11111111111 PHONETWRITE iOR VISIT 7r PAGE ran iDIiURST i1111t1l 1i1111111111 H1 11 u1tv strapped in 1111 liciilv 2111111 121 11 AV 1111 1131 11 121111 fwl 111 111 11 11 1111111 11 51 11 11 STROUD 1111 11111 1111 111 1111 121 111111 ll11l gt111111il 111 1111l 111 111 111 15111 111 111 111111111 GILFORD 13 Nd1 11 1111111 111111 11111 11 ildllll 11111 11 11l11i Mr 11111 l1 V11 s1111111111 11 1111111 day 11 1111 11 li 1111 11 1111111 111111111111 the Lula11111 111111111 Saturday 111 11111 able 111111111 111 111111111 lr11 11 11111 were Air N11 11111 111 1111111ilds 311s S1111 1911111111 l11111 111111111 Hump in 110mm 111111 11111 111111111 lhe 211111111 11111111111111 111111 has THUMKV iiVhl U1 Ml VVN JV 1111111 111111111 111111111 111111 11111 1Vni11 HM Th 11mm lights installed This 1111 111111111 1111 11nmIUV VV 1N VVVV EVMi hull 11111 111 1111 11111 tor many 51 pmic 1nlc1n 11111lt 1111 miles 11111111111 111111 1111 11111111111111 Um gnudmV Mn mm 11111111 111111 111111 till l11111111 1111 53 iei 11111111 11 l11111 111 111111 111111 11111 l1111111 uni111 tin11 1121121111 11 ti Lou Neilly 111111 11111111111 11111111 11111111111111 1111 ll11111111111111l c11n1111 111111 111 the Kiln l11111r1l Hotel To 11111111 1111 11111111y 11131 11 llrlt John lloran is 11111111 111 Toronto Mrs 811111111 11111 11111 spent the weekcnd 111 P11111111 Mrs Mantt came home Satur day after 111111 weeks in1or1111111 Vallev lVIr 111111 Mrs Scars 111 11111111111 during the weekend 111111 lIllsnmrv 111 1111 119114111111 1111s W111 1111311111 was 111111 to leave hospital on Saturday and 111 moved to 11111 home of 1111 1111111111 111 Mrs Graves 111 Billln W11 Meet on Milrcli 17 lhc WI will 1111111 on March 17 lat the home of Mrs Mac1111111111 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE tendscash roz Mflm Thing C11 btCllil any good reason You may bnrrow wuhoui enthusrasm Comment by Mrs Craig Roll call One wllOUt endorscrs or bmlahle way 111 AdvortiselgtPr11gr211n lub SECUlllY 10 Pay licily Mrs lVlacltlurray 1111111111 Fuel bills Dario bills Mrs lillsmere and Mrs illason hm Overdue bills Emergency expenses Grouse Repayment Plan Household Finance loansare made promptly Repay m0nthlt51 13 V11 11 zrc 18 or even 21 months dapfmdmg Clmrch service will be held next upontherepaymcntplaFYOlhme1 Sundav 2111311 pm SOlveYour monel Pmblcm as Waples of Victoria Harbor thousandsofCanadlanS dJ spent few days at Priests Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lalondc on the arrival of baby girl Miss Marion Cox has accepted 11 position with the Bell Telephone 1Co Barrie Much sympathy is extended to uvmcmzmucsimzian Mrs Fred Chappellwahdfmiiy in their recent sad bereavement Mr and Mrs Lornelrcher and familycnd Miss Jean Campbell of Toronto visited over the weekend with Mrs Archie Campbell Jean has position as filing clgrk with thewHydro Electric RC 55 VMlIIllqul Street In In URlIUITONT Horn to 50r by appointmnl loam made In roVin 9f nearby you moon ant111115511115 as Yes Old Chum is great favourite with fathers and sons alike Lbc come theres no other tobacco just like Old Chum for Heyin clayout smoking Slowburnlng with fresh cool ovVour all its own Try packagebefore another dayslips by Men who like niobium thats always good 1Jl 1311151 F01 Cu Ni FOR 11041IN1 DUE OWN Aid For injured SWIFT REMH of umpc as the olijcrt of 111 meni11 st111l b1 Britains 1111111 ir Vl11r11Vat ltric 11r11111 11211141111111 inn their llltl equipllltlll 1111 It All 1111111111str11e1l 111011 11111210 Vl 111 11 41 rescue work since the 1111 1111111 their iiroitlttl evacuating British casualtiex 11 ohm till pcr ccnt from the lIuropean lhcat 1111 nearly 11111 per cent 1111111 l11 liaxt batikfronts l111 111 11 wounded are raised aboard 111111 ambulance l1 Siacatural machine mobile 1111i11r Right llolcrlly helicopter lrtlcllll stra ml 111 ll ltlc ll 111 lake1111 1111111 nurses 1111111 1111111111talnl1 11$ 13v1 1111111 11111 111111 11 3111111 111 11l1l11V 111 111111 1111 I1ltl11 11 111151111111111111111 to Kim 112111111 111111111 11111 11 1111111111111 l111y 1111111111111 111111111 1111 11111111111111 l11111 11l11 Womens Institute March 1111 llulralav 1111111111 March ltl 111111 call 11111 be 1111 Vlrish l11l11 ll11 1111111111 11111 11111 111 111111111111 Mrs 1111 11111 Mr and Mrs 1111 11111 111111 111111 1111 spcndmi 11 few days 111111111111111 lvisitcd Mr and Mrs lIllcrinzzton Mrs lilicii Miss SumV1 118lllllfltillltlll Mrs Jamieson who Ruth 311111 Harry and Ted llrocltr 111 loronto v1s1111l Mr and hirslv W1 1111 1111 happy to know that Ice Carnival lfancy dress Gordon Dutton lVlrs Joe Lennox original couplerllrs1 comic Gloria LeBlanc Lois Bladkl Banting mensmpen Eaer CVunV 7ningham Harry Adams Mmesmg ladies open Marjory Fry Jean Whhthrllll Bony 151111311111 out urn11111111 ome From the kies 11 This rcwllc method is for lltl lllllttflllll 111normal aircrall 1111111 11111111vh1111111 and later 1111 men Check these featuresi low rmN 11111 1131 1m 1113 I1r11 11111 THORNTON LEFROY 1111111 rm 1111215 momma 1311111111 oyrmro CANADA 11111111112 Breeders EHold Barn Meeting lermey Form 111 11111111 1111111 1111 11 115111 1111 rest 111 1l111111111 Fanning Mrs 11 11111 11 N11 WM 1111 5111111111111 March 1514 N111 1111111111111111111Mrs 111111V111111111111111111111 May 3111 11111111151111 have 11 311s 1110111111 in Hospital 11 111 MI kl lld my 1s pain111 111 1111 l111zpat1il since last 11111l1 The March 11111111115 112 1111 ltum 15111 111 111111 111 Mrs 1111 511111111 VVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVV VV VVVNVVV VVVVVV 1111 11 1s 111111111111111111 with 1111 111 by 111 111511111 pams 111111 111111s sore throats tllll 11111111 1111 1111115111 1131111 afflictions 111111 111 1111111111111 1111111s1111s tended Trinity United Church and land the Value Voi the Farmers lmlllh 1Mrs Rowat Mrs Lucas Mrs Jackaand MrsFr Benny7 benefit Caiiiiml llQlHwmarof Prayer the Arena last Tuesday night spon The World Day of Prayer Ser sored by the Arena Committee and vice of thewms was held in the Hockey Club There was lalge1church here on Friday with the 12111111111 11111111111111 1111 llith birth 1111111 contributions to food box 11111 by Mrs Richards written by S111ry 211 11111111 Mrs 1110111111 Lluih were very interesting and 111111111111 took the form of contest 1111111111111 11111 11111111 11113 1111 111111111111 swollen 111cl glands 11111111 Muir won the mine 1111 1111 1111s lllt 1pi1le11111 1s blam 3211111 by 11111 attendance 11f 111111111 was member of Thornton Wom Ewlfe after which she conducted aV ens Institute great many fiiendsqnjz At the close of the meeting models sv by to the bereaVCdIa bounteous lunch was served byland 3rd Mi mpat Scouts are domg compass work and signalling tougudsobtaining their 1111 Venus orn lltlt1 111111113 hilthlti11 111 11 11 11 1111v 11 111111111111 11 V1111 11 V111 thlt and Residence 11 1111 1111 1w 11= 11111 11111 1111111112 11 111 1111 111111 ltli1 111 3171 111111 11 13 lands111 11 PIA91 111 11 1111111111 1111 111 TELL111 overdo1 11111111111 1111 1111111 111111 Business 1111 111 tl1 112111 11w 11111111 11111 11 111 111 11111 1111 11111 1111 11 11111111111 11 11 Tomorrows Milker Todd 111 11 11111 111 111 111111 11 1111111111a 11 111111111 111 111111 114511111111 111111t 111111 111111111111 11111 1111 11111111 11 1111111111 1111 11 iiu 111 1111111 31111111 l11111 1111111lt1 11111 111111 11 1111 1111 11111111 111 121 111 1111 11111111 111 1111 ill ll 11 itll1 lull him MW 311 111111111 air1111111111 111111 311 111111 111 11 1111 13 ll 11 Ll 99 IS THE sum 1311 11 VVVV VVV 111 ll 11 Alli11 worlds finest milkcr Vv1 1111V 1V1V1VV111V1V11VVVVV111131 VVV VVVV VVVVM VVVVVi HVV VVVVVMHHVV Truly 1110 Just who of 111 11V11 11V11 111 111 p1 11 fast cleaner easier the resut vowum Perm 111 111111113 111 1111111111111 111111Mmh VV Vm VHVVVMHVHIPN my 111 11 11111 111 11111112111 111111 fluv Of 20 Yea mllkmg madlme develop mg naturg isoothing action that relaxes the cow and lets her milk come down quickly and com pletely with 111 11111l 11111111111 111 111111 vacuum TranPchan Tablng for vis lli1 11111 111 11 111111 113 111111111111 iblc milkmg sanitary lunged Claw rectum1 111 lt1111111ln l11 1111111 1M can 111 111111111 11111111111 11 sonndl Troublefree Pulsator AntiCrawling more 1111 11111 1111112111111111 1111111111 Tent ea In ll Ii mm1111 1111111 1111=111111111111 1111 111111115 11 ii 511VV 15V 121 Vlimos11111 1111 3111111 i1 111111 VVIVVFM my and n111 demonstraed on you Obsome sofehV ll ilv iml 11111111111 11 1111111111111111111111111 111 VV 11 11111 111 V31 l1llli hilmhuw l1ugli ZVV mm In VVHVHVV Aru 0WD Vhed ll Vfleel 11 WINE1 111 11111111111 111t111 1111 1111 t1 111 11 MM Hi 11111111111 1111 111111111111 11111111 111111 1111 1111111111111 111111 1111111 il ill11 111111 3111111111 of Toronto was home 11111 1111 uni1111 11111111 111 1314111 1V at 1l t11 111 mi111 111 paieiilr 311 111111 Mrs 11111 V1V11V line11 1111111 111111l111 11f liu 111 tlli Ili Mill MIN all 111 11111i1i 11111111 for 1111 weekend 111115111111 VVVVV VV my 11 11 11 siivnr 1111111 7111 Wmltl 41 111 lIll1 911 Allandale Phone Lari1V1 1111 11 H1 1111111 1r111111 111 s1 1111111111 11111111 1111 llllflll 11151 111 111111111111111 11111 111111 1V1 hm mu 11111111112 1111111yl111li1 11111 mw 11111111 11111141111 ltithkl 111 1111 1t111 11111111111111I 1111 W1 is 111111111111 11 111111 111111 VV illlliv 111111 11111 11111 111 11 111111111 wen11 1111 11111lies 1111 home 111 Mr VV ll1lii11t 11111 llili himuau 111111 111 111 111111 1lr1111111 lr Wilfred Prissicli 1111 11 letiulliti 11 13 311 1111111111 1111111111 111 1111111111111 111 111 ll p111 Vtar1llt 111 $111ka will 191111121 111111 1111 1111111sl1111 1111111111 11111 in Hort 111 1110 sharp 111111 111111 Mill1 ll llilV Illtlre 1111111111111113 111111 1111 $1111111111yi1111111 1111 l1 Mt 55 1th ml The Womens institute met 11 the Allin llill flit ltltlllllll 1111111111 111 Mrs Muir on March lst llt 111 Well 11W 111111 11 1111111 2111111111 111111 11111 11 11 1111111l1eis present 1111 5111111 li 11 111 1711 1111111 11111111111111 11111111111 11111 111elicit 111 151111111 Mrs Roy Partridge pre s11ie1l The roll call was answered 1112 1111111111 lwo papers were 111111 11 10 Glenn of Wardsville 111111 1111 other trend by Mrs 111th 11111111vriti1n by Anna Lewis much enjoyed The entertainment Musical Romance conduct111 111 11113 Terry and Mrs 11 Pris s11k the 111einbers to guess the 11 111 111 the songs Mrs Terry played W111 111 11111t feature of the 111ninng11s IV Pearls for St Judes Organist 1111 7111 1111 11111111111111l11 111111111111V of husbands of the ladies 1111 1111 1111111 111 1111 Sunday 11 18111111 111 those Millirun from comm mpminp ie lw hold at The 1111 111 Si llll1 1111 11 S1111 1111111111 111111 11111V111 consult s1111V1VOlt ADI11 11111 mil ml lllNillNI liwllll All lillll ml Mllan Emuii 5Vliit can do 111 111ill1ve 1111 l11111 lainiesnn with li111111111 11111 cnmmlmiW1Vw at trimmmg mm 1111 11111 1411 1011 ii 11 olllllti 111 11111 1111 111 ristS VVOIVVV hv Vle SIV hut U1 Immu 11 1111 MUM 11 wwk p1 11114 vote of thankstas pro VVVV UH mnljlilhlh 1W by ilnlnilw79111111 slipped on 1111 111 11111 1111 1th l1 MYS Mlllil Mll1 11 111111 1111 1l11 11111111111111 in 111 for their lind111v1 ii Mi imam 1151 Wilm dmmlnii ti11211211111 1111111111110 1111111111114 Itptllcii Theres 11 1111111 111 store for you when you lift St Judes 11111 111111111 rs 11v11 also 1111 St Judi5 tA 1111111 1hi1 March 1111111111111 111rs Dr 8111111111111 111111 1101110 111111 for their gcnciotis li11sp11V your hrst batch of sparklingclean clothes trm meeting at 3111s Reids 111111 the 111111111 111111111 111111111 in Barrie mm theVglmmingporcelaimcnnmcl mbyurveg luosdziv Several 11111111111115 l1111111lit hospital for Xltr11ys and to have 1111 VVV 111 1111111 1111111 and wash 1111111 1111 fractures s11 Theirdaughter Mrs $9131Irigilltlimd so inghouse Washer Youll be amazed at the way tributionsV 1111 Showon for li11A nmmu 111111111111 1s 111111111113 Donald Haven to me Kiwanis exclusive Vcsnghousc ushidnd Action 111111 Will any who stllL111111 11111111 1111111 The irony of the 11 Wm Inux in Toronto wed contribute 111use contact Mrs 171 1cid1111 11gt 111111 it was their 19111 1Olt1VIInd1 Donm Oak1pm washes clothes dean 148 Vme hou r111 111111111111 soon Mrs Jamie 11edding 1111111ers11ry more gm Wilding thlmmiin in lokiuc Mood lE11111h111111111010112120128332111511111121 Xeiirvim $191111 18 intoltd byfuilliut mm 11 esriniouse IlSl 111v lllllllWmllulunl 1111 l1irov Womcns lnstuute standing 4111 in Va 1013 lillVicVult VP Vnk 1511155111111111 your 11 lne ll 1111111 Tuesday evening March lstlpianoforte coinposnionVVand gaming assurance 111211 this thrilling t1rsipcrformance Death of Mrs Bert Fisher 1111 the home 111 Mrs 11 Donnelly 114 points outVlof DOSSllJlE 11 will be repmtcd Vcck VVVVCVV VVVVVk VVVV mVVn egret was expressed on everyiwilh twentyseven present 1111V Vwe erdrs side 1111 Friday when 1111 news 11115111111 eall was answered with 1111 100111 5fV0fVSV gllgt VVV VVV of the of 1rllblefrcc OPHVNMHV and see it received here 111 the sudden leathllrish jokc party is to be held 53 VlllVlBfolfV mg 01 hm Imh of Mrs Bert Fisher Mrs Fiblltlldin March to raise money for 11101St Sham 33 100 ll mb who was formerly Roxy Nixon RedCross Mrs Allan react930S Vflml 810 1V 1V 121 VVVi VVCV VV =was 1111111 111 Thornton and attended the Current Events and 11 solo was HimdlCl 11115 151 UV flawvurv school here and who after 11011511111 by Mrs Cowan Mrs cenlly andlhe hmdi marriage to Mr Fisher resided alNclson 11f Stroud gavc very in EOOd shohwmg Vi V13111gt1 2nd few miles south of here She 111tercsting paper 011 The Farmer 01k 5C0 and 3rd with birdhouses 2nd with fretwork and 2nd in airplane The Cubs took 151 2nd with birdhouses Thel Class badges Ice Cutting ff Full Swing Exclusive Vestn ihouse ICE cutting 10th11105 CT the lake Exclusuie Westlnghouse Sentinel of Safety protects Exclusive Westinghouse crowd of spectators inidttendance Baptist ladies 01 81311013111311 unit The feafuiiattraction was Miss ing with the United Church mem Margaret Whitty of Silyer Blades norsrhe President Mrs Wm Skating Club Toronto who put on Noble and the Vice President Mrs brilliant performance ThelelHarry Stewart acted as leaders of were many fine costumes and thelthe printed program responses Contestants Willy Stilng WOW Prayers were offered by Mesdames derful show After the judging Wight Tebo Quantz Stephens was completdizthe remainder OfNoble Stephens and Miss the evening was spent in skatingiannelly Rev Paisley de The judges were Hopper livered ne address and Miss Cookstown Sproule Stroud Neilly spoke briefly The girls of tRoy Law Beeton Babe Adamsthe ContinuationSchool led the Minesing and Gerden Aitken who singing and also shag chorus gave thefollowing decisions Lad Following the prayersenicethc ics best comic Allan Altman J0e regular monthly meeting Of the Lennox Mens best Comic Barney local Auxiliary1111115 held Cartie1J PeacoCk and Henry tticd1 ladies fancy dress Mrs Art mioidAVVviIwhiafmm Teac 91 don Dutton mens Black M15 Gm On Friday evening about 100 people of Nantyr School Section met in the school room for so Sm Marshall and erqeorge MC cial evening and towihonoiha form Gladreygqlcan McQuay and Maru ioric Fryj oldest couple on skates Mrs McQuay andvADAVerst Harvey Flegel and Bruce =Shlpley and Art PVzlach Children aypum somchoeeVmbktanvd Chrome derboys best comic Walter 6321 plated 113ny MrSV Law thanked fancy dress Douglas Black Earle Lenmx Girlsiwlfncy dresshMVrn Christmas followinga serious at lSDencmv WandaiGelhomi Children tack of 1111 which left her in too to Mfboyg VbeSt Comlculftimgfil weakened condition tocarry on Black pal Lennoxglrs Cs her duties with large roll call boys fancy dress VKeVnnVcth Bdlack presentation and Vapdclighm lunch 1132133 8131331 g31nancivicoiSySfi Cone1111111 11199091111115 youngest couple on skates Dianal Skinnymenmomen Julia Dungey andGa1y Maw1 RaccsBovs 14 and undertV Billie Peacock Ronnie Spencer girls 14 and under Vina Frederick Anni Get New Pep 111m Vigor nll up neck no long crawuynbody loseslmlf McQuay best clown Dan Gethonsv starved sickly beaupolo 1111111 lhousnuda or 11 oil 5113111 llg3l1ly11113111111111a1 coc caviaru cg as Skates ea tonic Strex Its mules stimulants invigorcrom Black family ElleSSlng Pllzes1 1lron vitAmln Bi calcium enrich blood improve appetite and digestion so food give you more Champ Raldv Nalker Huntelldoo roirengtnnhdnouriihmentDuoeahon arobones 11111111 little New get acquainted also only in Bone Wm Buchanan Corrme 110 Try famous intro laplo Tablets new vigor Blanc lucky spot Ralph Selaml lid vumld this very day Mall drunurn ice cutting this year Mild weath er has hampered operationsusome what the ice getting Vquite soft inshore at times Roy Patersons tiuck broke through the ice and er teacher Mrs Rae Law Ruth Thompson read the address and bestskating couple Louise Spceiggmadelhe presentation of 13 WhipMawhgirls beStcomiC all presentfor the lovely gifts G311 BFOWL Jill Dungey boys 1Having taught the pupils for 411 years she was forced to resign at Dancing and eardsfollowcd the Farl Cunningham largest family 151 Women men who never 00111111211111 before prizes Cthretils NEWmEVin Dontfcnrgettingtqofatnscop when youye gained MUCH fmygtcry prizes EN00d tho 10 1111112011111 you need for normal wet ht THYRSDAY 357311 10 1999 111111Lil1 1111 11111411111 1111111 estinghouse Lovelllwrinwr at Shanty Bay are 1n full swing 1VVE Cushioned Action gyrator Vmogor against overload VVV VM p13 chatlz HV Taylor vhoVV IS in 11121121 V0 creates seientmc Oldsublownpnes allows Ms 9355 operations reports verv E00dlCV tion which em out the most you to Operate igwitch in 9mgmslamlyanhe wk although not as thick as DlCVl Stubborn 111 without caus of 11 linger protects you gt complete safety even with ingwear on clothes wfhand$ ous years Mr Taylor has had and your clothes quite few difficulties with th VV had to be hauled out but fortun trudk Jack Kendall stepped on thin ice and had to be rescuedi fmmithe water in subtempera ture We are pleased to report that Jack has suffered no 111 efV fects after his cold immersion smlav Mai1211 11 new policy providing occidental dedthand dismeglferment benefitle prdtedt yourlloved tones Tourbeneficiaries willre ive face Value oililhe policy 1iiVsroudiefrom natural cause Double literate Value of the policyif you idle by acfldenl Triplet the Face Value of theRoV1chy if youVVdVie whileriding c1 passenger in Va public conveyance except aeroplane or while inuburhir1g public building You yourself get liberal dismemberment benets providing cash for loss Of lpartsi of your body Ask or our pamphlet Confederation Elle Announces giving particulars of these benets It will interest you Con edera ion HEAD 11111111 1111 Vf VV VV 1131101 ater no damage was done to Roys llllPlElNDEMNIWINSllRNCE VinnoccpoocaunoogcnoVunJuoacupgou