Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1949, p. 13

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BARRIEI EX MINE MONDAY We stirs111 111 7133 BARRtE ONTARlO CANADA thump111 yIiAIiItcdieIIBii SectonSMPeIges131016 Red Cross Team Captains Prepare for Campaign III 0NDE GODDESSRUEER OF SAVAGE Eve Shows 51 845 pm in 7presentedby the Barrie Cellegiat has been quite few years nircmcontrinowsi HOUSE OF HITS IIIII1IIlItSl wrrll llli 111311 II 11111111111 TONIGHT FRIDAY SATURDAY rwo ilorlis or llN AN 11110111 362s IIo Toronto am 15111111 and 51111111111 vtai prctiolnin 11 3111 11111 Mrs Eleanor 11 1lttltttt tob11111nutts 211111111111111 141111 111l1f1xton Ummlmus land shorts 15 unscrablo sleet 111111 l1111 Show Sat 230 p111 iirtoon News STARTS MON II Iwiihhw Miss Marilyn Sewell daughter ofl Mr and Mrs Sewell nee Mona McCausland1 of Ottawa for liIOUSANI 111111211151 ltliNDEZVOtFS lIOR ROMANCE softness displaying incidentally good Icleyation in her grands jetes And again iii the Globe and Mail Monday March Miss Setveil vas commended by Anatole Chujoy editor of Dance News in NewYork for her performance inpSaturday poperetta but with the talent alid facilities available the forthcoming presentation should be highlight VBCI GEEE CLUB STUDIES CHOPINS Themusic throughout is based on some of iscqmost beautiful melodiesgandhpsggyvliogecall the film SongTo Remember will have some ide the Operetta which is worthy sue1 cessor J1isinteresting to notethatits Marilyn Sewelland Roland Bois veiiue gz1ve1i performance of great beauty and strength Mr and Mrs Parker Mrs AmyVair Mrs McCausland and Albert Clifton went down from Bar rie to attend Saturday evenings In 11836 the famous pianist and composer Frederic Chopin made visit to the Island of 1Majorea the Mediterranean and there wrote some of his finest composi tions Enchanted Isle being William MiilcoinsoiiIIront row left to right Mrs ll with sweetheart bouquet ofblt1e sler Corporation of Canada Limit SIQIKId 11hr iIrt II ECWJA WI uLIIIMEIIIIII laughter In rafter and HM ARI IIII Il1l1llAIIS tor the Red ross 11111111111 bani1111 Mix ll l1cI1ri11 Mrs iiorgi iiilike Miss bland campaign 11111111 111 llllltlly 11151 111111 Bdtk low lltlt 111 cc Alltll 1111 Itorysiak and Mrs I1 15 Antlerton to right Mrs ltllltltill Mrs Angus McNabb Mrs Aim11 when the picturi was taken were Mrs inle George Morrls Miss Ktlls ytis Victor Knox and Mrs llarris Iii11111111111 Mrs Donald MatLarch Mrs Steele and Mrs Cirinniens Smith Studio Photo Latest Spring Fashions Shown Sinoptimist Event at Club 79 lly Illl llislis Not 111ny of 1111 creations shown 11111 1111111111 11 1ttl111rly 1111 1clonald lllltli 111131 1t 1111 Soroptinilst second aliliiliil11ll 111 lll 11111 11051111110 and 1f111111n snow ytsttiday coulo havelslm ivlilllilli Simmons and lbceii worn outside 111 any advantage Loom1y models were ltutli Wiill 1111 liltt 1111111111111111111111 down lIllabcth Strch past the doors of 11111111 Club 711 liypcttatioiis of warln Iiiibltl laradc however made the female furcoatcd ltlltllttltt which number 11 of 111 71ilci11IlI ed 1111 then 211111 tlt 111 Hulk1111 lilainc Silglcy lllanclie 1111111 l1gtiunc llnluhain 1111s 11111111121 itdtt 1111 115 and June lIy11111 Mls Wiley Mrs It KINGDOM 1111 11 11111111 pital lie boarded the plane for his he itd Wll over 3110 is enthusiastic Noble Mix1 lrid 1111oilnlr quagmy m1me Hi i11 11mm II muIHINIIWWIIA 3aboult 1111 cpnniit suinmcr fashions 1111 1111 111111 Beverley ro11 in Eh pH111 11 1111 mm 111 plant nil 111111 ablop hic taimei 11111111 llilttllill I11111111 ililllillill Iinod gm 1m 11 moon3 is 1111 co1 ant uis siown 11 14 1111 11111 11111111 ed on ii pm in 11 Him Brown navy burgundy beige 111111 vscar madlto1ncit$ilic Ibluc 311 mu in duh 11 iapilinzncyiwtlb1slclcolors Lfloi 141111111111111 sfoit uln ll II11 mp BUMUL 11 rc 111111111 1e iti urcs roin 1I cau 11 lead lts ltCltllll qualities for 111111111shot111on lrs Clarke 11 11L ii g1fl 11111111 young and olld and its happy Mrs 1111111 Mrs ludward 11lt Thousand ChICkS IM WWI WIII III IIII Jcoinilnahon of tie lltdt Parisian ll1ne111dllrs loiies Mrs II HAL 11 Mm wwvmmok and schquirl nah10 Stilt 11 also thi model for the Ale Lost In Flle l1 Ilii1I1tgliil 11111111111 11 tr1n111a11r 11 111 ll rriy niakc 1101111 all time favorite teller liress 811111111 which show 1I II IIIINII thrI of oIiInnere IlcalesIIfdiIIIIIli1 The look for sprint lit19 accord 1111 only inatrons tIlIoliics Mrs Alice lMldhurSt Tuesday lIII IIHII mII III III IIIIIIII mi pump Wm holng to the show is the slim and the licarslcy modelled i111ellciy for TM Hum HIP uni 11m ominloi Toma1 IIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIltIrI lly Macicairllunter Publishing Coin IWIE IIl0d 5th Clo1 him 105 1llllI 11mIiiIt Chit Ii iIi iiI IIII tirc inokc out 111 IoroodciII li111Ii11 IIIIII III IIII IIIIIIIIII 11IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII 11111111 Mr 11111 111111 1111 in 11111 1111115101051 W11 111111 111111111011 being 51111121 111 1111 gt111111 11111 111 10dhvgmxflj lilCIIimII 11IIIil1111111 111 1lt111I1 I111111 11 1111 id to detail and to silhouette Moores Shoe Store and the Ill1 II IIIIm Im piomotlon llellllltlll of lllt 1111 l1 1111131 111o 11 1i mom 110 ML and Mrs Impthau last year Gone are the full 111111 Arden cosmetics yycre from I955 III OIIIIIIUI l1lt11 IilI1IIi I111 IIIIII IIII 1mm Nda Im have sold their home on Dalton St lSkirts and short fitted iackcts and 1isdcns lharmacy hm ymmu AMI IIIIIISIIImS IIIII dI trIIIyII II III XIII IIIII II IIIIHI IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIV SIIIIIIIII and with it two young sunstnone 0f lllt repeated llaic was Vld Craig llalnlltoli played melodious lid tll1llll 1110 SiIll IV IIlI MHHMAI IIII III bu 11 even in shortie coats which 111d unobtrusive llll 11 15 1113 1m Hm lImI IHI IIII III II 111 liloyillg to loioilto today ll1 Entertalnlng TWO varied between moderatcly gather throughout the afternoon and even ll Filndlyr 1111 VOI VlIlllKClWSilml II HI im 1w In AN IAAMDLR WANII In ed and impressed pleats to lialf 11114 performances 5m 11 Illtmb II AIIICICIIOII belted reefers Princess lines were Tea was served during the inter Wheel Chair hown in nibRH qnwl If 1h 11 is mission 11 IIL our pilZLs th 111m eptclirnl 1ter11 stun buttoned or Empire collar appcilledldrawii months at ihe Sick Childrcns llos ULN OlA in both coats and suits mum17 The afternoon showing began at 2110 and the evening at p111 Miss June Dennis ofthe CBC made charming commentator Thousiand Tickets Ordered Fori Game oiily the aid of light cane This his doctors said would be discarded he gained confidence 11 as soon as meriy of Handalc and Ban10 35 The highlight of the Show conn IIIOIOIIIO Saturday in his new foundlcgs Word from Delfunnjng in the Canadian 331101 at the end when the longawaited Trinidad thattlie 115 is attending lcdi Demo2118111 121110111111 31 March and 1lng 117 fiompe or iCldcliM ol tulle 13 1111113lzni1itiitliw 13111001 Willsj MM 51 iss owe 115 cm member 11 ire groom 101 on eiase 1elte or 1e arrie yer aparlma co egt of the Ottawa Ballet for the past Elm 715 presented 111 19 TOFOmO MilllbOlU Plum C1115 The girl Dollv Singh was 1I yeam Signed wedding pageant by the Saturday afternoon at Maple Leaf patient of the Toronto Genera HOS II MAT On Friday evening March the TOWN Tall Slim Ruth Walle 381110115011 10111101 IOUOliCkNS CIC pital for some 11111111115 She under Real Thriller with Much Local Interest SAT 230 um Otmwa gmupjprcscfued ch Syplwas radiant bride in gown of ordered and are now on sale at cm several operations When She 111 phides and the following is an llllC SllPPCl Satin Will 10118 Ballie E110 11120110105 All orders left her Canadian friends she too excerpt from the Globe and Mail Twins tllll SllC cmllCClIWhltClmlSt b0 Picked 01 lalcr 1111 had no lllOlCiilSSlStElIlCC than slim IS STALLION BLACK JACK Saturday March tFreneh calnations 1n tulle With an pm Friday Mar 11 calm With CXCITCigeitaplbdfI 11171ff In up is pleasant to report that the orchid centre Flckcts for the Monday game 111 ed that 1mg aid Ouid bc unneces young dancers did 1112111 ballet mis Mrs 10 Maison was the 14100111S B2111iCc1m also be obtained 110W 511111 Like Avil Dolly came 111 K0 tlress 5131111 AItzlllilyll sew millsSlicfcgoofaggsggdE333 Canada as guestlofthelhed Cdross It nice to use roman 1c She is no comp etlng 1m uca very slim skirt and navy ribbon only To be sure of gaining entr hat She wotea cotsage of pink ance it is requested that purchases cantaliens The brides mother Mrs be made early Bassett was attired iii grey 31 floorlengtl de tl sage of redIrLoIsCeIe FlIoibeiIIgiiil IVVLSIII Englneenng Improvements Made tion at tlielNaparima High School Betti these children owe their fuI tureto the Junior Red Cross donation from you may well mean that other youngsters willbe helped to the happy childhood that is their right 52000000 is the Provincial cly Craig wore daffodil yellow of this Th Kim 51 years concert season evenings Sonata in Sharp MmOi C05 11m0 mm 105 10pm requirement GIVC L0 Joanne Ashe Jean Stoneham and carried 121 tiny HOSCgay 130111110 CthSler PrOduCtS on BIaIICII for Inglis MacDonnell was charming brides maid in pale pink nylon marquisette Dates have been set by the Chry hyacinths and matron of honor was ed for the public intioduetionrof iJean Campbell in gown ofheav its new Dodge Plymouth DeSoto enly blue taffeta and carrying andChrysler ears fall neyvly1ch bouquet of pink hyacinths Floral signed engineered and styled LIFE SAVED home in Trinidad 11 walked with 111m PARADISE OF LOVE AND IHRlllS Fm but be listed all the ieuon of the ivnglc for he on men fought lnuedible dangers ERICKSN ALE snrnwoon 11 VIDA ANN 80116 DOUGLASS DUMBRlltl 11111111111113 JOHNNY MACK BROWN ltAlftlUNl IIAIlIIION The Fightinganger 830 Pm Barrie Arena Tonight Angus and Districtlleterqns You are rcquesteddo attend meeting at the Angus Public School in regard to the formation of Canadian 11 ANGUS PUBLIC sender TUESDAY MARCH 1533043 Legion Provincial commend Represent performance Glee Club on Marchl7 and 18 is romantic tale of supposed in eiant which occurred during his stayat littlefishing village on the island production marks the 100th anni versary of Chopinsllfe 11 Correction Standings For Conservatory Edes nitsName PROTECTION The porcupine is equipped even before birth with quills half an correction is to be made inthe winter examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music in Torontdl 111111an BECOME ilnltutnuiiiE honors not his grade IV as viously reported Mrs Cliire Johnstone of Orillia passed her grade IV counterpoint with first class honors and her gradeIV har many Mrs Howey of Penetangt received first class honors in her INCOME nix DONT MISS passed her grade history and form examinations at the same time has now completed herI worlcforl her ARCT degree EEC WEIHTM Pine 11Crest the Dance Centre Thur March 17 ADMISSION 50a CHAS MILLER Proprietor BARBIE OF 11IReg Welham has been appointed to succeed Bert Hill as secretary manager of the Barrie Clianiiber of CommerceThe board of directors held Special evening and the selection was made for the position Mr Welham has had cost account DONT FORGET ing experience with the John Inglis Cdompanty 11 Torotto hamI was office minis ra or air Com EVERY THURS and SAT He is married and he and Mrs in Barriefor 21 years and make THURS LADIES 40c GENTS 60c arrangemts mp wedding party ThroughoutDtr fifty engineering and the rest of the show were by imprgyements are claimed as the the Harris FlowerShop result of millions of dollars in re MIS NICO KealSleY0f TOIOIIIO search engineering and styling de again appearedfor Ardele Silks velopment Limited and Showed t0 great ad Saturday March 12I is the date vantage ne atlay 0f lingerie established by the Chrysler Cor small boy is alive and well today because his mother had tak en the Red Cross home nursing The boy wandered away from standing of several of Miss Jessie with neglixees and matchin 0111115 ted for the smce me C9lleglate hspwdutcd an ainch long Bryscms pupils in the recent mid the most Ipredominate not the iqtggdmgyto he pub his home and fell into the icy collection She also modelled three 110 of the NcwI Chrysler mg by waters of nearby creek H15 motherwas alone when she missedi fur jackets for Simmons and Com ChryslerPlyniouthFalgo dealers as published in the Examiner last pany and Idpublic immducuomof the the child and started out toseaitci Monday Our own home town models were New DcSoto custom and Custom 101 lllm Halfway down the long Donald Warnlca of Palnswlck not outdone and did particularly Dodge models by the DodgeDC driveway to the highway is passed his giade VI piano With fineJobdispIaymgpmse and Charm sotodealers bildgc 001 eieek She looked over the bridge fearfully and saw thelchild lying face down in 11111 pool When she liftedthe boy from the water he was black in the face She ripped off hisclothes and began articial respiration This she had learned in the Red One week later Saturday March 19 the New Plymouth Deluxe and Special Deluxe models will be first publicly displayed by the Chrysler PlymouthFargo dealers and the DodgeDeSoto dealers will reveal on the same date to Canadian and what have you as they trod the runway Mrs Clark did most ofthe modelling for thc newlyin troduced and highly becoming matrons wearI alongwithMrs Noble and others Twiss modelGordon Brain gradeIII history pxamination sturdily displayed what the well motorism for the first mathe Gross home nursing course last IIIUIS11V1ARCII1l7 FRI MARCH 1111 The Dance of MISS Mary BIICCO of Alliston who dressed young mansliould wear at summer Undoubtedly this know New Dodge Deluye and Special De anythingilmea t1ipf6aivgddiilg Liiiie models In making this announcement Corporation officials revealed that the COlllpilIlyIS manufacturing plants are in quantity productionand that ledge saved the childs life Your contribution to the R0111 Cross campaign enablesRedCioss to leach Women the simple nursing skills which made itpossible for to Craig Hamiltons stirring ac companiment music dwhich alter nated between MyIIerpyand Stout Hearted Men The womenwere p111 ticularly impressed with his final With II appeal mec befor th eddng in SUdeIIIIIlIiIIII SIIIIlpIIIICdIIIISbOIII the dIIetv mOIIICrI IIOISIIIIII hetII CIIIfIdIS II II mo ave area con ma provineia ice ive er gtlaitgzgard navy blazerand grey dealers all across the country is $2000000 Childrens clothes were gay and charmingand durable and were shown by bothThe KiddiesShoppe and Jacobi and Graham Halid smocked dresses were still favor MacDongall McicDOUGALL FLYING TO HOME FOR CONFERENCE LorneqMaeDougalt formerly of Barrie is leaving Ottawa today to fly to Italy where helwill heac the Canadian delegation at meet ing of the International Labor Or Mr AMacDbugall served with the Department of Labor at Winnipeg He is brother of Miss Florence MaeDougall and Misc Stairs both of Barrie MacDougall of Orillia and Miss Christine Mac Dougall who is at2 present in the display of Butterick patterns made up from materials atWilsons Dressmaker Supplies and modelled by Mrs Wilson who had tallered Cleveland MOTHER Prior to going to Ottawa 1111942 yETERANsiriiis 13 FOR YOU 111iguuu Now see the Romantic1 Operetta Enchanted Isle story of the great composer Frederick Chopiilalid filled with inanylbcautifulthemes from his music Presented by the BARRIECOLLEGIATEI GLEE CLili TtVOINIGHTSIONLY lOLbEGIATE AUDITORIUM 815 pm Tickets 501 II fronianyIGlee CIIIlIb member or thrIQnglially 511111111111 Annual St Patric 100nm Inthe LIBRARY HALL Act Comedy Drctmc and made them and Laurine Addi son ganization in Rome The Canadian delegation will Ruth Wallwin Mrs John Payne also include two representatives of COMING EVENTS 11 Welham have twodaughters Joan CEIIIIIIIIJIIIIGII rrIiIchIDeIIbIdetIIfordtIh Tocvgll till OIIInbomngldIyneIIsto represen 06 el 19 IS esua 17 and Sandra 13 They have lived Talk Shop and young Donald Wake Mr MacDougall an official in sale of homemade baking LOBA pm Each Night Mary Jane Garner Elaine Thwaites the Department of Labor at Otta No 551 Orange Hall Allandale IriSh Music by Mixed Chorussf WED MAR IiiChildrens Performance Admission by ticket only Tlckets at Grassland their home at lKempenfeldt street Brian Harris and Joyce TWiss were wais being accompanied by J01 Friday Mar 18 pm 1416th Iite in little girls wear meeting Tuesday VirApevafeatuie of thiersliowmwvas SAT LADIES 500 GENTS 750 ltgt the junior mannequins for The Kid McLeod of Toronto an official of Dance at Craighurst HallvFriday TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD dies Shoppe Lenas Lingerie enter the Bricklayer5 Union Mr McI Mar 11 postponed until later PHONE 24141 ed the snow for the rst timel c1151 Lead nill act as an adviser to Mr date Mb

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