Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1949, p. 8

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FIGHT 22 SAFUYJASI yui SbllSH SQUEEIE losin lnil Ptlltttltltl 1llilIillllllllflillllltrltllt panll Nothing ltllH hey the high qllrllll ol lohmon In liquid or padl Ioriii ii will iniitilt lllll ff hrs thoitcl liix ltttillSi iioliitttl lair lliri iiilrlltllllt turftinder tltl NH llltl IllltillillN ll tilo Sillilnl Ilaii lliowti Ill Illll ils llairey Los Faint liillizi Irlt las Stali lIIl ll1 Stanley IIllt llcrt tray lloiialtl Ilartie Iack ffIiiitzli it It and lllltll Ieskey IIiiiirale los ll Ilyci lloiviird hit tl and 1m ll llycr Midland Illltllli olliiis IIgt lid ioill Joints lis los Marchildoii Stanley Shaw Nelsoh Jones and lllllllllt Irs McKay lsesi otiii iiid lrs las Whittoit Sec lt lit CHURCHILL March 31 Mr and His has laicas wlre Allislon on Saturday Iioland on Sunday Mr and lrs Sloan and Mary otoied to ylaikhain oiiSuiiday tiiiinatilatioiis to Mr and Mrs Squibb on the arrival of ctlhtcr Iiltlll Ilianel llowaitl Allan and Ralph Ton tallc oi loroiito spent the Week lltl at ltonald Allans lhe audztors have finished the audit ot liinistil Township booksl iiIITl returned to Toronto Mr and Mrs lemplc Watt and Douglas were visitors with Mr and Mrs Mac Stewart on Saturday few residents of the village YLiItlltltd the ill Glee Club opeiu ttta Enchanted Isle and report tiit shitting and tltllllt as excellent Mrs Ronald Allan entertained eiSaturday for her twoyearold draighter Brenda The young iliends who attended the birthday iart had jolly time Home Team Bonspicl llie curlers held aHome Team Fonspiel on lliursclay and Friday illt rinks competing Winners ere Lucas Browning and Watson ttoastersr Gib ilons1 T3 Mulholland ODcll and lflll Davis Tickets trawl Conso lizititm Rcive Geo BakerN lG Kingr and Presser lwalletsl lTnos Reivc Sloan SI Kell and Spence Ifahower for Kathleen Taylor On Saturday afternoon the GA Ivzynd Ladies of St Peters Church held miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs Sloan for Kath ilecn Taylor Manley The table lyprettily deCorated in pink and lthll crepe held large white and pink basket with coloredelec from corners of the table to tltre above were strung with small electric light bulbs The many use ful and ornamented gifts were con cealed under valance Kay Sloan came in leading the bride to the chair while strains of the wedding march pealed outl thanked those present for their lovely gifts POOR EXCHANGE ted youth MANITOU Marti VESTERN CANADIAN Eiiili lo elite vi lltlilti ltlhi itllll Vasty Il lls will hills Marchildoii otinty tlllttlls op DST eauty and protection lItY glna iie Ioliiiony Lll lloois llol ot llli ti lliit LJIII and rise ll ttvll tins lot of xteeltrettls iivi in lcan be no lashes lonain little potash which tric bulbsas bouquet Streamers few well chosen words the bride We are importing foreign capital while we are exporting ourAIichest asset the best of our highlyeduca Meat and Potato Pie llly Inll IIIIH silf tat ltyilit tli la iiiied illltlll ilie at Ililllftl litl liaitts lalm wheat and Incl tlllll til lllil ilid itl Iwasoi but can lt till tlllIW Illtlt til it is good gllllll to mash 1iiti tlij titiiltl lllll llillllllll li may llll llo ii iilo Ill ll handled liioperly till oij sllitl talus al When burning illillltl iil lllll It1k llii lislits 1l1 lrlo tin so IilllSt giiilv oi the nod when thc plla lLlll l=ll1tii are oil toil uSlllt tl hate not ltllltIlS lei lllll tiny illr tlll soil tIp oln it it Canadian Eashionl lly GORDON LINDSAY SMITH Canadian Garden Service THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Siiieti rollnl baking pan or cas titl Halo Ill motteiate oven 350 deg lI Sillll minutes or until llonl tone and btllld on top tliip polatovs until Mum and Itllilllt aioiliill edge sprinkle with paprika it Annual Return to oxen lineielee leinperallne to 430 tit1 ltl or llllltt iiiiller broiler lor the oiiipost llcap Later on when zrowth starts lttll needs leaves and other txasli should he piled up ina toriier oi the garden covered with lew layers of soil and if obtain able some manure watered oc gt easionally and perhaps treated itli some of the special liiimtis iiakinzz chemicals llllS material will break down rapidly and make the iincst sort ot garden soil Most experts regard the compost pile is an essential part it their gardens Almost anything that will rot can be incorporated Where the pile is larger it can be screened with swine ltllEltllnf annuals orl some permanent shrubbcry Mr and lis Ivan lliike vciei mp ii mm THU0 Jimlth GNPNIIOUSPS ifateiials rootl saint lii Fishes Itlll ltll spread il en the tllltl aiue tr In recent years there have ap peared on the market little waxed paper caps lit shape and size Itliese resemble the oldtashioncd straw hat or cow breakfast By using them the gardener can get fortnight to ti month start with sich things as melons tomatoes cabbage and other tender plants that normally cannot be set outside until all danger of frost is over Little beds about toot across are made the seeds sown or the plants set oilt and tliert the whole is covered with the paper cap an chored last with bit of soil or stone or two In these beds too Ican be planted very early bit or iIlth or few radislics The paper cup acts as greenhouse protecting from late and even sev tre frosts and pushing growth along weeks ahead of normal Something will Grow No matter hoivunfavorable the location there is some flower vege table or shrub that will thrive in it Some llowers vegetables and certain varieties of grass actually DILICI shade some want acid soil clay better than loam or sand The thing in planning is to consider these special likes and dislikes titento select those plants thatsuit ones speciaktucatmn VMost vegetables however are pretty keen on generous amount of sun but they have distinct likes and dislikes in the matter of sol For deeprooted carrots potatoes Jetc it is important that the soils be fairly loose at least foot down Certain types prefer sandy soil to clay But no matter what the soil is to start with by little planning and care 0necan change it fairly easily savers Cains Corners WI Mrs Graham was the speaker lat Cains Corners WI meeting on March 17 She gave very inter esting talk on Irish Poetry and dress in navy blue with large pink flowersaiid emerald green leaf design set off by pinkj hat with navy blue b0v amusing Irish reading lCIltizn some Laure rather than sweet some like heavy Next weekSoils paths and space Songswhich was greatly enjoyed by the 15 members present Rev Shown above is bus11654 Rs Graham also contributed an Mrs Gilpin gave the motto fThe Value of an Education and GILPORD ll llllll 1+ Kidk i5 JL gt Is Chiral WMS jPlon To Continue WJJMWWWWW rm Afternoon Form il ln Meetings In 1950 it II It tv pt llll with Wyis tettne ll in Ieltll III at It if til ili Itll Ill it litli ltllli pi Iii AI xin Fll1 tivtl ti It ayii prowam It Illl tt pill pazt ilip new IlTltl ill iI in It lliitlll to IIu iziltzit lI Ii ll lixltl Iilll lat biotuht to lIlldl IIV IIIII Vl II Keg liiivti or piano lllt li in Illultll fol implicat lt ix to le iwto it lvl Tiis We IInlEIt aloe fvlllllt xta It tli lit II and he hostw Iiiill till zit 1lltl ltzit tllltl Ililo pic Is ootl substantial are lor iiiitry weather mm me 41 VKHWM Ie Jltsrcli tllli lizlmll was iiiId il Ali lilll litll ixizli Jl lthlllIlils and lot tlll Mis iliiitsl Ll lv Illltltlll uh iii the lllitl and hill ll Matthtis coinene oi IIlEl IIcoiioinits has in Iiiiil iliil Itiltl Illli lllt lielll Ross and alter littllsdtlll it 11n dvlilleti that plans are to he ttlll Tltltll at the nest meetini to can oiiaoli ll er into llllII potalom are lightly brouiied raw ioi lllt vtiy ll ttltl rygtii lliv ioll call was ii illl al and ltl The library coiiveiiel il lltl report and ezv pleal to lt7ttll more books Hall in lllt incl Iiiioiith than at any oilill illlll This iIco Nesbttt ttilltllil tor the pay cels sent to Illllitl WIiii Wales read some letters iioiiilllis lboiiias acknowletluilit the parcel they hall Illl receiwil ls leou4 ard libbons read report llltll he and Mrs IIriiie llllgzlics had made oi tfic llllllli really needed iii the hall donation was pivcn to her and Mrs litiulics to boy Illlt things and it was decided to hold dance iiiItiitIiit III the hall on April 30 The proceeds till this dance are also to be used for supplies for the hall Mrs II riches and Mrs ll loltoit are to Illlll committee to plan this Tance Mrs Matlhcws then took tharite ot the meeting and callcdl in Mrs Ilctcher ol Ilarrie and Mrs II lliiuhes who have dent tiistratioii oi sniockiiie teaching all the ladies the main stitches Several samples of beautiful dress es were passed around by Mrs FltlCIlDl The ladies deserve great credit for their demonstration and all the preparatory work they had to make it such succt The hostess and her committee istived delicious tea Members are re minded to bring to the next meet iing any old clothing shoes and bedding in good condition which they wish to send The worldfamous British train the Flying Scotsman has re sumcd its nonstop run of 302 miles Ibctween London and lIdinburuh EVERYBODYS lBtiSiNiiss by 7Young Bill had an inner longing to be adoctor His natural talentswould have carried him far in that proJ fession But instead hevtook job in his fathers dairy plant where hencould earn good pay immediately Com pared with this job career in medicinewith its long nonpaying years of study and struggle to get establish ed scemed too tough Now although he is prospering Bill regrets that choice Of coursethe penalty of choosing the army way against our better judgment is seldom so tragic But asytiopsis of the Secondchapter of Whgneyer we make self Fifty Year of Achievement vvas lgivenby rs Knisely The damaging compromises or meeting was held at the home of 09316 6PP01tunltlEScto Mrs Elwood Gordon with Mrs Arnold BowSer presiding Articles of good used clothingfor whnever we turn ourselves into yesmen whenever OverseasRelief are torbe brought We Sldsepduties obstacles to the April meeting After the close of the meeting re freshments were served by the hostesses COURTESY PAYS We have often been treated parO or problems that should be faced the priceris toohigh Only by acceptingdib culties as challenge do we develop our full powers ticularly during the war years as tnough we were boring the sales scarcely more than acemury clerk We are sure thousands of dollars of business are lost daily for lack of smile or pleasant averagemantoprovidenan word ago it was impossible for the Clal security for his depend INGERSOLL OM TRIBUNE entsintheevenrofhisdeath CHOICE INDICATIVE But today through life insur It is only logical that weather ance millions have overcome reports and farm broadcasts should be most interesting to farmers The farm population is more in telligent than many of their city cousins believe GRANBY lQue LEADERMAIL ut run this difculty andprovided security for their loved ones while saving for theirown retiremen Wm mess of Glad Tidings was approved Thc afternoon session opened tee sers with gdod attendance or THURSDAY MARCH 24 1949 HER YOUR Mil CIMIICE to enter the ssh 343 JANEASHIEY cnovlm BRAND CONTEST contest Close April 15h sure you try for the 0mm Prize now before it too late 7f may an 40w you enter lt Sim print your name and address on on loin sheet of rel Pl Moll this together with label from lb tin of Crown Blood Corn Syrup Ior reasonable locsimilel to THE CROWN BRAND CONTEST LP Sltlltm Montiezl lot Bt certain your enliy hos sullicient podoge Thai is all you do to enter the Crown Brand Contest Now heres what happens l54 entries will be drown from the mail received during this onl plizei winning period These 154 persons will then be asked to mail letter giving three ieuxons why they like Clown Blond Corn Syiup Then based on the nieiPl ol the replies the 154 prizes will be thlltItd us lollows Is 3100 2nd Poles5om 152 PRIZES orsI Omit 14ml owwloa wat aycmt THE JUDGES WILL DETERMINE WHICH OF THETHREE FIRSTvPRIZE IETTERS RECEIVED DURINGTHE THREE PRIZEWINNING PERIODS IS INTHEIR OPINION THE BEST THE WRITER OF THIS BEST IETTER WILL THEN BE AWARDED THE II no label top or IIIOII is enclosed the Grand Prize will be SLOOU The Clown Blond Contest is open to oll Conodiom except Company employees and their toiiitlies ol The Canada Starch Company and its odvcilising agency JodgesV dediions will be final All entries become the property of The Cunado Starch Prize winners will be notified by moil within 90 days alter close of the contest complete list at piilc winners will be available upon request at the close of the contest ITS THE CONTEST fOR EVERYBODY BECAUSE IT5S EAST AND EVERY MEMBER Of THE TAMILY CAN WIN WRITE NOW AND WRITE OFTEN linelni cttlttM cl Intel out mien Illlll no It the ttltomng llluth labels Item Tops Irom Clown Brand aomon com Two lb Conn Top Tin or label lrom lb Tin Starch lab Im It you did not enter the first two primwinning Tom from Karo Canada Com periods Jun l5Feb 15 Feb 16 March i5 Two lb Conn Top Tin Starch there is still time Ior you to enter this lost label from Tin prizewinning period IMurch loApril l5 And ch it you entered the first two parts of the context canon make sure also to enter this remaining one Tops from Lin Whit the more entries you ubmit the more chonces Two lb Coho Top Tin 30 10 or label Irom lb Tin mm Cartons THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO WMS of arrie Presbyterial HITS MINI WORKING The margarine question has stim ultitcd thought on constitutional 10 matters and some ot the other laws and rdulilatitiiis which govern US The Executive of the Barrie or the meting that those who went 10 being subjected to suspicious licsbyterial of the Presbyterian ill may soon berestored to health scrutiny lIZNTVITTI Church met at the home of Mrs will of thanks for opening her NS ADVERTISER 14140 Rawsoii Barricon Mar home was exprcggod in Mrs Itaw Owing to so much sickness num mm who blngm 11 successful NEW JOBS FOR IVludONS ircrTiT itciribeTs were unable to Incojing to 0504mm prmm Falcons are being trained to be present keep nuisance birds otl British air lltc mectintI opened with Scrip DrAldillglltfm mm as Hui elds to stop them from harassing 05 053 pilots when taking oil and landing ttlrc byMrs Geo Murray of OriIl tin and DlilllflCl which the iollcall ol olliccrs and minutes of January meeting werc read The Synodical meeting to be held in leterboro on April 26 27 was discussed and delegates ztr May 20 until after Labor Day An encouraging report of Money matters was given by Mrs McNabb treasurer Mrs McDonald tinance secy reportcd on sending out letters to societies this make you sutTer feel so nervous nd Mlisum Bdnds weak tiredAnt such times Then do try motion to send letter iC late LydioltiIinkhumsVegetableCompound to relieve such symptoms In recent test it proved very helpful to women troubled this way You OILe it for over years lhuumnds of mg mad WMS try in women have re por Pl iciie II list see Conm 00d May 10 The CO linkliamfsCompoundiswhntisiknown if you too dont report excellent results DEV00d ladies Will arrange it as uterine sedative It has soothing Worth trying Wltll MIS GEO Murray and Mrs elleet on one of womens rims impor NtlTlizOr you may weftLYDIA McDonald of Orillia as Cour tanlnrgans ilNKtlAlisrAiiucrs in iiii iron testes Committee Lydia Pinkhams VEGETABLE COMPOUND tinged letter was read from Miss Matthews re Westminster Camp Itll children girls and leaders from Then Try This Remarkable Medicine Are you troubled by distress of female functional monthly disturbances Docs The annual meeting of the Bar ic Presbyterialis to be held in Mrs Sinclair brought the morning session Lto close with prayer with reading of Scripture and prayer by Mrs Greig of Col lingwood Acts 1521115 saying God directs our pathway for the Report of conference of the Sec tional vice presidents expectingto hold Section meetingson June and was read Mrs Hand preSented slate for the nominating commitl Letters wires and verbal regrets of members unable to be present were given The president Mrsau Rawson expressed the hope Films Much Enjoyed By Cundles Institute IVICundles WI met at Mrs Or members andxMrs Ncwtonpre siding Roll call was answered by naming themembers favorite ra 10 program Motto ACharacter like embroidery is made slttch by It stitch The topic on Home Economics perfeCTY 3000 The Importance of Better Family Living was under the capable convenership of Mrs Orser and qmazng gave all much food for thought Mr Lee of Barrie showed two lms Dont be Sucker and rpm White 55110 The Childrens ITOUIH These were wonderfully ahgorbent thoroughly enjoyed by all and heartylvote of thanks was extended Properly Ialawed for to Mr Lee softnessand strength Miss JMason also spoke on The Childrens Hour and read poem which was greatly appreciated social time was enjoyed at the close of the meeting and dain my in ty refreshments were served by the hostess The annual meeting will beheld at the home of Mrs Cumming Conveners are asked to have their reports ready 2250 SHEETS AN 53 EDDY

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