burst on Tuesday Yesterday thc townships of Vcspia Flos 86 th YeormNo 27 ROXY HOUSE OF HITS 7w FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm That man meets new kind Mot blonde and theres no end to the trouble she starts Riciiau WIDMARK IDA lllPlNll nun WILDE tttESlE HillM ROAD flours pgvza Adult Entertainment PLUS CARTOON FOX NEWS Eve Shows At 655 and pm STARTS MONDAY MAY 2ND lltlillA YOUNG AND ROBT CUMMINGS in The Accused GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT Twiiiiisia Actioiiiaiiures Playing Tonight lriv Sat MATINEE SAT 230 11111 Roy Rogers His Famour Horse Trigger m9 Here To Thrill You Again use shit4 OSCAR 11014909 not mii nunkt 33 PUNK ESPN Also WARNERS LATEST NEWS Eve Shows 645 and pm 13 MORE DPS REACH BARRIE Eighteen displaccd persons from Europe arrived in Barrie this week to be employed as laborch on farms in the district Thirteen of theserwerc Yugoslavians who zir rivcd at the CPR station in Mid NEWMARKET T0 SWING oven FROM 25 TO 60 crows Representatives of the Ontario Hydro Electric Commission have taken inventory of electrical mot ors in some Newmarkct places of business in preparation for the conversion from 25 to 00 cycles The preliminary inventory will enable hydro engineers to plan the Work and set date for it Fred Thompson chairman of the Newmarket commission said that the actual conversion would be completed from all appearanc es much sooner than expected The cost of converting motors of less than one horsepower will be as sumed by the commission group if five arrived at Allaiidalc The last group was composed of Czechoslovakian and four Latvians They were employed by farmers Essa West Gwillimbury Innisfil and Sunnidalc through the Nation al Employment Office on their ar rival placcd persons sent torithc area to work in the near future The shortage also applies to fe male domestic labor The contractsof many Polish veteran farm laborers in the dis trict will expire this June They have been serving twovycar terms on the farms in contrast to other displaced persons whosigrr only oneyear contract The men who arrived this week will be on oneyear contracts on the farms where they are employ ed in accordance with the regula tions of the Minister of Labor The 18 young laborers who were fall under 35 years of agefhad worked onfarms in Europe be fore criming to Canada They were of the group that arrived in Hali fax on April 23 aboard the liner Eltinge The demand for farm labor in tlicdistrict is very great at the present time reports Arthur Sch neider of the employment office They are hoping to have more dis International Festival of School Music iced ringed The High School SymphonyBand of Hornell The Riverdale Collegiate Choir of Toronto Th Ballet Corps of the TorontoBallet School The Barrie Collegiate Concert Band mums ARENA TICKETS ON SALE atrambiyns Caldwells Drugs Whittys Drugs and from members of the Kiwanis Club andrnembers of the Collegiate Band lUlhORlllO A5 SECOND CLASS IAIL ll THE POST OfFlCE DEPARTMENT OTIAIA meeting this evening today SEVERAL EVENTS IN BARRIE PLANS FOR ARMY WEEK Several events have been planned for llarrie for Army Week lluy 1622 As the windup the entire 45th Anth Tank Regiment RCA irry and Slmcoe Foresters will be assembled in Barrie Armoury on Saturday afternoon May 21 The following morning on Sunday May there will be it drumhcad church parade at 10 oclock in Queens Park followed by inspection of the regiment by MajorGeneral lU the lltiirie band and voiitiiiued hris Vokes CHE DSO ito roam the streets Ilowcveii general officer commanding livhen they attempted ll boardi cutrzl Command Oakvillc Ethey found to thezr sziipiisctlial MajorGeneral Yokes was the illltlt own had vsitlidrawn Ilieyl wartime commander of the fproiuptly platmt telephone cull First and Fourth Canadian tIo their parents and llilll located Divisions and also the un in place wheie they could rest fotl udlan Army Occupation lorcc In Northwest Europe On Thursday May 19 cvpcctcd thc it is Army lrcus ivill be in Barrie en route bc laui Ili itizi tween Midland and Aurora ihmk Ii This consists of demons mm lllll Ilintuli who had been It tion of army vehicles and weu pons now in use Further par ticulars later In the mean time ficcr commanding 135th tcry Burrlc requests that all personnel connected with the unit hp at the Annoury cvcry Tuesday evening so that the battery may be in good traili ing for the May 2123 event OUOOOOOITT T0 HOSPITAL AT TORONTO Bat when neceile jconeeii at lloineli NY iwithin view of the buses during gtlplfl see their nanns of tranrportation idepart and another two buses driv illllti Ilie gtilllt parliiiii area tliouuht they were those belonging ithe night lenover Irzeved the two boy toi jTwo Barrie Band Members Miss Bus EAt Niagara Falls Two members of the Bairie Col illdillle flaiid lion Lenovcr and Jim Illewill were luuti up at Niagara returned presenting ioiiit the orgahiraiion from Shopping the failed to Iv bo Sunday morning motored down and rev llandmastir halter ix Charge of the bus carrying the juri members and Mr missed the ablt Yesterday afternoon lordoii Barrett of akview lleauli appear ed before Magistrate It 1osteilheiwl iiiiulies or all buds in Barrie on several charges of breaking and entry and theft lle Am owning umbumnco rush was remanded in custody ed baby Griffiths from the hospital at Barrie to Toronto where his blood was typed and lie was given transfusions his life The infant son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Griffiths of Thornton was born in the Royal Victoria Hospital at four oclock yesterday morning When it was found that the little boy was an lib baby with blood deficiency arrangements were madc to have him transferred to the hospital for sick children at Toronto Oxygen was provided dur ing the onehour race to Tbronto Police escorts accompanied the ambulance in race to Torontoaiid the father followed in another in an effort to save Police found stolen goods to the value of more than $20000 ill the Sunrise Loth at Oakview Beach This lodge is owned Barrett and warrant was sworn out for his arrest on Tuesday Early Wednesday morning liov Cons Earl Morrison truck at Bradford and took the driver into custody description of this truck had been given to all provincial police in the district following the investigation at Oak vcw Beach which was carried out by Cpl Al Ayers of Stayner and Prov Cons Patrick Poland of Bar rie The recovered goods included one rug valued at $2300 cliestcr vehicle Mrs Griffiths is still in the fields an electric refrigerator an hospital at Barrie RatepayerFansPiromis Support Arena Project Enthusiastic support was prom iscd the Barrie Arena Commission by large group of ratepaycrfans at special meeting in the Council Chambers last night when discus sion was heard on the proposed ad dition to Barrie Arena Many questions were asde by representatives of cacti ward about financing plans arena policy and replies were supplied by members of the commission and manager Wes Allsopp It was decided to have another meeting in the Council Chambers next Tuesday May at oclock to make further pians to bring the complete story of the arena pro posal to the attention of the rate payers of Barrie Ald Clarence Corbett was chair man of last nights meeting He called on Dr Frank Maxwell member of the arena commission since its inception in 1945 speak first Many of the statements of Dr Maxwell are contained in statement by the Arena Commis sion on page 22 of this issue The speaker detailed expendi tures totalling $19776 as ektensivc improvements and necessary ones which had been made at the arena ARREST ISMDE $6000 ROBBERY HERE LAST YEAR Lionel Leroy age 38 of Hamil ton is now in custody in Barrie and has been charged with breakirTg and entering and theft in connection with the theft of $6000 from the brewerfs ware house at Barrie last August Fol lowing their investigation the police obtainedc1ues and sent out circulars to otherpolice After certain incidents which will be revealed during the court proceedings warrzint was sworn out for the arrestof Leroy and he was captured at Tillsonburg Cpl Les Harrisrmand ProvCons Russell Lackie went to Tillsonburg yesterday and brought Leroyyto Barrie He wasto appear before Magistrate Foster for remand The police have also takeninto custody Harry McElroy of Hamil ton He has been charged with false pretences in connection with worthless cheques that were passed on Barrie hotels early this month Art Club Members Meet Do Painting Sketching group of about dozen people met last Thursday evening at the community house to sketch still life group of vegetables arran ed by Mrs Barker The sketc es were done mostly in pastels al though there were four pencil sketches in the group discussion period on the work done during the evening was led by Mrs Barker Missv Ruth Wallwin will again not as model for the artists at their lclcctric stove hotel linen garage since October 1945 from increased revenue Through these expenditures plus the $30000 paid by the Town for the ice plant which is the only expenditures made by the ratepayers Dr Maxwell said the Town now has building worth $175000 Now in comparison with other towns of comparable size or Smaller Barrie has spent only $30 000 while other towns have spent from $150000 to $250000 such as Collingwood Bracebridgc Simcoe Hospclcr We have now come to the place where we have had to pass up ma jor attractions in the Arena slurp 1y because the seating capacity is not great enough to cover Lllt guarantee required The Ontario Arenas Association of which Bar rie is charter member have adopted policy of circuit attrac tions of which we have been un able to take advantage Lao to lim ited seating accommodation Now in view of the informa tion We have endeavored topass on and knowingthere are number of points that have not been cov ered members of the Arena Com mission would appreciate any ques tion and will endeavor to answer it to the best of our ability If you feel that thescjtucstignshave been answered in satisfactofy manner and that you would benc fit through this project we would ask that youthrow your influence behind it in an endeavor to bring it to successful conclusion civIB CAMPAIGN GETS UNDER WAY BARBIE DISTRICT The Barriemd District advisory committee for the blind is appeal ingfor donations in the annual campaign for funds Contributions maybe mailed tothe treasurer McClafferty manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia For purposes ofincomc tax rc turns official receipts will be is sued for all donations of $1 or more The officers and members of the committee which is under the chairmanship of Girdwood serve throughout the year without remuneration They are asking for assistance in their efforts to make life for our blind citizens less un bearable Through them the Canadian In stitute for the Blind asks for your help to continiie their work for another year The Institute whose doors are always open to those who must learn to make four senses do the workof five is here to help you if you should eyer need its services Its services are the tools which help each blihd man or we man towards his own personal vic tory over blindness The advisory committee serving under Mr Girdwood is made up of Mrs William Huntervtcechair man Mrs Webb secretary McClafterty treasurer and Mrs Rawson weltare gonven er They Mr Fisher iii si Major mark itliiiia of tilt Ill id llt lttl posts and neither isentees lArrest Gor don Barrett SomeThousands Dollars Stolen Goods Recovered stopped strange north BARRIEVONVTARIO CANADA THURSDAY APRIL 28 I919 jOn the First Ballot iIov 1151le iiiosi has own My Il II le liiiiwe If iiIi Ontario Aw tite it iliil in Lille Iil ZliIi iii llIi II this lil sue II If iii Vlillllfliil litlllitlli In ll oi lntzizio $11 liot IIl or IliI hi ballet at iiiIviIIon lll loi onto ilIIiiiiiLli ll Ill IIt Iixlui cs zzeiiiial IlIIll itiil tIilllldIillil II upigtlii and illlllfllli lliIzt nave been Herai break liiis during the past IIiIer through nit Alaliolia lisu ltl Sinicoe couii itv iiail llaliliiiitiih and some of Itiie tamils have iliIady been ideii Iiiied as those stolen Police were hopim to ban Ilie Ieiiiainiui thousands oi lollais worth of goods iIltlll1iIl by the end of this ieel The police started their investi Iiiluii following tip dsciibinu Iiitick that had been seen in the vicinity oi breakiii few lays am The truck was traced to 0an VILII Beach and the arrest was THE BARRIE EXAMINER Jilly Section 3Poges 15 KIWANIS COLLECT $1500 in EASTER SEALS CAMPAIGN lilliani Sievurt llJlllllxll llarric Niviuiiis lubs lndrr privilrgrd liildrcns oniiiiits tee stated today that H300 llJs been Hlrlltl to tlJlt from the sale of Lister ltx ind llUllJ tions it this amount llJll cues in the Ontario Utltlt for trippl ed iliildrcii but practically all yill be spent iii this distriit Mr Stewart through The uniliicr lllt to etciid Links to everyone for their generous donations If you hear of crippled child needing help Mr Sic wart said pleasi get in touch iith inc If you have not sent in donation Illtl can afford if it is still not too late livery cent of this money goes directly for the help oi crippled eliililrcii eitliir lor liospitalirzitlon ihecl tlmlis braces for deformed limbs Xriiy etc ll iloctors services for these crippled children at the Sick liildrciis Hospital are like We also send any crippled children ilio Would like to co to the llluc loiiiitaiii inip iilar olliiigvvootl for tivu vceks tllll no cost to their parents These children enjoy the holiday on Georgian llav very much Again thanking our generous contributors ylictbcr donations were large or small Wc would also like to think those who helped send out lllt Seals There was quite lot of work loiic in connection iilli this drive OOOSWILL DIE NATURALLY SAYS COUNCIL guess well let the docs llli natural death said Mayor Mayor at the council ilttlllliz last bllllllllllll when Aid illanibly reported that the plai MONOOIAM PICIUII nonn9 ROBERT USlERlllHlleEi COMPION Altlllllltl ClltlllllPlfllRl lfllKllt By Appleton iti iljviiasriir keyboard Iiviinziiue tllkl Itiatchliss Iiiiiitioii oi the luoel iinvcstieations HEOIOOPTER LANDS HERE ICN STATION First helicopter ever to land in Barrie did so last evening aboutl 030 on the NR station lawn The craft came in from the circled town and landed at the airport in search of gasoline Pindine no one at the port the helicopter pilot phoned in and tuna he could land on the narrow lawnin front of the station Gas was Supplied by Delaney 1105 boat service is close by Theii helicopter was from the BugligeatehHelicopter Aircraft Scrvioe Inc of syracusc New York and the owners were in the craft which landed in the centre of Barrie They are brothers Herb and Eddie Robinson The former veteran pilot ofall types of air craftwas at the controls of the coptcr They were on their way home from Northern Ontario where they had been doing experi mental work for the past week fogr Toronto firm llIQlCiS no con mcrcial liclicopteizseiivice in Can adaalthough the BCAF and Navy have numbcrof these strange craftwhich can fly straight up and down Ed Robinson watched the heli coptcrrashisrbrothcrwcnt for gas Quite crowd soon gathered after the landing It hovered over the station lawn monian and then settled slowly straight down The wide rotors swirling around form quite hazard and the pilot had to be sure no eager spectator was on the lawn before he let the wheels gently down if The brothers left Sudbuvy cou lplc of hours earlier and evidently helicopters are rarity up there on the local radio but hadno time Running short of gas they settled spend the night in Toronto or Rochester and return to Syracuse this morning The craftcruiscs easily around 75 miles an hour usually between 500yand 1000 feet When pilotHcrb Robinson tooka from Barrie instead of going straight up he took run forward of several yards and thenswervcd sharply tothe left over the bay and then gained altitude gradu ally while shoeding across the on the horizon towards iTorontox Plan Musi Festival For Barrie District Arena Fri May 20 The second annual music festival by rural and contlnuation schools of Barriesi surrounding district is now in preparation for Friday May 20 at Barrie Arena The eVent is sponsored by the Barrie Rotary Club who archandling all arrangements for seating sound system and platform facilities Eva Rumble of Hillsdale is sup ervising the festival from which proceeds are to be contributed to the Barrie Memorial Hospital Fund Proceeds from last years lperformance amounted to $330 and will befprcsbnted to the Memorial Hospital board midway through th evenings performance TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD EEQNE 2011 eventually made tollowinu further too and they were asked tospeakl water The helicopter disappearedl wreckage establish doe pound oIIEgtlric prairiets Veia Appleton mi yinh itoivii had fallen lllllllll an III Ni vmt my pup let the 1111ililltt which filled After stating lllllllllt opposition ito the dotl pound had been strong lit My Theatre Monday evemne lAld lIimblv said if Barrie didnt lit Ilil final IIltlll the ItiItlIISI iwant it and nobody else wanted MIl Iif thi llarrie iiiiiiiiiiiiiI iii Ilie idea might as Well he Eruption111 siit11Ii lped He turned the math havli liniixtduaiv brilliant pianists lIo lllI council IIIIIIII and have been to Aid Ciirrie said there had been titlhvl im Nix ears and rate icoinplaints about dogs for years Nixon thee foremost duopianists of land be commended the work the world Their Barrie visit was idoiie by Aid llamblyin an cfliieii Titid IIllellVOi the seasonl ifort to reach solution lIoiv ility lll play at Sault Ste Mariel CVCI agreed with the Mtiyiiiiiitl in Montana before returning to that the problem would now dilew nilz where they conduct natural death Aid Ntillllllllllifl classesiii duopiano art at idcprccatcd the time that had been the liilluitl School of Music during ispcnt at each meeting on the dot the Summer lipicslion On Monday the Appleton and lucid procram was in four paprtsi and they responded with three cu corts Chopins Minute Waltz the ItiIiIlIltllC Jamaican lilitiniba and ELECT GIB WILEY i1949 PRESIDENT Hm modem Wm Wm lllLl theyfintlroclirfrcdc Aspdcrai ThC Billllle Citiens Baud ltfltl New Yorks Town Hall fan election of officers for 1919 at Tm mum HMS 0Wde mm heir annual megmg THC5d HBaclis Ovtrturo from the 29th lhe Mmtka Blllldmt Mlllcaslm Cantata Appleton and Field faith St P11051991 Gib HIPV 3152 fully adhered to the original orch mg him in summer campain mm SOON mm transcription raise rmlds iICCptcsidtm for two pianos This was followed George Wilson SOCIClmIV Hemlimby Two Etudes in the Form of iCBUlhOIS alld lICdSUlCI Haiti LIV Canon by Robert Schumann trau mg5l0n scribedby Debussy who preserved personnel The band now has with remarkable fidelity all their of 22 mcmbcrs and ar holdiuuSchumann qualities to the exclu practicc session every night at pm at their pciman The flat major was in romantic cut quarters the market building lyrical vein contrasted with the However any musician wishing to minor in vitty whimsicalityRift join the organization is asked to at at number of the first part was tcndthcsc sessions Franz Schuberts Marclic caract Plans 01 the Your are to hold Flistioue dclightfuldvork in concertsbefomdhecitizensof Bat Pl Itlls 15051 alUSl 9119 rife in movement to raise money for greater projects New band5 master John Elliott is confident one piano four handsaiid Apple their goal can be reached ton and Field showed they were just as clever in this rendition as piano Schubert was oiie of file most prolific writers QfITILlSlCiffil IMPERIA BRAND NEW FEATURES WEDDING BAND ON HER MIND JANE FRAZEE WARREN DOUGLAS 2nd Outdoor Action Picture Marshal of Cripple Creek Bach to Boogie Woogie and Variations Tucsdayilsion of his own stylistic devicesl using two pianos Opcniiie the second part the ldz tion on TitliiiicS 8f llHiiydiilllby lohaiiifcs lBralims one of the masterpieces of twopiano literature and one ofg Brahms finest works Then came IMoron ACCIDENT gt HenryLangford age 69 of Bays lvillcgw died Soldiers Memorial Orillia an accident Hospital at Suite for two pianos It is based on last Sunday morning The charming Valsc by Anton out of Orillia still another style to express their on Tuesday in the iBrazilcriraithe finale of Milliaudsw Twice Weekly MON DAY and THURSDAY to 22 THURS FRI SATURDAY and Field DuoPiano Program was the fourth seleeIion of the group the iiraniieiitent by Maurice Ravel eoiiIIzizpo iy composer Final number was Perpetual Motion 11lllll piaiilts had ample opportunity to Ilgtlll their virtuo sit It was an exciting perform ance Just prior to intermission rlA First number afterwards was startling to say the least with iIs distinctive boogievvoopie bass in the early theme This was by Russell Bennett one of the Amer icas foremost composers and ar iauecrs and the literal translation of the ltziliau means Dirty llicme This is popular musical vernacular However the early oliliill so strange to concert audiences quickly moved on to five variations of contrasting harmony and rhythm in the contemporary style Another exciting number follow ed two excerpis from Billy the Kid from the ballet of the same name Appleton and Field introduc ed the on re suite by Aaron C01 lziiid at lll lown flail in 1947 Frontier days cowboys wild west run through the characteristic music Appleton and Field adapted Licbcsleid from Krcislers old Viennese melody for the violin which Rachmaninoff arranged for piano This number was lovely contrast from the modernistic style and rhordiiip of several earlier selections And then the finale Carmen Fantasy rendered With great brilliance It brought out the familiar melodies of the opera Car men The Fantasy was written by the talented young American pian istcomposer Abram Chasins De mand for cncores was graciously accepted by Applcton and Field and their selections further endear Turfmm to unearned audience There was no introduction of Ap pleton and Field by the president of the Barrie Community Concert Association Ii Morrison MBE simply because the artists re quested there be noticThcy felt it would be an anticlimax following the front page notes of the program and went immediately into their long recital following the National Anthem wAt intermission John Woods KC vicepresident announced He had been injured inia popular Brazilian dance rhythm plans for the annual 1ncmbership campaign of the Barrie Community down Baum The planner to on the old Barrie road four miles Arensky gave Appleton and Field Concert Association from IVIgy to and asked for the continued sup Mr Langfords truck went out delightful capabilities They have port 0fthe members which makes of control on Curve in the lOadlgifITOr delicate rhythmic accomp and rolled over The elderly mcilllanimeiit with the alluring melody WIHS trapped in the VICCkage fOIIitf this number chussys Festiv two hours before he was dis covered by Mr and Mrs Albert Anderson who were driving to Church Theinjured man told police be was driving his truck towards Collingwood when an attack of asthma struck him in the cough ing spell which instant ow ed he was unable to bring his truck to stop beforcdt left the road Although conscious Mr Lang ford wais Upside down in the from 830 am until 1030 am Prov Cons Ian Hutch eon investigated He died in the hospital at Oril be early Tuesday morning saturday Rummage Sale SATURDAY April 30 am BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH Alispices 39 Club go Admission 50c mage Sale AIN THE oDDFELLows HALL COLLIER ST DOORS OPEN AT9 mm Auspices of Ladies of St Marys Church PINEcuEs jFOT Fitter DANCING Every Friday Nita 9pm 1mm RONALDS ORCHESTRA these concerts possible my ANEXATTINETT WANT AD Apia 30