Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1949, p. 12

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toqu Means jPlarIts Will Grow Stronger When an llllllilittl in Ills xiildeit hi to hurry lilllt Illtllt if Iarc till he illittv tiil intmth the pride he may take to tilt Wail recovery if llts plii planting shock ii liti all his losses will be ten lll it filifil In lite iliutttain ilili methods of lltltltllv Iiilniled by recaiml arms the Wiltlt BtltlliEflS iiiiiiiiilii WOOL SHIP OliLlliT It Our Registered Warehousi No WESTON ilNlAltItl Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Shippers may obtain ltli2 llltl twine without tltiil iloili Thos Bowman Htroiiil Sinicile District Jooperative Barrie 0r llyyxiitiiit direct in Canadan ooperalive Wlhrowers Limited Bay Stretllhironlo iiiiztila need loan got one the ay Borrow $50 Sltklltxi more on your own signa rpm from are Household Finance lends money people with overdue hills doctor Mas Seasonal expenses repair bills trey emergencies Asva matter and anti you ltbIOIfOtV for any Emmi pilrpos without endorseis out at alkable sec Sguyblgqjlle or co infast service Yl ention Up to 24 ay in convenient litth instalmentSi RDAS ARGEST AND torsr CONSUMER Cili fly iiinitiTIErtcTJTTI Tor lieu icon Ill ltllil llll 34 pliti1 il illti tniz lln in Slain Iv lilit lititv tllii tlllltitl it in II tili liill and iii iiil ll ILllI itli tlltltl llitt lo ill Iu ml tllt lili lin tfit liae iIill lttlllltlll ll la lll ti ol iclow ilItlit lwlm tll wit iil loot aiso alm ii xalr ii that il tll lvtli ltllil iIi about lilill ruet lv ifo Hail lituit tti tilidlttl iii titli illllw til sitti liltix ttt siithi1 in taken ll1lttl lltltllllll the ioo ststctvl litplan cil tl lo Iit ltltl lllt gtlittlill plant Etltl lziit itlll iuizl llil plaut can lil ciy iiicll lii ii tiitls Lilli til littt zestaitli re lops plants should Iprtiiliil lltmll bv itgt ltlllltlltl removes part the tactory pinch has to Iiiakl ltlle new plant material ttlttltill dialer upon which growth de lpends Pruning likely to taki jotl more foliage titan necessary harm thoule wholly dead leaves tttitfi llt illtlittl illl Siltttlillt good llliillltt tlien plants air succulent when soil airi air are dry itlltl when suit is hot lliut good plants can usually sct successfully without shade cs peclally if water or starter soliitioll is used or it good contact between Bocinl Welfare Mrs Matthews and M1 mm vim Hm plum SN soil and loot ls established other Ii April 22 Mrs Ameyaind Fred have gone to Muliniir Lake iorthe summer Dr Curtiii of Toronto visited lMI and Mrs ledluniniQrson last ibuiiday Jack McLean has moved iilto his new home constructed during the lilt lil TITE Banmi EXAQITTER BARKER ONTARIO CANADA GILFOBD lw illiiril ii ii liil atlas ilftmili ixiiiilor llttll ll lloiliuu nostril than the ttjtl illIii lu lllil1titl recently printiiliii 1o imiltl hs 11 took cranial the lllttl and toad itlrlltinl tilIVi till the chi ll lll pili resoluilol lsklilu toi iaill liillli illi illttil and to le out to lllt Ills iltlltrl tl liiiii liiil ill iiii amt ul unit llil no Ilnii mp looo Ml ppm Mn lilnlltllt Laue lia returned Hun to lltl lltllll iii taleiloii alter Mark llll illis Kay Gibbons 1h mm riliv rumor wins and wa will ltltlt lil liliivda lllliitltltlli ltll in taiice lil she caii lIlttl illl liii litltitt iillltili va lilaildled by Mrs Iell and re suited as follows les Mrs lllull Hill ll Qt HIIV llll li ilara Ann Scott lan tiltllllll viitlovers from little llc lltilo liellies ll Jillil llil CROWN HILL Hirinmli April ti and lr Norman llioilipson tltit relatives in Toronto aild Mapi hiiiiii the lilllttl holiday le llatlcl lartridgze has Icttirii ed to Iiilnilie alter havinu spent the kartll vacation with rclativcs MOUNT mates Ming cl and rif li lclillrt gut lit loionto jnlii the ltektlikl nail lair Lflilbln ItIcsa Howie Alillinu Biliavilrl Itll Elllidxlfv lllaitilii MixIr lie in ttnllltil lt lilltltlt Ill Jg Miller and lloiiiui initi lttililzil tii tiliuuIil Alilli MI Millti la itsgugiil ill teaching FilivstiS liliil llitt ultltliltd llu ll tlii Itiiiliili lilll hll It timed ililltli Uflvl will it midlildllii MilliI1 Mi unit MI Barbara Ann iii peiit Sunday Kine tieiold bll liI loloiitl Mi illis lciiy Valerie Mill Hill uiiiilils soviit Siltnliiy mill and Mrs Leo liktlltlltillt leo Berlinlqu and Illgrinid attracted the gtlalltllllgt Min llolit Hill Herein and lulkl ailll Ul MI Mutuale Ieuioiinl iiiililei liltLllIlh of the lioli Namm Society executive at Roliiililxill Inn llurric on Thursday evening The Eight Blisv Ileis ltill islet the home til their tender Ieo llertheloite oil tlitIusday at ieriloon and mad Leo is run Barrie oil llLllNlJV xllcriioial Eli Jones of vjllIltlm liailI Vlill coucnnrr pnonucrs Willi Fair lllltl Lint Mis THURDYIAY APRIL it WQ wi tulipd laltil ltazfn ll lolulilz ilitl iiiyiiii MI iaiih lltitldii ullxhiliiic the llilii out llil lluilazi MI Mid Mt lltItiaItl lllclltll Ul foil Eilil irilml lllt Illtttltls liiiilllil Allin Mus Millpliltl oiltii was Hilll Til tell to ill Comm BLOCKS Also Gravel and Sand INNISPIL PHELPSTONW izi tlillggtl WW ziei neph Aplll Handle hurl Mir spent Julliiztoii Minotr Mal filinnuiliiii Inn llix on and Liar taiu lililck hair It tit Milli ltivtt dots Jolie itu Tilt lcll Uhyllllll aial Ml ti lLllll an BARBIE Phones srtiouo 21351 BARBIE 2369 DOORS SASH ETC itltlilltlillllll for their utllPTltiltlll day iil liLIIl tlt on May oiltiraililzitioirv to llah Mllti ll pupil of Mount St AMPS School on winning the Iloviileial School Sneakintf ioiiuleiition leld at the Kim IIdward Ilotel loi onto Monday evenian AVERLEY Mr and Mrs Dolby are visit iili in Toronto iMrs Irwin Elliott and Aldeilo visited last week iii Iiarrie Mrs Mrs Lloyd Armstrong had her tonsils removed in St Andrews Ilospital Midland Ilrotvii retuiii lilitllil alter visitingI her son in Midland Little Linda orhett lttlllilmly from St Andrews Hospital on Suni day Mrs Itlva Ilriilkle spynt last week in Windsor with Mr and Mrs Ilrock ti Icr ORGANIZATION rpltst winter WHEN YOU NEED in Rev tllt funeral of his ang father on iblonday April It in Toronto FIN Over an attended the WMS ser ivice at McLeans Thursday Ap lril Mrs BeitlBroderick told of iher experiences amongr the Indians on the Muncey Reserve mm Street East Phone 2394 illll ONI 5w by appoliiimcnl raudenli of nearby lavu Mrs Fred Westlakes remains were laid to rest last Tuesday in Bond Head cemetery large it PUBLIC SINCE 1878 service in the United Church diaCleans furniture gathering of friends attended the craft RlllthS urnoierTnNG CUSTOMBurg 21 Worstey Street BARRJELONT Tier Iovelhe Iusireoi l0tL0 LoGib Satin Fzn handrubbed effectis but one of three disl titictive Sandenishes for Walls and Ceilings More radiant more porcelainlike is Scaifes Interior Close Print More subduedsmore delicate is Scaifes Flat Wall Finish tiishes Wax It Burton otliciated longr time and who ll lildd lst VILL Mrs tiiilllths 2nd Vice Mrs llell Sewn Mrs ll talniioul li as Mrs ll lluuhcs Ileali or partlv lllill issue lilies lilli illIM lllltl itlllilllli tillertors Mrs llolton Mrs Por iitl Ir II Sawyer liailist lis ll litllj lltllttll Misses Margaretl Ni lly and lllltl lodd Yard tonl malice Mrs eilly and Mrs latthet lfiitcrtaiiliucnt tttlll iiitttei Nils Neilly llis ltlllll lxlll and Mis lolln Illiizllos Stand in oiuniittees titi7enship Mrs llughes llome lZeonomics ands Mrs Roll Agriculture and aii ittllilll Industries llrs II Dales Public Relations and ommunity Activities Mrs Melloberts Iiis tozical lit arch Miss It Rotllvcll lln next meeting will be at the Hull Wednesday May Ill with the Stroiid WI and the Lelroy as guests Mrs Cannom and Mrs Ill Dates are the committee to plan the lunch for the ultietiilg Tan hostess and her committee served delicious lunch and the nicotine closed with loll Save the King TOFERNDALE April 121 lenirgl News The Iobst family entertained upests Ii ster vickend Irene Ktlst spent last weekend with her bRbther and sisterinlaw at Orillla The residents Ferndale rcgiet to hear of the derth of Mrs Hora vath who has been an invalid for was admittedl to Barrie hospital last veek This news comes few minti before going to press so details funerall arrangements were not av lablel To Mr Horvalh and the here ved May Ell lllt ltilfiit it lll iIIHIIIIt ilisoii Sorry to report Iis learl Itix pallent Ill the lt llospital liar rie ain llr Ilzlirisuii under the doctors call lll braink aiid twin soils laul and liltllitltl hae ll llltllttl lloiue to lozoiito nttei week il M1 and 1lrs Spring Itennnillcr the concert in the Presbyterian tlliuch on Friday night April 39 by the teiltral littl oulinss OlltS llecciit visitors included llr iltlll Mrs Lane and tailiil ot tLItciloii Mr and Mrs llzilesil oi lil tord with Mr aililiii li lib bons Mr and Mrs lVlillltltllltl and Francis loiiilt Albert at Ilert MC tonkeys Mr and Mrs Soules ot llilliil Mr and Mrs Geo Weber ot Ilarhor Springs Miclr with Miss lrchardzlhlr and Mrs laloii loroiitll llll Mrs Wicc Mr ltog leilnetl oi lleep lliver at ll thriller MI and Mrs Morley Illaili lililnale at it It Illacks OakleyWebb Wedding Ctingllittlllltioits ttl Miss Dorothy Webb and Frank Oakley who ll married in St lauls tllurch oil April 19 by Rev ilr Smith Baseball Roys Dance The dance sponsored by the Baseball Boys in the Hall on April it had large attendance lilichre prizes went to Miss lIeliu Intteu den and Elwood Webb and crok inolc to Mrs Nelson and Irving Nel son The remainder of the ttlllll1 was enjoyed dancing WI Animal Meeting The annual meeting of the WI in the Hall on Thursday afternoon Miss Margaret Bald of Midlandi VIsIted with Mrs Gordon Brownl Fl lltllliltlll tllt ltllllmlttlllyand Mrs II Bannister on Suni goes out to Mr and Mrs Norman luv 1t ill 55 WF Mrs Lloyd Reynolds and Donnie iitl have gone to live in Silelburne iw uiid visitors with Mr and where Lloyd is employed with the as It is were Mrs llail Hydro It ll tit iil liriitst liix of mums Miss Jennie Jordan of Torontoi and Miss Joan Wood of Ilirrie nl II mi 1llplatiltnrlgl $5118 spent the weekend Willi Mrs Wat lace Wood me lilgtl luesday including pres eiitatloii of slides litre Mr and Mrs II Faiaglier and lfainily of Shanty Bay and Jackie cum llill iiI lllccts Officers Brennan of Toronto visde at Mrs luisday April ID the annual McWatteits meeting oi the Crown HUIWI Wild Tile YPU met in the school out llll ltl ill tllt 8llilillil Will bills lllllti Wednesday night when the lust of illiitlftltl IJILiltllll iUIVi 0t ill the series of films was shown bvi llllilltt Noniuteri UNION Lire Mowawe exam Fffdltllll 730 ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER tilr liiiiliop and Hayfield Harrie leleplioiie 1700 The best backgriiuiiila IIIIIII IIII haveAdequateinsurance 4N0RWICH UNION VALLEY TAXI AND Trucking Service LOCAL LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING PCV CLASS RH 24 HOUR SERVICE Vm NeWhtr vear reports from the secytrcas land conventrs of the standing eonunlttees proved very pratityingi Many ideas for llllpltnlllg pro lllltltlts were contained iii the box tor constructive or adverse criti cisms Mrs Will Switzcr conducti ed the election of otliCers tor the coming year which resulted as fol1 lows Pres Mrs Thompson listl Vice liesMrs Cough 2ndl Vice lresi Mrs II Slvitxcr SOC lreas Mrs Dunsinore Asst Mrs Caldwell Branch lclors MlSthl Switzcr Mrs Partridge Iianists Mrs Tuck Mrs Atkinson Auditors Mrs Direc tors Mrs ltix Mrs Atkinson Illrs tvlacllonald District Dirl chv Morrison Two Farms Change Hands Thos Beatty has bought the farm from Garfield Brown and Frankl Stacey bought John Millers llllm Farm Forum Ilcvlew Review Night was held in the school on Monday when Elmvale Saurin and Waverley Farm For ums met Slides were shown and iMrs Morrison gave talk on Nutrition Wm WM Ilix Mrs Atkinson Flower UllllllltlLL Mrs Jory Mrs aldwellz Piogram Committee Mrs It Goiluli Mrs Switzer Mrs Partridge Conv 01s of Standing ComindicesAgriculture Mrs Chappcll Home Econoh Mrs MacDonald Citizenship Mrs Qoughy Social Welfare Mrs Tuck Publicity Mrs Thompson Historical Rsearclitp Mrs Partridge It was decided DRTVEURSELF CABS 10 per mile DRIVEURSELF 12 TON STAKE AND PANEL TRUCKS per mile LARGE TRUCKS 15 per mile Dialz433 or 2222 forgr DIALAM April 21 had airattemiaiice of lil members and visitors The roll call Suggestions for next years ogranl brought out some splen ldcas family we extend our deepest syn pathy Sewing lub The monthlvanccting of the Lad at ies Sewing Cltlb was held in theithe school last Wednesday eveningqof the banquet served to them by The attendance was unusually the WI small biit work for the bazaar to the collec on for the Blind with be held next F811 is Pl0g1SSlngMts Hu es as captain An in favorably vitation was ccepted to visit Gil 9M tford Instiwtc 1Illlui Red TRY AN EXAMINERWANT ADJ Cross sewing was distributed PHONE2414 amongr the members to be made up lA sale of roots and bulbs was an lnounccd for the next meeting Mrs letter Vias read from inior Farmers in appreciation lDistrict Directors meeting held at iCookstown good donation of gseasvbale The guest speaker of the afternoon was Dr Scott of the Simcoe Medical Health Unit very clearly explained its organizen Hion aims and objectives The election of officers conductedzby iMrs Goodfellow resulted gls follows Pres Mrs lJas Campbell ilst Vice Mrs Campbell 2nd Viee Mrs GibbonsSecyTleas Mrs WiightDist Director MlS Mulholland Branch Directors Mrs Nelson Mrs TL Webb Mrs Constable Mrs Cowan Mrs Hughes ConvenerssAgricul andCanadian Indus Mrs Nelson Mrs Cowan Citizenship 1ndEducatiin MlS Lowry Mrs lK Constable Home Economics and Health Mrs Brady and Mrs Campbell Public Relations and Community Activities Mrs Black and Mrs WebbHisiorical Research and Current Events Mrs Goodfellow and Mrs Leonard Resolutions Mrs Spring and Mrs Small Lunch Mrs Hand Mrs Dallimore Mrs Webb Mrs Lowry Mrs Constable Flower and Sick Mrs Marquis Fannv Wicklum Mrs Black Pianists MISTB Cowan Mrs Farts Mrs Hughes Audi tors Mrs Hughes Mrs Milling 94an TALKEI BUSINESS On March 31 Stayner business men had Joint meeting in which they discussed bus service beach adverti ng and daylight saving The scngior more presentdeclared isliwiih its soft velvety Paints againrvt he patlittle of business ears on Itwas decided to sponsdi RGoodlcllow gave report of the lclothing vaslrought for the over He to continuehaving lunch hostesses FT NEW LOWELL April 25 visiting her Mrs Newbury is daughterand husband at Bramp ton Mr Mrs Wes Mumberson of Baccie cnt Eriday with Mrrranel Mrs Mumberson The Young People met at that illome of Mr and Mrs Charles Stainton Wednesday night Mr and Mrs Arthtir Gldden and family Toronto spent Sundaywvith Mix and Mrs Horace Gilpin dance was held in the town hall on Friday night by the OYB tproceeds to goto buy dishes Mr and Mrs Wm Mapes and Barbara of Dundas spent last weekend with Mrs Thos Bates Mrs Ken McDermid Calgaryi iMrs Li Mashintcr and daughtetxt EToronto called on Mr and Mrs id Gordon Wednesday Asocial time wastspent in the church Thursday evening When Short program Was given and plight lunchserved bytbe ladies Womens Association The WA met at the home of Mrs Knowles The roll calls were pre pared by Mrs Carter onSpring Devotions were led by Mrs Don Du Business reports of visiting committees and the topic Were read by Mrs Herb Barker The meeting closed with hymn and prayer and lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Knowles Mrs George Du and Mrs Bates Skinnylmemwomen gain 51tl 15 lbs lei New Pep Vim Vigor Wlint thrill Bony limbs all out Elyll ll nil up peck no louxer scrawny bod lou ll Iinrved sickly beanpole look ouun 01 xiill women men who never could sin are realisatianetiean tonic latter It toxins In Imu vitamin Bl calcium onrlu loud mprnvo Appetite and digestion no food gives you more Itrennli and nourishment out esh on hm banal Dont tear letting tan int Stop when youve lined the i5 lo 16 or 20 lbs you nod for normal not ill God It 19 Nowfxelamiugi ezlllla only or 110 them GY curs HEATING cosrs AS MUCII AS SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS in fuel bills are possible by insulating your home with GYPROC WOOL It is the permanent lifetime THICK insulation Tt will cave you money on fuel this year and for every year after Pays for itself over and over again GYPROC WOOL makes iii home more Mutable 00 Warmer in winter cooler in hot weather healthier all year irouno lNHll ON GYIROC WOOL 302 You get extra FIRETROTECTION with GYPROC WOOL It wont burn and acts as barrier to the spread of ames Low in cost Easy to install INSULATE NOWWITH GYPROC WOOL For min Builders Su Iliunmr ISllllln Dealers IIIIUISS Ianarla Pimlimo Aldusan tornado Linnea Vancouver Colgqu Tum 5V Winnlplq Moniunl it REGISTERED TRADEMARK ron YOUR PROTECTION w249

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