Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1949, p. 16

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Arron of is at of social meat and itors IO and from Hurir ind Alluidnlc are appreciated 111 ulfldl lepgrtnirrtt IIIONII NH Neilsons CHOCOLATES in special wrap for Mothers Day lb 85c LUNCH AT BR YSONS Ice Cream Candy 17 ELIZABETH ST tiI7IlStillr1 11 owl ytl 31 1l ll if li 11tll 111 giiilxinvlive 1121 311 liil1 l1i1 it the amass and 11 111111 out that no Itlillllltl gt1 111111111llii ltr aiiip1 llwis 111 Ili mw LL AL 111 11 i11 31 to 11 E1 l1 111112 1111 111i1t dllilllt 11111 lgt1l mzl 111 11lvltl11 xfa it 11 1211111 1llll Itlt l1 rate 1111 litsiii 1i llgt 1111 112111111 111111 31111 i1llll3 tin 1i1l ii 1111 raml xamp ll tlvlvl oat 1111 11111 lit c1111l llt whimu 1111ins1 melthaiiilisel 11 1V1 max 111 It Haskell silpptrriil made In lie liliiid lie 111 ller llllszness Illil told the iitellilxis that the Lille WW 11 21 HNruh 111 llll Bl till 1111 shollltl 11lgt he built v11 111111 il tluii l1s iidav LII led 1111 I11 lifh pill1 ts Hi 11 II and lli 111111 11 rlw mud II Win Jun WM IIIUUHH In Illtlllllltl his ltftltlltt to Illt NI my 11 My 1st It all 11 1liltiltl llll Ili llaskell niti 11 it lliillilllez Untoiln l1 ivei 11 11 IUH dull Hmmd mn fl mm llmllm mlkll gt wuihm Ml ALHL llvwl 11 war the ltiiiiiiel liib where you MNW VH My My i1 Allillltl 111 510th and at the end of In Bump 114 UJHIHH 11 stated that the lltl 21min ll 111 back bl 311 on li 19 llll main purpose of the loroiito VAndr 101v JAMES FERGUSON IIA ews Presbyterian Minister Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and rSizoirniaster SINDY lY 1919 11 am MORNING WORSHIP Pr 21 pm lilllr 913 pin eacher The minister Young Peoples Bible Class 21111 arJIHL CIIURCII SCHOOL EVENING WORSIIII IreticlicILLThe Minister Meeting COME TO CHURCH Kf Burton Avenue United Collier St Baptist Church IllGV c1 MITCHELL Minister SI 11 am It pm 31m Vftl ll Stinday aoii Sol Independent NDY MAY 1949 THE LORDS SUIIICII BIBLE SCIIOOL Evangelistic Service pm Prayer Service May Bilwiltiv 11 1111 till America Cordial Welcome Awaits You SUNDAYthth 1949 11 AM BREAKING or BREAD 33PMSUNDAY SCHOOL AND Gospel Hall 19 Parkside Drive BIBLE CLASS The Salvation Army till COLLIER ST 11 51 Friendly Worship ATl 131 iprm and Mrs F1 Strachan SINII 11119 11 HOLINICSS hlIiIEIING Ill Ill SlNllAI SCI lOOIl 11 SALVATION MEETING Well 11 rllllIOSIIIP CLUB lhia Itll7llllllz LEAGUE ii in PRAYER hllillllNG 111ml is1i1emineet your every need lrj 111m lriday Church lcv I1 Carder Minister Mr 11 liempsev Organist and Choir Leader sivmy MAY 1949 111 am VTIIOlINlNLI WORSHIP pin IIVICNING WORSHIP lo 1117 lr hit and Sr 11 1111 Nursery Beginners and Primary HOLLY SERVICES PM PM st Central United Church REV BEWELL BA Minister MRS LENOVER Choir Leader Mr SMITH 7g Chief Justice McRuer Guest of Honor Annual gLaw Association Dinner Of Evening Auxiliary at Burton Ave Church and wcv leiitytic member guests were in attendance Th tables were very ellectum decorated with Easter platcrane ot bunnies and chirle llie tltlirl ter president Mrs donated beautilnlly doc11 cake topped by three eandl was flanked by tall yellow Mrs Lewis speaker to evening gave an IIaster to the members and guests Mrs lhyllis Itimlizison ed those present at the supper Vcrctta Longhnrst tUlthlltl 213 the evening was assisted 11 her arrangements by Mrs Rea Little Mrs Margaret leiiiiiitlis 311s Catherine lullllllnllllllfl Miss 151111 ence Maxwell Miss Maxwell entertained with piano solo Farmer Barrie Dentist Dr Raymond WIHlughes Opens Goderich Office Dr Raymond Hughes former Barrio dentist has opened an of fice in Godcrich For several years pashhc had been with the 111 Christic St Hospital Toronto Native of Stockton Manitoba Ilr Hughes graduated from the Royal College of Dental Surgeons Um vcrsity of Toronto in 19211Ilev in terned for two years at the Western fice in Barrie He was active in the Lions Club Then he moved to Timmins and practised there for six years He was president of TimminsLions Club andDDG of Lions International He was active also in Masonic circles 1Mark rThird Anniversary The third anniversary 11 lllllll ux1haiy 111 Huston xr tonne tinned tluacli was 11 11111 by slipper incltin iiel1 11 tin church lilgtl lliursiiav tin1 111 Ilca 111111 11111LI 1letiil HITspital and later opened an of BARRIE era1212mm BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Community Concert Offic Ix IIlIlIlISUN BIZ 1111 tul lt Ilaiia lll 111 111 coiitait will 11ilic oir Sliitllllltl withl 11111il1l lilltllisl lllftltllll gt1 Ill llt Itll llllll llltll ltllill11i ll Tllll t1 $11111 alternooii had done all to prevint the publicl swindch tllltl 11 liiti 111 ll 11111rii1 the term racket thcl will that it was dcsllc 1l1 11 trlittli111 tor nothinu It was an it pt 111 make money by the 11111 11 111 resistance lltltllllllll l1 percent of the countrys 11 never carry gun iic racket on record was Ilillll Ill and was preparation 11ri111 hair italrats 11111in with the season 1111 lli Haskell Some 111 the more 11111 ones he mentioned were in liliiiltltlld merchandise rackets tilllt training and Inauzizine going from door to door lrst some firm sends out as lies and asks you to in payment of same ill Veterans calendars were an tllt perennial racket lhcrc llltiilt oi the money from the cal cndars went to any hospital or eiizalzs organization as promised iJOHN CQTTRELL AND DALLUS LEE Iwo bronze medallions awarded as result of the six wecks cilursc in first alld recently held bytho St John Ambulance Corps at the library hall One went to opaco employee Dallus Lee and the other to an employee of Clarke and Clarke Limited John Coltlcll Sixteen were enrolled and car licd on with the course which was llltltl little early this year Nine of these tried exams on Thursday llil l4 and the results just Tc T1111 vouchers and fivcxcertific ates were awhrded in addition to the two medallions Mrs Fern Teesdale received her vOuchcr and Miss Verctta Long hurst was awardcd her first aid 390 PM iCome EVE no Aa HOS no4 pm 55 NN pm Yuri gGRAC 790 PM SUNDAY MAY 1949 11AMMORNING SERVICE r===1 GOSPEL HALL 37 Mary Street SUNDAY MAY 171949 130 PMBELIEVERS MEETING SUNDAY SCHOOL GOSPEL MEETING and bring your friends RYBODY WELCOME mf inity Anglican Church yr CROSS BA LTH Rector Organist Mrs 11111111 SUNDAY MAY 11949 aimHOLY COMMUNIQN eonHOLY COMMUNIONand Beginners Bible Classes Primary Intermediate School EVENING PRAYER Lewis MA 1BD1 Minister Lloyd Tufford Organist and Choirmaster Infant Baptism Tad CHURCH SCHOOL armJunior intermediate Senior Depts V10 amYoung Mens Class II am Auntsew Beginners and Primary Depth sf MfAdult Bible Class Euilivpmno sunvrcn Reqples Fireside at pm mumGOSPEL MEETING Organist War Prayer Meaning Welcome Seatsfree No Collection SUNDAY MAY I949 admin 11 rmMORNING WORSHIP The Supremacy of Love pmEVENING WORSHIP YOUTH SERVICE The Younglatmplcs Glee Club will be the choir CHURCH SCHOOL 11 elmBeginners Primary p111Thc CrusaderslClass 230 pmThe General School Come to Gods House on His Day FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Bayfield St Phone 4512 REV AND MRS CHASE ministers SUNDAY MAY 1949 Iunelin 900 CHML 830 mm for Light andLife Gospel program SUNDAY SCHOOL PM Evangelistic Service II 730 pm Thursday evening prayer meeting ngtiergst united ChUrcHhnd Bible Study 745 pm ineV Strangers welcome Come and wotI ship with us 1m First Baptist Church REV LUCK BA BD Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATOM Organlst and Choir Leader VSUNDAY MAY 11149 ISUNDAY SCHOOL 950 am It sumCourage Communion pmThe Blundering Builders Wednesday pnlPtayer Mention Friday April 2943 purlInduction Service for Rev Luck The public are cordially invited ll man has SERVICE of distinguished character at prices thatvary as greatly as family needs fHE HOMElIKf FUNERAL HOME Kernel Korn Says You can depend on top crop Hybrids They grow and stand up For sale at your local dealer Brown 111111 Seedsmcn since 1871 the Canadian General Electric Company Miss Helen Livingston of the Mount Jimmy ski qpatrol vas awarded her vouchcr Two other mernbers Tom McConkey and Philip Wicks received their certi ficates EcterKearns pharmacy ap veterinarian were awarded their first aid certificates Dr Laurie was examiner Lecturer throughout the series of classes was Dr Ross Turnbull Mrs Lily Hood did the practical dem onstrating the classes were made by Mrs Vina Jones superintendent of the Barrie nursing division of the Sthohn Ambulance Corps The course has becnheld here every spring and fall since 1942 central Church Filled To Capacity Youth For ChriSt capacity crowd lled Central Unitedl Church Tuesday night for the Youth For Christ monthly meeting Rcth DJCarlsoanas tor of the Avenue Road Church TOiontO was the speaker He pre sented stirring messageon Psalm 13 Music was supplied by Earl Crowe Rev Carlson and Mrs Carlson Earl Crowe led the sing ing at the beginning of the pro gram and then sang two solos later in the evening Earl and Mr Carl son sang two duets together also Mrs Carlson played number of ne Selections on the Marimba ac companied by her husband Rev Mr Carlson also sang his own com position If You Want Joy Anotherprogram has been ar ranged for May 31 It will take the form of districlrally Itv Peter Hopgendam pastor of Phil pott Tabernacle Hamilton will be the speaker One of the musical treats will be the wellknown EVangcl TrumpetTrlo 65 to the hunt ltiiouirles years WCIC tcittd showed that they all passed plentice aid airlestu IEhihOckT Arrangements for the holding of iols MIN WOODS 111 pt11i1 11 cointiill entail 11 will be 11311121111 1l llltllllitlj as well xllt t1 ill Hf Better Business Bureau is to pro tect the public from ltlll1 s1nll ed They do not recommend any1 than but give only facts concern ing an person or concern to their members They handle mtr 1111119 and complaints every month The bureau is nonprofit or tlllllllltll maintained by iiicinber ship fees from ltltl members who include manufacturing retailers liolesalers and professional men Ihemembership feels run from $2 to $13011 There are 139 members ialso affiliated with 22 chambers of iconnnerce and better business bor 1caus from coast tocoast in Cali ada and many states in the USA ilhey have been on the air for 13 lOlllSltll of Toronto The bureau Kl The bureau publishes booklets on different subjects which may lbe obtained by writing to them1 They send out monthly circular to all the members giving the facts about new rackets Tlle meeting was held at the lComnIunily IIouse Simcoe District WI WIN MEDALLIONS Plan Very Busy Year lKempenfeldt Players Have TeenAgers Group By Mrs Patterson meeting Oflhc Executive and conveners of the South SlmCOC District WI was held in Cookstown Hall on Wednesday April 20 Rep resentatives were present from ten of the twentyone branches The meeting opened with the President Mrs II Kell of Churchill in charge The opening ode was repeated in unison foil lowedby the Lords Prayer AgainaMrs Kell stressed the points to which the attention of the members was directed at the Fall meeting namely tli That the mem bers know denitely what ediitse they wish for the cooperative pro gram 21 That the convencrs of various committees send their re converter on time 131 That members strive to have namesplaced on mail boxes The District Annual will be held at Lefroy on June 17 and the roll call response will be an out standing achievement of the past year Those interested are asked to note that feature ofthe Dis tricLAnnuaI willbeen exhibit of antique glassware Each branch is asked to contribute one or more exhibits with date of Originat tached Music will be arranged by Thornton and Gilford branches skit will be presented by Newton Robinson Junior WI Lefroy will give the address of welcome to be replied to by COulsons Hill The attention of made by Provincial Branch WI ill The Institute year shall be from April lstto March 31 The following committees will now read Historical Research arid Current Events HomeEconomics and Health Public Relationship fee is now 50c Convencrs of committees are re quested tO forward reports to the istrict Conveners without further delay The meeting closed with social half hour over refreshments rent by the Also Large Cement Mixersand Wheelbarrows ELECTRIC SANDERS TOR WALLS ORWOODWORK FREE ESTIMATES FOR SANDING Provincial Floor Servie 100 William st the members is drawn to the following changes and Community Activities 13 The TDO the Job Yourself Floor Sanding Machines and Edgers for OBITUARY IItS lll IIltl 1111 11 51 11 $11 I1r1nsl 1i 11 Elm 111 So 11 lil lla liltU1 lii1nd 11111 tliittn 11 ilw ll rl11111lltlit1 flit Ii11i llill 111 ill lziuir1l11 1111111 111 111i 111111211 It 11wl 931111 111m 11 1itllil Ill liit ll kiul iii l3111ll l1lltlli krli tlll Ilitllil lli llltdvld lllllll lltifll Iooi 21tvjslI15l lairis 1111111 mi tilllxlki 1111 Stzoiai Funeral of MrsWilson jNot Mrs Baldwin Who Lives at Aurora li ltll1v liiiiciilli mriwpantieiitc netl 11 vpeitid li iilll lis 1il1ii Il ill will and ti Ilene nae been to uioi1 lti 111111111 ll11 liiniial 11l l1 lililtlxtlli lhi lltlll iii iwi The inn tlill was not that of 11s llaldwin out It was lll tiuu i111 111 Mrs lill shall ll Willsoi lvlttrllhlllv of lis llaldwa 3111 Ilazowin 1x still ll111 at Aint1x1 74 Scthl for Scandal Scenes To Be Given Library Hall May Srenis from lliehard lliinsley Sheridans School loi Scandal will be giver lreen loom pioduelion by the lllllllt Iraiiia laii next lhuisday Mav $1 in the l1llll hall The groups first production of the year will not be open to the general public lllillttll lll be by Invitation only The players are hoping to given worthwhile perloriiiaiice of the 111111 contury more on scandal and gossip and the liSlllllllf disintegra tion of society liiliet Scott cos tume convcneri has obtained some of the costumes lroin Mallabar of Toronto Ovenden College is also providing period costumes The production is under the dir cction of Miss Illsie llaikes The cast will include Elbert lIeathlield as Joseph Surface the hypocritical brother of Charles Surface plavcd by Wally Ixcnnedy Sir Peter Teale will be played by Icrry Icarcey Mavis Pindar will portray Lady leaylc Fern Hampel will play the young and innocent Maria in love with Charles and Miss Louise Collcy will be Mrs Candour the self rightcous gossip of the play Illioda Young as Lady Sncerwcll Executive Conveners Angus Ross as Snake Robert Boyd as Sir Benjamin Backbite Lynn Coutts as Crabtrce anti Mrs IS Day as servant will complete the cast Rehearsing oneAct Play The Kcmpenfeldt Community Players who had successful suin mer theatre season at Shanty Bay last year have been cncourlrged by thcvrcsponsc to questionnaire sent out recently by the county recreation oilice in Barrie to con tinue their eflorts during the com ing summer months The people who took part in the productions the first year of the groups existence felt thatthc thc atre had done great deal for their community in the way of Iprovidipg entertainment and rec reation for young and old alike One play is now in production at Simnty Bay Am original script by Mrs Ian Welsnian it is being re hearsed by group of teen agers School for Scandal which is being presented next week by the Bar 110 Drama Club is another tenta tive production for the coming sea son The theatre according to present plans willget underway around those who joined the group last year will be held late in Mayto decide denitely the future plans of the group Membership feeslast year were l$3 per adult $1for students and $5 for married couple IIIWREihANI STOKIRS jasraox gtHOII HEAT GIBSON LTD 65 Bradford St PHONE 3855 day or hour Phone 2950 CAMERON ELLIS THURSDAY AlItll 241 1919 The Last Day of our CHINA SALE we WILL HAVE OUR Annual SurpriseBox SALE Boxes each IEWELLERY GLASS CHINA NOVELTIES ETC SATURDAY APRIL 30 Reeves Jewellers 76 Dunlop St Opp Post Office Shrubs Eocrgreens Rose Bushes Perennials Ross Cook Flower Shop FOB FLOWERS OF LASTING BEAUTY 112 Dunlap St WIS DELIVER Phone 4892 ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER 54 Only CUT CLASS VASES CZECHOSLOVAKIAN MAKE Special Buy From Importer SELLING 101 $5006 WORTH DOUBLE THIS PRICE SEEOUR hINDOW English COR COLLIER ahnvrirmo DICKSTEELE the first of July Ametlng of HOMEMADE SMARTS SAUSAGE FRESH38C Fancy Quality THREE TIMES WEEKLY TOMATO JUICE PORK LIVER zJOHNSONS SLICED 5c GLOCOAT FRESH lb PINT SIZE Plus 13 Ofa Pint FRE FAST DELIVERY 554 China hail Shop Izuonuzs 12 T222316 29 oz Tins 591 Free BLADE CAMPBELLSV ROAST BEAN AND 19C or BEEF 1b BACON sour 15 OT Tins BONELESS YORK CORNED 48 POEK 2ms BEEFl lb BEANS FOR 20 oz Tins 11 11

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