Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1949, p. 3

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PAGE FOUR BOZO FRAMED Flowers Useful to Brighten fill BRRIE EXAMINER BARREL ONTARIO CANADA By FOXO Reardon FIVE DAYS on II ll Seminar lru lou lincc Pics311d HI rcpulution pics tluyrc tun Mince Pie Iiilling Hialns Enough lor Pics 11c 11 Lions lb rilllllll gt1 lib liral illogiiw ll Uttilnl ESCZWG=31GMC3EDJ ragganommnmu HINTS uu pntcr tarts lushad of the to make and good to cut lttpllli thc knits by llllnt and drying loth tinw and tin 11 1ntlt Add tau slitt vciy tsncly l1 cl ltun ll tcc tintugh llttJl llllllllll anvl mix all llljtllltl ith thn gt1flltilvti lll1lltllltiu 11 salt and mix vcll litop hat zcck lilldc using titling or soundly liifq quantity inalws Lll=tlllll for null shed tut sum Stilll 11l of icinuns ill lgiziliwl 4111 tcc aid lb gtlill Al llll llllitilntl riiu ti trams tsp itt Iliillllzl tic ll tics tsp tft lltl pin1 loz111oiiiti itt vliuitllvil ill viial lllz It 111 12m ill Alis itiilltvtillli tu toziIti 1ttlilli 1111l 1111111 llt 111211 Imp llluivll 11 l2llll tllllllllllllillli 111 lll lll 1111 llac lolluvsinu lay stilllt llll llt tvxidll it thw llufutl tanailiaii WartimeNaval Training Base HMCS Cornwallis Is Reopened lul two11 llity lll lu knmvn asl liiiiori and llama llllltll lol lt criiits lll pillow at lllt talc ol Tl ttI vxu tlifw llllll S1 Ill iiilicr ulun tlic llilil1111ltttt l5 cvptltvtl lo llt mm at 1t lttttillllt training capacity of littll ltllll omplcmcnl allows tor ltLllllllE stall ot ltiil lulu31 uul niln uliich ho lllltll as tlic immlicr of tiaintcs It Wth GRIFFITHS BABY orner 011 OC mg 18W IS DOING WELL tfil 11l will III II EV ripptl iwzfl llililillh 1113 is 111 ti it llllt llopital Lin 71 ll 71 loxivttto halo 133 wli ilfll ttlc ltulll li la gtlw t1ll llk il Kll 11 oi lib III intriurncx Til it 11 up iill Il it it 11d 11 Li pi ll 111 21 t2 vlio II lat 11 11 1111silllttll luorn VI tw 3111 114 lll 11 Salut lI lll rut iii hours We can deliver the lollowmg Implements for 1tllitill Toronto pol Foul Ferguson Tractors liad stoppcd will tutti110111118 on tho 1I IV lIlll lllltlltll thi city ll than II III III via vali made to Disc Plows lillors VOTdWOOd mm am am 1013 mi iiiv oi iconic 131 Rotar Hoe 1111 pitta 10 0W5 II vvl tiltllllt 51111 lt11 Suit Rec Saw ght liazilut is 111111 mat to HCUIOWM MI IIIIII WI III III III III III II llIll 1I1I 1I1ItII IIIlltIlItIlllI IlIIllIflIlI III1I hi it I1 ill Ill Ik lhu iiltzivii llwpital llt pol Sweep Rakes IM ll HM Hmd t1 lion ttv min II ll 15 CUlllVCllOlS Dlgger WW Illlli Illl iI 1h llltHNlI that Iva MCInure VJUQOHS pulveriZI 1pm J1 HUIQHHIEIII ItiziiI lltlII I111 ItiIiIcI lllllIIIIjtitilltISI Mora 11p 111111 lit um 1111 1116 Hi ni lllv li anon ibc babv as HIV l1 SprCCIClCl Lottders 3f COmblIle 21ml WIIJ I1Itlll II IIM iit lltllltl ot survival Hi MM my To ml nzulc thc 11ltlc in tva production 11 Hill 11 Hi llil liv zlmlul illtl ktls itll nycllq lava our mummy intuit it liiuuwii lllllt lubc inscrtcd ill countcrili 11 itspwiiir 115 ammo 1Illti no lab ltn sitiDS had to be ralt claimvli llfllltl ilon llll way to adjust llll lll Hulk Mom 77 llllllt llll lll lmlmlancc drtv lllltll lliilnllNlx 11 llll that our timc thcy hit DUIllop Clo Vimmm Ht II Ia Low or tlic baby movcd tin 58 DUNLOP wm Wswhy lllll For 11 Filo omIlnl SirPoint IIun Dr ill Locke WALKWEL srror sronr OPP POST OFFICE Partyisia step to speed 11phorne production toreduce hoasing casts mul curanrwi lnnerboidev Sole Wedge Steel Shank For Arch Snuglilting counter Famous lockc Insole Heel Wedge Correct Lust llcrcs sixpoint plan that really worksms thousands of other loot sullcrcrs liavc discovcrcd llicsc six comlurtassuring sci cntilic lcalurrb liclp casc your torincnlcd loot into its natural painlrcc position And all this comfort is smartly liidtlin in allraclch ncu spring stlcs Ionic in and sec our llt sllcllloil today Dr LocKE SHOES DIAL 2397 DR lOCKE more Canadians The Progressive Conservative Party has already accomplished action thrmigh aggressive leadership Much more can be accom plished with your help Your membership in the Act now Work with theParty thatilvoh for JIJ Iyou 5I1Mail this coupon today Lloyd Gilbert Stayner wish to ioin the Progressive Conservative Party Plum print ADDRESSIII Plidurim CONSTIIUENCY Preferred bulnnlumuil THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY minus ot llitllwrSllWIlilll ltailtvay ion BETTER HOUSING Youf efforts can help provide better homes for Ill lhc rs tubxs lllh lorisc lEit niotlicr ICdna lrilliths vas lLitll lltl ill lll dorm llllt lll lira who dclivcicd lllt baby llu ambulance set out from llar llt at nine pm with Little at the lshwl zititl l1ctl loncs All Essa llload lricnd ot tlic iritliths in tlic lltitli scat With the baby the lincubator and thc oxygcn tank that lllltl lic tank on his knccs laud rcit1l1ttl thc amount given ftlu inlaiit lllllillllf instructions Ilvcn him by music at the Royal lVltltllla llopital llill llll had callcd tho provin rial policc in Barrio and told tlteml 3abou lllt mcrcy trip anlat Aur or1 policc cscIort appcarcd and lcicarcrl the way tor the ambulanet lliilll 11 Toronto llLl lllt illlllr tiniliovcl Once ltorincial Constable San lscal 11gt oxygen supply going The baby was born normally and lrv that it sutlcrcd from poor dc vclopmcnt ol blood cells and placcd ii in an incubator thn it became apparent on Wcrlncsday attcrnoon that the baby wrould nccd blood transfusion ant to loronto vhcrc facilities wcrcbcttcr than at the Royal Vic toria llospital llc dccidcd chanccs llll take any the baby but to sending lwith its father in his own car and lcallcd the ambulance baby lborn to the Griffiths marricd in England during the war lwhcn Gritliths was memberoi the llCAl The other child four ycarold Marilyn was sent last VSaturday to visit with Mr and George Bouncy family ltricnds in Cooksville BOND HEAD April 28 Mrs Geo Gummcrson spent the wcckcnd in Toronto The officers of the Womcns ln stitutc were all reelected llobt Prccce of Camp Borden is ispcnding three days at home re turning Saturday Mrs Jas Smith went to Toronto 5Friday April month with her sisters The WI ltcldthicirptonthly meet1 ing for April zit the home of Mrs Jas Bradley with 20 present That was terrible motor accid cnt on Highway No 11 this morne Churchill ing April 28 near somc six livcs hurled into eternity in second IDo drive carefully No scrvico in our United Church Sunday tMayitlst owing to SSan nchrsary services morninggandt evening at the Newton Robinson church They are rcdecorating thcir church Wasnt Rev Carlsons radio talk splendid this morningtrom 730 to 745 His sermon in second was We are like people racing for train while we should be people training for race The Library Board asked for further donation of $10 $25 in all so better class of books might be secured for Bond Head reading public ThePublic Library annu al membership fee is 50 cents Illrigadicr Henderson and wife of the Newmarkct division of the Sal IvatiopAIrmy were present Each pay Splendid address on the work and needs of the Salvation Army Mrs McLean Mrs Brown and Mrs John Broderick were appointed to canvass the vilm Inge during next morilh for Salva lion Army funds Next meetind May 27 will be at Mrs Frank Forans Bring your bits of 3nlIy knitthm cool as the members are knitting squares or wool Alghan city ly Johnston had to gut in the back llll Mr Jones to help kcrpl tlfllLLl six pounds 10 ounces Dix saw immediately after dcliv spring Dr tray dccidcd to send the inI is the second child who were mand for dairy products is likely 22nd to spend al N11l aiiivl at toiiiiillr tllt lll tllllttll to cmbaik 1W on lili Iitcmoiith Illilv ciitiy part of tlu vzirlimc traitimi tot its kind ill lhc llrit has bccn mA misc lt Tll tontumiiWcaltil viudcd ll thc licu toiiivill1s lla ltltlv ummiiodation mcii tuulrr training has been impioyttl to lllttl cxistinu high standards now ltllllllttl by thc scrviccs lror crainplc llu incit ill Ilccp in slimlc lwds placctl two to cubiclc HANNAM FEARS FARMERS TO BE FIRST TO SUPPER thatntcrs Advocalcl lor Ilc lrtsidciit ol tin anadiaii IMIIIUSII this 5mm THU lllhilmmn ll Axminlmw gtlllt3 acctmnnotlatcd two doublc llalllltllll ltlllltlll that tor ll c1tdIIIIkII hmIkI HIIIIIHIIII Cum WIM 19 ml in tor four inch llarravks vliich ml ll 5min ioimcily acconmiodalcll Jill mcli tlicn llll ratio movcd up to HIV I1 IIW IIIIIk HUI Hf mp uichasnuz otvor ul othcr lllllllll ornuallis is tho tiist ll7tT cs l1 11 131thanJminllhzulfdn talilislancnt to bc tquippcd vitl1 linxicmu i1 hi 13 ITIQILIL tIhc moticrn scalc oi turniturc nam cincltcll iltli that llllll lllrmls H1 mg sunH mm win modulch barracks IincIluIdc bcdsidc lupppsiunh HP IVCRWWWI 1m1111s aim chairs individual lock llollllttltlllit ot lllt lmtcd Klilymimx will and mmwri pillov pcr man ltllll contracts and thought thc 1121 million pountlsmit bacon illlfll bu Tho hullslll problems of lhl pcr bc incl by lu all tIltlilll litivc tor cxpull l111 111le Will Will mu 111m plicis mt rcoorlctl5llillillt innit01s Ilic rst cm as lilcl to remain at tho tillalllct consisting of ill tcinimraiy lcvcl tor most of tlic your 111 mm apartntcnts locatcd on tho basc Hm lwill bc rcarly for occupancy June ll ihcy will be allocated to own lot chitT putty otliccr rate and be low Asccontl liousEiig projcct is txpcctcd to act under way by Junc whilc priccs paid by tarmcrs show slight incrcasc An crops cxliauslivc 1cicv ot and livestock situation Canada was presented to the con Hcmmm H0 h55mI11111e trainingmestablishment has lcrcncc by dcpartmcnt ot agricul ture otlicials brief rcvictv iriditl catcs reduction in rye and lla with an incrcast in vhcat th supplics of feed grains excluding wheat pcr grain consuming animal unit avaik able for tho lthllll feuding scasun wcrc rupurtcd as 23 pcr cent grcat 01 than for thc provious ycar in Eastern Canada and that thc coarsc grain acrcacc willwbc maintaincd in l949 For thc first hall of 1tlli hog prices arc expected to be tirm and prices of othcr classes of liyc stock higher than in the tirst hall of the previous year slight dc cline in marketings ol all classes ol meat animals is anticipatedwhich witherucontinucd strong domestic demand market for pork through 1the United Kingdom bacon aprcc lment and tor boot and cattle in United States should provide satis lfactory prices for livestock during the coming year The domestic dc to create strongamarket through out theycar Prospects are not so bright for lpoultrymen Unless other markets lare opened the curtailment of egg supplics to the British market will tend to some retrenchment in the l319496program However vith live lstock prices at high level poul itry meat may be in increased lo lmand 11 possibility of overproduction ol apples plains pruncs and rasp berries is forecastWhilc demand its expected to remain rm sur lplus supply may result in some do lcline in prices Another abovc average crop of potatocs will have depressing eection prices The 1948levcl of vegetable abieagc isl expected to be maintained nunnu Exceptionally high tor engincspee ear en Eecond Rugged heavy sleeves pressure lubrication manufacturean cngm take it has resulted in short supply of oilcke and recent jump in price Mills are not crushing flax asthcitj vats are full of linseed oil with no immediate market On tlieother hand the prospective demand for soybean and sunower socdin1949 warrants considerable increase in acreage of thescIcrops While the 1948 soybean acreage wasthe larg est on record in Canada only half the requirements were supplied the trade The yield of beans this year was Eldoove that ofIrecent years and as they have been de clared surplus commodity in the United States some ditticulty was reported in nding an export out let lor the crop As result an expansion in acreage for next year was not advised While production of husking corn has shown mark ed increasa reaching over 12 milI liOn bushels this year there is still fairly large import to meet re quirements Increased acreage may be expected in 1949 HEAD34 1m Nsw Id7mm ma by Many cllion he Youdlfeell uuuu NtISERON FUEL que at 0W ds often lets you use 6x act to need you duty com ully waterJacketcd rimmed Dealers CUNDLES NORTH BARBIE KY Commerce family tradition lmiu iranxlnl Grandson iiic tradition ol suing and otherwise tlLllliIL yitlt llit tiiuli11 Jilly ut omnich imiitlctl limo ll ltLll islt It his main l1llilllc lroiu when iln bank is touutlrd tllt Ell Illl Kl has lcclt ruog tutud by uvtccxliug Iicucri value lions lMMl Lllk is tradition of this Hank Your family too will ipprc talc the Courtcousanil cllivicniciitcvliivl1i11il lllc ll over Slit lllitllt of this llanlv 0ECOMMERCE BARRIE BRANCH Mr Foster Monoger be built by the cntral Housing bccn llltlczlsill lttcadilv in rcccnt and Mortuagc Corporation on vccks as olliccrs and incri arrch to hillsidc bchind thc basc hospital takc up llltll llt dutics on tho and overlooking Annapolis Basin purmancnt stall ll lht st housts 1ll in tl or itcd IIHIWIIHIII tcin tli little is mdt him was kw1m icd surplus January 21 llllt is no mc II ulongcr likc sonic banqucl hall dc 0wnlls mm hm liscrtcd it is oncc again bccominp community vithin itscll corn31 thriving mml minim mp New Wm 9w railway 3mm lishnunt vhcrc cach olliccr and 1051 Ulric SVmmlng llmlv hml man will havc ictinitc job cach Iminutc of thc vorkinu daywhich lincidcntally will bc from it 11111 Iuntil p111 aftcr May int allcys canteens and theatre Activity around this former war tieEXTRA rowri rrneusou TRAcTOR now amour Howrcan tractor so compact so easily handled put forth so much ower for the heavy jobs Two reasons is the Ferguson System of Linkage of natural force linking implement to tractor making them one Si le selfpropelled unit and Automatically increasinggxaction for theJtarder pulling At the same time the we bf raising lowering carrying and controlling depth of the lement is done for you hydraulically SECONDThis power so fully utilized is 311 lied by the farmtype overhead valve engine of Fergusonpha Conti nental Motors design Engineered and built for low crating cost with longer hours of running on the many di ent kinds of work youll find the New Ferguson can do ITogether this combination gives you farm machine With more than enough power yet easily controlled exible for the wide range of farm requirements Whether you judge tractor performance by how easy it makes your work the time saved orby how much it lowers third crank your cost of production ask us to arran Flax seed is at rese surus ton wrth drop forge your emon suplyIdl to 183 dfnmafket tub 1ngskited 52335333 stratIion Youll nd the New Ferguson is the modern farm let for linseed oil Thisf situation aluminum alloy 95 full me Wm GravesBrbthiers PHONE 9049 summon manned no random 5ij mum ms Control ltJakesdvantagai 01

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