Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1949, p. 7

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SELLING SAWDUST vl wt Hi its Hi Vs VinzivIH i= isot fH 13 11 lionv tn 121 enelad in it ii lii iv lung Ulltl ll lil lii ll Eitl tifft lltlt ll p115 ill VVVVV VV VVVV flu HM ah if mm WI Illm bullet o1 lenplnhe that lb W1 will illutiiiil home iiidit dulled will and all liai do litnu of piled ii ui leis irl lttr lt tylnhnlq lip TRY AN 11XA11RVAil aitl Your il ALIFiftl llL rm You can get 550 70 WOMAN KEPT BUSYlAri Club Presiden 51000 till INSURED tOAN ii Vno rxm 051 FOR ANY AND EVERY PURPOSE Doctor Dentist or Hospltal Blllt Coal or Fuel Oil Home Ropulu Moving Expunru Tnxu or old Bills an If you have money problem woyldfih finanual advice It phone or call today 49 NIAGARA FNANC Compuplt Ltd Square Phone 2866 VVBARRIE TAM13007 HOUSAG mrrr I5 N0 suits or dresses TH BABIE EVXA ottUhD CiASS HAIL ltlgl APARTMth oiiAwA Geraldine McCurley of Barrie Nursing Indians and Eskimosf At Fort George BARRi ONTARIO CANADA Milkmen MARCH to 29+ SPEND $43000 on ames Bay tha 11 1l Slit nothing 1v liie litliili eltue iinieh li he lpiitiiiiiit it lleiltl iiilllL the liiuians arm ANS will My VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV iiii lu lilt LUIlllllL When Hlv lllgt out Hll ltll Vlii inch zitliittiie tlil tau lil ll lltttiiilgtl iris Jtlil to ioow Ink1 will Illillllidv nee kineii also on ltlllt Bay ill Ni ii mm tum and well over 110 llllli lo th MmUlmj 131 north She came back home ltl 15 UM ll Hum lit LV mu VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV Vll VIVi in llilll anti tun lilltl ill lllllt ll lili lltt he appendix lilillitl anti sliuitly alter lillllll went iaitvlier Midliw if hill UHml Ml HM Mi mi ninth to liiistinau then to Ruperts illV liml WM Edim VVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVHVVV VVV YVVH UVVHVVVVVV tiiiij is lVl it icinini ltV piliij ingiitts lllllllt en ei il ii liii lii siaiirl home HVHF Rind lit lillliill NIH 11V teuziili iled Ul llU llariit eiulil years ico lioin illicit Iill It litililtllii pau VV son They had liietl prewously Ill UHp rum if lllthll3N BLAHR has been rillia For l11lt and Stiattord lVy1ilnl with elteteil ilitbllllil of lli lililllt Art There are two other girls in the Ilu inclm tlnti whitn ll it xiiVithv rVti llllllllV Zerer attended the olle It 1011 mc rainell ii =lllllgtl luji Yiattr Ml iftitltJ 1dr couple of years andl lleawi alw tllu illllltltliil ail then aent Vhi tram fora nurse at eiviVk and he llil petted his the Soldiers Memorial Hospital in iIi lianaltini asked if liohiii llf aiannVieV lHl gttllll liiln iillifi She returned home after an in iii naive to lilttilllullil lr leavei til lne ILniiv lilli completing her training in iliy li lame mi Itlh and iiier 40th nesiuiiuu Vili tVUtl tor 1016 and worked at the Royal Vic re mu thine Thu may thi ltltlIlll Raiiii lljul hockey lnllil Hospital for year until her rer llrilc my iitiuraiir tlllllltlttl ihr best an itVlJentiiresiinie gtpllll got the best lii lllittlltlll and he felt ll veiin piouiaiii in lze tll o1 lltl iii lie good idea lloxieei illllllUVlV WU HHS Hisml Cl filllll PHL lib ln ll ill lil llti and other fatllllitw The Art lub now Vll iiieiibt1 letters ieriy appears to love the at 114 umlinpp 1m inme rhili of In and mettines iinV lftlllV at norllilaiid and her work haunt the HH lllililj leeve iiilfin Mlltl the eoniniuuity house on llinrsuay lndiaiithheiiV She has been limit it mould lJil for the town to Vltltllll Anv Uiligtll lllilltltl in evirytliniu from surgical walk to 511lllttiiliImhllUllltl be annexed Barrie and distiiet IltUllli lII StlllllLVV fractures and making casts llw itpneil it would be neees attend The nearest doctor is at Monso nx loi ilttN lUlltliV lioldein illllll bliitiiu IliulnI nee about 100 miles to the south lilttlll illltlll if llliV lllLl HVhi is even attempting to learn Vin ivionm pail of Harrie llitli Bishop Beverley VV WW lCTVms 1liliViitd in ninth if ime wcieVl dV tViVl VinitVtVViVii soft lVaiiquthJV VV lI Iilljvtltils to the ltlllli they CO CS CW 11 rancc Vllttlt iVii ahVout 1L llllt 11111 multl In elnilVi mlynminm 1U VChurch of Good Shepherd dies at ltlll Vtieoice Hill the 10th 1Vtil ol the population are rec Indians Hm WM pm In mm There is white school teacher ziiidl ln Wilson chairman of tiici itciiiiinolate the landlltuition at ii GC Wilma Ms9 1WIlltliillllllti lllMllltd ill humh of CW 51kp1ldV and there is also Roman catholic report ieeoiiiuieiidiup that certainr Mom HumV V11 21V iiiisston and lludsonsllay p051 piiipiity be offered for sale to Rt Rev ll Beverley Bishop at On her hips made in her work Ulll Wildlllml hill 10 Toronto dedicated the iieeest she must either fly or travel by itlllliU 01 mlld Milli Wt entrance at special seiviee doc team and her letters are full liis lliv report was adopted gyms mum Mth MIL of adventures 11111011 the isolated vM Vlev stressed this point by remind SHOPTAGE HOUSING INDluff for MOTIIS They may be homesteading right it Better protect your clothing willilJSanO they Insured Mothproot Cleaning System USanO is part of our regular cleaning service Calli Nu Service VVFor rickup Dial 2471 VV VL0NcnisrANcE TRUCKING PCv 01553 24 HOUR lSERvicr Trucking VDRIVEURSELF CARS theninp of the llilt of the church plus the building of tower and spire Although it was ltlllitlitl iii lllll the edifice was never tiiiished and this is major step in the tilti iiiale chinplelmn of the church church is ii an tlltl iii itself but only means to an end warn edery Rev lI lliler Dean of lorliiitu in liis seriiiun hrist left the work of building the church to the tliiireh itself which is living thine The Church MiliA iaiit hero in earth should he Ltllll posed of everybody The task of bringing people to know Christ as their Saviour is the task of the laymen lVean Ri int the congregation that the cler try only represent oneiper cent while the laymen represent 99 per centVof church member hepi ow in your favorite INSURED MOTH PROOF CLEANING svsrm the county councillors were of the opinion that the county grant gt wotTldV make it possible for the Sertric 10 per Irhil DRIVEURSELF TON STAKEi AND PANEL TRUCKSLm1thper mile LARGE TRUCKS 15c perindie email 2433 or 2222 would cover the 1948 deficit the board of directors introdiiccd tiger county hospital been formed and through this Vor ganizziliongrantshad beenvobtai ed from the county for the addi tional cost of indigent patients revenucrdeficit of $6100 last year ibut the ltiave any cffectonthis eroii also spoke of the improve said soineiof the cd Indian settlements Mail isllowii into the nurses only about once month At Cliristiiiastime all the Indians came into the mission house fora party and sang songs and gave each other gifts the Vtiny iiiission was so crowded that some of them had to sit out in the snow At the time of her letter the temperature at Fort George was 10 degrees below Zero The water system which is run by pressure pump had broken down and they had to radio throuin Fort Harrison to Ottawa One of the men was carrying all their water from the RoyalVictoria Hospital VASks Town for $7000 llVIo Cover itevlaincs Ferguson and Ciiiiieioii appeared beforthhc luwii Council last Monday night seeking grant of $7000 for the Royal Victoria Hospital This Rev MIF011USOH chairman of Mr Cameron the business man explained thth ii organization had Mr Cameron He pointed out there had been county grant would not Mr Cam hospital Hand money needed fothhis purpose had been boiQow meiits made to the The business iiiaiiagei pointed out that collections liadVbccn good iiiid the $150000 collected in 1040 represented 100821 of achiitsV Some of the money collectedhad been from previous outstanding accounts Mr Cameron thoughtthat since the rates from some rooms had been increased and in view of pro vincial and county grants there was fighting chance of breaking even in 1949 The wan Council was asked for iVlVglElnt of $7000 based oriV tlieiqpi crating deficitin 71948 Reeve James Hartychairman of finance isaid he thought most 01 hospitals to operatewithout loss Mr Cameron agreed but he said this would not help last years do fieit The county grant made in 1948hc said waslor period of onlysixmonths VV Deputy ROIGVC Charles Griffiii asked if the surrounding munici ierry wrote that 948 Deficit lhu chairman ul the properlyl committee commented on the carel taking at the town hall He said the assistant caretaker after he had ieiioii the job four days had offered to quit because his Siren pestiuns ltttilltlllltl the work were not favorably received The 0f fer had been accepted reportcdl Mr Wilson and another man had been engaged The property eoniniitlce ieportI also lLCUlliVlliclldttl that lanewayl V1 established between Bayfieldl as nM St and Maple Ave iiorlli ofi GERALDINE McttURLEY Elizabeth This section of the rcl port was also adopted Thomas iraiiiper appeared be fore the council to state his easel for ownership of the property he occupies on East Anne St Iii 1937lV the town had sold the lot to Clif ford Robinson on condition that heV erect certain type of building However Mr Robinson never obl Mr Grainger told of dealings he had had with Mrl Robinson and said he had tradcdl car and pot possession of the property lleliad lived on it since llMlaiid had paid the taxes Nita GiiiiiieVer asked Tor the deed Ald Currie declared that the only negotiations tittedtown had hadi had becii with Mr Robinson therefore the deed should go tdt him and it was not for Vthe town to argue lVlijGraingcrs case De puty Reeve Griffin suggested that the townrdid have some obligation to Mr Grainger who occupied thel property and had been paying the taxes Since the matter had been referred to the town solicitor it was decided to await his reply rw0 READINGS GIVENBARRIE 000 Bitty ltirst anti second readings were given at the Town Council last Mondaynight to bylaw to eoiiV trol dogsifrom running at large The bylaw was introduced by Aid Hambly During the discussion on the bylaw as drafted Aid Ayiies de clared thiilvoneoprovisioii indicated it would be all rightij dog lo run at large providing it hadra collar and lag Aid Corbett suggestcdthat the lot catchers job Would last only six months lCillier politics would enter in or the dogs wouldHm the dog catcher out he ieiiiarked DCplllyRCCC Griffin spoke of the dogan Allaudale school yard He said ittiis regular harbort for dogs and they pulled small childrcridowiiVin the school yard He foil thed0g bylaw was design ed toeoiitrbl such dogsfroiiilruii ning atrlarige William Malcoinson who was presumewas invited to speak by lllC Mayor Mr Malcomson said JLCmin favor oLaidog bylaw but he thought dog could be 1111 The council meeting was ad journed at 1030 pm BritislfTEe Rail Safer And Cheaper bONDON March CP Aftcr 12 years of experiment Bri tish railways are tomhave new type of rail said to make for safer quieter travel and to be more economical than existing track Sir Eustace Missenden chairman of the railway executivesaid the new flatbottom rail will be in stalled gradpallyjm31001Lmiles lines ItboutTSOOKmirlesialrchy hitv beenlaidenp9iimental1y 7Thertraditiohal track is thing like figure eight with at base The new type resembleslan lof drill was conducted lpossiblc that the ranks muld ll creditable Viub on tile iaiipe iiii 501110 RAY LIVINGSTON iiiiinaiier fur iii 111 tontl lilv the lltd tm tiiiivti tllll irl ii of the iiiiiiiri11 vil 1i VVV Mr lviiii Home biainl VV ed itiiilll 31 ii ii The Church ltiilllli int ii duet iiiiide gtlllllll unmile ii parad if liiidayV ilzin llw ever thou on parale for Na Itr inspection hi Ciiig lUIlillJillllV liiilltf lfitlt min liiiv mg Following the illlttill Inf parade lgt turned over in WWII Art Johnston and Miami glllllitl To all Irtll Sidt observer it wbultl evni lti be brought back to form lisltt ially with one headznu due iioith one south one east and anothei in vague westerly direction Nttt tlieless 1lllllilv iraiiaizijd finish the manoeuvre with sinartl dressedoff ranks lit The Flight was broken into groups expedition air tinuie expedition Wiltltbs While the ter finished the ttlllll Cllll llff Arnold the ftiliieiV pioup did inl dcr the expert gilltlllllil of itliflV Jones In the Zlllltltilllll and grouping it was close itlti hill the way With few points separatr lag the 12 men When the fiiial count was through the top five ofV the week were Milson Beresford Mills Vlliltfllglllll and Roberts Parade wa dismissed at 3LT hours with an officer present to take the salute The olympia RestaurantVV famous for excellent cuisine presents ThtcNeillie inn abunday llvc 911 pm EVERYONE WELUOMEV NO COVER CHARGEV der control although not on leash Aid Pugh explained one instance where doghad been apparently 1111101 c0ntrol but he suddenly dar ed out into the main business sectlion and little boyvran into the path of an auth chasing his dog He submitted that dog he matteiliowwel1trained could not the under inverted costsVmore but is expected to re sult in longterm economics mile of the new track em ploying baseplates instead chairs requires 16900 fewer com ponents than the oldstyle bull Tread track On the cuntinent and in Unit palities were sharing the costs Mr Cameron spoke of the county grant and said it would be paid Vongan indigent patient diay However the surrounding were not beingasked to share this deficit During the discussion it was pointed out that the town had is sued debentures for $16000 tWO years ago to pay off deficit of municipalities for the control of cats He declark 01 baseplalesin Mlssenden saidV ed that cats did more damage than We are usmg baseplatcs because dogs they prolong the life of the sleep Afteij there were few more suggestions regarding some of the provisions in the proposed bylaw Aid llainbly and Ald Currievsug gested referring it tollhe town solicitor before the third reading WATER PROFITS WINNIPEG CF eonSumption of water in Greater Winnipeg more than9000000000 gallons last year abroughtwith it lhehospital VMimeographcd copies of abrie from the Royal Victoria Hospital were distributed to the councillors and the request for grant was referred to the finance committee The death rate in Candda from inuenza has fallen 81 per cent during the past 20 years ll This proposal was adopted 8th MISS MANCHESTER CplAfter an injection of pentothal truth drug woman found with lost memory more recently told police she used to Work at Manchester Food Of $370160 prot for the water board Levies for 1949 will not be lowered however because of big expenditures planned isnursmronvdnncivmW EDMONTON CP Arrange It is heavier and of control unless on Ed Va StatesandCanada it is customar VV Malwmsun said camped to have thousands of miles spiked the bylaw would include provision dllecuy l0 tho5190P0rg 95 With Heavier fic Officials were brought to merits have been made to bring 50 see her but could not identify families of Estonian immigrants to her Alberta this can MiNELR ASKING vi lli llri inflizi jl Mu fli izifllv 11lil 3le 1llti tritiili lill 11 vault l4lii Mi iiii mi hull tiillll in liil tllll Viki $3 Viiil v1 Vil tibial it thins vloii tinted iiV 10 iii WILF TODD Twice Weekly MONDAY and THU RSDAY Vx Section 2Poges to Wt Meeting Held at Home of Mrs Harrison AIR BOARD GRANT fijV lt liltlE1l 311105 Rll lll ls 11lllt YUlIi NEXT Slll Ht ltHllMl Priced $1175 to $71190 SIIIS AND lll8 STUCK iHlll IN AN HIST lllllhl Alli SIZES IN SllHK HATS $850 $1000 others $350 urss and isms tllLUt lluiilop ser VlSAltRllZ SllilSUN WISE MAN takes part of what he has to protect that which remains How by INSURANCE Think it over and consult MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY 41 lliiiilop St Dial 3735 Wrenches 130s and nails or gaugesfx hardware shop E7 EE Courage Healing VlifeVltseli To Others GIVE to further the Red cion Blood mousing Service GIVE to maintain Red Cross Outpost Hospitals GIVE to bring aid and comfort to the veterans still in hospi GIVEto help make crippled child whole and healthy agam GIVE forVDismer Relief and all the other ways in whxch Red Cross relieves exing and save lives

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