moi aleELh EXAMINER Emil ONTARXO CANADA moms LEE Its nousrcniiiiiiiciiiiii CYRiL cOOK SH ttzr hiecltki llwtiltlit Yacittni Clean 111at1izstratrit p1 v11r zitiriir Appnr liars was patrons 1111311115 with Lot Con Innislil 1siii1ellot1rv Brush liluor 1111i 11 11ltltlltJ ittaclt Farm SOCk Impemcns Fom StOCk lmplcmcnts lilt itllii 11 Mutton Hiir IIl II ltiitiln ltltllltllli illt Sill33 11311 Household Ettects Threshing Machine and New Wm Household Effects it III II Wednesday March 16 lIl FletCher Sf HI AI MCCUAIG Phone3092 Box 15Bc1rrie II NH Lot 19 Con Oro STEVEN YURKOW iCARDS 0F THANKS 11II1I I1 II Mills lutsl Allll lili 11Hli til Lot ConI Essa II 11 I1 ll ll Hi 1r l1 1111 11 lilu nlli 11 liioiiilnii II II I1 I1I mm ll II II II II on It1lII II II IIII II II II II 1I ll 23 51 edlgsl Ma Thursday March 17 11 i1 ll 1111 11 ltll11 llllftxi 11112 I1 g1 11 1I Icollingwood And 10 only 525650 18 ply Midlcmd Battle OHIY 440600 2114 Ply For Leadership p1 only huh II 11 l1 1111 11 lll Onl I11 911 i1ii1 111111 Hair 11 11111111 1H 1111 11111111 1i 111A l1 tlftl OIllY lllwl 11 II III IIIII IIIII III III IIIHmIi I1 1111 1111II in 1111 1111 p111 1111 llit 111 311 ill 1t ilr livii le lli iiiiri 112111 11111 111 uiiiniii 111 1111 gtl 13W 111 11 III IIII mm IIIiIh HM II 2111 65 ier I1 WWI 11N 1m 1iti1i 1111 II 1311 l1ie i1ltll Ull NV it we 11 1r1 WMM 11 111 411 ltlvl11 11 11111111111111111 llIli n1 111tgtll1 II IL 11 111111til II II 1i 111iif11 111 liiitnv fltllltl 1111 in ll itl 111 111i 111 11 111 11 ii 111111 I1 1iitl llill hltltltill ltll l11 1111 11 II III II 111411it 111 li ltlk Klttillllltll 111 The lllr till pl in bi 11111 lllm 111 lit1111 Eizh tlll lil 111111 lilllHiltltl 111l1 Haw mm HIIIIIII to arena inilunve lllltll 11 11 UElllll t11tllllltli 1211v NH 11111 l1 ML 2t 1ilsl1ithtrains tl lht pack ll 1i1 innit111 IIII1II1I t11IiI ltp II l1i1 in Midland 111 llei 11=lil11 1111 11111 1111 II 111111 111 ll 11 11 11111111 iiill IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII III II IIII II mi I11 tun1 51111 11m Yet 11 5111111 1111111 lav to 1111111 stilt1111 lIiIim Ina1 VIM II II 11 11 11 iIItIlIiIIlwh It11 IlIIlI IlIEIHIIIMIlIJI 1111 triI Ire1 li Humid unlili WI mu Supply mu with niliiimtr 1111 Kid plOWSI 1111 ll1 111 nus v11 IiII II II 111 111111111 ltllll1 111 111 11 11r111ne111 Hl hauling 11 In the first iImil 11th harrows cultivators siilky and side telnet rakes gt IN MI 1h HM 13 l= IIIl I1 tlliljllsl IV Nu lmllm up hm it 1nd 1111 it ill ll ill hay lmulms mlwlors1 bllldllx Slnlllll3 111191111 mi gt Iilt an s11gt luauu rm 43 1111 mm hm ll 11 H531 111 lidllgu chines pressure systems iekshiiit No 10 tizictois and 11 an 111 Hh ll lllll lm Hm ll lllll iseveral new lllawrs lltiti Ioinor lltllVtSltl Olllllll 0110 N1 10 llllltl tllld 801110 lliiii11111 1111 llespilei ii1te11netiiategt 1111111 tiiiei fjtltltl as 11 II IIIII IIIIII III III II I1II II IIIIIII AUCTION SALES 111 is 11111 11111 111 the le 11 lllltml 0m limlrl the above implements ready ioi immediate delivtiy er II Inid hmmI mu 1mm pm II1 11 11 trstiutiis iiit Ig I111I I111I IIImlu s1 111111 IIIIIIIIImm15Ithlmm Ehptll remit suvne 101 tum equipment including 11 11 um 111 1111111 saw II II II III II II 11 Phil 11111 Smith iisiI electric and acetylene welding blacksmithing and THHK AN lllllllllll ll ll EM Ill 11m lllar ll lefeiiceinan from ler in hm IIm MIMI IHIIII IFarm StockI implementsI 11 111 111111111II1 lI tannin IIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII woodworkinb We Iil lll iiitI nt lilltll wagon Llulwlmml lmllml llmllm 11 hull If liml h1 Anvilm twill voodand will 111 around 117 1111111 wnmlls lbbm rod Whom 1W1 MW lltlIl lIlIIIlIlIIIIIllII ousc ec llllrmIIlMAINltlIlllIIHlinlmlynjl HOUSChOld EffeClS IBM mm PROMPT iuvngoys MAY AND ll Qmlllll ll ill NI 5111 1111 1131311411 111 ions 1111111 zi1li 111 himt 1111111 1111111 lint 15111111 Ms my hump amu 31111 1111s J1 11114 lt1u111 lllllt south and 111111 lgtt oi hllllIIIllIlItII5 Ibii tltIiIiihliI IlIlIlItIItlliliI 1m WWII hm mm In Lot Con Innisl lhoIintun I111tioii I11I 11 lItlliiii g11115h1IItIIIoIIIpa133121 tIIIIIItIlIiItIIIIlol HIHSdale Ont Phone Moonstone 33112 ass till VI gimp 11I 1mm II 11IIII 11 hm lmllllv llllllmlml ll lItllllhl ltlhiilllliil lllv 1lilhis Mile South and lgllniles lZastl e11 tis leinis 111 Sale at Peel Borne About litlll saw the same at 11 pin it Il1 blessing 1I1t IIIJIIIlalIiI 11ml Amlm SiiniIoe and almiit 13th at ilesptl hinicoe stayed there over night and noon returning to BillllC the 3411 horse Cllllh linist lllllllk Hum ll mum Amlhm llltlllllllllllllll tililhill llllllllrldllll ll sarudayl MorCh ll limitS lmlllll by bus to went on Hmlwlor TMme all mm lJllllillljlfllll MUN unzip Tuesday March lllllt 51111111 111 111111111 rt llnll III IULLOWIILL II llLlllOll ll int Scull Jiiiliih llll 131 lIr hit hititli ttlttilt sale it lrl illlt 350111 illlillilllltt 11 v1 lHitllll fllllV him too 11111 11111 111 11 ii ll llll IIIIIIMII MINIIMII XIII IIII IIII 1111 11iit 1111111 Ill 11 ill any ill tllltlt lstnllctl is it mmll 11 Lot 1111 liinistil instructions from Flyers had field day in tlic scorinu We lost track oi the stunl 1111111211111111 ltttttl li 1linl hairless gt1 siuizle liivII 131 10mm mnlil my 2111111 and Hill aspli ol lliointoii mildllm lbllull tillmll ll 111 ttl um 1111 1111 11111155 Matched train tlttllliltl Rm ll5 Whey NH mlc Hmlml mode on gt1lllt 111 gt 11 HUI In Wm and IIIIHI TH 51 t111 llllllf inacllllte 1l111sttr For ehvery of Fresh Punna Chews lied painted wash stantt writing lltll slulitlld lat 111 IIlw it 11 picet pltltll 1111 311 1s tl 111111tpiiitiir No 11 Mlllll ll hippie izicv iiit1tl 51 Not 11 Li lax 111 lllltl Lll 111 0H 15101111 11111 31 Thmmm Mme 17 $1 Yurkury riilltl odd chairs dining room suitel II II III ImmwnI II 11 11 1111 1b 111111 111111 11 I11 II If olIdI carpxt 111111 liosiIoiI ll 11 II IItIIIIIII IIIIIII IJII IIHIIIt ItIIIII ItIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIW NI mm MI mm 1111 ll 11111 11 1551 inilts IiIiIittiIs IItIltIoiIliiinIs lliltllill gt llml lIlIl II ILHIHI tllllf ma WWI sniith tit llltllllltlll on llitzllwtly gtl1 11th ill ll Hlltlll heater kitchen hairs 11 1111111 lit 1lit 1111 1111gttl inattr sses couches llllttt 1111 11 11111 liow ll1l tll rl ll lilllll 51 11m lll ind v1ii1nn own new IlIlJIlllIts IlIlItIItIIt IIIItIlolIlusII ll1ilill1 1111111 111 1111 only 11111 11 11 is 1111 date oi 51111 Iti111 elmI 11ml Iiiipl int ill 1111 111111111 thresh lllIlllIlILl 11I1IiiII itiIiIiIrIHIIItIlIhltI111 mlmlilim hula mnlo mm HumpMN Wu Hm ilt iii1111 Ian ll 11le 111111 man 4111 Iniathint Iltiiii ish SaltI ItI IItIIlIIIhlSlgl uric hues and II Ha lit iciits 11111111 Icoat lsie 12 lttl too numerous to llltlllltlll jow Us 1111 Mar 22 lll emu llll lll lblh 111 l1 11I HI 11111 jun 11 111 WWI 1115 ll lHlesor Alltl 11101211 lhtil llljltlllll Ullltl Iilllltll lllAbtl 1111 iitItinIv iiIIlIliui 11 1115 IIII IItIgtl lgtIIg IIin I1Igt1 111sI IIIII IIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII lIIIIIdIIII MIIHIh ITIIIIIU1HHI mull puns 11le salt at 1am pImI too numerous llltll 11111 II II TI 11m WIN 12 yrs lllttl Jan white heifer 11 new neuer tarm machinery Jack Coleman Clerk hws3 Vx Ih lml Wlw mi 1173 115 111111 Jan 111 mi 11111 tluurI HEUINIJN 51 15 14b 11 llmlvdize Auctioneer at ML MR mil 1le 1111 5111519 1111 31511 bird ilm illllilllilili 1111iU ritvtgt 11 llit 11 1iI John lIltI1gtI ItlleIIIIItUi IIIIIIlIIIIISIIIII EH 11111 lgt opui 11d sttti ll Hi liltlllt ii Bulllt III IIIIIIIIII III MIIUIISI IIIIIIIIIIIIQ NIH york 111 Sun at I1II1I 3111 mun Ken and Clarke Prentice Aiic lralves months tioneers Markham See full list SWINE gtl Sill3161 Yorkshire Pill 3lltl Millll sow llltl 191 It YoillslllleI VH III IIIIIIIILIIISII IllIlIlIII IIIIIIl IiiIItIhIIIurZIIlIII A312 gt ewes rs lanihinn Shropshircl mil tiltilwlld 19 lll lit iliItt1t tit Il1l IIIII 11 Crown Hill Auction sale of tIti1lllltl lllt Set louhte ll0chint 1411 Hill illlttlrllltlllS 21ml Cattleowncrs of Town 11 Ni it 111 WM 111m5II MIMI Miriam mum household etleets Ternis cash ship kindly take notice that IHIHI INF IIIIIDIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII haelhaiil harness handmade 511 lll R1 111 SltSSm mm 1114 bylaw has been passed making Mr IIIII iI 111 set iliiiihtc hithiiil harness 11551vammp ax1 HI 11 11111 ii x1111 nt Hullll AI hkh tom 11111111111 11111111111111 170 lllllllilllNlS Case tractor or 1mm SlULll Id llllllltlllllllF zs 11 1111 1111i iiiodl uood condition oik 101 MIV Chit7 Bkillllw 110 19 1mm 0101 owner of 141111 it 1i 111 shmi 3111v 11I11I on Con 11 i11loiIite milcstlusr cattle treat for warble fly The Il 11 Film will liltlll ruin Wkgmm 1mm Svl mile south 0t Waverley incliid muncam hamimww Wednesday March 211Auclion sale Council have purchased siyiy III 1IIIIIII narrows 11 plates like new Cock sz IlltllSPIS IXCClJllOllilllt inc machine for spiayingineeds IWIIIII shutt 3turrow tractor plow 4011 mm 1113 5110111101 Cllllh 11 11 11 900 bus drain VACCasc trictur This machine will be available 1111111u1 11111111111 11 1111110111 10 11111 fllllu 1111u 1i 1111 i1i 1111 Cnckstnitt manure spreader Cuck 10 CF01 Ilbl01 50d Mir 101050 ml0 use for 111111 1131 11 111111i 111 shutt seed drill 13 disc with secd 30315 lllllllOUIllCd Plow Mll treating tor Warblc Fly at to Ii11 11 1111 1111 11 11111 11 11 box spring100111 cultivator pant poueiuliti cultivator 17101111 cost of tile perhead each trcat 11 11 11 1311111 plow Cocshiittrliid single plow ind good line of liorstndrawii memI Anyowner of came hOI 1111 11 m1 111 111 31 11ImI1 111 harm 59 implements Sale at 1230 p111 wishes16 Hem his mm cum ilIirIIIIItItIlIuIi I1IIIIII1II IrIIIII mm SCUHIIIIII hump dIIIH IIPIIIIIIIIIII AI TIIIIIILII EIIIIIIIIICI AIIIIIIOIII I1 Friday March 25Morlcv Rowe MINI IIIIIHHI III IIIH HM II lIilLd 1lt1tll JOIinth llltb with $915194 91 m0 11 111 111 11 ltlat rack steeltired wagon VllllI NW Ql L01 191 10 F1051 01 or the Inspector apponitcd ul llle 111111 11i gravel box hav rack stock rack 10 SOUlll and 12 11113 W081 0t thcr any person wishing to 21 11 1111111111 aw111 11 11 hog c1310 mammal 5L 104 med Crossland Auction sale of farm brim mule mm the mWnShip 11111111 1111 le 111111111111 unin 11111 lJllr 01 slogRI implements and somcl tli Itllllltltl It 111111 111inliiiiii lliiis ii llltiltl1l maydo so provided the york is i111111114 1111111111 1711 1111 gt1 551001 llth lluv bb during the momhs named fm IIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII 11101151310141 EFFECTS Ankma household effects Terms cash Warble Fly tredlnltm5h1lllICtit litli lltlt ii s111i1111 H0111 ClOillll 80131118101 medium sale 100 Dm 11111111 IIIIlIIiIiIliIlegvlaI iniiIst lIin actunpaiiieil 11v leZLllztlJlilll ltLtSlllllllllllleie l$lklctglleglll Tligggugbhwigl gIQRIEStEIgISIOlIIItIlE 31 Iiie1 tllilt Ill 14 11 1111 11 tblc litchcn chairs litchcn abide by all provisions as set 11112111111111 iallllll 11111llii lli clipboard East of Shanty Bay on Ridge out in said bylaw for thc pur 1111 11111A11II111111111 klltltllrii I11 ITin are many other articles Road Auction sale of Registered II poseof makng Essa Township 43971111Illlllllllllllliiulhi6311ll 11 lLIOtijiIinteio SCOlCll ShOItholn and Jersey cat We itWaible Fly Free Area lt 1i 1111 1m Terms Sh IOSCIW Sal my aha Inll qullpmcm SEMI 11 11M 11 211 1n tmumhihmiwwwv hltwlm Worst enemiCsIM nwsmckqwe IIIIIII Im IIIIIIIIIH IIIII IIIIIIIIII III RI III SJCSSOII Amuonem II 111 hen f1 tll 111111111 uill not 119111 45 11 111 111l 11 ieei that the bchtits1igcci1ed 145 MILES CONDUIT will far outweigh the costs if Il1 Mlllgfllh Calgary out an underground r17 treatmentI llltllltllw II unqu my 13 9211 Hm 01 cable installed 12 10 111 I1 ca pm erms As this is new proivcl mm if111111111113111tilllllflllliillCillliffs KmG Ircton Norman Munroe cash SDIOulc amt Chas ed at destroying one Of the IIII 3101113 IThornton Aucts l41618xt1i ask the fullest Obpmmn of 111 1111 11i 141 phone 2577 Bill111C all cattle owners The council wiringSJs cm or is own own LI EI TRUAXI Rec IIliAIlllllIIIII section 25 years ago and now has II II coxwonrn Clerk 145 miles or conduit with 62 miles IM Supplies thehotlwoiterlservice yoqveolwqu wanted VJ II in PM be healthy 41 Mm mlmm II wyeessmundthey cant 11 be new mam hmma ILIMI me from 13qamy Mutants containing all the currents essential tohealth II hlehly dlgelllleIm WW paiaiabie Your are will II Premium Bqu $120Drum $105 Regular Bulk 95c Drum 80c District Barrle Barrie 107 DUNLOP ST APHONE DiAL2429 65 wt The Brand of Quality