Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Apr 1949, p. 21

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THURSDAY AP Rn 1949 3333 ss1 ll II ll Hy imam sronrr 3ss ltllllIiill 111 111111111111 11111 11i1 lI Z11 11 11 11 11 1111 11 111 11 lti1111l1111 131 1111 1111v 111 ii 11 111 11 1111111141 ll 11V HE 111 11111 do 1111 11111 11111 111 1111 lt1ss11ii 111111111 11111 111 11 111iil11it 111 51111111 11111ils 11111 3111 11 11111111111 1111111 11111 11111 11 lt111111i 11111111 11111111111 11 11111111111 111111tt111l111 the 3111111111 111 111 11 8111 1111 as 4111111111 Itmgnw $211tt1111 lii IiI 1111 5111111111 111M12 hm 1111 1111 111211 11 111 11V1 11 11111111 11 11 1111it1 111111 111 1111111 1111 11 1i 111 11l1 it 1111 1111 111111111 111v111 111111111 11 11 let 11xl ritiruii 1111115 place 111 t1l 1111 11 i111 111 111111115 1111 1l11ltl11l1 11111 111111 1111 I111 il1V1111 111 11111 ron 111 11 will11111111 11 Spoi lI1111o ll 13111111 111 11 1111 1111 is stt1111i 111 11111111 to the 111t1iiii1iin 11111111 1111 111 11211 VV VV VV 111 11111111 11111111111 and 111 will hate 11 11111111 111111 1121 111 111 1111 511111111111 21111 Jim li11lAliyc ltny 11111 111111111111y t1 111111 11111s 111111 1111111 111 May 111 19111 The tone 111111 two the 111111 111 1111t 11111111111 toilickiiii 1111111111r Naomi 111111V 111 Sitiil1ilttttlltV l1tlVt1Vi1l11= 1th 1111l11111111 l1 11111 1111111 111 itllli 111111 111111 11 111 1111111 11111 1121111111111111 xitt 11w 111M of ltllwlll ill ill Wand111 1111 1911111 f111111 11511 111111 11 111 1111111 15111111111 111 311111 Skov llruce 11111retht Larry Iiiiin 1111 Toni 1111111y Vililll has 11111 N115tlll lelt Illelll 11111 11l11i11 and 111s111111lit have 111111 11111111ltey 111111111111111 fol 11mph 1111111211111 111 V111 11111 111111lj 1111 tour 111 1111 111111 111 1111 swam 11 11 11111 11 111111 11 this 11111111 1111121ts very much if 111111111 ltllitl1t1lll he 111111 111 11 1111111111 1ll ttllftllt lllit1l1ltlIS is 1111 only club 11 can survej 111111 1111111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111112s1 11111111111c to 1111 111111 lin lliasley 11111111111 11111 11111111111111 who ilttHtl lllllll 11111111111111111 when llni 111 lritd 111 1111 v11t11r1es is 11111 111 1111 1111 pipes for third term 1111 1V11ll li11 111 liail1 Dennis 11111111y before 12111111 ciisnied of 111111111 litirllllil lI1i lloiau of htzdlniul 11 the only 1tcf111111111111 the li11l tity e1111111 1111 111111 fotward 111 while 11p trout they have 1111111111111111111 litll lerne Ferguson was slated for 1111 11 1111111111 lliiitus 111111 Vvill 11111111111 1111 11 1lttlltilli I1111111111 ta 111 111111111111 111 their ictently s1 equipped with talent and may be 111 title hopes Their two stars boast another year 111111 this punch and lion tluist 11111111 mean 11 1111 111111111 c11mt1iuati1ins will not be it ltr1111 hicMuriay 11nd llan Wintllcy beaten before the red 1111111 sigiials the roster correctly but we know 111 action Brown tliil Attoff and Jerry T1 lloy 111kie cho llraizagnoln Hm else turn professional i11t ROCKETS had so many past season it is just mystery term now tans can expect the Junior 11 know that George Ford Ken umley are slated for another 11 with Tim OConnor Frauk lioopc NOTES FROM MONTREAL BEFORE GAME MONTREAL APRIL 12 Barrie seems to have taken over the Queens Hotel here This well established liostctry on VWindsor St across from the old CNR Bonaven ture Station is headquarters again this year for the Flycrs as they settle down for the second and third games ofthe Eastern Canada Junior hockey nals against the powerful and rugged Montreal oyats Barrie Flycrs left the county town of Simcoe at 1130 am Mon day by chartered bus In addition is to 15 players the bus carried Mr and Mrs Emms Mr and Mrs Howard Norris Beth Norris Frank Taylor Mr and Mrs Charlie Christie Mr and Mrs Harry Part ridge Mr and Mrs Ken Walls Mr 1nd Mrs Archie Marshall Used Cars 1947 Pontiac Sedan 1947 Pontiac 0021011 1947 Chev Sedan 1947 Chev Coach 1946Pout COachVV 1946VVPont Sedan 1946VCIhev Coach 1946 Mercury Pass Coupe 1946 MerCurysedan 1946 Monarch Sedan 1946 Hudson Sedan 1941 Chrysler Sedan 11941 592155 Ford 1940 Ford Coach 11939 Nash Coach 1938 Chev Coach 1939 Ford Sedan 1938 Ford ISedan 1938 Plym Sedan 1937 Dodge Sedan 1946 Chev 13 ton Panel Truck 1946 Ford 12 ton Pick up Truck 1942 GMC 12 ton Plck upTruck 1940 Fargo ton Panel Truck PHONE 3533 14 apperton se Sl AtllARiNliS have Don Campbell and George las for 211111 and Ohio OBrien Marcel Clements oii Switzcr Wayne Strntfortl Kroelitcis with LeoIRni lltimh Iloii 011112111117111 l111 Show Mel Mullins and 111111 lielliiiiaui 11tl111 season 11111 li1 purchased iy be shifted to St 111111111111s l11 1lboi11s when tatiui lltiitits certain 11dd1d sweaters Marins are well the team to 11cli when it 1111111s 1111111 ri11ll1111 111111 Larry Return 111 price 1111111 lirie Maurice 11111111 11 the Junior Illukes IlIlltlt 11111l1l itcrruptcd1 llowie 111 11111111 Ashley 111111 for another whirl ll is111li1 1111 Hugh 1111111111 has finished his string llon l111kliirl 1111 1111111 who 1111111 1111 many gaps in the Dukes pl11y11f1 march will again have to 111 score We dont know the rest of some players are suie to he 3111111 lorkie Doua 1ppazzini for 111k on 1111 attack liltll in full charge can depend on 11111 float linrlcy 31111 Armstrong libber tlcaiii lob Mark11 and Dan Lewicki Lewicki is doubtful in 1111 fact that Conn Smytlie orders him to play for Marlboros or pueksters come and go over the who will 11111 the city colors next However with Chicago Black Hawks behind the organization llawks to be powerful crew1 We Gich Bioiicho llorvnth and 11111111 iil Ford Green and tlorvatti form 111 iatts highest scoring attacking unit and will provide coach Alfie Moore with good start when the 194950 schedule begins Tommy Anderson and his Generals can rely on Don Shropshire for the pipes Marty Burton and lankowski in the forward lattes with Hall011 defence St Michaets Colleae is dart but 1111 can be sure they wont be pushover Arriving at Maple Leaf Gardens liap Emms got his lilyers into uni form and whipped them through serious practice session from two to three oclock They succeeded loc Primcau and his Senior Marlboros on the big ice surface Down to the Union Station and the party was joined by Roy Law lof Beeton an entlisiastic hockey f111 On the four oclock pool lirain to Montreal the Barrie party Frank Taylor Monday night it was early to bed had special coach and were soon 1V sports joined by three Toronto George Dulmagclof the Tcly and Gord Campbell of the Star service Disembarking at Windsor Station short block to the Queens where Hap Emms stayed when he played for Montreal Maroons First Bar rie people to greet the gang at the station were Mr and Mrs Badgley who came down the night before The Badglcys are exMon trealcrs but very much Barrieitcs KOWTFATa matter of fact so is for nearly everyone the players in particular Even such night hawks midnight turned in soon after Harry Kerr manager of Barrie Tanning Limited was at the hotel to say Hello Harry seems to time lisI buSineSS trips to Montreal right on hockey schedule So does Dan Van Atter of Chrysler Corporation back frm Tucson Arizona Dan was on hand with the welcoming commit tees Tuesday ainwas warm and sun ny but windy inMontrealThe another Barrie native just ladies were out early=to1look over the big stores The Iphonebegan ringing early for Emms Norris Christie and Taylor with people wanting tickets The Forum was complete sellout Hank Partridgn was over at the Forum getting the 1Flyers equipment in shape for the game Hap was Frank Selke Christie and Taylor View looking after seating for the Ontario contingent Alderman Clarence Corbett and Mrs Corbett were inthe lobby in the morning to greet the boys They motored from Barrie left in the afternoon and got here before midnight Jack Lindsay of the Clarke Clarke Cd Mont a1 branch was in to say hello an get tickets Jack vILitt was another early visitor and left with tickets to add more Barrie rooting to the Forum Eldest son of ExMayor John Lit tie Jack was homein Montreal for white from his big engineer ing job in Labrador Had lunch with Don Campbell who used to live in AllandaleVVDon was star Barrie hockey player of the early thirties Big Bus Storey nally arrived Writers Hal Walker of the Globe The trip down was fast and 1in eventful CNR as usule had good diner crew excellent food and tiuc the Barrie party walkeddown one as Taylor and your correspondent conferring with Flyer ForwardLines Still he liitil It DON ASHHEI Int 11111111 lli 1illie1 at anada Ca Foundry is near11y lle had Vliik 111111 111 the Montreal Scu or Royals 1llll him also the coach Slurbrooke Saints who were tisli at the Queens waitiiij to leave for their tinat game against the =Seitators 11 Ottawa the same night itr and Mrs liddie Yaternick from Atlaiidale arrived Eddie tried to cheer 11p llnp limms by idling him he had already had tlaiis for 111trip to Winnipeg 1Another arrival brought in Mr and Mrs Walker Webb from Atlandalc iiso Mr and Mrs Gordon Brunton ol Belleville more people from our Vlionie 1111111 Clint VVlhoinpson now with thn Fionlreal Works of ICE arrived and voiced his confidence in the ililyers Clint was purchasing agent 11 izit the Barrie CGll Works until very recently lie is still very imuch Barrie rooter Bus Storey wanted to know where George was and he was in formed the kid brother would be here to cover the third gamc It as good to see the popular big Bed of Argo football fame again lie of course is very much Mon trcaler now but without quoting him we think he is still Barrie boy in sport affection oclock Roy Law brought in Riddetl manager of the Beaver Hall branch of the Royal Bank of Canada Former hockey star in Hamilton Roy is from Tot 1V Vtcnliam never lived in Barrie but licIis brother of Albert Riddelt 1111111 in TorontofformrlyOfAllahl dale and the late Harry Riddclt and William Riddell Harry Ridv dell was 1a star hockey player in Barrie when Steve Vair was in his prime Mere arrivals from BarrieEd ldic Fitzgerald and Charlie Brown are onihand for the big series Theyare Optimistic and supporting the Flyers Pete Tkachuk sta11Galt defence1 ran came in lookingfor tickets Seasonlong their the JuniorA scason Pete was supportingOn tarios champion Flyers in the big lup in Barriclhis season This commentary is sent back to Barrie via the Badgleys who caught thenight train home right afterthe game It is writtenbc fore thegame but optimism is 1rnmpant here among the many Barrie supporters If the fansV en thusiasm means anything Montre als hopes wont be as high as tley rose on Saturday 700 pm In dining room of Queens Art Chapman general manager of Buffalo Bisons came in and the Barrie group greeted ll1 exNew York American centre star genial hockey executive who Ilap Emms came iii for talk with Art then who should appear but Eddie Shore one of hockeys all 11me greats Eddies Springfield Fort Worth and Oakland teams trained in Barrie Arena in 1948 and Eddie spent several weeks in our Vtown last September and Oc tober without too many people knowing it Eddie shook hands with us and then huddled with playoff Too bad Pete didnt wind has tieup with the Barrie Club lreadwell who motored down THE BARRIF termined itltlll ll INI ll HAROLD lllill sin IticNABNIZT 11101113 11111111 111111113115 Continued froin page thirteen play around the net Aslibec put 1111 puck iiitfrom behind the net and Burchani was on the spot at 11471 Brnndow got penalty for inter fchncc This put Barrie behind the wellknown eight ball againo Mannstersky gets quite boo when llVL carries the puck Someof 1111 liabitants dont 5111 kindly to his itigged1stytc of play Burchelt went oil for tripping llopper Mayer saved wonderfully or llirschteld from close in Bleau beat Mettcr from left wing Facc off in Montreal end Royals futt strength again Manastersky got away with some roughing in one corner Nicholson hadhis whistle ieady to blow then for some rea son decided not to bother Gordon got twominutes for cross Checking Royals ptit on pressure and it was toughgoing for Flyers but they held on until the bell and left the icexVJeading 43 Third Period Flyers started one man short but forced the ptayVand held on easily until they were full strength again iLong hit Frampton with hard check and slowed up the Montreal captain The crowd roared but it was clean body check and no penalty deserved 01 given Rousseau almost scored with screen shot but Maycrgot it on the shoulder From faceon Roy als almost cennected but Langill missed the open net Pennetl cleared out of danger Mayer made another lovely 521ch off Rousseau Manastcrsky laid Bingley out with high stick and got minor IV Flyers put pm the pressure but couldnt crack Fildes and Applcby 0n the Royal defencc Framptonxput on lovely rush through theentire Flyers Ialonc IVHap Vover 194050 plans Dr and 111151 George Seymour flew in from Barrie on the late Vplane from Malton Mr and Mrs Clarence Atlen from 1NeIwn1arket1 rnore Barrie fans were on the same aircraft alsoIBev Hewitt of Oril 113 young manufacturing executive from our neighboring town Bcvt had no ticket but Charlie Christie took care of the situation At the game we met more Bar rie people The Forum was jam ried to capacity but we saw Parr of Toronto exAllandale 1ailroader Mr and Mrs Ken MC Kenzie and Mr and Mrs Ken There were several other people who called out Barrie including couple in Air Force uniforms but we didnt have time to catch their names End of second period met Mr and MrsEddie Burke in the cor ridor Eddie said he was just bit ing his nails hoping Flyers would iliang on to that lead w1ltw EXAMINER BARRiTLONTA ll illltllth thK llii GEORGE BlRtHAM 1111 Mayer 1111111 111m 111 1111111 111w lilt 111I litiiiipton 11111i picked l111 the puck in liisliand and not minor pllltlll1 The fans typically began shower the ice with programs Rousseau and Ruichani started to 124111 behind 1l11ltuvVilVi11t1 Rous seau got major for starting it and littlclltlm 11111 1111111111iiily McNabncy and Mcecr 111 succes sioirhit 1111 Montreal goat post 111 Teams even again live each side lilc upVin front 111 Barrie net lrampton almost scored but Long saved itlanastcrsky tried to get at tloppcrbut the referees got in front of the belliturent Royal rear 111ade apassout but it was right 1111 Moores stick and he beat Mayer from close in Flyers had one man up again when Bureham came back and gave Montreal an anxious time 1ith the score tiedvitwas any lbodys game and Barrie couldnt crack that tough Montreal defence Etcnu saved hot corner shot by Long Royals got back to full strength with four minutes to play Montreal put on the presSure 51 YEARS AGO lS RECALLED l11s1111111=riit 11 I1111l llrn Sill WOODW t1RD 11 IIiillili Wl ii 11 11 CL 1lfzilll 11il1 VVlVr 111iit Vv 111 111 11 1VV1 11 11 c1 11 111 11 11 11 VVV lm lion VVVV 1V V11iV I1 1111 1111 11111 V31 1111 111 11 VV VVV VV 111t 1111 111 VV VV VVV VVV 11 li iitliaihl 17 11 111111 1111 11 VV 1111 111 11 11 1111111 111 VVV VV 111 11111t 511111 VVV VV VVV lVVVVVV 11 1111 11111 1311 1V VV VVVVVV VV VV VVVVV VV VVVUV V1 1111 11 iii the 111111211111111 11 VVVV VV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVVV VIVVVV VV V1 11 1m lIlfIIl 1111 i1111u 111111 11111i11 Kip I1II llr i11 111111 V1111 1V 11V111 VVVVVV wk hm hm VVVVH 11 itlll 111 11 1111111 1111111111 V11111V11 11V 11VV11Vtt 11Vv VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVHVVV VVVVVI 1m VVVVVVV VVV UVVVV 1V1 111111 lV1 111i 11 the 1V i1l 11V1V1VA 111V11111V11 1111 111V11711311 VVVV VV VV 1VVVVIVVV ml SVVVV 11111 111 11111 V1111 1l111 VV 1M 11 111 VV VVVV VV VV VVVVVVV VVVVV YVVVVV VVl IVVVVVVV 11111 111111 111111 stub 11 hood and 111 11 VVVVVVVV V1111 111 all 111 111 1111 111 111 11111111 11111111 11V11 11 VVV 1V VVVVVVh VVVVVVVVV VVVV mmde 11111 111 31111 11 111111111111 IIIIIII IIIW II II 111 1111 1l1111 11111111111111111 111 Hmr lI lIIEI II tIIlINI 111 1111 11 11 mm 11111 VVV VHVVHVVVVV VVVVVVVVH 11 st 11111111 the 1s ll1llilill1llll 111l1thl 111 it1111 VVVVV VVVVVVV HIV VMVVV VVHVVV 1111111111 111i l1111 11 i1111 111 linen pfawi 111 11111 11211 rm lemng 11111111 111111 111 1111 s11 1s 11111V1111111111111111s 1111 1111 1111 1VVVr VVV 11V 1V mm11111l1yi11 11111V111l li 1111 1111111111 111111 1111311111 iliifiy 111 V1V PFVVVVIVVH am 177 rilft cite1 I111 1211111 11 pin 11ll1li 11 111111l 111 1h 11 HUM 311 up It 1ill illilfI 11 31 lm1 Mill lvst 111s 1111111111V HVVVVVVVVVVV jVVVV IVH VSV 11111 111 111v 1111 1111 111 1111 111 111111111 111 1111 1111 nibIWmlmlj 11 111 1111211111 Vi HVVVVdVVVVVVV VS 337 and 1111 1V1i11111111111l111 111 21111 pins 5173 ith 1111 11r1 It1 151111s 11 lalhon 211 1110 till 1113 V1 111111111 170 17 112 1191 1111 12111111 2113 till ltti titilt 11111 113 1121 110 T1171 ill IItlllll11ll 211 ltttl lll till llniidicnp 11 111 10 l111 Illltli ZMI lily ALLY 1715AK1 Jun 331171 raw1 5111111111111 111111 111i1y 11111u 111 night in 111111i11 llltllttt 1111 111111111 Smith er thousands 111111 1111111gtaz111s11fain1 Smith 1111 111 303 Vadian 11111 er11us pull their 11 lliisoiiie 101 1911 Hit Misti chairs 11 little chm1 111 their 1nd11s I11111111 17111 llii 2H 50511 and MIT 111111 11111ii li1V ll lluidetlc till 1312 2111 shoots 111 gt11111 Harris 312 13111 179 115111 Those Words of l1111r liczxit Iv Mci1co1l 3th 1111 41111 are as familiar 1s 1111111 after it lllllllil1 113 Hi 1171313511 yznirs 111 111111111111stiii descriptions zilltlliVi professuiiinl 111111 iit111111111111ktv 11 It comes 270 game those cars time been II illflI Two domhable pmmhes guard Royals tied the score after laccoil by the lfiarrie net lioppcrI and Mayer saved two sure goals with spectacular play got two minutes fothooking at 1142 Burcham b1okLa11ay and almost won the game right here but Bleau dived into his shot and saved PHONE 2414 7777 IlVllllllllQlIllllIIiI+ Phone 2488 BARBIE Company Limited V69Collier Street BARRIE FURNISHEVERY THING BUT r1113 DRIVER Vun uu Ii1wuurpi 000 W11 this much trouble aVV gag14 Shedden TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PAGE NINETEEh Bowling Championship Won By Barrie Tanning TOTAL 1111111 in tciicral Electric TOTAL made to our specifica 1111 c1111st111e11111s1 hookup llie llxeaivehl 111111111111111111 1111111v tII llt 111 iii111 111n1 my IImlIrlI IVl ItlllIS FVltllf Vsiniui 1111iff 11111110 in Tiiroiitn uons to Ive can and 11411111711111 111 111 win 11 V1 Vibd ennui11111111 111 11111111 11111 max1mum support Ex lBH H1li itlllHtitl Iliilili itlllltll1 111 11111111111 was 1111111111111l perienced Fitters to serve you for all Surgical Sup ports of 1111 Ontario lllrtltl Issoc1ali1111 111111 1ll1l11111 During 111 l11111 stay at ilffitl of ioioiito 111 he persuaded the management 1111 1111111111111 sole right 111 bt1121dcasl1VI sports 111iits1tr11ni the arena AuI 111v1rtisi1111 1111111 then hit 1111 llltV 11i1 tisick s111l 1111 t111 captured the 12111111111111 11111111111111lt 111121 111 11111111 some 111tit111111n1 III 1111 1111x111 111 ssioiisui lis 1111111l11s1s 1111 11 pounds 11 11111l 111i= 7i1111 111111 only 1111 Aftii 111 11111e11111 11111111111111s l111 spine iaeriVo 11111l l111tI 1111111111z1 is WStinghouse and 100110 the 111111 you in V11V Accurate auto matic control of heat in True1 Temp oven Qoodlcooking is a1naturalfwiih your new WestinghouseElectric Range Five Vheat surface elements not merely three give youcverything from gentle SIMgt MER cooking to record HIGH speed And the fully automatic ovenheat control takes all the guesswork out of roasting baking and ovencooking We know youll be delighted with these gleaming new Wesringhouse models See RM model illustrated also the AI4M Range specially designed to fit thesmall or medium kitchen HOME APPLIANCE SHOP 10111411 81 Phone 3432 26 Elizabeths no

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