Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1949, p. 6

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fitlltrjllftYI MARCH 211 194 pAGE SIX IiIF 134111th EXAMINER MARINE 0141111110 CMADAI 1111118 31111 1101111111 111 Flyers Win Junior Championship Four ESfraight Over Marlies PLUMBING FIXTURES 1t 111v 1111 1111 We have in STOCK Good Variety of tlrtldrii illli Sale in Illiu 31 52151111 1s 1si12g 1111 11 Wain111 1Il illtltflf 11111 l1r1l111=st3 1111 Honirns liisliliitr re111 11 111 Wi 11i 11 =r1111111 of =neni1ei 1111 1111 1111 11c11 1111IJ0m1 131 N1lt11 111I1 1111 11l1 11 1111i 11111 ans1111 siiggisiizig 11111t IIIIIIIIIII IU1I IRIIIHIIU Inn 111ii c1111 11t lIIlllll to live II III Ii iiltllti 1111111 1111 lilterIWa 4111 NLAI 111 Ilaliiz lli Slimlth Ir is 50 tl$lilllill11 was standout the stiilttl 3211111 1111131 Filth won 113 Al1N11I1IIIIISITtUItlj IIIII lt1 II1II111II II I111 I111s1 1I1I1I11I1I1II3111I1I111I1 If 1011 item building this minim gt 9111 115 ttt 11 111 II feature of 11111 past Bii1ielurlboro tempting to titiitlv I11 11 Mm 11 1IIIIIIIiI my II If 11 1111111 11 11 HamidI mg III III WHITIIIIII 110011 1m 10 Mid Km Junior series 111111 above is good illiis 1111ppil 1111111111111 12111111 1111 cvnmr 11111 II IIIIIIIIII III IIHIIIIIII IIIII 1III IIIIIIIIIUIIII Hm IIIIII HIS IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII uIitim of 311w forwards gllt gtkfltlllg b11111 1111 1391111 l111111 iiit two pilxytln ls tic II I1 111 11 thorn1115111 l1n1=i 1154111 311111 7N 1111131111111111 1I1tt1l 111 the 111 11 oilypnppl I5 III mg 1II11I thinne 1111il 111111 111111111e diivc at 111111I ll1111111111112l Society It was Ta vet J5 illhl 041 in 111 111 111111 limit 111 le VolUni llWHl 131 itdtl riiied to tfiltl for the drama inst llll11tl gt111 ill goalie ill Miltl 111 till 1l1ml Willi klV thd UM 11 111111111 la 1111 hole and 111111 fltllllll 1l1r111eis iilltllltl on April Meni 11211 111 light 111111 1111131 ands tlllttl flHL WWII 11 bris Xtllslittl to donate one aili 1111 112l1111t 1igttiiti 11 ill liftb1 ll idltl e11 of clothing Incw or good list111 53111111 1111 11111 11111 be litf IMlm Yd film WM cliildiens or adults for overseas 11 tlitlil Flveis 1111111111 lltlpptli1116111 1111 11 111111I lliev III lfnilarian iiilief alid bring it roI 11 1111111111111us liIv 1111111111113 llllt11 Wth litttlmlltl um lnlltl the nes1 111eet11g or leave it Will llltiNl 31 3111111 ll KirkllligliitI vitli Wind31 111s 11 Hughes The program was ST 11 as 121s 1101111 Tilt chilled 11111 11111121114 1111i 111tiligt from Human 11H nunchip 11 11111 11111111 floppei 1111 1111 side 11111 111 railed 1ogtlilitl and 1111 MI simpkm m1 MHII IIVI HI II 31 1t fililrit 1111111 11111 the play ainios be 1111111111 v11 11pies1niiid 311p Inh slmpkm wokmpg hpllilt atbaiitaizes I111 the llll 111 i1ll 111111 11111111 1111 11111I1111g Ndlli rami 1t l1tii battli Howlrec 111 1111211 Midland ltllt 11111 attendance and spoke 1111 the tttlfllIl 50111101 Nb 173 rilllmllli 1l llilitlili Wllltd 111 the 8111111 mm II IN In mum1 iiInHa 111l11v1I 11111111111I mm IIm A13 ping GO two films Using the Class11111111 11111111111111 liisli lunch I1 5l1 111111l 11111 1111 Wine giiii lIH iltlltl HPle VlhllHH 111111 Day by Day snialli 11 11 itllll teiitienian Sid 11iiiiii llltllxti 1111 head 111111 tli inlioiliicid uovdllli contest cifiiiiiiilcd byl 11 11111 the doldiiiizi to place IlifllltIZ 1111 lhsliztt Frix tlordoii and Air 11111 on Fat or Mike wastl 111 1i Il1 cftIuutf 111 1111111 11 13131 and there they Ir 1111111 Ilisfiiit 11Ii1iiii1r Stan 11111 livI11rIRoII iIiiItitlfelltruIbliss 111 111 1111 11111c 111 111 gun11 Marni1 1r chance ofl11111 11111 311 11111111111 311s Hal um11 111 l1iiii1el fii11l 1111 1lti 11 11111111 11121111 LCM the score en flinghy ic i111111111 111 ll lincliin and 1111 with two pleasing ocal 501051 IHRIFY CAADA itbk l7 WI ml 1i1111 11 1111111111 charge not 1tlilx linrliin of Midland Walter The 1tlllilltlllsllillllltltifill lre 111 =1gt= 111 1111 tii11ii111 liobtlltm Akl 111g able 111 bit11k tliroiigii 11111111111 1111111 Deputy District 111111 and The Kerry Dance Geo pip11 11111 1111 lllllttl cliang mwddm 11111 of McNabneyItloieinoi of Zone 11 Fiank lloh 111111lt1hen gaVe very interesting li mill 111tt Long 111 Shedden for 11111 piendent 111 lIhnvale liib talk on his work as Supervising 11 VHH 11 illtll s11111 1111 Mayer thaziiiiaii 111111 introduced Dcp liincipal for 12sin Twp showing 1111 111111 111111111 to place 1h nml 1111111111111play fleet 1111 t111ei1111r Waller putts Him iliil lllhilllmmf fooleil lliik 11111 oiitiaced dc 9111 21111111111111 tlzelilnixale liib li11111 lladio utlibcrtsolli In it THE MN WWW John rhlly 11l1 txlllttti liltrlllt 1ei1r111ii fishing reel 11 lliesbcrlt 11 lel 11 111 tlltl llll l111p pass and beat Lockliarl 11111111 111111s from Owen Sound II Manama pairIc nylonsI Lloydl 11 HMHI lllllfllll with hard eoiiier illt v11l lleaierton plitlll 1111 this Minding Midland pairs nylonsl 1111x111d li1111111al1l11 occasion Dist lover III VanImp mun1p pangt WW 110 tltWldttl NWT AN vUHY it Darling weironied lIlinvalc lons Allan Iaitman Alliston Id IIIIII and mm llairie spurted this 31 lead 11111IIII III NH A3 and MINIMUI IIIIIII IIIYIIIIISI Mm WI CHI Ehnwuu 111111 11i route to lilllllt tlial thelo 1111 Wild Ni ll1 Tim 1111 birth certificate lle ltlt Dump 113111111111 music gtlc11d child needs more thanitbllliltHVlllfhMtlllllltlll Wk Ummi 1111 1111 iiiation of Lions Clubs of Crowes Orchestra Ircssesi 11M 11l 111 1111 and so foster lo plav 1lc1abneI collecting lllSIlIIIH In mm Huh is OHIIIIIW and Dirucmrs of the 1111111 111111 heroine accepted as second marker of tilt tt111411111I largest servici club in thclllnnvale Club are Pres Frank 11111 institutional care lo added to it before llttdtIlIIitlllI HM Imd Iumeg IPMIIVI RIHWIISI 51 Via pres phi 11I1 iiiipliasis Is on the honielbroke out liefeiccs Iiill MoiilIsonIIIIHIHI m1 11111 day liruwnhill llnd Vice plugII Isl1d 111 111w ltiillltil workers who will and Norm 1111111111 lllttbd HW 1Im um Innpp mamm MUN135W 1M Vice 11108 Re new 51111111v111 and find the basic need lllllil 0f 11 HHIHWS 50111 llltwl mmmd 1m imam which ho hum SIT Cm French Twas 11 11111111111 The child will cling issue ending with seven players lbw1th llt53lm Frank R013 lCrnie Flolron Lion Tamer Jerry 111 its home 1111 matter what kind bull 110111111711 IIj111lt 111 accepting the charter lialilich lail Twister Syd laek 11 11111111 11 may be llial is lllt spark sfaited 11en leaI1 noberts stated 11 was an 111111 31 Director5 1111 Bell Bill Jones TNT 11 gtllUHllt1 Th SmlilihmWhh Ihulmwd my hllhlei and 51111111111111 to be cherished Iat Mayhew and Bill Ilill 1415b 101m 10 11 Wt Wklm mm muni hm 5103111 Indicates we are whart of Lions harter Members Baker i531illl 111 lltlm 21 f0 mrds bvmuw IUIXN1111111atinnal he stated IIc las Beardsall Win Bell Reg Bcr 1H Sililttt 0111111 1111 Clllltllkll5 191115 b91111 mle Cl lliankeId lresident Boyd and 1lid 11111in 3101onshiroI Phi Brown 9AHl 309W gtl113tigtll 700 hmle 1110 NW WTV 3mg and1111111 Club for their help and co hill 11 Burnett Jerry Channel 1111111 lt for later lNast year and had 1133 children illiltflS bmk 01 Barn11111111011 and said it was decided Columbus Crowe Curie BLA 4311 KGROUND PRINTS 11111 bluvlino our es ea or Prng Till SWHT Wm 11 Simluhl 51 11 11 mm Xtdiiioilv lllidTlnlyliinnit 111 lgliscen PASTELBACKGROUND PRINTS buuivrsondim mm cwiwmtion blows whils Binsltr 1001 full11111511 1111 0111115 11111 Syd Better In Dr eanmg 1111 111111111 11 ii is 111 1111 effective charge of Wlndlcy landmgIa IpaHI HII DIOSOHIIMH mm mm Jackson IIOIMI LI Manning OI II SIZES 14 TO 20 Work of liotiis punches on the Nllt1IIIIII visiting Clubs was in mum of mavhmu WI McFadden Fwd IIVC your clothes real springtmllc Let 11 ISMWCNSI 31IILIiIIIk IIIIIODESIEIIN 11111 Malcolm from Barrie Morrissey Ken MeAuley Lloyd Sanitone give them likenew lookcolors t1 Its wonderful to think about iliim watlier and grand fun IIIIIIIII1I1 LIIIIIICII to by Ashley II1111I1I11 I1tiiIiI1 ofttlirIleing 21111111 RIIaiIson IIltlgcbIl sparklespots and stains CIIIUNLtlflbsu 11I III If If 112 11 tl 1111 51 illltll 1eiie 001s art to iiicpm for It Hills In that limb mu II III When 11 is finally Litdl1 ma III mm mm CImninmon Chm SI AI Tipping 11118ch lutcly no dry cleaning 01101 ADVANCE FASHIONS ftir warm days are being fea Iiors were given to Long Bingley lfllll 114 rsent trati and Upper of 132mIICIPIIIICIHIIIISLA11o th 131 be Simpson Show MORE DIRT REMOVED tuer today at Kellerst Theyre aglow with colorful flowers March 21 VII III iAmsIImI code of Runes joldmp smith Fred 11100ch Cecil TowncsI and geometric designs and theyre ruffled frilled and M11 lx McLean imd Shirk Hm liluhfijilhiito niisibngilgi lieiiilixl framed 1C0 of Lions Club websmr and vanmm PERSPIRAVTION STAINS AND ODORS II 11 ImJFOIdNYtrintmed for siiHShly 100155 10 I3I Ilm Hf laS Bum was tacked onfo Chevrefils llllIltH ggjlILItZIOIIIlmlIiihellfiilejcliiai VANISH mom Kev has returned llOllit STIHHLCC This $IIIIC1ILIIL Tsxled lapel 1311111111 Biaverton COLORS SPARKLE llKE NEW 0x sue eretz rv villil button NOTEWORTHY VALUE AT 33 Iilillilinliixigmnu mm mm two players were forced to take III III Cs II1IIIICh 1mm imam II II seat on the Steps lcading 10 HmI June number here are Sick II 1111111 1111 1111 511111 ensos huve bcm landCliib presented the bell andl 111111 SHEDDEN 0N DEFENCE The best hockey of the game was played while the freewheel ing was enjoyed Big John Shed den worked on defence during the fiveminute session and came through with two beautiful flying checks on venturing Marlie for wards Up front MeNabney ASll DCCICIIIIC11 Meger and Hogg allI had turn ill checking toying aiid gavel President IRoberts expressed appreciatibn on belialfof the Elm vale Club for the gifts telegram was read from Melviirloiies foun der of Lions International Chica go ltittltlti to pneumonia lack Key Wallace Key and Ken licker attended the hockey game Iiiitwcen Barrie Flyers and Toronto 111laillmros Moiiday night Recent visitors hereliave bccn Mr and Mrs Geo Bidwell of 1aighiirst at Bidwells Mr and Mrs Ivan Caldwell of Thornton Iand Mrs Dicker of Edgar at 1ickeis 61 SOLD For Better Prices Call 4981 DANGERFIELD MOTORS 65Collicr St Barrie LADIES Short CoatsLong Coats ZELLER THRIFT TRICED $1295 to $3795I 60 DUNLOP STREET BARBIE ONTARIO IAitliui lincliin on behalf of Mid1 Results of the lucky draw infidel by Mrs Darling were announced by Vice lies lliil Ilrownhill as CLEANINGDYEING and REPAIRING Phone 5531 IThc Wright Cleaners mic fronr rushing as TOionto became leg kmtb Tilt 0111 lleltS magi Wilson of Toronto visited II Red MCKCImCuI hardqvorkmg weary Just aswfhc box emptied Howie Lee caught Mayer off guard 011 an angle shot to bring the count to 42 but Flyers roared back with apair by Gordon and Penncll in the space of 42 Isecondsvbofh re sulting from rebounds this sisteif Mrs I5 Bidwell during the weekend George has finished IilIS course for radio engineer and lias taken position at Long Point on Lake Erie ltc forward for the homesters who deked Binglcy nicely and licked Mayer from close in and Murray Grenke off rebound There were noindividual stars all Flyers playing championship hockey for the first time inIthl In an allBarrie third Clicvrefils series The b0yS IllISth If3il deflected Longs bliiclineI drive Mayer at the close in recognition past Lockliart and Mcger made of his brilliant nctmmding abut the Marlie netminder look bad actually they all had large part scoring while sliding on his in thetitle w1n uun TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 24 14 oumis sArisrAItronv or Your Money lefuiidcd Real Estate Broker Houses IForms Small Acreqges Summer Preperties Lots Seeour extensive list of all types of property MORTGAGES ARRANGED Dunlop si Phone 3288 mm m1 cracking Service Retailers to Thrifty Canadians BLOUSES TAKE TO YL r1111 SPRING CHARM tND EASYLAUNDERING Underline this date onjyour calendar now to be sure you visit our store and obiainrhc invaluable personal assistance ZELLEItVALUE 11111 of this recognized authority shoe DRIVEeURSELF 12 TON STAKE AND PANEL TRUCKS per mile LARGE TRUCKS 15prer mile Dial 2433 or 222 Milan Blouses fof their pretliness their durability and quickvdrying qualities II gt fining 111111 foot cOmTOrtMr McKcrilien canoffer yOu helpful advice 211111 will II II gladly cooperatqwith yobrdwn TRUCKING NY 111 fwslldormny llumblc WUILIdErKIIHyL II Recentlaboratory tests by professional In Our Shae Department IIIIIIIIII versa s1 no mates anew Zellers in dainty Blouses of Nylon This pintucked P0CVO CO aUtilomles fully conrm the comfortand am t9 530 Pm modelrwith cap sleeves will be charming with your swuncc glvcn by DR MW L09 171 Spring and Easter Suit Choose white pinkI maize 10c per mileI Shoes or turquoise available in sizes 12 to 20 Youll love Ennis LIMITED I60 11111111111 Street oiliwei Store PHONE 2439

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