Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1949, p. 8

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IAbli l211111 01111111111 ltlll ll ll Canada Bachs 11 l1lion 111 11 11 71 Allith EAAMlNle llAltlilE UNIAlilt CANADA lllLltSlhxY Alth 38 1949 GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS Midsummer ll WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS 111 11t it iii1911I 11 rtments tor all lli are Ol erlng exceptionu VCI es in epa 111311 11 1111 11 Amid 11111 the next cou le of weeks to celebrate our Esippim 11 111 11 lltluts l1 101111 c111l1 11111 11111111141 21 l111 tire lira 1111111111 11 dainty 11111111 was 1l it hits Wnl lll lls 11111y lie11111111 MI gt liil1 flltitlll lllll 31 Kill 51111111 dehgnlfni eiemng um 11111111111 111 121 Be sure to secure your share of these real bargains wl 1111111111 elm 11111111111ill 1111 111 01111111 DINNERWARE 15 UN SALE 11All IhAlOl SIAND Ahl L111 11lt1 l111 111 11llilll111111 1315 BillAlxlAbl blglb 1111111 111211111 blipill Rte 521 5MB it 1111 the 1111 11111 111111 11115 Blue lied or Green Reg 312 75 or $1095 RICHMOND pAINT ENAMELS AND 11 111111U was 111K1111l by lintl 11 1111111111 The 111111 111 11 11113551111511 DINNLR 5111 wrrp 51mg VAllNIbll 111081 2mm Nappy 31111 1111 l11ll1l gttllll 11lll ll For our 110 we Ofitl lllltt Slllll llllCC 111 111 1311 namimt l1m 111111 and my 11111 lttl Hr 11111 l1=111nlv1ui1l 1111 11111111 11111 given by all 10 131 R1131 Nllwh 50000 LAWN MUWMib dz BLADUS 2111 on 1112111 Canada 11 lnsluuli pm $1875 and $2100 19 l111 K11 1111 11111111 llt1tlilll COFFEE Slllb BONE CHINA l1= 11111 1111 111111111 11 1llhl quality with Rubber Iued heels g1 mum 51m fJfIV Llll fbl 111 litres Regularly 51103 38 11 glf 131mgllfg1 mm mm Kym gm apnoea LAWN nose any length 11 10c vv 11 11111111 11111111 111 1111011 lhls opual Loliuvatlon host MAL Von D8 i1 iffyylufg mt with 11 ups and Saucers Reg Price 59110 gt 411 111111111 111111 11s111 11 mm on 31 11 11m with pink mm 111nm Wll1lllthLOOR lOlellER DEAL lits 311s llosal ilil 111 $2430 11 11111 Allstlll51llil 51 llllil llltl1lllNL1 LAxlb ilt 3b7l Tms whde lbs gm paste wax 1111 11114 11 11 fsrmp 11I RUSEMURE olNNlcvaluc 12 111sx95 rroon CLEANER wax DEAL 39c 111111 litelols 111 it 171 s111r1z11111 311s 11 111111111111 1111 Mental 11111 is slim loi this sale Large Bottle Cleaner With ll ll lll1li 511111111 311s 11 1111111111 llanssts 1li1s 11 Floor WAX Ill 111 llllll 21 5111111 Alrs ll Sinclair 111111 BLUESUM llINNliRW ARl 32 P0 58194 11 11111 11s Constable Z11s 11 Im upgupu prim is $1225 VACUUM BOTTLES mckle plated rim 11 Im hidlallndlllltlllllli l11 Committee 311s tf $119 11 11 lt111l1 111tl11 an is 1s 1i11 yTfilfa3guflgtt 155m I1NNFRARI As 51 The best value 111 this hue for long 1= 51li 0F 1ltllltlt lldilllts Mrs Sauntel uireuslnp ARRIVth whim l1 Hills VIM 11111 111411111111 llesearell 11 141 ll lledfold llonio lIeopollluzz ItluAl RUBBER MAI IINCJ $1300 SALE OF KALSONIINL 111111 lllCt 111111P3h11111iprr It 11111111 Suellal Wellfiuled Reg Price is $325 for this red and black lb pkg 351 1111111 5Iilv IRIS IKL51111 corrugated mattulg Many delicate shades to choose from 1h ll 105 11 was demonstration of Sprlng 13 10le Mi omens 111 Mrs many Mrs 11 11 one knew for certain that their earthly race would illush say 111 ten years tune 111 on 11 111111111 IIIlililllf Mrs TWP 111 it it would seem wise right reasonable to spend those years 111 11111111101 productive 111 lltl 1111 illl1lll5 lttlll 111115 tl llil gt Im111111 11s11111 1111 11 111111 days 11111111111111 111131111111 1111 111111 1151 of most 1111 11111 lasting usefulness Without bOIlllUllldllg we might 1111111111 that 111 111111 111111 1111111115 111tsat the lunch 1111111 general adoption of thls pohcy would result 111 bringing heavenly conditions 011 11 111111 Alis Mellouell 1111111 C1H1Lh 11nd speedily 111111 Toronto spent the weeksI 447 iq ll IW Hi hrthbl mmnti FACE TISSUES 100 101 350 TWOCUP MEASURING SAUCEIANS 256 1p 111 me l111ll 11 now lat 11 mum 11 10 p11 Jl Buy quantlty at this salt 1111111 01 Alummum and ach 40c regulally 1111 11 111n 11111 1111111 nuploye1 Am ARNISHES 111 Sainptyy pwuuln 111 1111 llinnl l1 111 11 mm Tm Ulwrmmn bt Mmhw Shaman SWIM Smlduy with 11 EH1 11 1m 11 l1ll 11h1l1 llospilul Midland mp ENAMELb AND ENAMELS 1I31 $11111 1111 13111111111 15 gt Mrs bhelswell alld Mrs 12111111 pt11 1111111111111111111111 111111111 31111111111111 111111 111111 lls 11mins 111111111 LE ml ll lltls lCLlll 11151 11111111 Ill i1111 111111111 1111 11 llrwr 1111 111i111l 11 iiiililhum WU It 55 1m Every freSh Items are ed on Bargaln LISt Before 1111 1111 ask 1111 If 111mm 111 Lilli ilk1114 Mr and Mrs Walter Mrlleau and1 sale lulu lr family Toronto spent 1111 weekend ltl Ldlll 111 llll 10 1Elli 11111111 11 111111ll 80ch show 11111 tile 111111 1111 3m MAR H153 lHZHlLKl WI 31 15 mnij1 lloss Kerridge spent the week 1211 Th 31al 11111 of Mrs Mari flil titllll r1111 01 111 Um 5W Hm IM LL 1nd with Mr and Mrs Irwin A1111 DIMH l1111w1 1sllll on 1rt 11 11110 Health 111 11111 111111 Willi llll Nll NIS llil Vtbb His ionru llixter Belle Fwalt 1mtl Im 05 livid 000 villi 100 11111111 11 11111111 111111111 1111 erguson 11111 son haw 1111111111 and interment wits made 11 tin 141111111 1111 111 1111 1111 2211IH xhgllolgcl tcygbtolhgwuhnothingtspell1innday at Mr and 31 ROY TilWV 1m ulnmnicii Llnifhlz Bnd 11 Hill Hlflf 111 lluward lope and Elizabeth 1m iIIl 1le limb llllll lli 11 111111111111 llouu from Toronto after MF imd 119 llilVllilll ll mm lillti 50 111 121 lilltlsilvl 1171 1141 couple 111 weeks with friends bllblillld Lilli Nltd will Ml1on Sunday evening Sympa who is visiting Mrs 11 Musgravc SMALL BUT IMPORTANT ll111zl1in 111111 1111 iZ111 111111 111111 and Mrs llayes on Friday 111 Mummy Mm MI Ii551Ann Bunnie of Sutton Tm Old City of London ULhClllHL5 111 1+i The people 111 the community and family turned home after spending the scarcely one square mile in the 1111 TIM AN EXAMINER WANT AD were sorry to hear of the deathvof There was Teenage party for holiday with her cousin Hazel Centre of tile huge 111cuiLlilchls 11111 1111111 PHONE 2414 chorge llcalcy who lied suddenly Miss Dorctta Stoeklish of Erindalc Hayes 111111 known as London 111 1111 2111 111111 111111131 Jnllll 151111111 1111 N112111in1 11C 1937 811 11 1111 1711 111211 11111 1111111 Mrs 11 11 onto 111111 sons 111111 itlillet 11111111111 1111 l111 111111 11nd 1lll of 121 111111 Hntnrio tv11 szsttls 311s 1u111 orhj anvll Mrs 31111111 lro11111k both 111 llalvi lie and 11ll1 llllllllfl 111111111 Stor ey of Ltllti The funeral was held at the 1lll nett Funeral Home in Barrie on tednesday April 20 Pallbearers were Joseph orby ill oihyz Corby G1 Broderick 11 Illclxezyer jand Mel Marlingf 1111111111111 was in the Sixth l1ine cemetery Innis 1fll Floral tributes 11111111 sent by the anadiau General 111lli tomp any the 11111 Lumber 31111111111113 Toronto SS Bulkarrieralrd 511 A11xmliicsllesr Relatives and 1151111111 1111111 Braccbridge Uttorsou 01111111 111111 Toronto attended the funeral BELLE EWART Aplil 151 Mr and Mrs 1111y11 ltullett and Stephen of Wiarton are visiting at his home Mr and Mrs ll llullish of 111 cage arrived at their summer home this week Misses Barbara and llelin 171111141 ardson spent their holidays in To route with their aunt Mr and Mrs David lrebble of Toronto spent the weekend with 1111s apnt Mrs 11 Perrier Cpl Ernest Baxter of illoekville visited his parents Mr and illrsi 1G Baxtcr during the weekend Mr aners Galley of Bar jric and Mr and Mrs Frank Gaz 1ley Toronto visited at ChapU pets The members of the Chureli of the immaculate Conception would like to thank MlSu G1U11cles of Lefloy for hel gift offlowelrs fol Easter These were given in 1thc evening to the Baptist1c1lurch 160 1311111015 StBarrie Thy AN EXAMINER WANT Al PHONE 33141 1111111 EBAY Mothers DayGiits The Motherhood WithinHer is thrilled by every expression of your love for her Mothers Day is one time you can emphasize your deep sentiments with aqGift of something you know shes wanting Zellers is ready toserve you with great variety of giftright merchandise at prices Mother would approve SUNDAY MAY fMOTHERS DAY Mom hows it feel tobe an swearingY1 Bgrrief Mot Mom R111 James L1 Cooke Motors Ltd 2489BLOOR ST WEST TORONTO Ohtario Distributors for NUFFIELD EXPORTS LTD 11 Wii COWLEY OXFORD ENGLAND announce the appointment of BARRIE a1 11 11s1Dealcrsfor ars MORRIS CARS arc madcinGrcat Britainby the largest automotivcrmin the British lsles the NuieldOrganiza rion with nearly 10 years of cxpcricncebchind it livery Morris engine is builtiwitll aircraft precision to give you nearly 40 miles to the gallon and youll useless oil roo flhc new Morris offers you moneysaving car combined with plenty ofrcal riding comfort one sci THE NEW MoRRIs CARSNOW0N11DISPLA1Y11Z11

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