ilitzalmk Alik 5311 BARR 33555133 37153 117731 IIIII II II II 77 IIIILI IIIIIIIII LII II rWW Homemade Cake READYMIXED NEWTON ROBINSON ANGUS 11 11 111 III 1W Mix Chocolate Cake in 60 Seconds lietiiz hunt WHI litm ill1 711113nild 171 1111I11 luv II II xin i1l1iiii ilti Il ui barIV 1V 711 Hi 11 lifziu lil turni itii 1V ii in AI II II II IIJI l1 11 111 110mm I7 nmpneu cm 111 11 II iiiim1uiit 71 it III tl II I7I7I1Ih LII IHI IIIX II MI 111711111 illltilfl 211 1111 7r All 1111 Mix 111131111 111111 11311111 011 11 111 17 11II1IIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 it SI 111 1111 111 ll 111111 111 Mi utl Mi 511 11i 11 1111 V1 Mi Hull HUNZ VA STRANED EVAPORATED iCOZ Routine lint niti VV 07 TlNS litt II 1111 Uh Iva 1H LL77 11mg 1I kn ANS iltllt 1111 211111 r1 11 UNI 111111101713 71 77 srrt oILI 11pt1 11 11111 111111 17KB wmon mus 1111 I7 77 7I I7 the lllill 1315 11111 STRAINED HAL Nix llviiuuu 1111111 111 lwitt 1V li FL 7e 07 202 mu mi lllli IMIRESSIVE 83000000 FILE Olll the centre to help voting peoples groups 711AfIIISIIIHIHlI WIAIIH111113111 II 77 SHIFTS MEAT BF WHEAT 11gt kl I71 iiniiithug lotty posuion on Austin ltlltut turning tl quiirlei or not oiiiuinps to 17 11711111111777 31 71171 1111711r II MFATS 24 xivflifHEnRTS IJVOZV 13C 111 01 UthlDOhlll soutlitin section it the in 11 the it as itnt loioiitos shalt It 1111 NI But 3141111 Int mu in ntlv 171 ll Mt utlllttlii illti Mb VV IIV YL ER tit os nosI llllllhtld no it itt lttt mum Alum mm 17 11I beSONS It 02 1s 011 101110 Klwnms Hub lmirrors 13711131771171 37 my BABY FOODS 02 13011111 STARCH 11 I7 111111 11111111 AYLMER comm CANE Lu mm pawn 111 1111 in 7r ituwiILI lJcaiitIH IsimithI IgtI txI 01 NS TIN in 1111 min ww77777777771fmf ff 51323117 7777 7777777 77777 CLOWES users 57 bEEHlVE o1CROWN BRAND 77w 11 Hit1 family in the 11 111 BABY oz TlNS CQRN SYRUP Tm Mziitli tour hushnntl 11nd 1111111 March 17 ling WWII 1m MW Ad MCMHFUIK Alllriltt Mr and Mix Omit nri Mini MW RENNET BRAND gt 65 23c CEIREAE OATMEAL EARL 3701 TIITIIIIJU 11 IIlIlItIIlIlII IIlIllItI 111M Wlikml 11 lHl ItiIiiInthIlIhIiIIu neighbors 1111 8111111 IIxIIisilIui IIlI1ItI1I11II11I1I IiiIiIs BABY 100 II II7 gt II II Ml 131 hmfdif 1ll 1mm 111111 11111 111 1111111 11 Mr and 111 11211 inn11111 111 11111 11 111111 11 it 1111111117 M12111 Im CHRISTIES 501 WESTONS BISCUITS CELLO spent ii0 piist ttLlltl 111 1111 II 77 17 71 711 11 tn md Mr 51111 111 11 111 711111 211 11 1711115 17i7dII1I lIhMII IIIHIMI Pm mh Hinds Ilmiil ir Slifllllllol 7111 117 371117 17 711 PKG vluuni was cast 11101 th0 coin1 v1 11111 in in Yllv will 11 WWW19mm r110 sotml vwnmiz on unw Hi And 1111 11111111171 liido tunmt hill II n7 my mm UNI MW Ham WWI ML Ind I1 17117 11 77 word was ltttntd 11f thi Hlltidtll TR AN IZXAMLNIJI ANT AD ICESI IWIIII th Mm pnIMInJ SICINIUIIIIIHI Myrna III MIIIIYIII IIIIIIIHIIHI IVIIIIN III 1111 lad 1111130 Chmch io bltlllull 111 Art lonhtnns Mrsl rnhltiivd Ilttillt9iil ind oiHuIi 111 Wild Hll lltl DUI Him VVHM ilV 1th 3011 Womens AuxiiizuV llltrUlV 351 MV mi MVS humid kw 11115 01 which 10 Mrs W111 unity of Sutton 11 HVh HVV III Mcmmmz VW P1175 11111 711111 1111 0111111 i111 l1l111I1 7777 hymn Twas Mal101 11111 limit oi Billllt ill llltll 11111110 511011111111 onttxt 5001 Mrs 110111111112 rif liaikihoof F00 I1 iin1i11l11liliVivwiiiii iliiiiihxi 11 11 1111 11111117 1I hm 11 3171 IiIHIi IIIIIIIllvlzILLIlftfll1IltIIIIIIII IIIIII III1MI IIIIII IIII II II7IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII GOLDEN BROWN spew 23c IIlIr v711II11I1gt1II11IIIiiiIIIIIIiIi 1IIIII HUI MIII 1I7 BIdIIIII7I IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII7I7II MIIIIId XII HUM mm III PLAIN or SADED HIOZI PKGI 7I 77 11111 11 1111111 5117711 11 iSHVHWV 93111113$131 ll11tifitltidiltllI illlllijl Vi WESTONS VINFiUIh 117 pack box 01 mod for our lCiiulish 1M BISCUTS LB CELLO BA II IIIIIIIIVI ThII WI IIIIIS IIIIII IIIIII Th7 HIII7HIIII1177 IH7 1117 ml 1r101iil bv Illt members The pit VllH IWAD gram congisu pup he l1rni Forum II LOBLAWS History of Clowns Community IVHHI 13 lIIIlilll I1 lIl 1I EACrl March 1W MxSI DiCkQII MrsI Isms cow SLlllll uu our 11111 gt 1111 111 11111 1131 111 Whimy 17115 11113011 IVllIICtllllghIS NIISIJI 1101 EI7$ll7i li7 Ill dililiiit 111 1kggLmsLL lngRZ 35C 111m vt 71n rs ltlSLl issts et Ins I1 I1 II 1II II1IItIIlIIfiIIII11lll it Mr 11 ICII IIIIIIIIIIISIISI 717th PM IIILIIIIIIIIII 11I7m77II IIMWI LI IIHII II II II gt 11 J1 111 11 1946 PLYMOUTH tlitl R0111 Kingston tumt 11111110 IIIIIIII IXplj Pmlm him1101111V iiitVlihi 011lll111111i111111i1 1111111 ND WHITE 2401 to World 1111 lumlul MI gt 11 COTTAGE BRA LE WHEAT Iwm 3111111 11 111 WHO LOAF 111111 1171 11717 II II 77177 1177 77 7I I7 71 WHEAT rhv poop of HS Immunity II lIIIIIIIIl IIIIIIIII IIII1 I71 IIIIIIIIIIiI CIRoch II II II Wer dwply Shock by the Add INIIII III MIIIIIIIKIBIIII IIIIII IlIIIIII HIIIIII III II 77 77 passing of 111113 Bliskclvlliv ltltll 77 V44777 1111 11 1111151111 1111 117115 11111 MIX Em Reid mmII up MM IIINHHHII Mi mm up mva MIOZI VI IIIIII LAPGE lloriizil McKay resuionts ot ttigt 11111111 plenty oi niiuwimni to 1110 pKG 01111111111111 The sympathy otthO Tho ice him unplmm 1m 1111111 1111 11 Mi 1111111 cinnmunitv 17111115 to Mrs IlnsktIi this VIIIIYI was i111 1311111 111 110 111111111121 II tll LLBI 1111 6OZI Will illidthIIlhi 11G foliugllli Tmmmov has been Almlmmm hm IVV1IV1HIIH1VVVK Mil CTN Vc N5 II MI 55 713 I7 77 II II Shir110501 1011111 occurred RI 51 tohlsom itnnumo will 1ill1ll1iilV7 win1111 iilll ltHHlu lltl lll lllllnlrlillV 1111 11x1 lltlil LAI IIIIICKACE ni rs It 157HI 17 777 1Rxhiirisntl33dH hero for the ClllnCli mtLtlllK Add II OZI NS LSJJ FiidtiV 1111 31111 Speed 1X19 bOOSter brakesl The WMS 01 ClltltllI Church Mr Goodman 01 Toronto 5110111 TRY AN AMINIR VANP 17m 77 luFL png ylc II mm the March mommg and he weakend mm ML and Mm 0111111 tnes Si III World Day in prayer sengvac 11 Sheppard IIIIIIYI FL 11111717r 71111 the home of Mrs Irwin ti on Mr and Mrs ziitt oronto tn r7 CAKE Marth with good attendance lfCie Sunday visitors With iltl 11 OZ 8n mi and the President in charge MW ther George Wheeler 111111 11111 PKG Ml 13c McKay gave 21 line paper MEI Harvey Wimn has munnod the significance of the World Day home after 13100 months with hm 77 M77 7d 11 we II 111111 oi 1117101 an 715 11s mother Buns Columbm 1111 mists III I7 CAKES 17c gin informative 1lcscrlpt1oIn Iof Mrs Jack Alhn tremd her 7LB BAG 1331CIIIIglCIIgiIEILuth tIiIiIn scholars and the parents 10 11 OPIVIT Hum 717 LB 11111 111 Vs 111 us show in Barrie 0n Fridaymiht GE iI MCAlthulI LAR PMCKAGE Ehzabeth St Baffle ItoInst MY TI Help ML andIMFSI Fred Quantz of PKG 37C CII MII SIIIIICIIhIII MIISI RI Pais Long Branch were weekend ViISLI I1 NT Ix 4OZI 1151 11 um lIiiiIi LARGE Twin13111 md Mrs J7 tors with her mother Mrs Rout TLEEST PKG 11111131 Shaw PKG 7I ley McCuzng motion was passed Mr and Mrs JackRuett Tot 777 77 77 1I 1111111111111 1111 Mu munI III LI 1202 to have quilting it the Sunday onto spent the weekendImth hi 1c TIN lSeliool on March 23 parents before leaving tor thCI ROLL II new home In New Glasgow NOW Fm Scoua J11II Ioltmalts LIME IzpKGS 17c RIM 8ltFL 27c Spending the weekend in Bello 02 JAR 71 11 Mrs Ron 11 77 777 AM fmdmblevs Ml MARIM 11 EraTOLL 19c LB IRIE 77 22 II II Enqu11sIIF111 QuantIzIIIai Mrs 307 GREEN COLIIUR III IIIIIII 20 IL arc e1 iggins an iiinrr 517201 it II 7777 Mrs Dobson and Audrey Trombley and7Vern a1 Mrs IA pKGs7 25C 202 TINS 15c qpeanthesweicnd inV Toromo Hm his 30 gt Mrs George Mason of York and Son MIS Hollingsmmqlg 11 Doris FitZSmmons andMrsils7 ti 3111131st IlssiDEIIeIechIymth M1 Ion wIth 1mm aaughten SI HI F1tzsimmons 00 in 151 ych $331313taillight Sheppards Cook at Whom been conned to bed for over two Leg Broke in Iran weeks His many friends hope he Charles Curtiss fell and broke DA VAL will soon be abm 10 be 11p and 11 leg last week while at work in x173 amp11 L017 SIZE 252 901 around again Toronto lt31 21600 Mrand Mrs Joseph Walton Lil 7710 GS SW Lghts ONE SlZE VAllABEE lion and Edna moved last Wed Qcielha gulpbeli 1f$y In FlRSTl 503mg me ounctn nebday 10 they new home in B111 II 7I 77 PERSONAL rie on Thompson St A11 g0d1 Fuday aftemoon hr CONTRIBUTION wishes for continued health Iinnd1dtec1dtedlIglIittgtW that we Will htivt 77 TEXAS gt SI happiness go wrth thClTl to eir 06 401 aAlMliL new 111111 Womens 1115111111 CU LY ES MEXUN ciLLOTKGzl CANADIAN RM Grenfel Community Club met The Belle Ewart W1 met at the OMATO III EN LARGE the Churchon Fllday evening With home of M15 Wheeler on Thurs cmsp QIRE ROSS APPE V1 Kenneth DoBson presiding Mrs day 3fternoon Thev greatly ap III CALIIFORNIA 60 Sle II III II 173 NO II spew wmdattI Chmtlan 110w precmte the patronage 01 the Le FRESH DAILY BOZ fVT IV ship convenen was in charge of the fray WI 31 the recent euchm and III USE CELLO 67 fIT IS YOUR ANNUAL PERSONAL INVESTJA program and Chose for her topic dance I7 LRJgNDINC SERVICE Mom one Not Enbugh7 and 1AM 1N 11111311 17115 YOUR SlAKE INtHE7I RED cnoss RCVIFIABUnmosed1he meeting BAXTER I7 momma swim 11 onion 1105mm mimosa lliiiltettfntathl Ezzd iv II tNoiiosPITALizED VETERANS lN HEALTnIAnn 1mm ofIMrSI 37m II M7 CIIII 77 II HAPPINESS RESTORED To CRIPPLED77 CHILDREN fistcognmugltr legxtiine Elmo SLIM QUALITYFIRST LOBLA QUALITY 7133 0y 71 tAltD IN Rluljlldi 110R THEIVICTIMS Ol lleSlthbI rIq Eden death of hisImoItherI MrsIth Spam SundayWith friends at Sm v77 Baguley JeiSeyVIIle 5110 217 net MAY YQRSIJ 1F VV VI Been with Mr and Mrs Baguley Miss Eloise Hugill spentr 111 PORTEBHQUSE STEAK II I7 I1IF1D ltoi Fsorte tiIIIIIIteIIchEImIIi Passed Way gggd With inwds at Cdmp IIIIIIIIIIIIS he is IIIIMIIHIV chosen II or mVlDENDS Tl HAN WA lllIlggiinga MISS Yvonne Smw has rammed vs CRIPPIIED HIIID ourhom 1111 tine quality meat 191111 ROAST7 gt ome 17 17 valingtVtly iiiiv gt SATSIMJION 1N Quite large number Allende home fatter week ith friends at mum dependsonhemnzeywisd 77 1y1f1ii rimmed 1110 he I7 FIRST II 17 =7 the WA meetin at the home 07 Rosemont weighing IZXVCPSS VJl kNOWle UM Mr and Mrs Harris on Wed Boutlier Toronto spent the 1hwughEA575RsEAL5farabrighey1 13111111111 MI vIrIiulIlIIIIgIIiIIIimam fII lbIssc llt on YOU VI HELP $19155wgsmmlgrmprisiag iflggndneylm 15 59 Ms Ed lomorrow chanceloIive iii 111111 7011111111 HOMELESS SHOULDER ROAST 1b48c 811 EASTER ti Mrs CliordIHarris was in chargt M1 and Mrs MorrisIfloront0 normal He Buy an se 7M1wm tamed votional eriod and Mrs cut the weekend With Mrnnd PLATE 143C772 iiItmItche dFoord madp the SCIIiptIIIrCI 12 II Haugh II SEALS now II yStml Jennctt nd some of MiSsFlorence McKiti Vht RN it VV We HCIVB CI mks1 77 ey 51 mu em 11 ER 11 HELP THEM TO HEALTH HAPPINESS PbULTRY DRAWN WITHOUT CHARGE her pIiIipi roll eieII ziI 11 Oro St 10 WCCI cm WI Cholce SelecI songI GalwayBay Mrs Cliter herI parentsMi and M15 1215 Mc GRAIIIII3IIII5fIAB lb IHonis closed the devotional period Knight non of II III II III II erosion 111111 113 n11mitinttis 1311 OYSTBRS ms 49 Adllerllfmem 007m1b10l9u7 letters of thanks for oweiis Imd in the hall on Friday evening and 0335 SELECT MR fruit from the sick and shutins enjoyed the evening of euchre and DANGERFIELD 777 1bI45c gt Bo Rev Bunt closgdthe meeting dancing First prizes for euchre MOTORS SK E55 VJVV and retghment Wre served Went to Mrs RuadiCk and DOdge 830m Dealer Canada We of them was WM Gaul me minds Mrs 65 Cdllier St Phone 24 MEATS LoaLAw caocmms co LIMITED M11 and lKIlS Iliirris for the use 7101 untillxwgrgies to Mrs Kier I7 of their ome nan an son