and 1:11- her _, ,,,,,,, _,_,, ....._. H... V. Lulu.-., ucuu injuries. All are doing well. According" to police, the accident occurred when a sec-rmr! car cut in on the King car so sharply as to force Dr. King to drive his car into the ditch in an effort to avoid hit- ting it. injuruti on the No. 11 Higi1\\*a.y north of Orillin ycstcrciay when :1 car driven by Dr. J. L. King, of Gait, left the roadway and hit. :1 tree. The injured were: Mrs. J. L. King , chest, and ankle; Mrs. G. Prest, of Preston, eye injuries, and Miss C. King. head 1 . i Orilliu. Oct. 10----Tnree personswere) I I JThree Hurt in Crash I When Car Hits Tree; I `.z-.uv. No. 1 grade '! mmzs AND SKINS ` 1 Though prices vary for different 'houses, local dealers are quoting the following prices for hides and skins delivered to Toronto: City 1iidcs._ green, 9c to 10c; bulls, 6c; brands 5 7c; city calf. 14c to 15c; city kip, 130 to 14c; country calf, 120 to 140; country kip, 11c to 12c; country hides, cured. 8`.-'_-c to 10c; horsehidcs. Nos. 1 and 2, $2.50 to $3 each; Now` 3. $1.59; sheep skins as to size, 250!` to $1 each; horsehair, combing clean,l~: 320 per pound; white Lallow. No. 1.. 4c per pound, and No. 2, 3c. IIAY AND STRAW I No. 2 timothy, $10 to $11 per ton:]1 No. 3 timothy, $9 to $10; oats and wheat .s't.rmv, 35 L0 36. Above prices,` r.o.b. Toronto. It Edwam D uuunuu ynnuc was t7SL8.DllSl'leC1. A few weighty steers made $6.50 to $7.10, and butcher steers and heif- ers ranged from $5.50 to $7. Butcher cows brought $4 to $5, and canners and cutters $3 to $3.50. Bulls moved slowly at $4.50 to $5.25 and fed calves sold-from $7.50 to $9.25. Store cat- tle were slow and lower at $5 to $6.80, with stock calves at $7 to $7.40. Choice veal calves ended at $9.50 to $10 and heavies ranged from $6 to $8. Grass calves closed at $4.50 to 5:5 I The calf division was steady to strong, lambs were steady to 25 cents Iower and a steady tone prevailed on sheep. Bids were lower on hogs [and no market, price was established. A ft-`hm I'nn(*rh+u no-.~m..- _---I- 4-` "- FOR sALE-Good strong trailer, $12. Apply 107 Tifn St. (17) I Union Yards ' Yesterthy Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7,130 Calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,060 Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,680 Sheep and lambs . . . . .. 2,370 Cattle trade was dull throughout [ yesterday's session on the Toronto live stock market with too small a proportion of the supply solo to establish a market trend. Bids were 25 to 50 cents lower on all grades with about 5,500 head unsold at the nish. Cattle holdover from last [week was 900 head. I ,, Toronto Markets CHURNING CREAM (`cunl,r_v Truck Prices) ;;ra(1o .. . . . . . , . .. 27 (Delivered to Toronto) ..-.... 4,. LIVE STOCK RECEIPTS Toronto, Oct. KW i ( 11 tom] De ; I hove p1'icc;~;,OV` Unw I IV nu i gm ices) : B : to 28* . I I ulnl Market News .Y 3` Falted Ilcns-- ) ; Over 5 ibs. CH tf)5` Under 5 lbs. . . . . . . .. 17 to 00 Note: B grade poultry, 2c below A igrade and C grade poultry 36 below EB grade. Prices on live birds, 30 to :40 under dressed \\'ci_:'ht prices. I FOR SA.LE-24 cords of dry 44:. wood for quick sale. Mostly hard- wood. Five miles northeast. ofll Vasey. Write H. Connell, RR. 1,9 Victoria Harbour. (14) U410 5 lbs. .-4.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 to `I13 to 4 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 to f om Roosters- IOver 5 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 to per lb. less than above prices). Ducks- 'Over 5 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . ` .. 18 to `Under (Red and black feathered birds I *me. 1 closing Dealers 21 cases free: "Grade A 1: Grade A n ~Grade A 1)` Grade B Grade C POULTRY AND EGGS Buying prices. . Toronto dealers are quoting pro- ducers for ungraded eggs delivered, cases returned: Grade A large . . . . . . .. 32 to 0.')~ Grade A medium . . . . . . .. 31 to 00' Grade A pullets . . . . . . . . .. 22 to 00' Grade B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 to 00` Grade C . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 Lo 00; PHONE 447 BE AS CAREFUL AS YOU MAY-FIRES \VILL STILL BE PREPARED BY ADEQUATE INSURANCE OUR l 0LICY-RELlABLE COMPANIES. PROMPT SETTL gz Spring Chickens--- ; 1. Buns, dozen Cakes, each ` Doughnuts, doze Homemade Brea Meat, Pies, eacl Muffins, dozen Pies, each Tarts, dozen AlA_lLJ\./LJAJJJIIA` IJIJ Apples, 6 quarts . . . . . .. Cut; Flowers, bunch Cantaloupe, each Watermelon . . . . . . . . . . . . Ground Plums. 2 quarts Pears, 6 quarts . . . . . . .. Grapes, 6 quarts to 6 lbs. lbs. and ove FOR SALE~-Cabin tm for quick sale. A1: Garage, Everett, Ont. v uuu Arnuun 9 Beets, basket . . . . . . . . .. Cabbage, head . . . . Celery, bunch . . . . . . . .. Cauliower, head . . . . . .. Carrots, basket . . . . . . .. Pickling Onions, quart Egg Plant . . . . . . . . . . . .. Peppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Potatoes, nag . . . . . . . . .. Cucumbers, basket Tomatoes, 6 quarts String Beans, 6 quarts Vegetable Marrow Fowl, lb. . . . . . . . . . .. Honey, 4-lb. tin . Eggs, dozen . . . . . . .. Spring Chickens, lb. Following were the prevailing prices at the Barrie market on sat- !urday morning, where a large crowd attended and trading was reported auite brisk by the vendors. PRODUCE D..5.... IL Saturda_1_y_Mari above egg prices based sales. POULTRY (Prices to Shipper) Dressed Select (VI.:..I..._.. large medium pullets I large medium 00 are quoted on graded eggs, n . [1 I V. . I | F `MISCELLANEOUS Q Bread, loaf each . . . . . . u\.A ya, nAA\.Ab ]1UODl.`.`.\L\ILl Ldll UL had this full; 100 L0 200 ztcres, must have some bu.<.h; would buy stock and lmplements, good cash payment; also 100 acres. musL be g:(>0(l builriings and near Catholic Church. Some recent sales include -r _. an .. . VEGETABLE S -..; MALCO?`fSON S BAKING COME! En R`r Anpnn_|vrn I\vcYYI'Innvtu-1 ..20c .25-30c .25-30c .20-25c 15-209 ..5-15c 15-35C .15-20c .25-40c ....! FOR REPAIRS-Genera1 repairixlg. Body and fenders repaired. Acety- lene welding. Jenkins Garage, Everetl:,Ont;. (16) . . . .45c .33-35c .25c .25c .209] .20c| 15c .10c .30c| .25c| THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1939. _.,.w.. ....u nu. xzuau. U11 . ! Mr. and Mrs. T .SinclzLir, rie, visited on Sunday with `Mrs. H. S. Handy. .......D. ..\.n.. Quite a number from here z ed the wedding in the United 4 on Saturday, Oct. 7, of Miss . `Patton and Mr. Hugh Orr. Mr`. nu.-3 mr..,. rn n.;.__., BUY An Apple 1 FOR SALE-Dry Wood; soft, $2.50 per cord, 4 ft.; hard, $3.50 per! cord, 4 ft.; birch, ash and map1e;| short wood, mixed, $1.25 per cord.| 1 ft. long; also 4,000 cedar poets. Apply W. Haza, Everett, RR. 1. (15) I Fowl: 5 lbs. and up. 4-5 lbs. . . . . .. 3-4 lbs. . . . . . .. Chickens: 4-5 lbs. . . . . . .` I5-6 lbs. . . . . . .. SATURDAY, OCT. 21. 19:29 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We bespeak for them 21 cor- dial reception when the trim Scout or Cub tingles your doorbell or meets you in the oice or on the street. Butcher Butcher Bologna Canners Calves Lambs I . . . . . . . . . . . ...,r. Export market: price pegged British bacon. uu uuguul dale on The many friends and well- wishers of the Scout Training Movement are advised that the annual Apple Day will he held lhrougliout Barrie and Allan- Dressed hot ` xv- Market rm. BE PREPARED FOR SALE- I'hree good work horses,` or will exchange for cattle or pigs.` Apply Earl Barron. Phone I 1154.}. (42) I Copaco Quotes BARRIE BOY SCOUTS large . . . . . . . medium and pullets 41 DUNLOP STREET bulls . . . . . . and cutters CATTLE Cattle . . . . . . . .;;-- (`Ivan Chimneys` Safe Stuvcpipes Good Lanterns .-\nd General (floanlincss I ?mvent HREIS SETTLEMENTS HOGS on rail to-day FOR SA.LE-Hardwood, 4 ft., or cut: any length; also hardwood edgings! in small or large quantities. Apply H. M. Osborne, Allandale. Phone 14.]. (22) I POULTRY LISLE EGGS Live Live Dressed . of Ba1'~ Mr. and attend- I Church : Marion Per Cw! Dressed FOR SALE--Must sacrice my 1929' Chevrolet. coach; smooth, six-cylin- der motor, condition immaculate throughout. Financial reverses force immediate sale. Hurry, it's 21 steal for some one. Apply Box 40," Advance. (40) .$10. 75 5.50 5.00 . Y . . .... -$6.50 . . $5.00 -$3.50 -$3.00 FOR SALE-2-ton 1936 Maple Truck, stake and rack body. fect, condition. Sacrice for sale. Apply at Advance. (2 FOR sALE-200 White Rock Pu11ets,' 3 months old, 200 roosters. AppIy| Maple Leaf Poultry Farm, R.R. 3, Barrie. (34) ` FOR SALE--Five-year-old driving horse, broken and intelligent, dark brown, had leg broken when young, so goes lame, 0.1-:. for light work. Apply Maurice Murray, New Lowell. (31) FOR SALE-5 cords dry poplar, 4- ft. Apply Ken. Mason. Phone 6101-2. (45) FOR SALE-14 strong pigs, 9 weeks] old. Phone Tuckey, Lefroy 10. (32)! Page Eight WANTED FOR CLIENTS- res, where possc.~'.si0n can in l.'.- r..H. inn ._ nnn wAN7rE13 FOR SALE trailer. Cheap Apply Jenkins nt. (19) FARMS (277 Leaf per- cash I Lend me a ver for a week. old: }man." | n I '9 $19.40 y'MEN PAST 40: FEEL OLD due to irundown symptoms? Try OSTREX gTab1ets of 2 energizing stimulants; ` I obtained from raw oysters plus 4' '{tonics for blood. nerves, whole body.l` -;If not delighted with results first 1 package, maker refunds its price. ./;'Y0u don t risk a penny. Call, write ){Douglas' Drug Store. --- --`- -- -"" ox Lloyd's THYMOLATED CORN SALVE for any corn or callous THEY cannot remove with this eicient new scien- . tic treatment for CORN8 and CAL- LOUSES. LLOYD'S COMBINA- TION TREATMCENT (Salve and Pads) removes and HIEPB THEM AWAY. DESENSITISES and RE- LIEVES with first application. For isale all better Drug Stores. For FORTY YEARS leliable Companies, Prompt Scte I manta. I . `A. E. Prince Job Gunstone if%;5;--3?'i;%ward WANTED-Hez11!,hy, old or crippled I horses or cattle t for fox and mink med. Phone 311, Barrie. (14) J. GUNSTONE 8: CO. Builders and Contractors Cottages and All Kinds of Repairs Y3 AT)'Y)Y77| I I I I 1 I GENERAL PICKUP AND DE-' LIVERY-A.nywhere 1nBa.rrie. Rea- { sonable. Hocliridge Service. Phone 760. A. F. A. MALCOMSON What weak old man?" PLASTERING AND REPAIRS- Work neatly done in town or out. Renew those old cetlmgswith anew puzzo finish, any color or design; Cornice work, also brickwork: Frank Howes. 82 Cumberland St. ll Phone 95W. (912!) I I AUTOMOBILE PARTS -- Superhe- tic Tire Sales, Associate Dealsar ht r'<.......1:.._ 711:... IV___.._._;:_._ .__,. [GENERAL BLA G and Horse shoeing. Apply E. N. Play- I It er, Elmvale. (31705) I I RUNS IN SILK HOSE mended. also general mending, 15c per hose.. i Mail orders to Mrs. Geo. A. Money, I rnnni.-. `DD 0 IA-an I I / [SPECIAL TO FARMSERS-Th.resh1ng roasts. The price is the lowest in town. Jack Dyck s Meat Market, 7 Collier St., Barrie. Phone 821. EMPLOYIVEEN T WANTED WANTED- -Heultlxy. old or ('1'ipplod horses or cattle. t for fox and] min}; feed. Apply 13. Swanson. Phone 311. Bar1`ir>. Om. 133: `SUPER PYRO ANTIFREEZE-$1.40 per gallon sealed; Fertilin Tablets I for potted plants, 15c per package; | Highest grade Soap Chips at 10c I per lb. Apply J. D. Hisey, Stay- ner, R.R. 2. Phone 58-13, Cree- more. (37) FURS-Fur coats repaired, remodel- led, cleaned and glazed. No matter how badly worn, we make them as new again, at the lowest prices. Done by expert furrier. We also rene your fur coat. Estimates- freely given. Write J. A. M1lbum,' Hillsdale, Ont. (455) | SINGER SEWING MACHINE [APPLICATIONS will be received byl | position of Caretaker by Publicl Library Board. All applications must; be sent to Miss Lila McPhee, Sec.-Treas., before Oct. 20. (35) FOR QUICK LUNCH` and dinner atl noon, stop at Lil1eyreid s. We also- carry fresh fruit, vegetables, candy and cigarettes. Creemore. Phone 124. (36) CAPABLE GIRL dsires housework. Can do plain cooking and supply I character references. Phone 755M. (41) ' I ma. ;.4;\; unuxa 4.-uvnasausvu uvuxut IA Canadian 'I`i:r:. ~Corpo1-stiou, price same as current catalogue. H. F Fralick, Dunlop and M2ulcaste:' Utopia, R.R. 2. ._ . __ _.._.j---w--u The Home of GOOD INSURANCE ROUND BOBBIN GOOD CONDITION .__., COLTS FOR SALE I Suckers, ycarlings and two-yeah olds. some of these coILs were prize \Vi1111C1'h at the noted Regina Slim`/.I (`mp men n....:..,. ,. rv....._ .~..,.,,,, I MISCELLANEOUS 'PERsoNA'L_ an spunk PHONE 447 ' Xn{2EvI' FOUND Phone ll54w Phone 1360.] [ON (2) PHONE 30 wl be paid by the mg. of Lloyd's nAv.v1:: fm- __.-_...... an ..uvuua_y. Congratulations to Melville Ayerst `and Annie Third. who were lnzm-icd on Saturday. .~__. FOR SALE-La.wrence cider mill, ex-E cellent condition, barrel spray; al-= so St. Lawrence, Snows, Sweet and`! Gold Russett Apples. Apply Perri/I Gill. Midhurst. Phone 604r4 _.. ....u.......,. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Gurdon and Carl Weegar called on their many `friends on Monday. l`.nnov-nhu1nH.\.... L- Ir-I_,,-in . . ...._, ....n4 vvuvn. Quite a number took in the South Simcoe plowing match at Cookstown on Saturday. F II .\....J II--- I` -' -.-.... suyuu: lb vimuiig nltl` (`NIL ter Louise in Dayton. Ohio. Marion Reid has i'L-tumor! to unclvls home at Niagara Falls. Mr and Mrs. Sidney Ruth family, of Toronto. were at the Lcr's home. Mr. and Mrs. Hoover, day last week. r\..u., , - ,-_ .......D...~.. uua. nAcA. Dlzllic. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson and family have moved in with Florence Night.- ingalc, occupying part of the house. Congratulations to Kennenh Mc- Donald on getting first prize in' stubble and Blythe Black on getting` second prize in sod at Elmvale plow- ing match for boys under 18. Threshing and digging potatoes rm: . the order of the day. Mrs. Alpine is visiting her (laugh-i tor T.nnia_-n in 11.-...+.... run-A 1 Mrs. Brown, of Orillia, is vis her daughter, Mrs. Alex. Blake. T\/Tu n ,1 11.7.... r - ,, - .._. ...... u,.Q.uuxuu:uu All) out `LICLS of kindness and beautiful oral tri- butes received from our many kind friends and neighbors during our re- cent sad bereavement in the loss nf our beloved husband and father. H/fun 1-.1 vv_.i,,: We Wish to extend our heartfelt! thanks and appreciation for the act nf lrinrhmnco (:11:-I I.n....o:r..v a-_,_v z - [I A special meeting to discuss Corn Borer Control and the Oro Field Crop Competition in Nobarb Barley. 1940, will be held at Oro Town Hall; Wednesday evening. Oct. 18. at 3' o'clock. Prof. L. Caesar. Provincial Entomologist, Dominion and Provin- `iclal Depts. of Agriculture, will assistl `at the meeting. which is called by1 _the local Crop Improvement Com- mittee and the Oro Agricultural So- ciety. Irwin McMahon. Secre- . ; tary. (38) I I ICVBJS ncre from outsid local intere quoted the Edward Isl. sale trade, bag, carlot mute, and $1.20. Onta wliolesale Ll` lb. bag am 900 to $1. HID Thmwh n Phone 106 1939 De Luxe Sedan, Radio 1937 Fordor Std. 1935 Chev. Master Dump Truck 1931 Ford A Truck, Stake Body 1929 Durant Sedan, Cheap 1927 Oldsmobile Coach, Cheap WILL CONSIDER WOOD ON DEAL Walker Stores. Phone 25. (30) i FOR SALE--Quebec heater, burns coal or wood, circulator type. like new, cheap for quick sale. Apply. The hot fowl supper and dance advertised for Oct. 6th, has been postponed until Oct. 18th, at the Orange Hall, Allandale, Royal Black Knights. No. 601. yuan 55:1 mcreon. An adjourned sale will be held two weeks later, January 23rd, 1940, at the same place and hour. g D. H. COLEMAN, i I Treasurer, Simcoe County. Treasurer s Ofce, Court. House, Barrie, Ontario, the Twenty-ninth day of September, 1939. (18) uuouut:1', 1:168. Copies of the said list of lands or advertisement can be seen in my oice or will be mailed upon making application for same. In default of; payment of taxes as shown on said list, on or before Tuesday, January 9, 1940, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I shall at that time, in the Council Chambers, Court House, Barrie, Ont., proceed to sell by public auction, the said lands to pay such arrears, together with the charges thereon. An ninlirnn 501:: .-..:n 1... Lu NOTICE Is HEREBY given that the list of lands now liable to be` |so1d for taxes in the County of Sim-I coe has been prepared and is being published in an advertisement; in the Ontario Gazette upon the 7th of October, 1939. {`.nv-cm n4` #1. ....:.: u:_;_ .. - FOR RENT-Four-roomed apartment on ground oor, 3-piece bath, hot water heating, heavy wiring. side` entrance to yard; also 3-roomed apartment on second oor, furnish-I ed, hot water heating. Apply E. B. Northgraves, 28 Louisa St. (39) ` ,_.- ._._u --a For Arrears of IN THE COUNTY OF 'I`l`I IlTI l` . COMING EVENTS ,,, .-.. ...... ..u uuu Auuucn. -Mrs. E. Harris and Family. FORD GARAGE Ia`! T\`I'17AI' II` LANDS FOR SALE payment; must, be !:u()(l l)111'1' uncl Lot 22, Con. 10. Vespra. J. S.; Steplwns to Earl E. Assolin; Pt! Lot, 18, C011. 7, Ixmisl, A. Martini to M. Cook; PL Lot 21. Con. 6., Innisl, Mrs. Ward to Geo. Cnld-` well; P`. Lot 5, Con. 11. Innis]. ' W. O. Hubbert to V. Peterson. Apply Ernest Wills. 105 Burton'1 Ave.. Allandale. (48) CARD OF` THANKS CRAIGVAIE- CHANGE OF DATE USED CARS FOR REN'I' run: \a .La.a.Il.r. ELIVIVALE The Barrie Adrvance nu, 1121.5 0681] " Y" 18th at A few good ewe and wether lambs 3 sold up to $9.25, but bulk of sales was made at 39. Some off-truck lambs sold downward to $8.75. Bucks and culls were 32 cwt. discount and LRS heavies were discounted at $1 cwt. Sheep rrmged from $2 to $4.75 cwt. Radio IIOGS HIGHER Reporting bacon hog l11ZLl'kC`LS up showed little price change _vesterda_v.l ake London dressed weights rose 15 cents, ` leap Bmntford quotes added 5 and Hull ` lost 5. Other markets were un- hanged. oon u N Light weights: Brantford, $7.75. Dressed Weights: Barrie, $10.90; Brantrord, $10.65 plus transportation; Hamilton, 311; Hull, $10.60; London, _$1U.65 plus Lrzmsportation; Stratford, Main Street] $10.65 plus transportsation. . `l >{`|'I`,|rI\t\I. n.v.~.--.-....._ 4 ( ( ( A1}E SIMCOE . . . I vlsltmgj I kn I FOR SALE--Badminton racquet. S1a-- zengers, with press, in good condi- tion. Phone 598. (26)