IVS A3 or Hit Iti Rita THE BARREL mm BARRIE UTAH CANADA II tieiif lt It 1193 Bowlers Chm High at 69 Law of 21 RECREATION Bert Iohnson Hears lty III II During the Past Week ROUNDUP Hockey Broadcast JL tli xctzlltrl coil 1le bit Hut li ll at laK Allir llit I7 lit Incl ll till ur Camp ecte ltll ll dull ll 39 El lliziii l1 lIi inaltlt out ha tin till ii HIiqli Wit Md my iXt Limitcl titttlll Wu IUIIIIM IIIIII It litt it on Honour lill has called IHI II IIII II iii ina1l ltal llu II II Wit ll int lilt will all EL =l lltf ll II II it II II ELIIH litllrlr IIllllf lol tta Jt illtX ace iliuzy In lfii no itlri rundown have IIII II Li liufl eul lldivtil Ill tool n1 ntzlil lt III II III II II Ilti lIll Ln II II III IIII KII it ttut thalllllmli II ltIi lll it in ill triiiIII IH 1iitlol and tin limit Ii iv II II II lli tillu llt III II IN II II II Wanner54 tilting iv IIJt tl l1 it lllt lliltl ii till ii ill if will It itzil it lin lln sct lIlll mlttV it All in WU lLIl Will IlizlEu thitt EL Hi3 IllIilll tdl llztclli tii of 104349iwmliiuaiiwi nutis 11 ix nn lino1 amt 11 nu Ala iiI orrle Tanning Ive limit in Av l=ltl itll MIIIIN II II II II in tfltl II VI Ill lit citii mi El law tit 1l Firs Teams ftl in wt lni lice lti lfll tu1 ll ll gtl ll ll men It lit ltztli tll ti IIIIIIII III III III II IIIII It ilfII ILHI II Imi tl IIII II III IIIIIIII II III III III lit till imat completed liislttlltl in lll ilti Lo ilm Hi it is it thotm ill lift 11 15 rll annual littl2lil tournament Illlht it lu nu iid mh lm it tl pail of II II It llltilil Std outta of Int III II IM iI tvtl imm Iimg ITIIIIIIIIH IIII II III II IIIII III up 11 mg II IIIIIIIII II no on IIIII II II Li tlllv tlllg lo ol he lt tot ttlt iol vi tl Illt in tn ton an In WWW HI IHII ul tor two succwsnc The mm II Aluwrlihqr IIlls In II III led trillllx lint tlltl ltttl Iltllllp lltMtllt gt It At Hi lIlKlIlltlHtlllli Kill mi Ml in MIL HHH 1mm HM lividii ttluxll Huh liit tolltllvoml Iiiilllc Iosotltu 11 tm vl Al Inc IAlnm 1in Hum ll and ngh Vimm 1H3 IItit lit xulicl cili lizalltct and Illadtoid is lt tflt1l am mt llltflllflt lltll ttltl tllillltitl tfltlilttl ltilli ill tlnwi twillf ii Iluttt lthzouzgn lilzt llll ciiuuplon tla llml 11 lI in ltl if ti ll lt lll NW 1=llmzrtl lillt to lino niu tltlilip moat ullilllt Alphllnlltl IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII Ind IIIIIII IIIIIII III III III III II HI toliutlou II tatzllillt ll lzo mull ut ltllttjiti ilu llwll tailed tniol lftl lucili iim iii itll Iloii Ilt flew Iltlc lian MAN it ML UL MW In HAHN1min 1m Hm will Him in nit l1 ll 1H it mm ll In ol do it lo ltt ti IIIIII IIIII1IIII IIIIHIIIIIII ill lllt titIllettl Inst place etltlltt Mil lvtll itlle martini Itll lo mil Itulihelsct ct hartnhursl Acts ltllr Irl vlli illltl5 on lthl lid italTil till llill ll it Ill lv IL mm IIIIIIWIII III II WIN WI III II II It IIIIllIIWINHI IIIIIIII in tltltllltul It adds nu hcer distributor advance and adjust tannin mu Ilouaui iItxlnllllli Antiu vlirllnn In iv it Mn tllllc he cortrot th II II ell til olhlc or IIIIIIIII HIIIIIIIIIII III IIIHI II II In IollllIuamod Iillttl oil with tilt IIt tuium It II III Imp 11 My IIIIIII III III IIII IV III II IIIIII II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIS III III IIIII Itltiil cs rung pith ligs Iailltln glalzl to lttlldInt oi ll Ilfl1ltlfl and lllxlltitittlll 1lll lmlll MW ileum iifufmmi iltlllIXllllltllJf illiiiiichili ii my Ill Hm in to to my atlendlnz In Adiust tllllutetol clean choke screen ll l1 MM It l1 Ale llll hall wtK nl 11 III II INII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII RUSS IIIIIICIICII III III II II II it hum All tlt tleuilt on lllntl talus immanent Audi ltlvttt aho an 1m II IIIIIVI III IIIII up in Imwm MI II mmc III WIIIIIIIIIIII Wtl lllill ilillo Hill ll IiIlIIlZlIlluni Andi nduzon III lll pt szlilj ui cliphi lt31 it pal ltEIrll in tho IHll ttiugl II or ill ilflti cialta lizz cgi lltr Ihmaot tililll Inttllou Iluul IIII III iiw lio arc attemptaiu to Hut Itlil had captured the chant Milk it hm Ji ln lanolin with tlzc intention of wt KQ iIIIIthII IIII II IIIWIIII IIIIII III In th smelts race Barrios Bob suinli lt lli il ut lltlllllli 1H1 HI Wlmm lllllt cus deteatnn iillla itllil1llnll puma mlh 52 le II tlll prior to the mun 45 taverate ill the local town bowling ixNi 1h gt II peClCt lnm 111 Hi no leilptlt tolled thi llinhost slnple psvcllon it it lnl it it smmnfl Vimh mm Mimik II thrilling out led Dalloff of 01 IgtIIIHIIgt IIIIIIIJIHI III IH dil oi lnt coulse duties ltllltiI ANY PARTS NEEDED EXTRA 5IIHINean euplm llll nt etc Will he lullv IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII III II II llnmwod and Id Lou is of BttlllgI 1I1IIhIIII mm II III II II IWIIII IIIISIIIIII IIIIIi mHIIII WIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIII III IIIIIHIII II IIIII ciliIt2ed so that they max IIY ADDI MKle NEEDED ERIKA ltuluciy colltelsant with all paltic PAGE TWENTYONE riv Hy Ii llll pas you Illtl tit ulopttd lIKIIIIIIIIHIIIVI IIIIIIIII III III II $495 $595 $695 $795 Ittciipls had totalled Sllllll lol the WM mt with ol what this llttllll and to istason and expenditures which Ivdti ll Ill 3iv llcLlllltlll work llltilt wcrc plilc high amounted tosholt addresses Amby llivett hcad Iii Colloidal Iitlltli will Iiiieulous tor the course must I$ltllt The league 0111 the seaicd Jovial sinpsollc vlth Wally IM il Itll iHIIHl=l llill11l up 1p1in mm In son with bani balance ot Still lIrlilns accompanying oll tllt ltl 51 lmi fl idax May ti and turthcr particulars ll ll whlch lltltll1lll the present cash otwano Solo numbers were plven tly HHI lktlltlllw hand to $113 itlitl llarne llol Gray and Vern Prior to the presentations and Sharpe all being well received 33 Baytield St BARBIE Phone 2464 Appicclallm that in It Eiw man Ior Ill person at the onllnunltv adults lllltll sled III the playrround Illouse Dial 3874 it Imiz oi obtained Il phonan mm 36 Baylield St Boys Pants LIMITED BOYS SHIRTS Boys lunior Shirts in ldrge range of tub fast colors Sizes 11 to 1212 $185 each Boys Shirts sizes 1212 to 1412 fused collars Sanforized Beautiful colors plus plain shades ofWhite blueitan II and fawn Every shicjuaranteed 95c to $250 each Boys Rain Wear We have received an other shipment of Boys Gabardine Trench Style sell lined Tailored from English Cotton Gabardine rain resistant Fawn and Bide shades to 18 years Boys rubber coats with hat to match Black only $1265 to 16 years Made from soft pliable material that Will turn any rain COAT$495HAT$100 Boys urts Boys Iunior Suits sizes 24 to 28 two pair of pants one shoit one long made tromall wool stur dy cloths in very large range of patterns $129519i95 Boys Suits sizes 29 to34 all have him pair long pants Beautifully tailor ed in tweeds worsteds gabardines Over 200 Suits to Choose from $1295 mulls MOTHEBS Normalad Suits Extra IValue IExtra Tailoring Iand new shipment of boys longs arrived this week All have pleats Some have zippers Tail ored from all wool Sturdy cloths camels new Boys short paints pleated With elastic backs they are good quality and extra value to $235 Boys JEANS top grade to 16 years pair Boys broadcloth pajamas to 16 iyears good range to choose from GOOD QUALITY IF YOU HAVE NOT VISITED OUR NEW Boys DEPT YOU ARE MISSING REAL VALUES PLUS UAL THING WE SELL IS GUARANTEED UINCONDITIONALLY IT AND REMEMBER EVERY Boys Sweaters mdbrea era Boys srllcrnors NUTALLUst Touu YOUABOHTiTHEMv 11 iNanTAlL erwr can slut Tins UIURRUYS DEPT tartan vouuourv lTlsBULtilNc wlrll Tor dual ITY BIIYS WEAR Evrltv PIECE GUARANTEED AND soul To YOU WITH nun GUARANTEE or nominal IE NOT EoR THAT BOY WHOIIS To one roRi Bors SUITS THESE SUITS WILL ALSO FIT MEN THAI WEAR UPITO 375125 TAILORED FROM ALL WOOL CLOTHS THAT WILL WEAR WELL AND HOLD THEIR SHARE THE COL aeRsrARH BROWN IFAWN BLUE PLAIN GREY STRIP SPECIAL PURCHASE RINGS THIS VALUE TO Two Pair ofPants IsATlsrlrll Money new 54lizahetlr Street CLIFF Buan Lllmruu Phone 4433 Barrie Good Clothefor Dadfgand his Lad III