Service Free labour Service Mens Hostels Salvonry REDt SHIELD APPEAL Pages to IMPERIAL 113irueswi7 SUIYIVO JollN CAllllOLL llAlSllN litltili CRAWFORD Ill tlll AlllAlljltS llililllt lltllllthl lldlltilllil IRR HENRY AllllI lINllilllllNllll Slll ltitl tl llltlli IV lru IRY AN IXlilull WANT Al Playground Leaders TRAINING COURSE Applications are now being received for the Barrie Itc ltillltill ouniils Il1roundLeaders oursi 1111 3111131 itll ltl1 ull 11111 11 il 1w vix iwori 111 month empio 1c111 Iiu111 luI the possnizluy of timothy vat1215011 lizp with children at undo lltlll ltl1ti ttillllltl1illilt to luv ll id tor 111d met lwfi ll 41 vtpplications received by phone or in person at the Kerrigallon Office Community House Phone 4805 and must be in by Friday tith May he Salvation Army Citadel 60 Collier St pBARRlEi Twice Weekly MONDAY and TH URSDAY 1111112111 nuohrllliii lMIlll lv utJ 31111 ll 11 fl II II 14 11 li1 printiufn 1111111111 outdoor hone

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