IllUltblLlAi llilll It litllt OBITUARY lltlllHtl INTI lint III RUN in eiiitltlliii lllllil and tziu 314 tulle ylii IUAJIIIAHI AvttTIAts tutti lived on the talizi tlltlll Ilt yeais ii when In ltltil ll iilliston ii wit Tit Millinui en Ilitii lllt ifitl liilt ii llinnalt teim Iiiilt Minion Survn in si ttrs YItlllIlltl llavn liitll TIillltl ill llillidale Nils Athltll llttvoii of lortiitlx ileiLrtrt or teeiiiore Inuitlat George Hindle Passed Away at Trail BC ll Title and lily inducted tlit Ilioiiia iuntvial iiapel to Al listoii on MaltIt II iii Allistoii liiioi teinetci The pallleiiei veil lino litett linizkhii ille Illllt Mattinw atithtis and Hamid Itobiiiwii lkt with llllilllltll in the laillrtitnlt lltlillla Win Mitchell and Mel IMMING Funeral HHltt wie IiiIii Wed Iltllll the linoy tiosnlaiitl iiiiiiiiiii IliNlIlIA Mai ch and ltltlt tioiu ticsday tcsidclitzc lfiesbyleiiaii late IIos lowiiship Mr uiiiiiiiiip was born on oiz tessioii lllt iii lltlitt and Ill ltilrtl oiict ssioii until the llllll uin lillal liliriii Waltti ltllltl degrees one oi tlieiii doc moved bios resided Ma ch Alexander wheie time of his death Son ot late mine and tlirislina Itowat he was one of the pioneers of that locality and spent his entire lite tariniiie lie was predeceased by tour broth FOWLERS TIRE SERVICE ORILlIA Phone 576T BARRIE Phone 4335 Soiith Slocaii iii the Ktlotenays and pand at lytton Tires that show small cracks or wear Call for spam alizetl repair We know we save you cash andtime But how the heck to make it rhyme FACTORYArriiovso METHOst iiuerou err IONG TROUBLEFREE OWCOST MILEAGE pma mom tt ll vl lazln an 01 loit llill iilil iitllVllJ ml ifll ItlEll IIJJII lity flat ltiittaii ll ltlitfi1 in line li lziat liail lit 3le icoipe IIIIILIIC lIIlI it JHIHHH HM iw itIltl dull aib pram elm iiii alt3i an llllits til iitrc iizi il llllilllli He had lctl in lial iILlI ltil Iioitly altei his letiitnliit a1 barber at aiiizaii laii lloiii iii itsitll bit he izrt up as boy at Iliiiti tiiti ri educated at llaiiie Illlltxiitll in stitlite and later obtained his lli3tt Alliltltt We Ill lltlltl and the Soillanii iio llil icpzestiilvtt Um lyllnapnpnhv cw So say Eiail to the than who lion Queens liiieisity Iilllgitrlltl vIlll later in life he was to obtain line Ii lhttr toiate ot Illdatwuy and another Ill 31 immunity Imp Hum iith hocke llillllv ilo llltll icvimu 45 514 Illlih MI MHzW 10mm WM grim tinniluh lgtlllv 1m lttlviid ins uncles tiloiie shoit lime lt itllt Ila luntou llfwlltid tit ltt Il Relieve lch in Jly liii Island It ought be of iiteiesl to know 141 tltl limit and blitllllltt mnmmd Minn 1i lip pm pm 15 mum lll this pail oftht ttllllllllll AltIiittcis attended the meet 1mm mix gunpimpk tlr at IIdchyalc Ont where he ltt liltri More the ltllllillli lttlllli WWI olltl Utllswhollllilll Met int ot the ink Ilitctltis Assocn Fibviiiii1nt but NY Plll INN taught three years From tinre he went to Wyebridue where he was in charge of the school tor year Then he taught at Mt Sla veii near Orillili for few years liis next move was to llritish tol uiitbia where he spent 23 yearslol lowing his profession Three of those years weie spent as principal of the Trail cenlial school which was the only one III the city and included elemeiitan and high school classes He alsoI taught at Kaslo Slocan ity and at South Wellington near Naiiauno Later he went to hIllllllUlm ywhere he concluded his caieer ttachcr in 1028 lat illltll Plain and Carinanl relurninit to take up residence at Your where he win prcdcceased by his wife 11 year ago and later at llolisoil Latenl It came to live in lrail where he owned property Altogether he had teaching ex perienceof 30 years in liver piov inccwcst of Quebec in IIUSIIHIII and Prince Albert Sash in riii 7iuorc Alberta Some of his studI cuts arc to be found in almost eery profession and walk of tile Survivors lllCllltlt his sister Miss llary llindlc ol lrail who had kept house for him since his witcs death and one brother Thomas lormcrlyya missionary in hiiia and now of Woodstock Ont who was called here lilting his brothers last illness Funeral service was held ch iicsday at the Kootenay Funeral home the Rev Kennedy and Rev Armstrong otliciatinu Burial was alongside his wife in Nelson Memorial Park MRS ISABELLA FRETZIIIY On March 12 1940 Isabella Itree thy wife of Win Frcethy dlcd very suddenly at her home in Stay ncr The funeral was held on March 15 and the services were conducted in Centennial United Church by her minister Reva Graham as sisled by Rev Johnson pas to of the United Missionary Church solo Shall We Gather at the River was sung by Mrs Geo Clemencc Interment took place in Stayner Cemetery The pallbearers were James Murray Lou Bellwood Norman Paddison Edgar Buckingham Archie Som merville and Archie McNabb Mrs Freethy was daughter of the late Wm and Sarah Haverson of Sunnidale In Sept 1899 she married Samuel Daley also of Sunnidale who predeceased her fortyve years ago and on Feb 24 1925 she married Win Freo thy of Stayner The following im mediate rclatives survive lier hus band two daughters and two sons yer Mrs Elmer Bristow of Bar rie orman Daley of Buffalo NY Gordon Freethy of Bank Orma MlSJH8l0Id Bristow of Toron to twelve grandchildren and our greatgrandchildren three sisters Mrs Len Wood Mrs John Sinclair and Mrs John Black all of New Lowell and two brotliersFredof Barrie and Ernest of New Lowell Beautiful floral messages of sym pathy Were eceived from Centen tial United hurch LOBA 55 Al landale LOBA 479 Stayner Boys and Girls ofHertcl Station Bul falo lNYl StaffofBank of Mon treat Toronto Post Office Staff Stayner United Church WA Stay ner also the Blind Line Neighbors and from relatives and friends TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Al PHONE 2414 For quick comforting help forBackoche ltheunttc Pains Getttng Up Nights strong cloudy urine Irritating passages Leg Pains and loss of energy due to Kidney and Bladder troubles try Cyslex Quick complete satis faction or money back Dont slider another day without asking your drusztst for Cyst nunuunnuuunui Phone 2488I BARBIE DRIVEACAR Company Limited Norman Metcoll iGets Credit for Starting Hockey in California llir till iiltit llltl ml la iil il trillklstild lk llt ill out l=l ll lio ii MIMI lIili izititlii ltl ei slilltinl itlill titizi iii Ili litlitagt lit Eiiiitial ciittiuia Ilit lltvtt Iii li iiillt liiit ilitt titlil Illt Jlli lllll ttvialelui ioup llit line tiiillioi tliitl lilloilti lIllltL since the poit was founded Iltlp in lltllfi lltlllllilltl 3033 Companyr icxicuaif TIRE SERVICE ORILLIAH Phone 5761 BARRIE Phone 4335 69 Collier Street BARBIE THING BUT THE DRIVER aimZ umuW uuuw wr FURNISH EVERY IIIE BAEIITE EXAMINEIIgtIIAIIRIF IlilAltlt CANADA Iii lnl llll lit If le Lind in Montreal Its of the liil ILIlJtittlii ltlltl lroiii lttgt$ JHHtle tlifllltll lime paiticipatcd iii Altllllltitl the Monarch ol With ltouyci and the bite York Ameli tan llxese lilllrv have all licoii pinst the lllgtl aliloiiiia IIUtIil Utlilluli All llil Iais iloiitz the IIA iii the spiiit of his convictions Metropolitan III ill is till liiiaiitial Statement ol the Metropolitan Iilc Insurance omptmy lot last ycai It is more than just liguics because back ol them is the story ol what 32700000 policyholders in Canada and the United States have done lor tlicir lamilics and themselves illltt role ol hrlctropolitaii like that ol any Lilc insurance toliipany has been toliclp policyholders to make CIICCIivc their individual plans lorrprotcction against the uncor taiiitics ol Iilc This Statement is abricl account ol its stewardship The amount paid to policyholders and beneciaries in I948 was $72l 366364 Ol this stun $203780734 went to the bcncliciaricstd 235000 policyholders $l47043072 to isomc 430000 individuals Ior Maturcd lindowmcnts and Annuities and $59403 238 I0r650000 claims for Disability and Accident llcaltli benetsxln addition the total paid included sums for cash surrender values dividends and other payments due under outstanding policies The total payments by Metropolitan t0 policyholders and bcncliciarics during the lust l6 years aggregatcd STATEMENTOFOBLIGATIONS Auu ATSsETs DECEMBER 31 1943 OBLIGATIONS To PoucVHoLoERs BENEFICIARIESpAND omensn Statutory Policy Reserves 578006997171l0 This amount determined in accordanrrwith legal requirements together with lutnrc premiums and rcscrvc interest is necessary to amino payment ol all liiturc policy benets Policy Proceeds and Dividends Lclt with 4050024I400 Ioliry proceeds Item death claims matuer endow1 mods and other payments and dividends llclt with Vompany by beneficiaries and policyholders tot he returned inlliturc ycars Reserved to Dividends to Policyholders 13200723400 Set aside lor payment in I949 to those policyhadtri eligible to receive tlicm Policy Claims Currentl standing gt 5342884247 laillts in process at settlement and estimated claims that have occurred but have not yet been reported Other Policy Obligations 53llllt1t50 Irciiiiiinis rcccivcrliii advance reserves lor niorltility ant morbidity fluctuations reserve for continuing the program ol equalization dividends on weekly premium policies etc Taxes Accrued Including estimated amount cl taxcs payale iii I949 on the business ol I948 ContiiigenCy Reserve for Mortgage Loans 2ltllttll0000 titan moo All outer Obligations J2lltitltio599 IOTALOBLICATIONS $859l2l020l2 SURPLUS FUNDS Special SurplusFunds Dil0l500000 Unassigned Funds Surplus 45392Ii80539 rotit SURPLUS FUNDS iii $9l48b89 10IAL4OBLIGATIONS AND SURPLUS FUNDS ElliTENTBIDDII NOTE Assets amounting to $43845ll496 arc depositrd Willi vaiious public ollittials under reduireincntsol law orrcgulatkory authority Metropolitan Life InsuronceGomipony Ni ltliSltLtTlCli OF PERSONS ll ll are tlil tl tii inletl the war nexer lllHv any tax vie ui III lt we out me Illt pliotoi1tiliei not quite shock ttl he was azlpaieiillu far ell Lloyd llllltl2 yiilli ineiis lltltltt lle Itttlttl il yjuadni that things are not Itl115 what New ii lilting more than stoic models wliith Rue IIIIIS oi ieceii WYEBRIDGE Tl tttltlftl WHHHTV 1IL Vmlmvm Mr and Tlis Angus ltawn and ltltlrt1 piii the past week IIIATII All irieinlt in Toronto lfawii lilliillttl homi with then IIII ll lil plti llit Lend llli liis llt iiitl lamily il be IIttlllly call lt ilaiiie Iediiesday night Motilit pictures eeie shown in $12375LiffpuluLmug game have been played iii these TRY AN EXAMINER VANT Altlil Plilyllt 3111 gt1m5dhy Government Securities jtocks All but $409505058 are Preferred or Guaranteed Mortgage Loans on Real Estate hltvrtgagc Loans oil 7IIPIOP Mortgage Loans on Farms Loans on Policies Madc to policyholders on the security ol their policiei Real Estate taller decrease by ladiustmcnl ol Ilousing projects and other real Cash and Bank Deposits irev1 Prcniiums Deferred and in course of Colltc3ion l3ltt7t547 Accrued litterestRentsetc 6524007425 MUTUAL COMPANY LlLl gtt ri 5p tl tiaigiittz il Lt tin silti fills iiiwhy IIi tutu SI uzlvl fill tillt tia ate lwtltct la lltllulfltlll ll lllt sprang Itlll in dancing IAIN Jot toclllaiii Lian ti laziti Mrs lazlicr Kvlttj tuiiliti lLis lleib Stiaiiiioiis ttl Apiil ltoll tail imponse to be ai ilcltgt lot box to by eiit to All tiiii lltl It Its med Ie hallze tire lillllj lllltltl tlit hirpxJ til tle AYIA lauaii It IIsioele ladl iiai and lliil Altai int ttllitll Ink oil the boats and Iltt gone llo ltlilllt their dutit gt lIaithJl RItll ilttlll Sunday lll loioiito Mp alter my lil with llil tltl tilts Ii llishop 11 000 PyncllIOIL it illnllllhll slim which has served as stabilizing inlliiciice iii homes and communities throughout this country and the United States This total exceeds the llllptlllys tisscts ol $9l23l43007 as 0l December I940 Item assets are held to meet obliga lions ol $0 39l III 20I ol which more than 90 represents statutory reserves lot lutiirc payments to policyholders and bcncliciarics Over and above these obligations thch remained surplus ol $353954806 which is about of obligations back log which must be available against the possibility of epidemics adverse economic conditions or other unlorc sccablc situations llic cinpanysasscts guarantee the Itillilmcnt ol the $l9383l7854 of Metropolitan life insurance in force In addition they ilSSUlC tlrcpaymcnt ol the 448394 annuity and supplementary contracts outstandingand tlic 63404l2 policies or certicates providingbenets in event ol either accident sickness hospitalization surgical or medical cxpcnsc ASSETS WHICH Assunt FULFILMENT or oationions $389262335 $3I 3382956900 US leveriiiilcnt aiiadian Government 25543276635 OtherBonds 550220tlt7037 Provincial and Municipal 9755l02l Railroad 50I93039852 Public Utility ll 5279275779 Industrial and Misttllanrous l722l 7666020 Bonds ol the ompanyr lousing Development Corporations lli5204375 IIZ232llllD 5018300040 mics 3islti45ti4o27noo etaoqsittti To 50 0990 523000000 in the aggregath 2094757050 estate acquired lor invcstnieiit 346525662 Properticslorqompany use 347I65777 Acquier insatislaction ol mort gage indebtedness lot which $l7092872i5lindcrcontiact olsale 462i5804t9 lorAL ASSETS TO MEET OBLIGATIONS s9125i45007i Hohhotrice new YORK CANADIANHEAD OFFICE OTTAWA macleans Muir iltsuit nlttl VVttllzxct Soupsvii lililAlltS lllltllllillthi lSlUlllllll ill Ilorsley Street ltAltltlll Nl it hit IJIAU il tl lttlltti latit ii iix zlis Jot ytl inhtl till illillln Qiliii Illtll Iitll oliiitil itlt1 iltl tibutlt tin llie eiillj nitetanr at Eills Jot lchi liner Sewn Kielrv ialrl tie1 oils Aitti Illt iiiii pit ailinu lit ttilltgtl LoinI was ezxtti lluv liiext place trl ineetliit il be at eports to Policyholdcrs on 1948 Business Irw other highlights ol the foiiipanys I940 animal Istatcnicnt are the net rate ol interest earned on total assets reversed the trend of manyycars and increased lroin 294 in I947 to 305 in line with the cxpci iciicc ol Itl5l ncss generally there were some increases in expenses the rate of mortality was slightly lower than in I947 the lapse rate was one ol the best on record and new IIltll15lllilltt issued hiring the year was $2904570 he amount ItCIdlOI dividends payable to Metropolitan policyholders in tlll totals fill 32067234 Metropolitan investments continued in I940 to serve various sections ol Canada and the United States and the economy ol both countries The Company is interested in making loans to either individuals or corpoiutions which meet the legal requirements with which it must comply more complete review ol the Companys allairs will be lotind in its Annual Report to Policylioldcrs which will be sent to anyone on request Thcrc highlights of the Companys busincss in the Dominion during 1948 our 76th year in Canada toil be of particular interest to Mclropolitans Canadian policy ltoldcrr and fhcirbencclarics Mctropolitan paid in I948 to itsCanadiaiipolicy holders and tliciribcncliciarics $388P309l in death claims matured endowments dividends and other pav incnts OI this 70 was paid to living policyholders is Canadians by morelhan $352000000 and l3l Group Metropolitanstotalinvestincntsih Canada aniouiit ed to $53674l420 at the end of I948 The Companys dollars are at workthrougliout the Dominion in l5ttltl80l 057 jobslor more people During I948 21 total Vol222687nursing visits Was made to those insured under MetrOpolitan Industrith PAGE NINE furniture craft NUT 4316 KEEP SPARES SOME rllcis ABOUT METROPOLITANS OPERATIONS IN CANADA Payments to Policyholddrs and beneficiaries The total amount the Metropolitan has paid to Canadians since it entered Canada in T872 plus the amount now invaded in Canada exceeds thewtotul premiums received from LilclnSuranccinFchg In I948 Canadians bought $203932746 oI new Life insurance protection in the Metropolitan bringing the total of the Companys Lilo instiranco in lorcc in Canada to $234l326648 at the yearend This amount is made up of 57s Ordinary Slllplndustrial Total Investmentsin Canada practically every phascof prodtictionjanddistribution helping to produce morogoods and crcatcTriorc Health andVWellar Work Intcrmediatcand Group policies in Canada over million pamphletson licalthandsalcty were distrib uted and the Company took partiin49 Canadian health campaigns ll METROPOUTAN lIFE INSURANCE CO Canadian Head Ofce Ottawa Gentlemen TIcasc send in copy ol your Annual chorttu Polleybolduii Iorl948 at NAME STREET cm PROV Wmuxquunuuummuhiun