giouourro 1111111111 1111E111X111 111 Navy Building Modern lceBreukcr 11 1111 11111111111111 of le 111 11111111 11 11111141 111111 ii 11 unlit 111 11111 lio t1111111 511 I11lc 11121111 1111 lli it nul ill lliv x1 ll 11 Lhl feet 111 i1iitll 13 11 11 11111111 111 1111111111 1111 yl 1111 diiplaee 11111111 111 till 11 511 11111 he tlttttltllttl 11 1ie1l ehittlt fttli 91111 111 ml ttltllltl hoistv1 1111111 1111 111 Illill1l11lilil Will he illlltlll 11 alike 11 11211 11111 1111111 Youll find it really handy to travel by bus right from downtoWn in your town to down town in any town along the route For business or plosure theMaill VStreet landing is tops in travel convenience Plcn yoUr next trip by bus Youll enioy it FARES ARE LOW Nliw 1101111 $2190 Jl OBITUARY IN TORON 11u 31 il 11 11 till 111 Ilia 1l1t121131 ll 11 12 111 11 11 31 r1111 11 1911 1H 12 1111111 1irl 1211111 11111 tv1ll1lol1 1111 111 11111 11111111111111 11151 1171 i11t and 1111p 111 1111 111 11111 11111 fltillttf handy 11111lo 11111 1lli 11 Aznong the 1111111u 111 ill3 111 ch 111101 Lil 111 1121 Llltlitl ill be 111 ttil1 ltls 111 Hr 1l1t 141111 111111311 11 111111 l1l rttil lltl1s ll 1111111 tw 1117111111111 11el1i lllgll cl lllil l1i 11d 11111111111111115 11111 11111111011111 111 HM HM of 1111 lltltit lllt i11 ltilll liar type and flight inl all 111111 1ll he ttlltdltl 111 lalidild iiellropttl of the type 111 eulient us 111 111 111111 11 verw 111 at the chicken dinner 110111 the stage llctonliell iii1l11r 11111 played ueii lllt as lolly Jolly 1111111111 r1111 1112111 1111 iii lilue 11111 School D1155 whit1H of ivttanlnw 1111111111 11 e1pl1111 As salt 11111111 xii Imlmncl Slniimi with 11111111114 111111 liden 111 the vessel hlHHHMHlyd mm 1pm MMMI ml hvwlnm 11111111 Dairy D111 11t 111 11111111 lam liarles if llalier 11111111111 and The lltN lltllitdii will 111 sinislal 111 lool lespeets to the US 11111 1111111 liat1lnd ill but 111 include some liietllfltatloli 11151111 21111111111 111111 and others llltlt been suggested ll es 11 more 111111 the 115 11 tllllllltlll ot he litltolnlllllte of 1l111 11111 otliei leeiileakilla esl T1111 type 111 ho1t 11ll he 111 Illlti 11111111 life 1111111 for use 111 11111111 tltl and llttlltt1 craft spec i1ll slieligthened for use in icc llLLIN tholol 11111113 1111111 11111111101103 11111111111111 1111111 pay our in the 1111 11s 111111111 llaille llyers lhey are going to lie tough 1111114 there is no denying it lloof lies before you They have verified their worthiness of ttntltttll the playoffs Turning to the Barrie eanip we find injuries lltls itill pre vail but not as heavy list as when they entered their round with lWiiidsor Topping the list is slnooh yolknig lary Jordon The right wing io11lltl is suffering from 11111 infected left heel but is expected to see action iii the opener Don Asllhee one of llyels lead ing redlight hhlillers received gash on the right elbliw during the exhibition tour Moreover he is definite starter llis centre male 811 McNablicy has 11 slight cold Club physician lr1 Laurie can be counted upon to have the boys in tho best possible condition ltli RSIUIIN Active 111 the ministry 111 lllt lorlnei Methodist and 1111 Ulilted htlreli for 11 yelils llev Albert lanies Gardiner 111s1adden 771 died on March 01151 in llowinan llle Hospital He had lltlll ill 1111 two teeks lollo1ng his retire ment in 111213 lie lesided in Toronto 11ntil the summer of 11111 when hei moved to Boulnanvilltu Defenecmali Stan Long reports Mi Cars111111111111 was 1mm 11liis sixstitch cut received in the Kirby and received his early coo0131 some with Windsor is com cation in Bowmanville lie wasililttelyhealed bill the shoulder liar graduated from Victoria College in IHess will be continuedlllls Willa 111911 111111 was ordained in thelllt1ll illl further dislocation Methodist hureh llis pastorates ilOUblt included Winderinere Iloneywood 811111111111 the seasons record 18111111111111 Creelnore llillsl111iiigli 0f 10 l0 Cllle MilllbtllOS lillltd iVietoria llarhor leuetanguishene to gain 11 win from Barrie in six ltentral Church Barrie and Plus tries Twice EOZIllC Gil MMCI Slllll Iialnent Street Church Toronto them out on home ice The closest lor some years since his retire lnient from the active ministry Ill Carseadden had been Ewitli the ginadian National Insti little for 1111 Blind Iorotttownntl minim of play for 22 tie lwas active in the educational de Dtirilltl lllC VClll Billll UlllSCW lpartluelit 111111 in visitation to the ed Martins 223 oij lionic ice and lhtind 1113 at the Gardens Ill9 edge is tie leaveshis widow the lormerqliitc impressive bilt then again Mildred Armstrong two sons Iian Fltrs llilVC PYOVCII lllill 1335 001 Toronto and Arthur Iarscadden l01lllilllCCS d0 ll llOCkQV Long Branch two daughters Edith Sillllt zlllSttltldOlla loronto and Marion ieikinsfwlfe of Dr Perkins lttlllC and onesistcr Mrsfl 11 Moore Bowlnanville l0 Bowuwnyulc and in Toronto Hamilton Ballantralcu London lel H4 Stroud Camp cBordcn Painswick EDMUND sllcilllassos lidlnund Stephenson died at thei Royal Victoria Hospital at Harrie early Monday morning February 211 1941 following 11 short illness lie was in ltlsl75lll year Mr Stephenson was retired railway man and lad come to Bar rie 2131111 employee of the Grand Trunk Railway almost 50 years ago He malled Banjo gm Mary bcrsof the Beaver Rebekah Lodge lEllcn Nixon who sulv1vcs 111m and No 190 CNR Glide mociauon they made their home at 41 Brockl Street for manv vcars He was born 1am employees or the R01 in Caldwell quction Ontario on llanuary 11 1871 the son of the late lolin Stephenson and Mary Fleet lialn lVfr Stephenson retired from the railway in 11940 He was member of the Brotticrhood of Railway Car associated to fire home goal in the final Mrs Albert Stephenson of Milton and Mr and Mrs Nelson Ryder of OriltiaI Elnivalc and The many floral tributes of sym pathy included those from the litrotherhood of Railway Carmen lodge Nob 120 the Brotherhood of llttaintciiancc Lodge No 200 the Bayvicw Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star Lodge No 105 employees ofthc CNR investigation department the officers and mem Manufacturing Company MRS HANNAH EMERSON Mrs Hannah Emerson rated at the home of her daughter Mrs Christopher BurnsThornton on 45 BUFFALO $925 CllICAGO $2200 rRtltJNtlTRtP 111x lllclunln 151111ch to change OCedar Dusting Mop JOHNSON LIQUID CLEA JOHNSONS PASTE WA 40 Baylield St jittalloway of Prince Albert Saskat Awlehn and Barbara Ann of Barrie March at the Jennett Funeral Barrie fHadeare Cell 1U MOps JOHNSON APPROVED FLOOR CLEANER WIZARD GLASSWAX SIMONIZ CLEANER AND POLISH ThisWecks Special AMCA Oirenettcs $2195 mcnand ofBuitontvenue UmtctF Church Surviving him are his wife antL three sons Albert of Windsor Wil liam of London and Donald of Bar towing lengthy illness She was in her 5911 year Mrs Emerson the former 111111 nah Rice was born at Collitigwotid ric three sisters Mrs Tamer Mo Amll 1899 Sllcmv lannctt of Milton Mrs Margaret rillllltm ofMl md Ms Gem Rice of letlthllly On March 1913 she married John Enier sonwof Vienna Ontario She had been living in Thornton for the past 103cars and was member of the Full Gospel Tabernacle Mrs Emerson is survived by her husband three daughters Mrs Thomas Terrell Ruth ofrToronto Mrs Christopher Burns Ferncl of Thornton Mrs Ross Hopkins 1012 ethyl of Thornton son Clare it chcwan 11111 MrsClare Ryder Hamilton and four grandchildren Helen and William ofWindsor and The funeral was held at two oclockon Wednesday afternoon Home witii Rev James Carder con ducting the service William Ptatt Harry Norton Louis Cald well Carl Hampcl and Orval Fleet 11an of Barrie and Roy Scm Toronto four grandchildren and mcns of Hamilton were pallbearers four brothers and one Sister The survtvmg members of her own Interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery Among the rclativestrom out of town at the funeral were William Stephenson of North Bay Mrand family are Gcorgc and Karl Rice lingwood John Rice of Gibraltaif Optario andMrs William Bullock ofGibraltar The funeral was held on Sunday $185 Tlidrnbury Gibraltar andStayhcr $295 attended the funeral USE 21 LANGUAGES The worldWide advertising pro gram for the second Canadian In ternational Trade Fair who held in Toronto next May 30 to June 10 is being conducted in 550 publicalt lions in 21 languages NING dz POLISHING WAX GLQCOAT CARNU SPECIAL COLOR would In the earlyhistory of printing only black ink was used When color was wanted for initials or ognamentations it Was handletterJ the Dukes came to toppling the Ilyers was in their last meeting at the Gardens Ashbce was forced remeetiebruaruEJHWrW February 27 at the home of her cooxsrowu 11TH oro BOYS 1150111011 T0 PROVES BIG success dfThorhbury Daniel Rice of Col daughter Mrs Burns Rcv iTillcy of Barrio conductedthc scr vice Pallbearers Vere her tour Johnson ElectrlcFloor Polisher $5900 aroma1 George Daniel Karl and Paste Wax Appliers $475 Johlucrmd two 0011511118 Allhm Rim 11 anc Veorge Hogg ntcrmciit was OCedai Zipper F1001 Mop $5951 in Thornton Cemetery OCedelr Mitt Floor Mop $t98 Friends from Woodstock Vienna Ocedar Polishing Mop $210 Tlllsonburc Toronto Collinawoodc 111 11 ll 1111 111 ham 1111tm1 11151111qu lAHHHI 1111111111 11111 1111 1111111111 mm 21 sinner clalilllllrst itllill ly tluulity Products at low Prices nnlsrocmu WRITING PADS 1131218111 1121 18 2012 ARISTOCMT ENVELOPES 75 111 P121311 1112151 21111191 ALMOND HAND LOTION ng 431 33c uncunrrc cascm 6111 Reg 501 39c BRONCHIAL COUCH SYRUP 1122501 39 BICARBONHTE SODA till 1191251 19 QITAWA CORNWALL Kiucsrosr DETERBOROUGH OSHAWA BARRIE TORONTO smmoco 0611121011 5111211111 oKITCHENER LONDON OCHATHAM HAMILTON NIAGARA FALLS BRECK BEAUTY BOX for 11 1111 HOMEPERMANENT wtl um 11 11 11 The Chorcc 0L9 Out l0 Sail 111111111 hhllrt or 111 101 tr rt1t111v Canadian Women BLOOD PUBIIR 1611 89 69c our mm and IRON Willi ltlllllllll ill 1001 R111 100 69C BATHING EPSOM SALTS 101113llezllc63c crLrnY 111mm TONIC till 791 con men 01 be nrnrrhd 11 111 1v 1ri111il PURLIC 5111 LA Ampuhlirw my loom 111 11111111 111 00nd HAM 1111 I1 11 11 111111 tmnt Top Illnnnzrr CONTAINS HOSNTAL TONI KIT with because nt 111111111 111 the lltltm Tln 10 Block Hrlll Cream No Ln1qttntnrltl why PLASTIC CURLERS vtlwm 15112 1111189969c 4110111111119 1169 11 TWEEQ MIRACLE Brock Lather Oil Shinipoc REFILL Kn BtCClt H111 Lotion No Ill Without Cullen 11 SHANCHAI ABIENTOT COLD CREAM BATH SOAP 3ox165 215 Rel2orllc 2111123 COCOANUT on smebo 42511 ENEMH SYRINGE Reg 129 119 ENGLISH STYLE HEALTH 125 DR LYONS TOOTH POWDER the crummy ARDLEY ttlitlS HOT ROLst Your ream 1n yum mitt says use My aim 132151 My ktlhcn 1L modem Where on earth Would be 82 rteqrrty 11171 11111111161115 11111 moon 11 11 1111 Qu1cltly and 11112811111 Easily FlDS row FtrtT Where You Handy Tube ORAL REMll mi 125 99c LECEILJSIHabcdl or mmth on 11 28 45 29 49 50 Housnnom mum 11251 lllll 1Reg Sic 43c Semi 11ml Otnutlohs 111 KATE 1mm 275 11ml sum Toronto Ontario MILK 01 MAGNESIA TABLETS ltltls Reg 391 29c MOTHKILL ttbtteg tic 33c 0le on 1111111111 119 PETROLEUM JELLY Willtt 11112111 11c RUM HONEY and C01 LIVER OIL 301 7111275111 49 lnz 981 789 rtnunnocu and smsn PMLLA lsoz ttcg 8111 79c SANTAX HOT WATER BOTTLE 111199 89c BEECHAMS VEGETABLE unriva Pt 10 min 74th11110 NEOCHEMICAL FOOD TONIC For Children or Adults Complete Vitamin and 174 Va Supplcnlcuri 135295435 DODDS KIDNEY PILLS MM BEAUTY RITUAL ms utormsvitu Lynn um Ccmptising DU BARRY SKIN IRESHENER new lOTION TISSUE SOFTENINC CREAM Relicvc SPECIAL CLEANSING CREAM Backed VV FACE POWDER and Roomycs CORNS DU BARRY successOMAN Paiillcssr and 11 Sllll RUBBER 89c Kidney gt Iorrly or Annual 5km ovcmigm package Disorders 191 321 49 allWlBlt 11 DR CHAsEs TM the new discovery ZUBES comm ark 291 that kills all 59 soohnuc Pailwsvnkw FAVORITE NAP TS 911 WOW Household odors oniw gt To 55 Abrasion lllinsllelul andSkin mot GOVERNOKMOUNT Alfcctions Muss 91101113 Ci 11125115111 quiCkallusyl race 891119 MODESS DE WTTS AMMaDmr 11111 KIDNEY and BLADDER THE 11111110111011 ION TOOTH POWDER 75 Use KLEENEX for Handkerchiefs During Cold Smart 11111711 111111 tmulZHnt HMINtNE HYGItNE 11000015 rou IOTIOtt 60 HOUSEHOLD Indispensable For WHO IN Mnkupi Luxuriuusly sirr pownmnoc 591 351 and Carriorldblc CREAM 55 for 511 l1 $011170 125 35 tor 69d 129 4M FREE DELIVERY Phone 2650 STORE HOURSMo1ITues1 Thurs Fri from 830 om 111 Alter hours 830 pm Wednesday 830 am to 1230 pm Sdtdrday 830am Phone 387i tolO p111 Open every Sunday l2 to p111 17 109 pm Emergancy