Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1949, p. 4

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PAGE rocn gt AROUND TOWN lly Jll 1t ongratiilllioiis 11 11 11 Joan Ihs lick it Lambert 111111 131 l11j11111 Valli lake pl11 ll F3 ties iii llAltltIE lAMI 1211131 11 11 MW f1li 1i Ill ItllV 51 rry stun111 ftlllllll1t Mlle livid 11 111 2111 ti 11t11 111 1111 11 11 the 11 11 gt1 i111 11 m1 1l1i illillll1 s1 Home 11 11 ti low1 1111 cousin lrx Vance I1II 1h 111111l111 11 1111 Stir11 11111 111111 $111i IIi1 131 11Ell Latillllril i1j =iiiii was l1 1111191111111 Melon 111m and ly by the Tip p11 lllINtlI Illll lllll HI Mm iil1ie1i11 11111 in 11 III I11 II III llIbllIiII 1n 11s 111 111111 1111 I1I IIIIII II III MIII oi his lot 11111 l1t Htlrrt lleleli Ilic ilternoon lroup HI H111 iiiwf v1111Ie III1I lb 11 b1111 11 Anglicai tl1t it 111 MH NW 11 1111 111 3111211111111 I13 IIII IIIII TIIIIIIIIH IIIII IIIIIII II 1111 vl11i1 I111 11 1111112 l111itie i1t ll 111111 111l1i 1111i 1leer last 11 II III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIS IIt1 11 11 II1 was 11111111 II it tiub 131111 111111 1111 11 l1z1i111 11111 is being III III IIII III 11t v11k Helen was ipnlil tiers olt11 1i11 l1 1i 111h bionde wood Milli lull Wm ii nil ll hm All ili1llt1l1il 111i1 11 l1i1l1l1 3111511155 lllnt in mm ili lll 11m the 111l11 11 1111 11 l1i11 111 1111 of the club The imwlhlm kl in it s1111111111 1111 1121 11 Iltllldhl ill fl served 1111 tin 11 111 1111 tllllli1 Mi loall lllliii in 11111 Wrdnesdax i11 11 111131111l 1111111 11 111 1111 1131111 whose 11 11111 11 11111 1t1t 11s 11111111 11I11 11 r1111 ltoail lizl1i1r11n tI Hunt 111 1111 ilternoon 111 Satiutim la 119 ESSA RD PHONE 5311 1111 11 11 held at l1ss llelttK 11111111111 l1111l Street iwrnly lr111t 11 the bi11leloi111 11111 1111111 The eveiiini 1211 gt111I1l 111 111l1nj brides book lot 111il1 c5111 thanked her friends l1ll 1111 111111 llStftll gifts she t11111t 11 1111 10 epalrs llie llllgtltgt 1111l111t1i111111s lunch assisted by t1sses titlen Webb Margaret llai1ril t111 equipment and Theyre the best 1111113 dealer 139 Dunlop Si We have recently installed com plete new repair instrument board Accept our invitation to inspect our try our service Furniture Electric if Your authorized General Electric Phone3721 DEVELOPED BY DU top warmly01m TRACTOR TIRES atteinooii iastrt IiobimlateIlnn to Dcputy and Mrs and Jean Bebb and the mother the lllltlkt1lti Il111 111111111 1111 111 Stan Long allstar 111111111111an of the 111111111 ll1 Junior team was presented with Kodak rain1 era by few his personal friends at an informal gatheilnc at thel home of Mrs llarry lhiuton 11lI lici Street last t1l1llll Stan who made his home withIthe Whar tons last 21111111111 1s preseiifctk with tile camera in 1ppi1ciatioii lot his title hockey playing tllIlllL the past season Refreshineufs 1111 serwd by the hostess Mr and Mrs Ralph Suclgrovc of Owen Sottli1i11eie hosts Friday representatives of Barrie Town Council and Chamber of om meree executive and their wives Mr Snelgrove manager of Station CFOS was granted recently by the CBC authorization to start radio station in Barrie Mr and Mrs Snelgrove are planning to take up residence in town in the near fut ure Among those present were May or Grant Mayor and Mrs Mayor LALC Grifiin Aldf Mrs MercelrHamilton Aid CIE Corbett 11111 Mrs Corbcth Mr Fisher Mr and Mrs Earl Cox it iwiss lip Walls FCIEUStrrTf Speaker at the w111111111 aInadiv an iub meeting next Tuesday eveningV will be Edna Jacques Can adian poet and lecturer The sub ject of Miss Jacques talk will be Highlightsof my Alaska Highway Trip The meeting will be held at Collier Streetngnitcd Church Icommencing at 531 pm This Will be the annual meeting at which The bride and groom left on 11 froul distatice were Miss Tay tarlislc l111 111111111111 11 1i min Th 11111I 111 t11 institua HAl lluilllhl Slilulilis gli 1llIl1i I1II1 12 MI Av 11 III II 1I Il ll NI lill Iill1Ihll bliss IIlll 1i1r1l 1l it 1131111 lilt llolt till poll ili 111 i1 1s truce tll 111 141 1H 11 1111 the l1111i111 Mi llmt 11 11 11 111 H111 1111111 11 11 111111111i 111 tinillliii ll 1111 III IUI Nhudghamd III II l1 tlltl1 illi l11l111111l i1 lill ii Hi ll it lilllrsr essays 1ii 11114 1111111l1 FLU 17 in MA iH 11 abie til then bread 111111111111 11 SUMIM Nb Hi 11111 11 111111111111 I1 llii llttils 11f tllt lllll1l1tl 12 it111111 11 1411er 11511111 IHII 11 ill1I hlttldlllill l1l1il1 tiivlt Ill i11l1111 i11 lll IiUWtl 111 111t 11f ll Ililat the 4111111111 ii11111t l1 11 1= li11 f2i1 El lliockueit I11 I1 II llllixl tloweis and 1211 l11111l 11 51 l111s 1111 lli1il=11 Ii iriiln lial I111111111 11111 111111 31111 11111111111st1z11 111 Itgquiiior 11111 entor 1111 mice and ll ll tlzli121111111 1111ll 1111u 111111 lwm IlIiymmuui mm II 11 Canadian lliilltl=gt ht II II At the nitcling limit11 ll tilhdill Ml hm in hiding limqe teatl izei 11t tl111 llrn lllltl ldldl if Illmii Sll lNlIltllit 1i lllw ii1 ll ll hilltuli llltllt Ilttllitrlllt lvll Yl hm Limildl llll lulllAlllnlll and the Ill ll lulllNlll lltrll photo 31111 puma11v 11 ll l1l111 ll Ill 111 1111 at ickmehain lalace takes vcrv seriotlslv the business of 1mm ILImmml em oIHIHf Him 111 11 At iiuat the oiiii prince is deeply engrossed in the wonders NW NW 1111 1115 biota 11l1 11 11111 11 11 11 01111 1111 1111111 til 111Sinie1 ll int lxth 13 III IIII Ill IMI It luneelv Alls tepl11ii1i 11111 1111t 1111111 tllitltlltlts 1oli 1111 11111 111 ll sftlrllt Mrs il 1111 1111 1111 11 i1l1 ronl lill inieetnu tllllllllhttlt 1111 1it111 IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIII II III lHIlI MD entitled 11Mons 1n l111111 i11l1 Mi Hlm llldlWl UV wd 11 IIlii1111111 Avenue 11111111 iiuictiI Hm Mum LIIIIII NIL 111111 1111 II WI 11I1I1I 1I1III1I111I 11II1I1IIIIII1II IIIIII l1 11111111 was thtIIsteiie lItltlltIlV I111 I1IIIIHIH Hump llll1lllt tail on oinpart1111 IIIIIII 11411111 wettini wicn 1I1 1m Hmnmuw MI 111111 mottoI off it al 1111 111 1I 11 IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III MIII IIIIII MIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIi III I1II am IWI HUM HUI IIPDHTHIIIM All 11111 1111 p11bl1 ill adI IIIIHIHIIIRMINMJAFKSON II WIHIIIIIII IIIIIS IIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII III SIIHHII VI MI 111111 11I 111111111I 11 IiiioiieIIoifltl l1IIIIIIIl IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII BIIIIIIIIII by hm HUNT IHIIIIII IIIIIIIIYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIItl1111111 After business llsLllSIttl 1111 1I11t11 11 to lowcivei 111 111 11111111 tor the wedding 111111 son of Mr tonley Barrie mu Ims 111 111111 11111 H1 lllm ilmd mm Illl Hmull III II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIWIIII dummth Mud In may it IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII the ittptial Alllt111u lit iiost 111 and His lirank Taylor oil it irid oflieiated JN MM it Hm 1mm TRY AN EXAMINII MET Ila 111 31111111 llov Ziuinicrt Altei small reception at the Il 11111 111 M1 and Mrs Ziiii13l1on1o ot the brides mother the Meetlng 11 in an 111 ariisle on Sattirday1t1rzde alid groom left for New 1111211111111 April Bil ltllSlI at tliiceYoik1 in their return they will I1 1IIIIltII1I1IiII III1 It lI Ill IIl tlf Ilne 11 11101110 Tho old 11 11 narr ace ceeniony Wm II 11111 MI given in marriagc l1MIHNGsII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIII3I IIIII1IIIIII 111 Siiapter officiated Name Societies of ll11r11 Deanery 5k ne l1 lev 11 13 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III IIIIIII III IIIIIIII 1e union of 1s h11d last lllllltl 11111111 at 1111 of beaded design She car1 111d red ros ller lliltSllllllS tI11neI Moran of llarrie and Joan l11111t1ley of Toronto were gown ed 111 yellow iiid blue taffeta T111 11 dresses L1e fashioned alike 11111 net bodices and headdresses lhcy carried miniature baskets of gte peas Arthur Sluith 111111 music l11r1s Noble played the Iwed1 Soloist was Missl William Zimmer loan of Carlisle was groomsmai1 and Ken Zinnncrman of Barrie and Roy lelerman were ushers reception at Ilobindalc Inn1 followed the wedding The mother 11 the bride received the guests in 1111111 streetlength tress wedding trip to Detroit Micliigaiil the bride travelling in copper rose suit with navy accessories and brown Russian furs On theirl returuItIiey will settle in Hanii ton 111I sts attending the wedding or 111 MontrealI Mr and Mrs Paddison and son Harold froin Windsor and other relatives from Mr and Mrs William Stewart and family of D11 Bots Pennsylvania were also among the guests LEIGlllONBROLLEY lVYquril IGiOrma Florence Broltey daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Broliey Egbert bacame the bride of James Leighton son of IMrs Leighton and the late James Leighton Barrie at the home of the brides sister Mrs George Davis Rev Mr Dogt gett performed the ceremony and Mrs Doggett played thewedding ma reh The bride given inmarriage by her father wore teal blue vool giibardine suit with navy accessor ies and corsagc of sweetheart ptplcyoses Mrs Alexander Hood TorWt sister Of therebridc was matron of honor and wore navy blue wool gabardine suit with na 111 the yoke atid tuil train veil of tuiie rchurch following the wedding The it 7111111 011111111 ttuttenvitle brother of the groom marriage of his daughter Mantle Esther Shapter 11f Alton to lobeit ilruce Cumming son of Mr and Mrs Andrew Cumming till 11 larrte in Moun Albert United ttiurcli on Monday afternoon piil ltl illill at 11311 The bride Is he laughter of Itev and Mrs Shapter of Mount Albert liven in nIiarriage by her father he bride wore fittcdgown oft white brocaded satin with net illusion was held in place by cap 1eaddress of lace She carried pilik and white ioscbuds The matron of honor Mrs ller1 rerl Kirkpatrick of Batu and the iridcsmaid Miss Dorothy Speers of Toronto werc gowned alike in blue figured nylon net over matching taffeta They wore net mittens and Juliet caps and carried pink rose buds and while carnations lvan unnniug was groomsman for his brother Ushers were Russell Shapter oi Lapecr Michigan and Lloyd Cumming of Stroud Mrs chilniper played the wed ding music Soloist was Miss Kevin Johnson of Collingwood reception was held 2ft the mother of the bride received in grey crepe dress with navy acces sories wearing corsage of pink cainations The grooms mother were blue crepe dress with grey and rose accessories and acersage of pink earnations Following the ceremony the coitplc left on wedding trip to Kingston Montreal and Ottawa The bride wore grey gabardlne suitwith matching accessories and silver fox furs Her corsagc was off pink and white carnations They will reside in King the wedding were from Lapeer Michigan Collingwood Brace bridge Bala Orillia Barrie Bramp ton Toronto London Caledonia and Stroud Guests from distance attendingl Robindaie Illll to plan the conuiin campaign for subscriptions to thei The ing was under the 1haumanslnp of Very llev Dean laines il 1111 Delegates aiid representativcs of lit the society most of the parishes in the NortirI llltlll were priests and laymen from lcnetan Waubaushcne St StaIvnei and president of St Marys Holy Name Society of Barrie lohn tray dl at 11 at lendergrast of Toronto and Henry Somerville editor of The Register 1lll ti11 llI tt1 111111111ill1n vlaj Iltvll Hit 11 i1luiiii lllllf anadian ilcliister attending Deanery Among idland Oriilia ictoria Harbor Mount radford Ailistoii orth and South Adiata Chairman of the local 1d his viceehairinan eeaiie attended the ong with Dean flair Vincent Ileid cpch the archdiocesan uxiliary Hickey arclidioces ti director Edward Chdiocesan president ere also present The meeting was dinner at the inn The doortOdoor PHONE 2414 unbelievable liilil campaigan was the main speaker of the evening Bishop Benjamin 11er ot Torontp archdiocese llcv an spirit1 preceded campaign in which all the members of the soci ety will take part is planned for the week of May to May 11 TRY AN EXAMINERWVANT Al Forest Home Children Make Model Playground names canoe INSII Ili ih 111i1i11i 111t l1111o lite Ilutlltl ill 11 1t11j11t men 111 11 llltllil it 111lixtioct11l 11 IIl Ill Itllil tll IIIl ESTIMATES FREE UPON REQUEST Will build under II Itclpiirenilaits tillli front Phone 2377 Barrie Louis and MODERNIZE YOUR HOME with the comfort of Winter Air Conditioning and Summer Cooling tllll pit 111 Anthony meeting iiiiiiaii of WORK GUARANTEED PROMPT SERVICE ch Shoniker Frank The Murray Pratt Mtg 111 1111 Titlin St Barrie Ont PHONE 5269 Air Conditioning Duct Registers Wood or Steel by Furnaces work Oil Burners Furnace Fittings and Stove Pipe Elbows Accessories TileTex Flooring Side view 1111111113 24 noon RIOAD snnvicn 11 Balstone Elle Seance Maple Avenue at Elizabeth Street PHONEI3922IrBARRIE ColumbiaI Beta Sigma Phi hard times Ipaity at the home of tthe three new rushees Ithe elcetion oi OfllCQlSiixlll takc piace and the years report pre sentcd Tea will be screed Mrs William oulson vasgen eral eonvencr for the annual Spring rummagesale of the Salva Temple last Saturday morning Working with her were Mrs John IBaxter Mrs Frank Cooper and iVIisRicliarci1rlosre10 $70 was result of good tuinoutIIal the sale The Home Leagues Imissionary work includeshelp to needy lam ilics in town as well as relief the northern section of British evening 1111 held Last Wednesday sorority president Anna Pigott Theresa Street for the three new pledges Shirley Bottrell and Mrs Louise Reidman About 111 mem bers were piesentlin addition to Director of the sorority Mrs Maiy Laurie and sponsor Mrs Cameron also attended Games and contests were played and appropriate prizes given 0th Among the prize winners were Mrs Laurie and Miss Joyce Reid who won prize for the best dress ed hobo Refreshments were serv ed by the hostess to end the we coming evening preferential tea was given at the home of MrsLMary Laurie Bayeldtt last Sunday for the members of the Beta Sigma PhiSorority and their three new rushees Mrs Laurie is director ofthe sorority About I18 members were present Sponsor Mrs Cameron poured tea and the mem II tion Army held in the ddfellows raised for Home League work as to the sorority Miss Flora Lucas Mrs bers aSsisted with the serving The living room of Mrs LaurieshOme was decorated with yellow roses the Beta Sigma Phi oral emblem 1Sweet peas and white tapers were oanthc tea tablem VANCOUVER CPl Recogni tion of 28 years service to the Uni versity of British Columbia came to Prof HBucllt horticulture Liniversity library Prof Buck The founders day dinner of the sorority is to be held this Saturday evening at Robindale Inn follow ed by dancing at Club 79 1Amid streamersand balloon sohmoos the Officers IBarrie Armoury last Friday ven ing was the setting for the nnual formal dance of the Garrison Bad minton Club Sixty couples were present including out of town guests Mi and Mrs William Tel ford Mr and Mrs Ralph Snel grove Ovyen Sound Mr andMrs George Ackehurst Mr and Mrs Jack Fowelt Toronto With the club president Capt Colin Fraei vacationing in Nova Scotia the affair was convened by lMlS JYLBuchanan assisted by 1Mrs IE AHIneson Music was by Wally Perkins Bob Powell and Bill McBride Luncheon was by corner Cupboard Mrs Angus McNabb Mrs Arthur McKenzie Colonel and Mrs Garry Lee Jack Dates Ken Walla Mess at Lucky dance prizes were won by university landscape architect deI velopIed thetbeauty of UBC1cam pus HH ILAFF4AaDAYL Im afraid were not for each professor When students dedicated fountain to him in front of the otheryoure AC and Im DC II Maximum proliilcliorilrand c0111 tori assured when sillingln lounging position driving car 6th For all alcfive sports or work this run plollldes maximum rotec tion llworks when most russes fail bands or metal partsto gougeIor pinch There is nothing to bind Every partis exible Yes ahdjit CANT SLIP Why Because the inner pad remains xed in its position whileth soft pliable truss moves with the body The Sportsmanpro vides maximum retentionfor all reducible inguinal herniasl and onntslipunder strenuous activity active sports and everyday stretching and bending Consider these essential featuresScientifically Designed 111 SelfFittingMaximum ProtectionReal Comfort Without FrictionIt is UnconditiOnaIly Guaranteed No Personal Fillingl Buy Over the water Take Home MaxIlItInucji protIcIctiondwhen II El Villa us in own Is 10 Maximum plpleclion when Illt disigne lorlhe ACll Enifn asi Olga ing heavy waiahts bonding on work or play Rupturel CUSDENS PHARMACY DIAL 3710 WELLINGTON HOTEL BLOCK FREE DELIVERY vy accessories and corsage of VENIRAL Mb talisman roses The gloommnm The Easter Wampumng meet 1I was Joseph Leighton 3211118ng of Central Church WMS was brothel 0f the groom held at the home of Mrq Jory reception was held following 211 Bradford SLI on Tiwdayzl Kn CC the lower or the April 21 Mrs Jory presided and or Your 10 refunded ibllcle reecivir in gIIIcy diess M15 Allen had Chalg of thc pmi 1inatcrIsui wt navy an greyae gram MYSI Creed read the 195 and 093011 it37 II II pink rosesT IAssrsting was the read the mmutes of 1351 meeting II who Of it will in11a biaik Mis Baird Olin St pres Clilfliidellnlyh 2121p2efrelttlmiim35 Bouilltiglclylelyiclo lgrlei corsage 0f Amencan Mrs Wllsmkli ll1111313 MES Cridlcygiggiii gift to the bride was trierflsytzonv Mrsan Baefiiclfl Sixtgfigertll double strand of pearls to the thanks to the speakers Iand Mr matron of tumor gold compact BIewell ClOSed the meeting With gt and to the groomsman pen and prayer pencil set IIIIII01C were 2I0 members and five The young couple left on Wedv V151 015 Dmen II dim trip Ito points South ThLIyI II Steel tIruss wearers NOW it is posslhlc get maximum will reside 11113311119 HONORED By STUDENTS retention with real comfort TheSportsrnan has no steel

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