period EormIFOrums Want SOLD lru Dominion Budget Notes Highlights from the Donna ioii budget Ittlllttl by lion It hliott iii the House of oliiniuns Imsilty night Ilttrge tttit how turtle tlc Itli fore tiritl twitt tclit in Jul lldfit inton tt eiptteis boosted filvlll $7 iii llildl for Llltlit persons titl $131th to $3111 Ill If tthlttI II qlilt to Iilitti child Ill lti SItitl lItir oiliti IIttptot ltLtl fzt Eitl to each lit Ill and it dependent littllivt etititiot wrll tle 7301100 present taxpayers off 111 tItItI fax rolls Under lt loo IttllEI tfteev titiaiteis of remaining taxpayers will pay an average of 13 per cent on tatlilc iiicoirie lilflllltttlgt atitltoiied to stop titltltllilfls inunetlialely for euti ployecs now ftxecnipt refunds to be tirade 11gt soon as possible New low deductions for lethalit no taxpayets expected to be fit Lcneral effect bv Aiiiil lift ver Miss ilrlrlllulllzi lotltfo will be credited titldtlil income tax returns ltlter ittiiior reductions and coit eesstoiis iii iircotirc fax also an IHUIII tltt Jf trio ntI an ilfll Ittiitt LI Itll lft if iltt titl ti he Illl tlltl ll Mailer lli t=l iie IllWI talIIt ltliftl ft deftii Itii=t and isltiytit Stunt 13lfi Ill Ill ill titiftiiitt Illiol titt llllafl tiotizilt vii Id Iltli Ivtt Isl Itllrllttl Il if an lltltgt tsttr lltrtl tetlbtii 1311 EH it ite tuio ilIIlI IIIUII Mine llllff illllils tI liftilirt tf rllti It tillli ttslll in pze illll for the giant oergin litter Queen Mai llitirtJ 213w tJn EAL 16111 LLPAiiIHlPI Oilknit tlllrltlft IIllltl riflt lIIt lire Lila Meat Chies Red Cross Canvassers Re Tcrminationlvof CLTI ct Io rif tilhclml llllw rt ti littitt IlIrthlr foxtrot llrt trti mi ie iioifi p12 tuftsnix tli ctitt tpzzt Izt itilllllfil to illt fiftietftIIJ lrti of captzttt lilll tlltl fziy ietntn lfiitlltli ef the thsizr =1 Il l4t Eli All 311 itiultliifl litt ltl IILIIII Iu IItlll untassers Ilfts Ihtt Lotirit ilutitel Bud Tl= Olga ilrovi twi 113 It Payne ItIIj Shana iztvt Eittl ttii fo fher lltd BUSINESS lItIIlUN lviw lfilt titteirs Atxtlaaty Htptaiii Silt 11 t1ttlrieit Illtsgttrs 312 ll II Ii It Iltlhllt lf fat Summons tlis IllllLt lttauEty Mis All If lltllllr its ll lftllltl WARD laptain Mr ltcittttt tauvtssers Mrs Ii Wall Ii ieo Ilolltr Ii IIIIIIIIIIIItIiIII ceilings reittovcd fioiuIZSth flour brtad butter sugar Illti his No overall price iiici cs peeled to result front priceceiling ltllltllgt Iiice ceilings tciiiaiii oit citrus fruits canned cittus fttiit Juices cabbage cititofs imported new pti tatoes and imported grapes Subsidy of Hi cents bushel on wheat used foipdoitiestic coit llfilillltill being withdrawn fo IIItifIt bread price future lllltLI taiii Itetail purchase tax of per cent on jewellei and similar tir tielcs rcdttccd Iitiiiiediafcly to 10 per cent at iiiantifacfurcrs level instead of present retail level Tax on cosmetics and toilet pre partitions t2i per ccnti reduced to 10 per cent iitiittediatcly Tax on luggage handbags etc tuow 13 per cent reduced to 10 per cent iiitiiiediatcly No cliangtI in succession dttfies liquor faxes tobacco taxes general sales fax Soft drink ilfIX t2i per cent plus cent per bottch repealed immed iately Candy and chewing gum tax 1th pcr centi repealed imniediafelt 1y Tax on pipes and smokers stip plies titow 215 per ccuti reduced to 10 per cent immediately Tax oit pens and pencils desk sets tnowi 13 per centi reduced to 10 per cent immediately Tax otieigaret lighters 123 per cctiti rIedticcd f0 10 per cent int mctliafely Tax on matches tvarious ratesl made straighe 10 per cent immed iately Tax on transportation tickets tl per cent repealed immediately No extension beyond July 1040 of tariff concessions on British cotton and rayon piece goods Miitor additions to sales tax ex cntplioris include malt syrup lac lose arid offtheliighway vehicles Tax oti train berths and parlor ear seats tvarious rates repealed immediately Taxes on long distance calls ex tdnsion telephones telegrams and cables various rates repealed im mediately Five per cent tax on buses re pealed immediately Tax on carbonic acid gas 50 ecnts pound repealed immed iately New relaxations in emergency import controls announcedeffec tive April Principal import relaxation takes form of general increase inIim port quotas of broad list of goods Import restrictions lifted entire ly from certain items including lumber paints varnishes and lac piers and mirrors SlllDIUS 0f $117000000 estimated for 194950 with revenues of $2447500000M and expenditures of 952390000000 Tax reductions for 194950 to total $860000000 bringing to SITGZEWUUIIOIVIFC total reductions in the last five years Present tax allowances ior min ing oil and gas exploration ex penses to be extended through 1952 tax credit for deeptcstcIls extended for 1950 Threeyear tax exemption for new mines extended to include mines coming into production in 1950 1951 and 1952 Credit of 10 per cent of amount of dividends received on commtin shares will bcallowed against per sonal ine0 Ltax of shareholder Present tireeyear carryforWard of corporate losses for tax pur poses to be extended to fiveyear Tax on first$10000 of corporac tion income reduced front 30 to IOper cent rate on income over 510000 increased from 30 to 33 per cent All corporationtax changes ef fective Jan 1949 Tax Consideration ForHours Of Wcirk Saurin Iand Elmvalc Forums meeting jointly with an attend ance of 84 decided that income tax is fair if the farmer be given justice for the number of hours he puts in and if he be given credit for the hours other mem bers of the farm family put in at the farm work Friendship Forum near 301 Iingwood feel that special con sideration should begiveu for the and certiiit frints and vege tililcr effective lcdiiesday rrie Public Library MISS Mellllili THIRD ZONING BYLAW TOWN COUNCIL After some tniiior changes fife third reading was given Barrics Zoning bylaw by the Town Couri ll last Monday night The bylaw as amended will now be printed and distributed to all property holders After the property holders have had few days to study the bylaw the Ontario Mtiiiieipal Board will conduct meeting in Barrie to hear any protests Following this procedure the by law will be referred back to the town council before final adoption Before the council vote was tak er en the zoning bylaw Reeve James Hart said he wanted to point out that iii the A1 residential zone there could be no tourist homes no boarding houses and no apart ant houses unless on court think were taking lot of the rights of the people away he added The Reeve was the only member of council who did not vote in favor of the zoning bylaw Robert Leishman James Blaiohthc Town PlanningBoartb and Rowe town solicitor were present while the zoning by law was being discussed Mr Leishman chairman of the planning board pointed out that ito residential dwellings would be permitted in the heavy industrial zones He also explained other items included in the zoning bylaw pimsented Referring to his recent attend ance at planning conference Mr Blair secretary of the planning board said that the general ipinion was that the entrances to municipalityshottld be resiv dential orpark areas He referred thcplaees of business along Bur ton AVenue and said Ithat although these conditions could not be changed the planning board was tryingIto make some plans for fut ttre growth The zoningr for Barrie has been based on plans drawn up bythc planning board and property ItoId ers in each ward have had maps of the pingSed zoning areas Few amendments were made to the orI ginal maps work of the family in the oper ation of the farmwg Van Vlaek Forum says that in stead 0f markets weather live stock diseases and crop plagues are all factors that should be con sidered iit income tax policy for the farmer IvySouth Line Forum won qttote 0n the Ontario Broadcast with Farmers here agree that in come tax seems to be neces sary evil but few corrections would make it more popular the efforts of the family unit should be given greater consideration there should be two distinct scales for exemption of rural and urban wives We are willing to pay for the privilege of living in demo cracy Waverley Farm Forum thinks that there should be floor price onvfarm produce 11111th 11000IIOanriO Children Crippled have Illlltll pleasure in pre sciititn this my Llafli annual re port The past year this been one of lltttifilpllnlliiliIft which we can to view with some satisfaction Iii ilt of smaller staff we have an increase to report in the adult department There were 0111 more fiction books eiiculafed and 10111 in the nonfiction total adult increase of 3031 littd 1323 reference questions to find answers for lItllltiWIIIt is the circulation for the adult leparttiiciit Iict ion 117021 000 itll 10 ltltlrlllll Jllt 200 Ilel llll 300 Soc 3510 500 Sc 272 $00 77777 Arts tiTti Tito19 Arts 320 lltltlmldt 700 Elt10Ilist 721 lllflrilIlIthLl S135 biog 13m 33001 lief 13 Total 155510 Adult circulation amounts to 83 books per capita The adult and juvenile circula tIttttt unasscrs Wlvzt in ii If Ilttlfitlnt1 ii ll NhthAL Iir ti 1i llo ttil Itl Ii KIItc 16 Carrot Ii llll ltl iWAlIJlelll siss rttti Aiideittiit Illlllrgt Il IItlrviI Iiicstit it lle All If tttii tall in it titat hits it tilztss tlt Butl WARD Ilipttiii Its Frank tttilfoyle zuivasscrs Mrs It IIllil Ii Iltlytlt Mrs ILI Adanr Ir Hook tlts 11 field KIIOXI aiivasser Mrs llook Mrs ll Siiglcy Mrs It Ilolltitger Mrs Nesbilt Mrs Itowell Mrs ltiltlitUXIIMlss lhorir ton Mrs 11 Vaiidcrbcek Mrs Ititldcll Altl ltlltllll Mrs 1Ielabb auvasserslrs Pursuits Mrs Stewart Mrs Buchanan Mrs Harris Mrs Badgley Mrs Beat ty Mrs Saso Mrs Kearsey Mrs MeNabb It AND thaptaiit Iil link up Iiltf WARD lIpllill ittiti tiristrs tlr UBrttEi All lMtaptain fI flttott antassers Min 31 titg Mi titria Ll IIlIlll llttf liti Ciltuh Il I4lift iaiiitt tlr Ii A1111 IIthaiu lt ll Wharton Iltiissfrs Its Smith Irs Itt IIIll Mis Il Ilitiitfler Itl lIlplriill Its fray ItlllYtlnStlysbll2 NtltllhI li lanii Stewart Mis lItllllSI li Stoitt Ir leikins All it Wtrlivriii tmiui iaptttin tm onIce Allan aiivasscrs Miss Mary tiIralt ham lis arrutlicrs Mrs luriibtill Mrs Creighton Mrs Iaclentiin Mrs It itlAllltlfl Miss oncc Allan WARD lItfplllin ers Victor WA It 5aptiintiae Iweii tics anvasscrs Miss Margaret Milne Miss 16 Kelly Miss Stockdale Miss Wallwin Miss Longtittrst Misst Dcmberliiie Miss Dcinlcr Iiiie Miss Sarjcaut Miss ll Spears warm 5CttptuinMts ClemI tiou make total of 57777 booksimlnsi IIIIISSCIWMIS Wm Alll circulated itt 10118 We know that new and interest iiig books are largely responsible for high circulation and with our increased budget we have been able to purchase very good scl eetion of books which has been an important factor in otrr in crease in circtilatiort during the past year We spent $301062 on all classes Turn to page four please School Contestants Winter Ice Carnival III the elementary SCIIOOI races at the Winter Ice Carnival last Friday those representing their colors were Prince of Wales Leonone BoiiTman Peggy Cameron Beth Poguew Ruth Chantler IBill Ferguson Ross Tttrnbull Bob Garner and Jack Emms King EdwardMarilyn Campbell Jean Forbes Betty Dawson Thelma Pearsall Larry Reid Gordon An derson Larry Grant and John Reid VictoriaMarion Lambert Shirley Goth Sylvia Hook Patsy Tomlinson Bill Kirk ton Don Collier and Ross Graham StrMarysElizabeth McVey Glori ia LeBlanc Patricia Maloney Pat Marion Patti Brennan Danny Farrell and James McKinnou roouv GIFTS More tltaliI108596000 pounds of bttlk food gifts havebcen received in Britaihwfrom Overseas since De ccmbcr 1045 MEDlEVAL visa popular Christmas dish in roasted with the plumage replaced after cooking In appealing to the public for support of the Easter Seals the Ontario Society for crippled Child ien and its affiliated Service Clubs nd that thereare an estimated 11000 crippled children in Ontario who need help Last year nearly 200 Servico Clubs reported over 3000 cases to the Society having to do with polio tuberculosis rick ets congenital and accidental grip pling Mostvof those cases can be helped many of them cured The success of the Easter Seal drive will assure those children of every opportunity to healthand happi ness The money raised in the Bar rie area will be used directly to help crippled children in the dis trict WQW TRY AN EXAMINEBVWANT AD Tom Wal II 4yH ott Mrs Allsopp Mrs Kell WAIII Iitaptainmlvlrs George Morris ItllltlSSlSMIS II Patterson Mrs 11 Baker Mrs Owens WARD 6ltIDtainMrs Borysiuk anvasscrsMrs Lambert Mrs William Little Mrs Smith Miss Aileen flinch inson WARII 6aiitainMrs Jack Steele CanvasscrssMrs Jas Webb Mrs Fraser lliss Ltieille Dickey Mrs Alvin Diekey Mrs Cumming II WARD GCaptainMrs George no certification Graduates 23333lti3ihiiIYPU FESTIVAL IDriver Is Charged i1l2 ttilltllftlttl at IIItiltilifii and Kingston IMUIHSUIHN oi the IllllNSI litQIilltl LgIlVlsltIl of the Depain Steele Miss Ittent oiI lienth has been iii Barrie of the two training tllfItslItillti ed by six itionths practical frant v1 it it III 1111 tiltl itl Iii 1i tft lt1 tt 11 lif in Itll IftllllSIl TOWN IIiItitlIlti l1t fsftil Iilt lttlllgrllli tii II tiwt to fituh viv Ilrllll fill if he found ulitl pt lillt lift IIIItf Ittlllll it on lift iwl ttitizn iltlirllt 11 Kmart try and itlltl It wa lwf let ti If in tirpetl the lililt lIilit1gt if it fliiltl llltl all stttitill slII through littlIIIl THE BARRIE EXAMN Or No sx it BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA IftljfabDAY Witch at DRAMA FINALS BARRIEAPR ilIr Iiiatlltil II eon iotlir ifm tito fltft litI oii lit iia IllIIlt It lilfI tillf Ii of Nettinork it ill tvti ii oittttit Illllitnlfll lltt lti ftill iffltli titic wt all plan Kins It= lIirs of ittzl ill oil IttiitslflAII tztt tIIllllltt tul lllt contentr to lift Siizieoe thin by if IIIIIIilillfl lIifliiifI iteu itpiit1lilc lot uttitzx ot thoc lIts itI Qualified Nursing Assistants lleleii Shantthaii of the No7 ctoriallorpital now ltttl lfilitlltillltiffs tor iitiretioiil hirsute 1tsllIIIlI courses berth tiring April 11 and September fire coursen ate tinder titt toiit tltfipltes of tlie hilario Dev partriieitfs of Health and IItlttta this vteleto Diliilitft the ttlttltI and is also receivingapplications illgtil1tl nttiaftittttixt litfitio titeiitlois liitt ros tillliltirl liter itlltilgt tot tilt incurable and tek IlltltnIs Instructors art tXilhlttfl rerv stcred nurses vitli special tillliiI fttafioris During the three Itftilllilr t1 the training centre the cour of study includes sIIlItitrlt flltl fuiitittoii of 1111 human body per tnil hygiene hospital ltousek trig iittisitig procedures simple totikery care of flu well nab and wither anti simple freatiiteitts Irccv Iffts rue given by qualified die at the Wellington llotil ttiitil toritititin iii home cooliiiiti lmillltl night The course is open to all voiiien between and 113 who have the aptitudes necessary Acllllllllflffftl LIOIIIIISI practical training in one ing in hospitals Financial assist ance aiiiounftng to $00 ittoitth is given to flit student during the tiriie spent in course Uniforms are provided and lllti cost of transportation to theL centre is refunded Mrs Stubbs wished to emphasize the distinction between graduate nurscs assistants and practical nurses who have no training and from Gienke aiivasscrkMrs Bur the course which has been in Mrs Parr Mrs Mills Mrs letei Mrs Grant Mrs GIClIbC are much iit deitianrl iii general Presents Cheque for $685 to the Town MAXOR GRANT MAYORis seen here recciv Medieval England was peacock from Fred Grant The cheque was pres of Barrie to pay for the block which istcnce only since the fall of 1010 of the Town Hall Mr Grant is on the right FIVeISWin Junier AFourDecisiVe HappyIHap Emms and his zbOmirii Barrie Flyers eomplet Syl Apps and his iitept Junior Dukes were no match for the bal anced defending champs being soundlyltroitheed in each contest leavinglittle doubt as to who was worthy of the title crown Flyersrolled to four consecutive wins over Windsor Spitfires in the semifinals and handed the same treatment to the Toronto cinder ellas hence creating new jun ior record of eight straight victor ies in OHA playoff hockey They now move into the All Ontario finals with Porcupine Combines NOHA junior cham pions for the fourth year in row bestinseven series will be played with the opener at Toronto Saturday afternoon second game in Barrie next Monday nightr Elma 337 ed thetiIWiiitr cleanup campaign Monday nightat Maple Leaf Gardenswith onesided 84 triumph oveIrIToronto Marlboros capturing the OHA Junior champimtship for the secondsuccessive year infour straight games game at Schumachcr or lhursday March 31 and fourth there also on Saturday April DISAPPOINTING enowu BeforeIa poor Toronde crowd but large group of Barrie sup porters Flycrs emerged from dull first period sporting 31 lead and outscored their oppon ents bytlte same margin in the second Canto TlieyIIwere that iiiueh better iii far from crowdpleasing tilt Marlies were not capable of skat ing in the finals with Barrie showing lack of consistent goal tending airtight defence and legs to carry them for three periods Fidm the very moment that rms and ordinary housekeeping Graduates of the nursing asset ttiits course are in preferred post ttoit in career which affords full ILfiucatioit of tiphih mp iiiploytttent astell as recounted itjttircrl lite course includes threeIhllh if mnllllllh The third annual all breed chairi pionsliip dog show will be spon rotctl by the Barrie Kennel Club in Saturday May 111 the Barrie Arena These log shows are costly af fairs and it has cost the club over $100 during the past two shows for rentalof the benching and equip ment that is so necessary to stage lltlll show The club has dc cided to bttild its own bench equip ment has purchased the necessary lumber and members are busy in all spare time making floors side wttllsIIandpartitions and low tres ties to hold everything at con yenienf height Many of the ladies have demonstrated that they are also good carpenters can hammer nails and do an excellent chore in helping This year in order to encourage tinfyTtngsters toTlTaiIgreater interest in their pets childrens handling class will be provided for boys and girlsof SimcoejCounty only one class will be for boys and girls froJLLILtLL 12 years ati other for those front 12 tip to 10 years They do not need to own log Some registered dog already lentered iii the sllowwill beloaned forthe occasion How aretlieqv going to know what to do icontactiug some of the mentbos of the Barrie Kcnnel jCluband It Cheque 0f $685 demonstration classes will be held intcd burnt Grant tithe Townxprim to the 510T7ThcmvwmW A+tI auspices LOL 450 Admis threeact play The Mcddlesomc as been installed iii the tower an award for every boy or girl entered andsomething special for ms ver iinrt ii gcjtttt Page tII Following Accident Tyive Are Injured oi ttazrw todg flirtl fildi an tct l1 Ib lllt Li and far IJIV rm It IIw filliritftftl than if of lli tiittl pr In uzititiuvent idiot tll rat titlrltliltil it tvpitlttitl Lift1 Yah ll cot tle HI fry Crone uiii actor ttcii trottlt L311 lilitll Sf itituttl on ilfltl oilllil and ztlt it It liar i=1 tItiore 110 Mary in liitlo tt leflll oi several rt tilItI illlll iI Assisted It llltl to the Itoyal VIC llflillldi t7 lililllt lltoe illlltl the Scott lItl lune borg eot lll aunt Mir it It Strut and Mrr Iluglt tiitc 11 Mar 81 Watson liotiirw MI 1121 Blake St and Anti Iin II ti Mary street lzte irffflul tonttuv it Iiprti home sttitt suffered broken ppm Ltd Twinm ion Illlil Wallaet had lirok JI tutnctiled on fttililf II 1Lcehadsevcrscoii chip 1H Md in ti ankle and liiokiir wrist ii iotgnpi mom minim 11 lllfLii Wallace vt taken im Iii Di ptzt lit nice that In int Lottie lttlli tlteie nuts no ac 11 HiAid itmpm Mpgpp vlfllitttldlllilr ii the hospital but he eftiittl to the IllII yes terday for more Xfays IIcr CUII ititlltlll was ertoua oioeft the Ittltl1 front the Mp plin tit llotit IILIIIIIIIIIIIII NIIIIIII IHII IIIII IIIIIl il Toioirfti took some of tlic to ep Ilopi fl ltl ill in mum mumml Bum ll finance co with lit littiiytill of Aid Ititilt and it llarold Ioore included the IIIII litfllltix was ppotttetr oiver Irs Bates Til loltii Ijttlsltitiltlll of the traffic itietetw ttit St lionald Kcztst 131 Maple At lt Jump Ht am it itini to and IZtlward Moore Illl Mary St Lork The litttifs are tolu putI Irs Bates had both legs skinned itto operation again on April iliulluld Keasf suffered gushed legs tlidward Ioore had severe chin cash 11 stillereti shock Thrce IItilfl iliczttions for the Boxiioii ll tiflftl persons 111 this cat were titt dog catcher were referred to itiinred iie ring tilllllliltt of win lo llie other two persons injured ii lt it II III I17 III Im were Jack Argue driver of the tttck and Albert Wales driver of Childrens Handling Classes WillICEtiiiliilliiliII my David Adair arid lrov Sons ShOWtJanies lttrphy both 01 Bradford iitvestigated the accident lllt wintiets The two cars procecdiiigIsouth Ilic Barrie Dog Show iias tl icirried 13 persons whowcrc head eady assumed the proportions of mg for the hockey game at Tor beiiig iii the top ranl of OIItZiIItJtIIttti between the Barrie Flycrs shows There were over 300 citlend Marlliotjos tries of the various breeds last year Dr Westeott of Bradford attend and this year with an excellent to the injured at the scene of the ranel of American judges to haitd accident out the awards the prospects aret The Iioyal Victoria Hospital at that last years numbers will be far iIJarrie was overcrowded when the exceeded accident patients began arriving Mr and Mrs Eco Iricke have TIT LlI 01 Stretcmls in me again this year demonstrated their ItllIldOlI Vml5ii and an numg cuphf Later that same night 21 than was hatump ior rim 4mm in each 0ladinittcd from Innisfil township the six groups and the clttb is giv IIIllll fl mulled Shun T0 PlOVIdC ing $23 in cash for the best IOgllIllI lllm bed was brought up if the Show Thu together with from the basement and ittoo Was the host of specials that have soillllCCd 1110 main COITIdOR generously been donated by thei isiness men and others of thci GIANT LAKE VESSELS own will make it one of the mosti Ivivc sister ships of the Great outstanding premium lists to be of Lakes fleetiare each an eighth feteddo the exhibitors of dogs In lof ii mile longthe largest fresh Ontario water vessels in the world pI COMING EVENTS If Dttiicc at Baxter Friday March Dance Guthrie Coiiimtiiiity Hall 23 to the music of Iaxtons or Friday March 25 Music by chestta Dancing froin 030 to StroudMountaineers Lunch couri 7130 titfbtli fer 18p Dance Orange IIall Ivy Friday Cooksfowit lliglt School presents sioit Site Lunch counter Stroud Maid at the Town Hall Cooks Ilotintaineers orchestra 8tfthi town Friday March 25 at 800 Eliitvale Fire Brigade amateur pin 18b night Friday April 87Enhics rc Concert by Central United Glee ecivod by secretary Les McKay Clubirrlgefroy Community Hall ifv Parish Hall Saturday April Road Presbyterian Church Satin up lttVVcdftCsany Apr ltiZOptTt April auspices of WA 181 VIIospital Aid Ieuirtinagc salcTrin Rummage sale basement Essa at it ant ffiftlthl dayApriI am Auspices ADUIICC every Friday night to EveniiigAuxiliary 18p ar Notm Bttrlling and His Kings DancefCraighursttHalI Friday Mcn 0piece orchestra pm to March Prizes lunchcounter atn iii tfie IIICIW and modern modern oldtyme music Auspiees Memorial Centre IlallBeetOn aus Craighurst Community Club Ad lemme 814001131 10500130 13030 pices Memorial Recreational Assoc mission 500 18p fully at 29 seconds of the initial 13mm 1411th Bingo Monday lvfarch 23 Leg stanzat Malllcs WGYIC b03160 Euclircubridgg Icrokiiiole Strottd ion Hall 26I0w0itSt 8pntAUs7 crew Althouglt they came IbaCk Friday March Proceeds hall pices Ladies AuixiliaryI to Can 10 CV0 the Count and Carry 21 Tm CXIIGIISIOII Ladies please bring adian Legion 0666 prizes 18bFTfII iOYIPOlliOTlAOf 10 OffCIISIYO IDOWCI lunch Admission 25c 1718p Progressive Ieuchre Masonic the pCIIUdt 111C didnt BPPCRP In cooperation with the World Hall Stroud Monday March 28 10 CV01 hOId adlstmct Edge UVCI Day of Prayer for China union 815 pm Admission 25c Lunch the superblycoached Flyers Gordons counter which broke held in Trinity Parish Hall Fti Barrie CCFClubieorganizational the Ice before most fan had day March 258pur Rev meeting Thursday evening March reached the seats was easily the Cross presiding 17131 31 Orange Halt 64 ElizabethSt prettiest Offthc SCFICS VCIOWIHE Dance at Pine Crest Friday All interested please attend 1820p from the rst rush 11 CllmBPSed April from to Ronalds or gt Easter tea and sale of Work and threeway DaSSIDE splay with ehestra Admission 50c 1820 homemade baking St Georges Gord Pentiell andPau1 Megcr GpRDONS IIMELY GOAL Marlies had backed Barrie into Auspices of Evening Auxil ICIlll their own end and were enjoying iary Rummage sale Burton Ayentte Hall Allandale Wednesday April United Church Saturday April 20 36 pm Auspicesi Glad 18b 11120th Ivy Orange Hall Wednesday the rsport of trading bumps Espec play Aunt Cindy Cleans April pm oneact play ially rangy Hugh Bolton Who Up by Sunnidale Corners Young Moon Signs and fashion show paved the way for the lightning People in basement of Essa Road presented by TecWeGwill Junior goal Hughie had thrown his Presbyterian Church Monday Farmers Dancing 11130130 Path weight at Meger just inside the April pm auspices Evening tons orchestra Auspices Ivylun Barrie blueline but not before Gary Gordon caught the Bukes mm to Page six please Auxiliary Admission adults 35c ior Farmers Bunch countenAdt children 25c 18p mission 50cI 1372021p II II lliose llllltlltl in the car lrivctiAw meeting has been arranged to be served Auspices Eastern Star 18p