IAtil IlWILIXl Two Million SigIhtseeis 11111111111 1111 1111 11 It 111 111 l1 11 11 111111 11J i1111111 l111111111111 11 II 111 11 in itl lli711 1t 11 1111 11 11 11 an 11mm 11111 1111 11 11 12 1111111111 11 11131 9111 11111 1111 11 121111 our 1111 1111 111 1111111111 11 11111111 111 11 111 i1ll11111 11 IlIlllt 111111 11 11111 EL 111 1111 Ill ltll SlIliIIlLIII lll1l lilfl Smart New ItagIsII for Sprint artII CI arriving 1Illlily at ZllltlIh Have Visited Casa Loma 111111 3191 EVERETT Lm 11 111 111 11111111uti II 1111l111 1111111 1111111 throtudi 1111111 gtt1111 has replaced 1111111 3111111111111 oi Lou 11111111 111 1111 2111111 11111111l 111 411111 in 1111 main 111111111 111 lt 11111111lt 1111 ll 11in 1111 part111 11111131 1111111t1111 1111 111 consult11111 1115111111111 111111 11 the ill 11 1n 11111111111 ltltNlrlllIIl1tll 11111 1111111111111 have crowded of thousands 111 enjoying loi111 11111 szrtistacion lll 1111 itiantxis 111 1111 II11111s t111li 111 West Toronto Maitli IIIIt 11I1I1It1n ITeotioTis 1111 Sunday Doris are spending few days in T1112 Ihos tllVlljHIIt 111 Hayes cation 111 1111 onfratcrnitjs 111 1111 llol Rosary Mr1nltl Mrs Mortul of Victoria Harbor and Mr and Mrs rad dock and Mrs Itiltltllltly 511 off l11il1111s111111 were Stihdirvisi 1111s 11 Itlllllt Craddocks GUTHIRIE March Miss Marion Gray otII11r11nto ispent the 1e11Irendji1h llLlIIIIQIlII 111 Mrs Gray toiicratulaiions to Mr and Mrs Norman tainpbcll on the arrival ot b1byl1oy last Sunday IWorld Day of Prayer Il rather small group 11111 111 1111 tresl1yterian hurch last Friday 11111111111111 lo llSlIllltiigltllltl liaya of Prayer The lcadilswclc 11 IIiiitl nodMrsNethMl Styles Showjand ylllany 01111115 lg v1 IlIllt model shown abovc is Ilacoir 1111111 with inside zipper 13211 of Plastic Calf 11ain Model lCIl of lovely Plastic Suediue tIll 11 gt Jomc and see Zellersgrand asset11111111 111 beautiful new lland bags featured in 111111111 navy brown retlkelly green and othch fashionright shades SimplelI mKAIS PRACTICALI EMBROIDERER siiii llllmIONSflRAIIONIS=IN our sloltn THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MARCH 17 18 131 It is well worth trip to the store to see how this fascinating gadget does its job Almost un believably easy to use It practically elim inates any waste of yarn and makes it possible to designyour ownfloral and modern pat $125 EELEnits LIMITEDI 00Dunlop Street BARRIE ONTARIO Its Quitkl ductedthe WA meeting and Mrs onthe topic hood 11 Guthrie with several women leading in prayer Mrs Robert Campbell 1111 lltltl an excellentIadclressIiuul Mrs Wright officiated at 111c 111can VMS and WA Monthly Meeting The WMS and WA 111 the United Church metat Mrs George Camp bells on March with Mrs New ton in the chair for the MisI sionary meeting 1Mrs DIV Mc uaig ably conducted tlle worship service on the theme ThyKing doni Come thiiough the United Witness 111 the Christians of the World Mrs Gordon Clark as sisted by Mrs Campbell concluded the study of West of the Gorgein with the chapter on The Christian Church in China This was most interesting study and by means ofIa poster the losses and gains made by the Christian Church 1111 China were clearly shown Mrs EwenCaldwell con Shannon led the devotional service Responsible Parent Viornc1isliistitute The February meeting of the Womens Institute held at Mrs Walker Caldwells with large attendance of mem lers and the president Mrs Geo Sinclair in the chair Ten dollaIrsl was voted 10 be given toward scholarships for rilral girls taking short courses at Guelph Mrs Chas Clark speaker for the day look as her subject Health League of Canada The Health League of Canada is national voluntary or ganization working for the im provement of iridividualand coml munity life Their slogan is The First Wealth is Health Mrs jClark concluded her paper with 1How Fit Are You quiz issued by the Health The meeting closed with the National Anthem and the host1 esses served lunch The March meeting will be held at the home of Mis Gilchrist The speaker iwill be Mrs Mel Jamieson Subject ll1 returned 1111111 11It11 111 lIllIt Iill 111 111111 of 1111 1111115 l1t1liliy 1111111 11 Johnstons Itl1 1111111 5141 1111 111111 ell Miss Mary McLean Mrs 11111iu1w1d Kim mm Mwwu trilliguth Wedding Anniversary of your attendance fa re 1Fralick and Wilbert was and Mrs Street Ontario Department Of Illl lltllllil liLi HIIIIJ llti li 111111111111 ot 1111111111111 tor llyIdio 111111 11 Pine Eh111141 1111 1111 lplgoii llinr 111 lllttlllll 1ill 11c 311011 1111 111111 I111 11 MlNESlNG INNISFIL NOTES Ii 1111 llllllll liI H111 11 by 11111 Jump Iilit Illlp 11 11lvl 111ii1 111 11 111 ll 11 11 111 11 1111111 111 111 11 l1 111 1111 111 11511 111 ilii gt111 11111111 111 1111 11 In II I1 1111 11 111211 1111 11 1111 1idi tip 1111111 11111 111 1111 11 011 11 inlay 11 1121 1111 1111 i1 111111 1111 1111 11 11 ltt 11 1111 111 lwmm 111 1511 11 11 21 211 111111 1l 11111 1111 11111 1111111 1i11 11 111 ll1l li 1c 1311111141 col11 yl I111k gt H11 vi 1111 111t tit 1111 ldllI 11 1111 111113 l11 111 111111 11 1111111111 111 11 MIMI 1111111 111 1131111 111111111 1111 111111111 1111121 Sliitlllttl to 111111111 11 111 llfl11111 1111 t1111l 1111 1111111111 1111 11111 111111111 111111 11 i111 1131 Ill 1111111 111 ThyJ 11 AIllMtll 1111 1111 1111 111 111 11111111 W1 11 111 111 11111y t1 11 111 hot11 1111 111 11l1 ol lIi1l 111 011111 11 11I lrlfl HIIIIIIII folio111 11111 1111111 111111 11 1111111 1111111 be 111 11 11 311 llli 111 l1t1 ltlii111 111y111 111111g11 111ally 1111111 111 tl1tl1l ltt llllllllz 111 11111 11 11111111 11111 1111 11111 11 111 1111111111 11111 1111 111 11111 ion1111 1111111l 1111 1111111111 11 11l111n pass 11111 p11ol 111 111111111l 111111 1111111 1111111 111 $111111 111111 1111 llltl lllt 1115111111111 111 1111 11111 111111 111111 1111 11l T11 11111111 1111 11111 111111 add11111111 cap 11w 11 1111 11111 111 lc1I11 111 tatmill 1111 1111 111 make 1111 11111 1111 111 111111v1111 whenI 111111 111 as riding 1111I All ltlIlt llltgt 1111111 Itlllllttititl McKee troln 1111 1111 car into been Ittttt ilston hospltal 11nd lrr llllt Iire Startcd from thiinnly Sparky spark 1111111 1111 cliiniiey start 51 1111111 111151 mm 111111 1111111111 by 11111 lolliiston 1111 11111 Onwlmm lhe 111111 tenants I1ll arid Mrs 111111 1111111 111lore Ill tllttl 111 MI IIIm llIMHII IIl ImI 11113 i111 1iit1tl 111111111 tiat hun IIII IIII II IIIIII IIHI IImII IIHII 1Il Itllt 1111 liotin 1111 11111121 put 111 1111 1l11111 111111 1111 tiic wast 111111111111 11111111 1111111111 13111 11111 111111111 11111 1111111 dour and Day of Prayer III III 111 11 11 11 51 vimI11I111I1d inIIStI 1111 ilIsI Il11Il LL can 11111111 lln le1ltr 11111 111 Stan lraliik Mrs llrl1111iI lrlt Dixon llorlcn ann 11111 and Mrs liiittllts ll1111 wore otlcred by Mrs ll Erich511 1111111 Mrs co llowriglit Mrs 1111 Mrs 111lancer was ill iiid consc vis Mrs Mervin Iralick Mrs 111 1i111iuly 1111 clillorcn of 85 No 1111115111 and Mrs Maw 111t 111111 couple of holidays Icssic lonslon organist of 1111 church presided at 1111 11114111 Mos lirlitli Troty spltitdlyl 1111 ea Mount St Louis gave short 111 dress on 1111 theme llie 111111 111111111tllltl ll Imllllll strut111111 and enrolled lhctoiicre1lliy 1111111 11111 March mettint of MintsineI W1 was luld 11 Mrs it11 llnstos 1111111111l1y 1111111133111111111111com 11111 call was iiiiswcicti with 11111111 11111111 habit lltlttlti 1111l l111si111ss period plans were 1111111111 for the movies oil the ltoyal Wed Tlieir Majestics and others Mrs Day Mrs Adanlson aiid Mis lc1 cock arc the committee to illIlilllllCt additional iii11giliill11is is 111 the Hall on A1Il 1t and the entire proceeds go towards the Work 111 the Iled Cross Support this by ilIembcrs 11f 1111 Unich hlucli 211111 Club 11111111 Harrie enquired regarding 111inu lllL their concert to Minesng anoint and all members present look IlI111 ward to this event ill May as 111 hasbeen greatly enjoyed intl11 past letter was read re 1111 ciutrass for childrens clothing for cone with LIITV donations are asked to please 11111111 them to the next 1neelingIilrs Vlllll Davis then pro iitcd 1111 program as convener 11 Social Wct She welcomed the yisitors and after lively singsong intro duced Miss Stevenson ltllILStll in1 thenur1ng stail of the County Ilealth UnIlIInl this district Il11r tallc was most interesting and she clearly detined the place tllCIIClelll Unit wihcs to fill inilhe daily 11I of the preschool child as Well as school children andIadults The purse is willingto conic 111 any llolne to giveiinstruclion demon strate treatments etc Mrs Ilarry Foyston commented on the motto To cure is the voice of the past To prevent is the divine whisper of today Mrs Oliver Wilson gave reading At the Iclnse of anyone Wishing it Mis Mervin Davis served delicious refreshments Irish Programf Roll call My ggestaceomplishment this Win ter HostesISes Mrs Clilfe Besse 111 1111111 1111111 11 which licuIciiil Lystcin comes into 11il1 their corporation W611 partial1 conscious in sev Ailllr 1itlt11A1 111111ry 111 111111111111111 ioialot 111111111 111111111 I11 11111111l t1111l 1l1 adopted 11111 all 111 the fabpayers hln botn 11 1111 1111s the 111111111 1111 111 111 lil1tll in No art1 111 11111111 l1j to pay lI11 b11111 near 11111 1111 1o the 1111 111111 of slitrial lvy 1111 1111111 11111111117 111111 l11111tli11 1111 111e11 41111111111 gill 11111111111litl1s by 11111 iiit11111ll 1111111111111 to 111 disruption1 it clainud vitl l11 41111 1111 1111 1111 1111 11y 11f r1nl 11111 1111 1111 111 not 1111111 11111l 1111111111 1111 many conditions The IlItil11ltlli 111111411 an 191 11 tr 1111111 The 1111 how 11 v1 lnattvrs 1111111111111111 iiccded is earl1111 11111111I11iiio1i 111 the expenditure With 1111 mm moicasino assessment wn 11y he jumped collsldclabiy 111119n 1111 11111 11 should l111111 that 11111 11111 111 Petition to lnconica loliee Villa1 At last the community 111111 known as the village of Stroiid 111 grown 1111 11111114 lustrous 1111 coming rccogiilid villa41 titlllltitt ilzncd by 1113 111111 iority 111 1111 ratepayers 11111 he today11sl111 that tlnv lH 1111111 tollec Village This will ctialill 1111 lllltltlils to have authority 111116111111 111 chm11111 board of trustees to install 111111 liullllligz Iniprovi i1l11 111 and roads 1111111111111111 11 1111 11111111111111 system and to have 1111 sp1 1111111 of that portion of 1111 gcunral icyy that is raised by 11111 taxpayers of 1ltryzl Sir111d is 1151 wowIitiuiii11 thriving community 11 is fitting that they should lJtflilllt 1n llllL pendent body Tlicy need the prot tcction of 1111 many that are available 1111si1eh 111coup munin as recognized loli1c1 lagc It is the tirst stop 111111111111 i111r an 1111111 11111111111113 VVIIILI is Garbage The meeting 11 11111111 111 Hutu 111l ways The for that 1111 plot 11111 1111111 i= intended as burial disposal not in 1111 opinion of many satisfactory James lillly asked what was garbage 1111111111 lhcy 1111111 all kinds of stuff to 1111 disposed of here lltIClzlltllNl They put oiil 111d hcd sprins mattresses 111111 all kinds of materials Surely this is garbage he concluded Mr Ituf Ifett asked what should be done with ashes cans 111111 such that Ilill accumulated during the lelullS the garbagecontractor obliged to take these he asked Some thought that mile11111 the stufl could be 1burned in the back yard but this was also thought to be contrary to the public health 111t The question of what constitutes EIEIIIrlLCIlZIS not denitely answer ed It has come to be considered anything that is not of any further garbage collection 1Strcetwliigliting Accepted LclroyBelle Ewart District On Saturday afternoon the 131111 lic meeting was hcldlin the Letroy community hall which is iLiiuired byIthe act in order topernut any ratepayer who may have desired to withdraw orprotcst the passing of abylaw to enable a1 debenture uPHo IIl 139 Dunlop St ESTERlNcF BEFORE SPRING COMES ave your Cliesterficlds and Occasional Chairs Repaired Recovered Stratford Upholstering Q0 For Free Pickup And Delivery Call EplettsFurnitureElectric SALES AND SERVICE Barrie Ont PHONE 3721 regulationsl not Hm 11180 the owner is placed for the meeting Miss Stevenson gave litelj ature whichjshe had ondisplaytov Il 111 rim l111 1111t111 111 11111 13111 111 111 11 tv 11111111 1111 111 111111111 gt21 11 111111 1111 11 11111 1111 1111111 1111 111 1111 131 l1111 In 111111 11 1111ll11t 111l 111111111 11111 111 1111 11 11 111 111 ltiil iuli1e Itillttlltilh 111 11 1111111111 1o l1lt1n 11 111111 11i11l 11sli 11111 1111 lIi1 tllllltl 11111111 111111 111 11111 111111111 tin111111 ll tl1 11111111 111111113111111111notion11111141111 l1 11111 1111111 I1I111 Ii111 11111111111 111111111111l 11t 111 11111121 1111i 1111l 111111111111 111 1111 11111 l111 i11zply 111 wk 111 11 1111111111111111111 11l 11111 1111 311111 lllltl colloc 1111 ll t11I 11E could 11111 i1lllill11l 111111 1111 111111 t1111111111 ipiouc 153111 111 the 11111111111 1ill1l 11111 that AlllltlI 1olt 11111 11111 11111 cleanup 11111117 1111 1111 11111 water 11111ar 11y111 11111 lIl11y 11111 1111 1i111d 1111 1111 111111111 special 111 ll11 151111141 petition 111 ltl1l l11 1111111111111 11d tlii Iitllti ail1 111111111 111 the Laibiliu int1 lltll 1111111131114 tax111 for 111121 111111 111 r1 mmiwu r1 Prism 1e th tame112311111 MUE anss CREAMDEQDORA NT $130 MIsEY RICH ICE cum BRICKS 25c THIS WEEKS SPECIAL MAPLE 11 1lir111 1111 Wllitotl tin11111111111 1111 111111p 11111111 lltAI llllll II All 111 111111 illio 1111 they rould sell 111 din1t 111lcrhip lust 1l 11111 $135 Cod Liver on 000 Oil 750 Wampolcls 7011 Liver Extract 300s Mens Size Lipstick Large New Price lil Price With Exclusive 0111 Style 45c pcr lb DIAL 3710 Squibb Mint Flavored Ayerst 10 Cod Liver $100 Old Price Revlon Lip Fashion Ruyve Home Permanent Back Again More Hound Candy With Genuine Oil Filter Cartridges Protect your car truck or iracior from costly aniiine breakdowns caused by abrasive ust sludge and dirt lit111 your oil filter working with genuine llt AM 11 Iilter Cartridges Vce waryculm JcAnAMS comm $250 $120 $175 turl 1111 tlolishal CllUlUlilk curl you 11n il Illlll 11111 11111 111011 ely i1111 11 lilflllf 11w 1111111 dreamtd 01 having 11 MINII CURL today Rm Fellows Compound mth alccp and to quiet Jumpy nerves helps to restcre ex hausted appetite and to rebuild bodily irjgrcngth Try it FELLOWS Canonvi $139 39 111111 21111111111 01111088 $200 rtII ALLFABRIC dyes Nylon rayon Cetanesc cotton wuiil mixtures We recommend it 71th Malk Easiiysiie1yiinis or FREE DELIVERY SALESIMEN elliden Pharmacy 11 11 131 IlJIII oi Jackson 11111 11 1111111 1111 121 11 1112 111111111 11i 111 111 11 11 1i It 2111111 111 11 11111 111 Ivy IV 1111 111111 111i11 W1 11t11 1o 111 fills ll tguon 1111 J1111 1111 II III II IIIHIIII1III gt11r11 1llllilll IIIII II II 113111 111111 11111 Ilinks in lionspirl WI lIlii tlillt i1111p21 1111 IE 11 1I 1111 lI11l1y 11lii 1ht 1nl1 11 741IVWHIZIIIL 111111 111111 51111111 111 to II III iHlI1IIlI 111111111 111111 111111 111 IN llllll 111 111111 111111 IIII II IIIIII II II c1111 to 51111111 1111 1l111 1111I1 II II IIlzlltiIIlIliI 11 illlmlul11mii 1m 111 11311 1111111 3111 1111111 111 1111111 1111311111111 Hmmlm Huh in li Hip WW mm mi Shim of NL PM in 1111l11 3111311 11 ll 81 11 11 1111 111 li1t 11 I1 tv1 St rEtl am om 1er FT lie Easy Qtii pi yd AT HOME it IN MINUTES It 191d Pennant2116012111211 N0 MACHINERY N0 WAmNG NOI WAVE SE1 111111 11 11111 11 mfltlmt 11111111l1L1 11111 1111 11 111 loo 111ul1 1x11l1111111111 MIMI rman Napkin minimumWU MLHH 111111 1111 11 11111 i11111 x00 amnion Fwd SAVEfiirtlnldrensrlllnt 11511 IDEAllIrrshort llntro1nu 11ml Aqwd M3i 13m or 11111111111 llair 0le Q0 Q15 Ayerst Alphamcttes $2 Sum man 50 H1 115 90 CAESULES Parke Davis llalivcr ill 1457 tpsllles inmiorj M05794 50 li fasted 11111 21155 iilllaltd manic Drops sum ON Day Tablets Squibb 101 Cod Liver syrup or Hypophm 01 75 51 pm he lowdme 290 RvIlon Reductions New Price DIaIIAWachCha let Kt 13250 R22 KB IIIIIIIIIIIII $125 WELLINOION 0th BLOLK =1oi=aon==oon==o=o==o=zi9