an PAGE ElUlll Matie tor Outside W96r mo much finish for Unlsmic nntl llfslcilil lcrx ct IAIU slew HHW damage likil l1 tlllX Ihc Il llli for Bathroom Kitchen Lion iiid Kitchen furni turc tll1lilu good hard liliisli for lllll room dining room llIlls bedrooms etc ll Sllllil EASY paint for ilmt lttllltlttltlllt job it llilt in pastel llltlt only lo quart llllX lllllli The finest lilti it ll uhitc URRYOS 30 Hayfield Dial 387 Sniiiiaiaic ip ll lain ogiciatiuizs lzv ii ii tom DADO ENAMEL you can buy UB 511 krljl if lit tIltHl pittgt1tii Le rank for llull li lllxiii cliouls aflci the Mine lilac ziic ll Uio lYriitlLiig King lictiltlc wl at It ilil liii lit Mlimil lmrtltls at pi slur ltl lgt1l Ibl tlitse p131 on ifiigt coas basis lili iil end of liciin Iiiix nail li ti1c llll llrl on which WM at obci towridzzps pay for pupils 11 IJ Hunt schools in lairic my Mi MHZ tlt Ilt ii pupils from the aiyacent Ulllli attending ML iit public seluvois and all LIHILINJM4 It xi Sm stl boards hart been am lltl Maui NV km flit will be in iectuuiiioilatroll New WNW for pupzls after the eiitl of flu writlaw J1 31 lit Sinclair ehan HMH an of hw financ eoinnziitec pre it funnel iciiei No Ir gt1 lt2 by th How TO SUMMERIZE your LIVING ROOM BOARD MEET ul1 Lit SCHOOL ING in opti am It ti1 ili it 1er Begin by calling 4314 Our expert will call at your home to examine your set and show you full line of up holstery fabrics and slip cover patterns No obligation Barrie Tent Awnln 34 BAYFIELD Sl PHONE 4314 Co Eastwing IIAMMERS $325 Thcncy IIAMMERS 325 Gray Bouncy IIAMMERS 20 oz $210 Labor Saving and accurate Stanley Mitre Boxes $985 Reliable Stanley Plane No 50 $2275 Other Stanley Planes No at $890 No $825 No 220 $325 No 210 $275 SOCKET WRENCH SETS Up to capacity with socket and speed handle price complete $1440 T01 enmity Manor any Man BLACK and DECKER DRILLS and 14 inch BLACK and DECKER SANDING ATTACHMENTS BARRIE HARDWARE Phone 3664 40 Baytield St JFK6 W76 Drain Radiatorrof antifreeze Check tires and switch them to equalize wear Lheck battery bring it up to par if ttsdown Change winter grade oil to the correct seasonal grade of Red Indian Aviation Motor Oil Give your car that cushiooy feeling with lexacoMnrfak lubrication job Chas tiwf1tlrwe no WEST your in warm may Change the oil in transmission and differential to the correct seasonal grades of McColl Frontenac gear lubricants gasoline leaks me no W21 At07 newsroom Harold Hill Limited CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARG PHONE 2427 BARBIE SERVICE MANAGER Barrie 51 us no THESE tHiNos NOW Check wiring for loose connec tions that can cause trouble Make thorough underlcar inspection for broken brake rods missing grease ttings nioplcd ll1tll to 513 ttlfi the lici payments it follow nut Purchase of land lziumzzh Maeliieii itll siilaiiis litie of Wales corii Sllill King Edward Kine George nla res at gtlirtll ill alal lt llillgtt teacher $21130 other salaries Shit $0730 and $711 30 tliicc teachers for homey instruction 53331 $12 Silt and sr Supply tcachns Sfilltl till and Sillltitl Income tax paid TI luo patrol officers $33 each iiiel Slalftlti Other items included supplied and various less amounts tliaiiinan ll Gable reported vclilly on the advisory commit iv meeting held in connection with the plans for the proposed new schools There was lengthy tl but no futhcr definite iicilon was taken The next lllilllif of the urlvisoiy committee will be on April llti April ill Sorry to report Leonard Martin patient in lhcflV Hospital Ilzir iic Many friends Vish him speedy recovery Weekend and Sunday visitors illl Mr and Mrs Bruce Wicc tic Mr and Mrs Win Adaman nntl daughter from Midland Mr and Mrs Goodhand Wyevalc Mr and Mrs Crawford and daughter from Cookstown NEWTON ROBINSON April it Ilouuhton has bought the Gil liccncy farm llammcll of Breton spent Sun day at Brccdons Miss IIclen Lccson was home from Ottawa for the holiday Mr and Mrs Leo Harrison and Marie have moved to Cookstown Watson Rowe of New Lowell spent the weekend with hismoth or Ivan Morrison of Toronto is spcnding the week at Hongh tons Miss lnzi Brooks Ross and Jim Brooks of Toronto were home for the weekend Mr and Mrs Noble and Wayne of Avcning spcut Sunday at Nobles Mr and Mrs Jack DcGucrre and family of Simcoe spent few days at Coborns Harold Andrews is in Ncwmar kct hospital following an operation for appendicitis iTVIiss Marjory Finn and Bay liss of Lakcvicw visited Mrs Conncll over the weekend Mr and Mrs Rolland llilmcr spent few days with the latters mother Mrs Andrews Misses Shirley Elston and Flor once Cceley of Malton spcrit the weekend at Elstons Miss Forham of Toronto was at E1 slons Mr and Mrs goughton are spending few days in Toronto where Mr Houghton and Mr Glassford are attending the OEA convention Life Member for WMS The WMS met this month at the home of Mrs Andrews with twentytwo present Mrs Stone was made life member rnANcis JERMEY LEAVES FORVENGLAND 1N JUNE WITH CANADAS 151$an TEAM Mr andMrs Francis Jermey thave returned to Montreal after spending the Easter holiday with their parents and other friends Francis is leaving for England in June with Canadas Bisley team The Canadian team will parade for inspection dressed in blue blazers grey flannels white shirt and spe cial ties on June 10 at Victoria Rifle Armoury Montreal bcforc goning aboard the Cunard White Star Samaria They will spendsix weeks in England shooting for the Kings Prize and competing with teams from around the world 181930 LICENSE auctioneer noosanom EFFECTS FARM STOCK AND Minimums Phone 2577 Milli The amounts Cattle Leave SimcoelFor The North THE HARRIS EXAMJNER BARItlE ONIARIO CANADA illERE ARE SOME of the cattle bought in this district and shipped out of Barrie last Saturday for Northern Ontario discussion on the proposed plans The animals are going to farms in the north that are oc rcupied by veterans of the second great war IurchziSes were Md made by VLA officials for the veterans Smith Studio Photo ChurchillsSpirituat Message Listening LEWIS MILLIGAN to the broadcast of Winston Churchillsspeech at Hos it was not Churchill who was speaking The voice was the voice ct Churchill but felt that some one was using it as medium to deliver timely and arresting mes sage to the world Taken as whole the speech was compre llmnsivc survey of international lion had an uncmmy feeling that politics past and present but it was more than that There Were passages which struck deep into the heart and soul of things and piojcctcdthc mind into the etern al At times felt as if were listening to great symphony not symphony of words merely lthough Churchill is great coin poser of human speechbut sym phony of ideas and emotions that semedto harmonize the apparent discords of the past and present and reach out into the unknown future He carried our minds back four or five hundred years when Europe seemed about to be conquered by the Mongols It seemed he said that nothing could avert the doom of the famous continentbut at the critical moment the great Khan died The succession atlas vacant landth Mongol armies and their leaders troopcd back on their pon ies across the 7000 miles which separated them from their capital in order to choosea successor Tlicy never returneduntil now Churchill is in amateur artist in paint but he is master artist in words and in the above passage he presented an historical picture in true perspective down to the present moment nishing with brief sentence which was at once dramatic and prophetic They never returneduntil now In re porting this sentence the newspap crs omitted the pause and the idea of thclong lapse of time and thc dramatic effect of the last two ivords were lost This is an example of Churchills vision and of his artistry as an crator But he is more than jug glcr of words In this spccch he revealed himself as profound thinker anda ChristiaLscer when the said Science no doubt could if sufficiently pcrvcrted extermin late us all but it is not in the power of material forces in any periodto alter the main elements finite variety of forms in which thesoul and genitis of the human race can and will express itsclf Logic like science must be they scrvant and not the master of main in human nature or restrict the in into who face the mysteries of human destiny alone The llzimc of Chris tian ethics is still our highest guide lo guard and cherish it is our first interest both spiritually and ma terially The fulfilmentof spiritu al duty in our daily life is vital to cm survival Only by bringing it perfect application can we hopclo solve for ourselves the problems of this world and not of this world alone have quoted these passages be czinsc lbclicvc they reveal the in most sonl of Winston Churchill and convey timely message to the world At one point in his speech when he was about to quote passage from the lliblc hc paus cd and turned to his audience and said hope you read the Bible And his final words were Let thcnlmovc forward in discharge of our mission and our ditty fearing God and nothing else In this he probably had in mind the words of the hymn Fear Him and you can then have nothing else to fear t=== CUNDLES April 19 Mr and Mrs Ed Miller spent Sunday at Downcys Elm ale Miss Beverley Burbidgc of Tor onto visited at her home over the holiday Mr and Mrs Stan Malkin and daughter Nancy of Port Elgin and Ray Malkin of Toronto visited at their home over the holiday Mr and Mrs Lorne Orscr attend ed the SwanClark wedding at Morrison Inn Owen Sound on Sat urday and visited Mr and Mrs Clarence Orscr over Sunday at Allcnford gte POINT IN FAVOR Daylight saving has bccna great asset tonll branches of sport par ticularly to those games that en able follow to get out and enjoy some aftersupper leisure It also favors the man who loves to work around his garden in the evenings Certainly it has been great fac toi in getting people into the open air ELMWOOD Many HERALD Human beings and human socie tics arcinot structures that are bus or machines that are forged They are plants that grow and must beetcnded as such for depth of thoughtand spiritual vision has seldomifcver been ex pressed in so few words Life is test and this world place of trial Always the problem or it may be the same problem will he presents cd toevcry generation in differ ent forms The problem of victory may be even more baffling than defeat However much thecondi tionschanigcthe supreme question is how to live and growand bloom and die and how far each life con forms to standards Which are not wholly related to place and time Those are not the words of lit tle politicianChurchill was al ways failure asa politician be cause he sawtoo much and too far Here speak he continued not only tothose who enjoy the blessings and consolations of re vealed religion but also to those Then followed passage which gt AN UPLIFT BELT FOR MEN Two detachable pouches made to our specifica tions to give comfort and maximum support Ex perlenced Fitters to serve you ferall Surgical Sup perts warrrvs DRUG STORE TOILET Tl31k32c By Foxo Reardon is llll iszw llari lc Ontario tit lliinlop Street THE STORE FOR SMART FOOTWEAR IIIAltll In nuluiv AhAItAlI SmartlyStyled LOAFERS he to he ul Former Rector Here Rev Smyth Has Parish At Toronto Sites to Rev Smytli former icctoi at St Pauls Anglican thuich iliinisfil has been appointed ree tor of All Saints Anglican iinich Many Styles 1l111litvlUE $325 Toronto chaplain in the llill during the war Rev Mr Siiiylhl ll spent the three months prior tn his enlistment as iector of SLI ltlllli luaull Andrews Alliston and Si ictcr tl to tan jnu West Essa v1itftgtli iit 1de or l1lela2llr lg ll comfy ilaf hwl is the slilrs nitmun nd othris soled llttl mini SHOES WITH CREPERUBBER SOLES $349$395 Tllli lOOIJIASY IlOKli of Siiiiitlliiifl anicn Sandals iliti Loafers lll near ippthliiiu gt1lllllt of litltitl quality flip rather some llet lilillttl thick elcpcrubbcr soles Many smart colors and white Smart Sandals Loafers Rev St Sllllll Pauls from llit lillO He will be ell renumber cd by his parishioners in Stroud Churchill and lainswick with the CAI he tili While tained the rank of ll1llll Iieulengt at 1030 to was rector year ant and spent three yours cl seas lie was iiiciiilitr of the Second Battalion Grey and Sinieoe Foresters the year before his cn listmcnl and held the rank of sergeant lie is married with two children Mary and Billy Born and cdueatcd Ireland he most yczirs ago to study theology MISSES SHOES in Belfast came to Canada illi at Wycliffe Collette Uiiiversity of sues to Toronto Ifc interrupted his studies to no as volunteer lo open the first inland mission int the Eastern Arctic at Baker Lake NWT Returning to college he graduated with honors and served for while as assistant at Alli Saints where he is now rector He succeeds the late llev Murphy who was rector at all Saints for 30 years Mi NEAT TREAT FOR THE YOlNG CROWD neal fitting Loafers and lhillictic Oxfords that stress lllllt ability and smailncssi blzitlc of good qualin Kipleather with rubber soles flat heels Brown red ZELLERS LiMllEl TRY AN FXARIiNER WANT An Goodsk SillSFilltY or your money refunded PHONE 24 14 it DEL REYSEEDED RAISINS 23 Pkg TlLBESl 29 PIEMX 14 Nu an 5c rnusn SWEET CUBAN lahlc or preserving FLA swear Thin skin 216s loz 2t Tlns GEORQIA FinnonEENi CABBAGE 5c rnpsnlionisr GUARANTEED MEATS STEAK 0R ROAST lb EASY T0 CARVE lb SHT BIB ROAST 53c BLADE BONE our BLADE nuAsi 51c EITHER END ransa PORK toms 0559 Wise PEAR Ailbfiiiaiiiunli 16 ENE gitArch 23 itiiTOnou ti 252 72 vidztiieiiiiliiiiilizsc traittat ErArrrttttuitra3 in lELlO POWDER 9e PlCKllxede 8V Flu BREAKFASTsTvLEBLACK 122 11c LEAN MEAN FRESH DOMN0 TEA 22 45 Point BUTTS 55c Guaranteed SOLEX AMPS 2P 40 00 WATT Irrislstlble FlavourFreshly Ground COFIiEE RlQHMELlO 54 FRESH noon orrr lb pitsimuwnrs 45 VALUES EFFECTIVE Ema BAT APRIL 2112 WHITE SWAN more JUICEDBANGES 45 SIINACH 29 BoNLfss item 65c DOMINtQN STORES LIMITED rev