1111 EIGHT l1c1illin Export Company Limited and Siiiipsons Limited III to diversified list of Canadian securities is olteretlIIIQI March invesiiiient in Telephone or write for coprof March Review and Securities List Ifeet closer to the front 01 the car than before The rear window is nearly twice as large as before Because the rear deck is also lowered it is possible I1 to see the ground through the en largcd reIir view mirror 24 feet Icloser to Ithe car new pressure ventilating system has been introduced Twin metal ducts lead air from behind the radiator grille along the fender skirts through the dash panel and into tiie passenger front compart ment at each side Each ventilator Hiigiltlllgisllfel West is eontrolledJoy aknob underneath the instrument panel Air distri bution through the cat becomes chinore effective because add XI MINT Midland harbor which was open by April 10 las year despite muchImorc severe winter may beat this record in 11149 Ice depth is under 15 inches in most places and there is little tor no ice beyond Giants TombI cylinder offers 104 horsepower Compression ratio with standard head is 65 well in the upper range of Canadian and American cars Engineering refinements featured in the new Pontiacs are roller type Ifront 1seat adjustments rear shock Iabsorgehi shieldsI sturdiei steering column tiiiicggiserstabilityTahd safetv engine mountings II 111111211 oyranro cmaba member who made certain rc mark about the Speaker The remark although not heard by Hansard reporters apparently referred to Speaker Fanteuxs fan ness It came lifter aI CllllllOItitlIrz scrap over whether Transport Min ister Clievrier would be allowed to nish speech after exceeding his 40minute limit Mr Cherrier was forced to takeliis scat While have always tried to be fair to both sides of the House said Speaker Fauteux shallhave only one thingr to do to name the +11 1111I furniture craft REPAIRS lllltll1lifltlti Sltlllsilllljl 31 Worsley Street 11111 4111 11 gt tllrlllllfRIIll Mtt1lNlNl BARR llI lItltllllnlltI 49111 Atlas 111 liltllltlh Plumbing Heating We have good supply of Bathroom Basins Tubs and Closets 111111111 issrnmrias Alterations and Repairs PromptlyIAttendedTo IRRISTGIW 6910hn St Dial3770 11111111111111 IONIRACI PRICES Heating member or members remarks against him To name member means that who cast he is ejected from the chamber foi mi Wood Guild IC 0111131111 Limited urniilb ll Ililvpinne Ilergin 4321 37 mf1 27 Ne to Wu 18C IL Distinctiver Wider and Lower IbIaIY 00k madean 11 iititfi 12 14 it 1v Illa114 301 WW l111111l1 11 1111111 1111 111 H111 It IIiiizizt it iiitoiii 11111111H ARR NT 11 II 1111111 11 omitting t1lllli1 K1I II III 1II r11 11 II 11 EI II 11 11 III II 111 11111il lotiihxliili II 11 iii iii II it II 11 11 Iltllllti I1II 11 c11iitiiiont III III II II lI i1i1izi 121111111 iii411 1v1 ll IIIII Im Hr 11 1I III 1I lI ti lII 1111 11 l11Iill1 llll1v1fllt WI 11 1111 1i gt1 in 11 11 11 III II II II 11 and 11111111 2111 1iili nictiiial IIIII III III II II1I iI 09 Miller Slr9l 1111 Il Ill lt1 11 1111111 411113 1111li111 II III Ii II III III III IIIII 1IM II 11 ii I1 v1 IiIl11 12111 21 tliic 111 l11L iIII him 11 iHIJ 11 11111 111 1h 111M iiistiii IIII mm Hm Nili unit 1111 11 511 i1 111 11 11 his 111 1111 II 111 Hum Niii 11 11 11111111111111 111111 11 it 51111111 1111 ii 11111 T11 i121 111 11141 11i 1112 III II In 11121111 1111 111 motive power Inn11m 1111 11 11mm Mir 111111 ii1111 11 111 mi illtlltIY ml IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I11111 111111 1itti tlitltii1 11 111 Iltiii 11111 IIIIHIIHIII II II III II7 i111 xnx 111 11il 111 1111 11 11 11 111111 1111111 11111 c11tiiiiivii 111 gt111 1111 ll II 1111 II 11111 11 =1 ew n1 111111 111 lion 111 111 I1II 11 IIIII IIIIa IIIII 11I111 1111 11 rm suggests 111311 attached and Lit 91111113 1I I1 IIIIII IIIIII 11 If 31 fl 11 Novel Exemption 11111111115 111 II II 11 11 li llicw ltllll tl ititiiiizt 131 II ILII1 III 1IIIIIII1II IIII1I 3351111111 1N 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II 111 11 xii11 11ltllill1lltil space 1111 the fiIorilIscz11 llllItIIiIItilIIL111L1111Int til LilWI Personal Freedom 11IIII1 swung 5w I5 passengers Ixiitriiiicc room 115 10011 ilIilliI 11 iiitilliiItI IX II III q14 IIIIIIII III II IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII lt1l$ltlilitill 111111I1lt1tl 111 1111I1l11 Itil1lilill tor married persons and IIIIIIMIIIIIIEIIII REIHILIEIIIQIIIIII1IIIIIIIJIIIIi III1III WIN IIIIIrIIIIIIMI wuss to front and 111 in st 111 3121111 mm 37301110 ox gt 11111 II noiiiic lllt1m lien 11 taiiatla to i1 111111111111 1lt 11111131111 to 111111ti trot ImIllImIImIIm III II HI mull pmmm plus lll We are in tl ltil lllli 111 I153111111I 111 HIUIIIIIIIWIIII IIIII11IIII IIIIII III MI hikndmi oi losingV that liillll to the liiiiiiiiiI 2111111101 11 11115 1111 1itu pt 111 lI l11l1gt11 tii2ver aii1l centred on the gt1ttlllll llll III SIAM II II II coEiiiiiii 1111115 11f1ll lllgtll1lli1til are lSSliII ON APRIL SignIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIII1Ii kiwi 1111tl and 11111111 in the drivers 1gtII1IIIIltIIII1 VIIIIINNII mum BC gt 111 81 aiirciit Illmlflll it was 111 111 iiisiibiittoii 1n llIIIH ILIiIIIII IIIIIIIIIlII1 11111nd lmnnm 41 ll lllmll till indiscriminate attack on senior lt IIl1l iI 11 IItIII I1I III IIIIIII Iii1iit planning to l11t Islc1111 WINK solYams II Dru1 sanl 11 N13 IIIJIII iw IIIi II If limlmi 51511111 10 10111111011101ate 1110 referred to prioritv controllers and ter lew 1coiiiiini the 12111111111 gtwi1cliI iin I11mIII III v1mm11m11 mm Cm IIIIIIII QIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK of II Illltttlllli 11 10 ilIJIL IIllfIItllf IQIUI ltiltltlllllll 111111 aiiadii when the More shunts IIIIIIIIIIN IIIIII IIIIIi 111 column 18 ill litl 11 overiiiiients of Canada New II 17 111 order lllll tlic oiiiiiioiis 211 and 1t1111t111 11 dilIlI mm 1101111111111111 and thc United King accusations and cotiiiitractiisalt iII Milk ls IIHIW MILIHIIWI Ililm mm lilo WW1 tions crossed the oiiiinoiis 1111111 11 111 tie IldIIIIIIIIK III IIIIII IIJII JIISII It mu IIIf Details relating to the design of the uproars continued when on itnli liIIIIII II III II IDII IIIQIIIII lilc gtl1iiiil lll bIIe announced as the following day Mr 511 liiiiiitiit 1I IIIId IIII III IIIIIII1O 19 15 11111101111310 refused to grant peiiiiissioii to have hot 111 11 the letter tabled because it would tlillllliiic percent 1ncieasc 53 at In I1 in Lilass 211111111 the 111411 loiitizics 1m Wmmml post me in Im 0min broilkmg mm mm thii SiIvIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IISIIIIIIIIIIKI SI IIIIII DOIII IIIIOI1la and MittOllndmnd In IAIN United Kingdom Mr lrew won ork cldiiie Overhauling Eand 1ltllt have titldcfl vision 1st 15149 and first day cover e111 Emil 111154 1Il L111195 of Iagnelos hitlioard Mol is lite new cuivctl wiiidshicld is 10 MOI Innl1do ml Lmg II 211110 IIIIIO kn orsasliiiii Machines 11111 Our March Review and Securities List Iper11911111111911 1113111 in 151111 N11 ICOII IIII We 0m iziettrieiii Appiizintis Iiow windshield pillars are placed Um 11d Membs rmll IlICTllllIICS CllllCllt llllellltfe comment and lfariziciz oaclt 1111111 oefoie 11nd 1111 So uproarious and battleliniiili 18 otter Street highlights tilt latest financial statements Of ielziss curves around the corners R30 TO OPEN IM111 did the Commons become that lt Canada Cement Compmw IIIIIIU DnmIII 11o meet incur the limo 110011 110 Quill Opening 01 harbors in his Speaker Gaspard ItllllLLlX bobbing RRIL milS LlLiltCI 1011111 in 10 110W harlot Georgian Bay may be ex up and down to still the Commons II 1011 IaiI Chemical Company Limited livindshields making it possible for pectcd ii there is no major change roar warned members to behave If IQIMY Pauper Companv LimithI Ithc driver to see obieets eleven in the weather according to ship and threatened to toss out the next ping officials Filter eowsnrun lIQUIEfIv ILIroiirgro 01121111 EASYITOUSEI SIMPLE mi CANADA PeterborougIh Phone 9033 ITSDIEEERENII Irs SENSATIONAL You are invitedto have this amazing new inventionsrde monstriated 0in your home IPhone or write your local Barrie IPhone 2307 Roy Tracy Phone 3482 87 Maple ATTACH NO entry dea BAG TOIEMPTY MADEIN Ave arranged PATTERSON DISTRICT DISTRIBUTOR Main Ofce Service Dept Warehouse 386 See the FILTER QUEEN more on buYI cosrs no MORE THAN OLD STYLE 13 11111311111551 ed space beneath the front seat permits free airIpassage to the rear compartment The new Pontiac models are available in wide variety ofIi colors and upholstery types The sixcylinder Pontiac engine offers 90 horsepower and the eight Queen Bagless Vachunitlleanerf With the Fiat 111 All New futures 111s NEW ler El Frid 4IEast 813 BarrIie Easy terms Water St Other mechanical improvements include quieter fan and air cleaner visual battery fillers and safety battery cover wider front braking surfaces increased steering ratio andbox section and tourway cantilever frame Austroliun1Music Award lsWOn by Blind Pianist LAGGA Australia Feb 21 blind Australian pianist 19yearold Patricia Gleeson has won thefadvanced Associate of Mu sic in Australia award This hon or is seldom granted by the Australian Examination Board an 1otficial authority which works tin derthe auspices of the various unl versities and in New South Wales under the State Conservatoriumbf Music The rst totally blindperson in Australia to win this high honor Pat Gleeson Ihas beenfblind since she was siIx but has not allowed her handicap to affect her musical talents nor her spirits For eight1 yearsshevas pupil atSt Lucys School for the Blind at Homebush iSydney where one of the sisters was hermusic teacher As well as being competent pianist Pat plays the violin and has an excel lent soprano singing voice While at St Lucys she also learned to type and nowMorks as secretary to her sister Moya who practises as chiropodist in the large provincial town of Wagga New South Wales 300 miles south of Sydney Pat writesdown ap II pointments in braille then types them out for her sister II BOOKS FOR JUVENILES Penetang Public Library is spe cializing in books for the very young for children from to it and for older children the rest of the days sitting Forecasts Prosperity Barrig earthquakes or change of government said Trade Minister Hoive last week we can promise the people of Canada prosperous year in 194913 Thus optimistically Mr Hotte laid before the Commoiis the trend in Canadas economy On pe capita basis he said Canagi has risen to the third greatest trading country twice as great as boili the United States or United King dam He forecast private and public expenditure on construction and new maehineryin 1949 of 553300 000000 an increaseIin dollars of eight per cent over 1948 the record year so far The country wasstill booming he said but the govern ments policy was not to make contacts economically selfsuffici ent Our policristpmencouragepro duction of those things the editir9mi try can produce economically and efficiently to encourage new in dustries that can thrive in the kind of economy we have here in Can adaand to discourage those indiis 1111101 area Your KIDNEYS The kidneys are very delicate organs 1in Mutedespecially by cold Their duty in to lter intpurities and Exceat acids from the blood When you have cold extra work is thrown upon your kidneys Dodds Kidney Pills help your kidney clear your system Iof mess Acids and pain tuned by coldn and give you chum to llllle infection toonerLfeel bemrfister you bounce of and so MWKitheyIPilh lIav DodIds Kidnev Pills 1153 Climb on the Sweet Caps bandwagon ill the popular thing to do Sweet Caporal Cigarettes always reach you Progressive Conservative Party The Nations Business Toronto c111 174511111 1181 EORGE DREW leader will speak Thursday Night MARCH 17 IION THE SUBJECIL Progressive Conservative Party II So enioyI the consistent smoothness mildness satis II Liartiiiu Tammi Tn 111 51111115 cat DDMINIDI anunit SuNnAv EVEillNE WHEN IN MDNTHIAL SEE THE SHOW 111111 crcr Mounts run ITiCKET manure Nu p1