Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1949, p. 9

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lli 121311111 inittn to 1919 8111111IE 1riltcii or 1111 ILLHH l1ttltlitr RAH ltllltt1ti 11 1111 111 11c 11 111 iiiiliitl 1111 ti1 ll 111w 11 11111 11 11111 1111 l1ltgt ii1gt 11 izc 1f11 11 11 111111111111r 111 113111 11c lini 1111 n1l1 1E1lzii 11 111111 1111111 iiiw 13111 11111 112 1111111 11111 11 1111 111 of 111111111 1111 1111 v1i 1lt1 311111111111 tiic 111111111111 limit 21 ii lllti illl 1111l 111 111411111111 t1iloiilii1ii gt1111i111 Jilin1515 111 1111 11111111111 111212 limp 1111 111 llilii 111111 11111 1111111 111iigtl1ijii1 states 111 1111111liiiit 1111 nex 51111 slate xiiicii 13111 111tl 111 ili 111 111 While ilic illlllllltt 111411 1111111 blttlllttlll 1111c 1111 liFll torial 11111lltlli 1111 11111I1c1t 111 111111 1111111 with1111111 1111M tlgt1ltl 111111 1111 11111 11111 be largely tit itiiziiiictl 111 the llllllliltt 1111c iiic iiiIthiiiiiiioiis which 1111 1111 the 3111111111 of tlic tlLllitllltlll 1111 1111 11iitl tllIIlIlliltli vcic lctl 111 111 ilalph Iltiiiciic actiiiiz Iiiiiittl Naiioiis iiictlialtii after 112 ii11 cl littilltilltIHI litllltltt has worked lliiv iii liitlLsslIv lilititilillnill the discussions often as long 112 11 hours day siiiiiilicantly limp concedes 111111 lilil$ltllt upon the Jews rc 1111111 111 tin11 111 Ill lllits would not 11111 Ilic IIiltlslt purposes and piiii of 1111 iiiiiislicc lliesc vcic the 111112 front where lsracl laiiiiclictl iici 11111 offtiisivcs 11 1111111111 and livcciiibci and won the Iltt She never returned to the 11111 lines ttll lllHlliLll the tin 11111 Nations Security oiiiicil twice oiticittl lltl to do so The patl provider that 1111 121I1pliniiiimade trapped at laliiIizi 111 miles southeast of Tel 1i Hiltt lilitlvUtfltilni will he with 111111111 1o litiypl lllltltl UIN super iioii III Dangerlimchis USED CAR Market 518 Elizabeth St 111211 4981 47 1101111331 II HEATER 41 DESOTO SED HEATER Many others to choose from Open Evenings II7109 IEVERYBODYS SINESS by How many titncs have you said 1111151110 feel terrible aBOUtInaLWtltlng to One of these days Im goingto see II Such remarks show we all 11115 111111 11liomiivc in Bulgaria CRAVE AND GAY Ippiouh to tbe English language is demonstrated by two former Dixpltifnl PCIWNV19 mm of Hitlers drive across Euro before taking up job in Britain gilt boy Iioi Poland right named futo lytyj dosing his eyes and pumug ill lips find 111 initial going tough The buy from Yugoslmia below named Marjilti unites lie taken it any shite hi1 teathu demonstrate lip mountain with her hand and mouth It hill take them right with to com 111111 plric the count on hilltll they 121 Inninglmiuiugtouiplctctlthcykill 11 1Gin 2000 lotincr DPt now nothing 1tl1 11111 II IuBiimbcozlmiiirsBcforc lhddul 3111 1111 Tvtwii11 i11 litdllliiltl illli no1 I108 the wax the Biimh gate refuge to 111 13 1111111 1111 1111111011 1111 1I1 i1 thousandofilicirlmfoituuaicucigh 21121121121 111113 111111 11 1111111=11 11t II bl They ontinued to do to illu 111 1111311 II 11 1I l1 I1 the wax and their future 111m in I11IVl 91 11111Il iiI i1 II elude homes for tliuuuu more 1111 11111511 11 i1 11 11 111 Iliilttil tiiti l111 lit 111l1ill 11 II III 1111 llliiitl 1i i1llv i1ll lltitI1I tzilll Eii H1 1iil 111 ii II III IIII II IIIIIII1I Ix II Iilrlzltll1ll F111 I1gtt 111111 tllii III IIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIH If itiii it hits titxcii itvic Ml HIM III III 74 1iilic ftlititilt 1111 1i11 liti II III II III II IA ltile1ii 11111111 Y111l11i11ii at than III II IIIII IIIIIII II III IIIIIII II III III MCIIIIHIUIIII Ii III III Hm IiIIIiIUIII Iiliiilltl iIiiililIi iIilII 111 11 WIVIV 11 11 111 11 1111 71 11 0n1PIQIQIy 111 Im 11111 ii piti1iii III 111 1i IlIiit Woilti l1I 111 ii111 Iil I1III III111I IIII lttltl it St Iitl1c IIIIIIIII HII HI III TI iiittii 1111 1111111 ilitltl 1111 I1 II1 II 1I jtiill1l11Ii 11 71 11 tiiiitif His 31 SIIIIIIIIIIIH III ic Siiiiii 1111 11111 111 11 111 1I II IIIIIII IIIII It in Ali111111115111 1111 11111111 ciiiiichc 1II1 IIIIIIIII III IIILI It 111111 iil 11 tiiiili All tiltll11 11 111 mui 1III I3 l1II Int Inna lititiiil tlllt 1111111 igt 311 11 Junw vrn 11111111 3111 111 it11111 Nd vhf SIIHMH mm omiiiiiiiili llall Iliatires IIII IIII IIIJIIV IIIIIII IIIII il 511111115 aii 11s 11 solo 1III IIIIIIIII IIIII III II IIII III II my II iIiIlIlIiIlI ItIIIIIi IlII IIIi IIIiIIi iI1 IIIIIIIIIIHHH IIIII IIIIIIII II IIIIIII iIi 111 1II111i 11 1I 11311 Tim 11 111 IIVII MIII IIIHIIII Mh Id II 1131 I1 IIII II I1I i111t 1111111111 1110 11 Van11111 Ili IlIllllil Il1 II III II II II II 11111111111 111111 11111 11 111111 fgftIIIfI III1ITII IIIIII SOLD 11111 71111111 111111 111111111 $1111 1111 1111 For Better liicts all Mi 10 illil 1Itllilili iortioii littliitl 1t11 The Iliiitcti iiiicii 111131 for 1111111111 iiizii 1111 min 21111 llltll laicii 11111111114 11 1111 1111111 lIflllllI11111I l11 to 11 11 llgt lIltllllilll lIltlltli with 111 iid111gt1111 Mix Ii lillllllii lili 35 1111 We vvre lllillllHlri and visiiois picsciil 111111 McBaiii and Jack llii1 llcir Suncid seven miles north 111 Mis leliii 111m 111111 on lllt lll 111 radio 11111 hit11111111 12111 Git21 to the lItszptiaii fioiititrI QlllllIleLtli to 111 held in Midland ion lilttllti ioasici lI1lt Siti II it liAlllHJ 51 lll1l 11 Within this area 11111 iipii111lt 11111 vrr and showed liLllllltht 111 quilt pat i11ii1igt 11111111111 11111111111 1111 1111 11111II1I1Itr ELI liiillli liiiiilcti lo tlofeiisivc fort1s 111i II ttiiiS lti Itcttoii Qlllll i1111111 ti tlii llllit battalions or 1311111 men IWIII 1lll111l tanks or iii tortcs NI II IlIIHLiiIII IIIHI Ilit 1ci 1111 ittiiiiicii to le1 IiIIlIImM 111111 11 i1lliii 11111 liawI troiiiI 111111 liaiiiiii iivt llilli IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III I1II 111llll of 1i1I llllil1 1111 liliiiii IIIIIIII iIhImII HI mph IIH 15 IIIII lll 1111 11111 ti1c ilziiiiiil llllliriud illn liicE11 311111 11 tolliiipitootl llit iiiniistico iilMl 1ltllilt 1111 Salinity 1111411 an exchanne of 1llllltl1 lLllll 211111 11lli1 111111 1111 111111 iiexi t1lt The Jews l11itiltlltllli 111 111 12111 11111 i1iiiiIv iicaiIIv 1111111 liilIVplltlli pii1iiitis at 1111 hcwlniy t1fii white 1111 I11111iiiis art ii1llil Ihl 1111 1111 11111jnpulmm 11 SIInt 11111 IiiL1lltl lll1 311 Mid 1li An iiiiiislicc coiiiiiiissioii 111vllil WV 1ii 1111111111111111113111111 liiaii I1111111111 1ltlll ii 11 111113 i1ll 111 Monti lr ll 111111115 scvciris cicatcti by the pact to carry out the terms of the armis llt It is ciiiiiposcti iliict Egyptians lliltt 111111111 11 ll Israelis Sltuail 11111i l1el1iiI I1tiii United Nations ohscivti as chainllh lil i7i iliilitzlilci mng I1ligt liit111 11111 11111111 111 111111 1115 IlI11111 1111111 TIIIIIIS III BIIIIIIIIIIIII PIIIIIIISIIIIIIIltllilli 12111111111 visited with Mr laiid li 11111111 1111 Sunday cliiiicliiiicii on charges of treason 1111 11111 lis 11111111111 1iiipiicll and black market inoiicv ittlllllsi I1 11 Snizi1 appear to be following the general ind 111 1511111111 with 1111s liilitlltilll 111111 1111110111 set by llltllllill hliiitlsa II II1I cntvs trial 11 lliiiiirv il 1I1111iI 111 lhc tonicns liistiiiitt 111111 11 liitc 11 the 11 lclciitlaiils inhliIIyIIII MIDI 1IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII hm brougm Iil hWlht liIiiooii 1111 111121 allciitlziiicc and end all three pleaded siiilli 1111111111 1111111111 11111 1111111111111 111 confessed at length in open illll 1111111 11 5111IIIg 3111 311 ll llLilStill tilitl tsiiitiiizlut itiii 43111 very ciictiiiinging lt lliilparihs Baptist leader litI 111 ill iiillllillllS lib ill lil Nikola Naiiiiiov on Friday told Il him ItltIUmi All the court that Bulgarian churches EtI 1I51111 IVib llIiI1Ii11Iilti iIlliI iiiiist rid themselves of their Uiiit lm lm MI1Ii IIII in chStatcs and liiitisli contacts lie I1 IInI if Inwllivlimt VIII declared The time of JollllllilllIIIIIILII IK HII IIIIIIHEHIIIL III ladies 11111 liaiii sot1111 tt11llL lsmhmcumc loitii1 community on iItilltl21 Rev laiilto lvanot head of the owning III pIIIk Sid Midland llIH liAIIitlI FXAM 111 11 tumor Mill 1111 I111 1111 11 I11 Mcthodist Church in Bulgaria IIIIIIIIII IIII SITIIIII III II IIISLIISK pleaded 11111111 on Friday also llnssisttd 111 11111 lltlwiiids followed his plea with sevenc hours of selfdcnunciatioii in which he WAVEBLEY said he no longer fears CUllllllllIllt ism in Bulgaria Much of liisI speech was taken up with tlc laich confession of how lie 01 MIIIIIIIII ii fl III infol InIIIIWHI IfUIUII Mrs licV1111rs rctiiiiictl poucis iii iiitci oppost 1111 IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII Im CIIIIS III IIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiiism 1111111 in Latest cliiircliinan to confess to ItiieSiclt liiltiitIiis llospilzil Tor 111111 Mr and Mrs li Ciiiiiiiiiiigs anti Gail of Toronto visited at UM iiian licws St Johns itllltl held their March meeting in tth spare scliooliooiii on Wednesday Mrs Cl1$FltliCll liatl lilLI iiiis fortune to slip on the ice aiitllicIak giici right wrist llll and Mrs Wilson anti riaiielitci Midlandpciitiindag at Morris Darbys The play on Wyevale talcnffn and was thoroughly enjoyed by all treason is Rev VtiSsiiZiiiiltt11l the Congregational Church lie was also representative of the Unit cd Evangelical Churches in Bul gariam Britain the Ulllltl States aiidI Western clitircli groups have de iiotiiiced charges against the ButE cariaii Protestant churchmen There are only about 1330110 lro lestants among the 7111111111111 people The Netherlands government has announced from The Hague its dc 6131911 to release all Cal1ltllCIQLIIljt publlctllLlGildCiS0lltl611CSltl It is reported that the govern1 on Sunday to enter the General Hospital for an operation on an iiieiit plaiisio transfer sovereignty Icyc over the rich East Indies toa Mr and Mrs0rton Brown and and federal regime roundtable coi $51 5130L ThillSdiU Willi WIllrllGPH Micah larger the task looms It realize that procrastination is bad habit but that we are resigned 115 it Were not really convinced that itpays to do it now Yet the more we put off doing something because it isdistasteful or difcult the L11 weighs on our minds handiI capping the performance of immediate duties and cloudingour pleasures Obvi ously the soonerwe do it1tlie happier wefllbe EvIenltrivialIinattersshould lie dait vithgpromptlyin worder to develop the action habjtils there someone you 1should write If so dont def bate with yourself whether IIyouil write now or later Reach for your pen SuchSpontaneous actions help to develop an efciency that makes for success HI If it were not for life insuff ance agents many people IwouldIItTtIIIIIBHWaking the vitally important step of pro tecting their families against financial emergencies and providing an income for their own old age loiiesian government onto the island capital of Jogja Communist party is planned to open March 12 111 The Hague II AI Dutch officialswill press the cc lablisliniciit of fullfledged Illl with comI pletc sovereignty befdie July 1951 the date set by the United NatioiisI Secuiity Council Indonesian leaders were seized by Dutch troops who paraghutedl karta on Dec I19 On Dec 28 the UN Security Council orderedI1I their release within 24 hours but illLIDtllCll did not comply with the order It is said in some Iiiarlcivs lIlial Indonesian leadersinay seek more definite terms frointlic Dutch government before attending the conference Iiilraiicc at the weekend three pmCotniiiiinisi 1newsiiieii were in custody folowing aiiinvcstigation into activities of certain persons who were seeking defencesin formation The French defence ministry isrcportfcd having begun legal action against the 84inaii central committee ofItlic French The committee is said to be charged with at IlClltplS to incite revolt in the French army Aj quarantine over 40000 square miles of Canadas subArctic reg ion is now in effect following re ports of an obscure malady which has attacked 24 people and killed four Rapid and severe paralysis is characteristic of the epidemic which broke out at Chesterfield Inlet 350 miles north of Churchill Man GordonFrciich IVSLTllLlU liiitiiittiII WI 21 In 13011111113111 17111112111 NEW LOWELL LJ 1YQUR 10118161511132131 IRN Pittman canath 11 M1 swoxens and 1111 111 litri III MORE HEAT iillllll ItlllllltI CAMIERONliLLIS Next time you llitic ttIiIIgct 1111411 iii 111111141311 icacii lItlIl LibbysIIDcePFBrtjwnctl llcaiis In less that Ofiuiiiutcs IlllCIVItC ready to scrvcaii appetizing disli thats wholesomcand nourishing At 51111111 Cost of time effort aiidmoncy Libbyis custabout Sc alscrving you have 11 dish lllillCICVCLjllIbtly Prepared for you by Libbys exclusive DeepluiItiwiiEcI process Libbys Beans are differentlivery 31111111 is cooked tlgllttlil0ugll to the Centre tiliIits plump mealy and tender like weltbaltetl II potatoa dclcctztbicIdigcstible inorsel of good eating Willi the satisfyingInvour ofLilJliys 111 voury 101111110 sanccWc think youIIll agree tlicyicbcttcr than any other beatfsyowve ever tastedin fact Libbys will pay youDoublc Your MoneyBate if you dont agrch reach for tliciii WiltllCVCfI ILibbysI DecliLBitiw11c11 Beansjltecpt Supply on 11111111 and youre rushed E11 BROWN

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