VVV MONDAY MAY 1m 1m BARR EXAMINER LIAIIRIII ONTARIO CANADA PAGE THREE gt tluick Resultshy Using Examineinassied AdsEveryone trials Them llLLl 11AM Accmniomuos VANIEDV 111111 ANDVthlABLLb 901ml saves 301 sentence NI HI Bring or Phone your AdDiol 24l4Betore 530 oclock Saturday or Wednesday word cosh minimum 35c 3c word charged minimum 50c Box numbers 25c extra rook IIAII11111 311 olIigr Volta ttltIIIIl 101 Qtillll ol Ilnnistil Following Party Fight 2111 Ii11tgt l11i 1mm I1 flan2m le ll hi In 50 ACRES In ilsu Ix trill ll lillrl Vix II IIIiIi IIil Pulll Slnlh 15 lL ITI VV VV North Port Lot 26 Con 14 12 Sumt 11 nCaKHZ WANllZl 111ch ll VII VI FOR SALE II iliilj of II1I1I VV VV ltd ll ltcsluuiaiit all You um 11 mun 11 I1 till 11 11 VV Vi VV 11ml 311 II liltlulatvfr iiIIItil ti Sandy Cant ml VVH 11VH jj VI th lI tllia blt111 to llr LL lilth llill he ll lld llloiit 511ml LI l11iIIIl HV am 13 ft lit Aglllly Waikml Shot Slit iilllihflfmggli UH THEllzl fllII FLEMING tilti AuIiitttI my 11 it litEh Iijw Iooil basswood III TIHMI HI VV Pl 3i VV NAM Inace eanlng V5 5ch More 41 11101 t1 11 him I1 VV VVV VV Tl llli Fllllflhlbl III 11ttIIii ital II II 111 Iic lzltlllt llIlllL II IVI VV Hillti tlvlllt Bo li thinl if lelVVIVii lag Lip ltlI ItllllilttAltHl SUVth th TOWN Of Borne II Manhunt Ipii Joli and VV VV ltWlZlilZU VVlll lllil 11 be 15 gt LII III II Ml VVlVVVV hth Tilllu 11 32 lit 11 II VIIII lI IIJI JII Notice of Registration IV II VHVV nIIVlVIV II it Mt zV 1Il iI gtl 11 ants1 VV IV VV QllzaNllll ll ftlitl 1101 til Bylaw 1111 Ill VV 1111 Replace hjlihllll lVl WAllIllVVVSS VV VVVl VVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVV VV ll 11 111 l1 11 V1 VV VVV VVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVlVV VVVVVL VV VV Vrllvltltlll1VlVl VVftlntIfllll VVaVVVtVVV Vll1t 1tllt1V Ien that II llIV ll 111V itltrIlI llllllll lath Keil 11 111I111i1 lle1 11 11 VV VVVVV All oil 535 llllul hm VV lirVVllVVV ll tI Kl IZIMI llit iillt ldllll llllllVl lift villain 11th 113 II Llllll llottl II IHIII lIIIWIIll Ill All mu lilmsiuiidViiiiiimn iilllIIifii illtljs BEIGE roar iii 14 84 31 imilZJ if Ill VI IVIIK hum 1hr IIIlllllL In IlzI SAWYER ll 3753 511 myle 57V mm Ht1 1111 111m Id I1 lIi izlltl Bellini iiaiiaill ot thiI pail Elms IlztlIl 11 V3311V ARR lllt ll1ill ll Hillel 1111111 Mav 13 JHI lLhtlbx 11 1I1V lllht viii hi 1V 3V IM lullwd twill lii 31 III IIlWllli WI 11 IiilrtItIlI tfllrlll 1111 till it male 11th i1 liIIllt llaa fliIV ANHID iilll lllill Willa to SinI illiiitslnd titlilltllttlil or It to il oinlmt teIIdilIiI lV1hlV thulllllll ml VhVelh thM Ihle Hhmlc Mllml pmx VVVIlll lVllAlvl tlilililiiiidV Vwitl VVV Vl VVVVVVHVVVVVV llVVV Wth IVVl 15m IlltltI iii III1I li llI II llllllmlwa linlltC 11111 1II1111I 59111 II jVV iV1I 11 11 IlIIIIiiI I11 itctl Ilox I193 liliiliilIl 11 ivM 41mlle 1H RiI Ihilmh Li WWW JUdgment IS Reserved hm 1V 2VVVVVVV VV VVVVVNVSVVVVVVV VVVVVVMS VVVV winks lhpiiii111t 111 titi ltlt of PossessiOn Case 11l11i 11111 15 ll hi Allah VV III VVV VV 10le lttltllltll lltftlLlI Mil 171 llVVtV IV 31 IVHlRVAIURI Illlli VIP 531113 VVVlanV hIlV Jilli Lima iii Ml I31 I1 it thblSlANl male or llllltl young ltllllllt AhxttlllilIIs fmllmm 31 llltlllt lnllih 11 ll Nl CV11 II itlIl lzlitll II 11 ll Ilitlle tlliLlfl TI lllliltlp HH and Bo llll oilIlaillII 1tlllI 1ll fl male Wlntetl to 1t loll III 131 liI lI II MPHt II IIIII IHIIIHH III1 11 111 II Alan handle toirespoiulrlitc Salalt fm 11 11 him VVllhV lV lVl ullh VI tie lllttl 21111121 1121 Ihlllx 11 5th lo Ellllmh VVllVVlllllVVllVVm 3hllll003l HOUSEV lllml llmhll lllt 1135 fol rah Knoll AH 1111 1111 co 11mm 111 gal 15111 VVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVV VnVlV lly VVVVVVl lVVVVV lVVlVlV VlVVVVVV VV VV II VKHlllLVl Box IglVI Blur lgxum hmllhhr Ulllllll lHllllrwl UltllltlEV reasonable 11111 Nel thi iaiiitI or an pail llltlttllV VVVVVVV VVVVVlVVVVVVVV II II 11 llltl ghdhlfsh hound Apply non Allllll MlllS 7731 1111 lie 1IilI l1lil tiiitIe Mouths VLVI VII VHllWtIl VINTHIVV Slllall aiiadlzlu National Rail alltl the fill pollination iVihis IIIIlltl itllcllie WOMAN COOK wanted 11 lV Allanclau llnmo 3303 he RlllAlI MA Uh lttltze gtl tltit2t1 tlltl tulIIIilIt 111 Iiallt liltle fl llttl lll llIothtr Assaults POIICC Officer 53a ch lVllN SpinIE Labor II II tIII1 1111 111 11 lltlv ltillillllllll alllllltil lo lainleil iiitIIr ihll fol NH 1111 H5011 1111 lt VVVVVVV VVVVVV lVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV lit 111111 pl Gets one Month In Gaol Ull eolmau llay Alcoiniialdat1111 l1 hilh 1111111 llltl t1 1111 lltI Jt1 dth of Ftplll hat wetk lt fillmm mm lJlI1lliillltlthIlgt In 11 lilil11l Hill ltll Iliiltgtl stitls 11 time 111 trintIV 5131 511 11 11 30 llttltV 111411111111 11 Ittlt ltlltl1 me IIII WW lAllcur was inlaid itlzlitx tIt IIiI fIIV II IVVImV objection to child 11 elderly 11111tel lloadV 1IVI1iilto 2th 181 ller 111 good condition Stifv Ad in mum hm in mm up mum NH IV ltlvell 272211 leill lho underwentd 111 I1etl fllII HIIllv ll llllllh llllll 1mm Haul on the llollllV llt 110ch l5 Dismissed VW WWII Wis mm mm WVV JUPVW Llnn er VVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVLVVVVVVVV VV VVVV MVVVVV VV AVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV RR Mrs la ll Walthalli llox 71 l1I Monkman Property IlV 11I111Id WholslYx t111111II oil 111I 11I1ht write Mrs Saktr leilrral 1e lllIllRTjhlttI tuiozl COOk Street Barrie ltllililld t1 hottltlt Ill 11 laid tttlllltl Itlllll 15 ll TH EH riallipnoxu industrious sales woinair one who mun 77 262729 VVmiiiV VV on mi mm HHVWVHV WW5 Ht II Md 6011111111112 This 1m in 110ml mumr mi 1le 11111 Olsmll IWlllt Nl 71 liff llfffff fVfVVVIV Fined $10 Plus Costs Iluml Allillh III lulu luilml Ill llmttlll llll lalllItIiIk 741111 Estate and Chattels 111mi 1I1 21111v1I 111 11011512 tor sale It Vt1111Ilt mmmlm Iiiililttitlil 111111 the titI1tIi ally kilotltde oi the ll llhlml IV ll Stlll company 111 Ital111 and hmlt EASY WASlllNG hltlllN1IIeiI lh lihhhl Allth lh Tl lllll Ill 11 lllt ill 11 II llvVlVgllIIVIl IV lVVl VVV lllilxli iel lliluY II sited For personal IIIteiVlekt Adults tllllilnlil tlt1 El 2811 Ill391 Itltl ttllltlllh llllllll Ill itllll illm hmmu April 19 when 111 llitll IxilI II livery Barrie 321 TI SII iii ll llii ll ill Ms ftlnttllltinV 33th Al 5pmanS CVVVVVVV VVVVVVV It d1V plioi to tilt 11111 15leth ml Viml lanVll ml UV VVV 1m on IIIw I11th 110ml lossihllltns 101 stint llt1l llttlllla Apprt even ll Ulllllltltl Iltl troi11 hllil loolset had hem1 dri1li VVIV VVVV VVVVVl lltlll lollox 14 11111110 11XitlllVV Inll CVOVTTAGFS Vlltl 111 Il tltlltllllllll taunt 21333111 Slillll tlclk ll Il llmlll nmlnimi Sl Mm 3M lllelllClAllld WOMAN for con lm IVV ItV IV1 VIVVIHVV VV VV VV llll ll 11111 police otlIl11 and lt1I1 iI venlent tariil home as helper No VVIVVI htl ltgt lll lllI lltlt Molt Wail ll lVm lt ill dlstllrhaiice He was nitire 111 ll II Quote lo fol lltzht work routed IItli 111I til VVV rt IV VV lint 1111 II 111 11 Ltlllllth 1ll Mtllld 1t BABY mmVAVVVVVV lttt hIddtli 11d111tl1 NV mhhlmhht IVI Creating Disturbance 1lSl tMil Hmm MS Uhl Im 11d 1111le 11 oi Biouii ld Ina l11 hut in then 11t1l lhllll lhlllhl th lV VIV lVVlV VlVVIVVVV llmllm llemVVVliVVVVVVl VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV AYIVSVVHVVVV VWV VV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVV in hhml lllllhllml VVlVVVVlVV lIII wort1rd 11 1h lil11I II1I IlVVVVlVVVV llVVlVlVVVVVVVVV VVlVVV VVVVVVVV VVV VVV ll lIIdiI llll II llAllltll STORE has 1110111111 fol VVt VVVVVVVVIVVliVVVVVtVIVllVVlmehgl VVliViViVlVlll 51Ilt Station 1111110 AVV hm Friday May lM lull th lllt liqiioi 111d 11111 VISIlVTS VVVVSVVV VVV VV VVV VV VVVVVVVVV VVVMVVVVNY VVVV NADA is 1ltlklll for tI II at Htslllllll llll ltl Mll is old 1100 1115 15 mm II IIl It VH1 future Linens staples diexs mus 5128 hmhd llllI Ilmllllh 117120 mm mm ll 11 nd For COIClCSS Drivmg 1th lullhl HMlllwl ml WWI lumlg ml Apto 77 lillhh hzN hllttlil lump Milit 1111 pcisoii 1111 itahle ltVo VV VV KC lllltr way m1 blllIlIlllV lllyRNSIIn malp lms for hglloV In 5111 111 LII 111 lVllVlllll Illlull ll Shlmll UVIV VM Ilnud Hill llil Illllllll All flux lMiVlI VI VV lIll mlmlhS TUVle lwm 1IV1N mnmul ttht pad VlalulI IiIIIloI llll ell VV VV VV son who was with 1111 Ili11 111 lilllil IV11Vl1iiV1V1 VIVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VlVVVlVVVVVVVViVVVlVIVIVI IthVIOhVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVV AVV VVVVVVVVVVIVVVV name oil paiiiliiiils Mlllltle oak 11tliaIIl Vlt 11111 1111111111 11 the VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV 11VVIV lVlIM IlVlV hill VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVLVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVCVV VVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVVV 11111 Hililll ltll leaf stautl oak 1111 111ate tIlllli oil I1I111VI VVVVVVIV VVVV VV VV 511V lIVl1VVVVVVVl VVV VVVVVV VVVl VVVV lVVVVVVV RVVVRVVVVNVAVVVVVVV VVVV WVVVVVIVVIVVV VVVV VV VIVVVV MVV mm VVVVV 11211 111111111 1111 1111 and 1I1111V was 111I11 $111 and $12311 VVVVVVVV lViVVVtVVIVVVV VV VV WV lVV VV VV gt tmllll lent III Barrio for old octahhshod phone 18 DAT21111th 31lVVPVllHVlVEl1th VVIV Will llll llmml Vllllmshm lml lllllVVll lle ll WWI tlI III 1H lll hltlaD llMlIv1Vv 11 II3 tI IllII Ill and stllllll large rock VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVdVVd VVVVVIV VVVVVVV WlVVVVV VlVVVVV all 114 011 11 llltWclV to cover general Il tller cllair oalI llllll 1l1lt Ii BEHIHCV VleenluVrsl ml llums SEED AND FEED 1111101 llaiizli blth CUIIlttlllilllltl flVVVVV lVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVSV WVVVVVVVIVVVVVVI oil ttllt just half 11 mile east 11 IVVVVVVVVVCVV VVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVV ill1131 VV VlVllV Ill LlullulNG MllSl b0 3335 VtIllS Ill a110 10x13 lalllc globe open book case 15 Increases 101 small flmil bee It at ltll town oil the Shaun Lav load 111 lt11ll11 III IIl II II btllIIlIIltdlldgt VHVHl VI VLaI theferablt lllillllktl illltl HAY FOR SALE 111 square bales 5mm AVL 7wll tiltl with books 1V 35lV 111ml ll till tltlllllll Alllll ll ill 1113 0vlLllIiVm Vi illinlliiiiV Ilat Elmo ZVxseivmo ollipalllVplovnlos pcn also 151 hulihh hle plmlllHLEAmVjR TRACTOR VVV elm mm mm lVVVVVlVVV VVVVk VVVH hm tlliltoll lion 1111 ii In VVlVVV on IItlt hospitalization plans 111l422V 102ll3lh CVVHVVVVVVVVVV oi sa witthop lush lmVVVV hVVlVVV hum UVVVVI llmhll hllggwl lhl mm lhl It It he in 1111 and knocking him down ll tI ll tree llmul lllslllIllllChV plhvlhus new AVVVVIlVVndA plolll blinlcllumV upholstered chlil wicker tUtlLll With and left the road lle cldm Bum mV5 my ldlnw II it 1ltill II Idle CIDOllcnce Ielei able AleAlAI OAIS tIII th II II lzivini particulaiis to RM lVVlVV hie plow lire Illiil 1i1l1VVVVVlonVIV Vlhone Moonstone 726328VVVMV IVlVVICthlVIVlVb lltllVVVVVtVVllVlltthVthllhlVll ed that another Ia Iomml vest ttlllltVtIll I1 1111I 101 11m VV 111111 IV tIII II Bdlllt Examiner l2832hVlloward ill ltlidhurst Ttltpllollt1HOOVER mum ll VVVVV ltensron table chairs leather him is his llhil Illhld llm iAlenrns tu enfs 15 VI CV lItItlitlti Work I8HMV ll28l teat seals all Ntl SIJLN 10 WV IIWt tHI IN W1 Ill will an Iol GRADUATE DRUGGISTA lch1fllllmm lmlol mmllilk llll llll iltI wlchhl Vallmll gtnillm Lllliiliif car to be between 40 and It milesl oresrrv notified the lltllttt litll211 tIiIIt11V Vllllll T0 Vl aehlnents all in excellent ild IV OPPOI VIVIVnIty to lhllll valuable mer 0001 QUALITY baled hay andlhlm lihhhC 3197 7fllllAlllSlL china Rciificw plugin ltl lltll illlll llllll 01 ms W11 lMKlldlKl lltt 110 lltlaltll lliltlt 111 lI I1I 111 =IIV challdising tIXllGlltlwc Rllllltl llsmlw dam Apply WW lClCClllc lllllgelte table and 41111010 to he around 30 miles ll Here Scotch there lied er ll 111 X23F 551512 HYWKCIflfCHI 01 Pl0 LClIVOYV 2VlliSHOTGUN pump cuonV Reming ItllilllSl tlilmtotl sideboard clock lllllllI He was injured iii the lccld was the theme of the icfmesnltlrlll 111I I1 1II1 11 lllllVnlVllVgC1thldlllS VWllll regularllllllt Ill 1027290ltonV Mode logVVSDCClalV l2 gaugeV15llllll stove table rocking 111111 th gullth bump and ml mlimid my last vodnogaay 11 11 Mllllll hm VVl VllVVVV VllVVlVVIV VVVVVV laymen fmmly himmh Vfl Who Stllltl leather case cummr locum VllShClv RahMlmd his head He stated that he tastliotts Corners toIeSlll llltll lllk liI1111It111I 111 1Id 11113 when and full pension 111111 at an REG M7 AJAX OAIS hirdvPnone tub 11 moaid childs Carly VVClVVVCVVVeVVl VVVVVVV AVV VdeVVV lVVVVVVHVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVd VVbsolVVVVVIVV Bdlllt 3821 72gtix SCVVVV lNLVVVV williVVVVVS LdVrVVVVVVVVVVVV knocked unconscious Midland 1lllllS Club llllE on tin 115 lI lllIIIII llllll0R IIIxtIa Pay for Sunday posuimi for I105 wismng added the from Wild 0315 3150 bllSIrBARN 33x60 20ft hosts iitesclillv llliltlllllt WlllOll lllli lUlillI 10 amid in admiucd hayi lwcmv ymuix mo hum 1th mm Wl in BARKIE ONT protection and security for the 91Btow11 Seed Simcoc District timber all iii god silape iii Vlealhcr COUCH MOIIis chair small 12 had drink in the atterlioon stiideilts at Midland High School which 9V lh hhlw suing yelrs Positions open in Coop Georgian BIV Seed Pro touch wilh clocl lllllt W1 Iroviii IiIl Loiistll lI or 1e alon llll dozen llllllzlllgt I1 Il Vllhcll tuc iton 111 ltlx 10 Burma NVorlh Bay and Olhel Clllcs ducers Phone 5191 Jcnnctl Alliston Phone 4051 715291 130 pair of tlpliolstereilV bed lleihcrt who investigated the ac planted over 3000 trees dilriiiiI the In OVntatIo VApply Box 10V 1VVV Ont 10262728b Vlf00m Chairs and SlOUlJ Wilton Illtt cident said that the tire marks at afternoon alternatingI Scotch and Baffle Exammor Slilllllli age alldl lALLlSCllALMERS WC tractor 10x wk VOCkWSi ilk the Scene showed skid alone the Red pine An additional 7000 VV IL Id exponent l2728bj OB ES Ully CllllDlLltlV VVuscd one season 113 Vflis deV 5111le m1 shoulder for 198 feet to the point were planted later in the week l$1300 Hunters Poultry Fawn Imattless tainted dicsset iron and St hr here lodalls cal left the road Jos Mcimill 10110 lOlLSlCl 10111 ROOMS AND BOARD tllllll CHlIV SEDAN dClIVClV 3840 Olld hone I315 7281 in SmmEb mamms III phonc 4l70 l32728b W11t0n rug 10x14 upholstered ll VWh ll 1001 110m 00 10 lhc VCOIlmEWQdI IUllClVlhkll PH VV 1000 FEET 12hlch pine for cupVbed100111 chair oak dresser Wk point where the Car came to rest Iicct ensuring that the spades were GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCIIS WELL FURNISHED double I10mMODFL FORD pl liboards $150 per MI 00 VllldlObC 011k Stand Painted bed 011 its Fltlt 180an VSl PlOllClll Used l0 Eel lllt lUUlS for couple with ood IlI Om 1m tautiomed 111101 VVVVOVVC 2893 tried 512 3931 allm meV l32728p elm $60 per MV Apply goldlngs ZIVnd IltdllVlVCShV and llVCsstIIV down deeply enough Crawford Oro ma rcss 8V Springs ltC Th tl wll hI for 41 CHEV COACHV A1Icondgtion wltlpholstcrcd chairs red setteeV Chriflmssn 300 Tel legrsullmu IPROPERTY FOR RENT Apply BA SCIVlCC Station Cun NICE IHOUSE TRAILER All Steel beds Vamty bond hgh to help nance Ili1clcl11livilcizeli dlcs 13281 cquxpped for $495 Terms 01 cash Ibo Vanny unlI nme or II child work whereas the Red pine ll FURNI Apply Belt Gar quantity 01 beddlllw VV ceVVVraVVSHngVDOVVEElZDBIEEOM to 1cnt 36 DESOTOV In good condllwllV Essa Road Phase 55143 Glodizgcurtams and drapes dishes gar IRWINWAVV VVVVV ROVVVVV VVCVOVVVIVV Vlll be allowed to matulc for at IRONERSV REFRIGERNFORS VV VV 1528 APPLY aV BVVVVVVVC Tch Awning Vden VOOVS and many UVVVOVV VVVVVVCVVCSV HVVSVVVVVVV BVVVVVVVVVV on AVVVVVV 29 V0 100 yCVVVVSV FURNISHED BEDROOM for 10an Cd 31 Bayflcld St 1328 ELECTRIC RANGEV Kelvlmlm Iposmvely no 195ch Terms 1949l lVV MVTV VVVVd MVSV William Dave Haig and Agriculturan TOASTERS VV IRONb deluxe model American madeV cash Sale at pm hme AllgusV daughlch Chairman Ben Roebucks comm VACUUM CLEANERS GRILLS VV llOIVtiZ SUPER clVJELVlVJXE Ford coach clock automatic oven USed six Rest estate consists of 5pmth TATTONWAl the Royal Vlclorla leewerc responsible OVV Vch OpCVVVVV POLISHERS HFATING PADS ROOMTO RENT Stumble for IuIlICQlfppf Clyenem condllgmi months Apply at 91 Toront01grounds lOroomed solid Vblick Hospital Barrie 011 April 29 tion The Kitvanians and tlleitV Workmg mall Ph 2781 1528x 5m ml 50 mm camp 01 51 7232311 hOLlSBI bUlllln garage with rooms 1949 to Mr and Mrs Lewis junior partners including girls FANS ELECTRIC BLANKETS den 782Jrl 13281 above overlookln Ken 01111 Iatton iaighuist son VVV UNFURNISHED ROOMS for WIRE GATES 16 and 12 ft Bay beautifulghomc IL IMALLORYAt the Royal Victoria lelllngVthglZCglVggff3I AVM CARRY Lama assettntm or lARlS FOUL Apply 70 Sanford St Tclc 1937 FORD Vg rebum mom Slightly used also cedar posts Real estate offered subject to Hospital Baffle on April 30 vcry central Ph 3887 1548 phone 5238V l528b sealch beam lights good running steel tall ale for dum bOV p111 Wednesday for the afternoons COUdlllon 3450 DlllgwallI nis Moraiig 267 Bayfielg Stfiphgitxetlliibtlilzgd 035ng to 7111l3ullizon b50011 work Dunlop St Phone FllRlVlISHED housekeeping Vioom Elev Lowell 133325 2907 72829p For further particulars apply to Stcvcul The high school students vcrel TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN ANDVSERVICEMAN 1311 10930 150 Elizabeth Strfet l947 PLYMOUTH sedanV black Racmc Esq KC Public TrusipORTEIRAl 19 Royal Vl9tOIV18 entertained at lunch Vllnndzly by 10110 l528p new FOISV mde healer land Slip VVOUTHS DQNEGAL twech stilt tee Osgoodc Hall TorontoV VI Hospital BairlcV 011 VAVpiil 30 the Kiwanlans ill the YMCAV whehl Wm LOWE 202 Elizabeth rown Shadeb SIZC 36 pracucally Sproumt AUCUOHCC 1949 to Mr md Mlb Frank program Ol motion pictures W851 covers VV VVV isiiejilwliggVHEEh slightly St Phone 4392 132729p clgiflmolnglld $gseos5sedPVVVlth28b Phone Stroud ZdrlV SltlmtdaleVRoad BdliiLI shown Adults 146 BradfordSt 1528 1930 LlGllT IX BUICK Inew 4344V 728p fKIRTONAt the Royal Victoria H05 1le 33ch Am 30V PANCEV HALL Ben Ewart 01 ifgzliicsclifiisrtgriltizliliigshgfgil131333 RVUVGSCorrcction phone No 4516 V3 19491 to Mr and Mrs chorgc garagq Fegau on If flog summer VsVeason 2000 sq 77 Cumberland SlV 1328p L1v1ngV1joomVdjning mom scatter Ig VKirton Craighurst daughter GVISIOD OWI VVV ailch 1001V Phone VC lugs glllS Clothlng SUllSI V5klllSIFlllav VM VV COUCHLINAl the Royal VCI New York April ZSLCanada and my 51211 Valfrlelmfterlglz DODGE SEDAN 1940 C119 2113 Bats Cant Telephonci Teal Cslailg QIclfllfs EEILC Elie izorllnnggHOSlfllalMBHIAIICd 01VMaVlV its tourist attlactions were foamy sedanv bOlh 300d condlllUnI Wlll 7728 SlVV BarrleV Term CVVSlVV SVVIVVU COVVEVMVVVV High dZSVVgVVV hd in nelwork television pron gram over the Columbia Bioad sell as lot 01 se aratc Motor PROPEETXMEQR SALE Sales 235 Bradfordp St 13281 MEN CCM BICYCLESV fully lC meV CV DV ShrOlllCV Allclmm lCV LUVle JcaVVVV conditi ccr 272nx1sHEstrLlAi lII 1d casting stem fr New York say you gm one lcnain ed Guaranteed lc lcts We um AUTOTRAC Otago real end 1932 perfect condition Reasonable SalurdayI May 7At the Vhomelofl Memorlal Hospllal Ollllla recently as Part Of the animal BUILDING LOT tosiie50x33o Durant Continental Imotor new MaguireICyclc Shop Mincsing 0n Donald CampbellMmesmg All 19 1949 10 and 125 observance of USCanada GoodI 72329l If of household effects Tcr Phil Shelswell tnce Marie will week Takingan in Warrcn 0n Berczy St north of Penetang ladlalor ballerYI mom Complele larlo WI II 7IIII7I Call 2447 1mm pm 162813 13 IEbUiltl guaranteed 01 to over has VllSaleAat OCIOCk PHA CIOUHS HQWKCSEOHC so MCI heatf Really to go camp LARGE STOCK oftarpallllns Ivlnlmww Vine George presented PlClOllallY the altrac VNEW fHOUSE for sale momsl at hem cgomtown Phi 56 13128ng Ediiiiycemcs igd NelgriziIShIqulmpi CARTAGE AND MbVING tions of canada as vacation andV E3231 oatEliiiabelchunitip Pg MISCELLANEOUS Awnilll copalaii Bailifllgld esnl Y0 VSAW THE EXAMNER Sportsmens paradigm was MCi 2V Phone 4314 7285 DonaldV Montreal general lourlsll m7 VV COOKE CARTAGE and STORAGE agent of the CanadiaituNational LOTS FORSALE 30X300 just Tglllf Gigi ELECTROHYGIENE almOSt new Local and Long Distance Movers Hulls CBS tcleVision show whichlI 1V Em hp Railways McDOnald ICanadianV own In on OIL 90 15 er use 011cc Pl 50 me age rac 015 3STEPHENSONIAl EStOIl 531$ 11 th 1d InnisflVl west of Highway 27 Ap Phone 14114337 27g Eleclmlux EOOd CODdition Apply Essa RoadI the 3359 3229tfbi April 29 1949 Richard James thlien illngitzd1 Stgtdggtlidho 01h1b3e ply Jlm Tyndale RR BarlleiFIREpLACEV brickwork and re Roy Tracy FilteluQueen Dealer WI Phone 2186 162728b palm write TV RV TurnerV Gem Phone 3482 72829p MONEY T0 LOAN VIyeal Funeral on Tticsday May exhibited pictures of Canadian sh VV VV VV Vh VV $2900 NOV BALANVCE house six eral Dehvery OUVHm 27 30p COCVKSHUTT 2furrow tractorwNATlONAL Housing Loans bulldVI William pgikinigii Lin$1 Iii and game teFritorlcsj adfltlmhi rooms brick incityof Toronto COOKSTOWN Chopping mill will plow Cockshutt 2furrow Kidlersv loans properties finacedVal torment Mount Forest Cemetery ainew canadlan Nallonal RallWaV whachave you Watkins Craig noon dullngMayV June and IJulyV wagon 9toothIcultlvator Phone IdV VHenry Ehlck Owul Owen St Barrie on April30 gonquin produced last summer Albert Stephenson in his 73rd about IcanadaIs shing areas and tenanted take tractor lumber or be closed every Wednesday amp plow MH chopping mill steel current ratesV mortgages purchasVBVAULDRVYAt his home 178 motion picture film Song of AL hurstv 845F34I 16262890 Jamieso 52728b Stroud 24r31 7281Isr II 1949 IIDavid Bauldry beloved was shown ohWarrcn Hulls CBS 34 218DI husband of Jediinctt Steiev in TV salutc to Cam program 533L811 RggMEDV ungtmshlecl GUARANTEED REPAIRS to 31 ELECTROpr vacuum cleaner CHICKS his 93rd year Resting at the iI frOmgBarrTEWillnIssglllc 21781 as telleclnc apphalulls glilfglllllegtgstllgl linatditflhndgiiigthldi fciteldigidflldiifrguzzlingi VV aser veraus seca or terms Apply Bert Gagev M30 Home Appliance Shop Drial 3412 only used few times Phone 5427 ORDER CHICKS 0W Mayt May at 230 DmI Interment 2210 25 E55 Road Telfghgg or 4424 IIIIszeub Mr Fletchen Jr will 3315312ad322 cllrtll BalliCIUmO CW6 VV VV VV COUNTRY V1 IV JV RV LaFRANCEVV V128 Burton HANDVV WAVESPVHNG machineVV smVVHVVSVtVV BameV PhoneVV2735V 2F2532pV at VV VV genera sore for sale AvVV Barrie Wm not be respml sepala or oemanIgasVViron UnI dotngfrom lOV busi sible for anyV debts owing to myI dngOOd tpyewrlter Alad FalrVGlpuans 506784Larger Than Above Illustration 955 ayeal Large bUIldlng In g00d wife Mrs Joyce ILaElanceyhas of dln lamp Apply Mrs Col St Cane SI 1g 7281 155 rossbredS Canada Have the convemcnceand Sthlllg Vof Frozen Food Stor lins Box 41 Angus repair thlce grounds and galden MayV 2V 1949 23 29 30 VV good llvmg quarters Apply VBox gdfilhdllgg 135111513333243331iiigif SECORDUAFCY Sound and age 113 yea McCD TRACTOR lt th VII 17 Bame Examiner 27 28b chgznged biiiiumhug pOwer lift tractor SiLiscivll llwdd rlfgiiilltiiaif 121pZbssitgiiioiiiemi Cme Ft capaclty Guaranteed sealed Unite $Egluwl13in EVOESEIVV lPSVlVllatEdI electric machines Read for use lustfble 10113411 Clgckslmtl VVVV 001 FOR PALE llheii relatives kind friends and Moderu Fibre Glass Insulation Attractive Enamelled 03 5111 W8 same day Flee cstlma es SIm rac 01 POW IGHllCE V0 lT IN THE EXANINER ineigthls for acts of kindness VOF HOUSEHOLD AND Cabmet BmllV for Natlonal COOpelahlveSVV ter hydr0I acre of land mlle me Rug and Upho1stery c1eaners Thornton phV Ivy 15rV5V 7V272gp Imessages of Sympathy and flora MAPLE AND BEECH body hard tributes also thanks to Rev Dr MISCELLANEOUS We have only one of these and it must be sold this Week north Angus close to bus stop Phone 4761 52530p on BarrieBorden hlghway pnced McCD 1020 TRACTOR com Wood 111 4ft lengths Large quanISinclair Dr Smith and Dr Tay to make way for further Stock of Home Freezers for quick sale Julian Smith CONCRETE contracting floorsV pletely overhauled variable speed tity available Phone DenisISheard 101 the staff of the RoyVal Victoria ARTICLES Box 57V Angus 162931p dewalkV governors new radiator 1n flfl Stroud 20r22 6837 11 c3311gsanidogzneigmrepzlrs Fosr class condition Vready for wort plHgiiglfspeciildthairgnfdt Jahangir Im BglthIfXEOlVIVV 511m prompt Iseiv1cc call Sparrow 5691 Fife AlIISlon Telellhgge iagxogl hgrdwoonV VslabsllFranV Griffin in the loss of ishedV a11 cofveiiencg who 3113 kindling SSEWZaananyceiflgiiiilsAiglyelvgidXNhhgnlaEthergf Terms Cash rI cold running water bus stop BARBIE AND DISTRICTBlock 12 SPRINGTOOTH cultivator general trucking hauling waterlate James Bowman wish to thank DISTRICT BARBIE miles north of post office on laying and concrete work Cement lever lift horse trees nly done dellVered in MOOgal tank Den friends and nei hbors for kindness Highway 11V 115 acre good garden mixers for rent Free estimates 18 acres of cultivatinggood as his VMoran White Rose Serviceiand floral tribtites in their recent Slessor grapes berries asparagus young McCartney General Con new 2furrow Cockshutt Kid Station Bayfleld St Correction ofbereavement also Dr Taylor and Aucmneel DIALIZ429 fruit trees Attached garage and tractor Phone Minestng 53 Kangaroo No plow Telephone phone numbers 2907 instead of nurses of the Royal Victoria Hos chicken house Ph 4144 162728plIIonles built complete 5262911 809r23 72728p 2097 628x pital 28p