Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1949, p. 7

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IIELRsilint 11171711 111111 Barrie District Collegiate i11irtIi1i ia11111 it 1111 $112135 1111111151 K1141 11 ll 1111 I11 llalusl 111 111 11111111 11 11711 11 1111 i111111v daitus 11111 1151 was 1611111111 111 11s 11 011111111111 111 11 111 ante 11d1toz1111 21111 night 11 13111111111511 111 111 1111 si1111 llilt 11111li ltlllmtl 171 111 futiw 111 11111111lt 111111 1p111lt 11t11111 11 111 11 ltie ITizltlllltl 111111111 11 1111 111 111 plei1111i 111gtp1liiV 11111 1111111 1111111 pmt1111111p 11111111111 11 111 111 111 111 11111 111111r 11 11 li1llll 111 1Vgt111111 11111111iil1111 ii11111 1111111 11 1111 1111 111111 11111 psi11111 I111 111vgt11111 111 1111111 111111 11 11 1111111111111 thanks 111 the 11111211 11 1111 111 1111111111 1111111111 1V1VVV1VV 11 Vt11311VIV111 Vt 11rVV1it1 V11111111111111111 c1111 11 111111 113111111111 gt1 IGI 11111 1v1 11111111 111 111111 111 111111 11111 1111111111 it 111 11111111111 11 115111111 t11i1tc Till 111 1111 nt 1111 v11111111s 11111 11 11 1111 1e 111 11 D1 1111111 111111111111111111 1111 111111 lca 111 111121 illitlltllll 1111 01 Mlnlpf HUN Intdymp Vteidli 151111111 11111 111 111111 111 Toronto 111111 1ra1i1111 11 11111 to trail 1111111 111111 Pant11111 11x Now 111 Staci Bushes Gladi Shrubs Rose Climbing Roses 11111s Bulbs Canna Roots Asparagus Roots Garden Seeds by and Flower packet ounce or pound 11111111 and Garden Fertilizers I1z1w11 Grass Fertilizer Distributors yelone Seeders lillltltzl Seed Drills and ultivators BrownC0 1111 Scedsnicn since 1871 1773 51 Nowadays its no trick at all to pay visit to the Iolkslback home on the farm Over thou sands of miles of Ontarios highways test and modern buses provide frequent end convenient service direct to the farm gore 1111113 1111 Low is TORONTO $3011 HUNTSVILLE $445 OWEN SOUND $396 ORILLIA $1220 Round Trip Subject to change es hwould not interfere with use ofl tive meeting plans werelaid for bigger and better Barrie and dis hope of the committee to make iti young men of the town are cordial the Cbmmunity House on the sec able to obtain theiriladv friendl 1115 IViusltc 111121 icfcircti 111 11111 ac cidtni ausurancc carried by 111 31111111 111111 rtalctl 111111 111 1111 1111111 11111 continued 111 Trust1 1111111 11 was 1111 best 1111111 111111 111111 1111111111111 11 11111lv ed that the policy be 1111111 111 Mr Housman 1111 studv i11 that 11 w11ul11 be familiar with 2111 1111111 11111111 1111111 111 the secretary 111 be placed 1111 other insurance polic ltti 1111 111111 The secretary was instructed to write Miss Salsliury statme that it 1s expected she will 111111 1111 stall of 11111 colleitiate on the opening 11 school in September as the school section at IVIllltSllltl continu ation school will be discontinued at the end of this term lrustee Luck asked if examina tion results were available as he has had inquiries from parents Mr Bowman stated that tormei results are obtainable from the tltltlili 111 the school and Easter results will be ready by May 11111111 1111 111 the Board if possible In accordance with notice of 11111 tioii given at March meeting was passed that Section 111 the present salary schedule referring 111 annual increment be amended to read 8200 for male and female teachers instead of $1110 such in crease to be effective Sept 10111 Since the vocational night class are coming under collegiate Jurisdiction Mr Bowman was 111adc principal eilective Sept 11 and he was instructed 111 make necessary arrangenwnts for class es in the Fall The chairman and secretary ll Felt were named as delegates to the Urban School Trustees con vention at Bigwin Inn in June grant of $15 was made to help dcfray expenses of the rural music festival in which Minesine will be included Mrs Rodgers was appointed to accompany the BCI Band to 1101 ncll Trustee McCullough iman of property committee was 3also appointed to inspect lloriieilV thigh school for improvements that imight be of value to the Barrie VBoard Clarke and Craig 1111 the Kiwanis Club were present with draft agreement for use1 1101 sports activities of the propert 1ty at the rear of the collegiate formerly known as the agricul tural fair grounds Considerable discussion took place and several suggestions were presented for1 ichanges Mr Clarke stated that the suggestions would be given careful consideration before final agreement is presented It was ipointed out thatthe arrangements the grounds by students or staff during school time as the club would not require the groundprior to pm The main desire of thet Kiwanis club wasfor use of thci Board gave further considerationiV to the proposition and motion was passed that they enter into the proposed agreement with the re1 iservation that if any of thierop erty is needed for the extension of the school buildings such property would be withdrawn from thati area described in the agreement At the regular bimonthly execul trict regatta This year it is the full day affair which should give the sailing and outboard races clear eld for the morning compe tition The afternoon will be set aside fOr swimming events for the youngsters gt Dr Church will be chair man of the Regatta Cemmittee and is asking full support if the people of Barrie and vicinity as in the past The Public Speaking group wish to announce the heading of their committee by Don Currie and Har vey Lines very active time is anticipated by this grOup Any ly invited to attendthese classes in and Thursday of each month at 745pm The entertainment committee of the Joycee organization has uncov special ladies night scheduled for Thursday April 28 Attention members not married or are not come anywaylblt is still regu lar monthly meeting chair grounds duringthe summeunpnthsyi when school would be closed The ered rapturous program for the Lowyers Address lnsuron ce Men 1aclAlllC Kt 11111 L11llllll ieoks grimy and hedrageled both ndoors and out The winter has been tough one 1111 week after Week 111 subzero 1llllt1 and with very few mild spells There has therefore been 11111 opportunity 111 incentive to keep surroundings spic and span 11111 polished Vlltllii 11111111 EMPIRE llNllll llillll lime 111 eye up the old dwelling in see where can of paint will do the most good in the Spring fresh coat of paint will go 11111 way in guving the communitv 1111111 cheery aunosphere 11AINY RIVICR 101111 RECORD For the Past Ten Days we haVe been receiving Our SpeCial Spring Quota if PLUMBING ANTICIPATE YUUR BEOUIREMENTS AND PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AVOID DISAPEOINTMENT 0R DELAY LATER INTI1E SEASON Recess Bath Tubs 4iIt5ft5i It YOULL ENJOY r11 surpassnnronw nor wnrrn our c1111n nor wmnnnrn You wnnrir Pressurelumps DuroiBeattyeSouthem Marvel water softeners humanism AROLD1 Plumber adoowiamitter 197 Damon Stu BAR Slllllltl fit 111111111111 the 1111 1111er pa1 1e general 1111111 11111111119 r1111 sviclJIIllt r11111 111 1111 11111t 1111111111111111111111111111iK 111111131 p1i 113 f11c11111 11111111 11v ti 1l Sitwait 1111111111 111 tt 11 11111c11 1111111 11 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