Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1949, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE BARBIE EXAMINER snailsutn tau TlEIhlBER OF LUltllsltrtl twin trrttly ll 11 Weeklies Csnldn Tm BARR 13111th 1111 lzllreau 11 tueulsucm 11111141 J1111 thumb 12 011113 Newspapers Association alllf 151111 nu mulls 1313 unis viceMrslornr 1111 111111 time 1m 11 11 L1 11 111 tllti RH ttttlss 11 hit ltlgt i1i1111s 1111111 is 111111 11 111 1212 ldrilgt 1111 171 K111311111 111 111 11 1s l11ss 111i 111 11lgtll1 11 iv11 l11111111 e1 1111 11111121 ess against overlyl1i1 1111 11Itltdlit1 sl1w lull in 111mm URN 211 111111 11139 11 111111 their 1111 11211 ll HJLH1minUmpp 1s11 11 11 11 1111 11111111111 oz 11111 111111 11 111 11t 1+ 11 1111 11114111111 H111 1111 the pinion 111111111111 11111 an 11tdltz1ii1als his 11 its workers and its 1111111111 1111 111 l11lt1i 1111111111 and equipment 111111111 11211necessary 1111311111111 tanadas export the Minister 11111111 lleltlllxllll resplmlriiw 111111 and t1lttle11 said 11111 111 111111 ll1ll11 below each 1111o 1x 11ls 11 11=tilllv 111111 received 515 millions 2111 ll1gt 111t1v1re may 111111 11 t1 1111 gt121 nullions 1111 wood 11111 and 111lys 111311 stiltl 11111111115 1111 metals and $113 11 2111 11 possible its titttdiezte ii 111 al1111115 mp 1111111131 worli 11 i1 tvr 11111 1111111111113 Reteiiiin to 111 hire is not enough 0111 1111 111 1r1v tutti wheat crop was 111111111111 oat 111v 51 great Society 1111111 walk lltl 11111111111 bushels or wheat 11111 1111111 111111 been sold 111 the United Kingdom at przee 1331 1111411111 111 11111 lr ltowe estimated that 1111111111 wouldproduce about 51 billioli more 111 alif 11l1l111 products 111 1010 than during the previous e1 lie thought the general level of busi 1111 toree 01 Red Cross to trail1111 1111s iess Would be about the same in 111111 with ideal intoactionRelitrossand 1111111111s11111s l1elllilL oil in prices and relief from 112 111 Volunteer workers need the help 111 W113 11111111111113 pressures terson 11 Canada By contributh j1=11 share Barring earliquakes serious labor liltll 111 the 11119 March appeal for 85111111111111 lltit ageinent troubles or change 111 gover1 11111111 111111 tyionday you become an active 11111111 the position of our economy 1111511111 11111111111131 quickly 111111 humanely 111 111 step 1111 11111111 01 iiiistortiaie 1111 11111111111111s that can overtake 111 11 2111 11 ll llh the highest 01 11111111111 ideals uiili the wellare 01 others is the Illi partner in one or the greatest iii11n111i lit111 will not deteriorate and the people of assured that 1010 will be as 11 year as was 1018 311 llowe 2111111111 are prosperous concluded tortes wtlrking tor good 111 the world 1111111 37 NOT ltlIRlltEl Flt111 Accordiiur to ilans just revealed I111 the DttllltillOtl Government AESTIHYHC PROGRESS 1mm extension to the capacity 111 its lrint No more Of those cracks about Canadian illLl Bureau It is proposed to move the Bur culture please mu up pxpund stall trom tile pleslllt No country that can produeea highlysue 1522 to over 2000 with 11 corresponding in cesstul ballet festival less than 20 years alter crease in all other facilities necessary the arts introduction can be culturally re Tm new and enlarged plum would lhmptaitletl Admittedly it is 11 borrowed torm handle all government printing instead of but all art is imported Its countrys at it plans 11 contributior to its develo ment that irovi hating this 110111 largely 11111111 out among private bidders as at present Last year ill 1011511111111 Slitli printing binding lithographiiig and similar Alld the second annual Canadian Ballet services done outside the 01113131 priming Festival in Toronto has shown that Canada Bureau totaled 11 little over $211 riiitlions It Would be difficult to marshal any sound lleard ballettheme music choreograpliy argument for this further and costly in OStlllllGS dalCTSjll Cilllildldll NOlllllllz vasion by the Government into the field of VOIldSllilttllllg mind You butgood never private industry Experience has proved lllllss Alld CV9 if the Verd talkest11 again and again that privately owned and llttd we can take comfort in theresultant cmnpeeitiveindustry is much nioreetticient Cilllltlltlllg 0f littelprOVliic1al relations has contribution to make We have seen and IRiFJZXER Another Free Maintannng that soutliurn Oni tar1o sarnilands are in danger ofl llliitltl tll llfts and lands must be restored 1111es of shoreline farin lands tell Mr inaston said that hundreds ot 111111 Lake Ontario each year as the Will Confession ii CESThRZO nhnDn etloit made to hrini the distill l111slleli tenor hitney 111kridge 1111111111 into deserts and dust11 mm Mm Muss howls Joseph 4151 11111 at the Izady lialle concert on enorthl said that lttlttttlltlh 117 and mm mm Olly1s ot Sinieoe County Medical lsll tl1 11 iv in llarrie were Wilr lresl li eicty nteetlttg 1111l as follows Pres Dr iliaeelnidge lee 111s l1 McIVaul ot Stayner lll result 111 erosion The lliglluiGilchrist of rillla and Dr llyslop departliient had takensteps to llltlltll llillsdale Seeylre11s Evans tect the highways in these areas 1111 Stroud Speaking at the Hes Glad He Came Here From England of lnexp 11151 11lxt 311 imml 111 11 1111 1111111 11 111111111111 tllmll tlu 11uu1 1111 11 191111 llll 11111111 and 11111 tlt1 to Illll11 its niole 1tvllll1ittlllii Slindtl 1tr llllyl r1111 11 221111 tllllddrl 111111 ever 1111111111 eo 11 ed 11111iili 1111 1111 1111 121 lltltltl our 2111111 tllllllt 111111 lion lll1li1l 111 pots and 11 We 111111 1111 1111 11tl e1t tr 1111p air vet happy and content 11 111 Canada The 11nerosity ot lions alnply 111 the 111111 11111111111411111s lol thef llltlgtlil 111 ottlng settled 111 tlanee country We ate not out or the woods yet blit would 11111 think ot trailing this land oi opportunity tor the endless lotltt 111111111 restrictions and starvation 11 111 Socallist lingland and we 11111 Socialists oursehes ple otIeet from 111111 The Judge imposed 11 fine and costs together with months in jail the other charge against English was drop ped Dalston correspondent wrote that all that village needed was 11 crcamery cheese factory harness shop wagonmaker and 11 town pump to rcplace the one within did not work Sam Elliott of Ivy delivered at Thorn ton grain house 40 bags of wheat in one load with his little grey team Barrie Oire l3 Duntop Street iiiloltriiraxf ityl 11111 The High Cost erience xl m1 111 1glllLt 11001111 ii 11 MilliVJ 11 ml ml 13112 THE ERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION ttumd Oil1e tomato UUNCEMENT Agents who are or have been operat recently canvassing by tel phone for the sale of goods supposedly blind are in no way connect Canadian National Institute We 1111 111 kindnesses too 1111 elous to ltlillttll 11111 and we 111 taking this opportunity to 11111111 l1l one who leads this 1111 then hospitality 111 11s and thous ands 111 other llilnejvs who innsll 11111 11111 similar treatment To il those peoile thinking 01 returning um nxvl home We say goodliye tor the lgrmmr 15111 plesent you ll be back ltarrie 1111111 Notes ONES 11 ultal Lllis111gt ttll on page Ill 0m 111 11 111111 lltt 111 lllltlls 11 111111 1111lllls tht 11 HHIH Hlun lr iannnal neetltii oi liallie reant mnmun imm if the Barrie luxaminer hm NW WW dent was result 111 11 collision 121 11 July THOMPSON 111111111 11111 11111 strik 1111111111 1111 elr 11111 11111111111111 lliekling Ulii gt inl1 1111 11 r11r Myblur SPH umlnmnl I111 lsi on 11 air on 11 111i ma litSwli twililiip i111i11n1111ilkmilk5mm mwmm 11111 llnfl Lillilidit nth All 11 if on 11 1111 tltIlJltt school hoard the 1100 mL mllgtmmgtm W1 ll 1111 mil us 11 11 I111 1x 1eti1li the slitltil from the throne in the Hw Haj9131 plijPHH minim in nu mmgh APblll 11 for the Blind pr1ieiai legislature 181l Hf HM struck tell senseless Within con 11 11 Genuine BLINDCRAFT articles bear 11111135l stainijtl with the trademark BLINDCRAFT To avoid confusion and niisrepresentation regular Blindcratt customers are requested to look for the trademark BLINDCRAFT Stamped on every genuine Blindcraltarticle The 11111111111111 National Institute For The 11111111 1111 mm on uppmmmn of pron County Council cxWarden Sneath 111 commercial undertakingot this kind that WllCIlvypll can put 10 groups from van is me State couvcrW1nnipeg Hamilton Toronto Ottawa The Dominion Government has found 111111d MOlltlel together with conipleteagree good business to have private hidustrysup 1011110113 Single SllbieCl YOU have done much ply its ordinary commercial needs The G11vilOvldS consolidation of the Dominion The ernment does not attempt to supply its own lbsellce of language barriers heightens its desks destroyers airplanes typewriters llllDOItilllC newsprint and other paper the fuel it uses These Calladlll groups may llOt be as to heat its buildings norhardly aiiythingEOOCl as the tODlllklllg companies 0f the else That sound principle should also apply Worldthe Copenhagen ballet Moscow bat to government printrg requirements letQCliaiiips Elysees Sadlerjs Wells the emi Ottawa has plenty to do in its own special 1310 COmPanles in the States They don pre sphere of government without using tax Lelld to DC Btlt the notices hould payers money to invade field where ex Lmefm Somethmg Canadians are usually perienced private industry can do better llld t0 please but they like the Wily YOIlllg and far less Costly job Canada has taken to thedance Financial Post Editorial And the proposal for in ternational exchange of theatre groups may SOMETHJINGKNEW IN TRAFFIC SfGNAsztiirn these young organizations into good From the discussion at recent meetingW111 ampassadorsl Smng other countries we ma have more in cm of the Town Connoil it would appear that in SW to seem to think iot care 1380p the Department of nghwayl do Blowmg our own horns Pessibly Biit this LO be DOLDCIEd Wltlt itlafflCiSlgttlS Such as ilS Wlll the New York Sunday Times has to ii to at the has beennsuggested f01 IIISLB ll lsayyabout estival to eneOurage the use otthese signals in Bar rieand let it go at that Speaking recently in Torontovat CCF If the Town Council isrseeking somethinglUuiversity Federation banquet Mr Cold Highways the members might find an idea that period of economic distress was need or two inBritish methods of signalling t0 ed to givethe CCF its chance toachieVe ease Great Britains road problems For exp0Wer in Canada In deploring the present ample the talking trattic light signalgThisFpFOSpelity Mr Coldwell looks forward to novelty is described by the ignited Kingdom 8Xploiting future recession suggesting Information Bureau as fpllowsr What Canada under the CCF could conquer To ease Britains road problems the first its DFOblemsOnher own talking traffic lightsignal developedcn AS The Montreal Gazette commented tirer lnthe United Kingdom was demon Serious economic depressions are Obvious strated at Hayes England not long agoly world wide and the product of world It is an automatic device operating in wide conditions To suggest to the voter that dependently or in conjunction with trafficlth CCF can cure the depleSSlOllr because lights which gives spoken warnings to pedal the CCF isllot Capitalist is t0 aSk for polit trians at road crossings One typical mes lcal Support under essentially false preten forecrossing look right look left look right such an appeal maybe launched at sucha Tagain Thank you The apparatus in itsltlme it isstilla frank exploitation of the compact waterproorhousing weighs approxi Voters distresses To succestthat drastic mately 30 pounds andis contained in box decline in Canadws fOreign trade would be 13 xequ the mpof the signal post 11 can due to the failure of Capitalism atOttawa Joperatte either alone with timing 119111111315 to 6111310 distress With conscious falsity jorfsynchronized normal traffic signal The parallels of this type or politicat ap The new signal does not shout its inStruc IproaCh would Seem to lie outside the demo tionsiwltliultly coaxes people across the Grilth System rather than within it froadior warns them of theneed for looking EDITORIAL NOTES left and right befOrestepping off the curb 49 oq Canaans ucouonr 1131111116 ROUND OUT measurable loSs without themintstratlons Canadas economy is being rounded out of the Canadian Red Cross Prime Minister and filled in with new industries and more St Laurentsaid today as the national Red complete processes for existing industries Cross appeal for $5000000 openedits March Rt Hon Di Howe said in the House of campaign The Canadian Red Cross Society Commons on March He added that the in its 1949 National Appeal Saidthe Prime Abelcl Government was carrying out Minister is asking the people of Canada for Canada is the third greatest trading na on this year its great workot mercy or Five Points on more than one occasion The excuse was that it would slow traffic but It comdnt be that camda With gOOd 11 deal less to work With than we have has no mention was made oi the stop llghtS 3t 0t bit ahead Id several intersectidns on No ll Highway be Could be Frieng lsgnge tween Barrie and Toronto The attitude of 04 11 De artmemwasahamhe didrityyantjA rii pmw cor Loudsrolrnnrnnsslon new in the way of warning notices on thelwell th PartYS NatlonalLeader deCIalt immortalizingi members and for mer members of the legislature 1111 tm Newtownships have been named Vsagegivehv at the demonstration was Be1Sl0n3 Howeveraptutely and aggreSsively The national welfare would sufferan im policy high employment and high income $5000000 as the minimum required to carry recite nvousmm 11 1110 whnlp pmlostod 21 charge that he drew shoreline as being the most ec1m 530 more lllilll ilS dllMWd ll law tor seyelal years this salary onneal manner of dealing with the was fixed at $2110 bill at the June prolileiii and ot protecting the in vestnients and livelihood of teopl 51331011 lllt 54114111 him 91 till1 to 8430 Among the lawyers who live there Thu leuliglauuo also considered lwith professional cards advertised in 1111111116111 measures Hospital lli idmllhi 13013 id BIQWIL legislation was discussed at tho and llaughton Lennox Boys of last week when 11 11111 to extent GCUA HIV1 Rildlll provincial saliitoria VgigiiitsLunder hilll ml the hospital aidrtund was given second reading Health Minister Kelley said that the province was Cillllll1 providing full cure for 90 toll per Murchison Donald Ross Wm cent oftub1rcular patients Last icampbt Billllt llldv Slilillol yum the nunian paid out somthotal number 111practisinglawyers 511011000 10 meet sanitoria deficits was 21 Childch Aid adver sgcoml reading of anolhm biltltlsctl that it had for adoption in lleliicu gum provide M11131 my good homes number of bright Creswieke an Dickinson aiid MacwattnMc lepler McCarthy and residents of York County be coon YOUDE Cirillildlil bills lllld illllS mitted by magistrate to the Tor1120 MiltlllllSll Allimdel lonto Psychiatric Hospital was poshi 35 SLCltlillii ponod v111111791positi011 members Simwo oumv Brifs demanded furllicr information Tile Mervem IlrVClTllSCUSSlUIl in County bill pmde mmpusunsvln 0mm Council regarding tecs asked by parts of the province be referred the architect for the House or Regt 51 lo one 05 men ituge Councillor Hunt remarked hospitals lthat an architect cotild beat law The Tummml Dmsmns Au vers doctors or other persons in lgiven second reading on Monday brought request from CCF Lead genmg er Jollitle that more than passing glance Should be given ted to prepare statement as to lcost of mileage and other details Ed English of Midland Hockey after forlner Liberallcadei Gertie MinisterT Charles Conant Labor ldagh and pleaded not guilty 01 Error 11 1211151311111 Progressive member for Toronto lingwmd nth Intent to do bomb StAndrcw harm 20 or more witnesses agreed Lists holding crop regulation certicates have been issued by the Ontario department of agriculture Your of Ontario seedgrowers 1949 Seed Listgprovids the names and addresses of cerfied growers who have 581211 for saleordQlQ crops The objective for the coming sea son is 200000000 bushels of feed grain to supply minimum rcquire ments for Ontarios livestock Authorities areurging increased yields per acre in order to cut down production cost per Good seed together with good farming practices increase the acreage yieldand contribute to protable operation The agriculture department is also stvressing the nutritional value of honey The record 1948 cropof 15736000 pounds of honey has re lieved shortages In 1946 only 5685000 pounds were produced polishes No other fur niulre polish does so mluh so lull unit gt Johnsons Cream Wax cleans ir polishes Buffs easily Dries dry Deposits no oily lni to catch dust Leavesjour thingsvgleaminx waxprotected Try it By the makers of JOHNSONS WAX 1619 Attention Farmers FREE MOTION PICTURES rm Goodison Oliver Parmj Equipment Medical authorities agree on the easy digestibility of honey and its excellent energyproducing quali ties Some authoritis recommend it highly for those suffering from Iieart ailments nunnn TUESDAY MARCH 15 ORANGE HALL ALLANDALE Under the Augpices of yopuTGoodison Oliver Dealer PIFHERS GARAGE 48 ESSA RD PHONE 4354 TlflIulIIIcuiIlIhIIIIInnqquIIIllddIlQIIulmuQuLno111n Strathyand listen Ault and Cool Warden lTreasurer and Clerk were instruc tClub appearedbelow Edge AL LleNSl lxifjix1 lean BARRtE new extension toBarris telephone system which has justbeefcompletdhasenabled us to provide telephones for most otthOSgl Waiting for service in the Barrie eitchange area Those Still waiting for telephones will receive service as soon as the necessary wire and cable installations eairbc completed This is the secOnd addition to Barries telephone system in less than two years and marks another step invourconl tinuing program to provide more and better telephone ser vice greatervalue at the lowest possible cost ManagerV GARRICK EPHoNEs courth=os CANADA

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