Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1949, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN KRISHNA 18 5011191 Sl Cthh 125 at Annual Dinner Mee rriiiiiiiisoiosgiiiiltidiiiniiiiiig lfltl Alluniizilr are upliftthird the ItoriRI dtplrlnirlll FUNNY 34H IUI Planning Rummage SOIC BUTTERSCOTCH ICE CREAM BRICKS 25c BRICKS 13c LUNCH AT BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy 23 1i1llDIlll ST THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA 2919 RCH Spring Tea 1i IV lt7 my Burton Ave Auxiliary Mn IiIIid 111 Iil lllillJli lt liiiutz vliicli Ii tli lflr illllll of rhinpcI eld AI Dangerfield Motors Entertain ting imki ii 11 but it lllflll Mm Ic lihc iiilll 1m ifii 1114 llihldtl lsllllllJllll 111 itci on Wiii Altlltl il=s 13111111 111i xiiiitl It Kl Ii pi iiilitii 301 IIiii lliii lillliI Talk 11 Howard loulc Iliiill 71111111 Ciltliial lill IIIltllvill in Auto 1ch ll iiotiiit1iili 1111 iliziu iiiI liII tIIiie iilitel icoiige ll1llll Mcoii iId vzsil was siiocked 13 Iliili Iiii iialuini 11 and se 111il1 lon Illiiinlif tllI iIIl Iii ld llisl c1ii Illicit lIiiIII iliI le iid wimi lie Iclil gt 1111 lu Chill liu VtioI gtlll Wind Ill ciiiIi lioycc liiztitiii niccl Sliii ittil1 nag 11 lllIIliIi States ltlflily lrilli Iw Ini Arczur 11 11 sitiiiIiIilici IIIIIKIIil iIuI teiicial liicliaiilsou ILIIlilfllt IlI21 siiziv same in In 1iii inla 1oieiiiv oiidilioii Illill DIIHIK 11gtI Iicil iiiooii over business ltilill Iiszain In the red hot battle for the customers dollar The gravy llllll has stopped llllllllllLi 11 is time to net hack to work Iitiin in itiezit i111 iy toinpctition up In now custoiiicis ly cliaiiizeil Iiunf WWI llumu uiiiviiiluoIIu 1111 illl iv II zit oxii IHH is truly lli spit 11 is Iliiie we in liiis llaiidiIo tic tIlllltI ka Efltil ilue becii iiiuiitz Tl St Andrews Presbyterian REV JAMES FERGUSON BA 19 lziiksulc Drive Minister Mr Craig Hamilton C20irinasier SUNDAY MARCH 1940 ll IIltl3v1gtll xiii Milhl BAAVT WV 03 Mmrmc oron 213 p111 Youngr FOODIQSBIDIO Clhss 2100 pIiiIlll CHURCH SCHOOL pm Rev Neil IiIIoiEARDl The sound motion picture film Aiill Now Seevill be shown COME TO CHURCH Anglican REV CROSS BA LTH Rector Organist Mrs Roberts Trinit SUNDAY MARCH 27 1949 Lent 1100 amHoly Communion ll 1111IIORNING PRAYER and IIPWL3PAM Beginners Social Aspects of the Cross pmBIBLE CLASSES Iver p11Lnery and Intermediate 7FREED MET HQDI ST School 799 pmEVENING PRAYER Creed for The Rector at both services Christians Baptist Church Independent REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY MARCH 21 1949 ll amMORNING WORSHIP pmBIBLE SCHOOL pmEVENING WORSHIP Mon 8pm Service Wed8 pmMidweek Prayer Meeting April TilMissionary SIM hearty welcome awaits you First Baptist Church REV LUCK BA BD Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader Collier Services SUNDAY MARCH 27 1949 11 AM and PM Harris 8A Th Vloronto CHOOL PM BY Monday 8pm Wednesday pintPrayer Meeting PMEVENING SERVICE Central UFIIIGdChurCh In the Heart EternalVSpring REV BEWELL BAC Minister MRS LENOVER Choir Leader MrA SMITH Organist Rev Caleb SUNDAY SUNDAY MARCH 27 1949 11 amMORNING WORSHIP Raised and Exalted TumEVENING WORSHIP Singing bythe SimCOeaires Double Male Quartette Lenten Prayer Service 3rd pm 151 Baptish Wed March gt Chur YOUN Mith CLASS Primary hem Schobl House on His Day 10am VV 11 armBe ipne witr me to Gods Gospel AHOII OTKIIniSt and Slll MARCH 37 1949 11 AM BREAKING or BREAD DirSIJNDAY SCIIOOL AND 11113111 CLASS Wed PM Prayer Meeting Welcome Seats free No Collection Burton Avenue United Church IRIV Carder Ii Minister Mr ll DiiiipseyV Organist and Choir Leader hUVChl SUNDAY MARCH 37 I949 11 iii1IIIINC WORSHIP p111 rEVENING WORSHIP lt10 zin1erInt and Sr 11 Ii InNursery Beginners and Primary HOLLY SERVICES II CHURCH 200 Bayfield St Phone 4572 REV AND MRSP CHASE ministers SUNDAY MARCH27 1049 Iune in 900 CHML 8130 aIn for Light and Life Gospel program SUNDAY SCHOOL PM Evangelistic Service 730 pm Thursday evening prayer meeting and Bible Study 745 pm Strangers welcome Come and wor ship with us t=f =k Collier St United Church Rev Lewis MA BD Minister Lloyd Tufford Organist und Choirmaster SUNDAY MARCH 27 1949 11 AMMORNING SERVICE The Meaning of Worship Ask andIt Shall be Given You THE CHURCH SCHOOL 10 amYoung Mens Class 11 armNurSery Beginners and Primary Depts Senior Depts PMAdult Bible Class At 339 pm the BCI Glee Club the Alumni Chorus the Col legiateJuniOr Orchestra and one for two Soloists will give the num bers which they gave at they re cent Kiwanis Festival in TOIODIOT Our young people have arranged this program so that the festival numbers may be heard at home GRACE GOSPEL HALL 37 Mary Street SUNDAY MARCH 27 1949 130 PMBELIEVERS MEETING 300 PMSUNDAY VSCHOOL 700 PM GOSPEL MEETING Come and bring your friends EVERYBODY WELCOME WRDDING conipeluit for our goods lllI our condition our Selyes to this now situation services must RIIISIIIK quitI vcddingtook place in parsonage tliuicli IIIIII tliirk Mr Allusile reminded his lisleiieis that they likely found Iii iiy people whom they considered unreasonable requests ieles iii the service department and liltleiitii of parts It is cntral Unitcil March when and Mrs iliwlll lark of 1m Station became tlu bride of Russell Iipps son of Harvey Friday in Rilii Lilli IIi their niir daughter llllllllL great and wonderful IItIlIy of the automobile that hits Mr Moore said It has indispensable people today The airplane will not the airplane cant operate except by reason if the utility of tho automobile This IIIility value has made our jobs in the automobile trade And so we should try to undersiaiid why Ipeoplc think we should be lloudi Iinis Lets all try to get info the CHMWCH Wm iSIlfiCS of the customer Moore listed what he cons sidered the Three Ds of Service Dirt Diagnosis and Delay lle ad vised his listeners to be theierin harshest critics clean up shop give lliiwerpd headdress Herbert Onis careful 01196 dinmmsis of cm iLv was groomsman for his brotherin law Mrs ripps Bewcll and rown lIlll phiformed the Iiiairiaue ceremony Rev done this become almost The IIllillt gown of white fashioned square lines Illll supplaii illl eevcs princess neckline and longI The dress was inset with long panels of white lace and the to slight train slioulderlcnetli will tell from halo of veiling and curried red roses Dorothea gold brocaded satin tlted bodice and full skirt sweep tinin in the back carried white carnations and pink WOtI peas and wore matching tact skirt swept hack Her Her attends Iil dress with 11 in to She merits and try to get the work done as quickly and efficiently as possible so not to keep the customtli waiting unduly This is changing world Iiiid business conditions are changing in conclusion Watch your credits and collections EULCILICLIIII today man not paying his account is not custom cube is liability Calling All REAUTICIANS DIETITIANS NURSES WAITRESSRS We Sell LaCrosse Uniforms VSecveral differ Following the wedding the cou ple left on trip to the travelling wore drcssmaker suit of sky blue abardine and brown muskrat coat Her oisage was yellow roses and white cirnzitions couple are residing in Barrie United States bride with navy accessories Mr Moore said The newly married ent styles ONRPRICE $999 Ladies Wear Stransmans POWERFUL QUIET LIGHT To CARRY EASYTOUSE SIMPLE To ATTACH NODIRTY BAG To EMPTY MADE IN CANADA FH DISTB CT DISTRIBHIOR Srvice epty Warehouse 386 Water St Peteiborough Phone 9033 See the FIL QU COSTS N0 M0 230VPMVJIinior Intermediate and TTERSNV Main Office ARRIVAL sicIlin Illtl Illm sclliltg only SIIULi In spite of inclement weather the iucndaiicc lit the March Youth For United s1 Rally in Tentilil Ik Vflieprogram was very enthu Irtzslit one the participants being Iunto Till eliiiiiiiiaii Ted IICZIID llzid of twentyone whose parents 3iesidc in Barrie announced that of the gioup and explained that the aver It was lilirilling to see and hear the nine Lyoiingsters devoted to the cause of he was the grandfather iigc age was nineteen iChrisl Iknown for their radio work was iixceptimially good midals inoStI lgjcherous with Its num rs VBarnett one of the boys of the iquartet Fifth Former delightcdh ine audience with his accordion while the music Of Helen and IRay Holt the brother and sister combination at the twin iboards was real thrill senti life compose the program filter Queen Baless Vacuriiii chm With the Phil of Iiiiriiewreaiuies ITS NEwi ITS DIFFERENT ITS SENSATIONALI You are Vinvited to have this amazing new inven tion demOnstracedV in your home Phone or write your local dealer Roy Tracy PhODe 3482 87rMaple Ave Bar rie Easy terms arranged BEN beforetvou buv RE THAN OLD STYLE BAGMACHINESI THCRSDA IFun to be Had Homemaking Inn Arum sisiiyi iSBYS Dorothy Lash Colquh oun ilIiiliciIi EiwiiiIl lilllllll Ii ii mix IttlllllilillV IIIIIivyI II III loveiih 111 passed oi RHcixs existoiiiers Ilyitl tili I14I 12 Illtll lslllltilllxl Is PHELPSTON ElanI MI cistoiiicis are effective RF TAX Rcctes liiltloul pupils xtiioul tlllltllt Iilll tuft1 1111 111111 il WA ii flinch Hiho II or1 imnl tinny tilI ltlllliltlltl IIIIII 1Ill11llllllltl lnternulonul Sterling lsltlll Illc Illillldhl removed id lit li plllilii ivlli 111 1131 TM has lI 1111 llitlltlltl II Ill lllt tuiyi Iliilliill la III in 1111 Sheila fillt Ikdiw kiiyey Milton of the IIllllf llIl hi1r icspiciii illllltltlllillltls Imr 50 Boxes Sold vlhe onfiiitcinitv of the Lin Mothers lit1d Ii ver sizcce socizil on St Iver titty lioxiswyeic Iolil ets Jr luimpiunship in lltIiIlcll lllllllyllttllll ii IIid Finlay nighls luil Hhau llliscllltII liaiiipionsliip up Tliylizicl lolin Hill 11 llttll jewellery glillll sil peiiu fIVIlPIf vcrwdll 101415 VIIUIN ut ltkl lziy Illl pictuic II Irtilll Iu Ullllll to 111711 tIily lilt ti 1El Illl licsl ltgtlls and china llnll llltll Iiililclss Iiii1 Ilic quiiiici tliilI iiaiiiiiiil tlIlIltl be 1111I4 111m il likc illf imi Mrs olqiiltmu hov llltll Reeves Jewellers IiIAionIi AIICIIIIIANIs pli iilci lllli1 lliiii Seycial lilllIVlllt School 111 tinii liliil Iii irilII Ill til iiuI iidi iiilluc lIlilIl was llll lIIiIo lII lo Iiilici dual taste litiiiioious iizd lllllilllinl wlltilli tiilquhoiii liiiiiialive illlyl lllltllllll as full ol 1IIi11IU1ilIl Iiiiiiiscciicct lll IiiI ml and careci 1i 1n llil Iiilii Ivolty ll TRIUMPHANT Bayview Grocery Feasts Iltl topic is one oi pailicular interest to iiot of the voIiicIi irul iiiiy bles following Lilli iudiciue picttlllkll llicu own 11cc oiatiut pioblciiis and asked ques tions about her various suszitcslioiis Fruit MEAT SPECIALS ROUND STEAK OR ROAST HOICE Meats uliic loiliilv iIi llltlllllll Louie su i1 inlay lupincc 55c 111 28c LII 48c 111 35c 36c 111 Ln For CHICKS Use MASTER CHICK STARTER BLATCHFORD CHICK STARTER Fountain Feed Troughs FLAT RIB OR DRISKET LEAN gREEVES JEWELLERSi BLADE ROAST or BEEF TOP QUALITY DIAMOND mm NTS FRESH HOME MADE SAUSAGE TREAT BACON SQUARES LEANaANl IASIY FOUR HUNDRED AT YOUTH FOR CHRIST BARRIE MEETING BREAKFAST BACON RINI ON SLICEI FRESIILY MINCED HAMBURG STEAK GROCERY VALUES HORNES PURE PEANUT BUTTER BULK thi Itlmrch Barrie Tuesday evening lieaclied ncaily the four hundred LII QUAKER CORN FLAKES FRESH CRISP 25c 111 39c MARGENE NUCOA HARVEST Now in good supply Linseed Oilcoke Meal Brown Co In Seedsmen Since 1871 117 Dunlop St PHONE 3435 SWIFTNING SWIFTS NEW SIIORIILNINC group of young people from To PEMRINA GOLDEN CREAM CORN FOR THE FASTEST FREE DELIVERY SE lVICR Dial 5544 PLEASE VBarrie The loiardiilics quartet well Ken key Doug 7Pscilmes4heviYIiciOIis youngsong leader did an especially goodjoo musical hymn quiz provided con siderable amusement for those pre The speaker of the evening VKeith Orde young man in his graduation year at Bible College brought the audience face to Taco with the seriouSncssof life theme was threefold Life is short Death is certain Eternity is long He summed up his address by throwing out the challenge Whatneonloingiwi1h your His The next Youth For Christ meet ing will be on Tuesday evening April 26 at which Rev Carl son Chairman of Toronto Youth For Christ his wifeiwith herwmara imba andEarl Crowe soloist will

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