THURSDAY APRIL 28 1949 Subject Of Prof Norman Highliif Is Balanced Rural Community pimple tie c1 1111 21111 line 141 tI1 1137 itlrlltHilllill 111 1113 Ill 1ti 1311311 111tsvi 1121111 11111lr1c 1111 11 gt It 1ppio1ti ttIlLlLl 11 slllfllltl Illicit Ii Kill id pi 13111 1llil1 1111 iv 73 pl gt gt gt gt nI gtl1 11 1l LI hlJ up HLV lllv 11nd tllllt lu11li 11 41 rHys am 3111 1l all 111 lid v1 l1l 11 11111 H41 HHm i110 it 1111l igni 111 ll 111 Iill 214 1ll liIILt 111 1111 lite inum 11l1 if Hmlll ntltll lllt 1111 EIllillljlll llz 2dr 11 21 llltahel 111 5111de Jilirll41111l 74 ll ll llilt 11l ell1w lthlllll tiiuelii blhill illmlihd in lllll to 1111 mount112 association lii 1M Mi Him ll hum hi all IllEl llzi rah111 lllllltiil iffyHM Jill Ll Hm ill 11 1111 11 lllsllllllli lm If lllllllllllllll Ml Rm HI3111111gt111nli1 of them on rpm 11511 the 11iis 1V5lllei1 11111 lIlllJlll 111 ll 1111 11 gm lump HAHN HF 5m lil11 Il1lllltiiltllil $111111 Mpg mm Wth prola on 11111111 the Mlll chili co11iuiit to lIYll VlilQI oi l11111111l1tIl1 vVIre rcpti Viil lump Wm 31 WIJ 11 tun oo 11ii oathow 111 11 tiu b111111 iiiititlm Im liyiid FlV mml 111 111w tiilltlll1ll11s may in lllrlu iiiielly lIl coaiiieiidatni 111H Hm 11 ll1o1 1111 111 iiiliiiie ll li11iit l1e 311111111 proulani Emil Hm WU Mi WI twi 1111 11 tari nlllit grailj Donald Hell and Ile item iwlm MN mull Im Purim In JMHML luvh and Twin lilo1 own appearance as Ill lllt lle 111119111 into 11 oilui 1111 lof the eounlv adoration ot 1ir lmhm ml ml and ml ttlllll1l=t lttlllt 1e IXllltltl to the llllliilt114Hmll hwlvlmi full NH liiile 111111 11 pate lllllll 1m operation and assistance 12 the HM llllmmil 11 If 111111 11 the adult education M11 ttll11lltlll on cvei p11s1iliie oera Khnfflll Il Vllv Ml flat at Siiiiioe toilnty 1111111 111Jls1on All lilviiatlon to iitelztt 1111 Ill my mlml llltll 91111 2111 exitill to v11ell pcnc of the Iedciallon 111 liinei M1 1AM Lliililllll Yolk Iiun ITIIOIISIICLEANING TIME See the Illeetro Ilyglcne Vacuum Cl aner demonstrated in your home Applies hard wax polishes brightly with its large Rotary Brush Floor Polisher to cleaning attach Ineiits including Valve Spray Gun Fletcher Sr Phone 3092 Box 16 Barrie Satisfaction at Minimum Cost NOW OPEN Paige Jennett Garage GENERAL REPAIR SERVICE 150 Bradford St Cities Service Station Phone3405 FURNACES CLEANED NOW is the time to have your Furnace Pipes and Chimney cleaned by the POWERED VACUUM WAY for Complete Satisfaction N0 MIISS N0 FUSS SAWYER PHONE 5291 BARRIE ONT MENT we HAVE CARLOAD or AMERICAN CEMENT WHICH ARRIVED TUESDAY APRIL 26 Special OffCar Price Phonegyburordetnow KINDS OF Flt Mina CSMITIIT LUMBER co sz 43 111111111 NED CLOVER There iv GRADE NO11PUT 11in ill itltlitl ty tllflilll llacttiii ol the Ontario 111111111 l11lllil1 Association 11111 pleasure in visiting Simcoe tounty illittlll and complim the sectr111 local clubs 111 caiiyiziu 11111111le an active and iii tenstint piotziliiii lloii lllltnlll Ilradlnid liesident oi the South Simcoe liuiioi sl1roulit greetings from the South Simcoe organixa 1111111 Following the banquet most enjoyable evening of dammi was aiiaiigtd by the Oro Juniors pro pani committee with the assist ance of Louise tollvy land ltlll llainpel of the county recreation committee with music provided by llarinziii Leighs orchestra iNNIsrifNoz tIly 12031 LL School Plans Inadequate Before Accepted lhe lloard of No area public schools met in Stroud on Monday evening when Inspector Scott pre sented tentative plans for additions lotle Iainswick and Holly schools These plans were for oneroom extension together with other facilities district they presented survey expected attendance by the time the building would be completed would doliny fill the enlarged class room It was decided that double room would be added and that the oneroom extension at Hol ly be accepted The secretary of the Iloard was instructed to make an official survey of both districts The suggested extensions may cost approximatcly from 87000000 tip wards motion was passed that the tentative plans be forwarded to the Dept with thcltrustccs aC ccptance Placed On 1111 motion moved by Councillor Cook at the special meeting of the Council last week stated that Robt Stewart former Road Supervisor be on call for the Road Supervisor when needed Since the termina tion of his dutiesas Supervisor Mr Stewart has been occupied in the Township shed Office where he has been attending to the records of time and other costs Council felt that there was not sufficient Work at this to rant fulltime job Roads Become Worse The continued rains and the frost coming out have left many of the better township roads almost im passable in places During week ends many of the cottage owners enticed out of the City by the sunny weather find that they have dif ficultyin getting to their cottages UlltlST In some cases Area The ratepayers an Opportunity at VALS IKETIMOTIIII SWEETPCLOVf 0931 as NONE1311mm SEALEDBIIOS conphheouris WITH OTHERSth aw Seedcompany rHONE 1w PHONEQII yBuyidhecm 111111 the following delegation from the Iainswick had taken which showed that the Ill This traffic further breaks up the loadsOf lumber have been taken in which left trail Of ruts where the roads were soft PublleMeeting Re High School in the Barrie High School area are being given meeting in EStmudbndlIondayevenlngtodel Brown Co Seedsmen Barrie Harry Banting Store Ivy Leo Cavanaglt Former Anton Mills Barney Gibson Grain Dealer Allister Gordon Lockvaod Elevator stayner European Worker Dies Following Borden Accident Ill 1114119 tit1mxkh 113111 11 lltd 211 illH11 111o11 llorpilnl Lit H111 31111215 l1111ne HUI 311111 rt 11 1ce1tlti1t 11 Camp iliitl l11l1r wi lzi 1111 wt 11 truck llt hat Itrentl cone to Canada llom lltilope tltmtaka was knocked off waiw otliv tu lr12 the viable in 1niilhti 1111111 who filllrll ltrlllltli les 11 111 no 111111 111111gil lliri shown rw Hattie LHH mum PM Italian ttiein to t1 Ilt gt 13 ME 1umm 3L Herd IlrllgtlIIl the file lltI 1111E 11 in 1111 Mn hm drinks the Infill offered then 1111 at llziziiu and he lllltl soon after Horse Ittll Ilw I111 lie 111111111 attiiiataiic Plow Ltlll ll lll1llfll1 illicei lllllt llyles was the and Dr the coroner lileie vill TH BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA 1111 Neighbors Rally To Burned Out McCartney Family Pl el lirt llrtl 11 all 11 lillwl Mill shtn herr lion 11I111111 of unsetth pas thinrtel 1111 14M amt tziezitls howeter igttick vliiicy food and lltllillts slow beds Zilltl other tilliiitllr WIc all contributed by tile 1min ti11 of in cnziaillzlli to help be I111 mound tlzc fanin l1st Tuesday evening ltlltflll AdVlSOIY commth dance at the Pine Cits Danci Ville was spoiisoud In the Midl upporfs Program lllllgt lizanrli of the Canadian 1111111 lllllt t1rl $11111 was To Build SChOOIS raised for the Mitartntys from resolution endorsing the plans flw pzilc ids of the evcniin tlfllltlll NO mi 3yrllmilvllulIihilly The family are new arinals to um the community having conn ih toianiittu lllttlllll mm wvon an km Hmmm held at ctor1a school on Tuesday 11111111 The motion was made by II Syrinott of the Kiwanis club and was seconded by William Stephen son of the Lions club No recorded vote was taken but majority of the 311 persons present voted While few did not signi 1y approval only one voted against the proposal Chairman II Gable led lis cussion on the sites that had been selected one in the vicinity Of Tor onto md Wellington street and the other in the vicinity of odiing ton and St Vincent street While two or three persons had express ed the thought that the sites should be nearer the centres of population they admitted it was not possible to find plots of tour or five acres in other areas lfhert was lengthy discussion on the probable casts of build 11111 project and Mr table explain cd that Iliirries public school costs might eventually exceed the figure of $115 per pupil year Any amount over this would be borne entirely by the town The present provincial subsidy of 31 is all up lprovcd costs up to $115 Larry Mavcs ot the Legion and George Cotes of the East End home and school association presented motion supporting the school board in the plan to provide more school accommodation even if the budget docs exceed the provincial ceiling This motion was passed but some of those present did not vote the manner In which these costs are being levied Wm Warnica Innisfils member of the board has 1bcen asked to have figures show ing the working of the costs as ap =propriatcd to Innisfil and to explain thaw these figures are arrived at It is expected other officials of the Township also will be on hand Barrie Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection Hold Spring Reunion Thirtyone candidates were ac cepted into Barrie Lodge of Per fection at the 32nd annual reunion in the Masonic Temple Wednesdav April 20 teenth were conferred during the day Peter Sinclair 32 Thrice Puissant GrandiMaster presided Other officers of Barrie Lodge of Perfection which covers from Owen Sound to North Bay and Newmarket for 1949 are Harry Love Senior Grand Warden George Foster Honeywoodt IJunior Grand Warden Cyrus Allison Grand Secretary Mc Conkey Grand Treasurer Dr Graham vtCreemorel Grand Or ator Monkman Grand AI rnoner William Stewart Armstrong Assistant Grand Ex pert Dr Frank Shannon Churc hilll Grand Of Tufford Grand Organist Neil Galbraith Grand Tyler MacDonald and Ralph Skinner auditors Smith representative 1Templeras The Fourth and Fifth degrees wereworked by teams from Bar rie Ill Bro Dr Sprott head ed the Fourth and Ill Bro Dr Shannon the Fifth Musical Ijtfualwas proyided by Monk Masonic degrec was put on by an Orillia teambeaded byIll BIORobert Swinton and the Seventh by Col lingwood with Sovereign Prince Munro as Tito The Eighth de gree was communicated by 111 Bro Dr Graham The Ninthdegree wasput on by Stayner with Sov PrinceG Watson as King Solomon The Twelfth degree was agaip staged by Barrie team headed by Sov Prince Lower Thirteenth deS gree was worked by lHoneywood With I11Bro McQuarrie us TPGM drews Church lecture room TPGM Sinclair presided Ioast to Supreme Council was proposed by Ill Bro Chittick and responded to by 111 BroWaItei Duff Ill Bro Cameron proposed the toast 15 the candidates and response wasmade by Era Harris and Bro Dr GC Seymour In the evening the Fourteenth degree was put on by the Barrie officerslieaded by It Bro Sin clair assisted by members of Sn preme Council Past TPGMS and ledge officers Musical ritual was used throughout with Bro Walls as organist Bro Lorne Arn old Violinist Bro Alfred Shepherd and Bro William Lambert soloists At the close of lodge among those of thernewly initiated mem bers who spoke were Bro James Poppleton Bra Rowe Bro John Matheson and Bro Frank Craig lt3gt LOTS OF ttEADEns Tlie number of registered bor Canadh increased from 10453321411 1939 to 1105990 In 1943 Accident Ratio In District Ikgrces from the fourth to four Grand Master of Ceremonies Leish man Grand Expert Francis man and WKWalisTheSIxth hlnquet was held at SLAn rowers in the publlc libraries of 11 llltlt are six children In the taml llv About 2110 people most of llltlrlr lltltlllllls and f1 iends altended the dance on Tuesday evening hailvs Day headed th ltL11Il committee in charge of the even with arrangeI inl Helping him Inciits were llldon Adams braneh president Bishop Mauricc outts Robert Wallwin and several of the ladies of the community as well as those who sold IltktIS llarles Miller ltlplltltllftlf the dance hall where the benefit was lltlll donated his liitll free oft charlie The orchestra played at reduced price with Mrs Murray Ronald and her For Ross of ll111 sine donating their services liven the caller for the square dances called off without charging ally fee Eldon Adams thanked the pub lic for their generous support of lllt Legions effort Increase Above The Average The district of Duflcrin Simcoc Parry Sound and Muskoka showed the second greatestyncrease in ac cidents from 4M 1948 accord ing to statistics recently released by the motor vehicles branch of the department of highways The number of accidents in the area had increased from 1192 in 1947 to total 011229 last year The percentage ofincrease was 374 as contrasted with the general OMPLliIE sroen or AI1sraING ACIESSORIES Gowan St Allandale 111ii11 11 1111 v1 11111 FACING If TRACKS PHONE 3400 11 111I1 the nlliiI 1111 ll wind 111 11iiiel 1st Illrlihli al1111 lllt lions 111 ltlkltLL vlt In liiid1j of l1 ueik Til liiti 1111111 tlltlti l1 Ti lilo V11 i11 eh 11 With Spilllg Cleaning etl it 11111ii1 t1 11 121 Mm Illcovered Stratford pholsterlng Co PIONEER noun Mithli IIllfltl s1i 1111 or ree 1C up Iivi tininbeis oi 111 Saslcati 111 PAGE SEVENTH 100 Income Tax Inquiries Day Pair urn liltlflsll IIlll IF ITS GIVE US 311411 111 SINING KING BARRIE SPRING SERVICE REPAIRING REARCHING LARGEST STOCK OF GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND llIiSI IiQUIPPITD SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO lzov 1111 ed Ice was 111111 have your hestcrfieldsand ii pm Occasional hairs ltepaired ill wan natuial 11tiitltes tlvpallflitlli this Spring made what believe to be the 111st flip to uiloinobiie from Ilul Hon 31111 to linee litit Without 111111 to 1lltlt 1111111 iii some places thlllarnle llllllk by three lizicks 141 about 11111 lltltll EplettsFurnitureElectric SALES AND SERVICE 139 Illinlop St Barrie Ont tile PHONE 3721 tiavillinz FOR RESULTS USE EXAMINER WANTADS the llll BELIEVE IT OR NOT GRASS RUGS ARE HERE AGAIN 36 60 $165 416 $265 41111 711 $365 $585 10 $875 911 12 $1175 Ontario increase of 2291 This in crease was topped only by one oth er region in Ontario the Durham Northumberland Peterboro Vic toria and Haliburton district which showed an increase of 473 over 1947 The total number ofpccidents III Ontario in 1918 was 27406 coni pared with 22293 in 1947 MOMOtO Essa Road AMacMOtO Owned and operated by Irawage OffersYou These Special Buyiiigw Opportunities E01 This week 71940 GMCTruclr 19t 9181111111 1932 01111111111111 1919 Whippet 1934 Oldsmobile 1929 11111111111 1931 11111111111111 1938 rout Trurllrl 11111 1931 Dodge SMITH FURNITURE STOVES 129131VDunlop St Phone 4492 $50 $5071 $35 195 $1150 gt9 recto11 rim