Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Mar 1949, p. 7

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IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIII IIIIII EIILI clot 311111 11111 loz 111911 11 111 111ln 111I11 111 111 zl1 1111111111 111 111 11 11111111111 IIIIIIIIII iii3 13111 111 111111 I1IIII ngI 111 11111 111 111 li1iiih to 13111 1111 1111111 11211111111011 l111111 111 111111111 lantel 11 1111 1111l11 11111111 11111 11 1111 111i Ilillllll 1111 11li1 13111115 WIN 711 1111ltWllllUmi 11 11111 i1 111 mph1 111 12111111 11 151m l1l1al 111111ril 111111 lhe 11111ls 11111111 1h 1111I 111 1i mp1 1111 1111 111 1111111 nanit 11111 1111 seemed Illdimi 13 51115m1 19 hhihd cm 13 111 ll 11111 1111111 lumins stal 111 l1 1111 111111 lildlldlin 1111 111111 11111311111 11111 that 111 Ms 111 1111 mil 111 Barrie and 111l1I1 11111 1I11111111 1111 111111 11111 1111 1111 11isull t1 11111111111 1111 131 on 111111illi 111111 1111111111111 sup 11 MI pIIIIiIII III iIIIIIdIIIII III II 111111111 11 11 111gt 1111 11 has been lIIIIIII IIIIIIIH IIIIHI IIIIII II III e11I111111 111111 11 S1111 511111 Iii31 fIIlIlIIA IiiifI lloilll lIiIJI 111II1II1I1111IIIltII INN on 111r IIIIEIIII xing II III IW Id NW Uh 11 111111111 l11 7111 11 l1l1l Wk1 11 hm I1III111 1I11111II11 back 111 eomIfort IiIlienI 1I11IiI 1I1Iill11l I11IouiI1dI IIcIteItI IIIH HI IIllIlm lt 111 11 1111111 111 86111 Yeor mNO 20 51211111511112 1115 Paul These ill MAYER 51010 xLASb NML Bl lilxl DiFARTMENT OIIAWA LUNG title ltlonday night when 1111 Combines 112 at llarrie Aren bestofseven series The 1111111 Saturday evening does not appear like it will go 11 can hold his own Lorne ll11111s Iiusf lva11znsold hockey 1111 I11owd 11 least one 1111111 to cheer 1boutvl 1111 luds ability to brush side rubber Then was little 111111111 is 111 11111 was going to win liven though 1111 1111lines 11111 draw 11111 111111111 in the opening minute of play if was only one of the very few times they saw 11111 lvlIvers 1111111111313 111 fact fans near the rails were ask IinIe Gilly Mayer f11prai1k1nsi 1111 gave SmatIRugo iamlom Upholstered furniture Blankets Asktocpricu NUSERVICE PRESENTS New Look You Will Love on CHESTERFIELD when cleaned by our Eitclusive Method DIAL 2471 liOlt PICIEI iOl DRESSES HATS SLIP COVERS DRAPES CURTAINS 4511115 oRLANKETs the Memorial Cup AIband of in dividuals like the Combines can do loads in developing overeonfidencc andscratching the finishing touch es 01L Barrios smooth passing plays ONLY 21 LEAD FIRST Though play seldom moved over the Combines bluelinc in the first period Flycrs could gain but 1121 edge on the score board added four more in the second and blasted five behind Howes in the nalstanza three coming in the last minute of play Front line performers had field day in the point collection Hop per Chevrcls and Hogg accountv ed for four goals while McNab ncys line and Pcnnells trio sup plied three Ieach ginrrley Iygas the lone lefciieeniauto In the individual point column Hopper whomecds not to needle ihthisscriesfis leWls ver satility by rapping home points from all angles in the victory he registered one goal and live assists for six points and top scoring hon ors of the game His closest rivals were Gord Penncll and Real Chev relils with three each Two players missed capturing brand new hat by one Sid Me Nabney and Chevrelils but the 99El1g SHEFIQEX ONLY 99 19 p1ove the terrific balance the Fly BUGS EITC This Includes Moth Proofing by USANo MOTH PBDUF 515111111115 SYSTEM AlSo Minor Repairs For Alterations or Major Repairs Use Our lAlLORlNG DEPT Under Supervision 111 ALEX KNOX Exlicrt Tailor SHIRTS 24110111 Laundry Service NitSnervice CLEANERS 74 Elizabeth St maizm just inside the bluelinc crs53ast WWWE6311 and nine different players blinked the light Rugged Steve Brklacichupubthc from the firstfaccoff driving high hard shotpastI Mayer from Flyers followed up with sustain eo pressure audit was not Ques tion of were they going to score it was just aItuestion of when Iliour complete minutes were enuservice he declared joyed on the Combine beach John Shcdden was thumbed for liighsticking and Johnchstan nul lifted the man advantage with tripping Ichargc Mestan been released when Ray VolOtaire got the gate for tripping and Bar rie pelted the blondIhaired net minder with shots No damage was done onthese in fractions butwhen Brklacich was banile for deliveratcly charging McNabncy Barrie rapped home two goals to take the lead Gary Gordon tied the score with Fennel and Megcr assisting and then Don Ashbce who had just returned Intyre Arena tonight with theufourth 1111 the same ice 11111 They song Combines in from after 42 seconds hadnt gt Hopper Gets5 Assists Flyers Sweep Combines llZ InIGame At Barri9 1511111 lll11i Sh1111111 one notch closer to the AllOntario ywlifirully pasted Porcupine 11 111 the second game ofthe f1x1ure is slated for the Me At the rate lilyers lay the thumb on the NOIIA champs it 11111 11y further 11 the stream The Combines showed nothing but heart here and goalie whol IWIMWNII l1lliill l1llis 121111 il1ll iefenrw 11113 12111 1111111 lennell 11111 111111 11111111111J5 11111111 EltNillllltIV Hum 111 111111111 111111e 11 111 511111111 lli1 i11111I 11111131 11111111101 11121111111 11119 1111111 11=t1 l1111s 11111s 11111T11 1111111111 Mes up 1112 1111 inronven1111111 capacity lililll1 pass the moment he 111111111 lltlllllf 11311 Hill llll SHIfiltL loreupme had chance to show With 1111 I111 iiieir attack if they had any when lennell and then Sheddcn took trips to the sin bin leaving Barrie 1111511 12 two men short llowever 111131 liarrie 13111111111 could do nothing as llltNlllllltI liimili 31Ii1 111111b roamed the plains 111L11Clllly 11 1111i 11eir attacks and taking time out to break 111 1111 llowes himself Ilenn111 it 111 with made 1111 der Penalties were costly to the Combines They drew 111 compar to Barries six and live of theI lllIvers goals were scored While enjoying man advantage SALVATION ARMY COMMANDER VISITl TO BARBIE CITADELl Commissioner Charles Baugh territorial commander of the Sal vation Army in Canada visited Barrie over the weekend He adl dressed meeting in the Salvation Army Citadel on Saturday night Referring to his three years in Canadathe commissioner said he Salvationists practice of Christian lilid travelieamaerossr the c0inlry and had always found the salva tionists had won measure of ity he added We are weaving it into the warp and well of our daily lives The time for song graffititlcifei iii He quoteda verse from the 33rd PSalm Sing u11tohim new song play skillfully witha loud noise The Salvationists hesaid always sang with loud voice and some times skillfully Referring to the when the heart can give birth toa Allxacross the country find joy in the service declared Commis sroner Baugh The commissioner recalled vis it to lcelandI when his ship wasmct at Reykjavik at 230 inIthe morn ing by bandof ISalvationists sing irigl Joy joy joy thercis joy in the Salvation Army ltrus that never never shall Iwe get away from the joy in our Thecommissioner was Iintroduc ed by Brigadier Knaap of Orif 1121 and was thanked by Sr Capt Strachan of Barrie The chairman for the meeting Saturday night was Ernest Bur ton As deputy clerk of the Town of Barrie Mr Burton extended greetings on behalf of the citizens to Commissioner Baugh on his rst visit to Barrie Special music Was provided by Mr and Mrs Eric Sharp vocalists from Toronto and there was also music from the Barrie songstcrs and the Barrie Salvation Army from slightleg injury dueII to collision with Brklacich placed the Flyers in front after taking George Burehariis passout SECOND PERIOD 61 McNabney and Lamarchc got caught crosschecking each other early in the second and were cool ed but the Great Sir Sid made band under the leadership of Leach Greetings were extended by Rev Bcwcll on behalf of the Barrie Ministerial Association ltb After consulting Government representatives in Toronto the Mayor of Huntsville expects moderatetax rate 11115111 W1111111 111111 111 his first campaign of Innnor 11v appm home 1111ppe1 11111111111 11111 lre1111111 111211111 l11111I1h 1PLAY BILLIARDS upon is YlhCll Song is lnjtliclica1t IltlllN SllllllllllN Barrie llPorcupinc 31111 iJlllI 11f l111nf1ri11 Finals1 Harrie v1en1I Alareh 1111 1111111111111I 111111112 113 111111111111 llll1h 111 l11111s1111 lo 111111111111 Lake 1171111111 1111111 lilltll lo1111pi1 11111 ltlilll Hi1111 l1111 Vol SlItUNll 1121111 gt1 lcnalticsillouffe Didone Shed dcn tw MINORS MUST NOT chler proprietor of Plum Billiards was warned by Magis trate Garden Foster at court last Thursday that he would have to enforce the town bylaw restricting minors to play p001 more strictly TH BARRIE EXA RARRiE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAYMARCH 31 Boys Hold Down Defence Positions ForBarrie Flyers 715 WM12VMIMM11 111 HINGIJLY BRANDOW RETURNS 1KIWANIS PRESENTS TO BARRIE FLYERS DEFENCE POSITION 11 31 11 lln return of Ward lirandow IHHWHJ 14 91 11111g1 l1111r ltllill see 111 the Barrie llItr defence of 1111 1111 iriiJHf 1111r 111 the 1li 111111111111111 lollis 1115 strengthened the motels 13 Mmulm 1112111 11 the Barrie lfnlllh chances of cupping 1111 1112511111 51 111 of 11 11111111111111 11111111 1llLlt1lllllll Memorial up llllIlIlfilS litmus IIKI Mitt 311 11 eh 1111 11111 iillx l111 sensational 111111 has fie defenremcn tIo 1111111 15W ll1111 11111111111111 for 1111 llI1rs 11111 choose from and all are ap glill WTIHH 1111liilu 1x 111111 Illtll 111 most 11ln1hle 1l1l1 of holding their own THU r1i11 11 11 1111111 to his 1121111 111 1111 IIIIIIII SIIIIIIIIRI III Mu LIIIII 1211111 to 111 111113114 Ll spoil liters 111 the 1il1llll 111ls 1111 parade of Bell Bing imiu fIN lIns Li1 l1ir 1p li11I 11 John hliedden and Jack iIlmI gt l11s1111 Memorial lroph List III gt le111e with liraiulow after M1 YI 111r oil 111 George Arm 11 tlllllL the DNA playoffs now IlIn 111 II III strong of Mrafloril andno1 111 1111111 regular turn on the if III II II 1111111111 Marlboros Iiiremix lilueline in Wm H11rr 111s also presented with 11 III1 111111I1111 1111s inured in 1111 11111 linknei Tn 1111 for 111 111111111111 Isl Irmis 11111 1111111 inns II II 111 1111111111 prior to the semi Ir Hr In In HIV 1111111 1111 11st 11111111111 of 11 11 111 final 111111111 with IWindsor goals against him in regular l1 I1 Spitfires sustaining 11 ernek III s1Ii11li1le1l 11111 311 111 11l shoulder lrone lie return 11 11pm ed to his home in unripe pmlm llll 5111111 patlonl 111 11111114411111111 hospitaii NWT1 1111 1111 so 1111 11 II wrih with 15mm Salindaj 11111 11111 as 1I IIII II III III II II III II IIIIIIII II IIIIII III IIIII 11 111111 111 11111 111 11 1111111 lorenpine oinbines he Wired 1I 111 1111 1111 1111 IIHIIHI iII III II III II II 1111 husbands on 11111 11 111 11 mms 111 11 111s re1I or II III 11 1111 1111 1111111 11111 11111 1111 i111m111 II II I11111I1 1111111111111 I111I 111 s11 11111111 11 arru 1111 mm 11111 11 l111 1111 111111 111111 1111l11i 1111 11111i 111111 11111 II II III 11111 1111111111 1111111 p11 111 111I 11 1111 ors ipprow 1111 III 11 g1111eios of the 11111111 111s 11141113 111111 111111 11111 IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII Two dIIIII 111111111111 11 1111I 11111 1111 before they moved into All ml mm lntario finals lirandow was II II II I111l1Ibnll session luvemng 11I11a11l II we ch unn II itls 1111 1111d 11 111111 111 11111 1113 II lmllhu SI1m 11111 AWL 1111in was 1111 1111111 11111 gt111111liil 153 3113 Blunlx AN ILL 11 11 in 11111 eomi Ion am IIII IXII It In II IIid 1111 cadets 11111111 iigailllin 111 Sllxullb ll1 SIZED hilhlJ UK It lilb Isl John Ambulance course 111111 the llIvers cause to no end minder for the loe1l1f he wished teams playing 511 sim Id1m llarrlc lieNahneIx AcssstsssscxsxenQwoI 1111 Blnley found the mark on blue Iglm lIlIftlUWII arrie e111i1 1111111111 ARR IIII SHOTS 111111 1111111 Bob l17I11Iv 511 oquIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII cI lllpplllL offense llash l1lon1 1111111 1l1111 Il 111111111 11128 111111 1111111111 1111 1101 It 11 of the gate for limhstiekmu and i1 llowes while Porcupine Could iniis mm MLNMWL Imhc p1111 111 way of laul ifcgtis 11 ma The IIIIIIICHII IIIIV IIII 111111 11111111 11111111111 11111 II 11111 for 111 count Irev 111111111 Mama was 51 the In pmmd lily1 The third period was slow and We 111 lth 1113 for 111 minutes both clubs merolvi 1mm Hahn With RCSCC IIIIIIII 11111111 111111lils went thioiigh the motions that is III Foo much class and 111ghcr Um Chmmmq cur 1005p Thoi 11 Kcmpenfe II II 821111071ll1lfflls 111 gt1ILOlLllllt 1sI11hal 11 home IIIIIIIIIIS IIIWIIIIIV scowd IVICCI IIIIIIIIMIIII SIIIIIIIIIIIII I2 III 1111111 displaychIbel111e the younli from closein in space of less 11 lmcllllllcWllllli xxxxxwaxxecceeexcNeI inept lIorkics they were lost in IIIII IICC IIIIIIIIICSI 1Tmml51 1133 inc bushes all night Barrie were BIIIIII couldnvi Ind II IIIEIIlv ll BarrieMeNnbney Ships routine on regular paraduI gt Im in after that until the last minute ofI IIBIfllIlIvIIIIWde 11 IlsIhIl Nomi It 15 too easy series for c1111 IIIIIV when MCNIIDIICV and 51th III1mII III III aIdcls were fallen in at 71 p111 opperi 111111 is marching along th1 t1a11 of HIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIH IQ mng III that 01 IIII IIHIIIVHOIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII on the 111111111dcck at BdlllC Aim oury under the supervision of the LfflLCl of the watch Attendance was considerably better than last week but ILieut Fox is look ini for further improvement in this respect our annual inspection being but three regular parades away falling on April 21 thistear Commencing next week there will be aninspection by the Cap tain and march past of entire ships Company during the rst period followed by two periods of train ing This syllabus Will be carried The warning was to serve for 21111 It for mu 0in three paIadc5 The other proprietors of similar eslabv lishments in the town The magistrate stated 111211 ali though there had technically been an infraction of the bylaw in two instances by Mr Lefler he was 91 weanling 1conr Lei ion glint cause he believed that Mr liefler had thoughtdhat he was satisfying the onus on himself with his pres ent TrcistrTciiSThiEh TiFltiIded posting signs in his poolroom lIcI believed that Mr Lefler was anxious to abide by the law but he told him lhat he in common with the other proprietors in town would have 111 do more and take proper care ihal the bylaw was not broken The onus was the proprietors themselves stated the magistrate itsvilleHe lion Russell Kelley r1111 AMBULA We cannot in 11631101151111 made on No 2526 II BARRIEAMIRUL 24 Hour Service 7111s marksmansIhipIIIIIpnI theWIIIrIIiIflie band under the capable direction of Sub Lieutenant McBride will fall in with instruments for the in spection and march past Training which commenced at 730 p111 consisted of two interest ing periods of scamanship and field training with every cadet hav ing the opportunity of improving ranges Cadet Armand Marion showed very good target to the CfllCCl of the watch The officers of RCSCC Keinpcnv felt wish to express their thanks to former Cadet Officer Bill Lowe who kindly donated several rugs for the ships office and captains cabin These make great im provement in our cadet building and are sincerely appreciated Mrs Ti lleyrmotheroiCadet Iii consisted chiefly of an interesting EMERGENCY CALLS NCESERVfCE 7I1PHONE2525BARRIET or calls of this 111111110111 not ANCESERVICE Wm 1111113 r1111 It may be too late to put on that extra Insurance to cover increased buildina costs MALCOMS 41 Dunlop St INSURANCE AGENCY 0N8 Dial 3735 1111111g blown by 11111 bugler imiet CCI WCPKHliHolerlegAttas1nbuaJiLLSpDrlspLlDILI opened on May by eanductcd by Sub Lieut White QquppertonStu Phone 3432 or Twice Weekly MONDAY and THURSDAY 94 MINER Section 2POgS to 12 1111311211011s ITHREE GAMES 111 111111131 11111 ll if I1 11111 1111111 1111111 llltllfi 12 Ag if GILLY MAYER WINS RED TILSON TROPHY RECORDER To VALUABLE PLAYER BCI SPECIAL PRICE $4750 lt WILF TODD 55 llunlop Stqil BARBLIZII qualifying examinations of 111111311 will be 11llillllLI up shortly 511 11111 saw the ensign lowered sunset Brian lrapnell and cadets werel dismissed by their executne 11111 SPACEMAKER sromoon 1a THE ONLY REFRIGERATOR WlTH TRUETEMP CONTROL Yes theresa place for everything in the Westinghouse Duisl AutomaticI Refrigerator and exclusive TrueTemp control lets you select the correct degree of cold for the food you wish to store then maintains that temperatureregardless of the weather Only Westinghoriseoers this great advantage And Convenient Terms to Suit Your Budget every Westinghouse refrigerator has many other modern advancements you will want you get MORE in Westinghouse Come in and see them 26 Elimbeth 51 Phone 4424

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