I hogs nished at $8.50- dressed weights were - -...- .--, -........- ._, and Oliver Carson, 4 : boy, will be inter- of their establish- 1 restaurant in Tim- Barrie men opened ..... .. LI... .......I- -1: Toronto, Nov. 1. it n nnnvnmn Market Ne`, lpunm CAUSES `I i HERD INIURIES 1 Alfred Steele, Creemore, receiverll painful injuries on Saturday, Oct 21, while assisting in setting up separator in a. barn belonging tol Harry Dickinson. The SC1)E11`L1LOl` was] being drawn into the burn by mean: of a tractor and pulleys, when :1 pulley gave way from its mooring.` striking Mr. Steele in the head. First, aid was immediately rendered by Miss L. White, R.N., who was at the; `|Dickinson home at the time. : l An enjoyable Halloween party wz1s]The 1 held Monday evening at the home lanterl -of Mr. and Mrs. S. Giorgianni, whenlfrom 1 friends of Misses Josephine anclland E Marie attended. The guests were all be giv in costume and a happy evening \va.s,'pou1t1'; spent in true Ha.llowe en style. Thosel Witl .present were Genevieve Moran, of fa.1'me1 Phelpston, and the following from large ;Barrie: Rosemarie Murphy, Jean ll this I`. IUrry, Phyllis Cameron, Clinton Ec- 3 time. |cles, Ray Keetch, Fred Arsena.u1t,| Jack Heppleston, Lisle DeRivers, Lot'- | Rea: rie Patterson and Michael Murphy. pays. !Barrie Theatre News ROXY THEATRE- Thursday, Friday, Saturday-Doub1e Feature- Thousand Dollar Touchdown The Return of the Sisko Kid' FOR SALE-Two fox hound pups, 9 months old, female, good hunting strain. $5.00 each. Apply Albert Ayers. Stayner, Out. (68) Monday, Tuesday, Wedm11~<"a:dz;ir GRANADA THEA-'I'RE- Thursday, Friday, Saturda.y---Double Feature- (`Tim -cunvn `III.-: nnnnn am: ,7 HGv...:1.....-. A-E LL. 1 LIIVIAIJIBUUJ -In QAIAIIAIJ lldlllt \I-VVJ LIVJZRI-IV} ` VCUUK \J (I I m from Missouri, Spoilers of i:he-Ra.nge' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday-Double Feature-- I Stole a Million and Five Little Peppers and I-Iow They Grew. IMPERIAL THEATRE- Thursday, Friday, Sa.turday--Double Feature- He11 s Angels and The Breakup Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday-Doub1e Feature- Four Daughters and The Rookie Cop Dressed weights: Barrie, $11.40: Brantford, $11.10; Chatham. $11.35; Hamilton, $11.50; Hull, $11.30; Strat- ford, $11 plus transportation; Lon- don, $11 plus transportation. EGGS Country dealers are quoted on graded eggs, cases free, delivered to Toronto : 1Grade A large . . . . . . . . .. 40 to 41 `Grade A medium . . . . . . .. 38 to 39 vGraade A pullets . . . . . . .. 29 to 00 Grade B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 to 25 ` Grade C . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 to Of Note: Prices on ungraded ship ments are 2c to 3c per dozen below above quotations. *1 . ,.- 1 Live weights: B1'a.nLford, $8.15 Chatham $8.25. spectively, while Chatham dresse weights rmed 50. Other market. were unchanged. HALLO\VE`EN PARTY puun u; _y Auuu nu-.4 ;;u. y u. 3i With Canada. at; war and with f fa.1'mers being called upon to produce xllarge supplies of food for the allies, 1 meeting comes at an opportune I I IPOULTRYMEN TO MEET iN BARRIE. Page Ten ' A meeting of interest to everyone [who keeps poultry will be held in Ithe Legion Hall, Owen St., Barrie, ' lWl:Lillg;; .`.'.l,' evening, Nov. 8, 1939,: '8 o'clock. The meeting` is being` Held `under the auspices of the Simcoe {Flour and Feed Store of Barrie, who {issue an m\'iLa1tion to all poultrym 11 ;to attend. 3 -- .5 v~_,, __.:n 1.- .1. 1 Mr. Norman D. Hogg will be the S])LiL1~'.L`l'. Mr. Hogg is a graduate of ithc Ontario Agricultural College and has made a special study of Poultry Management. Many will remember |him as the Farm Commentator" when he conducted the original 1`arm ibroaclcast over station CBL, Toronto. ]The lectLu`e will be illustmted with lantern slides and we understand from Mr. Mills, of the Simcoe Flour and Feed, that plenty of time will lbe given to discuss problems that any ,'p0ult1`yman may have. . 1t1:LI- r<.......:.. -5. ....... as`-tr` u.H-In .-.. V! HOGS lDressed hot on rail to-day 1N0. 1 sows . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `No. 2 sows .. ..... .. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. I939 Butcher Butcher Bologna. Canners Calves Lambs . Fowl: 5 lbs. and up 4-5 lbs. . . . . .. -4 lbs. . . . . .. Chickens: 5`.--4 lbs. cattle . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .$6.75 cows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.50 bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 and cutters . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9.50 Export market; price pegged on British bacon. an. -6 lbs. 11.. __ Read the Advance Classieds. It. `Market rm. FOR SALE--One Marconi Battery Radio, A-1 shape, cabinet style. Apply H. Lawson, Allenwood, Ont. Phone '10-4, Elmvale. (69) .gn.a. lbs. UP large medium pullets ; 0ULTRY EGGS 01d Maid Live Live Dressed Per Cwt. "UK. ::`ALm.--1.1u::c mww w......., ,.y.,.-.` press, cook swve and oher art;ic1e'-.:. Apply 47 Bayeld St. (95) Dressed 14-15 15-16 ~$11.4 ` 321/5 311/2: FOR SALE-0ne hot water front, also one chi1d`s winter suit (size one year), coat and leggings. Ap- ply Barrie Advance. (76) FOR. :a'1~u..n.-ruu.L umu... \......., -. and three years old. Would sell`, ' I `-41- ma .~1-..-un;- tn viohf nP r`-I anu l.alU.'\:U ycaxo una. u\....-... ...,, , or let out on shares to right per- son. Apply Mervin Rawn, 2nd line south of Stayner, 3 miles. (85) ` FOR SALE-1934 Chev. truck, cheap. Apply N` Rogers, 143 Duckworth St. (77) FOR SALE--At the Simcoe Flour & Feed 00., 65 Collier St., Barrie. Phone 1633. Poultry feeds and` laying mashes, bran, shorts, white middlings, wheat, barley, oats. cracked com. cornmeal. pig starter , grower and fattening mash. Bread] our, any quantity, highest qual-I ity, at lowest prices. Call in and] see our complete stock. (49) I FOR SALE--I-Iigh quality Special cuts for farmers. Dyck, 7 Collier Street. 821. 1;'ORmSALE--Four-wheel traer, in` good condition. Apply Cecil Len- nox, Glencairn, Ont. (80) FOR SALE--Dry Wood; soft. $2.50 per cord, 4 ft.; hard, $3.50 per cord, 4 ft.; birch, ash and map1e:i short wood, mixed, $1.25 per cc:-Q, 1 I I 1 ft. long; also 4,000 cedar poets. Apply W. Haza, Everett. RR. 1. (15) T'1?.n.ER FOR SALE--We1l built, 2- wheel, cheap for cash. Phone Burke's Service Station. Church- FOR SALE--Hardwood. 4 ft., or cut 3 any length; also hardwood edgings in small or large quantities. Apply H. M. Osborne, Allzmdale. Phone 1-IJ. (22) FOR SALE Ten 5-months`-old Bar- red Rock Pullets, 85c each; 1 good goose and gander, 1 year old, each 2.25. sold separately; 1 good ex-! tension dining room table or kit- chen table. Apply Mrs. T. M. Fletcher, Thornton, Ont. (79) WOOD FOR SALE-100 cords of mixed wood. $4 per cord and un- der, at township of Innisl wood lot, Con. '7, south half lot 11. Ap- ply to Leonard Martin. G. 0. Allan, clerk. (82) [ TOR SALE-Teachers, approved school report forms designed ts comply with the requirements of the new curriculum, may be se-` cured at 'the Advance ofce at 2c each, or will be mailed to any ad- dress without extra charge upon receipt of cost. `FOR SALE FMENI WANT VIM? TRY RAW OYSTER Tonic, OSTREX Tablets, to Jilt, pop up whole body quick! I! not Phone delighted with results rst package. `I h maker refunds its low price. You "um ' don't risk a. penny. Cali, write (31) Douglas` Drug Store. I FOR SALE--Three show cases, pane-`| .,.\.... ..n.a m hm- m`r.ir'.1:='=..l ' Carload of Sucker Colts from noted. Dixon Bros. Stock Farm, Maple} Creek, Sask., will arrive at C.N.R.i ' stockyards, Barrie, Saturday morn- ling, Nov. 4th. Afterwards at cattle` barn, Barrie Fair Grounds. Blacks, ; bays, greys and chestnuts. Mare 7 colts $50, horse colts $45. Wallacei vGuest, salesman. W. O. McKinnon,3 `fproprietor. (92) `v I `LIVE STOCK FOR SALE-Registe1'-IN` ` ed Suffolk ram lambs, also two , aged rams. Innisfree Farms, Le-' l troy, out. (94) 1 BUCKWHEAT WANTED--Immediate-` . 1y. Minesing Elevator. Phone Minesing 9121. ('73) 1 "'-T'-" WANTED-One .22 calibre rie, sin- i gle shot. Specify price. Apply J; I R. Howe, Shanty Bay, RR. 1. ('78)| ! WANTED-One car radio in good | condition. Specify price. Apply Box 10. ('78) WANTED-Hea1thy, old or crippled horses or cattle, fit for _fox and mink feed. Apply B. Swenson. Phone 311, Barrie, Ont. (33) FOR RENT-Six-room brick house conveniences.` garage, large lot. Ap- ply 47 Bayeld St. (95) FOR QUICK LUNCH and dhmer at ` noon, shop at L1lleyre1d's. We also carry fresh fruit, vegetables, candy M and cigamttea. Creemore. Phone 124. (36) RADIO REPAIRS--Guaranteed radio repairs on all makes of radios, 12 years` experience. ` Prompt service.` J. W. Perry. Phone 1'17, Bar-' rie. (74) WOOD CU'I'I`.'ENG~--1 cord, 750; 2 cords, $1.30; 3 cords, $2.00. Apply G. E. Hicks, 59 Caroline St. (96) FOR. sALE-Four Oxford ewes, two! ,. .._..-.. ..,.....;- nm Vvmlld seill , TE TREE REPAIR WORK--Expert on -11 a.......... nu` J-........ !:I..Ll.....L.... .......I !mms-Fur coats repaired, remodel- led, cleaned and glazed. No matter how badly worn. we make them as! new again, at the lowest pr1ces.| 'l'\...... L... 1......-u-L O.....In_ 111.. -1..- |AU'DOM1OBIl4E PARTS -- Snperhsi tic Tire Sales, Associate Dealer (1 I Oa.n.a.dia.~n Tire Corpomtlon, price. ' same as current catalogue. H. F 1 Fralick, Dtmlop and Mulaadaec D EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Capab1e girl desires housework. Apply Box `117, Alliston, Out. (54) ` EMPLOY1VEI?2:N?V_AET1'ED V , w 1 PLASTERING AND REPAIRS- | Work neatly done in town or out. I Renew those old ceilings with anew l puzzo nish. any color or design. Cornice work, also brickwork. , Frank Howes, 82 Cumberland St. I Phone 95w. (9:-.1) ` ....- -,,,.-.. .. ......... ............... ...... advice gladly given without obliga- tion. John Crossland. Phone 92 (leaving message). - (93) I .-.-..., ..-.. ..-- ...wv.... ,....yuu. I Done by expert turner. We also reline your fur coat. Estimates I freely given. Write J. A. Mllbum.-E Hmsdale. Ont. (53) I Want,ed-Work for a war vet- eran who has been unabfe to se- cure sufficient employment to keep his little home together, and whose wife contributes to the upkeep of the family while the husband stays home days and "keeps house." Through the ef- forts of the local employment office this man has secured jobs after six p.m. cleaning a couple of oices in town. If he could secure three or four more light jobs of this na.ture it would ma- terially assist this little family to "make 3. go of it." A .-..,.._.. L......._._ ....__\_ _: Luz- . . . . . . . . W c V V . . .. Anyone having work of this kind is requested to telephone the local employment oice, 1702, which will get in touch with this mum and forxvard the good news. FOR SALE--Tw0 Oxford rams, years old, would trade or sell. I am equipped to move buildings,` straighten walls and foundations.` Apply Oscar Gallinger, Lisle, Ont., ma. 1. (84) MISCELLANEOUS Z HORSES FOR SALE irbn RENT WANTED VVORK WANTED AUCTION SALES Wednesday, November 9-Estate of the late Mrs. M. Myers. Farm stock, implements and household effects. Lot 24, C011. 4, Essa, one a mile south of Angus. Sale at 1 I p.m. H. A. Grose, Auctioneer. uunrsca IrLl:l.'UULlc An adjourned sale will be held ' two weeks later, January 23rd, 1940, at the same place and hour. D. H. COLEMAN, Treasurer, Slmcoe County. Treasurer's Omce, Court House, Barrie, Ontario. the Twenty-n1nt.h day of September, 1939. (18) !CLEBK S NOTICE OF THE FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS LIST Innisl, County of Simcoe. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters List Act and that I have posted up at my ofce at Churchill on the 'I'hirty-first day of October, 1939, a. list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected accord- ing to law, the last day for appeal being the Twenty-rst day of No- vember, 1939. nnhm .-.+ rvkm...1.:11 n.~.+..|..... rnt.:..4-.. `Voters List, 1939, Municipality ofi | 4: vs FORTY YEARS |Re1ia.ble Companies, Prompt Sote I m-ants. FOR SALE-1 general purpose mare! and 2 suckling colts. Apply D. S.` 1 Day, New Lowell, Ont. (87) Remember the Pou1trymen's meet- ing to be held on Wednesday even- ing. Nov. 8, in the Legion Hall, Owen St. Admission Free. Full de- tails will be found in advertisement VCIIIUCI, 1.21037. E Dated at Churchill, October Thirty- I rst, 1939. n (1 Allan BARBIE WJ. The Barrie Women s Institute will meet in the Orange Hall, Elizabeth St., on Tuesday, Nov. 7, at 2.30 p.m Mrs. Dowson, as convenor, is prepar- ing a. program on Peace. Visitors gwelcome. I You will enjoy dancing to Dickey s Orchestra. Tuesday evening, Nov. '7, `in the Orange Hall, Hawkestone. (89) COMING EVENTS-- R..V.H. RUMMAGE SALE Rummage Sale, under auspices of the Royal Victoria Hospital Aid, on Saturday, Nov. 11, in the former A. & P. Store, Elizabeth St. Anyone having suitable articles, please phone 1102 or 24. (93) ANNOUNCEMENT ' The regular W.C.T.U. meeting will Ibe held in the Library Hall on Mon- `day. Nov. 6 at 3 o'clock. [ Look around the garage, base- ment or storeroom for those things you no longer have use for. Thousands of people regularly read the For Sale columns in The Advance looking for the very things you would like to sell. LANDS FOR SALE For Arrears of Taxes IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE rrn urn` . (83) FOR. SALE-A few choice Black Australorp Cockerels, suitable for, breeders. Priced right. Apply John Hebgin, R.R. 4, Alliston. (86) 4 I A. F. A_._ M_CALCQMSON YOU WOULD LIKE TO SELL COMING EVENT? The THING;-ZS`; SOMEONE NEEDS '11:: Home of GOOD INSURANCE PI-I3!!! M1 ::.._._......_.__ v. Auau, Clerk of Innisl. The Barrie Advance l C-aoinaauaaaal dull-I\ll-\IQI B.E.S.L. Remembrance Day Srvice FOR SALE-Two ladies winter coats. one size 14, green, Hudson seal col- lar, price $5.00; one size 16, black Hudson seal collar, price $4.00. Both these coats are real bargains, as they are in excellent condition. Apply at the Advance, where the coats may be seen. (88) I The oicers and members of thel Barrie Branch, Canadian Legion, ex- `tend to all Veteran, Service, Fra- .terna1 and Labour organizations, an |invitation to attend the service IN REMEMBRANCE to be held in the ;Centx'a1 United Church at 11.00 a.m., `November 11th. .....,.._-_ .. . . . . . . V . . . . . .. ` e At 10.45 a.m. the placing of! wreaths and two minutes` silence and I [the sounding of the Last Post anc1,( Reveille, after which the Legion will 1 Dattend divine service in the Central `United `\`:hurch. ...i The annual church parade of the 1 Branch will be held at St. George's 5 Anglican Church, Allandale, on Sun-.1 !day, Nov. 5. Fall in at the Y.M.C.A. 1 `hall at 10.30 am. All comrades from Barrie are asked to meet at the `1 |Leg1on Hall at 10.15 a.m., to trans-I1 port the band and comrades to the '( Y.M.C.A., Allandale. A1` ___ _-_._.:_.. .__-.. .-_ -n......:_ _.,_~.|" The parade will leave the Market` isquare at 10.30 am. 5 - ..u-.v ..-., .....-..._.....,- A11 ex-service men in Barrie and district are requested to attend both services. Dress: medals, berets and arm hon:-11 TWO BARRIE MEN OPEN RESTAURANT IN TIMMINS well-known Barrie 1 wted in learning ( ment of a. modern 1 mins, Ont. -..u vvvv _,\.n.u.c, 44-man. nun; upuuuu their Tirmnins business the week of . October 20. Finished in 3. soft and attractive blue and white design, the White Lunch, as their establish- ment is known, has, according to re- ports, captured the fancy of Tim- mins residents, who patronize it gen- erously. Barrie friends of these gentlemen will nd them located at 68 Third Avenue in Timmin_,s, where a cordial welcome awaits all from the home town. I the White Circle, .....11 I.._,.__._ -n___.__ --- ---~- - -- - .7 Calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 420 ` Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,160 Sheep and lambs . . . . . 789 Losses ranging from 25 to 50 r`.e'fT?S for the week were reported on the cattle section of the Toronto live stock market yesterday. Cattle trade was dull throughout, with about 2,000, head unsold at the end. The calf,` hog and sheep divisions were steady, while a. rm tone marked lambs. Cattle holdover from Monday was 3,400 head. r\_.:-.._ -._ _,_,:,u,.,, ,L__ -T FOR SALE--Pigeons. Cheap. Phone 510.}. Prices on weighty steers and some grades of butcher cattle were 25-35 cents lower for the week. Weighty steers sold from $6-$7, with a. few reaching up to $7.25. Butcher steers and heifers made $5.50-$6.75, with tops at $7. Good butcher cows were 35-50 cents lower for the week at $4.50-$4.75, with a. few selling 25 cents higher. Canners and cutters closed steady at $3.25-$3.75. Bulls ranged from $4.50-$5.50, and fed calves closed at $7.25-$9. The store cattle market was slow, with sales |recorded at $5.25-$7. r<|-.._~..._ ..-_1 -_1...__ ..._.x-_u -. -un - 7-. Choice veal calves ended at $10- $11, with common grades selling dowmvnrd to $u. Grussers traxled at $5-$5.50. t'\(l` ._.,u, n rn ... Y- 7-.-... O"-truck $8.65, and $11.50-$11.60. r~..,._u -___ Y__.-- , ____ .. Good ewe and wether lambs sold! :mosL1v at $9.50, a. few off-cztrs sell ing up to $9.75. Heavies and bucks sold at $1 discount; and culls $7._ Sheep sold from $2.50-$5.50. i HOG l l`.I(Y!12 Bacon hop; uriccs .sn0\vecI Iitthw lumge on reporting markets yester-5 ay. Barrie and Brantford dressed eights dropped 10 and 15 cents re- CANADIAN LEGION `DITQT Friends of N. Clarke, formerly of .1nr\ 1`l7`|p.:I-A fIl_-`I;. n.-..l l\1:...... r1..._..-.. Toronto Markets gv. uuuu, znvv LIVE STOCK RECEIPTS Union Yards Yesterday `n 4-1-In n Don. Gudden, President. I H. Gartner, Chairman, Remembrance Committee. FOR sALE-Two used tires, size 32x6. Cheap. Phone 755M. (67)