YVf To Eilffljggit Tor Tumult EXAMINER lfmilll orllilalo CANADA Treaty Expcrls Highlight Mccling gHIGH HONORS To il1ul flolu lz llvll 511115 lrul Irli in 114141 4111 AHJIIJ of In of Scim ll Ill ill ll pi 12Ll ti 13 it 2lllij cloi lll 191 lll llul AK IlAIL in llt VIixldlh itlunlluu llitlll lliul Ikullmiu TIM lillll llllfiill laul our in zli will toI Iii Ll 11 vlluu 11 illlli lllltl tI 91 Vlllili li tlzv bounty xllu ill1 ll iltl ilc Ill lo lfu Ill1ll xi llllllllit IIIll= Ill 111111 of llkl lc group lluli fill Jollullmu ltllllllllill lItIIlll iiw Ilc llulllcrs of hill who llc Ilflltl innitiw lluz Iliu IuIllIlll dilldlilli Icluglllusnl =lnlul thc oulit of Slumv HM Illllltm of Mlukukzl zud Itlll Snilllli Sizlilt 11 vlJl llld lillil Illl Illudluld lZlll fAjslnll Auuu Tillln lNIIIIfIhlllAIli alum loll cv lliliclllll llIll Hulllil Muglluv IL lll II 12 Sluyucl Iouu llui und lluhy Allucl cllly of Political Science ill cv Ythli Scclulty AIliillllC IlliIIle llic Ildllllilliriltll ufluils liclulcd zlhovc fhc lll llonl hit to lllllllillnxllllwl llAlzugo till Icllvc from tollllllhll IIllillIl HOV Esralolun of Hull for IIvlclllzll lllllllI1RlrUI ll ll HAYES lftlilllllllfl Ulllwlaily null WILLIAM do MURUENSIILKNE Nor llI llloi lo ll slwxlon of my ullluul Spring intcling of lhn Aclul lilo llrl lulu lul Efliliixia ho lllscuswil lhc Alllullic Sound IIiltl4I for III llIlllllilI lllu on Mllill llill2 lllllll IINSIII Lliillllt ll IIZHKHUX tllII on SIIII Ill ll lll gtl ill lllwllll lul illllIEII In wztil All uld lIln Nullnull SclizludI Itll tllllluulnlullou in Mrs Allltlltti lSchulldhll illd Iollll Alllol who luclc lllulllcli 1llllllIly Aplli 113 ll will 31 I33 Illlil irl Iill Hulldll llll III IIllIIl rlli iIleI lec lllIl at Ll lllllllt IlIIIIIlI Hm HIM iIIHVIHH IllI9 rm l= lolllc lol 1hr cI If Molllmlll Illtll Lila Illllt Itlhlcs llltll ll WNW it Immlm an lxumnpr Hy JEAN THOMPSON now lilivc Io hcllcr illlulllIs hillullcc of lrudc wllh unudu llld Mls illlll llIlHlllti 1h If MIMIC III IIlIhllt Illllllt lflcl lIoltlualllts iloildm minim limb Ill mi IIIIl Si llllllllll ullii lolont Imw WWI lllc RV Ilospllul liurlu AIIull Brown is ululldzllll cullv Iluull AlllllSI Mr mm le Id Winklde In mohmdmn 111 0A Illllllll lllt Illicd Motts wzls pluccd vamlukm JIMI m1 wrunumlmn mm Wva rst Iu and A1111 Mcllllllcll uud IUlt Ililtlsh husulcssmcu lust wctl mp id 121 IIIIIHIIK null lohll llmlmm mnmlmmn Ilill lllll Iucsduy ill Browns ul thl form of un ulIoul culnpuicll Hill1 My not ml wmmm 311 lulu Mrs lllll Illolupsoll and lo llltlcusc cxports 5I IIm IIlIltY in 2h um hoby uplcol lll lslliny lclutjvls Ilulolli Wilson prcsidcut of thc It of 81 fill lump lulu IIl owl Illllnnd ML Humor mm ml hclc llouru of lrudc told the llousc ol will Jllll lldhul lolullxl Muir mm IHHL Illt lulllcl ut lhc school llllIll omlllons lhut it would ll libili Mr llld Mrs lhu Scllulldhll undl tum luwmn slvnl lhv vvvlwnl lllY ANiIlICXAMlNlth wnrir Al lIlc lusplccs of lhc v11 rcul succc IIIII lolluus Assllciullou III Illlll ill llls Iulllc Iolvs oll Iucs ldu Mu ul oItIlltIl llu llosl 11 mlmdm 31 AI HC 11 19311 11 ljllllllltlltllllll 37291100111111 ImIImI lust lll cxports to North Allurllcu lullllld 136000000 Wilson rilzhtIlzmd mun lo SH Stafford 1ipps chunccllor of thc cxchcqucr uld ccouomic boss of Illllllllli dcvolcd lullch of his sptlch April 33 to mclllods of ussistoucc the Illi WA WI lncct of tho holuc orllmcul would givc lut Ilc mudc II Mli HOV Hilli IL chllcs il lcur tllc govcrnmculs rolu vus IIIQIV MIMI In If IHr DSTL on illdilccl ouc MAI and Mrs ItISUIl ullti livcry hclp will hc given Blltlsll family 51llll Suudzl will Mll 41 exportch to soil more in Cuuudu IIMIIS Huron VmId 1IIm illld lilt United States llclps plvcu Illc lIlfitlflIltlll lroup dociticd to momma inchldv llxport objectives for IIlil hold ll SUCIZII cvcuulc iu lllt school on lucsdul luv ls ll mm duul mduslllcs will bc sci up and publisth who cmupilcd Idulc for lhc sullllncr months Openfavoritism will 110 ch HIIIllLL for ull who hch unyllliuzz to soil Ill thc most difficult mur kcl ul llll world IIl sct thc lllllltti Kingdoms oi on Guaranteed Trust Certicates CREINPEL lnnl lull for our llnolilll for Ilrlll of Ilt czll llllllllltlli Imlll Is to pruuipnl llnl llllclisl IllIlllI lhcqucs llmilcd Io TIII Iloldcrs oll duc dulc or of IlolrIcru oliliou lll llt lIIllHttl to ilttlllllllilll til lolllpoullil llllilcsl ll IlIlJll lltIllll for lllllivilhluls com mon lullluIlld In Iuw for tllltfely humid cwlltors qu llIIIIr lluslccs TIu luuuy lricllds of Mrs ycortzc IHE lSymcs Lllf clud to scc hcr nut 1A gmn or SM had 1m Mllmcd lll Lonadlun llll million uyus whcrc lllhSlll Spcciul lssistuncc will hc civ 11 through thc cxport rcdit uuzlr llltcc dcpultmcnt 21nd Cvcr plojcct culcfully zuld symputllcticully cx unlincd Tho ginlcrnmcllt has llskcd for spccizll iuvcstiuillion of thc puck zlginu of goods for lllc Cuuldluu lnulkcl and the result when the survcy is completed givcn British manufacturers V5 Exporters who nccd dollars for effective and businesslike pro motion in the North Alumicon mfukct need not hesitate to zlsk for them confcrcncc bctwccu covcru lnclll rind industry will be called to formulaic plans on Conduct of the campaign Wilson wzuncd industry that competition was ficrcc in the Can adian and American market He said that laige number of buyers In the North American market are in position to pick and choose with price quality and scrvicc their only standards The IIlJLiLlo obtain unorc dollurs is necessary to Britains standard of living when economic aid lc ceivcd undclthc European Recov cry Program stops in 1952 or 1953 Canadian imports comprise Bri lo hcl Iloluc for lulu lllllc undcl lllllldflkltllIH culc Mr and Mrs IIllulic Iloycl lnd lulnily Ilicllmoud lliII spcnt Sun luv with Mr and Mrs Thurlic Dc gccr Miss Boyer rcnlzlininc for wcck as student tczlchcr at SS No Sclibol Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Gcoruc Sylncs vcrc Albert Bowcn Gordon lluthclgill Mrs Gcoruc Taylor Mrs Robclt Blak lcy friends from lVInrkdlec Mr and Mrs Thomas McFziddcn of Ivy and Mr and Mrs limcrsoll Symcs and dullglltcr from Angus New Hydro Installations Richard Cloughlcy Mrs icorcc Symcs and Robert llurlnlm had the Hydro lurncd on lzlst wcck Ayrcslarr Wedding Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Robert Henry Ayrcs tnce Muriel Parr who were married on Sat urday April 23 zit the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Wilfred Parr Essa Station by the Rev Fr Bunt Angus EuchreDance to Help Buy Piano The teacher Mrs lcnnctl and pupils of SS No School held very successful UChlC and dance ill the School Wednesday April 20 The school was packed for the special occasion Their objective was to purchaSc piano for the STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Office anonlo Barrie Office l3 Dunlop Slred 38 Years in Business 1948 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAIN 1947 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1946 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL COACH 1942 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE 1941 FORD DELUXE SEDAN 1940 DODGE SEDAN 1939HUD90N COACH 1935 BUICK SEDAN cholol Mlllcll clicdtit isuduc touting tains largest single source of sup 021C lCI ant IJLIDI 01 TC CXCC Cll ply Canada wants to be puld l2 cvcnlngs CntCItlnmellt It 35 dollars and Britainhzis udcficit of well arranged for it surely took 21 lot of planning and work They were able to have the piano for the party and they had reached their objective The piano cost $175 Those winningprizcifon theLplL dollars Wilson said that many commodit ics which Britain would like to buy and which Canada would like to supply cannot be bought until 1942EOHD TON STAKEswilh speedrolixle booster brakes10 ply tires cXIiiGIlS are expadcd As an example of an export field inadequately tackled Wilson cit ed Canadian heavy industry Herc he said only small quantity of engineering goods had beensold gressivc cuchrc were Mrs Dobson John Walton of Orillia SylvsterTraccy The teacher and pupilsof the school expressed their HarolnHin Limited BARNES thanks to all who Icoopcrated with them and gave their support to make the realization of their OI jective possible OLDVESTIESTABLISHED DEALER 55 Elizabeth St DiodZ427I Barrie TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD With the formal declaration of the Republic of Ireland Monday the 26 southern counties constitut PEACIEQFMIND Ann Secunlrv vrc of 09 gooou 9090O9900a The married woman wants pence if minduiid Security for herself ondher familywmoneyfor foodeshelterwclotheseducalion The business woman wlt1nls peacelof mind and security at 19 ENATIONAL TEMPERANCE STUDY COURSE UNTY PUPILS IN llolu11ll llllucrs si lII Ninil Iiili Iil if ill il ll lIl Ilolllimoll ird 311 ri IIY II lid 1111 nlll tn lellifIIl ll illliI null lllitlIEI who IlIiIl llul lll Ni ii l1 llii row llv lu Ils Illll lluj lulu coll Sullliu StuhIl WinnIa liIt IIllIl Illf li tinllllll llllllllll iIIliIt IIIi llllt lll CENTRAL ORO Ll llll ZL 11 Iorllll lll11 ls llolnc illlll hunnn =l Ullllzlllldl lol lppclldlcl is In Iilw Iltmlllllll lluirw Tll lilltI Ml IIlos Sulllcllor lu lIIlIllvl lll liotcl lltltgtl ut Ill Illullv ll All uui Mrs liohl Iuls IKII All ld Mls llll Il Iololllll llcll 311 uld Ills licAllhul ulu dz ulld MD Ii Mctuuu lIllllLi lhc lIosul ttItllI llu roulpulily oi llll collllllullll lgols In lhw luolhcl llud llIilllt of IIlIlll Allcll lloss who was Illlllctl ln luthric Ifllllltl lcdmsdu Aprll 30 311 and Mrs iralll AllSdlIi qu fund 5llll llllslcl ul Icuskddc with lIt llllcl purcnls Mr and lls Imus Shlllcy lclllolllcd tor llu hunter Iloliduys lr llld Mrs liIIlttI lulk of tullec ivllc lill1ltl isllors with lll ulld 11 lollll Illid Mllstcla lulu llll luld llollnic lllllllHtI Ilolllc wuh llltll purcnls ilIlcl spclldulg IIIt wcckclld llI1 lillll llulldpulcllls lluly Lovely lifts lt luo Showers lwo shoucrs of inlcrlst in lIll coltlllluully vclc held during lhc wcck olu zll thc holllc of Mr 1llI lilo Smith IillllIII when Miss Mllry Alltlluil wus plcscnlcd with lllucuzulo luhlc uld lump Hill of lllc homc of Mr and Mrs Irwin lurk who Mr and Mrs llusscll ripps lncc Iilfl Illlllxl vcrc giv cu lulsclllzlllcous shower Illl lhc young couplc wclc proscnlcd llh lllilll uscful llld lovcly gifts Ioint W315 and LA Mcclilltz lhc VMS ltlll LA hcld tllcir Ap nlcctulg ut lhc Sunday School llIIl small ullcndzmcc iInd lhc prcsidcnl in lllc choir Ihc ohop for from lhc study book IIntcl Ililul vlls lilklll by Mrs os llctchcr Scripturc pusszlccs Elvcu by Mrs McAlthur Mrs Allsdcll luld Mrs ll thCllHIfZ Mrs Irwin lnrk lcd in prayer Al lhc LA Illtlllll with thc prcsidcnl in charge it was dccidcd to pro cccd with lhc painting of the Still lzly School floor inc Eirc zlchicvc the illdcpcndcucc English for 780 ycuis Easter hlolldzly has spcciul SI llificuncc us fill lllllliVOlSaly It was on lhatduy in 1910 thotlhc famous Ilastcr rising occurred wllcu the Dublin post office The rcbcllion wus put down quicle many of its leaders Ifcing put to death Proclamation of the sovcrcign indcpcndcnt stzltcwus fixed for commemoration of the bloody rc bclliou But the lllICpCIlICIlCLI0l IlICIZlIKI Ulstcr counties remain ill the crnmcnt there was recently re clcctcd and partition remains In February the last tic with Britain was cut when the Dail rc ziccrcdit Irish diplomats animous even in the Fall Party boycotted preparations Drdfrllcras party maintams thzit EIIC has been republic party for internal purposes since 1937 whcn ti on goneyon sincc 1170 when during the Cl Pembroke invaded the Country From then until1922 whenrthe Irish Free State was set up feudal ing in the Elizabeth era risings and resistance movements have checkered the history MlnyIIIrishmcn notany Eamon dc Valera did not think the 1922 treaty met Irelands needs and the which Southern Ireland became known as Eire The present procla mation lcgzllists say cleaIrs up any doubt remaining about the position of the Republic of Ireland Ill Berlin three Russian sector passenger stcamships which ap poured in Western sector waters tirement Ask for our pamphletl especially written IforIwomeIn entitled Want Insurance It will interest you confederation Association genre or Insure consult llEADOFFICE Iloco NIlo for the first time since the Russian blockade of Berlin were detained on Friday night Russiansector lake steamers Venus Kirchow and Komet were being held by police because they were not licensed to ply in British sector waters The boats were said to be charging east marks banned as legal tender in West Berlin Meantime the Allied airlift on Salurdayflcw into Berlin nearly 13000 tons of supplies The unof ficial total of 128399 tons mOved in 24hour period was estimated as equivalent ould have for which the Irish havc fought the Irish filo wus hoisted above thIc Easter Monday 1949 as fittingI is not quitcicomplcte for the Six United Kingdom The Unionist gov pcalcd illc External Relations Act which gavc the Crown the right to Celebration is by no means uuE southern COLlillllLS Eamon dc Valeras Fiona the constitution came into operai Thc fight for Irish freedom has reign of Henry II Richard Fitz1 Lilbcrt dc Clare Strongbow Earl fightinguljeligious warfare beginnlt1 pages of Irelands constitution was passed in 1937 by LIAIFFA DAY mscbil 1Illl Ill lites you NERVOUS IllGHrSiRUNG on such lays ill lyg ll Il II II II II IIl wit ill nun in of Him then to talk flint 41 rlIlilsl Won all mm ol vino ruly W4 Imtum lullls Ii IiIlulllmul 12 Lydia Pinkllamfsvrcnllslrco of ill All ml 31 Illlill1t wl TIMI IMMIA ol lllll +41ij For RESULTS USE EXAMINER WAIN lHEIIMllllcll GREATER lll llllluclloll Party lllClllIlLlbIlIP is lllll first slcp ill taking on active part your counlrts Iululc IIluollgl1 lggrcssivc lcudcrship th lrogrc551vc onsi luic Iull hut nirczldy donC much for yOt You can Ilclp do umrc rcductions Nlilk with Ilc pully III llsllllllllll llll Howl iillull Ithat um 75 for you PIIIliliSSIli Mllll Stu ucr wish to join lllc Progressive COIISCIVRIlH Party iIlI nvconunalou Plus firm AIIIili cnnnnunnuauaucoubnnlolo leit Print UNMIIII IIIINIY nut Firfwd ml rm rumfull LL for Ixl 111 1m marl zenith more thing CowCold Ltd trains all