Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1949, p. 4

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Emlg Fun THE BARR FXMNNEH BARRY OTTARIO CANADA 711717211 15 11411 77 Help The Red Cross gt1 lllit171117181 it 32311171511le TOWN 19i2tt 272 FElllNlNll llttAf gt lN THF St ll L1 11 11 11 71 17111 rs 11 II 17 11 gt 17 71 lzu 111 117 1t1VMrsh evrgyh lcs iliIHwlm 777 Is it 11 i11 lt at 1111 izit 15111 111 11 1111 11 111 777 III 17 III 171 1111 11 III 1k 1I 111111 11 171 H11 II 121 11 11 13 111 111111111111 111 21 7I II Vii111I iilllll HuI 11I 111Il11 1111 II111 11 11 1111 11 1111 117 111 1111 111I 11 VI ll VW rili 131 1111111 11 71 19 111 11 I1 III II II II II III II11I1I1I IIIIII IIII1I11II1II1 IIIIIIIIlIIII1I lion 1171111 1111 11 11 111111 11 11 wlltlm I1 VV 12117 111 V11 111111VV1 l1Vti AWN RV HAMLIN WV VVVIV 1me Vi IV V1 11 1V 111w lll1 II 111331114 qui i11 Iumi ll IVI IVVIVIMI1I1IAI VV 7V 11 1010 1111114 11 1111 311111 1131 11 7lI LII L7 111111 i1 1111111 Vi1711r 111 l11 11 I1I IIIIIII IIIIII vou WOMEN wno SUFFER 11 lltlll 101 VV Vi 11 11171171 121 1111 11 IVIiI 41 lIlII77I7JI 11 111111 11 t11 gt will 111 71 117177773 17777 1e Mm 11111111 In ll mld VW mi 2111 il1i11 IJ li illlw IIII II I7 IIIII IIIIIII III II IIIII IIIIIII IIII 1m 77 111 11 111111 11 11 177 17 7I7 111111101 Hereis Good News 1I liirl ll Hlll1lit1 ANw7H S371 II 15 111117177 1115 11m 111 11 11111111 111111 AW 1V11111111I11311111111 17 11 11 am WEEKUr lNFORMATON 557F311 11 fi 711 fj7 f777 1773 7177117mi i1Zi1f1111131337331 llV iiVi1iViVVl11I gtII1V in mi V111 111 8171 11 11111i lllfCllliIriWlgt13L it lVViViii 11 111 It 11 Vi AVV11 ii 1111111 ol m1 17m V11 1111mw 7V 21 111 11 11 17 to tl 1i i1 11 11 11 fl if 1V1 11 ii 11 111 1lt101 one Canii1i3 Willlo lv HHlIl=i iililtiiilllllt4VlVlxliixftiiltniii lliihldnunlswu 11 171 1111 111 INTHLHH I7 1701111 111117 11111 111111111111tut 11 111 1110 11ililt31111111111111111111111111uniuh II II 7117 7H 71 1III 13 111111115111 11 11 11 111I11111 11 111II71If 11 IlIdiomIAttlilIIIPJiVItUSlaiK1 ItlIfl li11311V1Vt1ni111m11111111119 mmn 11111111111 ml MW llH WU 111 11 i1 IVV IVm iV 717 11 1111 mm 111 1111 11111ti1i111 also 1V77 111111 11 1111 31111111311111111 11w 111111I1 11min honouring org1 111 11 711101 1111 1111101l1 111 11101 Hrlv 1771Ihnih1 777771771Ium iillhm1171177 1711 71 51111111hij Vf 11 11 lhv 1111111111111 1111111 1111 ll lllt moon of womens 711 111i71 171 lit111 91111le 1111111111 tllis lion 11111101110 II II H1 77 In 11 mm in 017 II I7 171 1111 1111 ll 71 11 717p7711 11 111 1111111 11 11111 1111115 11110111 111 mm Kl 7mm LI7liIC77ni 11111 111171 1111111111 111111 gt111 111111111 s1 111111111Ium1I1111111111 11111311 111I111IrIIII7i1l iii 31 iii ii INV 1tt 11 11 11 Milli 111 tt11111 51 IIMUH lllk tilltbl 7H V1111117U7I 1h wnllnko ll Ikltll 1511 IEIHB lllllt3 Kttll tilt 01 llhimSWIKElmliry makilinlguil i=7 iili mm it Iriiilllllif illllillll ill 011 um Ht Vi gt iW 11 will Mi 11111 li lhmlie 11111 rosith lli 111 April 1110 tiril lui housutl Women lt NM iVVIVVy 13 Im ikm VJiw YV Vi itlt111u iir1wiu 11v tti 111 iVoionu ruio in 11111111111 111111 11111311125 illtiii gt1me him 11m lI1111 Vf hit1101 lCi 11111 111111 11 inn11 ilil lulu St llama 1111I121ml 1le Im SHARVMONTHnllIltl 1111 1111171 11117 11111111 1111111 Heres Free Folder That Will Stich You Tame and Money 11In I1101is111 L1 11 tiwliizlllllll 011111111 111 1111011 111 uiiiiiy II Vii Iltiii 1111 111110 5110 ilt 11 VVVVIV mi liV if in iVViV iii VV it 111nlt1n1gt1111 will 111w on Sam WW lt1 rldvli WW ltliltr Ll tilH Vi 11 IIIIII III IIIII II II III IIII II IIII IIIIIIEI 77II 7I II illIllI lIuI1I1 IIlI111 111111 Itl1 it in 1111I Ill 1111 111 Iu 1Ion I11 7171111 11111111 11 711111 11 1111I1 111111111 oimmn Pd IIIIIIII IIIIILI IIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII III III III I111 him 11t 15ltgtlpil l1I 111011II RIlllillllt II1I1 lgt gt110uthii7u 11111 gutks Ill 01 Miss mks 51ys7 1l101I11 lttI 11 11 11 111 liiJLi 11 iilmww 11111 10 1111111111 1111111111111r Lli111 tlll t7tl 11lV gt11i1 ix nu mx Iii i11 111 11 Ii iiniu l1W1 ti iii Llfilill V111 VHRHV Umle IVlmw 1h HWH ilVNH Vmi mm wuut 11111 Vv 1111111 to 1111s 14 gt 1gt1 I1 H77 77 77 11 11 1111111 1111 111 11 1H lV 1i111 11 tili x1100 4110 11 l11110 I11 11051111 llnunns Sliulll 5111I l1l l1 211111111 111 111011 Nor 111111 11111011 It I1 IIIIII III7I IIIII III II III III IIII IIvIIII II7HI71III I171 IonWIII II III 11I1 1I1 I7III I1 IJI III IItIIII IIII II 11 312 iutiII Mrs John Shiup 111 111IiI 1111 1th loiIinti 111I111111sI I1I7Hmm1 HR 117k711m M1 two 13 lwi ill Vi if 1M Wit11111117 ltuntssotn llit llltlllltlilt MHMF 11T1 lthJm runuiu llliilhi 1k 11 111111 1111111 1111 11 17111111 111 li11111 Si H11 HU7H71IIV II7V Luff IKIHIi 11lt SilitllllLllld in 1110 first lios 11 219 911m ImIfInIIL PM may helpful he Older jVVi iiitilllllliVVV laniiiiiilViiV lmmVlm Humh mm Him 5mm Vm xllti 111111 Vt1ltllt 111litzziziuz 77 77 11 Il tliuh Theres No Half Herer Beauty Treatment 1V1iViVVlit1iV itLiihltilhiiiitgiiittliE Til him Him mlll IIVV Al 111111i lltttlttli LilliiitVTilIlih thelHiS ill HV 1111 Measure Alicia fa fldIIItiIlIoThes 1I11l 12 1I111Iugtlgt 11 11111 ilnsI I711uIIuit1II7I IIIIIIIII IIIIII HIIIIII SIIIII HIHI I1 IIIII1I1I1I1I IlilIiIIlII71Iilt 1711 1111t 111 31 Jl somllmtlliui off hi WV whlir 1i i111iiiifi11iiiViiiViiiiv 19311 lHV mm mm WM 11 11r1 11111 gt 11 1111111111 11111111 M1 1111111 1e 111101110 Rum wt 11 Sink=11 W211i I71w1177 1110 11 111 11 77111lt 71 77 11 1111 111 lht hiitlt Mimi in 1111111111 11 11 ltlhltl ltlil and Jon minus 111mm 11 Ah Hi 11 111 11 iliiziiii lliusinx IVlnt iUlli iiltut on llur itHiiUl wnru Litldinu giiwii l1 lSllUtiI Munitiiii tlltliiili IIIIIIIIIII II Ii Wml hwr 1111 111111 11 1111 7V iVlltiilV nth111111111 mum11 111 1111111 traditional i1lllllll 11ltl lixiiiti 11111110 111 tulhngwumi 1111 31111111111 mmriiml Am IM V17 lHJl Ulll lll Mlti if 1151iuti 11111it7V11112 1111111 when illliltl llllilVid VVUWh 11W Imh ntrlq VIII mm 11111117 711311 17717711 $11111 1I I11 1I 71h7111 MISS ghwvnw 1I117I7711II 111501 111111111 1111 princess lilits lloiliuou 111 lzmkin in ur Amjdont IIIIIIIII IIII ISIIIIII IIQIIdeII III 7I7III7I 1o stru Jill llllille In 111111 11111 1111r 11 11 111 1111110 11111111114 11 may int0 tux111011 lltit yoke for 11111 1111 oiiy to report that Mrs IIl 11111 iiuiiiiv $1111 uiii1 111 111111 11111 All 11117i 11117 111111 mom 111111 111 Viie high 11001111110 1111110 lightly 1111011 111110 15 111111111 111 the RV lI M1 will 7I of I171 111111 II1l 111 1111 1111 11171 1I 1771 II 7IIIKIIIH III IIIIIISHI7I WIII mm and 11 11111 111111 5km lIlItisiutul 11111110 8110 sulltretl 11111lt11hv ltllhl IL 11 tonIltiIhuI IIIIIII tiitwoi 111 ktlii1i1=11i V1n1 iw is NW him wit11111111 11 1111 Btilh lirthltl1 WK imlm m1 mnglmlwd 1mm alrmilllml IHiVVm it lelhiiiim illiiiilillul lilipiiioliiminiiiitdiiiiil11lii1iclI i11 llil ll 01 110 1151 luluitiiirll111 11111111l1 111l j7IIE7117 11311 l110 1211110 it11ilii kllh lva Adi$111 1111hiuiil1iilliiiinl iliVit cliilan litl xihiu 111l 10 iiigt 11111111013 Arniitlthtlitr ule 1E11 VV ilillltitll1iltiitlkti English luhloViHHN 91 V77 AXLiiiln 113 73 HM impl ViMIMI 11 1111117 silver t1ni1il1bii and pink Dill JLWMIIV VHS hmrlomn um mm IlIIHEEIIT ltIIIIIIII17XIII71f ix IV lw wndunt iutlllti to her lW isitttl lizirrie litiltktllls 111 11 11 l1f11lm0l Iillzi itililtMJ IllulllJlo ilelII 1l 10711I111I11111vI illli nine 11 IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIMIIIIIlt3IIfIIII EIIIIhJIIII hm mmlI 1M Empku 1110 N1mnmI 1V1le 117 tniiiioiIs 1111117 PiiiisI1clIIlliIlIi NO Wllson I7 hone hmn 11 11111 11111 111111 111111 111111110 11111124 77 77 17 1mm Mummy m1 11mm MI 1915 11111 11 111111ottti720 ntm utioLtiipitd llii 1111 Mrs Cllthil 1110 inzuiil L5lltl 41m 7o PostOfflce quare Illtlti 11110111511112 hhtl 113111111 1111 llIlL vl1IllIlll1 Simiwlio uh 11 birmdWVot tho illit Clarion Dtitilamps Illr Dill isuott litover Holy1111 Ill lllk Ill7lddlI II NF 11 l1 111 NV 1i lillts itl 00nini the iirst Vhiic ious0$ Ill 110 com 11 lt Vi 1k Vli nl Vq llla nl 1111111 7lVLtd mm mm md Mme Roimiei1gliinimiiilioiiioii filcuitlt 11 lttillUllUJLUlt 511 Immil illld 11151 1111 btc mm 2111 Ame tilty 11117 irnznlzoniw dying 15I man 713117 1mm 01 ml bl1lsttliol Curr ollulolllo View 11rcr1 111111111011 1111 11011111ess in styl0 and VV gt MN hum my 30 10111 llh lillltkilll tgtgtlllhl nitiiitocturo iVmV pmiomg 11 ll10 dipper hung on tho 00itlll Ior tll9iilll the bildt thiuLtt ht Johns 31h 1111 bundles tl iii 114111111 in Mg MR M7 pump Mummem 11 1111 11111751 Sugar11 5pice 11110 11110 15 Mrs Corbett rnsmlH glossmim if IIII1g11L1jllnill ilz7IIgqn7 Iimj1l MVP 1111VIS whmwd long hours Eyelgmmg MUan WHOM cm by her iigtilslxioliiifsiiliitL tuis Atlvr ti noun with 1w 11le ltSllll The in the urtun 1101115 bettiie modern nurse Mrs Ross and taken to VV gt1lvt rl 111lttorVoVoii1 11111011111011 came into use 01 11 lthH Ithe il11Ii oi Ililt Itible whore 1ifgifidginilhlig Miwmlik lIerl tho meeting and 1111011 on Mrs Tm mm The Big Dippmw is an 1$lll7Lji1c pink ios0 had been DiilLti 11 Whitney to conduct the wor mmcm mc associated with m0 pRESENT 77 111111 senice Mrs Bell rvgiclunnmth circumpohn com111171101 111 77 1n Sliver rztsery tuiothei oolxs INMU wudS Comm 01 1I II 1111 Br 1iliroll 521 Millllli PM 01 11 MW 10 11 Dalltm 53 Churches Among the items ol Wl iCl The birthday 1115 m1 s11 11m the Bti DllU flm the Clembl pom bi 111mm 15 Cwuv Imice of its seven principle stairs in 010 Ollele follownt 71711 lazister You in April IIIhC sewial 7I III and Mrs COICbII thallde CVLVIEV committees were appointed Rollih IglUlIillIlmlthxhlfg ZILI It 77 177 tutor is 21 SlLt bodV my the thougmlulm mmgillltiihdi diitiud l3lfigll11thout iiiiiNthtiiitimifblluntei outlior ind1 EL m3 BIGVALU COW1111 10 Mr 11111 11115 Chiiles Robe11111 very interesting loner from IvllfS31 Generous Sizes of three famous beautiers and easy to mVuke at home Battle mm Vim iiiiittolciJugiiiiicijt6531213 rv to gwe you weeks of beauty en at the Hilleling Appetizingrmlisfyinj moneysavigglMuk 191111 pr 3er1 glans 9dlqllf ilIIIIPEYEfIl vII Tumyx Flour Sweet Bun dough undin quick time you can have hol 3177 1I77k LC iig 77 bunstruii bunsspiced buns or iced bunsovenlruh Rev Sunlvan Urges iilquIzliiifizlzfnon 111511115111 hook thle Local Sodahty Members 3111111t11 tIolS 111C13I 5111171611 1117 I301 IIIIII MIS Allen AlmIIICIIlItmgI iin7U 1n zicys unningnu Take atholic ACHO punk To 3133 $531155th Mb Rift 35131 iii itikeni gtLUXURH 1111311111 Spring flowers and filet lace lg1 Mr Vimd Mrs Cecil Hickling were ceilith the tables Of St JosephQ Farm Forum 03 50 visiting Mr and Mrs1R0y Hickling CREAM Cam High School library IOI the COm box Social unfmjmc fubplcef and friends trpm Toronto 111111 BLENDEDBYHAND munion breakfast of St Marys 0f Elmvah andsmm 131 Flweekond sodamy lasr sunday morning Thvi ums was lgelcfil Vlcimiw The sompnmm CIVUb are haVilgi LUXURM SKIN LOTION bwakfasi followedAhe 930 mass Jifgdc 01 Ceiwlgfmlrl To 21 fashion parade 2117Clubd7ti1 MISS forntrcslidewy look sunusr Rev OSullivan of theIIRt 77 7171Ruth Wallnin 111 be mo ith as 41 idemptorist Oldel SDOKC 10 the iOplc f11 amte bolbjjbilgcliissiolii the bVldC LUXURIA FACE POWDER members 6f the sodnmv prosem 1312113 lilveieo JosOl DVver ind Rani Barrie Collgiite tardc 11111ggcng $111 gt llXGHiSiNiLY ncanll 01 gins In his talk 0131311118 $211 0310135351 stressed the 111111391 lm cihbivifii 12331 2151332 the auditorium MISS Phil 1W sousm 1110mm 11111 15511 11 1119 11151 pottance of the place nonnn Illmg income iie peculiar to totin htx Miss Rut Camp aug LF the world teday and mged th mg Flimltngswmetllihc mStStnlm Mr andVMrs GV campben was I7II7I II TI 7I L71 Isodnlists to Caithcillio otttlgnII HEIIEISZHIDIOIttnrtIce OIIIIII IteqIImeCiII lllhas fw home Ifot the weekend She is intioduced by 67in II II zittenchng Malton College Toronto Clll7 spiritual director of the 111110 Dlgvanmgtglicemgl 35 The whole milleproduceis held group if 61 their convention at the Royal York Joan 1911111 notions Next to Roxy Theatre Dial 3574 for the gins the Spiritual bouquet ggsilgellfgubg 771711 915733 157 FLawv Roy Hickling 15 a7 director oi the 7I 112111525 3331 or 17 1I I1 I17 on the farm are Sodality Day May in honor 017331711333351115771117057 of the cm the 50m anniversary of his audio1707 10w whom1 Do you think in tion to the riesthood this year 31 method 01 Father OISIfIIIIVIIn led In CIIIOVI fogiioggVIizc thnkltlh If my the iii 1ggigfkiislitifdgiiismiogiih13158133313 ihiiinelclied livofiilld 1iiigtt b6 II II took moving pictures of the sot obllgCId to my income to We diI II mi so thIlInkhhf shfouIlItt beIfglVBndthedl 93 am 71 777 t1 moguconditionswere tak II V7 2332tiaioffiiaggriaiieiiiiiiii vV 101 fth 01 01 there is Do inuc roe 01 SMART SWEATERS At the regular meeting ot the connection with the farm At the rhuuascthrm7whathrmto getarecipuim ENGLISH GABARDINES Womens Instituth on March 17 the close of the meeting Vhsey lireaidd mum mum wormed MUM 50mm mom TWEEDS 35pmka wm be gee quds snlhand Robt Glahqm mic lone Andthisrecipe calls or Purity Flouryour favourite MUNR whose subject Will be Supervming the boxes and the proceeds of the the ourthaisspecially milled from tine hard wheat YARNS AND Township School Area Mix evening were $48 The purpose of VV WHO mm Sum5 Piem C35 UPPLIES Woods is Supervising Principal 01 the Social was to raise money to or bumcurytimerallihenme IKNITTING Essa Township Schpols and his purchase radio for the Forum or mu 0M nbwywhmmwPumvcpomoqn 17 Hayfield St iiiigftiognhieiintfiilr 510 Iglibtaffrugiuddfvolopcdmm ulflvl lt9 Relieve ch in am 1123 115t1111511J7im2il JuSt sout locorners 00010n0wuOntoloronioOliOJWinanel NAMED AFTER QUPFNv itcilovc itfllilig due lo eizemu implu Ftll IMawAnhvmmmm W91 913 530 The Two Maryland de gwen ff31111111311thti Nm WM 9730 to 1200 noon 7381110 Eighth niallsirsmiecl llho 1711I1111A11D1I111 nItrgnxithtirtIsdista VV no out munmmnou 0m VW 919 mmg 17 nii1 nu 4373VBARMIV 177Queen Henrietta Maria ot Em M2231321E5f1miii1iyi litiiiiiiriw jand7 rum

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